freehold borough board of education agenda for …...freehold borough boe minutes – may 12, 2014...

Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 1 FREEHOLD BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION AGENDA FOR THE PUBLIC BOARD ACTION MEETING HELD MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014 AT 7:00 PM IN PAC GYMNASIUM 280 PARK AVENUE, FREEHOLD, NJ 07728 A. OPENING STATEMENTS 1. Call to Order The Public Board Meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jordan, in the Gymnasium of the Park Avenue Complex, 280 Park Avenue, Freehold, New Jersey, 07728 at 7:03 PM. She read the Open Public Meeting Act, C 231, P.L. 1975. 2. Pledge of Allegiance Mrs. Jordan led all in the pledge of allegiance. 3. Roll Call Mrs. Jordan asked Mr. Strimple to call the roll. A quorum of the board was present. Present: Annette Jordan – President Paul Ceppi Susan Greitz James Keelan Maureen MacCutcheon Bruce Patrick Margaret Rogers Absent: Dr. Michael Lichardi – Vice President Michele Tennant Other Attendees: Dr. Rocco Tomazic – Superintendent James H. Strimple, Jr. – Business Administrator B. BOARD PRESIDENT/VICE PRESIDENT COMMENTS None C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Greitz offered the following motion, seconded by Mr. Patrick. A roll call vote was taken and the minutes were approved unanimously.

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  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 1




    1. Call to Order

    The Public Board Meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jordan, in the Gymnasium of the Park Avenue Complex, 280 Park Avenue, Freehold, New Jersey, 07728 at 7:03 PM. She read the Open Public Meeting Act, C 231, P.L. 1975.

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    Mrs. Jordan led all in the pledge of allegiance.

    3. Roll Call

    Mrs. Jordan asked Mr. Strimple to call the roll. A quorum of the board was present. Present: Annette Jordan – President Paul Ceppi Susan Greitz James Keelan Maureen MacCutcheon Bruce Patrick Margaret Rogers

    Absent: Dr. Michael Lichardi – Vice President Michele Tennant Other Attendees:

    Dr. Rocco Tomazic – Superintendent James H. Strimple, Jr. – Business Administrator



    Mrs. Greitz offered the following motion, seconded by Mr. Patrick. A roll call vote was taken and the minutes were approved unanimously.

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    1. Recommend the Board approve the release to the public of the minutes of the Board Retreat held on April 23, 2014.

    2. Recommend the Board approve the release to the public of the executive minutes of the Board Retreat held on April 23, 2014 at a time when the public’s interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental interest being protected from disclosure.

    3. Recommend the Board approve the release to the public of the minutes of the Board Action

    Meeting held on April 28, 2014. D. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS ONLY None E. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – Dr. Rocco Tomazic

    1. Calendar/Announcements

    The District has recently completed the final NJASK testing for the sixth through eighth

    grade students. This week the students in grades three through five will be taking the assessments. Dr. Tomazic informed the Board that we should have the student scores in late August. Dr. Tomazic hopes to have the results of the Teacher SGP’s in district by January 2015.

    In continuing his ‘mini’ presentation on curriculum development, Dr. Tomazic discussed with the Board how the District integrates the common core standards with textbooks. He described the development of templates to align with the Marzano evaluations and benchmarks for assessing achievement.

    The Agenda Addendum item for this evening addresses the hiring of the new Teacher of Technology who will be teaching the class that this curriculum is being written for.

    Dr. Tomazic informed the Board that the second round of interviews for the new Business Administrator/Board Secretary is in progress and should be concluded next week.

    The posting for the Director of Curriculum and Instruction will be closing in a few days. Dr. Tomazic informed the Board that the District’s current Network Manager has

    declined the position for the 2014 -2015 year. We have reached out to several local districts in search of a shared services agreement but to date we have no offers. The position will now be posted as a half time position.

    Dr. Tomazic shared with the Board some of the benefits of being a field test site for the new PARCC assessments. The discovery that the Chromebooks function very well while administering the tests and the stand alone computers were not showing the same results. Therefore, the District will be ordering additional Chromebooks.

    This Thursday, members of the National Junior Honor Society will be presenting their grant proposals seeking to help various organizations in the Freehold community, to Mr. Barry Tobias the Chief Financial Officer of the Peter Jay Sharp Foundation.

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 3

    The Superintendent recommends the following motions to the Freehold Borough Board of Education for approval:

    Mr. Patrick offered the following motion, seconded by Mrs. MacCutcheon that items F-1 through L-1 be approved. A roll call vote was taken and all items were passed unanimously.


    1. United Way/YMCA 2014 Early Warning Summer Reading Program Authorize the district to partner with the YMCA of Monmouth County and the United Way of Monmouth County to lend curricular and diagnostic support to the United Way/YMCA 2014 Early Warning Summer Reading Program.

