franklin d. rooseve lt - the great c ommunicator series 2 ... · a n t he new deal f il e no. 1229...

Franklin D. Roosevelt - " The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945 Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FD R and the New Dea l File No. 1229 1939 June 12 West Point, Y- Commencement Exercises -Address

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Page 1: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

Franklin D. Roosevelt - "The Great Communicator"

The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 2:" You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FDR and the New Deal

File No. 1229

1939 June 12

West Point, Y ­Commencement Exercises -Address

Page 2: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address



JUNE 12, 1939


I take p1ea.eure i n greeting you aa colleagues in

the urvice of the United State•. You 111.11 find, a.e I

baTe, that that aervice ne•er end.e -- in the sense tb&t

1t engages the beet of your ability and the beat of your

illl&81nat1on in the endleu adventure of keeping the

United States aa.fe, strong and at peace.

You will find that the technique you acquired can

be used in many ways, for the May of the United State•

baa a record of achieve111ent in peace as well a.e in war.

It is a. ltttle-appreoi&ted !&ot that 1ts conatruothe

aot1v1t1es have saved 1110re Uvoe through ite peace tiae

work and have created more wealth and well-bei ng through

1ts technical oper ations, than it hae destroyed during ita

war&, hard- fought and viotoriou.e though they have been.

Page 3: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


With ua the a.nay doea not stand for aggreadon,

do.1nai1on, or !ear. It baa become a corps d'elite of

highly trained !'!len whose talent 1a great technical altill,

whoee training ie highly cooperative , and whose capacity

i a wed to defend the country ni th force when a:ffaira

require that force be used.

But 1t h&a alao been lll&d.e availtlble to organl::e,

to uaiat, and to construct, when ba ttles ba:"e to be

waged &{iainat the more impersonal foes of diaa.ster ,

d i eeau , or diatreae .

Tb1a 1s sound army work; !or the mil i tary strength

of a oountry can be no greater than ita internal economic

and 110ral aol1dar1ty, and the task or naUonrol defanu

111\ls t ooncarn !teal! with o1v1Uan problema a t home, quite

u much aa ri t h armed forcao in the f1eld.

The alteration of economic life in the past

gener ation baa almost oo:~pletely changed the taet whi ch

you uaUIIIe today. Your predeoeaeora , cc.D.laaioned Saoond

Lieutenants as short a tice u ten yea.ra ago, would

find many of your probleMa un!uiliar.

Page 4: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


Technical developa:.enta have transformed aeth~ of

wa.rfare, They have required. revhion of tab lee of

orgonlzat1on of armiee, aa Aviation, IDOtor1za.t1on, an4

aechanhat1on the a111ta.ry neceultiea of the 4ar.

The individual fighting plane of yesterday hae been

supplanted by the cohesive squadron; the motor •ehiole

r\llll.blea where once trod the weary feet of ce.robing men;

the infantry tank and ca.valry combat oar clatter where

fora:erly the 4itmoWlted soldier engaged in personal oombat.

'l'he caohlne age baa laid 1 ta iron grip upon t he

110rld1a a.rdea; ond technical developcenta have demanded

the modernization of our a111ta.ry ea~ablah:l!enta, a program

•hicb hae been prosecuted vlgoroudy during the paat dx

years . Durina recent months international pol1t1oal

cons1derat1one have required still greater empluulh upon

the "t'italhation of ou:r def«nue, for we have h&4 dramatlo

1llustra.t1ona o! the fate ot undefended na.t1one. 'le seek

peace by honorttble and pac1!1o oonduot of our 1nterna.t1ona.l

relatione; but that desire tor peaoe IDUat never be ahtaken

for wea.lmeea.

Page 5: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


Yet expert. tell ue that u.oush technical change hu

transformed modern warfare, the comins of the machine d.ou

not mean that wa eha.ll ever have a robot wur fr0111 wh1Qh

the priaary huzan ele1:1entc, oourqe, beroielll, 1ntell18ence

and 1110ra.l.e rill have departed. SO fe.r !roo eubmorging •en,

the modern developments emphasiZe their reeponelb1lit1ea .

Recent oontllcta in DJ.rope, the Far Eaat and J.frioa

bear wttneu to the fa.ct that tho ind.ividua.l soldier re.uins

the controlling factor. The tactica of the fut\U'e intenllify,

rather than diminish, the neoesll1ty for high qua.litiea of

1r..d1v1dual lead.erahip. The object of developing aviation,

motorization, and mechanization i a to attain the higheat

pouible degree of mob111 ty.

For us, this i s essential; the vaat expanae of

terr1tory of a nation as large aa the United Statu renders

economically bzpracticable the maintenance of fixed

defenaive inatal.lation.e at all vital atrategio oentere,

even were theoe deeirable IUl a amtte:r of polioy. Yet thie

greate r IK)bility in turn meana that unite, whether platoon,

Page 6: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


regl•en\, or div1a1on, IDft.Y be ridely 41apened - the units

being broken do1Fil to the point where the indhidual 1a •on

hia own. •

During oampa.igna units 1noreaaingly acatterad;

in actual battle, they may be widely apart. 'ftl.e

upon those in co~tt~And of the individual units calb for

qualities of leadership perh&pe never before required in

•111tary histor y . Though the 4ay of the individual cha.zcpton

lll&Y passed into history, the day of the leader of ama.ll

and large unite is otill young .

Leader ehip baa 111ean1ng only at 1 t brings about

cooperation. When 111en are working upon a great proble111,

but 110rlt by the:::r.eelvea, or in emall groupe without

oloae oonta.ot , there h danger that they mAY not pull in

the e&~~~e direction. Cooperation means d1ec1pl1ne, not

met1cu1oua though unthinking obedience t o guard-room

technique, nor b l ind l!IIUie cooperation o! a J.lacedonian

pb&lanx or t be cloee attack. D1ecipl1ne 1a tbe

tempered. wrldng together o! ~~any ain4s am! w:ilb,

Page 7: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


each pruarvine, independent judp.ent, but all prepared to

sink 1n41v1du&l. differenoea and egothms to att&in an

objective which 1e accepted and Wld.eratood. llben men are

t&ken ta.r apart by aecbanioe and epeclalhation, teaawork

i a far more a .. antlal than when they are close together;

for 1 t must be teamwork of the mind aa well ae of the body.

Some of you, no doubt, in fullneaa o:t time will

Und youreelvea with respona1b111 Uea even greater tban

thoee of bringtns about the cooperation of a111 tary unita ,

When the eupreme teet of wa:r comes -- and I hope 1 t never

will - - an army, to be dfeou ve, aur.t o0111111and the

cooperation of all elements in national lUe. !'be can

then charged wi t b the national defenae must be able to

bring into harmonious action the civilian inBtl'\lCienh of

production, and of transport , and of finance; they mut

deal with labor, with industry, w1th 118l".&geoent, witb

agriculture, and wttb co&te.

Page 8: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


to do tbia requtrea aywrpathetio knowl~e of how

other •en• a •tnd.s work and of prooeeeee by .tlicb non-.111"-.ry

life operates. !'hare 1a no greater qual1 ty of diaoipline

than the ab111 ty to recognize different techniques and

different proceaau, and by perauaoton and r eaaon to bring

tbc.11e dhergent foroea into fruitful ooopera.t1on.

Tou have seen the problea in 1 ts cll!&.ller aapeota

here a1i weet Point; let ae ~end to you in your &rilly

Of'.reera a continuous study of problema outside as well aa

tnetd.e t he military field, u the necessary preparation

tor the gr eatest auoceaa in your ohoeen work .

!beae aual1t1ea of cooperation, d1eo1pl1ne and the

eelf-reatra1nt and aelf-reltance which make thea: useful,

are the very fabric of modern life. If 1 t can be de-..elope4

internationally as well aa nationally, we shall be

materially nearer to a :realization ot our hopes ot peace.

Page 9: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


Recently we have had the pleaeure of a •hit froe

Xing George VI, u a courteoue recognition of the cordiality

and good will which prevails between two great nattone.

Ita 81gn1f1ca.nce lay ln the faot that fr1en4ahlp oould exist

between the two countrlee at nee both were w1 thout fear. To

achieve that roault , strength h needed: Strength which

comes, not from Ql'ma a1one, but from reatraint, understanding

and cooperation which in turn are the product of trained

and dhc1pl1ned •lnda.

