ft c dull court yard prices sard the tie tuckers1ianc1...

BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY o n 0 THE JULYs Ii tt a r e C- F i it > > THE Honig NE SWIFT r EDITOR AND WHEAT WASTED Will pay the highest cash market price for wheat tf E F SPEARS SONS ACCEPTED Elmer Savage cf this city has accepted a position with M Dolan Sons contractors who are to build the new street v REDUCTION IN PRICES Great reduction in prices in our entire stbckof Gooas HARRY SIMON ATTENTION ELKS A attendance of the Elks is desired tonight Initiations and other businessof importance be attended to GOODS Big bargains in Harry Simons SUICIDED Ben F Settles aged 45 years formerly of this county committed suicide yesterday at Arkansas City Kasy by shooting himself PAssIm Two through trains from the East passed through terday on account of a wreck on the C O somewhere between Ashland and Cin cinnati HOSE ANp GLOVES Agent for Eiffel Brand Hose and Tasma Gloves HARRY SIMON PREAGHING SUNDAY Preaching at the Baptisfcchurch Sunday morning by Revv W At Simmons of Missouri will V also preach the sermon at the union Sunday night at this church SKIRTS Ladies thelatest style be found at Harry Simons REUNION In addition to dates etc already advertised to Cinch account of Elks Reunion tickets sold July 18 19 and 20 at rates of 200 for the round trip with return limit July 1904 WHEAT SACKS Plenty of wheat sacks at Peed Dodsons They will quote you prices every day Both Phones 140 al STORY It is said that a well known fed his horse by mistake a large quantity of poultry food and that mistake was not noticed until the horse had scractched up half the garden and showed signs of wanting to set gold watch betwren 15th and 7th streets Finder Jeave at NEWS office and receive suitable ITS LABORS The State Board of Exqualization has completed its labors The total value of assessed prop erty in the state this year is 636744205 an increase pt 14805240 over the Lion of last year The total Amount Of AT HALF PRICE Laces and Embroid riesat half prices at Harry Simons AWARDED The for furnishing school books in the State for the next five years was awarded the American Book Company of Cincinnati by the State School Book Commission the company having received the approval of a majority of the County Book in the State WAITED We pay 16c for 282t C P COOK DUNCAN GIVES BOND Former Mayor Henry T Duncan of Lexington who was indicted several days ago by the Iayettecourity grand jury for criminal libel voluntarily surrendered Deputy Sheriff Rogers and his bond was fixed at 300 which he gave with W J Lough ridge and James as surety NOTICE Dr Bowen the optician will be at A J Winters Cos on July 14 Examination free A CURIOSITY A thoroughly developed duck so far as feet wings and body are concerned surmounted with a head which would do credit to the proudest cock that ever strutted a barn yard is a fowl owned by Albert G Ellers who lives near Louis ville The bird has just passed its first birthday and for the past twelve months has been an object of unparalleled BARGAINS Wonderful bargains in muslin and knit underwear at Harry Simons HE SWORE OFF Were is that d d spade Mary asked a man of his wife as he ntered the house the other day f ter a search lemen Ill be d d if I know dear replied arid the lesson went home with such a distinct thud that he raised his right hand on the spot again pollute his with profane word in her presence MILLINERY All ourMillinery has been to half price HARRY SIMON RAISED THE HICENSE For many years Danville has been aprohibitiontown Re Gently a Cincinnati brewing firm has an flounced a determination to open a whole sale house there The city officials after examination found they could not stop it and at a special meeting of the Council raised the city license one dollars and prohibits the sale in less than five gallons which shall not be drunk on N S CHAMP OWNER POSiTION will wash good f t 4 THROUGH He ser- vices skirts an rates t i will be 25 fj 0 A GOOD farmer 1 t LosTLadies reward 11 k ala It contract Commis- sions I j rII r tr to curios- ity the i sweetly r ver a reduced a to premises It 0 1 J d i C 4 0 v lucrative the Summer full all WASH Paris yes c- ELLS nation l t r COMPLETED taxe due the state is318372102st Y CONTRACT eggs 1 f L Watkins far she tier liP s thou p S the J i 1 stand > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > nel to On Saturday night there was a dance given at the home of Ann Bratton coir ored about three miles from North bled dletown and right over the Bourbon and Clark line on Donaldson Creek which lasted over into Sunday A difficulty arose between two negroes named and Harrison Gess in which was instantly killed and Gess shot five times Gess died from the effects of his wounds yesterday It was by a prominent Clark county yesterday that Gess had the reputa tion of being a very quarrelsome but at the same time considered the rw best hand in Clark county FARMERS The most place to unload is at Peed Dodsons Call and get your sacks early They will pay the highest market price for your wheat july28tillaug Dull Court Day Yesterday was the banner day for dull court days in Paris There were fewer people in town than was ever known to a court day Farmers all in of harvest and then too it was a few days after the first of July Those most prom inent to be seen on the streets were can didates and collectors i No stock worth mentioning was on the market WALL have just received one of the handsomest lines of Wall ever brought to our city Call and see for yourself Firstclass hanger to put it on GEO W DAVIS A Fast Mile The trotters at Doug Thomas track beginning some sure enough The fastest mile made at this track so far this season on Saturday when Mr James Hukill drove Earlymont a mile in 159j Mr Thomas and his assistants are always a little shy about giving out the fast time made by their horses but several jof them let this Saturday night before they discovered the presence of a man Doug Thomas and J T Hedges held the watch on Earlymont and for any other information in regard to this phenominal trotter we refer you to these gentlemen as we could not find out more than what we have given above We will say that Mr Thomas has several as good if not better than Earlymont in his string that will do to keep tab on when he starts for the money SPECIAL SALES We are now offering at Special sales large line in Wallpaper Refrigerators Babybuggies and J T HINTON Handsome Home Destroyed By Fire handsome Mr Jesse Turney about three miles from Parts on nr MI rf MJNjHjy about 1130 oclock Saturday night The place is the old home of Judge Russell Mann and for several months workmen had been busily engaged in remodeling it until it was one of the most modern and beautiful places in Bourbon county It about ready for occupancy and Mr Turney and family intended to move into it this week There was no fire about the house when workmen left Saturday and the only cause is that a tramp stopped in arid dropped fire from a pipe Mr Turney was first notified by calling him up by telephone from town asking him if there was not a fire in his neighborhood and out doors he soon discovered it to be his new home He carried a 5000 policy in T Porter Smiths agency v Sears Tennie Racket to this office and receive reward 2t i SPECIAL RATES Special rates to and return July 6th via trolly line 50 cent On account of Clara Morris lecture at Chautauqua Tickets at Prathers grocery Full fare will be col lected unless tickets used Unusual Experience Henry Willis a negro laborer on Friday afternoon had the unusual experience of being buried alive He employed digging for a sewer tap in front of Mayor Perrys store and was about fourteen feet Below jhe street when the sides ex cavation caved in covering him with about four feet of dirt He was in a standing position when the accident occurred and the weight threw his head and arms on top of the sewer pipe and being in this posi lion it left a little below his his shoulders keeping from falling around his face After heroic efforts by Policeman Ben Bishop with lance managed tor get his head above the sit about four minutes Before Bishop reached him he answered his call and asked him how he was getting to hurry as he was about out of breath There never was a dog that threw dirt faster when scratching for a rat than did Bishop on this occasion It was fully a half hour before they got him and at first he could not move a muscle but gradually rounded too He is still very much with his back which have sustained a terrible strain from the position he was fact supporting all of the falling eartH with his shoulders back in order to get the little air that saved his life It was a narrow escape and Henry says if he gets over this he is jonewith sewer n Frank- Ford said was f PAPERI Paper are togo was news- paper any- thing I Ham- mocks the pike destroyed t after- noon some- one ongoing LosTA Re- turn Lex- ington pre in ofthe dirt out suffer- ing must I inin d- 1 Jti 0 t11e DtIt man negro p convenience b- on midst out further our Tte new home of was was An egos space f ice the dirt some as Iii along the business e sis > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < PERSONAL MENTION Mrs W H Fisher is visiting friends at Lexington Miss Annie Hennessey rel atives at Elizabeth Gregory is visiting friends at Winchester Miss Mae Terry of Lexington is the guest of Miss Savers Mrs Adrain Sharpsburg is the guest of Mrs J S Wilson Miss Ann Lee Washington of is visiting Miss Nannie Wilson Miss Nettie Hennessey of Lexing ton is the guest of Mrs J Morgan Brown Miss Katherine K Dudley of this city is visiting friends in Owen county Maria Lyons left this morning for two weeks stay at French Lick Springs Miss Carol Buck has returned home after several weeks visit to Miss Graham at Louisville Mrs E H arrive home totnorrdw from a visit to relatives at Versailles John M Brennan and Miss Nancy Clay will attend the hop at Estill Springs Friday night Charles Wilmoth of Detroit Mich was here on the hands with his many Mrs F S Allen and children of Sharpsburg will arrive to visit her sister Mrs W A Johnson Mrs M H Daily leaves tomorrow for a visit to Mrs E G Saulsberry sister of Dr Daily in Knox county Mrs James McClure and daughter Miss Annie Bruce McClure arrivedhome from Wellesley College Sunday Miss Bettie Brent Johnson will hometo day from several weeks visit toMiss Knott at Hannibal Mo Miss May Pepper of Frankfort home yesterday after several weeks visit to Nancy Clay Mr and Mrs J S Wilson have from several days visit to Mr Wilsons sister Mrs Jury at Peewee Valley Mrs Hattie Hutchcraft Hill win leave tomorrow for the St Louis Fair where she will put in all of her time in the art gallery L V Butler of Charleston W Va was here Saturday to visit his parent Mr and J D Butler an absent e two years Dr J T Vansant and wife have re turned from St Louis where they were royally entertained during their stay by Mr Breckinrige Jones a prominent at torney of that city Rev Rutherford nephew of Mrs E H Rutherford wellknown in this city is seriously ill with typhoid fever at his home Ga Last reports however are very encoaraging as to his condition Lee Suter Shot R Lee Suter a member of the Louis- ville BoaiQof Public Safety was I j arid the Dream Palape Fishing Camp afe v miles above Louisville Sunday shot was fired by W O Vaughn sixteenyearold boy who had been out on a nights carouse and who was firing two revolvers promiscuously aa he passed the camp in a carriage with bis party The boy admits he fired the shot but had no idea that it was going in the direction of the tent occupied by Mr Suter He was ar on the charge of murder but the Detective Department accepts the story of accidental death George Davis Mitchell NEW YORK June 30 1904 EDITOR NEWS When I picked up last copy of the NEWS and read at the top of the first page the following THE BOURBON NEWS is essentially a paper for the people Pure in tone it is a fit com panion in the family circle I more forcibly impressed with the noble character of the one who wrote it the late George D Mitchell In every sense of the word he was a fit companion in the family circle It was my good fortune to be associated him for the past thirty years To me he was more of a companion I more than anyone else was better enabled to know his true acter When I say that a more noble honest and upright ever lived than George Mitchell I know I speak the truth He was a man whom it was good to friend His whole conduct was such as to inspire those who associated with him to be better in their daily walks of life How true in your obituary of him was the phrase he never knqwingly did a wrong to anyone Al most childlike in his nature he could see no wrong in others He always believed in looking on the bright side of life and although during the last few years of his life he a constant sufferer he complained He was my guest New York only a few short weeks ago soil although he was then suffering great pain at all times he was cheerful and ever ready to joke Former Parisian James R McCann who is my neighbor says in all his life he never knew a more friend than George They were also childhood play mates When the day of judgment and we are all brought before the judgment throne the Recording ngel will have few black marks in the J Book of Life my departed friend While I will miss him greatly in the short space of time allotted to me here still when the great reunion comes it be a happy one R S P 1 e isvisiting Mi Ratliff of New- port Mrs Rutherfordwill fourthshaking ar- rive re- turned re- turned I I after ofnear I I I I The fatal a sayshe rested was c in- timately th consciepcious man calla in there Mitchell I ill i i 1 1 t J I 1 s seta dentall shot filled at the char was never devoted comes against tf- t a r r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = ± = Reasonable goods lit Sow Prices at Trank o 75 PIECES LAWNS REGULAR PRICE loc YARD Only lOt a Sard These are new style Lawns mostly small figures and suitable for Just received a new assortment Prices sc to c a Sard for regular 35c to 50c values Lace Ciie Rose jsc a Pair had Ribbons stock of ribbons is not to be to regards quality and Quality the best and prices 10yard Spool Baby all colors lOt a Spool NEWEST STYLES IN SEPAR- ATE SKIRTS ARE BEING RECEIVED DAILY ALL SIZES Dee Curtains Special offer of 20 cent off on all Curtains Belts gollars ties Sole Agents in Paris for American Lady and W Ct Corsets FRANK CO PARIS KY leliehasis S I Chili f O I ShirtWaists 1 supply lOur 1 das 1 1 I I i s I i 4 t3- zXCQediit 1 tot Rd per t 9 ¬ ¬ + + Wcr Are Showing the Lat and Newest Dress Goods Black Goods Wash Goods v Gloves Cotton Voiles Ginghams White Goods est Laces n Stocks i J l Htm11Jcs v 4 i 1 Ribbonst Skirts ¬ > < MICHAEL r I LE NeTONKE f ti 0 Q rJ r y TUCKYL 4 < I l Rugs and Druggets at Manufacturers Price We will sell you a 9x12 foot Brtisseiltf iDrugget worth Body Brussells for 2950 worth 40 a 9x12 Axmjnster for 2750 worth 40 a 9x1 Wilton Velvet for 3750 worth 50 a lot of small Rugs at low prices v SPECIALS I 200 Gloria Umbrellas worth i50 and l75 Choice 98 Cents V v 100 Silk Gloria beautiful handles worth V S lj ipA bo x 4 Colored v of JJnder Musjins just received at very low prices Gauzy Cotton Hosiery Lisle 25c and New Tan Beautiful Japanese White Wash ft J Only SOc Yard Il lImt r lail fox 1950 30 a9x12 Q k d i R i6pr9 fed 1SilI 2 50 i II j at2 8 t Sill c I hf y t Taffeta Umbrellas New Stock Hosiery > < 1 ER The < TuckerS1ianc1 1529531 MAIN STREET PHn1TJ r tie non These Prices Are Not Manufacturers Prices BUT MY OWN PRICES All of the following are 9x12 feet J Brussells Drugget worth 1700 for 1700 Body Brussells 2500 2500 AxmJnster 2600 2600 The Quality of these Rugs is Guaranteed to be as pr Better than you will get Another thing is you cant buy goods at WHEN you buy at The reason I can sell you Rugs Cheaper is because I am in the Rug Business and know what I am doing Kindly compare Prices Will show you two patterns for anybody else one I Undertaking in all its branches Embalming scientifically attended to LIGHT WEIGHT COAT and PANTS ALL WOOL ALSO AT 650 750 850 1000 1250 SPECIAL PRICES SUITS I f II II st II s o I I Wilton Velvet 28lQi aaD GO else- where Manufactures Prices h J TDIIT Ri lM I II I II S I I 1 f tI ION BOY s L Re- tail I ULANCT 444 A 5i00 7 o T < + < + > RICE fr t 1 Is CO CLOTIII ISI f i f I o

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Page 1: ft c Dull Court Yard Prices Sard The tie TuckerS1ianc1 supplynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c3x2n/data/0020.pdf · duck so far as feet wings and body are concerned surmounted with a head




tta r




it> >

THE Honig NE


WHEAT WASTED Will pay the highest

cash market price for wheat


ACCEPTED Elmer Savage cf

this city has accepted a position

with M Dolan Sons contractors

who are to build the new street v


in prices in our entire stbckofGooas HARRY SIMON

ATTENTION ELKS A attendance of

the Elks is desired tonight Initiations

and other businessof importance be

attended to

GOODS Big bargains in

Harry Simons

SUICIDED Ben F Settles aged 45

years formerly of this county committed

suicide yesterday at Arkansas City Kasy

by shooting himself

PAssIm Two through trains

from the East passed through

terday on account of a wreck on the C

O somewhere between Ashland and Cin


HOSE ANp GLOVES Agent for Eiffel

Brand Hose and Tasma GlovesHARRY SIMON

PREAGHING SUNDAY Preaching at the

Baptisfcchurch Sunday morning by RevvW At Simmons of Missouri will


also preach the sermon at the unionSunday night at this church

SKIRTS Ladies thelatest stylebe found at Harry Simons

REUNION In addition todates etc already advertised to Cinch

account of Elks Reunion ticketssold July 18 19 and 20 at rates of

200 for the round trip with return limitJuly 1904

WHEAT SACKS Plenty of wheat sacksat Peed Dodsons They will quote youprices every day Both Phones 140 al

STORY It is said that a well

known fed his horse by mistake alarge quantity of poultry food and thatmistake was not noticed until the horsehad scractched up half the garden andshowed signs of wanting to set

gold watch betwren15th and 7th streets Finder Jeave atNEWS office and receive suitable

ITS LABORS The StateBoard of Exqualization has completed itslabors The total value of assessed prop

erty in the state this year is 636744205an increase pt 14805240 over theLion of last year The total Amount Of

AT HALF PRICE Laces and Embroidriesat half prices at Harry Simons

AWARDED The forfurnishing school books in the State forthe next five years was awarded theAmerican Book Company of Cincinnatiby the State School Book Commission thecompany having received the approval ofa majority of the County Book

in the State

WAITED We pay 16c for282t C P COOK

DUNCAN GIVES BOND Former MayorHenry T Duncan of Lexington whowas indicted several days ago by theIayettecourity grand jury for criminallibel voluntarily surrendered DeputySheriff Rogers and his bond was fixed at

300 which he gave with W J Loughridge and James as surety

NOTICE Dr Bowen the optician willbe at A J Winters Cos on July 14Examination free

A CURIOSITY A thoroughly developedduck so far as feet wings and body areconcerned surmounted with a head whichwould do credit to the proudest cock thatever strutted a barn yard is a fowl ownedby Albert G Ellers who lives near Louisville The bird has just passed its firstbirthday and for the past twelve monthshas been an object of unparalleled

BARGAINS Wonderful bargains inmuslin and knit underwear at HarrySimons

HE SWORE OFF Were is that d dspade Mary asked a man of his wife ashe ntered the house the other day fter asearch lemen Ill be d dif I know dear replied aridthe lesson went home with such a distinctthud that he raised his right hand on thespotagain pollute his with profane wordin her presence

MILLINERY All ourMillinery has beento half price HARRY SIMON

RAISED THE HICENSE For many yearsDanville has been aprohibitiontown ReGently a Cincinnati brewing firm has anflounced a determination to open a wholesale house there The city officials afterexamination found they could not stop itand at a special meeting of the Councilraised the city license onedollars and prohibits the sale in less thanfive gallons which shall not be drunk on






good f t4







i will be


fj0 A GOOD







k ala






rIIr trto


the i








It 0 1Jd i

C 40






Paris yes








taxe due the state is318372102stY





L Watkins






J i1


















nel to

On Saturday night there was a dancegiven at the home of Ann Bratton coirored about three miles from North bleddletown and right over the Bourbon andClark line on Donaldson Creek whichlasted over into Sunday A difficultyarose between two negroes named

and Harrison Gess in whichwas instantly killed and Gess shot fivetimes Gess died from the effects of hiswounds yesterday

It was by a prominent Clark countyyesterday that Gess had the reputa

tion of being a very quarrelsomebut at the same time considered the

rwbest hand in Clark county

FARMERS The most placeto unload is at Peed Dodsons Calland get your sacks early They will paythe highest market price for your wheat


Dull Court DayYesterday was the banner day for dull

court days in Paris There were fewerpeople in town than was ever known to

a court day Farmers all in ofharvest and then too it was a few daysafter the first of July Those most prominent to be seen on the streets were candidates and collectors i

No stock worth mentioning was on themarket

WALL have just received oneof the handsomest lines of Wallever brought to our city Call and see foryourself Firstclass hanger to put it on


A Fast Mile

The trotters at Doug Thomas trackbeginning some sure enough Thefastest mile made at this track so far thisseason on Saturday when Mr JamesHukill drove Earlymont a mile in 159jMr Thomas and his assistants are alwaysa little shy about giving out the fast timemade by their horses but several jofthem let this Saturday night beforethey discovered the presence of a

man Doug Thomas and J THedges held the watch on Earlymont andfor any other information in regard to thisphenominal trotter we refer you to thesegentlemen as we could not find out

more than what we have givenabove

We will say that Mr Thomashas several as good if not better thanEarlymont in his string that will do tokeep tab on when he starts for the money

SPECIAL SALES We are now offering atSpecial sales large line in WallpaperRefrigerators Babybuggies and


Handsome Home Destroyed ByFire

handsome Mr JesseTurney about three miles from Parts on

n r MIrf MJNjHjy

about 1130 oclock Saturday night Theplace is the old home of Judge RussellMann and for several months workmenhad been busily engaged in remodeling ituntil it was one of the most modern andbeautiful places in Bourbon county It

about ready for occupancy and MrTurney and family intended to move intoit this week There was no fire about thehouse when workmen left Saturday

and the only cause is that a trampstopped in arid dropped fire from a pipe

Mr Turney was first notified bycalling him up by telephone from

town asking him if there was not a fire inhis neighborhood and out doorshe soon discovered it to be his new home

He carried a 5000 policy in T PorterSmiths agency


Sears Tennie Racketto this office and receive reward 2ti

SPECIAL RATES Special rates toand return July 6th via trolly line

50 cent On account of Clara Morrislecture at Chautauqua Tickets atPrathers grocery Full fare will be collected unless tickets used

Unusual ExperienceHenry Willis a negro laborer on Friday

afternoon had the unusual experience ofbeing buried alive He employeddigging for a sewer tap in front of MayorPerrys store and was about fourteen feetBelow jhe street when the sides excavation caved in covering him with aboutfour feet of dirt He was in a standingposition when the accident occurred andthe weight threw his head and arms on topof the sewer pipe and being in this posilion it left a little below hishis shoulders keeping from fallingaround his face After heroic efforts byPoliceman Ben Bishop withlance managed tor get his head abovethe sit about four minutes BeforeBishop reached him he answered his calland asked him how he was gettingto hurry as he was about out of breathThere never was a dog that threw dirtfaster when scratching for a rat than didBishop on this occasion It was fully ahalf hour before they got him and atfirst he could not move a muscle butgradually rounded too He is still

very much with his back whichhave sustained a terrible strain from theposition he was fact supporting allof the falling eartH with his shouldersback in order to get the little air that savedhis life It was a narrow escape andHenry says if he gets over this he isjonewith sewer














the pike destroyed





LosTA Re-








suffer-ing must

I inind-




t11e DtIt






on midst




Tte new home of





space f icethe dirt

some asIii


the business






















Mrs W H Fisher is visiting friendsat Lexington

Miss Annie Hennessey relatives at

Elizabeth Gregory is visitingfriends at Winchester

Miss Mae Terry of Lexington is theguest of Miss Savers

Mrs Adrain Sharpsburg isthe guest of Mrs J S Wilson

Miss Ann Lee Washington ofis visiting Miss Nannie Wilson

Miss Nettie Hennessey of Lexington is the guest of Mrs J Morgan Brown

Miss Katherine K Dudley of thiscity is visiting friends in Owen county

Maria Lyons left this morningfor two weeks stay at French LickSprings

Miss Carol Buck has returned homeafter several weeks visit to Miss Grahamat Louisville

Mrs E H arrivehome totnorrdw from a visit to relativesat Versailles

John M Brennan and Miss NancyClay will attend the hop at Estill SpringsFriday night

Charles Wilmoth of Detroit Michwas here on the handswith his many

Mrs F S Allen and children ofSharpsburg will arrive to visit hersister Mrs W A Johnson

Mrs M H Daily leaves tomorrowfor a visit to Mrs E G Saulsberry sisterof Dr Daily in Knox county

Mrs James McClure and daughterMiss Annie Bruce McClure arrivedhomefrom Wellesley College Sunday

Miss Bettie Brent Johnson willhometo day from several weeks visit

toMiss Knott at Hannibal Mo

Miss May Pepper of Frankforthome yesterday after several

weeks visit to Nancy ClayMr and Mrs J S Wilson have

from several days visit to MrWilsons sister Mrs Jury at PeeweeValley

Mrs Hattie Hutchcraft Hill winleave tomorrow for the St Louis Fairwhere she will put in all of her time in theart gallery

L V Butler of Charleston W Vawas here Saturday to visit his parentMr and J D Butler an absent e

two years

Dr J T Vansant and wife have returned from St Louis where they wereroyally entertained during their stay byMr Breckinrige Jones a prominent attorney of that city

Rev Rutherford nephewof Mrs E H Rutherford wellknown inthis city is seriously ill with typhoid feverat his home Ga Last reportshowever are very encoaraging as to hiscondition

Lee Suter Shot

R Lee Suter a member of the Louis-ville BoaiQof Public Safety wasI

j arid the DreamPalape Fishing Camp afe v miles aboveLouisville Sunday shot wasfired by W O Vaughn sixteenyearoldboy who had been out on a nightscarouse and who was firing two revolverspromiscuously aa he passed the camp in acarriage with bis party The boy admitshe fired the shot but had no ideathat it was going in the direction of thetent occupied by Mr Suter He was ar

on the charge of murder but theDetective Department accepts the story ofaccidental death

George Davis Mitchell

NEW YORK June 30 1904EDITOR NEWS When I picked up

last copy of the NEWS and read at the topof the first page the following THEBOURBON NEWS is essentially a paper forthe people Pure in tone it is a fit companion in the family circle I moreforcibly impressed with the noble characterof the one who wrote it the late GeorgeD Mitchell In every sense of the wordhe was a fit companion in the familycircle It was my good fortune to be

associated him for the pastthirty years To me he was more of acompanion I more than anyone elsewas better enabled to know his trueacter When I say that a more noblehonest and uprightever lived than George Mitchell I know Ispeak the truth He was a man whom itwas good to friend His wholeconduct was such as to inspire those whoassociated with him to be better in theirdaily walks of life How true in yourobituary of him was the phrase he neverknqwingly did a wrong to anyone Almost childlike in his nature he could seeno wrong in others He always believedin looking on the bright side of life andalthough during the last few years of hislife he a constant sufferer hecomplained He was my guest NewYork only a few short weeks ago soilalthough he was then suffering great painat all times he was cheerful and everready to joke

Former Parisian James R McCannwho is my neighbor says in all hislife he never knew a more friendthan George They were alsochildhood play mates

When the day of judgment andwe are all brought before the judgmentthrone the Recording ngel will have fewblack marks in the J Book of Lifemy departed friend

While I will miss him greatly in theshort space of time allotted to me herestill when the great reunion comes itbe a happy one R S P





Ratliff of














The fatala






timately th

consciepcious man







i i

1 1t




setadentall shot filled at



was never




tf- t ar r

















Reasonable goods

lit SowPrices at

Trank o


Only lOt a SardThese are new style Lawns mostly

small figures and suitable for

Just received a new assortment

Prices sc to c a Sardfor regular 35c to 50c values

Lace Ciie Rosejsc a Pair


Ribbonsstock of ribbons is not to be

to regards quality andQuality the best and prices

10yard Spool Babyall colors

lOt a Spool



Dee CurtainsSpecial offer of 20 cent off on

all Curtains

Belts gollars ties

Sole Agents in Paris for AmericanLady and W Ct Corsets





Chili fO



lOur 1


1 1




i 4


zXCQediit 1








+ +

Wcr Are Showing the Latand Newest

Dress Goods

Black Goods

Wash Goods v


Cotton Voiles


White Goods


Laces n


Jl Htm11Jcs v


















Rugs and Druggets at Manufacturers PriceWe will sell you a 9x12 foot Brtisseiltf iDrugget

worth Body Brussells for2950 worth 40 a 9x12 Axmjnster for 2750

worth 40 a 9x1 Wilton Velvet for 3750 worth50 a lot of small Rugs at low prices

v SPECIALS I200 Gloria Umbrellas worth i50 and l75Choice 98 Cents V

v100 Silk Gloria beautiful handles worthVSlj ipA bo

x 4 Colored

vof JJnder Musjins just received at very low pricesGauzy Cotton Hosiery Lisle 25c and New Tan

Beautiful Japanese White Wash ft JOnly SOc Yard


lImt r lail

fox 1950 30 a9x12 Q



R i6pr9 fed 1SilI

2 50i


jat2 8 tSill c




Taffeta Umbrellas

New Stock




1ERThe < TuckerS1ianc11529531MAIN STREET PHn1TJ

r tie


These Prices Are Not Manufacturers Prices


MY OWN PRICESAll of the following are 9x12 feet JBrussells Drugget worth 1700 for 1700

Body Brussells 2500 2500AxmJnster 2600 2600

The Quality of these Rugs is Guaranteed tobe as pr Better than you will get

Another thing is you cant buy goods atWHEN you buy at

The reason I can sell you Rugs Cheaperis because I am in the Rug Business and knowwhat I am doing

Kindly compare Prices Will show you twopatterns for anybody else one


Undertaking in all its branches Embalmingscientifically attended to




650 750 850 1000 1250SPECIAL PRICES





s oI IWilton Velvet 28lQi aaDGO else-


Manufactures Prices





I 1f










5i00 7








RICE frt




