fourth calls 2,000 [me cohanshifts

FOURTH CALLS SDEIY FM kW m CIÏÏ Villas at Newport, Lenox and on Long Island Filled with Guests. BAR HARBOR CELEBRATION Water Sports at Lake Mahkee- nftc Boating Club Feature of Programme.Mrs. W. K. Vanderbiit in Paris. For the next four <la\s the city will be ¿«¿«.'ted by society folk, for every one .l,,, eeuld possibly net away left town v,;t<rda>% to spend the national holiday and ti»« v/«¡ek end a', aeaahore and inland r,:-ort.- Nearly ah the villas ai Newport. Bar Hsrbor and I.cimx. the places on j,on£ Island and aicn^ the NJsuj Jersey mbsI «..'. ''lied «ith fuesta in \. honor bub rnts hava been planti'il for tO-da) and to-morrow at K the < lambahe «iui» win have a- annual celebration Mra James Y. Kernoehan erlll live her usual Inde- peadsnea Day reception; Mrs. ttuyr» ave ii lari;e luncheon ar CrOSS* ways, and dinner.- will be given by Mrs Hamilton M< K Twombly, Hra Mai j Parry. .N1,s William Grosv«noi and pjra Bradford Norman. At Bar Harbor a two>day win st.-irt this mon at I.enox there will le many intrestito; .vents, chief el which will he the annual Wat»r -port« ;it the Lathe Manas« Koatinp '.'bib. wheie the I^en.ix Junior Urn Tennla ABM ration will run <.fT \ eral tacen including a eanoe obstacle Tf-e. tab raeea t Amone thoas who will take part ar.- Miss If. »"ivilese and Ml?« Anna Alexandre. Mi-« Grace and Miss Svmphnrosa B:i.-ted. Mt»s Alma ami Miss Josephine d* <i»'rsdorrT. Miss Kate Haven. Miss .'hrlMlne BVdgwIeh, Miss Irene Turnure, G«-orge T .mure, jr Kllery gerigwi k. Donald and Samuel Frothing- hsm Thorns a Qamtnuclb Neablt DO tuja. Ross fi Uhl-tler and Wirt P/alher. >tl«-s Mary M. Turnure Is chairman of the water aporta eommlttoe. Theau win i>e tea on the piazza ano. «lairing in thv clubhouse. Mr and Mrs Wil.lam liouplas Sloane »111 entertain a larjr«- house T>arty at Elm Court, and Mr and Mrs Joseph H Chonte will have a number of giitsts at their place at Stockbrltlge. Mrs U. K Vand'-rhllt. jr.. has arri\«»l In Paris, and Is staying at the Hotel Rita Mr sad Mrs Arthur B. Twombly left the dtp yesterday for the White Moun- tain«. Mr. and Mrs. Petei H H. Frelingh.iystn have taken a cottage at Kasthampton. Long Island, for the summer. Former Ambassador an«l Mrs Henry White who were at the Ritz-< arlton f-.r Spa have gone to Dublin, N. H for the Bummer. Mr and Mr.«. A. Hcyward McAlpin will eccupy the W W McAlpin camp in the Adirondacks this sum;: Mr ,.nd Mra Henry i^ewis Morris left toan yesterday f"r the Oriental Hotel, Manhattan Beach to r< main two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Auchincloss have Closed their \ilia, at Tuxedo an«! have gone to Beverly Parma Mass foi Tier. John Hobart Warren haa gone to Heoslck Falls. N. Y., to spun) a tea weeks. Mr. and M:s I OahsSP \ ba\e taken a ottage at Kasthampton, lxmg Island for 'he summer. Mrs. F. Henry Harriman will start on a Western trip at the » rid of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Uord QrteeOBB will spend the summer at Southampton.; Isl¬ and, where they have