I am aura the leeaona you have learned &t West Point

will be of uae ln pea.ce, no lese than war; and that in you

the na.tlon w111 tate the au:e pride, catntaln the same

contldence, aa, through the generat1ona, it hae held for

the offioere of the Aml ee of the Unl t ed Statea .

~ ,?,-..... ~/-$~

Page 10: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address
Page 11: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

• f'DIIf Clf - ... . ..,.

... ,. 101•' ~caar .n~rau,1.,

I tu• pi~ 1.-. 1111"\ltle JIM aa oou...- la

Page 12: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

~rt• • tM u.r -.. • • • .._ lor .__....,

-..u.u., .., 1.-. u ,... __. • IIIIIL.f.!IIUI.""

~ ..... ,..., - .... tal•• h cr-• \Mba1oal Q:Ul,

....,.. tralnbc h bi&tllF _,_.u ••• ...s 'lllaoe• _,...,.,

h \aNd \o liatntd tM _,.,. with 1- ,._ .tl&ln

Hqdn Cod lore. M ..e.

Jrat. U liM alM "'-- .... a•aUabl• t.o orpalM0

to ... , .,, Mill t.o ...u-\, .._ -..u .. .,., .. to-.

u ..... , or llllaU.N.

naJ.a 1e M~aW~ u.r .na lo~ no •u\uy .,...,.. ..

ol. _., ..... - pMt.u "'- l t.a ,.,.nat.-.. • ...s •nl aoll.&ul.\7, Md u.. ... 11: ot •Uo.J. ur­

.. , -n ~. ... u ..t.t:ta ot.s.u- prMt- •• .._, .-&*­

.. ..,. .. wnb ~ ,_ la Ule tl.tC.

TM •.Uuau- ot -'• tua 1.a -. pM\

1aun.u-. .... ~t. .,.t•MlF ~ tM kat .... ..

J'W. . ... ....,.. '1_. ........................ .....

u ........... non., .... -. .. teer-n..,., ~

fl .. _, ol ,_ probl- ., .... u ...

Page 13: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

.,......,.-.! 6n•l.,_.W M"l ti'UIIafo.-4 MU.O. ot

-.rf&:n. ft•J MH 1!.-qd:nd. 1rnhlM ol t.lllM of

oJ!IUittUoa rd ~", aa .lrtaUo., .o\ortsaUoa, Nlll

..-.J.taUOil ..._ tM 81Ut&l!l' -tlUM of 1;M ckf.

Tile tiWll?tdllal npu .. 1>1- ot ,....nt7 Mt ...._

npplutM. 'br tM oo~"'" ~· tilt .o\o:r "OJ.ol•

TIIIIAlM din- trod. t11ot WMZT f"t of~ .-.;

t.N latu:r.try tau. ....... ~ ....... , 0&:1' ol•"• ...... fo~df tM 41-tM. 10ld1eJ" -c~ 1.& ~1!1-.1 ......,,.

!M ...... ap baa l.a.ld. Ut UC. pip .,_ Gil

world.'• anlt&J &ad. tMitalMl U " tlOJIMSitll Mn ~

t~. -"-haUOA ot OOIG' .S.llt&Q" tttallll .... tll0 a p!'OCJ'•

Wloll ... .,_ pl"'t-ted. ~1 a:rtsc tM PMt tU

,....... Dll:rlSC no•t -na•naU.-1 polUl.-.1

ooatld.ft'&U.,.. ..,.. ... HQ!Il:red. tUll cnat•:r .,..... • • ,.._.

tlM rltalb•U- ot- •-•· fo:r .. ban Jllad. u-uo

lllNtnU,_ ot U.. f&U ot ...uf..ud II&UON. "' '"'

~ 'br ~le aa4 ,...Ulo oo.d!Mt ot _. l•tena\1~

:nlaUo•' bat tllr&t 4M1:n for ~ ...,. M .tt.U.

fo~r-a. • •

Page 14: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

Tet.....-tellu._t ............ -.1.._. .... tr..tOftlld..,... ~an, tM ..-..fill tM ~-..

-·- t bet•elaall-·-" .......... tJoo.-.J.•

..... ~ ...... ·~-··· ~. Mnl•, latlll ....

...o. ••~• wtll ...... _,....... ao fu f- ............. -.

'"' .-- .w..1.,....u -....1 .. u..tb ...,_u.tlltt.•.

,_.,_, -rll ... la lu9pl, .. ,., .... aiMS .Atn•

Mv ... ._. to ... tbftt tbl lacll91~ eol41.ft' -'-

.... -•1'0ll.l.Qc f..... ,. ... u .. ot .. ....... la .... ll')',

,.,...,. tMa 4lGalM, u. _u,. fol' ~ ~11tl• fill

i~Mln~ lMdulldp, ftMI otiJMt ot a.Utsoa,

.otorltlaUoo, -o ~-tlOA 11 to att&la tbe t.l .... t

po"lMI ~ fill .olllll\7.

,.. -· u.ll ......... lall ............... ~

Mnl....,. tiL • -·* .. lup ................... ~

...a..le&U7 ~1oebl• ....'- of f ......

6tf-1ft Pttallatl- at all fttal ''""'"-tnt~,

......... ._ .. deel...W.• ........... fill •• u.,. , ....... ~ ...... ,11..,. lD ... -- t!ut.t ~-.......... platooa,

Page 15: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

~'• or 4l•l•l OA, ._,.,. ft .. l, 41"1)4'r•• - tll.e _..,.

M l.ll ll.tOt• ~ to U.. poM\ .... " ,._ U.U.te.l h ._

ba. -.•

IJil&rllla ~ .S.b u. lQO""l-rlr uatbre6a

u aotr.MJ. banu, tu, .., 1M w1o.1r lpU''· tiM •tr al:A

-- Ul;) .. la -ad ot tJ. 1Dd.lft4aal -''• Mlh ,.,.

~ua .. or l..wr.b.lp puM,pe --.r •ton ~ 1a

11111~ ll.hto17. ~ -. Mr ot t M 1.Uftf1Ml -..p1•

MJ' Jw.•• pu•M 1Ato bt•~· UM 4ar of tiM l..Sw Ill -.11

M4 lua- .S.t• h • Ull ro-1•

r...d•nbtp Jt.a• --...., CMilr u n '-'• ..._,

_,. ... u... .._ - "" wo-rklac ..... • snat pnllll•,

'*' -· -k"" ._.1_,- 1ft ..u ....... wl~

o1.-e _._,, ..,.,. • • a-.v ~· u.,. _, aot ,.u 1a

tM - u,..,.u,., ~Uoa- 41Mtp11M, _ ,

•uouJ-~uatMal:111coiiM..l ... to~

wabD1~0 Mr tll.liiOS -· ooopu&UM ot a ~

pMl-. o. tM olo" on. at\aooll, DtMt.pllM 1• tM

t-..rM woru-. t.opu..r ot _, .a.u Mil wtn•,

Page 16: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

..- ,..eem,. 1..,...,_, ~·· •• .tl ~to

drill 1n41~ 4U'h7-"' l'lltd -cou- to ~.uun -.

obJ"'th•• '' ...., ... ...s ._....._., ._- ue

tan. fer llpU"t fDr ........, .. -..! ..,..11.11-uoa, .._,_

11 f • t" .... .-Hal 0. 1llliM t~wy 1:n ol .. e .,..._1

lOt' u -· '" ·-·· , tbl .tad •• -11 .. ot ........

So'M of J'G'IIo 110 ~t, 1n. 1\lll .. •• of tt. ..t.U

Utili~~"' wtth nepo•1b11t.Un '"II .,. .. .._ .._

, .... ot W1aCt."ff: ~ '" MOP"'fttlGa"' .t.lltuy-.lte •

....... ..,.,_,.,,ot "'- -aMJ ....,.u-.

OOOJII'••tllllft or aJ.l .t-1• lD ru.UOMl ur.. ""' ..

'"-~ trUh 1ll• aaUOD&l Mit- _ , M ~h to

tri'I.JIC 0110 ~- Ml101\ the ol'ftltM lM'-te of

p~ aQd - tnMpOI't, tiD(\ ot "-· ..,. ...

