gender, case, possesssive, determiners of nouns

Gender Gender tells us about the sex of the noun. In Grammar-Nouns, there are FOUR GENDERS. 1. Masculine gender: A noun is said to be in the Masculine gender if it refers to a male character or member of a species. Man, lion, hero, boy, king, horse and actor are nouns of masculine gender. Example: • A boy is playing in the play-ground. • Hero of the movie is not a native of this country. In these sentences the words “boy” and “hero” are masculine-gender nouns. The next in the Noun-Gender is feminine gender. 2. Feminine gender: A noun is said to be in the feminine gender if it refers to a female member of a species. Woman, lioness, heroine, girl, mare, niece, empress, cow and actress are few of the feminine-gender nouns that we use. Example: • A girl is playing in the play-ground. • Heroine of the movie is not a native of this country. In these sentences the words “girl” and “heroine” are feminine-gender nouns. The next in the Noun-Gender is common gender. 3. Common gender: A noun is said to be in Common gender if it refers to a member of species which can be a male or a female. Child, student, friend, applicant, candidate, servant, member, parliamentarian and leader are few of the common- gender nouns.

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Page 1: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns


Gender tells us about the sex of the noun.In Grammar-Nouns, there are FOUR GENDERS.1. Masculine gender:A noun is said to be in the Masculine gender if it refers to a male character or member of a species.Man, lion, hero, boy, king, horse and actor are nouns of masculine gender.Example:• A boy is playing in the play-ground.• Hero of the movie is not a native of this country.In these sentences the words “boy” and “hero” are masculine-gender nouns. 

The next in the Noun-Gender is feminine gender. 

2. Feminine gender:A noun is said to be in the feminine gender if it refers to a female member of a species. 

Woman, lioness, heroine, girl, mare, niece, empress, cow and actress are few of the feminine-gender nouns that we use.Example:• A girl is playing in the play-ground.• Heroine of the movie is not a native of this country.In these sentences the words “girl” and “heroine” are feminine-gender nouns. 

The next in the Noun-Gender is common gender. 

3. Common gender:A noun is said to be in Common gender if it refers to a member of species which can be a male or a female.Child, student, friend, applicant, candidate, servant, member, 

parliamentarian and leader are few of the common-gender nouns.Example:• A child is playing in the play-ground.• A Parliamentarian should have command over his language.In these sentences the words, “child” and “parliamentarian” are nouns of common gender. 

The next in the Noun-Gender is neuter gender. 

4. Neuter gender:

A noun is said to be in the neuter gender if it refers to a member of a species which is neither a male nor a female.

Normally nouns referring to lifeless objects are in neuter nouns.

Page 2: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

Chair, table, tree, star, mountain, street, book, car, school,paper, pencil and computer are few of the neuter nouns which we use regularly.


• Computer has brought about drastic changes in our lives.• Tree is cleansing the air.• Stars are not visible in the day-time.• Books are our best friends.

In these sentences the words, “computer”, “tree”, “stars” and “books” are the neuter-gender nouns.NOTE:

a. Collective nouns, even if they refer to living-beings, are used as neuter-nouns.Example:i. The army is doing its task.

ii. The police are called to manage the situation.

In these sentences the nouns (army and police) refer to only living-beings. But they are used only as neuter-nouns.

b.Objects noted for their power, strength, and violence are used as Masculine gender nouns.

The sun, summer, time, death etc… are masculine-gender nouns.


i. The sun is so scorching now that we can not go out now to face him without an umbrella.

ii. The death is cruel. He is as certain as tomorrow.In these sentences the words “sun” and “death” have been used as Masculine-gender nouns.c. Objects noted for their beauty, gentleness and grace are used as feminine-gender nouns.The moon, the earth, spring, charity etc… are feminine-gender nouns.Example:i. The moon is so bright at this time that she induces romantic mood in us.

ii. The earth is patient. Her beauty is spoiled day-by-day.The masculine-genders and their respective feminine-genders have been given below for your reference.

