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1 GASPA Latest on GACE Anne Marie Fenton [email protected] May 31, 2013

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GASPA Latest on GACE

Anne Marie Fenton [email protected]

May 31, 2013



When will information on the new program be available?

• Informational Website and Call Center Support

– July 1, 2013 –

• Registration Opens

– August 2013

• Testing Begins

– October 2013


How will the new program be developed?

• Customized Program by Georgia Educators

• Content Development Committee Meetings

• Bias Review Committee Meetings

• Standard Setting Panel Meetings

– German, Latin, ASL are shortage areas

– To help:

• Assessment Advisory Panel


Will the test design change?

• The current two tests per assessment area format will be maintained

• All tests will be offered via computer only, except for the performance portion of American Sign Language

• Innovative item types, such as video stimuli, requiring higher levels of thinking will be incorporated into the tests

• Most tests will contain multiple-choice items only


Which tests will keep constructed response items?

• Constructed-response items will be retained for those tests requiring them to adequately measure the constructs being assessed – American Sign Language

– Basic Skills Writing

– Early Childhood Education

– English

– French

– German

– Middle Grades Language Arts

– Spanish

– Latin


Will the Certification Upgrade assessments and Educational Leadership assessment differ from other content GACE assessments?

• Special Test Design with more CR items

– Instructional Technology

– Curriculum and Instruction

– Educational Leadership

• Performance Based

– Teacher Leadership


How will the test availability differ?

• Maximum Potential Testing Sessions (all tests) - ETS = 18,668

• Maximum Potential Testing Sessions (all tests) - ES = 3,555


Where are the test sites?

•ETS is in the process of setting up additional computer-delivered testing centers across Georgia so that candidates are able to test within 50 miles of their program provider.

•ETS is seeking Certified Test Administration Sites (CTAS).

•Information is available at If you have questions about the requirements or the process, please send an email to the attention of Heather Mercantini at [email protected].


Will study materials be available?

• Candidates will have access to numerous forms of test preparation materials, including

– Study Companions

– Interactive Practice Tests

– Full-length Practice Tests

– Test Familiarization Videos

– Webinars


What are features of customer service and candidate support?

• Customer Service

– A dedicated GACE Customer Service Team

• A dedicated toll-free number

• Interactive voice response (IVR) system for select self-serve transactions

• Live chat

• Hours of operation from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time

• Easy transfers to GaPSC Customer Service for a seamless call center experience


Why is registering at MyPSC important for the GACE?

– All examinees must have a MyPSC account in order to register for a GACE.

– The examinee’s name in MyPSC must match exactly as it appears on the photo ID that will be used when seeking admission to the test center to take a GACE assessment. If not, the examinee will not be admitted.


Why is GaPSC implementing the eligibility/approval to test system??

– So that program providers have control over when examinees test and what tests they take

– Reports show that many examinees are testing before they receive adequate preparation

– They are also testing in subject areas for which they are not being prepared


Do LEAs or their educators need to do anything with/about the new Eligibility

System? • GaPSC-certified educators who are seeking to

add a field or to convert to a clear renewable certificate will be granted (by GaPSC) “automatic” eligibility to take certain tests.

• Non GaPSC-certified individuals testing to meet Special GA Requirements and those testing to meet admission requirements for Post-bac or Certification only, or testing to meet MAT or GaTAPP admission requirements will also be granted “automatic” eligibility to take certain tests.


What is the Last Time to Test with ES?

The August 2013 GACE administration is the final opportunity to pass a GACE assessment with the current supplier, ES, to count for certification (see exceptions below):

• New information! ES will continue to offer the

Paraprofessional assessment through September 30, 2013. The GaPSC will accept passing scores on the GACE Paraprofessional assessment that are dated on or before September 30, 2013.

• ES will continue to offer the Educational Leadership assessment and the Professional Pedagogy assessment, which will remain with ES until spring 2014.


What happens if an examinee does not pass the full assessment by the final testing date with ES?

If an examinee does not have passing scores on all tests within an assessment by the last administration of the GACE program with ES (August 2013), the examinee must take all tests within an assessment with the new supplier, ETS, even if a portion of the assessment was previously passed.

You will retain credit for any GACE assessment you have already passed (all parts of the assessment must be passed to retain credit).


Why can’t the GaPSC accept partial tests from different suppliers?

• Because scores from tests offered by different test suppliers are not comparable, passing scores on tests within an assessment cannot be split between the two suppliers. Examinees must pass all parts of an assessment with the same testing supplier for that assessment to count toward certification. For example, an examinee cannot pass Early Childhood Education Test 1 with ES and Early Childhood Education Test 2 with ETS to get credit for completing the Early Childhood GACE assessment.

• Both testing suppliers strongly agreed this is not psychometrically possible; there must be a start and stop

• Assessment pass rates are required by Federal law (Title II, not II-A) and inform accreditation, program approval decisions

• No way to combine these data


What are the remaining test dates with the current program with ES?

– June 15, 2013

– July 13, 2013 – supplemental administration

– August 17, 2013 – supplemental administration

– The GACE Paraprofessional will be offered at multiple locations, including some school districts and RESAs, up through September 30, 2013. Please refer to the for test site information.


Any Remaining Questions


edTPA Update


edTPA • The edTPA is a subject-specific performance

assessment administered during a candidate’s student teaching.

• It has been designed to be predictive of effective teaching and student learning and requires the candidate to integrate the three critical teaching tasks of planning, instruction, and assessment to impact student learning.

• The assessment, developed by Stanford University, has been field tested in over 25 states, including 8 IHEs in Georgia. This spring a large number of our private and public IHEs are piloting it with some of their programs.



•Induction Certificate

•Link to Individualized Induction Plan

•Collaboration: IHE/LEA

•Component of PPEM •Accountability •Inform Programs


edTPA – Projected Timeline

•Spring 2013-Fall 2013 Finalize policy incorporating edTPA

•2012-13 Introductory/Exploratory year for providers •2013-14 Exploratory/Scaling Up year for providers

•2014-15 Partial Implementation (each provider implements edTPA with a subset/all of programs, but not consequential yet)

•2015-16 Full Implementation (each provider implements edTPA for all programs, consequential)


Thank you GASPA!

Anne Marie Fenton [email protected]


Thank You!