GM1 .t.UI l.a.o!', 'l'lth '*'-'~• 'l'ltb -e-t, .s.a

&4friGDltU., 1.w:l. 'l'ltl\ -··

Page 17: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

.... ,. " ""' ~ .,_.-.u. antMp ., ....,

.... -··a... •I'll ... fill,.__...,. *1111 .......Ul,..,.

l.Uo ope....... 'tMH 11 M pMta --.11tr of UMtpllM

0. U.. .. dlt.ty to ..-piH dltt-t .......... Mil

41ft-·,__.., ..., ""s-r-1• ... --........ \MlH u.....-t ,_ la'to tftlV'Ill ...,._u.,,

'toa Mft - ... ~- la l.U -11-..,....

Mn at .,.., ~latl l.ot • _... 'o JUU la ,._ U'llf'

-. -u- .... ol piMJ.- .... 11 . ... ..u ..

laal- -- .S.U.'-n' t'llld, ........... __,. ...,...,,_

,_ .. -" ...... - ... ,_ .... ..n.

,..., .,..u u .. ot -vew.uoa. 41M1pllM Mit -..

Mlt4Mtn.1Jat Mo4 .. u..,..u- 111bl • ..0 ._ ~~

.,.. .. 9QJ' f*rio ol ..._. lUI. lt lt - .. ~ope&

U'-u-u,. .... u .. M U ol', • eb&ll be

- M11.alh' -.r \0 a n.l.U..Uoa of Gill' _. of ,._,

Page 18: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


""-'11 .. .._.. M« .. pl...._.. fiJI a ftel.' ,_

1.1111 o..wo n, u a --- ..... ,..ut .. "" .. oon.t.l.Ur

&114 llood wUl .... ala pn9aUe bet- , ....... , MtioM,

U1 el.pltl- liiF lll U.. t .n tM.t f l'l..S.t.l.p -.14 osiat

"'- ...... -us. ... .._-.. .. - ........ t-. ,. ...:at• .. ·-· ...-lt, . ...... I.e.......,, .. ,....... ........ ..... -· ..... - ~ ... , ,.... .... ,nlll,, ---~ .-wepe~~"&Uoa.S.ela u --lin tM ~- ....._..

alld.U-.I.,U.... .......

~ --- ... 1 ...... ,.. ...... 1 .......... Potat

wUl M of - 1a peaoe, .o lo .. tbu IIIUI NMl ~• &a ,_

tM •Uoa .U1 t.u. 1M •- pl'ld.o, -... • ....._. t.M ._

.-w-, ... ......... .... ,_.,.._., ....... Mld. t•

tM oUlou• fill tM ANI.• rill .. DUM& l'k'-•

Page 19: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


nat POIIt ~aaat

.niW&la, ltlt

Page 20: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

6oldMU•, Q' flU. Jt ,._ M- & 2t.lll...i!!11H 016

II.~J 'ra1M4- !~boll taha' h cue.t w.u.t-.1 1Ull,

~~ Ulilt.liiC 11 McblJ' _,uau ... , ....s. .t~oe1 Mp&OitF

11 ..... to Mf....S th1 _,J!J' w1th foroe .... attain

l'lq'P." 'Uaa' foi'OI 111 'UIIl •

.. , U Mol deo -.... .U. a•aUUle to npaisl,

fth h I01md .._,. wr11:1 tor '11.1 auuarr ''"•Q 114 a -~ - be ao ....,...,..., 'haa U1 1a"r-.l ~~~

tta4 •rd eoll4a:rUJ', uod. u. t.ulr. of -u~ 411-

_., _..,. 1bllf wUia o1.U.1u pi'Ml- •' "-'• qaU1

u -.ob aa wt. tll -.-4 toroe1 a ua. 1111._,

!1111 aUuaUoa ot .-lo lltl I.a. U.. pu'

••-"• -... at.o•' oo-ptet11,. ~" ua. tulr. 111dc*

u .. teuate ... ebort. a u .. .u. ae tea J'IUI eco. ~._

fl .. _, of ,_ prolll- ..t"ae.J.U&I'o

Page 21: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


...... T....S.Ml -..1-s-.. ila'M \NMto ...... ..,... d

w.d'Q"', ~ ._,.. wlqdnll rnl1loe ot \UlM ot

..-..uau.-.- tbe .Ulta::IT -~~.u .. ot tM •·

,.. &.u.n-...J. t1p•uc ~ ot y.-....., ... -. ~hll" u.. ..._1" ~' -. •Ww .-&ole

~- ,..,. - bocl tM .aJ7 t..n ot ....UC _,

tlM tat-ut taU. -.4 •\0&117 ..,.._, 01&1' Glatwr .....

f..-1,. ... ell_ ... .oldf.• ....... 1a pe...-1 ...... .

,.. ~ -ee ... lalcl l'M u. plp .... .....

-14°1 Uld.M' .ad ...-.s.Ml ...,_.,... .. 'lrlt.ft .......

\M ........ au• ot _. .S.UtuT .... -.u .... , a~

wlllallrl ._-... p~ wt.c-1,. art-s tM ,..., •U

,._.., D1171aiC "-' _ ... la'-.\1.~ pollU.-1

-lldah.U- 'lrlt.ft ""ffln6 1tW pW.\Q ...... 1• .­

tbe .S.toiU.II.,Uoa ot _. _,_., fow ... M'M Mil u--uo

1U•traU- ot tM h .. ot ..urt.-cllod aatt..e. .. -*

relaU..' blr.t Qat Meln t• p.- -• ..._ M ••tua , ... --..

Page 22: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

tat eape~te tell .- Ulat \bolll8lll t..oUtefJ. ou.p * tn,uto~ .OUn 'II'UfaH, the -nc ot Ula -u.. dON

110\: - \ .. u.ll nn baq .. rMot: ...,. tn. tilli• ._ pn...:rr ......_ al-te, ~. lllent.•, lateUt.c-ee

ud -~el• wlll Mq -.,.nM. So tez troa ......,..__, -·

tM .o4ua dloftl.,.,eDM ....... laa Ulab ~aapou1~U1 UM.

~taoeat: oo.ntota 1a Juope, Ula .,., Jut .u Uri•

\le.u wtUM• to U.. tlloO't \ \be 1li41Y1.-J. Ml41D' ~

u- oo•t.~uuc fade!~. n.. t:MU.n ot Ur.a ,...._.., ta'--U'J',

n\U~ U... d..ta1a1M, \:lie -•1\:J' to~ b1&ll qllel1U• 016

t..Urt«-1 1.-.r-b.lp, ~ otiJ.ot: of .. n...u-,

Hni""" of a u.t:t.oa u 1ezs- .. U.. 111111\ed. 1\at:ea HM.en

..,.._-.n., ~aoUc.bla .- .uau- of tUM.

o.t-1..- Wt.Uau- .. , all rtt:.J. •n..t:ect.o -wn,

- •re UlloM ~b~a u • .,..., Oil pelt.llf. let: ...u

cnat:u _.111\:f 1a ._.,- t.Mt: -.1•, ~~pta'-.

Page 23: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

~'~'• o1' <th'1doe, -.:r "" .t. .. 1, uepn .. c - u. .-ltll

HS..C 'bJ'okeQ do-. to tbt pola\ ... 1'0 \IM LM1rte.l 11 ._

Doi.J'Uil .,..alpa lmih &1'1 1MHAIS..C1J I .. Uu ... ;

1• ao"'-1 •tuo. 'llll1 -.:r "" .t.<ielJ epar\. fte 1 \J'au.

.,_, t'lloe• 1• ~ of tM b41Ylcs..l -''' oa111 t•

qul.1U•• ot 1....te1'11h1p pn-.,. IWIYU betono J'eqllln4 1a

allltuJ' M•to1'J. ~ tM daJ o1 Ule laoUrt<iuJ. ~1-

II&J" M.q puH<i 1ato h1•WIT, U.. 4Q' ot UM 1M4w of -.11

aa4 1 .... -.lh 11 d1ll ,.....

Z..a4onb1p bal .....U.S OlllJ u U b:r1111rP .--.