Page 3: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

Masculine genders-----Feminine genders

1. Bachelor----- Spinster

2. Bachelor----- Maid

3. Bullock----- Heifer

4. Dog----- Bitch

5. Drone------ Bee

6. Horse----- Mare 

7. Nephew----- Niece

8. Jew----- Jewess

9. Wizard----- Witch

10. Heir----- Heiress

11. Manager----- Manageress 

12. Poet----- Poetess

13. Shepherd----- Shepherdess

14. Benefactor----- Benefactress

15. Hunter----- Huntress

16. Negro----- Negress

17. Emperor----- Empress

18. Traitor----- Traitress

19. Prince----- Princess

20. Lion----- Lioness

21. Bull----- Cow

22. Ox----- Cow

23. Mayor----- Mayoress

24. Tiger----- Tigress

25. Actor----- Actress

26. Host----- Hostess

27. Uncle----- Aunt

28. Monk----- Nun

29. Gentleman----- Lady

30. Duke----- Duchess


The CASE of a noun tells us about the position of that noun in a sentence. In English there are FIVE CASES.

They are:

• Nominative case• Objective case (or Accusative case)• Dative case• Possessive case (or Genitive case)• Vocative case

All these five Cases have been explained in detail below.Are you going as you wish in the process of learning Grammar?

Page 4: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

Take a breath.

This section of Noun-Cases will simplify your process.

1. Nominative case:A noun is said to be in the Nominative case if it is the subject of a verb. (SUBJECT is the person or the thing who or which carries out the action of the verb in the sentence)Examples:• Mr. Ram is an intelligent boy.Mr. Ram is a proper noun in Nominative case.

• The painter paints the portraits.The painter is a common noun in Nominative case.

• I am buying vegetables for my family.“I” is a pronoun in Nominative case.These examples carry another term "pronoun" which is a word used to represent a noun.For example:I, We, You, He, She, it and they are the seven pronouns.There are only seven pronouns.Only other variations of these seven pronouns are there.Those variations can be used in place of the nouns.The next one in the Noun-cases is:

2. Objective case (or Accusative case):Nouns or pronouns are said to be in Objective cases if they are the direct objects of verbs or if they are the objects of preposition. (Direct object is the person or the thing upon whom or upon which the action of the verb is carried out).

Examples:• I met your sister.“Your sister” is in objective case.

• The vendors sell mangoes.“Mangoes” is in objective case.

• The book is on the table.“Table” is in objective case. It is object of the preposition ‘on’.

• This is one of my policies.“Policies” is in objective case.It is object of the preposition ‘of’.

The next one in the Noun-cases is:

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3. Dative case:A noun is said to be in dative case if it is the Indirect object of the verb. (Indirect object of the verb is the noun for whom or for which the action of the verb is carried out). There should not be a preposition before the indirect object because in that case it will be the object of that preposition.


• The teacher gave the students few exercises.“Students” is in dative case. It is the indirect object of the verb ‘give’.

• The Postman brought me a letter. “Me” is in dative case.

• Get him a pen.“Him” is in dative case.

The next one in the Noun-cases is:

4. Possessive case (Genitive case):

A noun is said to be in possessive case, if it denotes possession or ownership. A noun or pronoun in the possessive case is governed by the noun that follows it.


• This is your pencil.(“Your” is in possessive case.

• It is our idea.“Our” is in possessive case.

• John’s sister has been hospitalized.“John’s” is in possessive case.

The last one in the Noun-cases is:

5. Vocative case:

A noun or a pronoun is said to be in Vocative case if it is used to call (or to get the attention of) a person or persons.Examples:

• Mr. Bill, students are waiting for you in the main hall.“Mr. Bill” is in vocative case.

• You there, stand up.

Page 6: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

“You” is in vocative case.

• Brother, a letter for you.“Brother” is in vocative case.

• Chairman, all the letters are posted two days ago.“Chairman” is in vocative case.

The nouns do not change their forms in the Nominative and Objective cases. But few pronouns change their forms between Nominative and Objective cases.Nominative case ________Objective case_________ Possessive case

1. I __________________ me__________________ my

2. We_________________us____________________our

3. You________________ You___________________your

4. He_________________ him____________________his

5. She_________________her_____________________her

6. It___________________it_______________________its

7. They_________________them______________________their

Forma posesiva

Pentru a exprima posesiunea unui substantiv, se foloseste Forma posesiva a substantivului, care se formeaza in diferite moduri.

- La forma de singular a substantivelor care nu se termina în s se adauga 's :      Ex.: a child's voice (vocea unui copil), the people's choice (alegerea oamenilor), a dog's mouth (gura unui caine), women's clothes (haine de /pt. femei)

- Cu formele de plural ale substantivelor care se termina în s se foloseste doar apostroful (') :      Ex.: a boys' school (o scoala de baieti), the sisters' house (casa surorilor)

- Numele proprii terminate în s vor primi fie doar apostrof ('), fie 's :      Ex.: Mr Jones's / Mr Jones' car (masina domnului John), Yeats's / Yeats' poems (poeziile lui Yeats)

- În cazul substantivelor compuse si a titlurilor, ultimul cuvânt va primi 's :      Ex.: My father-in-law's guitar (chithara socrului meu), Henry the Eighth's wife (a opta sotie a lui Henry)

- 's se foloseste si dupa initiale sau abrevieri:

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      Ex.: The CEO's assistant (asistentii CEO), the PM's speech (discursul de /a lui PM)

Forma posesiva se foloseste în general când vorbim de oameni, animale, tari. Se foloseste si în urmatoarele cazuri:a) În expresii temporale:      Ex.: yesterday's newspaper (ziarul de ieri), in five years' time (in timp de 5 ani), ten minutes' break (pauza de zece minute)

b) În expresii construite dupa modelul bani + worth of (bani + in valoare de):      Ex.: ten dollars' worth of bananas (banane de zece dolari), a shilling's worth of stamps (timbre in valoare de un siling)

c) În alte expresii uzuale, cum ar fi:      Ex.: for heaven's sake (pentru Dumnezeu), a winter's day (o zi de iarna), the water's edge (marginea apei), the plane's wings (aripi de avion), the train's departure (statia de tren)

În cazul anumitor substantive folosite la posesiv, este uzuala omisiunea substantivului urmator atunci când sensul comunicarii este clar (magazine, birouri, oficii, casa, locuinta).

You can buy this at the baker's (shop). - Poti cumpara asta la brutarie.Mary bought her tickets at the travel agent's (office). - Maria a cumpărat bilete ei la agenţiei de turism.The kids went to Bobby's (house). - Copii au plecat la Bobby (acasa).- Ideea de posesie se poate exprima si cu ajutorul constructiei of + substantiv. Aceasta constructie se foloseste mai ales pentru lucruri sau fiinte umane sau animale atunci cand acestea sunt urmate de o propozitie subordonata.      Ex.: the walls of the town (zidurile orasului), the roof of the church (acoperisul bisericii), the keys of the house (cheia casei)I took the advice of the girl and I went to buy the book. - Am urmat sfatul fetei si am mers sa cumpar cartea.

Ca si in limba romana, acelasi substantiv poate avea intelesuri diferite, in functie de contextul propozitiei.De exemplu:      Her hair is black. - Parul ei este negru.      She found a hair in the brush. - A gasit un fir de par în perie.

      Their house was made of wood. - Casa lor este din lemn.      We picnicked in the woods. - Am mers la picnic în padure.

Determiners and quantifiers General and specific determiners

Determiners are words which come at the beginning of the noun phrase.

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They tell us whether the noun phrase is specific or general.

Determiners are either specific or general

Specific determiners:

The specific determiners are:

the definite article: the possessives: my, your, his, her, its; our, their, whose demonstratives: this, that, these, those interrogatives: which

We use a specific determiner when we believe the listener/reader knows exactly what we are referring to:

Can you pass me the salt please?Look at those lovely flowers.Thank you very much for your letter.Whose coat is this?

General determiners:

The general determiners are:

a; an; any; another; other; what

When we are talking about things in general and the listener/reader does not know exactly what we are referring to, we can use a uncount noun or a plural noun with no determiner:

Milk is very good for you. (= uncount noun)Health and education are very important. (= 2 uncount nouns)Girls normally do better in school than boys. (= plural nouns with no determiner)

… or you can use a singular noun with the indefinite article a or an:

A woman was lifted to safety by a helicopter.A man climbing nearby saw the accident.

We use the general determiner any with a singular noun or an uncount noun when we are talking about all of those people or things:

It’s very easy. Any child can do it. (= All children can do it)With a full licence you are allowed to drive any car.I like beef, lamb, pork - any meat.

We use the general determiner another to talk about an additional person or thing:

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Would you like another glass of wine?

The plural form of another is other:

I spoke to John, Helen and a few other friends.

Indefinite article: a and an 1. We use the indefinite article, a/an, with count nouns when the hearer/reader does not know exactly which one we are referring to:

Police are searching for a 14 year-old girl.

