gary b. herrigel - political science · 2020. 7. 30. · 2006 grant from the joyce foundation to...

1 GARY B. HERRIGEL Professor of Political Science and the College Department of Political Science University of Chicago 5828 S. University Ave Chicago, IL 60637 Tel.: 773-702-8067 email: [email protected] DATE OF BIRTH: November 8, 1957 CITIZENSHIP: US BIRTHPLACE: Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA EMPLOYMENT: Full Professor of Political Science and the College, University of Chicago Full Professor: June 2010- Associate Professor with Tenure: December 1995-June 2010 Assistant Professor: September 1989-December 1995 Visiting Professor, Department of Business & Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen , Denmark, December 2012 Visiting Professor of Sociology, Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, Germany, April 1999-September 1999 HONORARY APPOINTMENTS Visiting Professor, Institut für Soziologie, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, 2013- EDUCATION: 1981/90 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D. in Political Science and Program in Science Technology and Society, February 1990 1984/86 J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany; Visiting Fulbright Scholar

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Page 1: GARY B. HERRIGEL - Political Science · 2020. 7. 30. · 2006 Grant from the Joyce Foundation to perform a Benchmarking Analysis on the Chicago Community College System’s relationship



Professor of Political Science and the College Department of Political Science

University of Chicago 5828 S. University Ave

Chicago, IL 60637 Tel.: 773-702-8067

email: [email protected]

DATE OF BIRTH: November 8, 1957



Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA EMPLOYMENT:

Full Professor of Political Science and the College, University of Chicago

Full Professor: June 2010- Associate Professor with Tenure: December 1995-June 2010 Assistant Professor: September 1989-December 1995

Visiting Professor, Department of Business & Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen , Denmark, December 2012 Visiting Professor of Sociology, Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, Germany, April 1999-September 1999

HONORARY APPOINTMENTS Visiting Professor, Institut für Soziologie, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, 2013-

EDUCATION: 1981/90 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D. in Political Science and Program in Science Technology and Society, February 1990 1984/86 J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany; Visiting Fulbright Scholar

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1978/80 Wesleyan University, Middletown, Ct.; B.A. in European Intellectual History 1976/77 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


2013 Grant from Citibank and Columbia Law School to study the intersection of continuous improvement processes and experimentalist regulatory practices in the Norwegian North Sea Oil Industry, with Charles Sabel of the Columbia University Law School 2012 Grant from the Confucius Institute at the University of Chicago to study US Manufacturing Multinational Strategies in China, 2012-2013 2012 Visiting Scholar, Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark December 2012 Grant from the Danish Ministry of Technology and Innovation to fund a follow-on international conference: Industrial Co-Development: Comparing MNC manufacturing strategies in China and their recursive effects on home country production, to be held at the Copenhagen Business School, September 2012 2011 University of Chicago Beijing Center grant to fund an international conference: Industrial Co-Development: Comparing MNC manufacturing strategies in China and their recursive effects on home country production, held at the Beijing Center, July 13-16 2011 2009 Hans Böckler Stiftung Research Grant to study the restructuring of supply chains in traditional manufacturing industries and regions in Germany, in particular the Automobile and Machinery sectors. Emphasis will be on understanding the division of labor between production inside of Germany and production outside of Germany. We are interested in the particular way that the relations between production sites are governed and negotiated between firms, unions and regions. This is a collaboration with the SOFI Institut in Göttingen. It will run for three years 2008 Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Research Grant to analyze the governance structure of collaborative contracts in manufacturing supply chains. Grant is a collaboration between the Global Components Project and the Columbia Law School

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2006 Sloan Foundation Research Grant to study the logic of transnational supply chains in traditional manufacturing industries in The US and Europe. Grant awarded jointly with members of the Global Components Project, a research consortium of scholars from the University of Wisconsin, Columbia, MIT, Georg August Universität Göttingen and the Copenhagen Business School 2006 Grant from the Joyce Foundation to perform a Benchmarking Analysis on the Chicago Community College System’s relationship to local manufacturing, in collaboration with the Midwest Center for Community and Labor Research 2003-2004 Sloan Industry Center Fellowship in residence at the Industrial Performance Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA 2003-2004 Sloan Foundation Research Grant for the study of workplace organization and performance in small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises in Unionized and Non-unionized sectors in the United States. Grant to the Advanced manufacturing Project (AMP) and the AFL-CIO’s Working for America Institute 2002 Llewellyn John and Harriet Manchester Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Chicago 2001 Alfred P Sloan Foundation grant for research on the restructuring of sub contracting networks and the consequences of that for the competitive conditions for component manufacturers in the Great Lakes Region. Grant awarded jointly to the members of the Advanced Manufacturing Project (AMP) a research consortium of scholars from the University of Wisconsin, The University of Chicago, Case Western Reserve University and the Michigan Manufacturing Institute in Ann Arbor. 2000 TransCoop Grant from the German American Exchange Council for a three year collaborative research project on multinationals and regions in Germany and the United States. With Volker Wittke of the SOFI Institute in Göttingen 1999 Visiting Professor, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Department of Sociology, April-September 1998 University of Chicago, Division of Social Sciences Deans Research Award for travel from Paris to Germany to visit steel industry archives 1996 Visiting Scholar at the Max Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Cologne, Germany, four month stipend