~HUOII. $.- -ll uo 11111'kl lil& 'CQ10A I p ... t pnb1• •

kt _, 1111%11: lt7 U..111"'• or .lD -.11 ~ wt.~\

O}HI _...,,, Uie:H 11 4UIBU tllat tMJ ., Mt ,.:11 1a

u. - ureou-. Cloilper'IUOft - 41M1pllM, aot

.. u-.1-~ -UI.1Jall::l111 obMJ.- to II'U'4-1'ooa

pltalaaa 01' t U oloH 111"4111' aUaoll:. Dtlolpllu h tM

,_pol',.. W01'k111fi tora:•U.. of ~ •lii!IU ID4 wt.l11,

Page 24: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

oatil pn1ent-c 1114e)MDd.•t ~t, •t ~1 '"JIU'IId. W

llQ: 1D4h1dlaal 4Utu-• ..a. -cou- w •

HJ"U" •b.tch h aooept.ed aac1. ..un~. .._ - u.

hl• t v apari bf .. ollaalo- a:Ad: ,,.olUl~&Uo•, M-:r);

11 tu .ore ..... uu tbaa .._. \)j,,. a:re alo•• toe:•U..I

t or U -.t be 1:-rt ~ t.hl Iliad ae 'ftll u ot Ull llodJ.

a- or ,._, ., ~1:, u ~. ot ,..._ ...Ul

fled '""e1fte 'IJlD :reepo .. UdlU1M '"fl p • • hr Ua.

u,..,, ot ~rlJIC111« u.o-1: 1:111 -,.:rauoa ot 11111tu,. .tw.

ften t.llo -,..- '"' of .-u .,_.- Pd. I 11opt lt .,... ..

rill- .. u.y, to be ett1othe, ... , ~ ,.,.

ooopera u .. of 11.11 ~-'• u llaUollal lU•. fte -

tltn ollaqed -..1th t bo aaUOIIal ._,.._ -.t M Ule •

III'U( S..W .._._ ... aoUoa tbl o19111• lal~t. at

proa.Uo•, ud ~ tnaoport., ..,. ot ts..a-; ,...,. -t

Mro&l ftt.ll 1Mo:t, rita~ UdutJT, 111tll --.-t, riUI

acriCIIAltlln, aacl wttb ......

Page 25: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

TV do t~l• r.,..UM .,....tMU• Uowladp ot Mw

otur - ·· ,...._ wol'll IIDd ot ,.._ .... by 'llllloll -.tll'&UT

tU• open.t.M. 'l'MJ'• 11 .o ~t.r ~ltJ or 41Mlplta.

tUa tM -.utty to ~"-sal" .utr-t , ..... ,.... ....

d..lft-t pi'OOMM,, .-1 ...,.. -,-..... 1011 uilll. 1'- to 'WUil

\IM" d..l"J'Ifto' two" laW f!'QUul ...,.nt1011.

lov. Mft - \ h p1'otol• 1a Ua ~hr MpMI'le

lleno a\ ... , l'llllat1 lit - --s. to )'W U J'O'R ~

ou-. .. _ ..._ ,.,...,. of ~- .... u .... ..u -

latlM \M .Ul\ai'J' 11•14, - Ute lli-IIUT pnopan.U•

tw tM J"ah•t _.., U )"'OIZ' oboe• wrk.

111M• qllall UN ot -pen.tlo•, 4b.o1plU. u1111. $M

Mlt~ .. tr&Ut u4 ••U-nll- 'llllliU -.k• tll.-~.

anta..TU'J'fM:rt•ot~tU•. uu .... loa~opeot

ta._..u-u,. u •U ..., w •lrl&ll loa

.. u:rt~lJ DMHJ' to • Hallt.aUoa ot _. MP'H ~ .-.,.

Page 26: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

.. o .. ur • Ita" M.d. tale pl-• ot • "teSt ,,_

lUI o.orp n, .. a -'- :feo•c•Utoa ot tlle eon.tlllny

aa4 po4 wtll atoll pn911U.• bet- ho P"ht u.u ...

lte 11pitl- lq 1a tlla f.o\ Uat lrln4Rlp owlol ut•t

aQ4 -plll'atlOil ..uoa u tva. ar• tM pHGM~t ot t~

aa4 41aoSpUJied a1D411.

1..,.-n "•1- ,._..,..,,laenaeolat ... tJtolat

Will '01 ot "'" 111 peao-, ao lH• U.U ..uo aad t:Ut 1a ,._

tbl ... u o 11 wlll take the • - pdU, ..taVJ.a Ull ._

-rs~ . ... ~ tM .....,.u_, u -., w.• ~­

t1WI ott1on• ot UalM ot U.. a.t\M at.t.\Mi.

Page 27: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

Wutl'olnt Co.enoe .. nt , JlOI'IdaJ', J \Uie 12, 111:W.

June 11 , 1113$.

Ill'. S~o~perlnhndlnt, rellowOfUoere~

I take p1oalure ln greeUq J'OU u oolle&~~~•• ln

the ur•lee ot the Unltt4 Stat u . You wlll f111d, aa

I ha .. , that thet u nlea ne .. er en4a~H;;T 11. ~·· tM t>aat o t J'O'Ir abllltJ' and tha but of

J'OW' llll&ioaUon ln tbl eDIUaaa ad•antura ot llleplna

tb.a UnHt4 Statu aate, atroJII 11'14 at peaoe .

1:01.1 wlll f1ll4 that tha taonnlqua J'OV aOQ\11~ can

be u.u4 1n aanJ •IJ'I , for tha .trw.J' o f tha Unlte4 Stat11

hal • r100rc1 of ach.lanunt ln peace •• well 11 ln •..-.

It 111 llttlc-~~a~that1Uoonatruotlvaact1'11-Hu havt aaved POre ll"'u throuah ltl ))laoe Uaa work

and have creata4 110re wealth and wall-belna thzoo~.~Kb 1t1

taohnlcal ope:r a tlona, thAn 1t ha1 deat roJid 4urlr.a 1ta

•arl,ha.r4-fo\16ht~"'10tor1cultbo\.IChUI•Jt'.aYabeen .

fJ- Wlth u e t~ .. ..-,.,. .:O.a not n~ for ~11to:. , C!oalna­

uon, or tear , It ha1 baoo-e a ~ !!._ • .!!!! of hl&hl-7

tral!ll4 .. n whoal talent 11 11'11\ uohn.loal eUU, wheal

tra1nlngllh1a:h1JcOopcrath'e, an4 •I'ICIN ~a....­a811114to4ehn4theoo\UitrJ'•lthforoe•h•n _....

~-t- afrur} requ1 n 1 that tore• be u.eed,/J But 1t

hal allo b41en ••4• o. .. l hblt to Or i&rllu , to ullet, lllld

to oonetruot, •hen battlu have t o be •'"'•d &idnat the

..,rel•per eonal roeeofdhaeur, dl"'"• or 41etreu.

f..J..;_. Th11 11 eound ariQ' work; tor t ht all ltll'J' etre,.th ot a

Page 28: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

OOWitrJ t:s :;...f .. ,.,. than u. tnttrn~ tooaoeto

and.IOr.ltoHI"' ... /aMths tat k o fnatl onal hfanu

-ust oono.rn ltltlf Wlth 011'lllan probl •• at hoas ,

qultt 1111Uoh as wtt h arlll4 forot t ln tht thld.

Tht alhratlon or aoonoalo lltt ln thl J)att

¥•ner a t1oll hat alaott -pl ttsl:r ohan¥•11 thol t11k wtuoh

J'OU auu.t t~. Your pNI!acauon, - 1 111onad

aaoond Llwtsnants aa short a uas bsok •• un ,.,.,.,

aso, ~14 ftD4 aa.IIJ" o f J'(n,l.r probltas untaatllar.

