fourth sunday prayer to the virgin mary for protection o f l e n t - … · 2020. 6. 26. · y...

Fourth Sunday O f l e n t March 22, 2020 Sunday, March 22 nd , Fourth Sunday of Lent 8:30 AM For the Soul of Thomas Hickey 10:00 AM (SP) Por la Intencion de Ligia Melo Martinez 11:30 AM For the Soul of Noel Valle 1:00 PM (SP) Por el Alma de Candito & Catalina Javier y Andrea Lopez March 23 rd , Lenten Weekday 9:00 AM For the Soul of Deborah & Mary O’Neill 12:15 PM For the Intentions of Rev. Edward Byrne March 24 th , Saint Oscar Romero 9:00 AM No Scheduled Mass 12:15 PM For the Soul of John F. Bagley Jr. 7:00 PM(SP) Por el Alma de Tiverio Ruiz March 25 th , The Annunciation of the Lord 9:00 AM No Scheduled Mass 12:15 PM For the Soul of Faustino Liriano March 26 th , Lenten Weekday 9:00 AM For the Soul of Sr. Eileen Kiely 12:15 PM For the Soul of Bill & Catherine Coleman March 27 th , Lenten Weekday 9:00 AM No Scheduled Mass 12:15 PM For the Souls of Dmytro & Anastazia Wusaty & Family 7:00 PM(SP) Por el Alma de Fabiola Alvarez March 28 th , Lenten Weekday 12:15 PM For the Soul of Jack Gavagan 5:00 PM For the People Sunday, March 29 th , Fifth Sunday of Lent 8:30 AM For the Soul of Francisco Feresnde 10:00 AM (SP) Por el Alma de Carmel Montañez Rodriguez 11:30 AM For the Soul of Johnny Torres 1:00 PM (SP) Por el Alma de Maria Estela Rodriguez Prayers & Devotions Morning Prayer – Liturgy of the Hours Mon-Fri 8:35 AM Miraculous Medal Novena Mon before 12:15 PM Mass Rosary prior to 12:15 PM Mass Mon-Sat First Friday Eucharistic Adoration Following 12:15PM Mass to (Sept to June Only) Benediction 6:45 PM Grupos de Oración Grupo Carismático Martes después de 7:00 PM Misa Ultreya/Cursillistas Viernes Prayer to the Virgin Mary for Protection O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick. At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith. You, Our Lady of New York, know what we need. We are certain that you will provide, so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee, joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Father’s will and to do what Jesus tells us: He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us, through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen. We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our pleas we who are put to the test and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen. Do Not Be AfraidThese four words are recorded 59 times in the Bible. Almighty God spoke these words to our ancestors in faith, Abraham, Hagar, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph during times of trial and difficulties. Moses and Joshua spoke these same words of encouragement during the arduous Exodus journey through the desert until the Hebrews entered the Promised Land. So did Samuel and King David, along with the prophets Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Zechariah. These hopeful words are found in Psalm 49:16 and The Book of Proverbs 3:25. At the time of the Annunciation the archangel Gabriel spoke these four words to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Nazareth. Angels reassured Zechariah, Joseph, and the shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem with these words when they were troubled. The evangelists record ten times that Jesus said these words in the Gospels. The Acts of the Apostles recall St. Paul the Apostle hearing these four words in two visions that he received. The opening chapter of The Book of Revelation describes someone like the Son of Man” uttering these words to John in recording the message he received on the island of Patmos. “Do not be afraid” have been part of God’s mysterious plan salvation history for humanity through the centuries. During this time of adversity and uncertainty with the coronavirus and ongoing public health concerns in our city, state, nation and throughout the world, may these four words from God continue to speak to us. May Proverbs 3:25 reassure us: “Do not be afraid of sudden panic, or of the storm that strikes” trusting that God is with us and hears

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  • Fourth Sunday O f l e n t March 22, 2020

    Sunday, March 22nd,

    Fourth Sunday of Lent 8:30 AM For the Soul of Thomas Hickey 10:00 AM (SP) Por la Intencion de Ligia Melo Martinez 11:30 AM For the Soul of Noel Valle 1:00 PM (SP) Por el Alma de Candito & Catalina Javier y

    Andrea Lopez

    March 23rd, Lenten Weekday

    9:00 AM For the Soul of Deborah & Mary O’Neill 12:15 PM For the Intentions of Rev. Edward Byrne

    March 24th, Saint Oscar Romero 9:00 AM No Scheduled Mass 12:15 PM For the Soul of John F. Bagley Jr. 7:00 PM(SP) Por el Alma de Tiverio Ruiz

    March 25th, The Annunciation of the Lord 9:00 AM No Scheduled Mass 12:15 PM For the Soul of Faustino Liriano

    March 26th, Lenten Weekday 9:00 AM For the Soul of Sr. Eileen Kiely 12:15 PM For the Soul of Bill & Catherine Coleman

    March 27th, Lenten Weekday 9:00 AM No Scheduled Mass 12:15 PM For the Souls of Dmytro & Anastazia Wusaty & Family 7:00 PM(SP) Por el Alma de Fabiola Alvarez

    March 28th, Lenten Weekday 12:15 PM For the Soul of Jack Gavagan 5:00 PM For the People

    Sunday, March 29th, Fifth Sunday of Lent

    8:30 AM For the Soul of Francisco Feresnde 10:00 AM (SP) Por el Alma de Carmel Montañez Rodriguez 11:30 AM For the Soul of Johnny Torres 1:00 PM (SP) Por el Alma de Maria Estela Rodriguez

    Prayers & Devotions Morning Prayer – Liturgy of the Hours Mon-Fri 8:35 AM

    Miraculous Medal Novena Mon before 12:15 PM Mass Rosary prior to 12:15 PM Mass Mon-Sat First Friday Eucharistic Adoration Following 12:15PM Mass to (Sept to June Only) Benediction 6:45 PM

    Grupos de Oración Grupo Carismático Martes después de 7:00 PM Misa Ultreya/Cursillistas Viernes

    Prayer to the Virgin Mary for Protection

    O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey

    as a sign of salvation and hope.

    We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.

    At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith.

    You, Our Lady of New York, know what we need.

    We are certain that you will provide, so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee,

    joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial.

    Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Father’s will

    and to do what Jesus tells us:

    He who took our sufferings upon Himself,

    and bore our sorrows to bring us, through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection.


    We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of


    Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the test – and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and

    blessed Virgin.


    “Do Not Be Afraid” These four words are recorded 59 times in the

    Bible. Almighty God spoke these words to our ancestors

    in faith, Abraham, Hagar, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph during times of trial and difficulties. Moses and Joshua spoke

    these same words of encouragement during the arduous

    Exodus journey through the desert until the Hebrews entered the Promised Land.

    So did Samuel and King David, along with the

    prophets Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and

    Zechariah. These hopeful words are found in Psalm 49:16 and The Book of Proverbs 3:25.

    At the time of the Annunciation the archangel

    Gabriel spoke these four words to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Nazareth. Angels reassured Zechariah, Joseph,

    and the shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem with these

    words when they were troubled. The evangelists record

    ten times that Jesus said these words in the Gospels. The Acts of the Apostles recall St. Paul the Apostle hearing

    these four words in two visions that he received. The

    opening chapter of The Book of Revelation describes “someone like the Son of Man” uttering these words to

    John in recording the message he received on the island

    of Patmos. “Do not be afraid” have been part of God’s

    mysterious plan salvation history for humanity through

    the centuries. During this time of adversity and

    uncertainty with the coronavirus and ongoing public health concerns in our city, state, nation and throughout

    the world, may these four words from God continue to

    speak to us. May Proverbs 3:25 reassure us: “Do not be afraid of sudden panic, or of the

    storm that strikes” trusting that God is with us and hears

  • our prayers during this time of trial and adversity and will continue to watch over and protect us.

    Fr. Michael Kerrigan

    Cancellation Notice & Hours of Operation

    As has been announced on March 14th, the

    Archdiocese of New York has cancelled the public

    celebration parish Masses, both weekend and weekday

    until further notice. In addition, all parish in-person religious education for youth and adults along with

    youth ministry is suspended until April 20, 2020 along

    with public parish sacramental celebrations. The lower church will be open daily from 8:00

    am to 2:00 pm for private prayer. The Parish Pastoral

    Center will be open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00

    am -12:00 noon and 1:00-4:00 pm and on Saturdays from 10:00 am-2:00 pm. Please call to schedule


    Availability of Media Masses

    Mass will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s

    Cathedral, and will be available on many cable systems

    via the Catholic Faith Network and its website at, livestreamed on the St.

    Patrick’s Cathedral website at, and broadcast on

    radio on The Catholic Channel of Sirius XM (Channel


    An Act of Spiritual Communion

    My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament.

    I love You above all things, and I desire You in my soul.

    Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.

    As though You were already there,

    I embrace You and unite myself wholly to You; permit not that I should ever be separated from You.


    Status of Parish Mass Intentions

    Since the cancellation of public parish Masses on March 14th, the parish priests have been celebrating

    private Mass in the church each day. The Mass

    intentions that were scheduled each day are being offered. When the pandemic is over and regular parish

    sacramental celebrations resume, those who were

    affected in having their scheduled Mass intentions offered on the day and time they requested will have the

    opportunity to reschedule them at a future date. Your

    understanding in this regard is appreciated.

    Congratulations New Citizen!

    Our parish community extends our

    congratulations and prayerful best wishes to Fr. Antonio

    who became a citizen of the United States of America during a citizenship ceremony at the Manhattan Federal

    Plaza building on Friday March 13th. Something that our

    parish and those who already know him‒ our nation is truly blessed to have this exemplary, dedicated, and

    faithful priest to be welcomed as a citizen of our nation.

    2020 U.S. Census

    The census is a nationwide survey taken every

    10 years that counts every person in the Unites States.

    The last census was conducted in 2010.

    Census date is used to determine how many seats our state gets in the U.S. Congress and how $675

    million in federal funds is allocated among the states

    including funding for schools, hospitals, senior citizens, public transportation, roads, and bridges.

    It is important for everyone to participate in the

    census. Your census responses cannot be used against

    you by law enforcement agencies including U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or to

    determine one’s eligibility for government services.

    The Holy Family’s journey to Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Jesus during the great census of

    Caesar Augustus is a precedent to be followed.

    Oración a la Virgen María por la Protección

    Oh María, brillas continuamente en nuestro viaje como

    un signo de salvación y esperanza.

    Nos confiamos a usted, Salud de los Enfermos.

    Al pie de la cruz participaste en el dolor de Jesús, con fe firme.

    Tú, Nuestra Señora de Nueva York, sabes lo que

    necesitamos. Estamos seguros que nos proporcionarás, así,

    como hiciste en Caná de Galilea,

    La alegría y el banquete podrían regresar después de este momento de prueba.

    Ayúdanos, Madre del Amor Divino,

    Conforme a la voluntad del Padre

    y hacer lo que Jesús nos dice: El que tomó nuestros sufrimientos sobre sí mismo,

    y llevó nuestras penas para traernos,

    a través de la cruz, a la alegría de la resurrección. Amén.

    Buscamos refugio bajo tu protección, Oh Santa Madre de Dios.

    No desprecies nuestras súplicas, nosotros los que somos

    puestos a prueba, y

    líbranos de todo peligro, Oh Virgen gloriosa y bendita.


    "No Tengas Miedo"

    Estas cuatro palabras se registran 59 veces en la Biblia. Dios Todopoderoso pronunció estas palabras a

    nuestros antepasados en la fe, Abraham, Agar, Isaac,

    Jacob y José durante tiempos de prueba y dificultades. Moisés y Josué hablaron estas mismas palabras de

    aliento durante el arduo viaje del Éxodo a través del

    desierto hasta que los hebreos entraron en la Tierra


  • Lo mismo hicieron Samuel y el rey David, junto con los profetas Elías, Isaías, Jeremías, Ezequiel y

    Zacarías. Estas palabras de esperanza se encuentran en el

    Salmo 49:16 y El Libro de los Proverbios 3:25.

    En el momento de la Anunciación, el arcángel Gabriel habló estas cuatro palabras a la Santísima Virgen

    María en Nazaret. Los ángeles tranquilizaron a Zacarías,

    a José y a los pastores en los campos de Belén con estas palabras cuando estaban preocupados. Los evangelistas

    registran diez veces que Jesús dijo estas palabras en los

    Evangelios. Los Hechos de los Apóstoles recuerdan que San Pablo Apóstol escuchó estas cuatro palabras en dos

    visiones que recibió. El primer capítulo de El libro de

    Apocalipsis describe a "alguien como el Hijo del

    hombre" que pronuncia estas palabras a John al grabar el mensaje que recibió en la isla de Patmos.

    "No tengas miedo" ha sido parte del misterioso

    plan de la historia de salvación de la humanidad a través de los siglos. Durante este tiempo de adversidad e

    incertidumbre con el coronavirus y los problemas de

    salud pública en curso en nuestra ciudad, estado, nación y en todo el mundo, que estas cuatro palabras de Dios

    nos sigan hablando. Puede Proverbios 3:25


    “No temas el pánico repentino o la tormenta que azota” confiando en que Dios está con nosotros y

    escucha nuestras oraciones durante este tiempo de

    prueba y adversidad y continuará vigilándonos y protegiéndonos.

    Padre Michael Kerrigan

    Aviso de Cancelación y Horas de Operación

    Como se anunció el 14 de marzo, la

    Arquidiócesis de Nueva York canceló las misas

    parroquiales de celebración pública, tanto los fines de

    semana como los días laborables hasta nuevo aviso. Además, toda la educación religiosa en persona de la

    parroquia para jóvenes y adultos junto con el ministerio

    juvenil se suspende hasta el 20 de abril de 2020, junto con las celebraciones sacramentales de la parroquia


    La iglesia inferior estará abierta todos los días de

    8:00 am a 2:00 pm para la oración privada. El Centro Pastoral Parroquial estará abierto los martes y viernes de

    9:00 am a 12:00 pm y 1:00 pm a 4:00 pm y los sábados

    de 10:00 am a 2:00 pm. Por favor llame para programar


    Disponibilidad de Misas de Medios

    La Misa de la Catedral de San Patricio se transmitirá y estará disponible en muchos sistemas de

    cable a través de Catholic Faith Network y su sitio web,

    se transmitirá en vivo en el sitio web de la Catedral de

    San Patricio y se transmitirá por radio en el Canal

    Católico de Sirius XM (Canal 129).

    Un Acto de Comunión Espiritual

    Jesús mío, creo que estás presente en el Santísimo


    Te amo sobre todas las cosas y te deseo en mi alma.

    Como ahora no puedo recibirte sacramentalmente, entra al menos espiritualmente en mi corazón.

    Como si ya estuvieras allí, te abrazo y me uno

    totalmente a ti; no permitas que nunca me separe de ti.


    Estado de las Intenciones de Misa de la Parroquia

    Desde la cancelación de las misas públicas parroquiales el 14 de marzo, los sacerdotes de la

    parroquia han estado celebrando misa privada en la

    iglesia todos los días. Se están ofreciendo las intenciones

    de misa que se programaron cada día. Cuando termine la pandemia y se reanuden las celebraciones sacramentales

    regulares de la parroquia, aquellos que fueron afectados

    al recibir sus intenciones de misa programadas el día y la hora que solicitaron tendrán la oportunidad de

    reprogramarlos en una fecha futura. Su comprensión a

    este respecto es apreciada.

    ¡Felicidades, Nuevo Ciudadano!

    Nuestra comunidad parroquial extiende nuestras

    felicitaciones y mejores deseos de oración al Padre.

    Antonio, que se convirtió en ciudadano de los Estados Unidos de América durante una ceremonia de ciudadanía

    en el edificio Manhattan Federal Plaza el viernes 13 de

    marzo. Algo que nuestra parroquia y aquellos que ya lo conocen‒ nuestra nación es verdaderamente bendecida

    por tener este sacerdote ejemplar, dedicado y fiel para

    ser bienvenido como ciudadano de nuestra nación.

    Censo del 2020

    El censo de los Estados Unidos es una encuesta

    a nivel nacional que se lleva a cabo cada 10 años para contar a todas las personas que viven en los Estados

    Unidos. El última fue realizada en el año 2010.

    Los datos recopilados en el censo se utilizan

    para determinar cuántos representantes tendrá nuestro estado en el Congreso de EE.UU y cómo se distribuirán

    $675 millones en fondos federales entre los estados. Esta

    asignación federal incluye fondos para nuestras escuelas, hospitales, centros para personas mayores, transporte

    público carreteras y puentes.

    Es importante que todos participen en el censo.

    Sus respuestas al censo no pueden ser utilizadas en su contra por las agencias de aplicación de la ley, incluido

    el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE)

    de los EE. UU. El viaje de la Sagrada Familia a Belén en el

    momento del nacimiento de Jesús durante el gran censo

    de César Augusto es un precedente a seguir.

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