gen m


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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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More than 3,500 professionals

Across six countries: France,

Germany, Japan, Spain, UK,


Conducted by Harris Poll from

Dec. 2014 to Jan. 2015

2015 Gen M Survey:

How is mobile changing our work style?

… are professionals who are highly dependent

on mobile for both work and personal tasks.

18-34 year old males people with children

under 18 at home. Best represented by:

… relies on mobile for business

activity outside of work and

personal activity at work.

64% (at least once a day

outside of work hours)

82% (at least once a day

during work hours)

…does 26% of its work on

smartphones and tablets.

51% check or send

work email at

least once a day.

send work text

messages at least

once a day.

check or send

personal email at

least once a day.

send personal text

messages at least

once a day.

make work voice

calls at least

once a day.

look up work-

related information

at least once a day.

make personal

voice calls at

least once a day.

check or use social

media at least once

a day.

43% 57% 60%

46% 34% 50% 53%

During work hours During personal hours

58% feel guilty when

receiving personal

communications at


Feels guilty

60% would leave their job if

their employer did not

allow remote work or

restricted their ability

to do personal tasks

at work.



29% would leave their job if

their employer could

access personal emails,

texts, photos, or videos

on their smartphones or




30% 29% 28% 26% 25%



% of work done

on smartphones

and tablets

France Germany UK USA Japan

Professionals around the world

blend their work and personal

lives differently:

Spanish more likely

than others to do

mobile work while

using public


French more

likely than others

to do mobile work

while driving

Germans more likely

than others to feel

guilty with personal

communications at


British more likely

than others to use

mobile to monitor

their home during

the work day

Americans more

likely than others

to do mobile work

while using the


Japanese less likely

than others to do

mobile work while

watching TV

of Gen M either own

or are planning to

buy a wearable



of those individuals plan

to use their wearable

device for work tasks.


Work tasks include:

Taking phone calls 58%

Reading email 56%

Writing email 45%

Getting alerts 44%

Accessing calendar 40%

Reading documents 37%

Surfing intranet 30%

Accept shifting work styles

Map representative work

flows to understand the

decisions employees are

making to be productive so

that you can improve their


Set top-down boundaries

Lead from the top by setting

reasonable boundaries.

Connectedness can result in

employee empowerment and

productivity if done well but

exploitation and guilt if not.

Secure data selectively

Protect business data without

compromising the privacy of

personal data no matter who

owns the mobile device. Most

devices will be used for both

work and personal tasks.

We live in a connected culture. Companies must support the Gen M

work style without guilt and with high standards of quality and fairness.

Flexibility will be the battleground for recruitment and retention.

Establish clear goals

Agree on what needs to get

done so employees can hit

targets regardless of where

the work happens. Have

open conversations about

the role of shadow tasking.