Tsohnlcsl da,..dopaents ha"'a tra:~~fo""d .. thodt of

wr.rr.,... 1'h17 ht.Ye requlrad rutllon or t.blu of

or,atl11atll'>n o f ar:H••, •• A•latlon, 1o0tor1~t1on, and

.. chantuuon btc111e ths a1l1tt.r•:r nt osnltl" of the

da,y . Ths lndtvl dual flghtln8' plan• of :rethr ct.,. haa

b"n t upplsntsdb;:rtheooh n lvtaquAdron: tht.otor

•ehlole ruablea wher eonoa trodtbe ..-tarJ'ftttof aarch-

1116 atn; tht lnflntr:r h.nk an4 Ot'O'alry ooabst car clatt er

•hart f orasrl7 t he dl t111011nt s4 soldier l~t14fad l n pers on.l

ooabst~l:a c.chlM at.'l hat lald 1U iron F l P u;w;.n tha

.-orld' • IU'1lleat tiM! ttchnl dtvdo~tntt haYt dt .. ,.,_d

U11 ao4trnl~Uon or our allUtry aetabllthaenta, 1 pro­

Faa which hat btel'> p ronwt s4 Ytcarou.ll:r du.rlna ths Past

11:1: :r•ars, Du.rt.n.s rsosnt M~ntbt tnhrnaUonal pell tio:al

oontld.ratlon• havt r sqll.lrtd stUlsraatsr ta;lhlsl t \lpGD

thtvltal l &atlonof ou.rdtftn .. , forwtha'llhaddraaatlo

Ulu.t tratlont of t he fat • of u.ndt ftndtd n.uons . •• u ak

p1101 b;:r hono r l!lble t nd p.oltlo conduot of our t nttr na­

U onal rth,tlont ; bu.t that dtll ra t or Plloe ...,,t nner bs

Page 29: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

tr•~fo""d aodern •...rfere, u .. -ll!j( of the .. ohln.

do.e not aean that •e thtoll e••r ht.'ll'e a robot • •r fl'­

•hlohtht prl llllrJ'hllllanel .. •nt •, oo"l'l'll'• herolla,

1ntdl1renoe andlQOl'de wlll he•e 4•pal'ted , So fer

rr- ' "baerE;lng liNi n, the 110dern de,.elo~nt• eaphalln

thtlr rteponllblll u n )'oR.eotnt oontllotl 111. ~ope, the rar te1t and A.fl'loa beer wUnt" to tl'.t hot that

the li'I<U•ldl.lal .oldhr rPotlM t he oontroolllnc facto»",

?ht tlotloe of the tutlU'I lnhnt l f'7, r•th.,- than .u..l~

Ull, the n•c•••l t7 f or hla:h qu&llUn of tn.U,.Idu.l

hadtrahlp, !1:.1 obJect ot deYtloplnf> aYlaUon,

.atOl'lnUon, and IDtOhanlnU~n le to anun !he h.lgh .. t

J)O"lble .seve• of =obllltJ',~ror "'• th.le ll nunttal ;

the •nt expannof hrrltor)'otane.uonaalara:e ••

th• Utlltld. Statu r ende r• t<:~onoa1ollllJ' la;n-aoU<:~abh the

aat nhn.noeot tlx!K dettnu•etnltallatlone 1 t ell•l tal

etra~eglo <:~entere , e 'll'cn wue tlltee dellrable ae a .. tter

ot polloJ'. 'tet thle jp'eat er mobU1t7 In '""" aeane that

unlu, r. .. tl'.-l' platoon, rectunt, or .UYlelon,..,. b-.

wtdel J' 41epe" .. 4 - ~b ... . :n ,/~__ ... ~ /.,.r._~ .. ./-- 4'.4{;" J.'~ftt~~~{{'"'irlt~ir.~J'i' :;m:ftd; ln aot"d batth, theJ' a.,. be w14•1J' ~t. The etl'llln

upon thoee tn go-.nd or the lnd.1•14"-l un.IU ealle ro"

quallt1n or leader eh.lpperl\aslol n.,.er before r equ.1r e4 I n

allttar:r hletor t . 'fho~ theda70f the l nd.l•ldual

oh .. pl on Aa¥ hto.'ll'o p.a11ed I nto hletOl'J, the o.,. or the


Loa4erehl p hu aeanl"i' 01'117 u n brlnge abou.t co­

ope ration. When aen ar e 110rk1ng UI)OCI a groat probl .. ,

b\lt ..,It wo rtt bJ the::anl•u, or 111 -.11 IP"'UJ)e •ltbcu,at

Page 30: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

lnthet .. edlreetlon. Cooperatlona .. nedltclpllnt,

not attlO\Il0\11 ~-t,;h.lntlna: obtdllnct tc rue.r4-r ooa

Uchnlque, nor blind. aatt

phalr.n><orthteloteor<iertttaok, Dllolplln.t ltthl

t•pertclworkl!litogethercr "'IQ'a1ndt and.•llh, eaoh

preHM'll'lol!: lndependtnt Judptnt, but all Pf'IP&rtcl to 11rut

l n41'11&.Lal cllthrencn and t&Otl ... to anatn an obJtctl'l'l

ll'hloh 11 aceeptl4 and undtrttood, ~n Mn art hlten rar

ap.rt b7 aechanlct and epeollll&Atlon, te•work 11 rar

aore nnntlal than •hen th17 art olott; for lt

auat be tepwork of tt-.1 alnd at ••11 •• of th1 bod.1.

ao.e or 701.1, no doubt, 1n. t\1111'1111 or tlllt 1111 ttnd

71>\lrttl•ee •lth rupone lbllltl u • ••n ~j:ruter then thou

or brlnolng thl eooperatlon of a111ti.I'J' 1.1Rlt1.

-.1'1··" lfhtn tnt 11.1p~e tnt or war ooata, - I hope it ntYtr

wt11,l_"""a n aMIJ',tObtetttotl•t,auetc,...ndtheoooptra­

Uonotllltl••nte1nn•Uollll.llltt. Tl\l'aenthtn

oharge4 • 1 th U:1 national detinet 111111t be able to bring

lnto ~,....nh'l\11 acuon. tne ol•lllan 1natl'laantl or pro(luc­

ucn, an.4 ot trantport, and or~"'; tn17 11111at deal

wlth labor , 1<"1th lndl.lltr7, •Uh -il••ent, "Uh agricul­

ture, an4 - wltt: ~. ~o do t h l e req..ol ree

,, knowledg• or ho• other .. n•e lUnde 10rlt en4

or proceun b7 Which Mn- llllltel")' 11ft ol)lratte . There

11 no s reater Ql.lAllt7 of cllto1plln• than the ab1l1t7 to

re00£!'1111 dltterent technlqueean.d41tt trtntproo.uu,

tnd 'b7 per t1111lon and rtt~on to brln(l; th111 dl•tre:ent

toroee tnto tru.ltf'1.11 oool)lrauon.>YtO!olllfl•e nen t he

problta ln l te e&al.ler atpeote here et Wt1t Po1nt; let

Page 31: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

cot prcobh•• couh14a u wall a• lnalc!t t h t a 111hl"1 fiel d,

at tha l'ltCOtU IIr'Y prtpai'D.U COtl tor tnt iJl"fat u t t\ICOOf&l l n


Thtu qu.l1t1ea ot cooopu•auon, 4taolpl1na and tha

ttlt-rutrll.1nt a.nd u lt-ral1anot Whtoh qka th• Yfftul,

art U·.e •try t abrlc ot ....tar:~ 11 tt. It 1 t can bf'

4e•tlopt4 1ntaraat1onall 7 u •allaa naUot~al17, •• a~ll

bt -tarlal17 n~ar~~'il1ut1con cot ?Ill' Mpet"/-~"""""- · ll.eotnU y •• naYt !lad t~t plf"u" cot a wult troa

Ufti: Otol'llf VI, aa a CCOW'tt.,ut rtoopU1on ct the

cocro:Uallt7 an4 scc4 •111 •hlch prawallt btt•een t -o e;reat

nat1cnt , I u dc;nlt1car.ce 187111 tr.t taot tM•t !'l'ltndt t-.1p

ocou14 txUt ba tweon tha two o?unt;rUI unoa beth •tl"t

wltftout ff'ar. Toachla'f~a t hat roult , atrt~~Kth le n•tdad:

atrtn.,-th wJUcll o~=ell, not rroa arat alona , but r~c:.

r •ttratnt, un4•ra~l!.tll!lnt; And ooopcratl.,n wl'l oh ln turn

&l"t t ha pro4ud or tralnt4 and. 41ao1pltnf.'4 atn4a,

I &II all!'t t'l• l .. ,~na J'"U ha'f• learned. a t Waat Potnt •

w111 bf' f>t uat ln ptaoe, l'l"l lt&l t'-n war; "'-/ /.(,~~./...:..

