gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-08-03...

1JA1LY SUN UAlNEsVILLK FLORIDA AUttlST 3f 1909 I JdJtJ 5 4 H F CARY STEPS TO TOP OF LADDER FORMER JACKSONVILLE MAN GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT- W H Tayloe Becomes General Agent of Passenger and Freight De- partments of Southern WASHINGTON D C Aug 2 By Southern railway executive order ef- fective Saturday Sir W II Tayloe now general passenger agent wns transferred apd appointed general agent of the passenger and freight departments with headquarters at No 202 Railway Exchange building Denver Col Mr Tayloe has greatly Improved health and In Ida recent visit to Washington be appeared entirely well The office of general agent at however being a very Important one Mr Tayloe preferred to accept this opportunity to remain IB Colo rado for a longer period Mr H F Gary who succeed Mr Tayloe as general passenger agent U 35 years of age Is a native of Au- gusta Ga and has been with the pas nIger department of the Southern railway for many years starting as stenographer and occupying various positions In the department Including for several years past position of as- sistant general passenger agent at WasBlngtofl Mr C A Kline will be promoted to be chief clerk of the passenger de partnent at Washington There will be no other changes In this department except of the cuato nary advancement and lining up of the clerical forces The want ads do wore real estate Bustaesa than all other broken coav- Maedln fact they start most of the Business that brokers a 4- aieata lash CASTORIA Ill laiutts and Chilirta- Th Ud Yd Han Atajs 6Nt the Eignaturo of Giiiiesvilte Furniture Co We Carry Line of Oak and Mahogany Suits Odd Dressers Wash Stands Chiffonniers- and Chifforobes Refrigerators- Ice Cream Freezers Vuclor Porch Shades and Poch Rugs Complete line lovea- Mmivilli Fiiniitiin Co In tt ears lid a Fine of and s i I Den- ver Rant ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ REGULATOR JULY RAINFALL 1645 INCHES Heaviest Precipitation Recorded for Any Month In Ten Years Weather Observer P H Bell re- ports 1645 Inches rainfall for the month of July that heaviest for any- one month In tea years Following Is the precipitation as by Mr Dell from January 1 1900 to date Precipitation at Gainesville Fla Monthly fr Jan J toO to July Si IMf Inclusive 1900 1901 1902 1903 January 39S 389 515 February 185 920 343 529 March 7S5 697 415 6G3 April 783 160 170 37 May 405 203 114 505 Juno 1012 866 821 571 July 415 7 6 485 572 August 233 9J 877 963 September 266 4 1042 412 October 239 330 330 70 November 69 27 427 25 December 434 297 73L 149 Total inches 5224 5907 5182 4916 January 1179 94 300 SI February 283 329 173 87 March 135 264 157 32 April 183 154 56 30 May 88 427 667 391 June GAS SS2 1055 435 July 733 8SO 1028 C7S August 429 llJO 44 655 September l 5 599 229 950 October 277 295 1S3 257 November 263 4 11 23S December 232 5GU 35 451 Total inches 4905 