genesis arts creations

GENESIS ARTS CREATIONS A STORMP session at the Nakuru Show ground IDP camp. Sustainable intercommunity Community Peaceful Coexistence Poultry Project. (SICOP) Implemented at the Nakuru Pipeline IDP Camp. Proudly Sponsored by: Japan International Cooperation Agency Japan Centre for Conflict Prevention

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GENESIS ARTS CREATIONS. Sustainable intercommunity Community Peaceful Coexistence Poultry Project. (SICOP) Implemented at the Nakuru Pipeline IDP Camp. Proudly Sponsored by : Japan International Cooperation Agency Japan Centre for Conflict Prevention. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


GENESIS ARTS CREATIONS WAS FOUNDED IN 2006 AND CAME TO SURFACE 2007 THEN WAS REGISTERED IN JUNE 2007. GAC Came into existence through realization of need to integrate disciplines to emerge with creativity explosion of products that help community address their issues participative and interactively.


A STORMP session at the Nakuru Show ground IDP camp.Sustainable intercommunity Community Peaceful Coexistence Poultry Project. (SICOP) Implemented at the Nakuru Pipeline IDP Camp.

Proudly Sponsored by:Japan International Cooperation Agency

Japan Centre for Conflict Prevention

Project Goal:promote peaceful co - existence between IDPs and host community at Lanet location

Activites:Project orientationTrainingPoultry Rearingintra-communities peaceful co-existence activities SportsSICOP BCC


STAKE HOLDERS ORIENTATION1day stakeholders meeting took place at the Nakuru Muslim Centre, where different stakeholders & beneficiary were oriented on project objectives, activities and outputs so as to have a common understanding and what role each stake holders plays. Present included: Ministry of youth Affairs, District Livestock Production officer, PEACE COP, National AIDS Control Council, District Cooperative Officer, National Council of Churches of Kenya All this was done in the spirit of networking and collaboration exposing youth to different opportunities and linkages that could help them in their projects.

Activities Contd

2. TRAINING30 youth were training for 3 days in Nakuru At STEM Hotel on peace building, Poultry husbandry, entrepreneurship and livelihood, the trained youth 6 were selected from each group out of 6 groups comprising of 25 members, the trained youth were to reach the other in the group with information during their meetings and activities.After the training each represented group was issued with training materialsDuring the 3 day training different guests also played part in motivating the youth and giving them key speeches to encourage peaceful coexistence and promotion of business ideas for sustainability.

Activities contd3. POULTRY REARING6 groups were facilitated with poultry, feeds and medication of chicken to facilitate them initiate their projects, Shining Star/Amani received 500 Broilers, Golden Path received 250 Layers, umoja received 250 layers, and indigenous people unlimited received 500 indigenous chicks.Taking care of chicken in each group was a collective responsibility from each member where groups had a time table indicating each members duty.JCCP did the duty of providing feeds & medication through GAC .During the project three groups divided their share of chicken , two remaining with their groups intact, later on Golden Path members decided to sustain coexistence but each members to keep their own chicken., remaining with one group intactSome of the notable successes is despite members dividing chicken is the fact that majority of them kept their share to date and they are currently enjoying benefits either by selling eggs, feeding their family.

Activities contd4. SPORTSA number of Sporting activities were conducted at the pipeline sport ground, with an aim of bringing the communities together through Sports, the Sports played included Soccer, Volley Ball. This attracted women and men teams.Attracting both spectators and players this was a nice platform to promote peaceful coexistence and show that people can interact and coexistTeams comprised of IDPs and Host Community.

Activities contd5. SICOP BCCSICOP BCC had the following sub activities lined upTraining of 20 youthYouth to Youth Peer Round TalksBCC Follow UpMotivational/Inspirational TalksSports

1. Training of 20 youthAfter the rearing of poultry and other lined up activities there was a need to address emerging issues amongst the beneficiary. Some the issuers arising from the same was donor dependency and over reliance on hand outs, youth divided chicken as well as groups dynamics therefore coming up with the concept to address major concerns as a result some of which resulted from Attitude and perception of the youth the training focused on:Character EducationBehavior change EducationLivelihoodTeam Building

Activities Contd - SICOP BCC Contd

2. Youth to youth Peer Round TalksPeer influence was is basic amongst the youth as it was evident during youth implementing project a lot of decision was based on influence from peer, thats why BCC focused on training youth on Behavior Change Education and character education and these youth used to reach fellow youth with peer based behavioral change activities, this approach has worked well and produced remarkable results in previous GACs interventions, as youth tend to listen and work more with their peers.

3. BCC Follow UpThis included use of the trainers and volunteer who are youth to monitor trends and reactions from the youth as well as to give support to the youth son as to encourage them and promote achieving of the intended behavior, on set days the trainers would visit beneficiarys sites and home through one on one basis find out any challenges or difficulties as wells as track any notable improvements and changes through response from beneficiary.

Activities Contd - SICPO BCC ContdMotivational TalksRenowned Motivational and inspirational Speakers were used to address the youth as well as challenge their mind set through use of experiences and youth trained during the BCC training, this was ensure youth do not relent from focusing on accepting attitude and behavior change, it was also focusing on promoting team spirit as well as encouraging them on improving their livelihood through investing in opportunities and those that got their share of chicken to make them productive rather than selling or slaughtering.

SPORTSTo bring youth together, promote team spirit and enhance peaceful coexistence between IDP and host community several Sporting activities were organized at both communities with teams from both sides playing active role and participation, the sports were climaxed with talks, peer round talks, motivational talks and other activities which brought youth together, the sports acted as a great puller and a ample opportunity to give youth platform to use their talents as well as get them actively involved in peace building, character education and positive behavior change through interactive Sporting.

ACHIEVEMENTS30 youth trained in business skills, poultry husbandry and peace building, 30 skills used to reach 120 youth in groups of 25 each 6 groupsInitiating poultry projects for 6 groups minimum of 250 chicken each groupTraining 20 youth in SICOP BCC on attitude change and character Education, who in turn had influence to more than 100 youth with behavioral change messages50% of beneficiary who got their share of chicken still maintain their chicken for selling products (eggs) or family supply.There can be spoken interaction between the two communities ( peaceful coexistence) inform of trading together, exchange of ideas, Sporting together, casual labors, borrowing and other initiatives

CHALLENGESUnforeseen and unplanned division of chicken by groups came as a surprise to implementers, therefore unpreparedness in addressing the issueGroups dynamics in managing the formed groups was a major setback, the project scope did not have a component of training or handling groups stagesBeneficiary expecting hand outs inform of monetary gains some were not motivated to give their input. youth dynamics, they expected immediate results were not willing to be patient and give in resources with an aim of reaping benefits later.

Special Thanks To:JICA Japan International Cooperation AgencyJCCP Japan Center for Conflict preventionGAC Management & StaffDistrict Commissioner Nakuru DistrictPeace COPPipeline IDP camp leaders & youthHost Community Area Chief & Local Administration



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