ge515 midterm reviewer

Urban Design

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Urban Design

Page 2: GE515 Midterm Reviewer

Urban Design

Geography Urban geography

Urban growth - physical and demographic expansion

Urban sprawl - undesirable type of urban growth Urban Development

Urban Growth - spatial and demographic process Urbanisation - spatial (non-spatial) and social


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Urban Design

Effects of urbanisation change in urban density and administration services changes in the economic, social and political

structures of a region Rapid urbanisation

many environmental and social changes in the urban environment, global change issues

Rapid growth of cities strains their capacity to provide services

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Urban Design System

a group of connected entities and activities which interact for a common purpose

Natural, Abstract, manmade, descriptive/normative Urban Ecosystem

a hybrid system, integrates physical, social, economic, ecological, environmental, infrastructure and institutional subsystems

are the consequences of the intrinsic nature of humans as social beings to live together in towns and cities

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Urban Design

Urban Sprawl unauthorised and unplanned development normally at the fringe areas of cities especially haphazard and piecemeal construction generally along the major lines of communications

or roads adjacent to specified city limits a situation where urban development adversely

interferes with urban environment

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Urban Design Urban Growth- a sum of increase in developed

land Expansion - metropolitan fringe development/urban

fringe development/edge development Infill - the development of a small tract of land mostly

surrounded by urban land-cover Outlying growth - from non-developed to developed

land-cover occurring beyond existing developed areas isolated linear branch – dissection and fragmentation clustered branch

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Consequences of Urban Growth and Urban Sprawl

Positive higher economic production opportunities for the underemployed and unemployed, better life because of better opportunities better services such as

transportation, sewer, and water specialist services such as better

educational facilities, health care facilities

better lifestyles

Negative Inflated Infrastructure and Public

Service Costs Energy Inefficiency Disparity in Wealth Impacts on Wildlife and Ecosystem Loss of Farmland Increase in Temperature (HIE) Poor Air Quality Impacts on Water Quality and

Quantity Impacts on Public and Social Health Aesthetic impacts

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Sustainable development Sustainable development

- development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs

Sustainability - process which tells of a development of all aspects of human life affecting sustenance

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Sustainability and Urban Design Smart Growth Compact Neighbourhoods Mixed-use development Inclusion of parks and recreation areas Transit-Oriented Development Pedestrian- and Bicycle-Friendly Design Preserving open space, farmland, critical ecological habitats, and natural beauty. Reusing of land Protecting water and air quality. Transparent, predictable, fair and cost-effective rules for development. Taking advantage of compact building design. Historic preservation Expansion around already developed areas Encouraging community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions Shared municipal services

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Causes of Traffic Rapid population and job

growth Intensified use of automobile Failure to build new roads Desire for low density

residential development Failure to require the drivers

to pay the full marginal cost of their behaviour

Long-term causes Concentration of work trips in

time Desire to choose where to

live and work Desire for low-density

neighbourhood Preference for low-density

workplaces Desire to travel in private

vehicles Conflicts between land use

and transportation

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In CLUP, to delineate transportation network and proposed circulation pattern these must be achieved: Efficient internal and external linkages Stimulate development in identified development

areas or growth nodes Improved community access to basic social

services and facilities/infrastructures Desired impacts on service provision and influence

on development pattern of the LGU

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Guiding Criteria for Transport Planning

Assessment of the traffic, parking and other impacts the proposed use or development is likely to generate

Is the proposal appropriate for the site or the area generally?

Is the site or the proposed development layout sufficient for the provision of off-street parking?

Is the proposed scale of the use or development appropriate for the hierarchy or importance of the road in the road network?

Does the proposal generally positively satisfy the relevant Decision Guidelines?

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Important Issues on Transportations

Understanding the Importance of Road Hierarchy

Inappropriate strip development along major arterial/distributor roads

Parking policies, standards and enforcement Inefficient Public Transport


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Action Points for LTTMSP Identification and documentation of the problem Registration of all public transport operators Development of an LGU road hierarchy Identification

the condition of the road networks the VCC, MRW&SC and ATV of roads the most efficient mix of vehicle types for certain sizes regarding accessibility

needs of the resident population land-uses and activities contributing to particular types of traffic and problems traffic hot spots and their causes parking hot spots

The need for a computerized road maintenance and replacement system linked to design and annual budget allocations

Plans for comprehensive education campaign highlighting the real cost benefits of effective traffic management and compliance with regulations

