fundamentals of data acquisiton and signal processing

  1  Abst rac t    Data acquisition and signal processing is of great importance these days because it's utilized in a great amount of fields. Data acquisition (DAQ) is the process to measure with a computer an electric or physical phenomenon such as voltage, current, temperature, pressure or sound. A data acquisition system is made up of sensors, data acquisitioning hardware and a computer with its corresponding software. Compared with the traditional data acquiring systems, DAQ systems based on computers make use of the processing power, productivity, visualization and connectivity, allowing a better solution of the data acquired. The main purpose of the data acquisitioning systems is to capture and store information to be analyzed, being that a signal can contain much information about the qualities of the source. I. OBJETIVE The objective of this practice is to learn about the fundamental theory, practical theory about data acquisition and analog- digital data conversion and their posterior processing. II. I  NTRODUCTION HE data acquisition systems are used by the majority of engineers and researchers in research, industrial control, measurements and tests to introduce and extract information via PC. A DAQ system is made up of the following  [1] :   Sensors The sensors (also called transducers) convert a  physical phenomenon into a small electrical signal that can be measured. Depending on the type of sensor, the electrical output can be either current, voltage, resistance or any other electrical attribute that varies over time. Some sensors may need additional components and circuits to produce a signal that can be measured by a DAQ device. Sensors can measure variables such as temperature, strains, pressure, flow, forces and movement (this one can be either displacement, velocity and acceleration).  Signal Conditioning Some signals of the sensors tend to have a lot of interference or are too dangerous to be measured directly. The signal conditioning circuit manipulates a signal in a way that this one is a ppropriate to enter an analog-digital converter (ADC). This circuit may contain amplification, dampening, filtering and insulation.   Analog-digital Converter (ADC) The analog signals of the sensors have to be converted into digital signals before being manipulated by a digital device, such as a PC. An ADC is a chip that provides a representation of a digital signal in an instant of time. In real life, analog signals vary continuously in time and a ADC realizes  periodical "samples" of the signal at a predefined rate. These samples are then transferred to a computer via USB, where the original signal is then reconstructed in the software using the samples.  Computer A computer with the proper software is necessary to  process and analyze information. This software also needs to be able to provide a graphic representation of the information. III. BASIC THEORY Sampling Frequency During the sampling process the frequency of sound is measured taking samples in intervals of equal time. Sampling, as it is known, is the basic process in the transformation of analog sound into digital sound. The amount of samples of a wave is called sampling frequency. The higher the sampling frequency is, the digitalized sound will be closer to the original sound. The higher this one is, the capture of the sound will be more precise and thus, the sound will have a higher quality. [2] The resolution of sound is directly related with the sampling frequency. This refers to the number of binary digits, 1's and 0´s, which make up each sample. Their measure of unit is the bit and it makes reference to the size of each sample. The most common thing is to work with 16 bits, but 8 and 32  bits can also be used. If the audio resolution is of 8 bits this means that we've taken 256 values for the sample. If the resolution and frequency are higher, so will be the quality of the sound. #1 Fundamentals of Data Acquisition and Signal Processing Haran Aguilar Reyes, 1607086 Structural Dynamics Laboratory, Dr. Diego Francisco Ledezma 16/02/2015 T

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  • 1

    Abstract Data acquisition and signal processing is of great

    importance these days because it's utilized in a great amount of

    fields. Data acquisition (DAQ) is the process to measure with a

    computer an electric or physical phenomenon such as voltage,

    current, temperature, pressure or sound. A data acquisition

    system is made up of sensors, data acquisitioning hardware and a

    computer with its corresponding software. Compared with the

    traditional data acquiring systems, DAQ systems based on

    computers make use of the processing power, productivity,

    visualization and connectivity, allowing a better solution of the

    data acquired. The main purpose of the data acquisitioning

    systems is to capture and store information to be analyzed, being

    that a signal can contain much information about the qualities of

    the source.


    The objective of this practice is to learn about the fundamental

    theory, practical theory about data acquisition and analog-

    digital data conversion and their posterior processing.


    HE data acquisition systems are used by the majority of

    engineers and researchers in research, industrial control,

    measurements and tests to introduce and extract

    information via PC. A DAQ system is made up of the

    following [1]:

    Sensors The sensors (also called transducers) convert a

    physical phenomenon into a small electrical signal

    that can be measured. Depending on the type of

    sensor, the electrical output can be either current,

    voltage, resistance or any other electrical attribute

    that varies over time. Some sensors may need

    additional components and circuits to produce a

    signal that can be measured by a DAQ device.