5973 4343 4555 Total For Feverlthnns and Aching Whether from Malarious conditions colds or overeating try Hicks Ca un- dine It reduces tho fovvr ami ro- lluves the aching Its liquid 10 25 and CO cents at drug stores A Prcnsh Joka Two tramp MM HH iMiuku of th Seine How run wv r l H Hi wltttl- Hl hiive It Vwu Ihrww In null Ill jump lu aftir y ui niul you out Tlwu Ill tart rowan frwitt the Hwuniui sttoltftjr the water a lit aftvr Uuuml rl a atnulf- wr wuw llHi WJQM iivtilHa Ur l Wilt MWwll IW Kli Hl ImW I H0 MW- MWtt IM IkH Vita BILIOUS FOR SPEEDY RELIEF One J 7 1904 190 1906 1907 tt Il 1905 January JS 141 hrh 1G lSs April liS IS3 8S7 2 to tiS I October > yaur lt lle tat WIQ 1 ptw I It t oo I I 0- I re- corded 1909 315 February 539 lGtl 10- liay June 41 July 1b- Augut l 531- 3uptenabur 9IIL 933- Novutuber G- 5Ikceutbur IIt 4tl12 take the 1tKxll llrrv 1Pks Jut tNtrl Into ywtt rKU1M1 lt111N11 Iltt ly iist l Stitt ewaw IN as4 lahW IN Ibe wN i Ihiak I nwr1ll alwk- tlul III 1W s wIly N- IJ0NrMN Ai t11eN11 asst v IWt t r4te11- aea he tlrtl bM- NNiIII abIiP4 ales 1es1N N t1- 1f MI- I slse Ia r f iAr tw1 u- N tslwaasalarf t a1MM- INIt1I1a revels WS 1 tie 414 lint Ile btt e IN- 4e bi e ate qaetllltp lu t ib eIll flee N- II t a flat te Mesa 144t Qe wa ¬ ¬ + + μ μ + Round About Oorkino The iifteliiMrliotnl Dorklnir where l font Morcdltli hnw ninny liter try uHstxhttlou liuleiioiideiit of conntulloti with that famous iiovollnt It was nt Uurfonl llrldRC near Dor king Unit KeutH wmpletinl Kmlym Iou In NovtiiilMT ISI7 close by nt the Hookory was horn Father Mol thus the Mipiilar w iioml t nUll nt West humble Frances Uurncy after her innrrlURo with General tVArblay built Camilla cottage with profits of her novel of that name and settled down Sheridan resided at Polcmlcn and John Stuart Mill at Mlckleham while other Illustrious residents In the locality In earlier times were John Evelyn and Daniel Defoe To most people however the chief literary as- sociation of Dorking to with Dickons for was not at the Marquis of Gran bya variously Identified with the White Hart and the Old Kings Head that Mr Wellcr St made the fatal blun der of proposing to a rldder West- minster Gasette English OifRcult t PVeneune The difficulty of Engllab for stran- gers dots not lie In Ita orthography bat In Ita pronunciation Abroad peo- ple will constantly say that they can read and write Cnftltsn readily while unable to utter a word or to a word of the spoken language- as of course vice versa a treat many English an Americans car read and write French long before they can an- dcrstand or stake themselves The other languages are lust as difficult for then to pronounce aa English ts tor ethers The ealy 4tf- ference II that English stands alone with Ita systen er lack of ayaten ef pronunciation When a FrtachBUB knows bow to write OeraMn he to at the sage time able te speak th If not beautifully at least so aa to be understood The sane heUc for a GersMQ speaking French Pro rector Albert Kchlns In North Art car Review The ef the NaUeiw The conflict called the Hattie of the Nations was the battle of Lelpste It was fought on Oct I61 1813 be- tween the soldiers of Russia PrassJa Austria Denmark sad Dol land under Soowanenberg on the ORe side and Nax U ou army of allies on the other It was of the prratwt battles of modern timer A halt mil- lion of men were engaged and the casualties ou lath sides were WOOO It nvultcd In ovtrwliolmlnp defeat for Napoleon and the liberation of Ger- many Troops from every nation of Europe participated In It hence the Battle of Nations Ov wanl the cnnli tnivollnn At the rate of n million a minute Wit avnklnc from it rinseWhy dont they enfonv the speed laws better nnltlmon American It Makes a In lAnerH Charles OMolley the heros toast while on UN way to a duel I can break the stem of a wine- glass at UftftMi paces was met by his friend and mentor with the comment Yes but the wineglass hasnt a pis- tol In Its hand They used to says I was n man with a future N v t y refer to me as a man with n pant Wish 1 could have a prvjnmt oner fl v land Leader Read the want a4 la atey Cw- aUNHAPPINItt CMtFILLID Many wons nw p an4 watt an4 refute uia nt tr 84 become thin M ny mon nUns to profanity lit blt Ihrvugh thin lhi t h on cranluaw It wilt U f ra4- aru thai Newbws I1eri l iae MS b UHn nutk t Tau U the rmlcia and antU pt9 that sets by dMir yln g rm wr mlwb that U un rlvltv MUM f U h lr lTueih U n tvlv1 is A new pr Hr- tl m toast after en an ntirtly iln 4 Any H h ns trM It will a t Ut Aienli- uwi H U The llwfM U Mkh A Pvv- I ur lived Itt It Swede nap mil Differ A W III Ilea 04 It bs have fades the of 0 d sn4 M tw J tt de- CHlctt 3 A L- t 1 l sMa tI4 ntk It 4 1111 Q1I N- t I under- stand under- stood lan- guage ratite lim- it paper Fate ind nrn Weasea Vaastae AtIeW to cotatutte4 btaauese their nc mr ir ant breath lure their news lu Ibs mlarabl boll eetee la pac 4 the new warp the the a new Mime new testify worth Try tl rturalf wevlna del by gIl in eUlNpe for tic htt4Ifortt r ei1N NI- rn fiMSl u l t < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > > < + + The Klad Have Always Bo f at aa4 walch lute bract la use for over SO years aa taraa Bfeaatara aC- m lead Ilea teem MUMJO ratter kto f- saaal wi rvW sties Ita ialaacj All Counterfeits laUtatteaa aa JaataffcMtt am EzpwlawaU that trlfta aa4 aM4aaar UH health af lafaata aal OUldr ExB rlaa aalaa v What is CASTORIA Oaataria to a karateta aatetltnte ft pastor OB Para Carte Dropi aid ateatUa Syrups It la Jteaaaat II- eaatahta aYattaar Ovtaas MecalB r tltcr XarceJel- abstaace IU to 1U guarantee It Wanaoj allays F verlaluHiaf It CHTM Diarrhoea and Wiael Cello It relieves Ttetala TiwAtaa cures Cattatlaatloa- a Flatateacy the PaoU rcgulata ttm aael Bawals trim fcwUCky Manual alatp GaiUrasia Faaaoaa TINt Friaad GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS BMM tk Slfittu f Tie Kind Yon Hare ilwajs Bought In UK For Over 30 Yctrs J J WHOLESALE and RETAIL UQUORS 211 West Ray P 0 Bx Ml JACMMXT1LLE fLA WILLIAMS PAT TEC fXPEIW Ii 1 I Yow tIIII wits oe tlc fro1l tea Tice 118 MIa I 11 1 r J WILLTAS r tit 1 r 6 the c4 Allow Ile sae to deceive y 1a bpi zped ale stud slid Aft uaeli a N e O vasutrewa eiilwes et eteerre sneao o e w sae > < CASE GOODS EXPRESS PAID Rye 4 full quarts 500 r full quarts 700 12 fun quarts 1275 H full quarts freight paid 1200 Williams No 10 Rye 4 full quarts 9 320 fi full quarts 460 12 full quarts 900 Old Halifax Rye 4 full quarts I 420 6 full quarts 600 12 full quarts 1200 Sunny South Rye 4 full quarts 27S 6 full quarts 400 12 full quarts 880 3C full pints 1260- YelUwstane B urhen 4 Bottles express paid 640 Case express paid 1275 Old Soon Express Bottled In bond by tho U 8 GovnVt 4 full quarts express 500 12 full quarts express pall 1973 24 full pints express paid 1875 48 full halt paid 1500 Delete to to to t oint Jllrc Paid Paid Trial u Order Send a = TELEPHONE TALKS The LMI istanei SytdM One tf vatMlta f 4wt4- af service t our tulMMrlhtra ami- te the Hualla U our tier with the tKtsntlv I UIH lines of the American Telephone and Teltgrnph Company and the other a sedated bell Tolephont companies Wo own thousands of miles of long 4i t nee llne In the iv n tttlw Hi- wM h wo In addition connect any telephone In our ftjftttm with lines oMend Q to any other lly In vnhUh Sell ToltnHono lyilvm It- Ut Hv o are of hf and Imameil w rw and can fl tQt- I the slot ear Generally eann lens t operate a operated These tang wt nwdIrh an I als tslaanNt al a 1411 cinsMy The eal eyiU p1 + Q4 Homeoloael Cern Whiskey 1gallon jug express paid 250 Offer Idlebrook Whiskey In drumsUlstll lery Bottling Express Paid 100 pinta In drum 93600 200 half plats In drum 3600 Sold only by drum will not break drum Corn Whiskey Expreoe Paid Rocky Fork per bottle ex twld 140 Rocky tork pot case ex paid 1275 1 gal corn ex paid SQ 1 gal corn ex paid 275 1 sal L N corn ex paid 3 5 Rye VtMskey Cxarooo Paid Per Gallon Queer CitY ex 9150 Sunny South ex Hold 275 Rye Matt ox pahi 325 Hurdle Rye ex paid 40- Ovcrholt ox paid 450 Rico 11111 ex pall 450 Planter ex paid 0d Old Boone ox iwltl 509 Williams Irlvato Seal ex paid 09- Altohol One grade only anti jug x paid 1450 t i oteaw M25 pad 1450 to It J i to GIn Special yk paid ox Only ly ft a Milt slew lf- H im twNliilti U nttiiil ta at ask for TWi vtrt network t viiftti NHiHf lid Mil tit fat varhw M4MtM- tlMM their tf SUIttt onll with 1f- thI It tu t le IA ii Mil ewMry are unlferm M W31r eta anti In tt tatedo ttpol- daline M arranpcrlteni it Hn 1M Roll Tel 11 to- o 4U Talsphono altnoot anytiaallelrt Mt enw bM W- liSommunloalton NIiKe iOIM- In country a 1- In throui out iho R4tthf4 t io4- 4eIty in tonmereo and w 141 pip- ooee icy t lanhory the flfntlr and In all wolM if plant hero in lmpi ton111nk 1R IhN- 4holra E1 > Southern Bell and Telegraph tempinvJ- dJtJ ItncIi- lr JIJlIl MexaW PUx

