ga newsletter 1-19-12

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  • 8/3/2019 GA Newsletter 1-19-12


    King, Jr.

    Reminder that there will be NO

    SCHOOL on Monday, January 23

    however, School Aged Child Care

    and the staff will be in the buildin

    Keep the 5th and 6th grade stude

    in your prayers asking for a safefield trip as they will be taking the

    annual Ski Trip down to Mount K


    Many blessings to you and your family!

    Mrs. Amy Gallus

    Dear GA Families

    With the arrival of winter tem-

    peratures this week, please be

    sure your children come dressed

    for outside recess. Weve had

    lots of students borrowing gloves

    and hats from the nurse, lost and

    found, and searching backpacks

    very regularly looking for missing

    items. It was too cold for outside

    recess today, but if the air tem-perature is above zero and or the

    windchill is not below -10 de-

    greeswe will have the students

    go out for at least part of the re-

    cess time.

    Hope to see several of you at the

    Town Hall Meeting tonight. The

    School Commission has several

    items to share with you about our

    school, from marketing initiatives

    to survey results, from our Inter-

    national Language Program to anew recruitment incentive pro-

    gram for alljoin us for the dis-

    cussion of these topics.

    Classrooms are abuzz with the

    sound Spelling Bee Qualifying

    Roundsthe top 2 from each

    grade level will advance to our

    School Wide Spelling Bee during

    Catholic Schools Week. Well

    have three divisions of competi-

    tionK-2, 3-5, and 6-8.

    Today we welcomed back three GA

    alums and a few of their friends as

    they came to share the Math Con-

    cepts Book they created in their

    high school math class at Holy

    Family. Students in grades K-5

    were presented these books.

    Ive been asked a few questions

    about the GA Volunteer Apprecia-

    tion Night and want to share a few

    details about that evening. ALL of

    YOU and your families are invited

    you are the volunteers we rely on

    in so many ways and the staff

    wants to be able to give back to

    you in a small gesture that eve-

    ning by providing Ice Cream and

    toppings for you to enjoy. The

    talent show will NOT be that eve-ningwe will have one, but later in

    the school year. In addition to the

    treat we will be recognizing nine

    exceptional volunteers from all

    aspects of the Guardian Angels

    Parish and School. They will be

    receiving the Drum Majors of Ser-

    vice Award, which draws upon the

    wonderful example of servant

    leadership of Martin Luther

    Flatbread pizza

    Green beans

    Veggies & Dip


    1-23 NO SCHOOL

    1-24 Becky Schreier

    1-25 Deb Nolan

    1-26 Carla Shermock

    1-27 Becky Schreier

    I N S I D E

    Super Sun-day Funday


    Free Throw 3Wine Tasting 3

    Book Fair 3

    Holy Family 4Volunteers 4

    Give Kids aSmile 4

    Baking Bri-gade


    Sports Cor-ner


    Calendar 5

    Thanks yous 5

    Prayer Cor-ner 5Tomorrows lunch-Cooks Choice Lunchroom Playground Helpers

    Guardian Angels School

    J A N U A R Y 1 9 , 2 0 1 2V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 6

    A T T A C H -

    M E N T S

    F L Y E R S - B O O K

    F A I R & P A R E N T

    L E T T E R

    1-23 NO SCHOOL

    1-24 Kris Zugan

    1-25 Kris Zugan

    1-26 HELP NEEDED

    1-27 Tony Rief

  • 8/3/2019 GA Newsletter 1-19-12


    P A G E 2

    G U A

  • 8/3/2019 GA Newsletter 1-19-12


  • 8/3/2019 GA Newsletter 1-19-12


    P A G E 4

    G U A R D I A N

    Holy Family Fan Nights . . .

    Playground/Lunchroom Volunteer Help Needed-ManyFamilies have signed up now, Thanks!!

    We have a need for a parent volunteer on the following dates to

    help with supervision of the playground during the lunch times from

    11:35-12:35. Please sign up on the GA web-site or give the office a

    call if you can help us out on the following dates; 1/30, 2/2, 2/6,

    2/16, 2/21, and 2/22. Thanks in advance for your help providing a

    safe and supervised atmosphere for our students!

    Give Kids a Smile! On Friday, Feb. 3, and Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, freedental care is offered to children whose families face barriers to care.

    A variety of services will be available in about 200 locations through-

    out the state. See link for more information about the program and

    how to make an appointment. Appointments may fill up quickly in

    some areas, so check it out right away, if interested.


    Introducing Our New Hospitality Ministry and Baking Brigade!!

    Do you like to entertain, bake or just meet people and make them feel welcome? If so,we invite you to join our new GA hospitality ministry. This ministry will support parish-

    wide events such as a reception for our parish feast day or a welcome event for a new

    priest, deacon or staff member. We are looking for volunteers who would be willing to

    either coordinate an event or those folks who would rather just help out. Maybe you

    could get a team of 2-3 friends or family members who would be willing to coordinate

    an event or two each year as a mini-social bonding event between friends/family? We

    would also like to create a Baking Brigade of folks who would be willing to occasion-

    ally bake treats for parish events. If you are interested in any of these activities please

    contact Marie Guillemette 952-368-3086.

    Holy Family Catholic High School invites all youth and their families to Fire Fan Night at

    Girls Basketball at the Holy Family gym at 7:30pm on Friday, January 20, and Boys Hocke

    at the Victoria Ice Arena at 7pm on Tuesday, January 31st. All students grades PK-8 and

    their families admitted free to both games and the families in these grades will receive a

    free HF hockey puck. Come out and cheer on the Fire!

    Admissions tickets can be printed off the Holy Family website at
  • 8/3/2019 GA Newsletter 1-19-12


    Sabre Sports CornerWe're just over half way through our basketball season at GA

    and there are a lot of home games coming up. Our Boys and

    Girls Varsity play Thursday 1-19 after school and all of our Cub

    teams play at GA this Saturday 1-21 starting at 8am. A couple of

    reschedules have occurred due to the Christmas concert and

    Chillfest. First, the Boys Varsity will play against OLG February16th at 4:30 at GA and the Boys Cub Gold(6th graders) will play

    on February 21st @ 5:45 at St. Michaels. Make sure to mark

    your calendars and let coaches know if you have a conflict.

    Thanks and Go Sabers! Mr. Jones.

    Diane Jonasen & Jessica Oberpriller for their help get-ting the school registration sent home last week. Andfor all of Dianes help with the Thursday communica-tion sent home to school families each week :)

    Sharing/Caring for doing some meals for our families.

    Beth Melander for her donation.

    Michelle Godzak for volunteering last week.

    Thank you to:

    Jan. 19th-TONIGHT 6:00 Pizza6:30 Town Hall Meeting

    Jan. 20th 9:20 School Mass-Grade 3 Father


    Jan. 20th 9:15 Mount Katogrs. 5/6

    Jan. 23rd NO SCHOOL

    Jan 23-29th Book Fair

    Jan. 27th 9:15 School MassGrade 5

    Jan. 29th 9-2 Super Sunday Funday/Waffle

    breakfast/Book Fair/games Catholic

    Schools Week begins

    Jan. 31st 10:00 Historical Perspectives

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Feb. 2nd 6:00 grades 4/5 Info. night

    6:30 Ice Cream Social/Bingo, etc.

    Volunteer Appreciation

    Feb. 3rd 9:20 School Mass

    Prayer Corner-Please pray for:

    Kalie Dahl's Grandpa Weber. May he and his family find peace

    and comfort.

    Carol Scotts great grandma who passed away.