    Sensors can measure variables such as temperature,

    strains, pressure, flow, forces and movement (this

    one can be either displacement, velocity and


    Signal Conditioning Some signals of the sensors tend to have a lot of

    interference or are too dangerous to be measured

    directly. The signal conditioning circuit manipulates

    a signal in a way that this one is appropriate to enter

    an analog-digital converter (ADC). This circuit may

    contain amplification, dampening, filtering and


    Analog-digital Converter (ADC)

    The analog signals of the sensors have to be

    converted into digital signals before being

    manipulated by a digital device, such as a PC. An

    ADC is a chip that provides a representation of a

    digital signal in an instant of time. In real life, analog

    signals vary continuously in time and a ADC realizes

    periodical "samples" of the signal at a predefined

    rate. These samples are then transferred to a

    computer via USB, where the original signal is then

    reconstructed in the software using the samples.


    A computer with the proper software is necessary to

    process and analyze information. This software also

    needs to be able to provide a graphic representation

    of the information.


    Sampling Frequency

    During the sampling process the frequency of sound is

    measured taking samples in intervals of equal time. Sampling,

    as it is known, is the basic process in the transformation of

    analog sound into digital sound. The amount of samples of a

    wave is called sampling frequency. The higher the sampling

    frequency is, the digitalized sound will be closer to the

    original sound. The higher this one is, the capture of the sound

    will be more precise and thus, the sound will have a higher


    The resolution of sound is directly related with the

    sampling frequency. This refers to the number of binary digits,

    1's and 0s, which make up each sample. Their measure of unit

    is the bit and it makes reference to the size of each sample.

    The most common thing is to work with 16 bits, but 8 and 32

    bits can also be used. If the audio resolution is of 8 bits this

    means that we've taken 256 values for the sample. If the

    resolution and frequency are higher, so will be the quality of

    the sound.

    #1 Fundamentals of Data Acquisition and Signal

    Processing Haran Aguilar Reyes, 1607086

    Structural Dynamics Laboratory, Dr. Diego Francisco Ledezma



  • 2

    Image 1. A signal at different resolutions. It can be

    observed that at higher resolutions there's a better signal


    Sampling Theorem of Shannon-Nyquist

    The Shannon-Nyquist establishes that :

    "A continuous signal can only be sampled correctly if it

    doesn't contain frequency components higher than of the

    sampling frequency."

    This means that it is able to have an exact reconstruction of

    a signal from the samples of this one. In the case of the human

    hearing, the frequency is 20,000 Hz, so the correct sampling

    frequency would be 40,000 Hz. Some studies increment this

    value to 44,100 Hz, which is the value that tends to be used.

    If the sampling frequency is less than the double of the

    maximum frequency of the signal, a phenomenon called

    "Aliasing" occurs, where the sampled frequency differs from

    the original signal.

    Image 2. Example of the aliasing phenomenon.

    Fourier Theorem

    The analysis of harmonics present in sound that have a

    determined timbre is determined by a Fourier analysis. The

    Fourier theorem states something along the lines of:

    "Any type of wave, with the condition that this one is

    periodical (always repeats itlsef) can be broken down into a

    shorter or longer (even infinite) series of pure (sinusoidal)

    waves called harmonics. These harmonics are so that their

    combination gives way again to the original sound, and its

    frequencies are the whole multiples of the fundamental sound.

    Image 3. Broken down signal.

    The harmonics are sounds. A pure timbre (one sinusoidal

    wave) is made up of only one sound, which is equal to itself.

    A complex timbre (a type of periodic wave different from a

    sinusoidal one) is made up of a series of sinusoidal waves

    mixed, summed or combined with each other. All of these

    sounds come combined as one, in a way that we can't normally

    distinguish one from another.


    Sampling Ideal Signals

    The first part of the practice consisted in sampling a signal

    using the following equipment.

    Respective cables and connections

    Signal generator


    Sound Card


    From the output of the generator, the signal was divided

    into the osciloscope and the sound card, which was connected

    to the PC via USB.

    Image 3. Signal generator used for this practice.

    Three types of signals were generated, varying their

    frequencies and the sampling frequencies. The olny thing kept

    constant was the peak to peak amplitude, which was set to

    1000 mV.