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-03 · Ice Cream Freezers Vuclor Porch Shades and Poch Rugs Complete


JdJtJ 5 4





W H Tayloe Becomes General Agent

of Passenger and Freight De-

partments of Southern


Southern railway executive order ef-

fective Saturday Sir W II Tayloe

now general passenger agent wns

transferred apd appointed generalagent of the passenger and freightdepartments with headquarters atNo 202 Railway Exchange building

Denver ColMr Tayloe has greatly Improved

health and In Ida recent visit toWashington be appeared entirely well

The office of general agent athowever being a very Important

one Mr Tayloe preferred to accept

this opportunity to remain IB Colo

rado for a longer periodMr H F Gary who succeed Mr

Tayloe as general passenger agentU 35 years of age Is a native of Au-

gusta Ga and has been with the pas

nIger department of the Southernrailway for many years starting asstenographer and occupying variouspositions In the department Including

for several years past position of as-

sistant general passenger agent atWasBlngtofl

Mr C A Kline will be promotedto be chief clerk of the passenger departnent at Washington

There will be no other changes Inthis department except of the cuatonary advancement and lining up ofthe clerical forces

The want ads do wore real estateBustaesa than all other broken coav-

Maedln fact they start most ofthe Business that brokers a 4-

aieata lash

CASTORIAIll laiutts and Chilirta-

Th Ud Yd Han Atajs 6Ntthe

Eignaturo of

Giiiiesvilte Furniture Co

We Carry

Line of

Oak and



Odd Dressers

Wash Stands


and Chifforobes


Ice CreamFreezers

Vuclor PorchShades andPoch Rugs

Complete line


Mmivilli Fiiniitiin Co





a Fine

of ands i











Heaviest Precipitation Recorded forAny Month In Ten Years

Weather Observer P H Bell re-

ports 1645 Inches rainfall for themonth of July that heaviest for any-one month In tea years

Following Is the precipitation asby Mr Dell from January 1

1900 to datePrecipitation at Gainesville Fla

Monthly fr Jan J toO toJuly Si IMf Inclusive

1900 1901 1902 1903January 39S 389 515February 185 920 343 529March 7S5 697 415 6G3April 783 160 170 37May 405 203 114 505Juno 1012 866 821 571July 415 7 6 485 572August 233 9J 877 963September 266 4 1042 412October 239 330 330 70November 69 27 427 25December 434 297 73L 149

Total inches 5224 5907 5182 4916

January 1179 94 300 SIFebruary 283 329 173 87March 135 264 157 32April 183 154 56 30May 88 427 667 391June GAS SS2 1055 435July 733 8SO 1028 C7SAugust 429 llJO 44 655September l 5 599 229 950October 277 295 1S3 257November 263 4 11 23SDecember 232 5GU 35 451

Total inches 4905 5973 4343 4555


For Feverlthnns and AchingWhether from Malarious conditionscolds or overeating try Hicks Ca un-

dine It reduces tho fovvr ami ro-

lluves the aching Its liquid 10 25and CO cents at drug stores

A Prcnsh JokaTwo tramp MM HH iMiuku of th

SeineHow run wv r l H Hi wltttl-

Hl hiive It Vwu Ihrww Innull Ill jump lu aftir y ui niulyou out Tlwu Ill tart rowanfrwitt the Hwuniui sttoltftjr

the water a lit aftvr Uuuml rl a atnulf-wr wuw llHi WJQM iivtilHa Ur l

Wilt MWwll IW Kli Hl ImW I H0 MW-









1904 190 1906 1907



1905January JS


hrh 1G lSsApril

liS IS38S7 2

to tiS I



yaur lt




1 ptw


It t ooI






February 539

lGtl 10-liayJune 41July 1b-

Augut l 531-3uptenabur 9IIL


Novutuber G-

5Ikceutbur IIt



1tKxll llrrv 1Pks Jut tNtrl Into

ywtt rKU1M1 lt111N11 Iltt lyiist l Stitt ewaw IN as4 lahW IN

Ibe wN i Ihiak I nwr1ll alwk-

tlul III 1W s wIly N-


Ai t11eN11asst v IWt t r4te11-

aea he tlrtl bM-

NNiIII abIiP4 ales 1es1N N t1-

1f MI-

I slse Ia r f iAr tw1 u-

N tslwaasalarf t a1MM-

INIt1I1a revels WS 1

tie 414 lint Ile btt e IN-

4e bi e ate qaetllltp lut ib eIll flee N-

II t a flat t e

Mesa 144t Qe wa








Round About OorkinoThe iifteliiMrliotnl Dorklnir where

l font Morcdltli hnw ninny litertry uHstxhttlou liuleiioiideiit of

conntulloti with that famous iiovollntIt was nt Uurfonl llrldRC near Dorking Unit KeutH wmpletinl KmlymIou In NovtiiilMT ISI7 close by ntthe Hookory was horn Father Molthus the Mipiilar w iioml t nUll ntWest humble Frances Uurncy afterher innrrlURo with General tVArblaybuilt Camilla cottage with profits ofher novel of that name and settleddown Sheridan resided at Polcmlcnand John Stuart Mill at Mlcklehamwhile other Illustrious residents In thelocality In earlier times were JohnEvelyn and Daniel Defoe To mostpeople however the chief literary as-sociation of Dorking to with Dickonsfor was not at the Marquis of Granbya variously Identified with the WhiteHart and the Old Kings Head thatMr Wellcr St made the fatal blunder of proposing to a rldder West-minster Gasette