    2. Suicide Prevention Training Approve 2 hours of Suicide Prevention Training for PAE, FLC & FIS on Friday, May 23, 2014 from 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM. The training will include information on HIB Curriculum to implement Professional Development: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, More Than Sad District PD. Presenters will be Erin K. Parnell & Nicki Francis, Community Health Instructors from CentraState Medical Center & Student Health Awareness Center. The cost of the program is $300, appropriated from GAAP account 11-000-218-500-00-00-04.


    1. RESOLVED, the Board accepts the Superintendent’s report of all cases of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying reported since the last board meeting on April 28, 2014.

    Case School HIB? Description Action

    FIS 27- 13/14

    FIS Yes Two offenders make fun of victim on an ongoing basis. One offender for HIB-related attributes, the other offender as a result of an ongoing conflict.

    Offender #1 ISS, meeting with family. Offender #2 Principal meeting. Victim counseled.

    FLC 16- 13/14

    FLC No Offenders and victim traded insults, but investigation showed that victim initiated. Deemed a conflict

    Both offenders removed from assembly and received office detention. Victim counseled.

    2. RESOLVED, the Board approves the Superintendent’s report of all cases of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying reported on April 28, 2014

    Case School HIB? Description Action

    FIS 24-13/14

    FIS No Offenders teasing victim about boy/girl issues; group otherwise friends.

    Offenders and victim counseled.

    FIS 25- 13/14

    FIS Yes Offender made insulting and demeaning comments about victim’s physical appearance.

    Offender and victim counseled

    FIS 26- FIS No Offender alleged to make fun of victim Offender and victim

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 4

    13/14 due to having a double chin; offender says victim purposefully makes a double chin.


    FLC 14-13/14

    FLC No Victim believed offenders were talking about her and her brother because her brother rolled his eyes at offenders. Victim’s brother denies rolling his eyes.

    Offenders and victim counseled.

    FLC 15-13/14

    FLC No Offender communicated through an intermediary that he was going to punch victim, although he claims it was going to be a fake punch. No physical contact, not tied to HIB-related characteristic.

    Offender 1 day ISS, victim counseled.

    PAE 38-13/14

    PAE No Offender allegedly called victim fat after victim came in last in a race. Offender admitted to saying student was slow.

    Offender and victims counseled

    PAE 39-13/14

    PAE No Offender allegedly used a disparaging word towards victim and threatened to throw water on victim during recess. Offender denies allegations.

    Offender and victim counseled.

    PAE 40-13/14

    PAE No Offenders allegedly made disparaging comments to victim about his small size; offenders deny the allegations.

    Offender and victim counseled.

    PAE 41-13/14

    PAE Yes Offender teased and made insulting comments to victim related to gender.

    Offender received lunch detention, victim counseled.

    3. Private School Placement

    Approve special education student to attend Children’s Center for the remainder of the 2013/14 school year appropriated from GAAP Account 11-000-100-566-00-00-04.

    SID School Location Tuition

    10200025 Children’s Center Neptune, NJ $3,545.75

    4. Field Trip List

    Approve field trips in accordance with attached field trip list. H. ADMINISTRATION

    1. Staff Job Description Approve the following staff job description – Part-time Network Manager


    1. Approval of Travel Related Expenses Recommend the Board approve travel and related expense reimbursement in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A7.4 as per attached 2013-2014 Travel Authorization Logs.

    2. Payment of Bills – May 12, 2014

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 5

    Recommend the Board approve the claims for goods received and services rendered and certified to be correct by the Business Administrator/Board Secretary as of May 12, 2014 as follows:

    Fund 11 – General Current Expense $445,589.74 Fund 12 – Capital Outlay 0 Fund 20 – Grants and Entitlements 39,194.59 Fund 60 – Food Services 43,577.95 Total $528,362.28

    3. Implementation of the 2014-2015 Budget Authorize the Superintendent and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to implement the 2014-2015 budget pursuant to local and state policies.

    4. Requisition of School Tax Levy Schedule

    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Freehold Borough Board of Education approve the following Requisition of School Tax Levy Schedule for the annual operating budget for the 2014-2015 school year as per the attached schedule.

    5. Appointments BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approve the following appointments for the 2014-2015 School Year:

    Board Secretary James H. Strimple, Jr.

    Treasurer of School Monies Bruce Rodman ($7,486 annually)

    School Physician Dr, Mary Yee ($7,000 annually)

    Affirmative Action Officer for District/Curriculum Jennifer O’Shea

    504 Officer Jennifer O’Shea

    Right to Know Contact Person Joseph Bilotti

    Public Agency Compliance Officer School Business Administrator

    Affirmative Action Officer for Contracts School Business Administrator

    Integrated Pest Management Coordinator Joseph Bilotti

    AHERA Coordinator Joseph Bilotti

    Chemical Hygiene Officer Joseph Bilotti

    Asbestos Management Officer Joseph Bilotti

    Indoor Air Quality Designee Joseph Bilotti

    Safety and Health Designee Joseph Bilotti

    Substance Awareness Coordinator Heather Elkin

    6. Line Item Transfers

    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Superintendent be authorized to approve line item budget transfers between regular board meetings subject to board ratification for the 2014-2015 school year.

