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Mendel’s work

• Bred pea plants

• Cross-pollinated true breeding parents (P) then raised the seed & observed traits (F1)

• Allowed offspring to cross-pollinate & observed next generation (F2)

• In a typical breeding experiment, Mendel would cross-pollinate (hybridize) two contrasting, true-breeding pea varieties.

• The true-breeding parents are the P generation and their hybrid offspring are the F1 generation.

• Mendel would then allow the F1 hybrids to self-pollinate to produce an F2 generation.

What did Mendel’s findings mean?

• Traits come in alternative versions

o Purple vs. white flower color (Alleles)

� Different alleles vary in the sequence of

nucleotides at the specific locus of a gene

Traits are inherited as discrete units

• For each character, an organism inherits 2 alleles, 1

from each parent

• Diploid organism inherits 1 set of chromosomes from

each parent

o Homologous chromosomes

o Diploid = 2 sets of chromosomes

o Like having 2 different editions of an encyclopedia

What did Mendel’s findings mean?

• Some traits mask others

o Purple & white-flower colors are separate traits that do not blend

� Purple x white ≠ light purple

� Purple masked white

o Dominant allele

� Fully expressed

o Recessive allele

� No noticeable effect

� Non-functional protein

P = parents

F = filial

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Genotype vs. phenotype

• Difference between how an organism “looks” & its genetics

o Description of an organism’s trait = phenotype

o Description of an organism’s genetic makeup = genotype

Explain Mendel’s results using: Dominant & Recessive and Phenotype & Genotype.

Phenotype vs. Genotype

• 2 organisms can have the same phenotype

but have different genotypes.

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Mendel chose peas wisely

• Pea plants are good for genetic research

o Available in many varieties with distinct heritable features with different variations

� Flower color, seed color, seed shape, etc.

o Mendel had strict control over which plants mated with which

� Each pea plant has male & female structures

� Pea plants can self-fertilize

� Mendel could also cross-pollinate plants: moving pollen from one plant to another

Mendel chose peas luckily

• Pea plants are good for genetic research

o Relatively simple genetically

� Most characters are controlled by a single gene

� Each gene has only 2 alleles, one of which is completely dominant to the other

Mendel’s Law of Heredity (#1)

• Law of Segregation

o When gametes (eggs & sperm) are produced during meiosis, homologous chromosomes

separate from each other

o Each allele for a trait segregates (is packaged) into a separate gamete

o What meiotic event creates the law of segregation? _________________________

o And Mendel didn’t even know DNA or genes existed!

Test Cross

• It is possible to predict the genotype of an organism with a

dominant phenotype?

• Cross-breed the dominant phenotype — unknown genotype — with

a homozygous recessive (pp) to determine the identity of the

unknown allele.

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Monohybrid cross

• Some of Mendel’s experiments

followed the inheritance of single


o Flower color

o Seed color

Dihybrid cross

• Some of Mendel’s experiments

followed the inheritance of 2

different characters

o Seed color & seed shape

• Wrinkled seeds in pea plants

with two copies of the recessive

allele are due to the

accumulation of

monosaccharides and excess

water in seeds because of the lack of a key enzyme. The seeds wrinkle when they dry.

• Both homozygous dominants and heterozygotes produce enough enzymes to convert all the

monosaccharides into starch and form smooth seeds when they dry.

Mendel’s Law of Heredity (#2)

• Law of Independent Assortment

o Each pair of alleles — for each trait — segregates into

gametes independently = independent assortment.

o 4 classes of gametes — YR, Yr, yR, yr — are

produced in equal amounts.

Review: Mendel’s Laws of Heredity

• Law of Segregation

o Monohybrid cross = single trait

o Each allele for a trait segregates (is packaged) into separate gametes

• Established by Meiosis 1

• Law of Independent Assortment

o Dihybrid (or more) cross

• 2 or more traits

o Each pair of alleles for each trait segregates into gametes independently

• Established by Meiosis 1

Some interesting historical facts

• While Mendel was acknowledged by his contemporaries as an outstanding plant breeder, his

revolutionary genetics work was overlooked for 34 years.

• Mendel published “Experiments on Plant Hybrids” in 1865. In 1900, 16 years after Mendel’s

death, a number of scientists independently rediscovered his work.

• Charles Darwin, a contemporary of Mendel, proposed that evolution by natural selection was

dependent on variation in the population, but Darwin was unable to propose a mechanism for how

this variation was transmitted.

• The key was Mendel’s work and nearly a century after Mendel published his findings historians

found a copy of Mendel’s paper in Darwin’s study. He presumably never read it.

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Chapter 14: Probability & Genetics

Mendel’s laws: Reflect same laws of probability that apply to tossing coins or rolling dice.

• Segregation

• Independent assortment

Probability & Genetics

• Calculating probability of making a specific gamete is just like calculating the

probability in flipping a coin

o Probability of tossing heads? 50%

o Probability making a P gamete…

• Outcome of 1 toss has no impact on the outcome of the next toss

o Probability of tossing heads each time? 50%

o Probability making a P gamete each time? 50%

Calculating Probability

Rule of multiplication

• Chance that 2 or more independent events will occur together

o probability that 2 coins tossed at the same time will land heads up

½ x ½ = ¼

o probability of Pp x Pp → pp

½ x ½ = ¼

Calculating dihybrid probability

• Rule of multiplication also applies to dihybrid crosses

o Heterozygous parent — YyRr

o Probability of producing yyrr?

� probability of producing y gamete = 1/2

� probability of producing r gamete = 1/2

� probability of producing yr gamete =

½ x ½ = ¼

� probability of producing a yyrr offspring =¼ x ¼ = 1/16

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Rule of Addition

• Chance that an event can occur 2 or more

different ways

o Sum of the separate probabilities

o Probability of Pp x Pp → Pp

Extending Mendelian genetics

• Mendel worked with a simple system.

o Peas are genetically simple.

o Most traits are controlled by a single gene.

o Each gene has only 2 alleles, 1 of which is completely dominant to the other.

• The relationship between genotype & phenotype is rarely simple.

Incomplete dominance

• Heterozygotes show an

intermediate phenotype

o RR = red flowers

o rr = white flowers

o Rr = pink flowers

� make 50% less


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• 2 alleles affect the phenotype in separate, distinguishable ways.

o ABO blood groups

o 3 alleles = IA, I

B, and i.

� Both the IA & I

B alleles are dominant to the i allele

� IA & I

B alleles are codominant to each other.

o Determines presences of oligosaccharides on the surface of red blood cells.

Blood compatibility

• Matching compatible blood groups is critical for blood transfusions.

• A person produces antibodies against foreign blood factors = oligosaccharides.

o If donor’s blood has an A or B oligosaccharide that is foreign to the recipient, antibodies in

the recipient’s blood will bind to the foreign molecules.

o Cause the donated blood cells to clump together & can kill the recipient.


• Most genes are pleiotropic

o One gene affects more than one

phenotypic character

� Wide-ranging effects due to a

single gene:

� Dwarfism (achondroplasia)

� Gigantism (acromegaly)


• One gene masks another

o Coat color in mice = 2 genes

� Pigment (C) or no pigment


� More pigment (black=B) or

less (brown=b)

� cc = albino, no matter B


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Polygenic inheritance

• Some phenotypes determined by additive

effects of 2 or more genes on a single


o Phenotypes on a continuum

o Human traits

� skin color

� height

� weight

� eye color

� intelligence

� behaviors

Nature vs. Nurture

• Phenotype is controlled by both

environment & genes

• A single tree has leaves that vary in size,

shape & color, depending on exposure to

wind & sun

• For humans, nutrition influences height,

exercise alters build, suntanning darkens

the skin, and experience improves

performance on intelligence tests

• Even identical twins — genetic equals —

accumulate phenotypic differences as a

result of their unique experiences

Thomas Hunt Morgan

• Morgan was an embryologist at Columbia


� 1st to associate a specific gene with a

specific chromosome

� Drosophila breeding

• prolific

• 2 week generations

• 4 pairs of chromosomes

• XX=female, XY=male

Morgan’s first mutant…

• Wild type fly = red eyes

• Morgan discovered a mutant white-eyed male

o Trace a gene for eye color to a specific


• Discovery of Sex


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Genes on sex chromosomes

• Y chromosome

o SRY: sex-determining region

� Master regulator for maleness

� Turns on genes for production of male hormones

• Pleiotropy!

• X chromosome

o Other traits beyond sex determination

� Hemophilia

� Duchenne muscular dystrophy

� Color-blind

Sex-linked traits summary

• X-linked

o Follow the X chromosomes

o Males get their X from their


o Trait is never passed from father

to son

• Y-linked

o Very few traits

o Only 26 genes

o Trait is only passed from father

to son

o Females cannot inherit trait


• Female mammals inherit two X


o One X becomes inactivated during embryonic development

• Condenses into compact object = Barr body

• X-inactivation & Tortoise shell cat

o 2 different cell lines in cat

Male pattern baldness

• Sex influenced trait

o Autosomal trait influenced by sex hormones

� Age effect as well: onset after 30 years old

o Dominant in males & recessive in females

� B– = bald in males; bb = bald in females

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Chapter 14: Studying Inheritance in Humans

Pedigree Analysis

• Pedigree analysis reveals Mendelian patterns in human inheritance.

• Data mapped on a family tree.

Recessive diseases

• The diseases are recessive because the allele codes for either a malfunctioning protein or no

protein at all.

o Heterozygotes (Aa)

� Carriers

� Have a normal phenotype because one “normal” allele produces enough of the

required protein.