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1993-96 University of Chicago, Division of the Social Sciences Deans Research Award for preliminary research on “Constituting the Boundaries of the Corporate Economy in Germany and the United States at the Beginning of the 20th century” 1994-95 Research Grant from the Center For European Studies, Harvard University for the study of Industrial Adjustment and Industrial Policy in the New Germany, with Charles F. Sabel 1992 Daniel Lerner Prize for the best dissertation in the MIT Political Science Department 1990/91 1991/92 German Marshall Fund Research Fellowship 1990 University of Chicago, Social Sciences Division Research Award for research in Germany, June to October 1990 1987/88 Ford Foundation Fellowship in Western Security and European Society; Center For International Affairs, Harvard University 1984/86 Social Science Research Council, Program on Western Europe, Dissertation Fellowship 1984/85 Fulbright-Hays Scholarship Award; J.W.Goethe Universität, Frankfurt/Main



Globale Qualitätsproduktion und Globales Deutschland: MNCs, Rekursivität und Lokale Standort Wandlung, forthcoming 2014, co-authored with Volker Wittke and Ulrich Voskamp Manufacturing Possibilities: Creative Action and Industrial Recomposition in the US, Germany and Japan, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010)

Industrial Constructions: The Sources of German Industrial Power (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996) Paperback: 2000

Edited Book

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Americanization and its Limits: Reworking US Technology and Management in Postwar Europe and Japan, co-edited with Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Wisconsin (Oxford University Press, 2000) Paperback 2002

Journal Special Issue

New directions in the historiography of corporate governance: Lessons for business historians, in Enterprise and Society, Volume 8, Number 3, September 2007

Published Articles

2014 “Globalization and the German Production Model” forthcoming in a special issue of Journal for Labour Market Research, 2014 2014 Contribution to the Boston Review Forum: "How Finance Gutted Manufacturing" April 1, 2014. 2013 “Recent Trends in Manufacturing Globalization and Their Effects on the Distribution of R&D, Design, and Production within US, German and Japanese Automobile, Electro-Mechanical, Machinery and related Component MNCs”, Report to the European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation Directorate C: Research and Innovation Unit C2: Relations with the Stakeholders. Paris, February 25, 2013 2013 “Flexible Spezialisierung” in Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen and Heiner Minssen, Hrsg, Lexikon der Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie (Berlin: Edition Sigma) 2013 “The Process of Chinese Manufacturing Upgrading: Learning in Supply Chains and Through the Dynamics of FDI” in the special issue: Strategic Modularity and the Architecture of the Multinational Firm in the Global Strategy Journal, 3: 109–125 (2013) co-authored with Volker Wittke and Ulrich Voskamp 2013 “Governance Architectures for Learning and Self-Recomposition in Chinese Industrial Upgrading ” in Gerald Berk, Dennis Galvan and Victoria Hattam, eds, Political Creativity: The Mangle of Institutional Order, Agency and Change (University of Pennsylvania Press—forthcoming) co-authored with Volker Wittke and Ulrich Voskamp 2012 “Looking for creative experiments as a research strategy. Review of Peer Hull Kristensen and Kari Lilja (eds), Nordic Capitalisms and Globalization: New Forms of Economic Organization

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and Welfare Institutions, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011” in Socio-Economic Review 2012; doi: 10.1093/ser/mws004” 2012 “Sociability and Market Making: A Response to LiPuma and Lee” in Special Issue: Perspectives on the Global Crisis, Moishe Postone, Special Issue Editor, South Atlantic Quarterly , Spring (2012) 111(2): 317-320; doi:10.1215/00382876-1548230 2010 “Alternatives to Varieties of Capitalism. . Business History Review, Winter2010, Vol. 84 Issue 4, p667-674, 8p (with Jonathan Zeitlin) 2009 “Inter-firm relations in global manufacturing: Disintegrated production and its globalization” in Glenn Morgan, Richard Whitley, Peer Hull Kristensen, eds., Oxford Handbook on Comparative Institutional Analysis (Oxford University Press)—co-authored with Jonathan Zeitlin 2008 “Flexibility and Formalization: Rethinking Space and Governance in Corporations and Manufacturing Regions” in Katharina Bluhm and Rudi Schmidt (eds.), Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and New European Capitalism. Persistence and Change.. (Palgrave) 2008 “Roles and Rules: Ambiguity, Experimentation and New Forms of Stakeholderism in Germany” in Industrielle Beziehungen, Jahrgang 15, Heft 2, 2008, pp 111-132 2007 “Corporate Governance: History without Historians” in Geoffrey Jones and Jonathan Zeitlin, eds. Oxford Handbook of Business History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007) 2007 “Guest Editor’s Introduction: A New Wave in the History of Corporate Governance” in Enterprise and Society, Volume 8, Number 3, September 2007, pages 475-488 2006 “Globalization and the “Societal Effect’: Thoughts on Arndt Sorge’s The Global and the Local”, in Socioeconomic Review, Volume 4, Issue 4, 2006 2005 “Institutionalists at the Limits of Institutionalism: A Critique of Two Books on Germany and Japan” In Special Symposium on ‘Non-Liberal Capitalism’ in the Socioeconomic Review, Volume 3, number 3, 2005 2005 “Varieties of Vertical Disintegration: The Global Trend Toward Heterogeneous Supply Relations and the Reproduction of Difference in US and German Manufacturing” in Glenn Morgan, Eli