    7. Uniform Minimum Chart of Accounts

    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board adopt the Uniform Minimum Chart of Accounts for New Jersey Public Schools for the 2014-2015 school Year.

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    8. Tax Shelter Annuity Companies BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approve the following companies to provide Tax Shelter Annuity salary reduction agreements for the 2014-2015 school year. (Information sharing agreements are on file in the Business Office.)

    AXA Equitable Great American Life Insurance Co.

    Ameriprise/IDS Financial Services Security Benefit Life Insurance Co.

    Lincoln National Life Legend Employee Benefit Account

    Siracusa Benefits Program AIG/Variable Annuity Life Insurance Co.

    NY Life Insurance & Annuity Corp.

    9. Petty Cash Accounts

    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approve the following petty cash accounts for the 2014-2015 School Year:

    School/Department Responsible Party Amount

    Business Office School Business Administrator $300

    Freehold Intermediate School Ronnie Dougherty $100

    Freehold Learning Center William Smith $100

    Park Avenue Elementary Patrick Mulhern $100

    10. Professional Services – General Counsel, Board Attorney

    Approve the following professional services resolution:



    WHEREAS, there exists a need for general counsel services, for the 2014-2015 school year; and WHEREAS, such general counsel services can be provided only by a legal firm, and the firm of CLEARY, GIACOBBE, ALFIERI, JACOBS, LLC of 7 James Street, Florham Park, NJ is so recognized; and WHEREAS, funds are or will be available for this purpose and appropriated from GAAP Accounts 11-000-230-331-00-00-09 and 11-000-230-339-00-00-09; and WHEREAS, this action is the award of a non-fair and open contract in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE FREEHOLD BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, AS FOLLOWS:

    1. The firm of CLEARY, GIACOBBE, ALFIERI, JACOBS, LLC of 7 James Street, Florham Park, NJ

    is hereby retained to provide general counsel services.

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 7

    2. The contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a “Professional Service” in accordance with the Public School Contract Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18(A)(a)(1), because it is for services performed by persons authorized by law to practice as recognized profession.

    3. The Board authorizes Matthew J. Giacobbe, Esq., of the firm CLEARY, GIACOBBE, ALFIERI, JACOBS, LLC of 7 James Street, Florham Park, NJ to provide general counsel services at a rate of $145 per hour for partners and $135 per hour for associates.

    4. A copy of this resolution along with the engagement letter and contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.

    11. Professional Services - Special Education Counsel

    Approve the following professional services resolution:



    WHEREAS, there exists a need for special education special counsel services, for the 2014-2015 school year; and WHEREAS, such special education special counsel services can be provided only by a legal firm, and the firm of WILENTZ, GOLDMAN & SPITZER, P.A. of 90 Woodbridge Center Drive, Woodbridge, NJ is so recognized; and WHEREAS, funds are or will be available for this purpose and appropriated from GAAP Account 11-000-230-331-00-00-09; and WHEREAS, this action is the award of a non-fair and open contract in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE FREEHOLD BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, AS FOLLOWS:

    1. The firm of WILENTZ, GOLDMAN & SPITZER, P.A. of 90 Woodbridge Center Drive,

    Woodbridge, NJ is hereby retained to provide special education special counsel services. 2. The contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a “Professional Service” in

    accordance with the Public School Contract Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18(A)(a)(1), because it is for services performed by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized profession.

    3. The Board authorizes Viola S. Lordi, Esq., of the firm WILENTZ, GOLDMAN & SPITZER, P.A. OF 90 Woodbridge Center Drive, Woodbridge, NJ to provide special education counsel services at a rate of $175 for Shareholders, an hourly rate of $150 for Associates, plus reimbursable costs.

    4. A copy of this resolution along with the engagement letter and contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.

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    12. Professional Services - Auditing Approve the following professional services resolution:




    WHEREAS, there exists a need for auditing services and to hire an auditor, for the 2014-2015 school year; and WHEREAS, such auditing services can be provided only by a licensed auditor and that Gerard Stankiewicz, CPA, PSA of SAMUEL KLEIN and COMPANY, 36 West Main Street, Freehold, NJ 07728 is so recognized; and WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $33,250 are or will be available for this purpose and appropriated from GAAP Account 11-000-230-332-00-00-09; and

    WHEREAS, this action is the award of a non-fair and open contract in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE FREEHOLD BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, AS FOLLOWS:

    1. The auditing firm of SAMUEL KLEIN AND COMPANY, 36 West Main Street, Freehold, NJ

    07728 is hereby retained to provide auditing services necessary in conjunction with the engagement letter submitted on February 24, 2014.

    2. The Board of Education appoints Gerard Stankiewicz, CPA PSA, partner of SAMUEL KLEIN AND COMPANY to serve in the capacity of auditor.