Heterozygote Crosses

• Heterozygotes as carriers of recessive alleles.

Cystic Fibrosis

• Primarily whites of European descent

• Strikes 1 in 2500 births

o 1 in 25 whites is a carrier (Aa)

• Normal allele codes for a membrane protein that transports Cl- across cell membrane

o Defective or absent channels cause high extracellular levels of Cl-

o Thicker & stickier mucus coats around cells

o Mucus build-up in the pancreas, lungs, digestive tract & causes bacterial infections

• Without treatment children die before 5;

• With treatment can live past their late 20s

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• Primarily Jews of eastern European (Ashkenazi) descent & Cajuns

o Strikes 1 in 3600 births

� 100 times greater than incidence among non-Jews or Mediterranean (Sephardic)


o Non-functional enzyme fails to breakdown lipids in brain cells.

� Symptoms begin few months after birth.

� Seizures, blindness & degeneration of motor & mental performance.

� Child dies before 5yo.

Sickle cell anemia

• Primarily Africans

o Strikes 1 out of 400 African Americans.

o Caused by substitution of a single amino acid in hemoglobin.

o When oxygen levels are low, sickle-cell hemoglobin crystallizes into long rods.

� Deforms red blood cells into sickle shape.

� Sickling creates pleiotropic effects = cascade of other symptoms.

o Substitution of one amino acid in polypeptide chain.

Sickle Cell Phenotype

• 2 alleles are codominant

o Both normal & abnormal hemoglobins are synthesized in heterozygote (Aa)

o Carriers usually healthy, although some suffer some symptoms of sickle-cell disease under

blood oxygen stress

• Heterozygote advantage

o Sickle cell frequency

� High frequency of heterozygotes is unusual for allele with severe detrimental effects

in homozygotes.

• 1 out of 400 African Americans

� Suggests some selective advantage of being heterozygous.

o Malaria

� Single-celled eukaryote parasite spends part of its life cycle in red blood cells.

o In tropical Africa, where malaria is common:

� Homozygous normal individuals die of malaria.

� Homozygous recessive individuals die of sickle cell anemia.

� Heterozygote carriers are relatively free of both.

o High frequency of sickle cell allele in African Americans is vestige of African roots.

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Genetics & culture

• Why do cultures have a taboo against incest?

o Laws or taboos forbidding marriages between close relatives are fairly universal.

• Fairly unlikely that 2 carriers of same rare harmful recessive allele will meet & mate.

o But mating between close relatives increase risk.

� Consanguineous

o Individuals who share a recent common ancestor are more likely to carry same recessive


Chapter 15: Chromosomal Abnormalities

Chromosomal Abnormalities

• Incorrect number of chromosomes

o Nondisjunction

� Chromosomes don’t separate properly during meiosis.

o Breakage of chromosomes

� Deletion

� Duplication

� Inversion

� Translocation


• Problems with the meiotic spindle cause errors in daughter cells.

o Tetrad chromosomes do not separate properly during Meiosis 1.

o Sister chromatids fail to separate during Meiosis 2.

• Baby will have wrong chromosome number

o Trisomy

� Cells have 3 copies of a chromosome.

o Monosomy

� Cells have only 1 copy of a chromosome.

• Alteration of Chromosome Number

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Human Chromosome Disorders

• High frequency in humans

o Most embryos are spontaneously aborted

o Alterations are too disastrous

o Developmental problems result from imbalance

• Certain conditions are tolerated

o Upset the balance less = survive

o Characteristic set of symptoms = syndrome

• Down Syndrome

o Trisomy 21

� 3 copies of chromosome 21

� 1 in 700 children born in U.S.

o Chromosome 21 is the smallest human chromosome.

� But still severe effects.

o Frequency of Down syndrome correlates with the age

of the mother.

Sex chromosomes

• Human development more tolerant of wrong numbers in sex chromosome

• But produces a variety of distinct conditions in humans

o XXY = Klinefelter’s syndrome male

o XXX = Trisomy X female

o XYY = Jacob’s syndrome male

o XO = Turner syndrome female

• Klinefelter’s syndrome

o XXY male

o 1 in every 2000 live births

o Have male sex organs, but are sterile.

o Feminine characteristics, tall, normal intelligence.

• Jacob’s syndrome male

o XYY Males

o 1 in 1000 live male births

o Extra Y chromosome.

o Somewhat taller than average, more active.

o Slight learning disabilities, delayed emotional immaturity.

o Normal intelligence, normal sexual development.

• Trisomy X


o 1 in every 2000 live births.

o Produces healthy females. Why? __________________

• Turner syndrome

o Monosomy X or X0

o 1 in every 5000 births

o Varied degree of effects

� Webbed neck

� Short stature, immature sterile females.

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Changes in Chromosome Structure