7~ //,. •• /;;__ ._,;y /,,f, /.C -~·/- "./.,

'?.~A .-~• , -;/-"/.._ , A>,

/,!; tJ- ...._~/;;i_, ,/-,L,., ././,/ /-.. ~

#~'hi ~ 4 4,.....,;.. ?-d:" # ... ,/.'/ ,/c?;;;

Page 32: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

Upon gr 1du11.tlon todl,¥ you becl n your e&MH~re as off1cere i n e .odern-

h ed def enlh'e forc.e, the liie or .tlich w-ould hue bien rathc:r unfaalliar

to your predeceuor1 who c-.ialloned 1~ Ueutenanta rt~ 110 idlort

1 ti-e be.clt •• t en ye~ 11th u t rapidity t.echllicll develo~nt.ll

have tranaforwed the face of war fare and ~~ rev111on of tablea or

orc-.nization of a.ralea . A•htlon, -otorlut.lon, llDd 1N!eha.nlut1on ue the

" ' .Uit.ary sA.lllbole'-M or t.Ma ~.

The i ndivi dual tightin( plane of 711tordar hu been supplanted by the

coheai ve squadron of tod117J the .ator 'Wihicle ru.bles ..mere once trod the

The ~~&chine 1411 hu trul,y ll.ld itJ iron £d.~ u,...on the •orld ' • u-Uea. Thea$

t echnical develos-nta have dG&nded the .oderniu.t.ion of our aillt.U)' eet.ab-

.on the .

' ' .

Page 33: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

1rla h the Pf'Ollllioa upon -.Mch JOU ellbe.rk tod_,. The wcceaatul ptrfora-

ance of ;rour varied duUaa wUl .Ua UIU"ehatiac: d~da upon JO\If' captb1l-

inetructioa and -eUculoua ol'derl7-rooa obaervance or adainlatrat.h•e require-

~~ents occupied Ul f'\1.11 \.he t t.e .nd Ule effort• of tbe co..t .. ioned officer