    3. The contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a “Professional Service” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, NJSA 18A:18A(a)(1), because it is for services performed by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized profession.

    4. The Board of Education is required to review the most recent peer review report prior to the engagement of the annual audit, and to acknowledge its review of the peer review report in the minutes that authorizes the engagement of the public school accountant.

    5. The anticipated term of the contract is one (1) year. 6. Gerard Stankiewicz has completed and submitted a Business Entity Disclosure

    Certification. 7. A copy of the resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary

    to the Board.

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 9

    13. Professional Services – Architect of Record Approve the following professional services resolution:




    WHEREAS, there exists a need for an Architect of Record for the 2014-2015 school year; and WHEREAS, such Architect of Record services can be provided only by a architectural firm, and the firm of FRAYTAK, VEISZ, HOPKINS, DUTHIE, PC of 1515 Lower Ferry Road, Trenton, NJ is so recognized; and WHEREAS, funds are or will be available for this purpose and appropriated from GAAP Accounts 11-000-230-334-00-00-01 as per attached fee schedule: WHEREAS, this action is the award of a non-fair and open contract in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE FREEHOLD BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, AS FOLLOWS: The Board authorizes William D. Hopkins III and John J. Veisz of the firm FRAYTAK, VEISZ, HOPKINS, DUTHIE, PC of 1515 Lower Ferry Road, Trenton, NJ to provide architectural services.

    14. District Policies and Procedures

    Approve the following resolution:



    WHEREAS, there exists a need for Board policies and procedures services for the 2014-2015 school year; and WHEREAS, such services can be provided only by a policies and procedures firm, and the firm of STRAUSS ESMAY, ASSOCIATES, LLC of 1886 Hinds Road, Toms River, New Jersey is so recognized; and WHEREAS, funds in the amount not to exceed $4,040 are or will be available for this purpose and appropriated from GAAP Accounts 11-000-251-330-00-00-02; and WHEREAS, this action is the award of a non-fair and open contract in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5.

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 10

    NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE FREEHOLD BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, AS FOLLOWS: The Board authorizes the firm STRAUSS ESMAY, ASSOCIATES, LLC of 1886 Hinds Road, Toms River, New Jersey to provide board policies and procedures services.

    15. E-Rate Services

    Approve the following resolution:



    WHEREAS, there exists a need for E-Rate services for the 2014-2015 school year; and WHEREAS, such E-Rate services can be provided only by an E-Rate firm, and the firm of E-RATE EXCHANGE of 1204 James Street, Syracuse, New York is so recognized; and WHEREAS, funds in the amount not to exceed $6,760 are or will be available for this purpose and appropriated from GAAP Accounts 11-000-251-340-00-00-02; and WHEREAS, this action is the award of a non-fair and open contract in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE FREEHOLD BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, AS FOLLOWS: The Board authorizes the firm E-RATE EXCHANGE of 1204 James Street, Syracuse, New York to E-Rate services.

    16. Computer Software Maintenance Services

    Approve the following resolution:




    WHEREAS, the Freehold Borough Board of Education has a need for Computer Software Maintenance services for the 2014-2015 school year to assist the district in daily usage of the EMAP budget, payroll, personnel and fixed asset software; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the required services are specialized in nature, require expertise in the field of computers and the EMAP software, and is not reasonably possible to describe the required services with written bid specifications.

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    NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE FREEHOLD BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, AS FOLLOWS: The Freehold Borough Board of Education shall award a contract in the amount of $14,200 for these services as a professional service to E-MAP SERVICES, INC., 22 Edie Drive, Marlboro, NJ 07746; and appropriated from GAAP account 11-000-251-340-00-00-02 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the details of the computer software maintenance services and the costs will be covered by a mutually agreed upon contract filed in the Business Administrator/Board Secretary’s Office.

    17. State Contract Purchasing

    Approve the following resolution:



    WHEREAS, Title 18A:18A-10 provides that “A board of education, without advertising for bids, or after having rejected all bid obtained pursuant to advertising therefore, by resolution may purchase any goods or services pursuant to a contract or contracts for such goods or services entered into on behalf of the State by the Division of Purchase and Property”; and WHEREAS, the Freehold Borough Board of Education has the need, on a timely basis, to procure goods and services utilizing state contracts; and WHEREAS, the Freehold Borough Board of Education desires to authorize its purchasing agent for the 2013-2014 school year to make any and all purchases necessary to meet the needs of the school district throughout the school year. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Freehold Borough Board of Education does hereby authorize the district purchasing agent to make purchases of goods and services entered into on behalf of the State by the Division of Purchase and Property utilizing various vendors that have State Contracts. The Purchasing Agent shall make known to the Board the Commodity/Service, Vendor and State Contract Number utilized.

    18. Claims Auditor

    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary be designated as the Board of Education’s Claims Auditor with authority, as provided by NJSA 18A:19-2 amended, to direct pre-payment of claims for Debt Service, Payroll, Fixed Charges and any other claim or demand which would be in the best interest of the Board to pay promptly.

    19. Custodian of Records – Public Access to Records

    Approve the following resolution: WHEREAS, P.L. 2001, c.404 (C.47:1A-7), known as the Public Access Law, amends and supplements P.L. 1963, c.73, P.L. 1995, c.23 and P.L. 1998, c.17 regarding public access to government records; and

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 12

    WHEREAS, the law designates that a person be designated as the custodian of a government record; and WHEREAS, copies of permitted government records must be provided to persons upon written request and upon prepayment of fees prescribed by law or regulation; and WHEREAS, except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, the fee assessed for the copying of a government record shall be $.05 per page for letter sized pages and smaller, and $.07 per page for legal sized pages and larger. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education appoints the Business Administrator/Board Secretary as the custodian of government records for the 2014-2015 school year; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Freehold Borough School District approves the attached form for the use of any person, who requests access to a government record; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the fees should be reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Education.

    20. Records Management

    WHEREAS, School Business Administrator is designated as the Custodian of Public Records for the Freehold Borough Board of Education, and WHEREAS, in order to maintain required control of public records according to N.J.S.A 47:1A-1.1. and, to better meet the public agency provisions of the Open Public Records Act (OPRA), NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approve DocuSafe Records Management to provide offsite records retention and management for the 2014-2015 school year at a total cost not to exceed $5,000 to be appropriated to GAAP account 11-000-251-340-00-00-02.

    21. Long Term Disability Agent

    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve The Standard, 100 Walnut Avenue, Suite 310, Clark, New Jersey 07066 to serve as the district long term disability agent for the 2014-2015 school year.

    22. SchoolMessenger

    Approve to renew Reliance Communications, Inc, with offices located at 603 Mission Street, Santa Cruz, California to provide the online communication/notification system SchoolMessenger CommSuite for the 2014-2015 school year at a total cost not to exceed $3,140.00 to be appropriated from GAAP Account 11-000-252-340-00-00-08.

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    23. Educational Cooperative Pricing System





    WHEREAS N.J.S.A. 40A:11-11 (5) authorizes contracting units to enter into Cooperative Pricing Agreements; and WHEREAS the Educational Services Commission of Morris County, hereinafter referred to as the “Lead Agency”, has offered voluntary participation in a Cooperative Pricing System known as the “Educational Cooperative Pricing System” for the purchase of work, materials and supplies; and WHEREAS, the FREEHOLD BOROUGH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT within the County of (MONMOUTH) New Jersey desires to participate in the Educational Cooperative Pricing System. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED on the 12 day of May 2014 by the said Board of Education as follows:


    As directed by N.J.S.A. 18A-18A-11 et seq. and pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-11 (5), the Board President is hereby authorized to enter into a Cooperative Pricing Agreement with the Lead Agency.


    The Lead Agency shall advertise for and receive bids from vendors who will make school supplies, equipment and other related goods and services available to participating members of the said Cooperative Pricing System at the agreed upon price; and The Lead Agency entering into contracts on behalf of the FREEHOLD BOROUGH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT shall be responsible for complying with the 54 provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.) and all other provisions of the revised statutes of the State of New Jersey.


    This resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage.

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    I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted and approved by Freehold Borough Elementary School District at a meeting of Freehold Borough Elementary School District held on 12th day of May 2014.

    24. Appointment of Cooperative Purchasing Contractor

    Appoint Educational Data Services, Inc., as the district’s Cooperative Purchasing Consultant for the 2014-2015 school year at a fee of $2,400 due as per the following payment schedule:

    Date Licensing &Maintenance

    07/01/2014 $600.00

    10/01/2014 $600.00

    01/01/2015 $600.00

    04/01/2015 $600.00

    25. Health Insurance Agent

    Approve Brown & Brown Benefit Advisors, Inc., with offices at 1129 Broad Street, Suite 101, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 to serve as the district’s health insurance agent from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 at a cost of $350. per month.

    26. IEP Software Program

    Approve the renewal and support services of IEP Direct (software for IEP program) from Centris Group, LLC, Rockville Centre, NY, for the 2014-2015 school year at a cost of $9,895.39 appropriated from GAAP Account 11-000-219-390-00-00-04.

    27. Schoolwires, Inc. – District Web Hosting 2014-2015 School Year Approve Schoolwires, Inc., 330 Innovation Blvd., Suite 301, State College, PA 16803, as Freehold Borough School District’s web hosting service for the 2014-2015 school year. Service terms start date on 7/1/2014 and end on 6/30/2015. The cost for Centricity2 Software and Schoolwires WEB hosting Service for the upcoming school year is $4,867.95.

    28. Student Data Management System

    Approve Genesis Educational Services located in Jamesburg, New Jersey to provide Student Information Services for the 2014-2015 School Year based on the following rates:

    Annual Maintenance Fee $4,139

    IEP Interface 350

    School Messenger Interface 350

    CCP Cafeteria Interface 350

    Special Education Interface 350

    7x24 Off-Site secure data backup services 1,523

    Scantron third party software Interface 350

    Total $7,412

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 15

    29. Gas Supply Service Agreement Recommend the Freehold Borough Board of Education ratify the Gas Supply Service Agreement between the Freehold Borough Board of Education, a member of the Alliance for Competitive Energy Services (ACES), and the South Jersey Energy Company in accordance with the contract document on file in the Office of the School Business Administrator. The contract term is for the period August 4, 2014 through December 31, 2014.

    30. Microsoft Software Licensing Consortium Agreement 2014-2015 School Year

    Approve participation in the Educational Resources and Information Center (EIRC) Consortium for Microsoft Volume Licensing for the 2014-2015 school year. The cost for enrolling 170 end users, all current Client Access Licenses (CALS) for Windows Server, Exchange Server (including upgrades), Office, Windows, as well as SharePoint Suite for all users for the upcoming school year is $11,978.32 Participation in this consortium eliminates the need for various individual software licenses for each end user.

    31. Purchase of Chromebooks and Accessories through Cooperative Purchasing Agreement

    Approve the purchase of the following items from CDW Government, 230 North Milwaukee Ave., Vernon Hills, Illinois, utilizing the Middlesex County Educational Services Cooperative Purchasing program #65MCESCCPS Bid#13/14-04:

    Quantity Item # Description Unit Price Extended Price



    Sam Series 3 Chromebooks 16GB





    ACAD Google Chromeos License and Support 3Y



    4 3036901 Spectrum Cloud 32 Chromebook Cart

    $1,427.01 $5,708.04

    140 2835958 MSH L2 Comfort Mouse 3000 USB

    $18.18 $2,545.20

    50 2126297 Cyber OEM Stereo Headset/Mic Silver

    $12.51 $625.50

    Total purchase in the amount of $41,974.70 to be charged to the following line items: 11-190-100-610-00-04-08 – Instructional Supplies $38,494.70 11-190-100-500-00-02-08 – Purchased Services $ 3,480.00

    32. Purchase and Installation of Meraki Meru Wireless Controller through New Jersey State Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Purchase and Installation of from OSI Office Solutions, Inc., 217 Mount Horeb Road, Warren, New Jersey, utilizing the New Jersey State Cooperative Contract #73981, under the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA):

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 16

    Quantity Item# Description Unit Price Extended Price

    1 MC3200 Meraki Meru Wireless Controller – MC3200

    $4,084.00 $4,084.00

    6 AP320 Dual Radio 802.11a Access AP320

    $750.00 $4,500.00

    6 2781-006 Single Category Cable Run

    $210.00 $1,260.00

    1 Installation $2,400.00 $2,400.00

    Total purchase in the amount of $12,244.00 to be charged to the following line items: 12-000-100-730-00-01-08 – Purchase of Instructional Equipment $4,084 11-190-100-320-00-04-08 – Purchase of Technical Services $2,400 11-190-100-610-00-05-08 – Instructional Supplies $5,760

    33. Approve Pomptonian Food Service Company for 2014-2015 Approve the second year of the contract between POMPTONIAN FOOD SERVICE COMPANY, 3 Edison Place, Fairfield, NJ 07004 and the Freehold Borough School District for the 2014-2015 School Year as outlined in their proposal dated May 10, 2013.

    The FSMC shall receive, in addition to the costs of operation, an administrative/management flat fee of $39,210 to compensate the FSMC for administrative and management costs. This fee shall be billed in 10 monthly installments of $3,921 per month as a cost of operation. The LEA guarantees the payment of such costs and the fee to the FSMC.

    A per meal administrative/management fee shall apply to all vended meals receipts deposited in the LEA’s account. All vended meals receipts deposited into the LEA’s account shall be divided by $1.00 to arrive at a meal equivalent. The administrative/management fee charged for vended meals will be $.10 per meal equivalent.

    The FSMC guarantees the LEA a minimum profit of $40,000 for the school year 2014-2015.

    34. Approve Breakfast, Lunch and A La Carte Prices for 2014-2015 Approve the Pomptonian Food Service breakfast, lunch and a la carte prices for the 2014-2015 School Year per the attached listing. a.

    Student Breakfast $1.00 Student Lunch $2.05

    Reduced Breakfast $ . 30 Reduced Lunch $ .40

    Faculty Breakfast $1.40 Faculty Lunch $2.55

    b. A La Carte Prices are in the hands of the Board members.

    35. Auditory Processing Evaluations Approve West Long Branch Hearing Center to conduct auditory processing evaluations on an as needed basis for the 2013-2014 school year appropriated from GAAP Account 11-000-219-320-00- 00-04.

    Name Rate Not to Exceed

    West Long Branch Hearing Center, West Long Branch, NJ

    $450.00 $1,800.00

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 17

    36. Authorization for Disposal of Encyclopedias

    Authorize disposal of the following outdated encyclopedia sets located in the Park Avenue Library.