2. We also use it to show the person or thing is one of a group:

She is a pupil at London Road School.

Police have been searching for a 14 year-old girl who has been missing since Friday.

Jenny Brown, a pupil at London Road School, is described as 1.6 metres tall with short blonde hair.

She was last seen wearing a blue jacket, a blue and white blouse and dark blue jeans and blue shoes. 

Anyone who has information should contact the local police on 0800349781.

3. We do not use an indefinite article with plural nouns and uncount nouns:

She was wearing blue shoes. (= plural noun)She has short blonde hair. (= uncount noun)

Police have been searching for a 14 year-old girl who has been missing since Friday.

Jenny Brown, a pupil at London Road School, is described as 1.6 metres tall with short blonde hair.

She was last seen wearing a blue jacket, a blue and white blouse and dark blue jeans   and blue shoes. 

Anyone who has information should contact the local police on 0800349781.

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4. We use a/an to say what someone is or what job they do:

My brother is a doctor.George is a student.

5. We use a/an with a singular noun to say something about all things of that kind:

A man needs friends. (= All men need friends)A dog likes to eat meat. (= All dogs like to eat meat)

Definite article: the The definite article the is the most frequent word in English.

We use the definite article in front of a noun when we believe the hearer/reader knows exactly what we are referring to.

• because there is only one:

The Pope is visiting Russia.The moon is very bright tonight.The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979.

This is why we use the definite article with a superlative adjective:

He is the tallest boy in the class.It is the oldest building in the town.

• because there is only one in that place or in those surroundings:

We live in a small village next to the church.


 (the church in our village)

Dad, can I borrow the car? =(the car that belongs to our family)

When we stayed at my grandmother’s house we went to the beach every day.


 (the beach near my grandmother’s house)

Page 11: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

Look at the boy in the blue shirt over there.


(the boy I am pointing at)

 • because we have already mentioned it:

A woman who fell 10 metres from High Peak was lifted to safety by a helicopter. The woman fell while climbing. The rescue is the latest in a series of incidents on High Peak. In January last year two men walking on the peakwere killed in a fall. 

We also use the definite article:

• to say something about all the things referred to by a noun:

The wolf is not really a dangerous animal (= Wolves are not really dangerous animals)The kangaroo is found only in Australia (= Kangaroos are found only in Australia)The heart pumps blood around the body. (= Hearts pump blood around bodies)

We use the definite article in this way to talk about musical instruments:

Joe plays the piano really well.(= George can play any piano)She is learning the guitar.(= She is learning to play any guitar)

• to refer to a system or service:

How long does it take on the train.I heard it on the radio.You should tell the police.

• With adjectives like rich, poor, elderly, unemployed to talk about groups of people:

Life can be very hard for the poor.I think the rich should pay more taxes.She works for a group to help the disabled.

The definite article with names:

We do not normally use the definite article with names:

William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.Paris is the capital of France.Iran is in Asia.

But we do use the definite article with:

• countries whose names include words like kingdom, states or republic:

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the United Kingdom; the kingdom of Nepal; the United States; the People’s Republic of China.

• countries which have plural nouns as their names:

the Netherlands; the Philippines

• geographical features, such as mountain ranges, groups of islands, rivers, seas, oceans and canals:

the Himalayas; the Canaries; the Atlantic; the Atlantic Ocean; the Amazon; the Panama Canal.

• newspapers:

The Times; The Washington Post

• well known buildings or works of art:

the Empire State Building; the Taj Mahal; the Mona Lisa; the Sunflowers

• organisations:

the United Nations; the Seamen’s Union

• hotels, pubs and restaurants*:

the Ritz; the Ritz Hotel; the King’s Head; the Déjà Vu

*Note: We do not use the definite article if the name of the hotel or restaurant is the name of the owner, e.g.,Brown’s; Brown’s Hotel; Morel’s; Morel’s Restaurant, etc.

• families:

the Obamas; the Jacksons

The zero article with proper namesA proper name is normally not preceded by an article:Turner is my favourite painter.Where's Peter?Uncle Jerry visited us the other day.

The zero article

The zero article with names of places and institutionsNames of places and institutions which consist of a proper name and another noun do not take an article:Johns Hopkins UniversityTrafalgar Square

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Victoria StationGeorge Washington BridgeJFK AirportThe zero article with mealsNames of meals normally do not take an article:Did you have breakfast this morning?I'll have fruit for lunch.Let's go out for dinner tonight.But if there is an adjective before the name of the meal or a phrase or clause after it, an article is used:The breakfast that they served was fabulous.I had a quick lunch at Wendy's. That was the most delicious dinner I've had in a while.The zero article with names of days, months, seasons, holidays and parts of the dayNames of days, months, seasons and holidays are normally not preceded by an article:on Mondayin Marchin summerat ChristmasThe same is true for certain parts of the day (with the exception of in the morning/afternoon/evening):at noonat nightat midnightbefore duskafter sunsetat sunriseBut if there is an adjective before the noun or a phrase or clause after it, the noun takes an article:on the Monday of that weekin the March of 2010the summer I met my future husbandthe best Christmas I've ever hadit was a beautiful sunsetThe zero article with names of pubs, restaurants etc. ending in 'SNames of pubs, restaurants etc. using the possessive 's construction do not take an article:We went to Maggie's last night.Let's meet at Tom's Diner.The zero article with names of sports, games and activitiesNames of sports, games and activities are not preceded by an article:I love swimming.Rummy is definitely much more difficult than solitaire.She suggested playing activity.

The zero article with geographical names

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Certain geographical names do not take an article:ContinentsAsiaAmericaEuropeAustraliaAfricaBut:the Arcticthe Antarcticthe Americas (North and South America)Names of countriesMost country names do not take an article:ChileFranceKazakhstanNamibiaNew ZealandBut:the United Kingdom (UK)the Netherlandsthe United States of America (USA)the Philippinesthe Czech Republicthe People's Republic of ChinaLakesLake GenevaLake Balaton

Lake MichiganLake LopnorLoch NessMountain peaksMount WashingtonTwin PeaksDenali(Mount) Everest K2But:the Chomolungmathe MatterhornCitiesMoscowBeijingBujumburaBukarestNew YorkBut:the Haguethe VaticanStreets and roadsDowning StreetMichigan AvenueBut:the High Streetthe Mallthe E5

The zero article with placesNouns referring to places and institutions do not take an article when we are talking about the purpose they are used for:The children are at school. (studying)What time do you usually go to bed? (to sleep) The murderer was sentenced to 10 years in prison. (as a punishment) Other examples are:churchclasscollegecourthospitalmarkettownuniversityBut if we mean the place (usually the building) itself, the definite article the is used:

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He went to the bed to check if the children were sleeping.In 1985 there was a fire in the school.The prison is outside of the city.

The zero article with prepositional phrasesCertain prepositional phrases do not take an article:in chargein tearsin dangerat warby heartbeyond controlon timeby carBut if there is a word or phrase modifying the noun, an article is used:We drove in a red car.Hurricanes are beyond the control of governments.He got wounded in the second world war.

Interrogative determiners: which and what

We use "which" as a determiner to ask a question about a specific group of people or things:

Which restaurant did you go to?Which countries in South America have you visited?

When we are asking a general question we use "what" as a determiner:

What films do you like?What university did you go to?


We use quantifiers when we want to give someone information about the number of something: how much or how many.

Sometimes we use a quantifier in the place of a determiner:

Most children start school at the age of five.We ate some bread and butter.We saw lots of birds.

We use these quantifiers with both count and uncount nouns:

all any enough less a lot of lots of

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more most no none of some  

 and some more colloquial forms: 

plenty of heaps of a load of loads of tons of  etc.

 Some quantifiers can be used only with count nouns: 

both each either (a) few fewer neither several

and some more colloquial forms:

a couple of hundreds of thousands of etc.

Some quantifiers can be used only with uncount nouns:

a little (not) much a bit of

And, particularly with abstract nouns such as time, money, trouble, etc:, we often use:

a great deal of a good deal of

 Members of groups

You can put a noun after a quantifier when you are talking about members of a group in general…

Few snakes are dangerous.Both brothers work with their father.I never have enough money.

…but if you are talking about a specific group of people or things, use of the … as well

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Few of the snakes are dangerous.All of the children live at home.He has spent all of his money.

Note that, if we are talking about two people or things we use the quantifiers both, either and neither:

One supermarket Two supermarkets*More than two supermarkets

The supermarket was closed

The supermarket wasn't open

I don’t think the supermarket was open.

Both the supermarkets were closed.

Neither of the supermarkets was open.

I don’t think either of the supermarkets was open.

All the supermarkets were closed

None of the supermarkets were open

I don't think any of the supermarkets were open

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 Singular quantifiers:

We use every or each with a singular noun to mean all:

There was a party in every street.


There were parties in all the streets.

Every shop was decorated with flowers.


All the shops were decorated with flowers.

Each child was given a prize.


All the children were given a prize.

There was a prize in each competition.


There were prizes in all the competitions.

 We often use every to talk about times like days, weeks and years:

When we were children we had holidays at our grandmother’s every year.When we stayed at my grandmother’s house we went to the beach every day.We visit our daughter every Christmas.

BUT: We do not use a determiner with every and each. We do not say:

The every shop was decorated with flowers.The each child was given a prize.

Exercises Try to identify the words if they are masculine, feminine, neuter, or common gender noun

1. mouse

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

2. duck

     a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

3. buck

a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

4. mistress

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

5. tires

    a. Masculine b. Feminine 

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     c. Neuter d. Common

6. computers

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

7. pencil

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

8. emperor

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

9. royalty

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

10. poodle

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

11. waitress

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

12. lioness

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common13. kid

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

14. playground

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

15. swing

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

16. murderer

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

17. mister

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

18. bear

    a. Masculine b. Feminine  c. Neuter d. Common

19. cellular phone

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

20. butler

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

21. steward

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

22. sun

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

23. stars

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

24. glass

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

Page 20: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

25. spinster

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

26. wizard

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

27. knight

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

28. lord

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

29. god

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

30. step sister

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

31. chef

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

32. participant

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

33. rooster

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

34. bride

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

35. fiancee

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

36. author

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

37. doctor

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

38. firefighter

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

39. chair

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

40. maid of honor

    a. Masculine b. Feminine      c. Neuter d. Common

Write each word under the appropriate columnniece     nephew     principal     violinstallion     mare     car      presidentcoin      neighbor     mistress     mastersecretary     groom     bride     countryrock      rooster     hen     pet

Page 21: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns


Masculine Feminine Common Neuter


Possessive Case

Fill the gaps with the possessive case of nouns. Decide whether you have to use 's or

an of phrase.

1. The boy has a toy. → It's the  .

2. Peter has a book. → It's  .

3. The magazine has my picture on its cover. → My picture is on  .

4. Our friends live in this house. → It's  .

5. There is milk in the glass. → It's  .

6. This house has a number. → What is  ?

7. The walk lasts two hours. → It's  .

8. John has a sister, Jane. → Jane is  .

9. The film has a name, "Scream". → "Scream" is  .

10. This school is for girls only. → It's a  .

Rewrite the sentences using the Genitive Case:

 a. The skirts of the women are white.

b. The tail of the horse is not short.

c. The offices of the doctors are beautiful.

d. The books of the students are new.

e. The toys of the babies are funny.

f. The hat of Mrs. Sally is red.

g. The dress of my sister is old.

h. The leg of the chair is broken.


Page 22: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

1. Complete the sentences with ’ or ’s: 

a. Billy   blue car is in the garage.

b. Mr. John   secretary is here.

c. They sell ladies   clothes in this store.

d. The doctor   kids are very nice.

e. The women   boyfriends are late.

f. My friends   cousins are beautiful.

g. We love Grandma   cookies.

h. The engineer   sunglasses are broken.

i. I don’t like boys   sneakers.

j. Bring the baby   toys. 

1. Choose the correct answer    

    a.  are good for you.

    b. In Britain   is more expensive than  .

    c. We had a very nice meal in that restaurant.   was good too.

    d. They got married but   wasn't successful.

    e. I know someone who wrote a book about   of Gandhi.

    f.   would be very difficult without  .

    g.   is my favourite sport but I also like  .

    h. Do you know   who live next door?

    i. Are you interested in   or  ?

    j. Don't stay in that hotel.   are very uncomfortable.   Put 'the' where necessary 

    a. We visited grandma in   hospital twice last week.

    b. Where did you put   flour you bought yesterday?

    c.   Athens is   capital of Greece.

    d.   North Pole is opposite   South Pole.

    e.   bananas are my favourite fruit.