  • 3

    Signal Generator Audio Software

    Signal Frequency



    Frequency (Hz)

    Sinusoidal 2000 6000

    4000 6000

    Saw tooth 2000 6000

    2000 48000

    Cuadrada 2000 48000

    4000 48000

    The results obtained where the following:

    Image 4. Sinusoidal signal with a frequency of 2000 Hz and

    a sampling frequency of 6000 Hz.

    Image5. Sinusoidal signal with a frequency of 4000 Hz and

    a sampling frequency of 6000 Hz.

    Image 6. Saw tooth signal with a frequency of 2000 Hz and

    a sampling frequency of 6000 Hz.

    Image 7. Saw tooth signal with a frequency of 2000 and a

    sampling frequency of 48,000 Hz.

    Imagen 8. Square signal with a frequency of 2000 Hz and a

    sampling frequency of 48,000Hz.

    Adobe Audition was the software used to sample the

    signals. In the software the sampling frequency desired to

    work with was selected.


    Capturing Signals From a Real Source

    The second part of this practice consisted in capturing

    signals from a real source.

    The equipment used for this section was the following.

    Cables and adapters

    2 Motors


    Signal conditioner

    Sound card

    Computer with Matlab

    Image 9. Motors used for the second part of the practice.

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    The vibration emitted with the motors was measured with

    an accelerometer and the information was analyzed in Matlab

    at different sampling frequencies.

    Motor Sampling Frequency (Hz)

    A 8,000


    B 8,000


    The results obtained where the following:

    Image 9. Motor A. Sampling frequency of 8000 Hz

    Image 10. Motor A. Sampling frequency of 16000 Hz

    Image 10. Motor B. Sampling frequency of 16000 Hz.

    Image 11. Motor B. Sampling frequency of 16000 Hz.

    Spectral Frequency

    We obtained the spectral frequency for the data we


    Image 12. Commands used to obtain the spectral


    The command above was used to obtain the spectral

    frequencies, and the results obtain were plotted.

    Image 13. Frequency spectrum for motor A, with a sampling

    frequency of 8000 Hz.

    Frequency (Hz)




    Frequency (Hz)

    Frequency (Hz)

    Frequency (Hz)










  • 5

    Imagen 14. Frequency spectrum for motor A, with a

    sampling frequency of 16000 Hz

    Imagen 15. Frequency spectrum for motor B, with a

    sampling frequency of 8000 Hz.

    Imagen 16. Frequency spectrum for motor B, with a

    sampling frequency of 16,000Hz


    Analyzing the results from the first part of the practice,

    which are the ones that correspond to the sampling of ideal

    signals, it can be seen that when the sampling frequency is

    incremented, in all of the cases, the signal obtained in the

    software is closer to that one which is displayed on the

    oscilloscope (ideal signal). The case where this could be seen

    the most was for the square signal, in which when the

    sampling frequency was incremented to 48,000 Hz, this one

    became more like an ideal square signal. It can be seen in

    Image 8, that having a high sampling frequency it is able to

    reconstruct the original signal.

    For the second part of the practice, the data obtained was

    from a real source. In the results graphed, we can clearly see

    that motor A has much less noise than motor B, comparing

    Images 9 &10 vs 11&12. This was seen during the practice,

    because motor B emitted more noise compared to motor A.

    This could have been caused by some unbalanced or failing



    More knowledge was obtained about the fundamental

    theory of data acquisition. Both acquisition from an ideal

    source and a real source was done, the ideal signals came from

    a signal generator while the real signals were obtained from an


    Using a PC it was able to analyze the signal coming from

    the source. In the case of the real source was seen that data

    acquisition can be utilized in a great number of applications.


    [1] Np. Que es la adquisicin de datos?, National Instruments. Web, Febrero 2015.

    [2] Np, Muestreo y resolucin de audio, Foto y Diseo Digital, Fotonostra. Web, Febrero 2015


    Harry Nyquist(7 February 1889 - 4 April 1976) was

    an important contributor to the theory of


    Worked in the development and research of

    AT&T from 1917 to 1934, and continued when the company changed its name to Bell Telephone

    Laboratories that year, and continued until his

    retirement in 1954. Nyquist received the Medal of Honor IEEE in 1960 for "Fundamental knowledge

    about thermal noise, data transmission, and negative

    retro alimentation". His early theory work in determination of a broadband to transmit information set the fundamentals for later advances Claude Elwood

    Shannon, who developed the theory of information.