    Title Publication Year

    Academic American Encyclopedia 1987

    Encyclopedia Americana 1988

    People Who Made America 1973

    World Book Encyclopedia 1990

    37. Authorization for Disposal of Cafeteria Tables

    Authorize disposal of twelve cafeteria tables located at the Park Avenue Complex. Tables have reached their useful life and are beyond repair.

    38. NCLB Amendment #2 Approve the amendment to the 2013-2014 NCLB Grant modifying budget amounts for existing Title IA programs.

    Justification: 100-100: -$18,822 – surplus due to delay in hiring a Title I Basic Skills Intervention Teacher 200-100: -$20,780 – moved to 200-300 to hire consultants; reduces the number of after school PD hours for teachers 200-200: -$21,260 – surplus due to unspent salaries as well as health insurance waivers 200-300: +$55,331 – increase for professional development consultants 200-500: -$2,900 – adjustment for unused professional travel funds 200-600: +$4,825 - increase for professional development supplies Admin: +$3,606 – adjustment for health benefits

    Amended FY14 Application (as of

    11/25/13) Adjustments

    Amended FY14 Application

    As of 5/12/14

    Title IA Public Nonpublic Public Nonpublic Public Nonpublic

    100-100 $415,269 $0 ($18,822) $0 $396,447 $0

    100-300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    100-500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    100-600 $79,000 $0 $0 $0 $79,000 $0

    100-800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    200-100 $108,695 $0 ($20,780) $0 $87,915 $0

    200-200 $179,295 $0 ($21,260) $0 $158,035 $0

    200-300 $68,800 $0 $55,331 $0 $124,131 $0

    200-500 $26,607 $0 ($2,900) $0 $23,707 $0

    200-600 $25,917 $0 $4,825 $0 $30,742 $0

    200-800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    Admin $31,301 $0 $3,606 $0 $34,907 $0

    TOTAL $934,884 $0 $0 $0 $934,884 $0

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 18

    Title IIA Public Nonpublic Public Nonpublic Public Nonpublic

    100-100 $33,096 $0 $0 $0 $33,096 $0

    100-300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    100-500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    100-600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    100-800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    200-100 $2,370 $0 $0 $0 $2,370 $0

    200-200 $18,840 $0 $0 $0 $18,840 $0

    200-300 $0 $10,991 $0 $0 $0 $10,991

    200-500 $5,236 $0 $0 $0 $5,236 $0

    200-600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    200-800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    Admin $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    TOTAL $59,542 $10,991 $0 $0 $59,542 $10,991

    Title III Public Nonpublic Public Nonpublic Public Nonpublic

    100-100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    100-300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    100-500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    100-600 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $4,000 $0

    100-800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    200-100 $42,698 $0 $0 $0 $42,698 $0

    200-200 $7,854 $0 $0 $0 $7,854 $0

    200-300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    200-500 $1,389 $0 $0 $0 $1,389 $0

    200-600 $1,176 $0 $0 $0 $1,176 $0

    200-800 $140 $0 $0 $0 $140 $0

    Admin $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    TOTAL $57,257 $0 $0 $0 $57,257 $0

    39. Use of Facilities

    Approve the following use of facilities for the 2013-2014 school year.

    Event Location Date(s) Time Fee

    Parent Education Academy Math Night

    PAC Cafetorium 5/14/14 6:00 – 8:00 PM N/A

    ESL Parent Academy FLC 5/15/14 6:00 – 7:00 PM N/A

    21st CCLC Carnival PAC Cafetorium 5/16/14 3:00 – 6:00 PM N/A

    YMCA Aftercare Cinco De Mayo/Spring Fling

    PAC Gym 5/20/14 4:00 – 5:00 PM N/A

    Parent Education Workshop FLC Gym 5/22/14 6:30 – 8:00 PM N/A

    PAE Student Council Dance PAC Gym 5/30/14 2:45 – 4:45 PM N/A

    21st CCLC Dog & Cat Program Visit PAC Cafetorium 5/30/14 4:00 – 5:00 PM N/A

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 19


    1. Transfer of Staff Approve the transfer of staff for the 2014-2015 school year effective July 1, 2014, as listed:

    Name 13/14 Position

    13/14 Location

    14/15 Position 14/15 Location

    Natasha Perski Basic Skills PAE Elementary Reading Coach/Interventionist


    2. Appointment of District Grounds/Maintenance Person

    Appoint Danielle Lovelace as District Grounds/Maintenance Person for the 2014-2015 school year, effective July 1, 2014 at Step 10 - $32,450 of the 2014-2015 Custodians Guide, pending Criminal History approval, appropriated from GAAP account 11-000-263-100-00-00-09.