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Moen, and Richard Whitley, eds, Changing Capitalisms: Internationalisation, Institutional Change and Systems of Economic Organization (Oxford UP) 2004 “Space and Governance in New Old Economy Manufacturing Industries” In Secons Discussion Forum, 2004 “Emerging Strategies and Forms of Governance in the Components Industry in High Wage Regions” in Industry and Innovation, 1191-2) (Mar-June): 45-79 2003 “Large Firms and Regions: New Forms of Engagements” in Bavarian American Academy, ed, Cultures of Economy/Economics of Cultures, 2003 “Veränderungen der Arbeitsstrukturen und ihre Konsequenzen für Qualifikationen und Kompetenzen” in Frank Achtenhagen and Ernst G. John, Hrsg, Meilensteine der beruflichen Bildung. Band 3: Politische Perspektiven beruflicher Bildung, (Bielefeld: Bertelsman Verlag GmbH & Co, 2003) pages 201-211 2002 “Grossunternehmen und Regionen: Neue Formen des Engagements” in Ulrich Mückenberger and Marcus Menzel, (Hrsg, Der Global Player und das Territorium, (Opladen: Leske & Buderich, 2002) pages 226-239 2000 “Social Theory and the Transformation of Capitalism in the 20th Century” in International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Spring 2000 “Large Firms and Industrial Districts in Europe: De-regionalization, Re-Regionalization and the Transformation of Manufacturing Flexibility” in John Dunning, ed., Regions, Globalization and the Knowledge Based Economy, (Oxford University Press) (Paperback 2002) 2000 “American Occupation, Market Order and Democracy: The Case of the Steel Industry in Occupied Japan and Germany” in Zeitlin and Herrigel, eds. Americanization and its Limits: Responses to US Technology and Management in Postwar Europe and Japan, (Oxford University Press) 1999 “Governance of Small and Medium Sized Firm Manufacturing in Germany: Transformation of the Machine Tool Industry in the 20th century” in Enterprises et Historie, Juin, 1999, N.21 pages 59-70

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1999 “Craft Production in Crisis: Industrial Restructuring in Germany during the 1990s” in Pepper Culpepper and David Finegold, eds., Restructuring Vocational Training in Germany: Comparative perspectives, (Providence: Berghahn Books)—with Charles F Sabel (paperback 2002) 1998 “Craft Production in Crisis: Industrial Restructuring in Germany during the 1990s” in Lee-Jay Cho and Yoon Hyung Kim, eds, Hedging Bets on Growth in a Globalizing Industrial Order. Lessons for the Asian NIEs, (Seoul: Korean Development Institute Press, 1998) pages 225-250—with Charles F Sabel 1997 “The Limits of German Manufacturing Flexibility” in Lowell Turner, ed., The Political Economy of Unified Germany: Reform and Resurgence or Another Model in Decline?, (Ithaca: ILR-Cornell University Press, 1997) 1996 “Crisis in German Decentralized Production: Unexpected Rigidity and the Challenge of an Alternative Form of Flexible Organization in Baden Württemberg” in European Urban and Regional Research 1996 3 (1) pages 33-52 1995 “Crisis in Craft Production: Industrial Adjustment in Germany during the 1990s” in Y.H. Kim and Lee Jay Cho, eds. Globalization and Regionalization: Implications and Options for the Asian NIEs, (Honolulu, HI: East-West Center--Conference protocol) with Charles F. Sabel, pages 263-282 1994 "Industry as a Form of Order: A Comparison of the Historical Development of the Machine Tool Industries in the United States and Germany" in Wolfgang Streeck, Phillippe Schmitter and J. Rogers Hollingsworth, eds., Comparing Capitalist Economies: Variation in the Governance of Sectors, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994) 1993 "Identity and Institutions: The Social Construction of Trade Unions in the United States and Germany in the Nineteenth Century" in Studies in American Political Development, fall 1993, 371-394; 1993 "Large Firms, Small Firms and the Governance of Flexible Specialization: Baden Württemberg and the Socialization of

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Risk" in Bruce Kogut, ed., Country Competitiveness: Technology and the Organizing of Work, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993) 1993 "Power and the redefinition of industrial districts: The Case of Baden Württemberg" in Gernot Grabher, ed., The Embedded Firm, (London: Routledge, 1993), pages 227-252 1991 "Industrial Order in the Machine Tool Industry: A Comparison of the United States and Germany" in Eckart Hildebrandt, Hg., Betriebliche Sozialverfassung unter Veränderungsdruck. Konzepte, Varianten, Entwicklungstendenzen, (Berlin: edition sigma, 1991) pages 232-276 1991 "Kooperative Produktion. Neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Endfertigern und Zulieferern in der Automobilindustrie und die Neuordnung der Firma" in H.G. Mendius & U. Wendling-Schroeder, Hg., Zulieferer im Netz - Zwischen Abhängigkeit und Partnerschaft, (Köln: Bund Verlag, 1991), pages 203-227; with Charles Sabel and Horst Kern 1991 "Regional Prosperities Compared: Massachusetts and Baden Württemberg" in Ulrich Hilpert, ed., Regional Innovation and Decentralization. High Tech Industry and Government Policy, (London: Routledge, 1991) pages 177-195, with Charles Sabel, Richard Kazis and Richard Deeg. Note, though this has the title from the 1989 Economy and Society article it is a reprint of 1987 Technology Review article "Keeping Mature Industries Innovative". 1989 "Regional Prosperities Compared: Baden Württemberg and Massachusetts in the 1980s" in Economy and Society, Volume 18, Number 4, 1989, coauthor with Charles Sabel, Richard Deeg and Richard Kazis 1989 "Industrial Order and the Politics of Industrial Change: Mechanical Engineering" in Peter Katzenstein, ed.: Industrial and Political Change in West Germany, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989) 1987 "Tripping on Our Own Success: Losing a Market to a High Wage Nation" in New York Times, Sunday Business Section, June 14, 1987; Section 3, page 2.; coauthor with Charles F. Sabel

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1987 "Keeping Mature Industries Innovative" in Technology Review, vol.90, No. 3, April 1987, p. 26-36; coauthor with Charles F. Sabel, Richard Kazis and Richard Deeg


2014 “Global Quality Manufacturing and Global Germany: MNCs, Recursivity and the Home Economy” invited lecture at the Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, June 4, 2014 2014 “Roundtable on Pragmatism and Political Science” at the WPSA, Seattle, Washington, April 19, 2014 2014 “Experimentalism and Upgrading in China” paper delivered to the workshop on Rebalancing the Chinese Political Economy a the East West Center, Honoloulu, Hawaii, April 7, 2014 2013 “Experimentalism, Recursivity and Learning in MNCs” paper delivered to a workshop on Deutungsmustern und Top-Managers, Department of Sociology, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany, December 10, 2013 2013 “Rountable on Lyn Spillman’s Solidarity in Strategy: Making Business Meaningful in American Trade Associations” SSHA, Chicago Illinois, November 22, 2013 2013 “Global Quality Manufacturing: German MNCs as Formally Recursive Learning Organizations” paper delivered to the Neubauer Colloquium Group on Comparative Economies, University of Chicago, November 21, 2013 2013 “Experimentalist Governance and MNCs” paper delivered at the Global Experimentalist Governance Workshop at the Watson Center for International Affairs, Brown University , November 14-16, 2013 2013 “Experimentalist Governance, MNCs and Upgrading” paper delivered at the Workshop on Experimentalist Governance, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 1, 2013 2013 “Global Quality Manufacturing and Global Germany” invited lecture at the Watson Center for International Affairs, Brown University, October 18, 2013 2013 “Competence Recomposition in Global Automobile Production: Changing European and North American Auto MNC Global Strategies, Recursivity and the Home Economy”, Presentation at i4G and OECD Workshop: Global value chains, global innovation networks and economic performance Paris, France, September 9, 2013

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2013 “Global Quality Manufacturing and Global Germany: MNCs, Recursivity and the Home Economy “ presentation at the Gr:een Multipolar Learning Conference, Copenhagen Business School, August 22, 2013 2013 “Roundtable on Richard Whitley and Glenn Morgan, ed Capitalisms and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century (Oxford University Press, 2013)” at the Annual SASE Meeting in Milan Italy, June 25-27, 2013 2013 “Roundtable on Anti-dualist Institutionalism” at the at the Annual SASE Meeting in Milan Italy, June 25-27, 2013 2013 “Learning, Corporate Production Systems, and the Recomposition of Relations between Center and Subsidiary in MNCs” paper delivered at the Annual SASE Meeting in Milan Italy, June 25-27, 2013 2013 “Recursive Globalization Dynamics in Manufacturing and their Consequences for Home Locations: Some German Examples” paper delivered at the Annual SASE Meeting in Milan Italy, June 25-27, 2013 2013 “Competence Recomposition in Global Automobile Production: Changing European and North American Auto MNC Global Strategies, Recursivity and the Home Economy” Plenary Talk, Gerpisa Annual Conference, Paris, France, June 13, 2013 2012 “Global quality manufacturing and global Germany: MNCs, recursivity and the home economy” paper delivered to Faculty Workshop, Osteuropa-Institut & Institut für Soziologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin Germany December 18, 2012 2012 “Global quality manufacturing and global Germany: MNCs, recursivity and the home economy” paper delivered to the Faculty Workshop, Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany December 11, 2012

2012 “Changing MNC strategies in China and their consequences for home country production and industrial policy” paper delivered to the joint MPS/LIEPP workshop at Sciences Po, Paris, France, December 3, 2012 2012 “Manufacturing Globalization and Alternative Governance Forms: The role of Corporate Production Systems” at the GR:EEN Conference on Alternative Forms of Transnational Governance, Warwick University, Warwick, UK, November 7-10, 2012 2012 “Manufacturing Possibilities: Creative Action in Industrial Life” paper delivered at the Pragmatism and Social Science Conference sponsored by the Johns Hopkins University Department of Political Science, October 4, 2012

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2012 “Changing MNC strategies in China and their consequences for home country production and industrial policy” paper presented at the Second Industrial Co-development Conference, Copenhagen Business School, September 24, 2012 2012 “Governance Architectures for Learning and Self-Recomposition in Chinese Industrial Upgrading” presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-economics, June 25, 2012 2012 “Learning and Development: A pragmatic view of Chinese industrial upgrading” invited lecture, Johns Hopkins University Department of Political Science, April, 2012 2012 “Mutually Beneficial Upgrading? China's Changing Relationship With Developed Country Manufacturing Multinationals” talked delivered to the East Asian Studies Workshop, University of Chicago, January 2011 “Changing MNC strategies in China and their consequences for home country production and industrial policy” presentation at the "Reinventing the Industrial Heartland: Supply-Chain Sustainability and the New Automotive Industry." American Council on Germany and the LaFollette School of Public Policy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 6, 2011 2011 “The evolution of advanced political economies since World War II and the problem with institutionalism. An effort to think outside of the box” lecture delivered at the workshop “Perspectives on Business and Politics: The Politics of Making Markets” December 5-9, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen Denmark 2011 “Mutually Beneficial Upgrading? China's Changing Relationship With Developed Country Manufacturing Multinationals” paper delivered at the conference: Industrial Co-Development: Comparing MNC manufacturing strategies in China and their recursive effects on home country production, held at the University of Chicago Beijing Center, June 13-16, 2011 2011 “New Forms of Industrial Policy in Developing Economies and their Implications for Developed Country Manufacturing Strategies” talk delivered at the SASE annual meeting, Madrid, Spain, June 23, 2011 2011 Author Meets Critics Symposium on Manufacturing Possibilities. Creative action and industrial recomposition in the US, Germany and Japan (Oxford University Press, 2010) at the SASE annual meeting, Madrid, Spain, June 23, 2011

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2011 “Mutually Beneficial Upgrading: Germany and China” report to the Globale Komponenten Beirat, Hans Boeckler Stiftung, Duesseldorf, Germany, March 25, 2011 2011 “Globalization and the German Automobile Industry” invited lecture for Groupe de’Etude et de Recherche Permanent sur l’Industrie et les Salaries de l’Automobile (Gerpisa), Paris, France, March 18, 2011 2010 “Recovering Possibility in the Midst of Neo-Liberal Financialisation” comment on the panel “Financialisation and the Financial Crisis” at the Conference on Global Capitalism/Global Crisis at the University of Chicago, December 6, 2010 2010 “Pragmatism, creative action and the study of industrial change in advanced political economies” paper delivered at the Social Science History Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 18, 2010 2010 “Mutually Beneficial Upgrading? China's Changing Relationship With Developed Country Manufacturing Multinationals” paper deliverd to the Beijing Forum, Beijing, China, November 6, 2010

2010 “Adam Smith, The Division of Labor and the Governance of Production” presentation to the Midwest Faculty Seminar Symposium on Adam Smith, University of Chicago, October 2010 2010 “The Diffusion of New Pragmatic Disciplines in Global Manufacturing” paper delivered at the Society for Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, USA June 24-26, 2010 (with Jonathan Zeitlin) 2010 “Manufacturing Possibilities. Creative Action and Industrial Recomposition in the US, Germany and Japan” invited talk to the Joint Political Science/Sociology Workshop on Historical Institutionalism, Northwestern University, January 2010

2009 “Roundtable comment on Margaret Somers, Genealogies of Citizenship: Markets, Statelessness, and the Right to have Rights. Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, Long Beach California, October

2009 “Regional manufacturing competitiveness in the age of Globalization” paper presented to the concluding meeting of the European Union funded multinational project: “Transnational learning through local experimenting (Translearn)” March 18-19, 2009, Sannäs Manor, Porvoo, Finland 2009 “Regional manufacturing competitiveness in the age of Globalization” paper presented at the Harvard Business School Annual Conference on International Business Studies, Boston MA May 28-30, 2009

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2008 “What is the new global division of labor in manufacturing and how are high wage regions participating in it?” paper delivered at the Annual Industry Studies Conference, sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Boston, MA, May 6-8, 2008 2008 “Corporate Governance, Heterogeneity and the Character of System Recomposition” paper delivered at the special workshop on Corporate Governance, Institute for Labor Relations, University of California, Berkeley, California, March 14-15, 2008 2008 “ Roundtable on Suzanne Berger’s “How We Compete” Annual Conference of Europeanists, Chicago Il, March 7,2008 2008 “Left for Dead? Recomposition of the Steel industry in Germany, Japan and the United States since 1974” invited lecture, Harvard Business School International Business Seminar, Cambridge MA, January 21, 2008 2007 “Roles and Rules: Ambiguity, Experimentation and New Forms of Stakeholderism in Germany” paper delivered at the Chicago Graduate School of Business Conference on Social Change and Institutions, Gleacher Center, Chicago, November 9-10, 2007 2007 “Roles and Rules: Ambiguity, Experimentation and New Forms of Stakeholderism in Germany” panel on Constructivism and Institutionalism at the APSA annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 30, 2007 2007 “Inter-firm relations: Supply chains, networks and districts” paper delivered at the Annual Conference of the Society for Socio-economics, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2007 2007 “Germany and Globalization” paper delivered at the Sloan Foundation’s Annual Industry Studies Conference, Cambridge, MA, April 26, 2007 2007 “Constructivism, Money and the Study of Business: Remarks on Rawi Abdelal’s Capital Rules” delivered at the Harvard Business Schools Annual International Business Research Conference, April 4, 2007 2006 “Rules and Rule breaking in the process of institutional reform”, invited talk delivered at the WIDER workshop a the Sloan School of Business, MIT, November 2006 2006 “Rules and Rule breaking in the process of institutional reform” invited paper delivered at the Deutsche Soziologentag, Kassel, Germany October 10, 2006

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2006 “Flexibility and Formalization: New Forms of Governance in Firms and Regions” paper delivered at the Conference “Globalization and the experience of Small and Medium Sized Firms in Europe” University of Jena, Jena Germany, September 28-30, 2006 2006 “Corporate Governance: History without Historians” invited paper delivered at the Conference “History of Stock Markets” held at the University of Tokyo, July 28-29, 2006 2006 “Rule breaking as a process of reform: Change experiments within the German political economy” paper presented at the workshop Innovation and Adaptation: What Does It Take For Wealthy Countries To Sustain Growth? Held at the Berkeley Roundtable on International Economics, University of California Berkeley, April 28-29, 2006 2006 “Corporate Governance, history and the problems of comparison” paper delivered on plenary panel: Political Power and Corporate Control at the Council For Europeanists Bi-Annual Meeting, Chicago Illinois, April 1, 2006 2006 “Rethinking Governance within Regions and Corporations” invited paper at Workshop on Organizations and Markets, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, March 7, 2006 2005 “Space and Governance in the New Old Economy” delivered at the annual SASE Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 28-July 3, 2005 2004 “The Steel Industry in the Golden Age” paper delivered at a conference on “Entrepreneurship and Governance” at the University of Nijmegen, Nijmegan, The Netherlands, October 2004 2004 “Institutionalists at the limits of Institutionalism” roundtable comment on two edited volumes by Wolfgang Streeck and Kozo Yamamura at the Bi-annual Conference of Europeanists, Chicago Il, March 2004 2004 “Varieties of Vertical Disintegration” paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Sloan Foundation Industry Center Program, Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, GA, March 2004 2004 “Industrial Regeneration in the USA, Germany and Japan” paper delivered at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, March 2004 2004 “Varieties of Vertical Disintegration” paper delivered at MIT Sloan School of Management, February 2004 2003 “Varieties of Vertical Disintegration” paper delivered at the Workshop on National Business Systems in the New Global Context, Asker, Norway, May 2003

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2003 “The New Old Economy in Chicago” talk delivered at the Chicago Manufacturing Summit, Hilton Towers, Chicago Illinois, May 2003 2002 “Emerging Strategies and Forms of Governance in High Wage Regions” invited paper given to the Management Theory Seminar, Department of Management, Wharton School of Business, Philadelphia PA, October 2002 2002 “Emerging Strategies and Forms of Governance in the Manufacturing Components Industry in High Wage Regions” paper delivered to the Advanced Manufacturing Project Conference “Supply Chain Governance and Regional Development in the Global Economy” September 9-10, Madison Wisconsin 2002 “Varieties of Economic Regeneration: Steel in Germany, Japan and the US since the 1970s” paper to be presented at the workshop “Constructing Markets and Firms” in Stockholm, Sweden, July 2002 2002 “Globalization and Industrial Regions in the US and Europe” invited paper for conference: Cultures of Economy/Economics of Cultures, Bavarian American Academy, Munich, Germany June 2002 2002 “Component Parts Manufacturing” paper contributed to the Sloan Foundation Working Group on Industrial Globalization, meeting at the Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley, California, June 2002 2002 “Supply chain restructuring in manufacturing industries in Germany and the US: Consequences for Regions” paper delivered at the Biannual Conference for Europeanists, Chicago, Il, March 2002 2002 “Varieties of Industrial Regeneration: The Steel Industry in Japan, Germany and the US since the 1970s” paper presented at the Biannual Conference for Europeanists, Chicago, Il, March 2002 2001 “Large Firms and Regions: Emerging New Relations” invited paper European Union Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, March 2001 2001 “Large Firms and Regions: Emerging New Relations” invited paper, MIT Sloan School of Management/Department of Political Science, February 2001 2000 “German Strengths and American Weaknesses—and vice a versa” paper delivered at the conference: Bildungspolitik und Bildungsreform in Europa, Göttingen, Germany October 2000

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2000 Global Players and territory: Promising examples from around the advanced industrial world” paper delivered at the EUREXCTER Conference: Global Player and Territory, Wolfsburg, Germany, May 11-13, 2000 2000 “The Recomposition of the Steel Industry in Japan, Germany and the United States since the 1970s” paper delivered at the Conference of Europeanists, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago Illinois, April 1, 1999 “Beruf in der Zukunft: Ein amerikanischen Gesichtspunkt” panel contribution for the 60th Birthday Symposium for Martin Baethke, Georg August Universität Göttingen, September 1999 1999 “Mulitnationale Unternehmungen und Regionen: Neueartige Anpassungsdruck in hochentwickelten Regionen in Europa und USA” presentation and discussion at the SOFI research colloquium, July 1999 1999 “De-regionalization, Re-Regionalization and the Transformation of Manufacturing Flexibility: Large Firms and Industrial Districts in Europe—a comparative research agenda” invited paper delivered at the Max Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln, Germany, July 1999 1999 Symposium on the edited volume: Americanization and its Limits: Reworking American Management and Technology in Europe and Japan after World War II at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, June 1999 1998 “History and Narration in Industrial Transformation” paper prepared for the conference on “Conventions, Institutions and Action in the Social Sciences” held at the Chateau de la Bretesche in Brittany, France September 12-15 1998 “The State of Industrial Districts in Europe at the end of the 1990s” paper prepared for conference on “Regions and Globalization” at Rutgers University, September 1998 1998 “The Evolution of Corporate Governance in Germany since 1945” prepared for the conference “Corporate Governance in Europe in the 20th century”, Paris, France, June 24-28, 1998 1998 “Collective Regeneration and Cooperative Self-Blockage” paper presented at the conference “The Fate of Consociationalism in Western Europe, 1968-1998”, at the Center For European Studies, Harvard University, May 28-30, 1998

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1998 “Americanization, Market Order and Democracy” paper presented to the Workshop on Historical Sociology, University of Michigan, April 28, 1998 1997 “Americanization as the Creation of Oligopoly: The Case of Steel in Germany and Japan” paper delivered at the Department of Political Science, Northwestern University, April 1997 1997 “Americanization as the Creation of Oligopoly: The Case of Steel in Germany and Japan” paper delivered at the Center for German and European Studies, University of California, Berkeley, February 1997 1996 “Gegenwärtige Krise des deutschen produktions Modell am Beispiel der Situation in Baden Württemberg” invited lecture, Department of Political Science, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany November 1996 1996 “The End of the German Model” invited lecture, Department of Political Science, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany October 1996 1996 “Globalization and the Crisis of Craft Production” invited talk at Departments of History and German Studies, University of Texas at Austin, September 1996 1996 “A Critique of the Rhine Model: Remarks on Michel Albert’s conception of German Competitive Strength” delivered at the conference “The Bridge Over the Rhine”: France and Germany since 1945, May 3-5, 1996, Center For European Studies, Harvard University 1995 “Crisis in German Decentralized Production” paper delivered at The German-American Special Seminar: “Mutual Lessons for Adapting German and American Labor Policies” at the International Industrial Relations Associations 10th World Congress, Washington DC, May 31, 1995 1995 “The Geographic dimensions of the contemporary crisis in German industrial craft production” paper delivered at the annual meeting of the American Geographical Association, Chicago, Il, March 1995 1995 “Rebuilding Ruhr Steel 1945-1960: Rethinking Narratives of Continuity and Discontinuity” paper delivered at the Annual Business History Conference of the Society for Business History, Ft. Lauderdale FL, March 17-19, 1995 1995 “The Sources of Performance Troubles in German Machine Tools” paper delivered at the annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, 1995 Conference for Industrial Engineering Colleges (CIEC): “Learning Organizations for the 21st Century” in New Orleans, LA, January 25, 1995

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1995 “Crisis in Craft Production: Industrial Adjustment in Germany in the 1990s” paper delivered at a joint meeting of the German Study Group and the New Directions in the Study of Political Economy in Germany Study Group at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Febraury 6, 1995 1994 “Transformation of the Taken For Granted: Routines in a Turbulent Economy and Open Labor Markets” talk delivered at the special international workshop: “Identifying Micro Foundations of Technological Learning and Development Pathways for Industrial Complexes” held at the Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Denmark, November 25-27, 1994 1994 “Surprise Crisis in Decentralized Industrial Order: Unexpected Rigidity and the Challenge of an Alternative Form of Flexible Organization in the 1990s” paper delivered at the conference: Social Partnership in the New Germany, Institute for European Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, October 14-17, 1994 1994 “Craft Production in Crisis: Industrial Adjustment in Germany During the 1990s” paper delivered at the Conference: Globalization and Regionalization: Implications for the Asian NIEs at the East-West Center, Universtiy of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, August 14-17, 1994 1993 “The Social Conditions of Permanent Innovation: Industrial Districts in Europe and Japan” paper delivered at the conference: Cluster Power: Innovation and Technology in a Global Environment, sponsored by the Government of New Brunswick, Canada and the International Management Program at the University of New Brunswick, Frederickton, New Brunswick, Canada, November 21-24, 1993 1993 "Institutions and Identity: The Invention of Trade Unions in Germany and the United States" paper presented at the conference The Shifting Boundaries of Labor Politics: New Directions for Comparative Research and Theory at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, March 12-14, 1993 1992 "Decentralized Industrial Order in Germany, 1945-1990" book chapter presented at the Study Group on Business and Politics in Europe, Center For European Studies, Harvard University, May 1992 1992 "The National Context, 1871-1945" book chapter presented at conference on Labor and Politics, Departments of Political Science and Economics, Notre Dame University, South Bend, In., April, 1992

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1991 "The System of High Value/High Wage Manufacturing in Germany" presented at United Steelworkers of America/Metallurgistes Unis d'Amerique, conference: Empowering Workers in the Global Economy: A Labour Agenda for the 1990s, October 22-23, 1991, Toronto Canada 1991 "Wiedervereinigung und industrielle Regionen: Von der Industrialisierung lernen?" presented at the SOFI Workshop: Bedeutung des bisherigen DDR-Produktionsmodells für Pfade der industriellen Reorganisation, Soziolgogisches Forschungsinstitut an der Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen, Germany, May 30-31, 1991 1991 "Power in Industrial Order" paper delivered to the Notre Dame speaker series on Industrial Adjustment and Industrial Relations, Notre Dame University, South Bend, In., March, 1991 1990 "Organizational Fields, Institutionalized Practice and Power: Industrial Order and Industrial Change in Germany" paper given at the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Vienna, Austria, October 22, 1990 1990 "Industrial Districts and Politics" paper presented at the conference on the Socio-Economics of Interfirm Cooperation at the Wissenschaftszentrum, Berlin June 11-13th, 1990 1990 "The Politics of Large Firm Relations with Industrial Districts: A Collision of Organizational Fields in Baden Württemberg", presented at a Workshop on the Organization of Work and Technology: Implications for International Competitiveness, at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium, May 1990 1989 "Internal and External Decentralization of the Corporation and the Labor Movement in West Germany" presented at the American Economic Association Annual Meetings, Industrial Relations Section, Atlanta, Georgia, December 27, 1989 1989 "Unions, Regions and the Transformation of the Industrial Corporation", delivered at the German Studies Association Annual Meeting, Milwaukee Wisconsin, October 6, 1989 1988 "The Political Embeddedness of Networks of Small and Medium Sized Firms in Baden Württemberg" delivered at the Workshop of Six Countries Conference on Interfirm Innovation Dynamics, (Frauenhoefer Institut Für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung, Stuttgart, West Germany, October 3-4, 1988) 1988 "Industrial Order in the Machine Tool Industry: A Comparison of the United States and Germany", delivered at the conference Comparing Capitalist Economies: Variation in the Governance of Sectors, sponsored by the Joint Committee on Western Europe of the Social Science Research

