genital herpes symptoms and herpes treatment


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Post on 09-May-2015



Health & Medicine

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Medical home remedies surprisingly have a magical one minute herpes cure for genital herpes symptoms, which is the only treatment available as on date that eliminates the real cause of the disease and not the symptoms alone. It is a viral infection caused by HSV in two different categories named HSV1 and HSV2, of which HSV2 was thought to be causing the condition; but lately it has been found that HSV1 is equally responsible causing the condition in more than 50% of the population. Genital herpes symptoms appear as clusters of genital sores causing papules and vesicles on the outer genitals to get inflamed. The sores very much resemble cold sores in their appearance. In males the inflamed organs comprise glans penis, penis shaft, inner thighs, buttocks or anus; whereas in females the organs affected are pubis, labia, clitoris, vulva, buttocks or anus. Other symptoms include pain, itching, and burning in the sores; penile or vaginal discharge; fever, headache, muscle pain or myalgia, swollen and enlarged lymph nodes and malaise. Female also have additional symptoms of painful urination or dysuria, and cervicitis. As the condition is fast going on assuming epidemic proportions among the world population, mainstream medicine just does not have any cure for the disease. However there are some drugs which can shorten outbreaks making them less severe, like acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir. As the condition is fast going on assuming epidemic proportions among the world population, mainstream medicine just does not have any cure for the disease. However there are some drugs which can shorten outbreaks making them less severe, like acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir. Here is Allison Freeman, an avid natural researcher of homeopathic as well as medical home remedies and herbal medicine, who got her HSV2 infection from her husband just before they got divorced from each other three years ago as he was involved in an extramarital affair. She already had traces of HSV1, so now she had gotten doubly infected with the agony of a bitter divorce that she had to undergo along. She technically knew there was no cure for the ailment, so she couldn’t even make new relationships to acquire an emotional balance in her life. She took up a course in homeopathy and was given an assignment named “Influential Doctors in Alternative Systems of Medicine” to complete. She decided to write about a two-time Nobel Prize-winning doctor who had discovered that viruses could only thrive in low oxygenated bodies. The more the oxygen level in the body, the more the immunity against the attack of viruses and bacteria! As she came across this information from medical home remedies, there were bells starting ringing in her ears; for the very obvious reason that she got an insight into eliminating her genital herpes symptoms only if somehow she could raise the oxygen level in her body cells.


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Page 2: Genital Herpes Symptoms and Herpes Treatment

It is a viral infection

caused by HSV

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Genital herpes symptoms appear as clusters of genital sores causing papules and vesicles on the outer genitals to get inflamed.

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The sores very much resemble cold sores in their appearance.

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In males the inflamed organs comprise…

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Glans Penis and Penis Shaft

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Inner Thighs

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Buttocks or Anus

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In females the organs affected are…

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Buttocks or Anus

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Other symptoms

include pain,

itching, and


in the sores.

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Penile or Vaginal Discharge

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Muscle Pain or Myalgia

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Swollen and Enlarged Lymph Nodes

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Painful Urination or Dysuria

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Mainstream medicine just does not have any cure for the disease. Acyclovir, Valacyclovir and Famciclovir just manage the disease.

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Here is… Allison Freeman

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She cured herself with her OWN research!

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She has now explained the step-by-step procedure of her secret cure in her ebook named “One Minute Herpes Cure”.

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Instructing in detail how to administer

this safe and extremely powerful cure not only

for genital herpes symptoms but also for HSV1

with many other conditions like salmonella,

cholera, e.coli, streptococcus, pseudomonas and staphylococcus without

killing any beneficial bacteria in the process.