    3. 2014 Summer Academy Program Anticipated Staff Approve the following staff for the 2014 Summer Academy Program beginning July 7, 2014 through August 8, 2014 at the Park Avenue Complex for a maximum of four (4) hours per day at a rate of $30 for certified staff and $15 for noncertified staff to be appropriated as follows:

    21st Century Community Learning Center Account 20-307-100-101-00-00-03:

    Brovak John Teacher $30/hour

    Dispenza Diane Teacher $30/hour

    Gallagher Sue Teacher $30/hour

    Goldberg Josh Teacher $30/hour

    Jessurun Heather Teacher $30/hour

    Latshaw Charles Teacher $30/hour

    Naspo Chris Teacher $30/hour

    Peltzman Suzanne Teacher $30/hour

    Shaw Brooke Teacher $30/hour

    Hoayeck Julieth Substitute Teacher $30/hour

    Warrington Sheryl Substitute Teacher $30/hour

    IDEA21 Account 20-314-100-101-00-00-03:

    Cundari Patricia Teacher $30/hour

    Fekete Danielle Teacher $30/hour

    Haynes Michael Teacher $30/hour

    Simonelli Amanda Teacher $30/hour

    Irving Ashley Aide $15/hour

    Stanislaus Jason Aide $15/hour

    Stanislaus Justin Aide $15/hour

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 20

    Ventriglio Jamie Aide $15/hour

    Batlle Yalitza Substitute Teacher $30/hour

    Fetterly Dawn Substitute Teacher $30/hour

    Illes Mary Anne Substitute Teacher $30/hour

    Barone Alessandra Substitute Aide $15/hour

    Cartagena Abigail Substitute Aide $15/hour

    Fecsko Alice Substitute Aide $15/hour

    4. 21st CCLC Summer School (Credit Recovery) Program

    Recommend the Board approve the following anticipated staff for the 21st CCLC Summer School (Credit Recovery) program beginning July 7, 2014 through August 14, 2014 at the Freehold Learning Center for a maximum of five (5) hours per day at a rate of $30 for certified staff and $15 for noncertified staff to be appropriated as follows:

    21st Century Community Learning Center Account 20-307-100-101-00-00-03:

    Cholak Stephanie Teacher $30/hour

    Fern Katlyn Teacher $30/hour

    IDEA21 Account 20-314-100-101-00-00-03:

    5. Modify February 24, 2014 Agenda Item J.5 Title III ESL Parent Academy Modify February 24, 2014 Agenda Item J.5 Title III ESL Parent Academy to increase the # of hours not to exceed a total $720 appropriated from Title III account 20-241-200-100-00-01-81.

    Name Rate/Hour Original Hours

    Additional Hours

    Total Hours Total

    Fiori, Veronica $30 6 3 9 $270

    Schiller, Jean $30 6 3 9 $270

    Goodman, Isabel $30 6 0 6 $180


    18 6 24 $720

    6. Family Literacy Night Author

    Approve the author David Adler, to provide three programs and book signing on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at a fee of $2,500 to be appropriated from GAAP account 20-231-200-600-80-00-40.

    Keeley Shannon Teacher $30/hour

    Russo Lauren Teacher $30/hour

    Bangs Michele Aide $15/hour

    Gray Debra Aide $15/hour

  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 21

    7. Appointment of Substitute Nurse without a College Degree Appoint the following substitute nurse without a college degree for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year, pending Criminal History approval.

    Name Credits College Major Criminal History Approval

    Geralyn Lompado 64 Kingsborough Community College

    Nursing Yes

    8. Appointment of Substitute Custodian

    Appoint the following substitute custodian for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year, pending Criminal History approval.

    Name Criminal History Approval

    Filiberto Lisboa Yes


    1. Appointment of Teacher of Technology Appoint Joanna Papadopoulos as Teacher of Technology for the 2014-2015 school year, effective September 1, 2014 at Step 12 – M.A. $55,430, pending Criminal History approval, appropriated from GAAP account 11-130-100-101-60-00-09. Ms. Papadopoulos holds a B.S. and an M.S. in Special Education & Integrative Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Education (iSTEM) from the College of NJ. Ms. Papadopoulos will receive the following certifications: Elementary Teacher Grades K-6 and Teacher of Students with Disabilities. She will receive endorsements as Technology Education K-12, Mathematics (5-8) and Science (5-8).



  • Freehold Borough BOE Minutes – May 12, 2014 Page 22

    P. REPORTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS Mr. Patrick commented on the District’s art exhibit and how impressed he was with all of the wonder works of art and how they were displayed. Mrs. Jordan reminded the Board of the Education Foundation’s Bike Drive to be held this Saturday. Mrs. Jordan also commented on how much she enjoyed seeing the second grade students helping to plant flowers and talking with the teachers about working with the Borough to research funding for some playground equipment updates. Q. ADJOURNMENT

    On a motion by Mrs. Greitz, seconded by Mr. Ceppi the Board of Education adjourned the meeting at 7:21 p.m.

    Unanimously approved.

    Respectfully submitted by: