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Post on 02-Nov-2014




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By the grace of Almighty the business plan “Oyster Mushroom Farming‟ has been

completed on paper. The idea of this innovative business came from an article of Agriculture

University discussing the inevitable benefits of oyster mushroom farming worldwide and its

prospects in Pakistan.

By realizing all the splendid benefits that mushrooms offers in terms of its unique

products, we decided to establish a mushroom farm which aims to serve the Lahore fast food

market. Keeping in view the fact that higher risk involves while pursuing a new idea, but we

have taken an initiative and the rest of the journey with lots of hardships became exciting and at

the same time a source of practical knowledge.

Pakistan is on its way to growth. Its people are now getting more aware of modernization,

now more practical and seek variety. When we talk about health, Pakistanis are very fond of


With the time, there eating habits are changing. Now they rely more on the nutritious benefits

and are health conscious. Keeping in view their changing ingestion trend, we tried to serve them

with the product which they were deprived of. There is a gap in this market which is pointed and

will be filled by us.

Muhammad Sulman Ashraf L1S10MBAM0147

Sana Khalid L1F09MBAM0035

Jawad Bajwa L1S08MBAM0148

Umair Shakeel L1S08MBAM2147



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First of all, we are Thankful to Allah the Almighty for His guidance that He bestowed us

with the power of knowledge and gave us strength and courage to complete this project.

We would like to thank Dr Muhammad Asif, for his motivational support in this project.

He was always there to listen and to confer information. He showed us different way to approach

research problems. Finally he gave us opportunity to provide services at his laboratory because

of our knowledge and proficiency that we gained from the project.

We would also like to express our heartiest gratitude to our supervisor Prof Farooq

Hussain and Prof. Fahdia Khalid. They are very kind and humble. Their supervision and

suggestions were always supportive.

Special thanks go to our parents; they are responsible for completing this dissertation as

well as the whole educational career that lies behind it. Last but surely not least, we want to

acknowledge wonderful cooperative peoples: Mr. Asim from Pizza Hut, Shehzad Aziz from

Okara Feeds, Ahmed Khan from Fine Pizza, and Mr. Ali Aslam from A&T Company Karachi.

Muhammad Sulman Ashraf L1S10MBAM0147

Sana Khalid L1F09MBAM0035

Jawad Bajwa


Umair Shakeel L1S08MBAM2147



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It is to certify that business plan titled as “Oyster Mushroom Farming” has been completed by

Muhammad Sulman Ashraf, Sana Khalid, Jawwad Bajwa, and Umair Shakeel under my

supervision in order to fulfill the requirement of their Masters of Business Administration studies


Project Supervisor


Project Advisor




Page 5: Front pages

This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MBA program. We, the

undersigned, declare that this project report is our own original work. Where we have taken ideas

and or wording from another source, this is explicitly referenced in the text.

Muhammad Sulman Ashraf


Sana Khalid


Jawwad Bajwa


Umair Shakel