English OifRcult t PVeneuneThe difficulty of Engllab for stran-

gers dots not lie In Ita orthographybat In Ita pronunciation Abroad peo-ple will constantly say that they canread and write Cnftltsn readily whileunable to utter a word or to

a word of the spoken language-as of course vice versa a treat manyEnglish an Americans car read andwrite French long before they can an-dcrstand or stake themselves

The other languages are lustas difficult for then to pronounce aaEnglish ts tor ethers The ealy 4tf-ference II that English stands alonewith Ita systen er lack of ayaten efpronunciation When a FrtachBUBknows bow to write OeraMn he to atthe sage time able te speak th

If not beautifully at least soaa to be understood The sane heUcfor a GersMQ speaking French Prorector Albert Kchlns In North Artcar Review

The ef the NaUeiwThe conflict called the Hattie of the

Nations was the battle of Lelpste Itwas fought on Oct I61 1813 be-

tween the soldiers of Russia PrassJaAustria Denmark sad Dolland under Soowanenberg on the OReside and Nax U ou army of allies onthe other It was of the prratwtbattles of modern timer A halt mil-

lion of men were engaged and thecasualties ou lath sides were WOOOIt nvultcd In ovtrwliolmlnp defeat forNapoleon and the liberation of Ger-many Troops from every nation ofEurope participated In It hence theBattle of Nations


wanl the cnnli tnivollnn At the rateof n million a minute Witavnklnc from it rinseWhy dont

they enfonv the speed laws betternnltlmon American

It Makes aIn lAnerH Charles OMolley the

heros toast while on UN way to aduel I can break the stem of a wine-glass at UftftMi paces was met by hisfriend and mentor with the commentYes but the wineglass hasnt a pis-

tol In Its hand

They used to says I was n man witha future

N v t y refer to me as a manwith n pant Wish 1 could have aprvjnmt oner fl v land Leader

Read the want a4 la atey Cw-


Many wons n w p an4 watt an4 refute

uia nt tr 84 become thinM ny mon nUns to profanity

lit blt Ihrvugh thinlhi t h on cranluaw It wilt U f ra4-

aru thai Newbws I1eri l iae MS bUHn nutk t Tau U the

rmlcia and antU pt9 that setsby dMiryln g rm wr mlwb thatU un rlvltv MUM f U h lrlTueih U n tvlv1 is A new pr Hr-

tl m toast after en anntirtly iln 4 Any H h n s

trM It will a t Ut


uwi H U The llwfMU Mkh

A Pvv-










Ilea 04 It





sn4 Mtw

J tt de-

CHlctt 3 A L-

t 1

lsMa tI4 ntk It

4 1111 Q1I N-









ind nrn

Weasea Vaastae AtIeW

to cotatutte4 btaauese their nc mr irantbreath lure

theirnews lu Ibs mlarabl boll eetee lapac 4 the newwarp


a new Mimenew

testify worth Trytl rturalf wevlna del by

gIl in eUlNpefor tic


r ei1N NI-

rn fiMSl u l















> <



The Klad Have Always Bo fat aa4 walch lute bractla use for over SO years aa taraa Bfeaatara aC-m lead Ilea teem MUMJO ratter kto f-

saaal wi rvW sties Ita ialaacjAll Counterfeits laUtatteaa aa JaataffcMtt amEzpwlawaU that trlfta aa4 aM4aaar UH health aflafaata aal OUldr ExB rlaa aalaa v

What is CASTORIAOaataria to a karateta aatetltnte ft pastor OB ParaCarte Dropi aid ateatUa Syrups It la Jteaaaat II-eaatahta aYattaar Ovtaas MecalB r tltcr XarceJel-abstaace IU to 1U guarantee It Wanaoj

allays F verlaluHiaf It CHTM Diarrhoea and WiaelCello It relieves Ttetala TiwAtaa cures Cattatlaatloa-

aFlatateacy the PaoU rcgulata ttmaael Bawals trim fcwUCky Manual alatp

GaiUrasia Faaaoaa TINt Friaad


Tie Kind Yon Hare ilwajs BoughtIn UK For Over 30 Yctrs


211 West Ray P 0 B x Ml JACMMXT1LLE fLA








tlc fro1l


Tice 118 MIa









r 6


c4 Allow Ile sae to deceive y 1abpi



slidAft uaeli a


e O

vasutrewa eiilwes et eteerre sneao o e w sae




4 full quarts 500r full quarts 700

12 fun quarts 1275H full quarts freight paid 1200

Williams No 10 Rye4 full quarts 9 320fi full quarts 460

12 full quarts 900Old Halifax Rye

4 full quarts I 4206 full quarts 600

12 full quarts 1200Sunny South Rye

4 full quarts 27S6 full quarts 400

12 full quarts 8803C full pints 1260-

YelUwstane B urhen4 Bottles express paid 640Case express paid 1275

Old Soon ExpressBottled In bond by tho U 8 GovnVt

4 full quarts express 50012 full quarts express pall 197324 full pints express paid 187548 full halt paid 1500





oint Jllrc



Trialu OrderSend a=


One tf vatMlta f 4wt4-af service t our tulMMrlhtra ami-te the Hualla U ourtier with the tKtsntlv I UIHlines of the American Telephone andTeltgrnph Company and the other asedated bell Tolephont companies

Wo own thousands of miles of long4i t nee llne In the iv n tttlw Hi-

wM h wo In additionconnect any telephone In our ftjftttmwith lines oMend Q to any other llyIn vnhUh Sell ToltnHono lyilvm It-

Ut Hv o are of hfand Imameil w rw

and can



the slotear

Generally eannlens t



These tangwt nwdIrhan I als tslaanNt al a

1411 cinsMy The eal eyiU p1+

Q4 Homeoloael Cern Whiskey1gallon jug express paid 250

OfferIdlebrook Whiskey In drumsUlstll

lery Bottling Express Paid100 pinta In drum 93600200 half plats In drum 3600Sold only by drum will not break

drumCorn Whiskey Expreoe Paid

Rocky Fork per bottle ex twld 140Rocky tork pot case ex paid 12751 gal corn ex paid SQ1 gal corn ex paid 2751 sal L N corn ex paid 3 5

Rye VtMskey Cxarooo PaidPer Gallon

Queer CitY ex 9150Sunny South ex Hold 275Rye Matt ox pahi 325Hurdle Rye ex paid 40-Ovcrholt ox paid 450Rico 11111 ex pall 450Planter ex paid 0dOld Boone ox iwltl 509Williams Irlvato Seal ex paid 09-

AltoholOne grade only anti jug x paid 1450

t i oteaw M25 pad 1450

to It





Special yk



Only ly ft a Milt slew lf-

H im twNliilti U nttiiil ta at

ask for

TWi vtrt network t viiftti NHiHf

lid Mil tit

fat varhw M4MtM-

tlMM their tf

SUIttt onllwith 1f-




IA ii MilewMry are unlferm M W31r eta

anti In tt tatedo ttpol-daline

Marranpcrlteni it Hn 1M Roll Tel

11 to-

o 4U Talsphono altnoot anytiaallelrtMt enw bM W-

liSommunloalton NIiKe iOIM-In country

a 1-

In throui out iho R4tthf4 t io4-4eIty in tonmereo and w 141 pip-ooee icy t lanhory the flfntlr and

In all wolM ifplant hero in lmpi ton111nk 1R IhN-



Southern Bell

and Telegraph tempinvJ-dJtJ ItncIi-

lr JIJlIlMexaW PUx