of the Recular AJ711 ,

I MY tNt tee."ltnlce.l dpe:lope!eftt.a or recent Jlll.l"l h&Ye tranafOl'Wed

"' face of warrare, ~. t.he advent or ....,-~placi!l£ u.chirU)I or-u-ll:y

1 · ' . .. " ~eauppou.a U.. or a . eoapllte}J' -.echanicU .. r_ robot

' ···"--wu--tro. which pr18ary bw.n el-nt.a, • couraceJ aM hero! .. , ~

~~~~'rill have deputed. Ql.e¥'&eent eonnlot.e in Europe,

the Fa:r East, and in Africa bear witne111 to the tact that the-iftdhi'Ctaal.-

.a.cW:Iler, no -tter with .tlet wnpon u.d nor b,- what type of 't'ehicle

ported," aUll .--J.aa t.he controlllna factor e tbe batt.le!ield_J

taa.t .;- tacticl of tbe tutu" wi~"" ~:"'• t.o ellainat.e n.ce .. Jt.J for tte

exereiao of hi&h qulll.itie11 of ind.ividull lellderehlp ~-fe.llac~

~· The d .. elopment or avieUon , and -ehaniutton


Page 34: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

'~-~• "~ ' ' haTe aa .a prl.&ar7 obJeet.l••~ the -- of the hl&h .. t poaaibll dlt(rM or

n.._ ,, ... :.. lure ae the Uftlted 9tatea. So .. , t. lUI UJ*tle of territory render• eeo-

noaically iaprael1cable the MintAn!lllce of fb:ed defensive lnat..llaUone .t.

'0 OCI kA/ ............... 'f'. ' all et.rat.eclc cent.ra. ~ -oblllt.r in tum FtHNJ'!'OH8 •U..

·=· diiSMNl- ~ lolll:it.,---- U ritb -the pbtooo1 ~ ngi~t, Ol' ~ dlwhton. I i tl.. -J~ ,,._ ..... ~ J ,....., '•; ~. 1 ,..,. • o

~ the. i&ere.sed- uploJUot or eut.o..t.ic wd &eld-cuto..t.ic •Mponl,

V .., .. 'l-.. ~ longer rMC•• of gurus, an4 ~ rreeter ..u:-u.~ of aerial bolfte

noeeaef te.tee f'uMfter\lf ot orftU!lHtione durin~~: c.-pa!r;n. Diape:ralon

q\ ( .. -f..e.f'rl4.

~t.F-to e ~'iHI the probl ... lnher.nt in IJUCceeatul control of

',, -~···

~ .._,, .. t.~ " ... -;+-. .• 4. orianlaat.loo.e utd lndiriduel1 ~Ue. ~~

..,-. "''"- '·· ,..)) ~'( "''r-'4 pi control under tb.e corulit.ton• or aoblllt.y and clieperalOQ ~ tho

tu, .. _:::ll•:., ____ .,.,. .:.-.c.t.l•l.4 ".,.,. ........ ..... __..... ... Mk , .. er ~raonal lot.derahlp to an ext.CJnt ~

n~er before epproxluted in t1oc h! ~

dlf!icult1eo incident. to the cont.rol of hiihlr 110bUe Wlita, t..'ta U.V int4n-


Page 35: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

1in per:rdtt.1nc the co-..nder t.o i apr111 ~~ hil per 110Dfll1ty

fiorld lru vet.nana have told .. t.bat. the bet.Ueflelds of France wwe

world1a lonelleat. apot.a; that 110ot. iapreuive ch.., of •no Kan11

a problea of control of un1 te on the front linea whicl:l wu t.he c:~ .. ot in-

ceeeant. concern to -nders. On the date of the u.ieU c:e, the t:eet.em Front

approxiat.ed !our hundred =ile~. .ll~ that front 111llione of hostile -o

faced. each ot.ber . It in thoBI coaparativelt craapod. coabet quarters the ex-

\ erebe of control and 1.-derahip proved a t.a•~ of acco•"-nt

will be U.e exerche of the h1ttheet poaoible dell':r•e of l .. dcr:~hip in tar JtOro

open and Car 110re -.ob1le warfare .

Mip will be the necouJ.tJ Cor u:erohe or intelligent. d.leeipllne. 'lbe eo.paet

pha..lallx haa paeeed into h11t.ocy ae hal any rona ot cloae~rder in att.llck or de-

renee . Wi th f'urtJ11r diepenion or indivi duale ari111 greater need for die-

Page 36: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

clpllne ln t.he lndhtdual and •UJI1.n V11 unlt of' .tliclJ he h 1 •etlber . It. 11

tar 110r1 eJsentb.l than tb1 coo,.nt.lon c! 1n11vHual3 !ight1"' in clooe prox-

1a1t)" to one a.Dother •

.U t.he adve:Jt. o! the •e.'llnl IIMifoldl,y 1nr:reases t.he co.jllult.y o! t.act.le1,

10 lt ·~te to an onerous ut..::~t. the riiJ)OnlibillUe• ot the co.-ndcf'l .

sttnUU\11 ot leader ship and dlat:ipline. It. 11 well, therefore, t.h111.t in t.he

l'ut. Point cutTlculll!l l eaderal1lp and dladpllne continue to he 1t.res11cl u at.t.r1bute3 or vital bport&nce.

Page 37: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


"'' tbJ ;.n.o•Uou ·zero1-ot tbe \1Jl1tltd .. utee UUh:rr .;.cadc;r

01 .. , )ooillt, r. .. rort J'w:~t> H, lSI39, 11 . 48 A • .W:.

II"'U 111d1 -- 111 \be een11 \bat. 1\ ·~· tte beat of 10\U' abU1ty

You •111 find t at tl\1 tlo~ique you acquired ear: bl uald 1a

;r,arcy- Wl)"l t or your eorm\ry , tor the ..rtQ" or tt:e t'h1te4 Stat•• hea e

raeord of acb11V-nt in peaoe 11 wall a a 1n war. It 111 a little-

IJ)preetated tact t~ut ita conatrucUve act1v1U•a biYe ae.vM r..cre

d;uotq 1u ftrl, !li>rd-to~t and Ytctortoua thou,e:b t~y b""-,

anoa that ' • aa:t~Cl1n. \O rc011r.b1r •

. ttb u. thol ..rr::::~ does DOt tor ~Ilion, ~ 4011106-

t10D , or tMl' . It. tuu bece~M • corre d '.!!!!!. or hil!;hl:r trained un

wb.oae \<&lent 11 t{l'Mit ttc~.ntoal ek1ll, wheal tro.1n1ne 11 b1·hly

cooperative, att4 wboae capacity 11 uaed to detll!ld tba country with

toree 1ohe4'ttuir1 nqu1rl thut torca bl uaed.

Dut it has al110 O.on made avo.ilable to on•ni:e, to 111i1t,

ar.d to conatNct, w:>en baUlee IIIYI to be wace4 u.e ~~:ore 1Jr!)er -

110nal toea, the 1,..rer sono.l ro.a of dt•ster , dtiMM, or dtatreea,

Page 38: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

~ .... ]\ ttrart

• e'lbtt• • et Nvld

U•d .... tl ~ 4, tbtlwth

t 7 r•Pf're4

Page 39: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

-.-('1111&) ~ te .. ~ .r.~ wt>ri! ~; tor the .SHear:· ltrltlf·tb

or a cou.~~tn C&D be 1t0 .,....t•r t~~aa tte tnte~l ecou~1c 111d .oral

aolid&rlty, end. U.l toH Ot DloUOral illt'IDH ~mat CODCil"''l. 1Uilf wltb

oh'1l1all probl~ et heme, ~o~tte •• ...... c• •• wtth a.rc.d torcee ia the


'!be altere.tion or eoon01111c lire in (the) .!hi! paat renere.­

Uon he.e a~at. cocpletely cher.Df;ed the talk -.botch you , .. ,.. today.

Melt •• ten yean -co, 11101.114 tlniS r.any ot yoW" problce unt.Uie.r.

~the llilite.Ty nec .. .tu .. ot the 4ay. 'l'be indh'tdutt.l rtehtint

p~ne or Y111terday, ot the ·.o'orld , "r period, hoe been ll.m'Ol.o.nted by

the coheehe aqutu'lron; the 1:10tor Ylhicle r\lllblea where once trod the

.... r)' teet or =-trchl!i£: m~~a; the tntantey tank and enalry eot:bat oer 11he:re to~rly the U~u,pttod eoldter IZJ&8ged in ~nocal

e<l'\b&t .

!!!_, t!ll -CbiiiH ap b,l ldd 1 h (iron) crt;. U;N)!l \be

world'e lll'l:l.iea teeYtlt; a.od uchnic-1 d•uloJJt;~&nU haYe d~e4 tl:e

tr.Qderohat.lon ot o\11" ld.lltU) eetabl18D8!1tl, • ~"'which h••

bHn pro .. cut«l 'l'i&QTOUilY 4ur1ne; til• pe.1t lix Jlll..l'•· Durtnc r 1C111t

L.Onthl interct~.tiona.l politic•l conl141rtltiOI'\I l'An req,ulr~ 11Ull

Page 40: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

-, -U1N t<:~r pt'f'CI a\ fti!Yer, ! .!.!J •. ~ N rhtattn tor -hw•a!!!.

the f!!rt or the :olt•_!!_:_t:_t_e_.- .

Yet 8XJ!erta tell 1111 t' t thout!;ll uei:.Dlcal ct .. ~ tae tNu-

departed . ;:;.o M tro;_ aubaertJu. fleD., tb.a r~OC.ern deTelo)Wlanu ea:pbe.­

ah.e( ) £!. r .,.C>Qnalbl ll\1 .. ~·

to a ttain t he h i .:haat oe.tbb ..:lget or !'".obll l ty .

ot t.arrl tory of !ll.'tlcm 111 1..,-,, •• t'• 1 ·ntttld :;it,. te a Hn~lre acooa=-

ot. lU~ry roue,. . Yet t h ~ter .ob111ty ln turn r--~• tr.e.t

.!!.12. c~IUl. ( ot' ) t 1 1IIQ1Tlllual w.U.a C11lla tor qUb.l1tt .. of lee.dnltll o

pt'r..a~ IU a r befot'fl r.,.\:lNid 111 l.l lttt.ry bbtory, ':'hou,;b tte (lay Of

Page 41: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

_•.t....._ a_E! l•dflr 1 »• -n1n 1&1~ •• t• l>ri::~.P a\ou~

CLOf>8>'~1ot~ . ba: - ar wcr lDti c a l"48t ;JN~bl«:., t ua~

11 O&n 'f' T t!~t t.1toy illy t pull tn the aa:-.o OlreeUoD.. Cooperr.tlon ,

J;_J~, ::lll6.tHI Oillel~Un ·, not .!.'_!.!...,tteuloua tlou untMn tru

ctJ,Kt .. to f:Uardrooa teehn1 .. 1·o ~. nor bllrlil ..-aa Coot>ert~tlou

ot • )-.ce4onia.D ..alau or t • oloao ordar •ttloek . !:1ac1~Un~ 1 tl'-.e

wueea •rA 1 tot.111J to attain aa obju•t:Ye (11111cll) .!!:!!_ h acce~ut aad

o..nderatood. • • :han a.e11 ere t.akO""I te.r •ne.rt 1rt -cl:anlcs aM areeltolba-

~&(tor it) ~:.un b• U•••orlt or tho JUtnC. •• wall aa o!" the bod:f o

~ ot :fOU, no CO\Ibt , ln tullnfllll of' t:!::oa "111 tlud your-

Ct.t .. t,tn hla ca,..,._e1t• ... C~.o.:~•r tn :::htef' aM t~.a ~u.l' :..t~n in hh

ea.ocltY aa i re:~tdant or t~a :'lilted ~htes, d(JII;II to the youn,.at ~eeont1

Ueuter.11nt in •!:!to/ • &ll•l dOt'f• to tha t.oat recentlY~•tud rrll'flt e ,

.!!!!l. aoust be ebla to br:nv into hcroontuua aot1oo. the c1T1lhn tn.-tr u­

l!lel\~1 ot proGuct.t on, (and) or tl'tlll&t'Ort, and ot t1111!1nco; th"Y •1at O.•l

wtt!" labor , with 1Multi'J, wH't ..W'fo,.ent , at~h a;;r-lcultun, and with

Page 42: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

... z:out•s ti!Dda wor aa4 of procenee b;r wt:.le DCln-e.lltt..-ry Ute

to racoonhe d1tterent uo:ll'ltQu".!. and different ,.,roce~Nea, t.:ld by per­

IUIU10n end re--.aon to brl~ t!\4111 dher~:~ent forces lato rruatul coop-



These qual1tlea of COO;IOJ"tlou, cllactpline an<l tbe aalt-

reetnlnt selt- reUanoa (wblch) 1h!.! make tll-. useful, !h!l, '"

the ••r:t to brio ot rr;odern llta , It It cnn be develol'ed tnterno.Uon­

ell:y ee well as nt~t1ozw.Uy, M ahhH be $ter1allJ nee.rer to a ret.l­

lzutlon or our hopes (of) tEL peace .

itece;tly I • b&~al our r~.t.ion baa bad t~e t~l•MU"e or a 'l'hh

troD Klut: C.O:r~:e VI, ea a co..rwoua recor":Dition of the cord.taltty ao4

!h!. Foo5 will (-.!:Itch) ~ rrenth two gr .. t nations. Ita

alplitlcanca lay In the f•ot thAt trho.dttlo could exht btlt._n Uta

two oOUAtrlu (etnca) ~both~ were wttt:.out t•r • .1!.!1!.­

wt feGr of e.ny act ot arrre .. ton or the one 1p111nat t!\e other. To

aehiaYa thollt. result , etrengt.h t• need.t-4: Stren~th which oanea , not

o~ration wb1cb 111 turn •r• the pro4uct or tre.ln~~4 and. 4hc1nUDe4


Page 43: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

•111 b• or \Ill 111 p .. c,, 110 l••• tan •·r: 1ad t~at 111 )'0\.• fll

• 111 taktt t • "~ prtt!e, ~tnt.eln t.ll •- co~:~rid'IDCfl, 111, t' ro :h

ill,,., ~:w.•raot1on• the r:atton (ttl ~,a"' •lc! tor th1 orr1cll"l or th•

c-rt.U•~o or ":: .• l':rtod'-iL.tll\£' Cleaa I con.Ttltul"t" zau ll"'ff

tt.e tl:.tOIJ\ln (If Y?!U' Ot.>W'!II .. at. tllf'. !Htan .·.ce.c!ers· t.m! I •11!'1 tc.r

~~to CQIIIOI o.ll t~e rood luck tn th• world ,

Page 44: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


Page 45: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address


ulf TV• NT~ filE

J',lli,IVJ:i, HOLO roll IW.USI

co::r.ocn.u. - HOL:I reA ULUSJ:

1 "' t low~.~ o1.d.re1111 by the PTIIIldiiA\, to b<t dellYer..S a \ tt•e rad,.at n u.erotae11 of: the U'n1ted ltatea llUlU.ry .lcad.IIIJ a \ Y• t Point h t;,r relea.,e 111. ne .. pt,per" ap!)llflr lll6 on t he 11\fletll not earH r 11.4'1 A, tl . Eaetern OAYU~f 8&1'~1\g flae, lbr.d.ay,

JWle ~£h~:J:in:CWARD AG,li;!ST PREI.!J.TURr: RE~i:J.St, STEP!it:IEAR1.Y,

Secretary to thll Pre~ ldcnt .

1001, Sl'l'Lr.IXT'tl:or;;;~~O'If OITICERSJ ;...,.......... ·- .-:·•_.w. (!..k....,. ~ I~ J ~ J tad J>leu\lre 1.1 - r e tl~: yo" an eollea.<rU~~C In the 1111rvice

Of: tll<r t.'nttl'lii State· . Tou w!.ll find, U J 1\aye, that th11t f'erYtce ft•'Y<":' l'r.(b in tl\e ~CMII t::.t it 111\'aMI troll be• tO! J'O\U" ebUUy a ~-- t • of: yew- 1-·tna~lon ln the e01dhr· a4Yenwre of: teep-1>~ t\e t:n.~e4 <J·~· "ate, ~· ro" and at pee001 .

l,. a1ro .e~n .a4e a.Yu.lh.ble .o e>I ·a.ntu, to e~al11t,

fd ~- --.).f~~~~~:t~::.:o0~ed~:\:!~~a1n~t t~e •t.ue

';":~ _.., .. ....,_ W.ll<.~;fortllec;llltarretren;:.thofa co-...ll:y . l "' f <>(lt(·r ~-.n.. 1 • lnterMl •conoalc and .oral t: U44rl .d ·c.e t&! ,.f l"ll;l.t~ ..... al d.efe:~•• concerc ltt:elf ..... c.Ylll:.ll c •~ o.t :.0", (JI.;.lte 111 DUe~ u •lth ar11ed forces r.t .. fliiJ.

7 .. • ~tcreu i'1 ot ec.:~r.-lc llh In ' llt. P-Nt a•neretlon has al-t COlli 1UOlJ' c:hen.-ed ~ .. e ·~t whlet. fOU au- to4ay . To1.:r predoc:ec .r , o:;n:ahel;..r.ed Seco.ld Ll·lu!ea.a."'\1 u Jbort a Uo:.a "bact "- ten )'l!lr • o , •.:..uld. tlnd. ..a.1y of: ·•out probl - \lllf:aaill&r .

4-¥1"el dcveloo:aec~o han triNifOl'llld •ethoc!.e ot war!ar11 .

~~tf:~:; ~~H=;tf~~:~~~i':~~~!!;~.~~h!~~~:::~::~!!:E:;~~~ nn a\lp •ln"tad {y tho cohontvo ~ouad.ron; tt.e .-otor vehlolc r=ble~ «--P

w),ero once •.ro<!. Le woory !'e~t of o::cu-ohtnq r:;c n; tho Infantry t ank and ca.val ry oo'b"t ca.r clnt~or w::cr o :orMrly the 41Daounted oldlur en ·llfl'ed ln !)Oroonal c:ocb11\,

l::· t;~:nt~r l·~: .. :-t:~~,!u~! .. ~ t:..=Jr~~·-u=~~~~ ::r!~ ' ~ ~~e· J Lt,; "'illtery o~tablle~.aoo\G , e. rro:TIIA •11lch bAll ~n pr04ecuto4 71 ::orouoh d.t..rl:~ the pee: c:lJ: '.'OIU'a , t)o;rl l\jj: recent aontt.e inter-

''!~~~! ~..!!t~:l .. ~~~~:if!~o~~ ::od!::!!~,:~~~ e::t~~~ ~=t~; !~~~i!'~ ~~~c:t~~~~~~t~.t!:;cd~!!~i:go aeet-~~ :-elaUono; but U&t d.aolre :-or p<aco -....t >1.11~.-\oe ale\eton tor :f.d "=''eknou -.~ f--" ~ "L.. ~ ~- '

Page 46: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address

..... Yet e~ru t-Ill uJ tNot Ulo·• uonn1o.1 ol'afttf" No•

~:r:!:~~o::·-::!h':~; ~. o:a;.:g..:'.!r1r~~!.~"' !n~ :;:r.r .. ~i!.!!':;!:i~una?f.~~-w~~l~~=~. tho sodern do.,..b~nu ~'l!ld&e t tw w Nllpondblftun .. ~ ..........._,

bear ~~:::, 0~~~~';,!~ ~r;~ho t~n4~d:~t ,:i:1!;r~:..1n1 .JA.LI tbooontrollll'l6fll0tor, 'nlo taoU c:~oottha tuturo lntonllty ,

~~~r:~.~~n 1:!~!~!~i~. '1,.~'~:;:!i1 o~0~crt~Cp~~1!!~:~1~~: .. otorta•Uon , andnochll.nhatlon 11 to anatn the hlahaat poul~lo degrfle of motllllty ,

~~~:~ ~~~:n '!:'i!~~; a!~n!~'ti~t~!f~~=t~; r1tndor1 E!:~El!E:tar~~~~~~::~.:~ ~~~!::r~;~~~:~·~ ..

.-t~fE!~J~lill;!~~~~E: ·!E~ ~~~~~~=~:~~~~!· :111 own, •

Du.rtna c::~.epa.18fl• unlta aro tnoroulr-Gl.J' aoot'te~J- ,..... ~ ~:.,~·::!,ba~~1.-.~~.:0t-:li:~!r::!ita~lll~!~!~ ~~t~;;·h~;t!~~"~fo~i:~:;;r ,~,~~t~a~~o:~pton e.cQ" hRl'O p."od tnto histor-y, t~ dG.)' ot tho leadolr of •=ll tlnd 11\r{;O unltl 11 1tlll 70\lriG•

linlt 1ndl"l1 c"mcn Md or;o\C 1r11 to atta 1ll an

~~~~~t!~!o~l:~E~!~d~=~~'f!~~:::~:? >A..~ ~ au1t be \Coocvorl: ot t~ 11.1rH!. 111 "11 11 ot tl'A !led¥.

&oG:o ot 1QU 0 r.o doubt, in tul1no1~ ot t1Z:o wlll t1n4 7our 1ol •u Yith ;oaepon11~1l1U•• o""n (p'Ootor tha.JI thoao ot br1nc1r.s o.~t t ho cooporo.tlon ot •'Y 1mlt1.

,;a.._, 'r.lon tho 1upra=o tOit ot war cono1 - o.nd I hope lt no•or

~~·T:~~~i!\~:H~:It:;E:l:AW~ S.netO ~::~~~ '1. brlnG lnto ho.=oniouo cotton tho clvlti:t,n 1n1tnmont1 ot-~,_

~;t~H~~~;:A·:t~r!~~=~ry~n:l~~ ~=~n:~·~~~1~~ othor':_~r. t~d~o:;~:~~}"'~~!:.:O~'~c~t n-r::..C?t~p; ~~ ~CT:~~~i t s ~"'ro~~;i~f~~}~~r:~:l~!~~~~~~~ltno.=!_ ~ !~!:M!o~·;:;~:nin~ ~~~~c~:.,!~~:~~ to brl~-:w f~

l'ou M•• 1cen thl pro bleD ln 1 u ftlllllcr •apecta hoNI nt t111t 7o1nt; l e t =c con:IO"' to TQI.I ln 7cur J.:/T:q Oo.Nirl • contlnuou• 1tul\Y ot problOtll 0\IUl~ •• wdl al

Page 47: Franklin D. Rooseve lt - The Great C ommunicator Series 2 ... · a n t he New Deal F il e No. 1229 1939 June 2 W es t Point , Y  Co mm e n ce e nt Exe rcises -Address