fruit & vegetables pro- vide vitamins & minerals to keep

Draw on the plate below a healthy meal. Think about what makes up a balanced meal. End of Year Evaluation What active achievements have made you proud this year? What will you continue to do? Why? Fruit & vegetables pro- vide vitamins & minerals to keep us healthy & help us fight diseases & germs. Why is it important to eat the right food? Proteins are essen- tial for muscle growth and repair Carbohydrates and fats provide energy for the body Fibre helps our digestion and also helps our body fight diseases LOGO Name:_________________ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday In the timetable below write down any physical activity that you do during the week. It could include a school club, when you have PE, outside club, rainbows, guides, cubs etc. In the speech box below, write down 3 goals that you would like to achieve this year.

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Post on 27-Jan-2022




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Draw on the plate below a

healthy meal. Think about

what makes up a balanced


End of Year Evaluation What active achievements have made you proud this year?

What will you continue to do? Why?

Fruit & vegetables pro-

vide vitamins & minerals

to keep us healthy &

help us fight diseases &


Why is it important to

eat the right food?

Proteins are essen-

tial for muscle

growth and repair

Carbohydrates and fats

provide energy for the


Fibre helps our digestion and also

helps our body fight diseases



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

In the timetable below write down any physical activity that you do during the week. It

could include a school club, when you have PE, outside club, rainbows, guides, cubs etc.

In the speech box below, write down 3

goals that you would like to achieve

this year.

At Holy Family we all aim to achieve these six School Games values

within our Sporting Education, both inside & outside the classroom.

Complete the boxes by writing in when you shows

one of the values. It could have happened in a PE

lesson, at a sporting event or in the classroom.

School Games Values























































Count to 10

in your head.

Whilst you drink water take some time on

your healthy mind. Below are some activities

to do.

Take 4 deep breaths.

Think about 1

thing that

made you

happy today.

3 useful tips for


In the stars write

down 5 things that

make you happy.

Healthy Me

Active Me

Mindful Me

FACT: Every child should

be active for at least 60

minutes a day.

Give examples of when you

have been active during

the day.

This could be in any lesson

or a club.


You use 200

muscles to take a sin-

gle step forward.

To make sure that you have an active day.

Try to achieve at least 30 minutes at

school and at least 30 minutes at home.

In the table below draw or write down

some activities that you do during the day

to make 60 minutes of physical activity.


At Holy Family we partake in many

sporting activities. Write in the boxes

all your successes this year.

These sporting activities can be in

school and outside of school.

E.g. Football game with Brooklands or

completing Mini Olympics with my


PE & Sport is a fabulous way of developing leadership skills. The very best


Take responsibility for their actions at all times

Set very standards for themselves and work hard to exceed these

Include, encourage and praise everyone

Know the way, go the way and show the way – they set the right example

Have high principles and the courage to stick to them

Are humble and approachable

Leadership at Holy Family… Colour the smiley faces in green to show the different leadership roles you have carried out this year:

Prefect Sports Leader Reading Champion School Council

The Flame Newspaper Holy Family Flame Eco Monitor Reading partner

House Captain Liturgy Leader

Leadership Roles

In the bubbles below list all the clubs you belong to. It could include a school

club, Football, Netball, Judo, Swimming, Dance, Basketball, Multi Skills, Fun and

Fitness, Rainbows, Brownies, Cubs, Scouts etc.

How many clubs do you

belong to?

If you have been a

Spots Leader

Please tick the

box below!

Active travel These are the different ways of traveling to

school actively.

Tick the box when you have achieved an ac-

tive travel.

Everyone should

drink at east 2 litres

of water day.

That is roughly 4

bottles of water.

How many active

badges have you

achieved this year?

How many bottles of water do you drink a day?

Colour in the bottles,

Design a

new Active


badge for

Holy Family.


Water is essential to keep

your brain & bodybodybody hydrated

I am special, I am Me! “Don’t worry about failures; think more about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.” Think positive…I am good at the following things:

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step. Believe in yourself.” My best achievements this year: