gbh @ st petersburg florida

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  • 7/31/2019 GBH @ St Petersburg Florida


    GBH - St. Petersburg (USA), State Theater, (27/07/05)

    GBH. The name sounds like an illegal steroid used by athletes or the acronym for some government

    office. The truth is GBH is a punk rocks best-kept secrets. GBH doesnt get the recognition like other

    Second Wave punk bands such as Sham 69 or The Anti-Nowhere League. However after seeing them in

    concert, my only question is how you could keep this band a secret for so long.

    The venue, the State Theater is located in downtown St. Petersburg, FL. This is an area that tourists

    never see and locals often avoid. However, this former movie theater turned punk/alternative venue

    was perfect for GBH and their fans. For those of you in the UK, the State is less than a two-hour drive

    from Orlando, and just across the bay from Tampa. So if you want to have a "Holiday in the Sun" and see

    your favorite band, this might be a destination to consider (especially with the advantageous currency


    It was an All Ages show, so the crowd was a bit young. With school starting in less than two weeks, for

    many of these kids it was the last blast of the summer and a chance for one final go at it in the mosh pit.

    There were also some older (21 y/o and up) people like myself in attendance as well. This made for a

    good mix of ages. The theater also had a well stocked bar, with mixed drinks, wine and beer, so those

    adults who wished to imbibe could do so.

    GBH had the crowd in the palm of their hands from the opening note. The surge from the mosh pit

    alone was enough to alert a deaf person that this was a band to be reckoned with. I took a couple steps

    back, even though I was behind a barrier that was set in concrete. For the next ninety minutes or so,

    GBH gave a clinic on showmanship and music to the younger crowd, as how to age gracefully as a punk

    to the older folks (myself included!) in the house. This didnt seem like a band that was on playing the

    last night of their tour, but rather it seemed like they could go another couple of months.

    Lead singer Colin Abrahall took charge on stage, bantering with the yobs (telling one of them, "Theres

    no future in rap music!") without inciting a riot. Instead of being irritated, Colin seemed to almostwelcome the back talk with a true English punk sense of humor. He teased the St. Petersburg crowd ala

    Spinal Tap by saying "Hello, Ft. Lauderdale". Even when there were stoppages for "the call of nature";

    Colin kept the crowd on its toes.

  • 7/31/2019 GBH @ St Petersburg Florida


    Speaking of the crowd, GBH was one of the most crowd friendly punk bands I have ever seen. Though

    not encouraged, no effort was made to stop the constant stage diving. In fact there were several people

    who made so many dives that they could have been considered band members because of their time on

    stage. At one point, a male kilt-wearing member of the audience was brought on stage by the band in

    honor of GBHs lead guitarist Jock Blythe and his Scottish roots.

    The highlight of the show was when GBH played two of their biggest hits, "City Baby Attacked by Rats"

    and "No Survivors". Rather than playing the songs by rote, GBH extending the songs and gave them a

    new life all of their own.

    They finished the night with a cover of The Clashs "White Riot" with members of The God Awfuls, their

    supporting act for the tour, joining them on stage for the backing vocals. Colin made every effort to

    thank The God Awfuls and give them props for their performance on tour. This action is a bit of dying artform; i.e., headliners treating their opening band with respect. Its a shame its not done more often.

    While Im on the subject of gratitude, I would also like to thank GBHs Tour Manager, John Fletcher and

    Chris Bade, who handled publicity on this tour for all of their help with obtaining an interview with the

    band and giving me the opportunity to see GBH live.

    So the next time GBH comes to town, go out and see them live. Its time to let out the secret.

    Reviewed by Robert Shuster (Retrograde Radio)