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Council, (Johnson Foundation, Conference Center, Racine Wisconsin, May 4-7, 1988) 1987 "The Politics of Industrial Change: the Case of Mechanical Engineering in the Federal Republic of Germany", delivered at the Conference of Europeanists, (Washington D.C., October, 1987) 1987 "What Do Recent Trends Toward Decentralization in Manufacturing Mean for Regional Planners?" delivered at the 29th Annual New York State Economic Developers Association Meeting. Syracuse, New York, October, 1987

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2013 Review of Harold James, Krupp. A History of the Legendary German Firm, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012) on H-War, Autumn 2013 2009, Review of Paul C Erker, The Dachser Logistics Company. Global competition and the strength of the family business (Frankfurt: Campus, 2008) in Business History Review, Spring 2006 Review of Tony Elgar and Chris Smith, Assembling Work. Remaking Factory Regimes in Japanese Multinationals in Britain, (Oxford: Oxford university Press, 2005) in American Journal of Sociology, 2007, 2006 Review of Sanford Jacoby, The Embedded Corporation: Corporate Governance and Employment Relations in Japan and the United States, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004) in Enterprise and Society, March 2006 (volume 7, number 1) 2006 Review of Kathleen Thelen. _How Institutions Evolve: The Political Economy of Skills in Germany, Britain, the United States and Japan_. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004, on H-German, January 18, 2006 2005 Review of James C. Van Hook, Rebuilding Germany. The Creation of the Social Market Economy, 1945-1957, in The International History Review 2005 Review of Alfred C Mierzejwski, Ludwig Erhard. A Biography (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004) in Economic History Review, 2002 Review of Bent Flyvbjerg, Making Social Science Matter. Why social inquiry fails and how it can succeed again, (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001) in Antipode, 2000 Review of Philip Cooke and Kevin Morgan, The Associational Economy, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998) in Enterprise and Society, Volume One, Nr 2 2000 Review of Neil Gregor. Daimler-Benz in the Third Reich New Haven: Yale, 1998. In Labour/Le Travail 2000 Review of William Tsutsui, Manufacturing Ideology: Scientific Management in Twentieth Century Japan, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998) in American Journal of Sociology

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1998 Review of Christopher G.L. Hall, Steel Phoenix: The Fall and Rise of the US Steel Industry (London: Macmillan, 1997) in Economic History Review, 1998 Review of Comparing Policy Networks: Labor Politics in the US, Germany and Japan by David Knoke, Franz Urban Pappi, Jeffrey Broadbent and Yutaka Tsujinaka, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996) in Contemporary Sociology 1997 Review of Wolfgang Streeck and Joel Rogers, eds, Works Councils. Consultation, Representation, and Cooperation in Industrial Relations, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995) in American Journal of Sociology, Spring 1997 1994 Review of W.R. Lee, ed., German Industry and German Industrialisation: Essays in German Economic and Business History in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, (London: Routledge, 1991) in Journal of Modern History, Summer, 1994 1993 Review of Lowell Turner, Democracy at Work. Changing World Markets and The Future of Labor Unions, (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992) in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, spring 1992 Review of Fritz Scharpf, Crisis and Choice in European Social Democracy, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991) in Contemporary Sociology, July 1992, Volume 21, Number 4, pages 464-465 1992 Review of Joan Campbell, Joy in Work, German Work. The National Debate 1800-1945, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989) for the Journal of Modern History, Vol. 64,No. 3, September 1992, pages 620-622 1991 Review of Ulrich Wengenroth, Hg, Prekäre Selbständigkeit. Zur Standortbestimmung von Handwerk, Hausindustrie und Kleingewerbe im Industrialisierungsprozess, (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1989) for Business History Review, Summer, 1990, pages 371-374

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Editorial Boards: Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society Enterprise and Society

Governing Boards:

Soziologische Forschungsinstitute (SOFI) Göttingen, Germany (Kuratorium) 2005-present Society for Socio-Economics (SASE), Paris, France 2004-present

Co –Chair of SASE Annual Meeting in 2006 (Trier) and 2011 (Madrid)

Awards Committees

APSA Best Book Award: History and Politics Section, 2001 Qualitative Methods, 2009

Society for Socioeconomics Graduate Student Paper travel grants, 2009

German Marshall Fund Research Grant Committee National Council of Learned Societies Research Grants

Article Manuscript Reviewer

Socioeconomic Review, Harvard Business Review, American Journal of Sociology, Law and Society Review, Enterprise and Society, American Historical Review, Industrial Relations Review, Research Policy, Industry and Innovation, European Urban and Regional Studies, Economic Geography, Comparative Studies in Society and History, International Journal of Technology Management, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Industrial Relations, Governance, British Journal of Industrial Relations

Book Manuscript Reviewer

Harvard University Press, Princeton University Press, Cornell University Press, Stanford University Press, Temple University Press, Harvard Business School Press, Edward Elgar, Routledge, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press

External Reviewer

Social Science Research Council of the Netherlands, Danish Social Science Research Council, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Hans Böckler Stiftung, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, University of Zürich, University of Konstanz, Harvard University, Wesleyan University, MIT Sloan School of Management, University of California/Berkeley,

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Brigham Young University, London School of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, MIT Political Science Department, Harvard Business School, University of Oregon Political Science Department, University of Florida Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam