
Galileo Galilei, Tyler Keane Lived Feb 15, 1564 And died Jan 8, 1642 www. d oxologists.o r g

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It was during his apprentice period that Galileo worked out much of his mechanics

and began his work with the telescope

He had showed the importance of the telescope as a tool for astronomers by

proving that there were objects in space and by doing so it had shown the

astronomers the fact that there were objects in space 

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Galileo's father was hardly overjoyed about this turn of

events Galileo started tutoring students in

mathematics and he did some experimenting with floating

objects, developing a balance that could tell him that a

piece of something

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Dante's InfernoThe Academy of Florence had been

arguing over a 100-year-old controversy: What were the location, shape, and

dimensions of Dante's Inferno? Galileo Galilei wanted to seriously answer the question from the point of view of a 

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The Leaning Tower of Pisa

At the time that Galileo arrived at the University, some debate had started up on one of Aristotle's "laws" of nature, that

heavier objects fell faster than lighter objects

So he proved at the tower of Pisa that both objects land at the same time 

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Galileo’s Inventers

Some of Galileo’s inventions were created because Galileo needed

money to support his family and help provide dowry for his sisters

He created a simple thermometer that could register variations in

temperature but did not make any money off of it and in 1596, he built a compass used for aiming cannonballsIt was also adapted for civilian use in land surveying so he made quite a bit

of money off of this new invention 

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Galileo Galilei moved on to the University of Padua and by 1593 he was desperate in need of additional

cash His father had died, so Galileo was

the head of his family, and personally responsible for his family

Debts were pressing down on him, most notably, the dowry for one of his

sisters, which was paid in installments over decades