Page 23: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

    f.   Prince Edward is a member of   royal family.

    g. Cindy was   only one to wear trousers to the party.

    h. We all decided to go   home, because it was getting late. Use >a< or >an<. Write the correct forms of the indefinite articles into the gaps.

Example: We read __ book.

Answer: We read a book.

1) There is   new English book on the desk.

2) She's reading   old comic.

3) They've got   idea.

4) He is drinking   cup of coffee.

5) The girl is   pilot.

6) Leipzig has   airport.

7) This is   expensive bike.

8) Look! There's   bird flying.

9) My father is   honest person.

10) My friend likes to be   astronaut.

Choose the correct definite or indefinite article: "the", "a", "an" or "x" (zero article) .

1. I bought     pair of shoes.

2. I saw      movie last night.

3. They are staying at    hotel.

4. I think     man over there is very unfriendly.

5. I do not like    basketball.

6. That is     problem I told you about.

7.  night is quiet. Let's take a walk!

8.    price of gas keeps rising.

9. John traveled to   Mexico.

10. Juan is   Spanish.

11. I read    amazing story yesterday.

Page 24: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

12. My brother doesn't eat    chicken.


13. I live in   apartment.   apartment is new.

14. I would like    piece of cake.

15. I was in   Japanese restaurant.   restaurant served good food.

16. Sara can play   guitar.

How often - - How fast - How high - How wide - How deep  - How thick - How heavy - How far - How high - How old 

   is the Empire States building ?  

   is it to Oxford ?   

 is your new Ferrari ? 

 is the swimming pool?  

 is the Eiffel Tower ?                                                      

 a week does he run ?                                                 

 will it take to visit the museum ?                                  

 is your dog ?                                                              

 is this board ?                                                           

is this river                                                                    Choose a word from the table below to fill each space. Some words may be used more than once.

aa fewanya little

a lot ofsomemanyan

Page 25: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

much a lot

1. How   children do you and Tony have?

2. I don't have   patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring.

3. We only have   carrots. We should go and buy some more.

4. "Do we need any mushrooms?" "No, we have  . Look, three bags!"

5. There was an explosion at the factory and   people were injured. We don't know how many yet.

6. When you make the pie, put   wine in too. But not too much! It makes it really tasty.

7. When you go out, buy me   apple and a bottle of Coke.

8. I don't need   advice from you. You don't understand the problem!

9. "Do you like this programme?" "Not  . You can change the channel if you want."

10. Lots of people in Spain like to take   siesta during the hottest part of the day.

11. I have been to America   times. Twice in 1996 and again last year.

12. Can you give me   information about the buses in the city centre please?

13.   people think he is stupid, but he's actually quite intelligent.

Some or any?

Kate:  Do you have   brothers or sisters?

John:  No, I don't, but I have   cousins that love me like a real brother! 

Mark:  Are there   cinemas in this city? I really want to go to the movies!

Lisa:   No, there aren't. But I have   movies at home if you want! 

Rachel: I have   cereal every morning, it is good for my health.Derek:  I hate cereal! 

Mary:  Do you have   idea of how to do this exercise?

Peter: No, I have no idea, but my mum gave   books to study, maybe the answer is there! 

Amy:  Can you give me   of your posters? You have a lot of them!

Page 26: Gender, Case, Possesssive, Determiners of Nouns

Claire: No, they are all mine. I can't give you   poster! But I can give

you   old magazines I have...Amy: No, thanks. You are so selfish... 

A little or a few?

1. Julia ate   rice, she wasn't very hungry.

2. Mike ate   chips, he wasn't very hungry.

3. I have   cousins that speak French, the rest of them only speak English.

4. She found   cookies under her bed.

5. I need   water to feel better, that's all.

6. I want to save   money to buy a present for my mother.

7. Robert gave me   coins to buy a sweater, it is not enough!

8. Ashley needs   sugar for the cake!

9. My dad says that I have to learn   words in German, because we are going there for holidays.

10. Peter saw   girls running across the field. Much or many? 

1. There are   students who want to work in our school.

2. Claire has   brothers but only one sister.

3. I don't have   time, I can't wait for you.

4. Tom works   hours every day, that is why he is always tired.

5. Lisa doesn't drink   water when she eats.

6. They have   rooms in their house, it is very very big.

7. How   apples did you buy?

8. How   money do you have to buy the TV?

9. People don't write   letters nowadays, they use e-mails instead.

10. I think it is too   salt for my taste