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Transportation Solution at the Local Level

• Better coordination betweenb LGUS departments• Better management practices• Leadership by example• Enhanced road maintenance and maintenance systems• Adequate budgeting for road maintenance and

reconstruction• Real Enforcement• Education• Real political commitment to effective enforcement of

regulations and prosecution of lawbreakers irrespective of influence

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Action Points for LTTMSP

Enforcement Legal driving standards Off-street parking standards Actions against unlawful parking in streets and on

footpaths Actions against unlawful occupation of footpaths

and/or roads by vendors, squatters and others Regulations that penalizes developers unlawfully

occupying footpaths and roads with construction materials and vehicles

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Historic Preservation and Archeology

• Preservation - seeks to understand our human fabric as defined by the physical structures built and left by people before our time.

• Archeology - tells the story of people at a particular time or within a particular place based upon the physical ‘‘things’’ left behind.

• Preservation + Archeology = History

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Historic Preservation and Archeology

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Historic Preservation and Archeology

Historic preservation and archeology Systems Public/formal system –all levels of government that govern a

particular location Quasi-public/informal system - non-profit, organized, and often

incorporated, community associations Government involvement

Legislature Taxation Eminent Domain

Discussion of the public sector Agencies Tools Strategies

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Tools: Public Policies Master Plans are public documents that forecast and designate

appropriate land-uses, areas for conservation, and often places of historic significance over a time span, typically five, seven, ten or twenty years.

Tax Policies usually address value assessments, rate credits or penalties designed to protect or promote a particular type of resource.

Land Use planning Environmental Assessment: the process of study to determine if land

use or prospective changes will affect existing physical and natural environs of a locale. Part of this process specifically includes the examination of archeological and historic resources.

Environmental Impact: the location of a building or site adjacent to or nearby a historic site, landmark, conservation district, or historic district frequently warrants preservation assessment as a function of potential negative impact.

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Tools: Public Policies• Permits- These are issued for demolition, remodeling or new

construction. Permits frequently flag preservation resources and issues, and immediate attention is drawn to a particular land tract where existing improvements, based on the age or location of an improvement, merit further study.

• Zoning- Founded on the principle of directing land changes over time, zoning often works in conflict with preservation, as a resource once identified may introduce a land-use incompatible with the existing zone. Changing a land-use typically requires zoning review and public approval. During this process the issues of preservation and site resources are commonly broached.

• Tax Assessments- Every local jurisdiction assesses property to define land values relative to taxes due. Tax assessors field-inspect properties in support of land-value definition. Those inspections often identify potential resources for file notation. Such documentation aids in the public review and identification process.

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The Public ProcessCommunity Involvement

Neighborhood citizen groups, homeowners’ associations, tenant organizations, historical societies,

Land development professionals should be prepared in most cases to discuss the following information items:

Is the property of known importance to the heritage of our nation, state or local region?

Were there important historic events, people, etc. associated with the property? Are there any physiographic features that warrant further site study (cemeteries,

land depressions, mounds, caves, swamps, etc.)? Is the land improved with structures? Do those buildings 50 years or older have

distinctive architectural styles, building materials or structural features?

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Focus of early assessment should have two objectives:1. to identify any unique property characteristics that may

render a site unsuitable or unsafe for the intended use; and

2. to identify potential historic and archeological resources. Property Data Initial Field Survey Corroborative Research Revisit the Deed Records and Start Documentation

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• Kinds of settlements – According to size• Single Buildings to Conurbations

– According to shape • Nucleated, Linear, Dispersed

– According to function• Industrial, Market town, Ports, Seaside etc

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Rural vs Urban Demographics Land Area and Usage Population Density Transportation Network Economy

Megacities – pop>10M Rapid Urbanisation

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The Urban Poor Characteristics

commoditization (reliance on the cash economy); overcrowded living conditions (slums); environmental hazard (stemming from density and hazardous location of

settlements, and exposure to multiple pollutants); social fragmentation (lack of community and inter-household mechanisms for

social security, relative to those in rural areas); crime and violence; traffic accidents; and natural disaster

Common Problems Insufficient Incomes Inadequate Housing and Services Health Burdens

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Case Studies on Settlements Karachi

The existence of a controlling authority Design and technical support Integration of parks and open spaces Orientation of roads, their widths and the ultimate height of buildings and their relationship to each

other Slovenia

Decentralisation and recentralisation Reurbanisation and suburbanisation Deindustrialisation and relocation of production and distribution from the centres of gravity to the

periphery The periphery, near the city borders, are being urbanised

Singapore Sustainable Public Housing Environmental Sustainability Economic Sustainability Social Sustainability Abundant Green Space

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Settlements in the Philippines

• Government Offices on Housing and Settlements– HUDCC• NHA – Infrastructure and Utilities• NGC – Cash Flow Guaranty• NHMFC – Amortization support and Developmental

Financing• HLURB *Pag-IBIG – Pagtutulungan sa Kinabukasan: Ikaw,

Bangko, Industria at Gobyerno

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Settlements in the Philippines• Laws

– Presidential Decree No. 957 – Batas Pambansa 220 – Republic Act 7279

• What are the latest price ceilings? The current price ceilings as set by the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) as perMC No. 5 Series of 2007 Re: Redefinition of Loan Ceilings/Packages are as follows: Socialized housing = PHP 400,000.00 and below (per HUDCC MC No. 1, Dec. 11, 2008); Low Cost - Level 1 = above PHP 300,000.00 to PHP 1,250, 000.00 (BP 220 standard); - Level 2 = above PHP 1,250,000.00 to PHP 2,000,000.00 (PD 957 standard); Medium cost = PHP 2,000,000.00 up to PHP 4,000,000.00; Open Housing = above PHP 4,000,000.00

• Are the revised IRRs for PD 957 and BP 220 already in effect? The revised IRRs which were approved per Board Resolutions No. 699 and 700, Series of 2001 took effect last 06 May 2002. Amendments approved per Board Resolution No. 725, Series of 2002 took effect on 26 July 2002.

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Settlements in the Philippines

Under BP 220Minimum lot area Single Detached - 72 sqm for economic housing; 64 sqm for socialized housing

Duplex/Single Attached - 54 sqm for economic housing; 48 sqm for socialized housing

Rowhouse - 36 sqm for economic housing; 28 sqm for socialized housing (per BR 824, s. 2008)

Minimum floor area 22 sqm for economic housing; 18 sqm for socialized housing

Under PD 957Minimum lot area Single Detached - 120 sqm for open market; 100 sqm for medium cost

Duplex/Single Attached - 96 sqm for open market housing; 80 sqm for medium cost housing

Rowhouse - 60 sqm for open market housing; 50 sqm for medium cost housing

Minimum floor area 42 sqm for open market housing; 30 sqm for medium cost housing

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The Values and Benefits of Trees and Open Spaces

Aesthetics Space definition and articulation Screening undesirable views Complementing or softening architecture Creating a sense of unity among inharmonious buildings Providing textural and pattern variety Buffering incompatible land uses Attracting wildlife Intercepting, filtering, or blocking unwanted solar radiation Blocking undesirable wind by obstruction Directing wind flow by deflection Reducing wind velocities by filtration Moderating temperature changes (although this is more directly a

function of solar radiation interception)

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The Values and Benefits of Trees and Open Spaces

Decreasing storm water runoff directly through interception of rainfall and water uptake through the root system, as well as filtering pollutants contained in runoff from the adjacent watershed

Stabilization of soils Reducing the glare & reflection characteristically generated by the

combination of buildings &/or roadways and natural and/or artificial light Acting as noise attenuators Interacting with the particulate matter and gasses known to cause air

pollution to significantly reduce the concentrations of these pollutants Adding extra oxygen to the atmosphere Recreational opportunities (gardening, ballfields,hiking trails) Education Non-polluting transportation (bike trails) Tourism Flood protection

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The wetlands

Wetlands are known to act as chemical sinks or transformers that can improve water quality. They act as ‘‘kidneys of the landscape’’ As natural filter Reduces flooding Recharge/discharge aquifers Wildlife habitat Recreation

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Instruments for Environmental Integration

Policy instruments provide guiding principles for urban decision-makers. Information, Voluntary, Economic, Regulatory

Process instruments provide ways of doing something, steps that can be taken to reach a desired goal. Visioning, Participation

Planning instruments offer a variety of methods by which urban development plans can be developed and implemented. Environmental Profiles, SWOT Analysis, REFA, MSI, SEA

Management instruments provide tools to direct and administer urban planning decisions. EBA, EQM

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Government Agencies on Environment


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• PD1586 – EISS• RA6969 – Toxic and Hazardous Waste Act• RA8749 – Clean Air Act• RA9003 – ESWM Act• RA9275 – Clean Water Act