gcdp booklet- aiesec hyderabad


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Post on 02-Apr-2016




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AIESEC In Hyderabad 2014


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Sem Uutoni from Namibia shares his experience.....

“ I have been in Hyderabad for 2 months, came here for my AIESEC internship. During my stay here I was working on Project Conserve. This basically involved going out to places like schools and orphanages and raising environmental awareness. This I did through workshops, delivering presentations. Furthermore, strong emphasis were also put on experimen-tal learning where as I would give children activity they could part take in to

ensure that they understood what I took about.”

Project Conserve

Project Conserve is a social Initiative by AIESEC Hyderabad, so as to make the people aware about these Environmental Issues and thus make a positive impact in the society .


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Project Animelia

Joan Wanjiku from Kenya shares his experience....

“I came to AIESEC in Hyderabad India to do my GCDP internship program. I was working at an instuon of the mentally handicapped persons. Trying to teach the children the basic things like idenfying colours or even knowing their names is just an amazing experience. People in the instuon were also amazing.

Through out the internship I learn a lot especially interacng with

people from different communies and from different countries.”

Project Animelia” aims to bring awareness of animals and their well-being, promote animal welfare and educate people on animal rights in the city of Hyderabad.


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Project Footprints

Project Footprints aims at eradicang illiteracy by educang the under-privileged children and impart skills into them which will help them excel in their future.

Grace Naishoo from Kenya shares his experience....

I worked on the project named Footprints for a period of 6 months in Hyderabad. They gave me the previlage to work in a school with incredi-ble mentaly challenge persons who ranged from the ages of 6 to 45 year.I had an awesome me with them and i parcipated in alot of acvies like games,class leasons,body fitness theraphy’s and many more!Hyderabad is such an awesome place to be too,it has so many beauful sites to visit . And the Hi tech city gives you an idea of how technology is taking overthe world.Thanks to AIESEC in Hyderabad for making my GCDP internship a success.

(All year long)

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Not For Sale

Project "Not for Sale" is an iniave taken up by AIESEC in Hyderabad to make people aware of seriousness of human trafficking and the affects it has on the society.


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Project Polygot

Project Polyglot" is an iniave to develop a Mutual cultural under-standing in the youth of Hyderabad by learning various foreign Lan-guages. As it is believed that to know a language is the best way to know the culture.


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Hyderabad as a city is known for its educaon system with 350+ colleges, 60,000 students studying varied courses from engineering streams to commerce, arts and science. Each student dreams of achieving excel-lence in their own field and this is where AIESEC in Hyderabad plays the biggest role. By delivering life changing internship experiences, we help the youth of Hyderabad to gain the extra edge.

Exchange Parcipants from AIESEC in Hyderabad have always been highly sasfied with the internship program; an NPS of 50 is a tesmony to this. We believe we have created an impact in the society looking at the number of promoters through the experiences delivered and AIESEC in Hyderabad would like to connue with the good work and to take it to a higher scale.

Outgoing Global Community Development Program

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Alex Zhang

Aneeq Dholakia

Alex Zhang Says.....

“The first time Aneeq arrived at the EP house, I recognized him as a young starter in university, young and full of energy.

During the internship, he presented him-self with sufficient team-work capability and communication skills.

Meanwhile, he would always be patient and rational with almost everything.

If to say the change in Aneeq, perhaps it is from being a lile immature to being a

grown and responsible man. ”

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Shone Kung

Dishanth Mathur

Shone Kung Says.....

“When Dishant first came to Thailand, he seemed to be a kind of person who didn’t knew much about the culture in different parts of the world. By Interacting with 60 EPs from 12 Different coun-tries . Now he has more international mindset. He imNow he has more international mindset. He im-proved a lot of useful skills such as Time , crisis & budget management,organising and presentation skilss. He also started deal things more maturely , and is able to adapt to most of the basic conditions coming out of comfort zone. He encouraged the students to speak more english without feeling ashamed of not knowing . He has the potential & courage to do something

no one has ever done before . ”

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For Details [email protected]

AIESEC Hyderabad - Celebrating 27 years

The 24x7 Leadership Factory,8-2-603/ B/ 33/ A/ 9, Flat no. 302,

Road no.10, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500 034