taken a cottage. Mr. and Mrs J. Wrap Cleveland and Mas Marjorie Cleveland will Bpend th- In the White Mountains. AT NEWPORT. [By Telegraph to The Tribun* I Newport, July I..Reginald < '. vaoalsr- Wlt arrived from w Yoik to-day to .pend the Fourth at Sandy Point Farm Ha was accompanied by Preston Gibson. Mr. and Mrs <;iU..n are to Bpend a part e-f August here and they will give an Ind¬ ian ct>atume denes and anuppei at the »iambake iub. Mr. Gibson may also orgtnlz» a baseball team among the men of the summer colony, aa he did last summer. The holiday cuest» of Mr. and Mrs Maraden J. Pero include Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson, Miss Josephine Gibson, Mr. and Mre A Doer Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swartwout Mra. «... ('¦ Harrows, Colonel and Mrs. Samuel M. Nicholson. Miss N:< hoison and I>r. and Mrs. Will- lam McDonald. Mis. Perry will give a dinner, followed hy fireworks, to-morrow- evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Livingston, of New York are guest» of Mr. and Mrs lawren'e I* Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur laelin and Ken¬ neth p Pudd are spending the week end here. Patanal C. I* F. Robinson has returned from Hartford for the holidays and for the annual meeting «if the Rhode Island ¦«lety of the Cincinnati. He gave a. dinner in honor of the officers of the so¬ ciety this evening. Mrs. Stuyvesant Pish has announced «inners for the evenings July 12 and M Mrs. Charles F. Hoffman was a lunehoon hostess to-day. Mrs. J. J. W>- .onc »as a luncheon hostea» In honor Bf aer guest, Mrs Wilmtrdlng, Of New Tork. Mrs lAle F. Bellinger gave a recep¬ ta at her Hunter avenue cottage id honor of Mrs Kirby Smith, who recent- h return.u from Honolulu. Mrs. George T. Perkins has issued In¬ vitations for a turkey trot party at Fort Adams on Tuesday night. Mrs. Burke-Ro«he and family have ar- riv*d »t Elm court. Master Amos Tu«k French, Mis. Peiu- '*non Powel and Mrs. Howard Spencer Gram, who were recently operated upon *.«" appendicitis, are recovering. Mlas Natalie Merrill, daughter of the ***. and Mrs. George Grenvllle Merrill. ¦** been threatened with pneumonia. DOINGS AT BAR HARBOR. [By T«|egraj>h to The Tribune | har Harbor, July 3. -Mrs. Garrison, *". of the Secretary of War, will come * Bar Harbor on July 10 to be the .»«?st of Mrs. Thomas Walsh. Mies Margaretta Riddle Porter, of *nf«e«ielphla, la Usltlng MIsb Sally »ftith **.¦*"'atered at the Newport for the . ***on s,, jij,. csjnpbell. of Boaton; MKS. STUYVESANT FISH. She will lie> te.-<lav at a luncheon at The Crosswtjrs, her Newport place. Eben sutton and Miss Sutton, of Balti¬ more. Mus Eloise Derby has let her cottage to Mr. and .Mrs John Rogers Mrs a H. Oallatln and atlas e;aiia- Un of N'ew Ye>rk. arrived to-day ami have taken the Talleyrand Mr.'. H C. C'hapman.'of Philadelphia a luncheon to-da> at her «ottage. Mr. am! Mrs John Callendar Livingston. Of .New York, gave a «îinm-r part) at their cottage. Mrs M. i? Lurrlll and daughter, of New York, arrived to-day ¦ NOTES FROM TUXEDO PARK. : ''¦,'.' Tuxedo Park. July 3. Independence Da) at Tuxedo will be lively, as the colonists bave arranged a rer) attrac¬ ts« proerramme which srfll last a¡i «i«v There will be the u-sual field sports, with cat races in the afternoon, follow.-«! by -.ati.-n '.; tuxmio Lake and rue w oiks at night. There will be house parties at nearl) e\ery cottage and dli mm row night Mr. and Mrs P. !.. Barbey gave h dinner dame it th' ir cottage to-night at which Bfty cottager.« and their g were present Mr. and Mrs W .M V. Hofman. Mr and Mrs. Winthrop McKlm, Mr ami Mrs .He Kane, Mr. and Mrs Paul Tuckerasaa, Mr. and Mrs. Prederlcli Foster. Mr and Mrs. I I Carey, bfl and Mrs. Ri« hard Delsfleld and Pierre LorillanL ji win entertain parties «.v.- the Fourth. Mrs. Henry Redmond will gi\ e a gla¬ ner at the club to-morrow- night The- first "I a sei ^ «,f matine* bOTSe will >.. bald "-. Beturday at the Tuxedo tía« k Among arrivals to-day were Leonard M. Tht.mas, Jam« C 'lark Ifr an«! Mrs. \v. i: Brueted, biles CodiUni Mis Jefferson Coddington, i. a. Snow, v\ M l'ost. the- Mis« Kell Mr a:,,I Mrs. «". H Kalsey, Mr and Mrs William Elliott, John BUIotl and William Elliott Jr. IN THE BERKSHIRES. |Ry Telegraph In Tlo Trlbttl . Lenox, July 3..All of the Berkshire hotels are entertaining lerge parties of tourists for the liobday. fJolf and tennis wlli be the principal contests to-morrow at tie- country ciuin. The beginning of the plav for the' tennis CUpg offered Lv Mrs William K. S. OftSWOld Wfll be a! K) O'clock, ami th'- t-omp. titlon- will he nar¬ row, u fiOWn to th« semi-.'inaL. The semi¬ finals and finals: v. ill b. played Saturday aiternooii at Wynelhurst, the country ( Mr. and Mrs (¡riswold. All Lenox and St« e-kbridge are inter¬ ested in the water sports tO-mOTTOW af¬ ternoon at Lake Mahkeena« There is un entry of thirty in the various comp-ti- tions. Mr and Mis. CllatOB Elliott and Miss DoTOth) Elliott, of iVeW York, arrived to¬ day al th Hotel Wcn«Ii 11. in I'lttsfield. Mr. ami Mrs. Herbert PBTBOnS have re¬ turned from Newport t<« Stoiie«iv«-r. Mr and Mrs ClMltSS I Wainwrlght. Mr. arid Mrs. K. Y Mose ley. Miss Helen Rand. Mrs Q. S Logan, Miss M. A. Fitz- harris. ¡«ml F 0. Hayde-n, of New York, are registered at Beaton BoteL Admiral and Mrs. e.eorgo Ixwey mo¬ tored t«i LeaeS from Pitt«SriOld this after¬ noon and «ailed on eharles linier at Allen Winden Mr. and Mrs. F. M J. neks, "f Halti- mtire, on route to then country place at Dublin, N.. H Mr. and Mrs. ly.uls V. Davleon, of BngSewOOd; Miss Sara Nor- ri»-, Miss Mary Not rle, and Dr. Vanhorn Norrio, ««f New York, are at the Red Lion Inn, Storkbii'ige KT. and Mrs. «'¡ni a «i»- Oarsdorff enter« talned at dinner to-night at their St«, k- bflfigS villa Misa FIL n I> Hunt, Douglas Bobbins, of {few York; Mr au«! Mrs W. É, Mur- «to.k, «.f Boston: Mr. and Mrs. larnual il end M's. <'. Bussell Auchlre ,,f New York, are at enrtis Hotel. Betters! and Mrs. W. !'. Rogers, of Washington. Mr. ami Mrs. I rancis K. MeCulP.. Mrs !.. M. Scag'-i. of Peterson N .1 Mr. and Mis James «'..mi. Jr , BJM Milllcent «Carri, 'if Baltimore, an- at the Maplewood, Plttsfietd. » TA^T SAILS FOR MURRAY BAY. guebec. July .1 Sir Charles Fitspatrlck, Chief Justice of Canada, and his family arrived here SB Wednesday in company with former Président William Howard Taft Mrs. Taft and tWO chlldon. ("hail. and Miss Balsa Taft Bath families Hailed to-day on the gove-rnm« nt steamer Lady Grey for Murruy Bay, where they will spend the summer. I NO WIFE FOR MARQUI Mrs. Moss-Cockle Will I Marry Lord Hertford. London, Jul) I.« Another sodet) gngemsnt bus- been broken off. In raes lees tb¡ui tu<» month- .ift»-r Hrst announcement, a Th4 M i Hertford snd Mn M Is arc ..m.- man and « lie. The B/eddlne plana aere verp pdvanced, and arrangementa had ac ally been made ut Aloester, osai L Hertford'a seat, Ragle) Hall, for ¦ pt Ik presentetl« n tQ the marquis .-n tu salon. No reason Is . th« breaking of u Mrs. M< her fortun. being upward of 5 left tO her by her j 1101 Lord Hertfonl was t«. th« tit!« In Mal. ti il the Bklrt-danclng Earl ol Yurmuvj ho married alie« Thaw, N. Y. BRIDe'iN ENGLAN Grafton H. Pyne and Miss Le C. Wright Married. , |H\ » Hlib- t'i '1 1 London, July .".. Orafton s a Pyne, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Perc; Pyne, wai married to-da) at Melde head, to Miss Lets C Wright, daug ¡ter of Mrs. Eben Wright, of w Tot I Among tb'is» prsosni were Mrs. Par R. Ppne and her husband sad ssce son. H. Rlelngton Pyne, b"th ».f win arrived. On th«- Imperator to Join Mr. and Mrs. George P«»st, Jr., ai Miss Harriett Pool RICHARD C. KERENS SAIL Says Balkan War Will Not Al feet U. S. Interests. London, July 4 Richard c Keren American Untmssadoi In Vleni to-day on tha Adrtatl« lor New v<»r vYhlle D"t nanting '" grant any ¡met VieW, h«- said thai th<- Hiilkan disturl anca, ahile rerj pregnant, would aff«-ct Anxnican Intareati YALE GETS KENDALL New York Artist Chosen Direc tor of Fine Arts School. w ila\«-n, Jul) :t Brraoenl mini <.f n Para t:.i> been elected « direct« nf the eehoel sf Pine Arts a't rsle h sucoceds John f> rgusoe W ir, win. re tlrcil this BPtinS eftOT forty-four years 8 entlnuoua servi« a Mr Ken.lall, w h«. was horn in gpuytet liuvvil in IPJt, BtUdted at th» An BtS dents' league in New York, und«a Thoma Rahine, of iiitia.i«ij.iiia. and ai the Bool dee Deem Arts snd upder Olivier Mcrsoi in pan- ii. receltsd honoisole bv n timi m the Paris galon in ¡til, a mods «. the nilcapo Rsposltlon In IMl an« many other prises snd medals In Hi»- fol lowing reara Hia srorh la repreeented h the Metropolitan Mux.uni, th« Pennayl «renta Academy and tha National Mu in Id Wasbinpton. JAÑET BEECHER A BRIDE Popular Actress Married to Ran dolph Guggenheimer, a Lawyer. I Janet Bescher, BU ¡cires«, known in private life as Jan« t Wyndham. USS mar¬ ried yesterday sfliinoon to Barry Ran« ¡dolph Qvuupsahetmer, at the spartmenta of the bride. No. :''»! Went .".«jtli sti.-.-t. by the P> v i>r ii.»*.» i The In Id» «room, who gav« his aKe as thirty-four years BU UM BsSrriSga UcaUSS, onlatnad .lune lu, is a n.-w fort lawyer, anil live« at No Ml Fifth aveaua Mi*. Ottggenhelnwr Was Ixiin In Jefferson <ity, Ma, tursaty seves pears sgs sad Is a sister of Ollv. \\'\ nilhani. also an BCtTI ~s .lanet Bseehsi arel cassa lata promlnsnca on the stage In the CSSt of "The K«Ju«a- tion of Mr. PlPP," with Dlgb) Bell UM has since BPPSSrud In the lea»llng feini- nine part in the BOBBSOO su»-.-ess "The I'oncert.'' and last played Jos. |.lune In I The Puri»le Rend.'1 Mrs. QUSJgBOhetmsr, who has recently returned from Kurope, would make no announcement of her plann, but It Is given out from the offices of Wlnthrop Anus that she Is <ngaged to appear this fall In "The (ireat Adventure, which will open the new Gotham Theatre. 2,000 [ME FOLK 10 GEf FEU AIR HUH Little New Yorkers Reach Latchstrings cf Hospitable Upstate Doors Easily. SWING LIKE BARN GATES All Bars Down, in Fact, to Pastures in The Tribune's Outings.July 7. 8 and 9 Big Days for Some. v.'- talk mud of Southern hospitality, but the Smith musí looh to Its lenrels or N.-w York will steal \ot 'La' Ho one Is growing lees hospitable, bul tl nor. if CUM may judge by th- number Ol Fresh Air child!* t. that have been lavlted to various ts tin central pari of the state within the last f.w «lays, all tin lateh- ¦trings in th«- reglón bang out. x only do th. v bang om but they ha-, ben lengthened s«i that the mnallfst tots i.r this gicit city may reach them without so much .,-. itandins tiptoe The) ar.- Istehetrtngs. too, that strand- as it ma; stem, not onlj mai,.- doers to -wing weleonüngl) op n, but thai akw let down im«, posturas, apei rates Into orebsrds, nrlng wide great barn .)"ors. help John Snortl<ngs over stiles and, m sborl ,.f bei that sre used in the country t«« ko- p out «.f pbhM.Tit placea These ara lai h strings that sven nullify "No Tres« -i.« Allowen" siana and open Boors t«> friendly »nans If .vu will take a map of Haw York anil mark on it the rtU<H i,f Auburn. Binghamton, Cortland, Norwich, Uttea ui«i Schenectsdy, vu win have th«- boun« darles "f the rc^liui that is Just now llt- rally humming with hospitality ..r per- bsps, one W«9Uld better say. humming v-1tli the preparations foi hospitality. i n acb ««f th m committee Is scrivel] ai wort eo-oaerat« Ing with the Tribun. Fund Th. re- suits ol th. co-op. r.i tl' n are surpassing Ions Invitations for the talnmenl of cbUdrea to th» sumber «>f IM have g|rrad] bean obtslned. ami there is ij> ne, question that parties still to bs planned will add <KiO more to this total for the region Auburn he ret steed Its irat .-. eighty-seven la number bal is planning t«. receive at least tWO additional partie« l'tlca has opened It» doors to t*" gieasa Of «Ixt'-fHv each, and is plan-iing to tak«- three other groups M similar size The lemalnlng plsces ail] receive a part r all of the «guest It :rivtt« I ¦with Norwich will be the fir at to greet it.« empan. and ssay fudge by Wbal happened lnsf rill have Its u on fe the s The first party win arrive In th.» place 00 July T, about slxty- five «(rung Another partv is planned loi- date Tl.en will eSSBS « ortland's turn, on July Last year e'ortlatnl tOOfe t Its h'art x' Fr.»h Airs." but It- heart haa grown tr. tWSl fil« yar It will plav f.ilry «godarStBOf to IvS or m"re «¦).. bsnsatad) Is te take twentj ehlktrsa on Julv 8. anil three additional pBltMe of e¡i< h at ref/.il,ir ir.t- Hlnghamion BSSgf i «hie Btngbamtea, that -v-r) c^.r takes the largest single paitv ». nl out b) the Tribune *i t.. balrm m of the tee there, writing «-«incoming the gajd ffe be M ,ui .ir.d manv more to li.-ar h D ns that Blnghamton's Fresh Air parti this yaei sill numbei N) or more. the signs of former years fall Men than MM little Now Torkers sill pass a \:r Fourth to IBOI'rOW, lOf -.bat numb, r of hil'li- g .«; I <-"w elljov Ing th.-ir outings. A'KN-iWI.KKi.MKNTs Mi .ni Mr« Usrbatl lav lng»leri Sal i "ri.. itoono .; ir.-n I . Un «irorír it moan, «Jtwio N 1 l«.i m moeu .i,i.» ,¦.¦ Jo no \ 2:. oo 2r> <v> M '"' . :¦! (.1 ITN l«. no p.-j B Harne» A s K seemnn Bros. K J Ar-nd ........... Th« LaOles s" i«! i'nl'Ti <A Madison Method 1st ... through Min M*rii«n orle ¦ ru J'ar mother M 1. Ml A I. I M I " ",r«ji Ne. k, LoniT lfl»nd v i: s........ eoileKiHte Middle Hut. ii «¦»inn h through 9 ;.!.¦¦' |He!ei fu. free! Wee Ilrlgnion. Pinten Is; i M II .>« Ml»- s i: Hatch «nd Ml»« L «' Who»! 'i Portvin« S ..Î. Fret. th. Lu« lee of th«. ''m'ile Itoll of the Sorti lurch, «f N,» Rochelle N. v itir.'usli A x tup« rir.t. r.-I« St.. lie prtBian |le{.*ltmenl of Me it,.- Nonti AvoaM It« ¦ .'' ii «i' New It"' m v .; m f ttanrey.'saps'ig .a -"- i .!.!, il Lester, Hay Hhore. N ï a. M. a ......... Mr. D». U M Look IO0O Loin« WheehMisht * Mro . loexi i.- : m - Miu.iiiii. n. j . 1000 Sol Silber Klein . I«'«*' r. i. i. i. ¦. i: \«. o . W M Win Khlllabet . l«,f«> H i L . I"1"' J Ho*. '" «M 10"" In rneimiM ..f ,l«m-' MaeglVgOl « '-"n !Of»i Howare A geholls ......... tonn r c n. i«««»« hlldren of Mooéy Memorial S,.inl«' ol Toi l"-r Lak«. N Y thr"tmh Rai iiei liink»on . Mr» S 1' . v |.. .,¦ ,l -' .'M'.- N' J <. 1. A R T K Mise M L win'rir'iham. Sharon Oma it D . t; M M .MX» .s v | . r, SO Henrv I .Iiil»«.n . SO" s'aimii-, <)v.n . I'M M s W. ...... fl "" . !. -; . M»' .1 I' M.«"l..ln . .".<«» Annie M Une-», nrookhn . l\ <*» s M Miller. Hr"U-'-'.,t roM ....... «00 .,,..' iir i n Bmersoa s «»> Helen M Fort, tassonta NT :, no King'» I»«-irtit'rp -' M-.- nf I.eonl». N .ir>i nun McDormut, trosearir " oo a î . tee à a . «on w aller B. l'oil.V f> oo m Loalst n Waaaer, l't'per Mont clair N J . 2rt,', K i-or»i-i North I'.r«n'-h. N. J :u, I -lllii.-.n a «To. |<M l>r summ! S:ni..n 2 t>> M M lliimmi 2««0 siln» H m«.»n. Montclali N j 2 evo vVm « Mit! . 2 00 ¦¦ rend 2 00 li unk E Lii'llti.n. Muni-luir. N. J |gg \.. |,lerilli.-itl' n. 'J «ïn :.'-- latiae Pteinfeid . i ihi lu i'.lllli-ll S-linei .1 . 1 ««"> H Alluev -r . . I «I Prevloi-Kly s«knowledge.!.T.Mttt Trtei. July ^bmi. Mjmei ontrlbutlons. prefe-ably by cheek or money order, should be addressed to The Trlhune Fresh Air Fund, The Tribune, N.w York city. s «.. r, i«. ¦ OS S «». MV« r. ne» r. o> ROYAL WEDDING SEPTEMBER 3. Slgmarlngen, Germany, July 3 The marriage between former King Manuel eif Portugal and Princess Augustine Vlc- tfiria, daughter of Prime Wilhelm of Hohenzollern, has been s>t for Beptembe-r. the civil ceremony being performed on the 3d and the religious service on the tth. OPERA STARS ARE WEDDED RUDOLPH P.KRGKR MME. RAPPOLD^MARRIES Opera Singer Is Bride of Ru¬ dolph Berger, the Tenor. Mme Marie BapCMtd, a singer ai the Metropolitan Opern .House, was quietly mauled BO Wednesday, In Jersey «ity. to Rudolph Bersrer. tenor, of the Royal opera. Of Ibrlin. Herr H«r,rer WSS barytone (DC B yean In th«< Kaiser's Opera HOOUB In Il'iltn. Four years apo he cam»- to Neva V-irk. A V/eddlpg reception was held last nlplit at rh<- homs of '»scat Baenger, No. 6 BBS! 81st Street, Bad Saaay prominent artist rs presan! I>r Saenger entertain« .1 hta euests "n the roof, which had bSSB set to r> iTfsenT a Japanese Karden. The couple will spend their honeymf>on RsppoM returninK in < N Tot>.r in time f«>r the opening of the Opera n OSCAR SIGNS A SINGER Announces Engagement of Signora Barrientos. a Coloratura. i«rar Hammcrstein announced the eapture Of snothsr piiina »lonna. Signora Maria Harrlentos, now singing at the CohMI ' Ben House. BUOBOa A>re>«, South liée She will appear n«-xt season at his Ti.-w opera houaa In Ltmngton avenue Signora Harrlentos, whose work as a ..I«.ratura Is r»»ni«idere<l by many to place her in the same posit!on 'aniso solda as a tenor, will be Mr. Hamnier- Btstn'a trump eard for next season s MME MELBA DESERTS OPERA Singer Will Make Long Conecert Tour with Jan Kubelik. Mme Melba will not appear in opera this coming season, according to Ntudon Charltona esaeert manager, who an¬ nounces that th* pilma donna BVitI start upon a tour with Jan Kuhellk. the vio¬ linist, early in the fall, which will last throughout the .-ntlre season The entire parl\, which will inc'u.le Edmund Huike. The .'anadian barytone. .. planl-t and flutist, will appear at -its In h'.th the t'ntted States and Canada Eighty appearance* have al- tx n hooked OBITUARY. DR. FRANK H. BOYNTON. I»r I'ra-k H BeyntOn for main years . of th» te«* known ocuttsta and oph- thalmfc irpfi^sllsta In thin country, died Buddenly ye terdaj el hta country home at Mouut Washington, Mass., arhere he ..i been Ivtttg for sboul a month. His health had been excellent, ami death was the result of a sudden attaeh of heart troulile. Dr Boyaten was b»»m in IPJg was era«l- Batsd from the N' a York BOhOOhl and at «mce took up the atudy of msdtotne and ophthslmp, m which he later specialized ii Broth at th. New York Ophthalmic lloM|.itít¡ BOM i--aln<-»l him w)d<- r«'.''»i:- nltion. and I..- later became senior silr- 1-. OB a" thai Institution, a position which BS held Bt the time «if his death. .His town hou«,- w.»- Si N" 3>". U/SSt "tli street rangements for the funeral have not \.i been completed, bul the body will he brought to mis <it\ aome time to-day. Dr Boynton leuTea hla wife, a marrlsi daughter and a Ben, Fraah i* n«>ynton, a lawyer, of No Ml Broadway. CAPTAIN TUCKER C. EDWARDS, i,'>r>»? Branch, K. ¦' July L.Cáptala TuchSI C K.lwsrd!". eighty-six years of Bga pioneer oysterman of this place, .ii. i hen- to-da) Captain Edwards «as born soar Oceanport October 27. i*'.'1*. lie urne.I ship carpentering when a boy. but later planted eystsrs In th.- Shrews¬ bury Hiver Ha fOltOWed that vocation up to ten >eais ago. when he was fr.rf.»»l t¦¦> retire Cantals Bdwarda had been sn f"id Pei- low Btnce !>>.'..'! He eraa a past officer of Arioch l.oiitr«-. 77; lying Branch »Jiicamp- iil»riT. I!», and Arioch Kehckah DsgrSS Lodge, -1 He l«-H\es his wife, four sons ,nai ».m- dauphtor » CAPTAIN F. E. SCHNEIDER Cáptala Prsdarlch Ehariiarei Schneider. forrasrli commanding The nth Separate Comnoay, now Company H, 10th Régi¬ ment. N N Y »lied yesterday from a complication of dtsssaes al in« home. Ne í'J.I South Sixth avenue. Mount Vernon. ¡IK».! ««ixt' five ysera He "as tor aaaay |. a; s a shoe merchant. OBITUARY NOTES. MHS MARI ADKLAIDE COOPER, nlnety-tw*» years of age. one of the oldest residente "f Bsel Ovaaaa, «lied at her horn.- there yesterday, she was born in Pennsylvania. MHS DAVID VAN WINKI.K. of Tea- neck Una«I, Teaneeh, N. J died at her home yesterday niurniiiK after a brief III- nens. Sh.- was a member of the old I'nlon Church Hi.Ik« field PHrk for many years. Her hushand. David Van Winkle, survives h.-r She was nfty-elght years old. FUNERAL OF PROF. ROCKWOOD. Caldwell. N. J July 3. The funeral of .'hartes Greene Rocltwood, professor emeritus of Princeton University, who <li.-d Wednesday, will be held to-morrow afternoon at Ml o'clock at the Metho<llst Kpls»»ipal Church, «aldwell, N, J. Mr ftochwood was graduated from Yale In 1864. and taught maihematles at Howdoln and Rutgers before going to Princeton, where he was professor of mathematics from 1V77 to I!>X. He was a member of the St Nicholas 8<»clety of New York *c4 ai aavuaU laaraud ewcietiea. MMK MA Ri F: RAPPOLD. JAFFRAY ESTATE SHRINKS $160,000 Bequest Wasted to $4,996 by Litigation. The shrinkage of The I1C0.000 tnhert- f tro- Int.- Howard S. Jaffray M,BM was the feature of a report which the transfer tax appraisers filed yester¬ day in H rook 1;. n Th.- depletion was said f. he »tue to litigation and mismanage¬ ment. On the death of P S Jaffray. once a noted »lr\ goods merchant on Hroadwav, tUg man came into possession of one-fifth of the estate valued at 1100,000, end 'insisting principally of Manhattan real estate. It comprised huildlngs in Bteachsr, l*e«inard and Henson streets and minor holdings In oth<*r parts of the city. Howard H Jaffray died last Dvw-emher, and it has been found that his fifth was reduced to the sum reported yesterday. Which will go to his w'.fe. Kmma H. Jaf¬ fray. of Ha, 1"2 Trospect Park West. Brooklyn. LILLIAN SIGNS AND SAILS Miss Russell to Get $105,000 by Oort Contract, She Says. Miss Li'lian Russell, who has heen leet- Odng "ii physical heauty In vaud'-ville theetree Throughout the Past, sailed for Liverpool yesterdav tn the White Star liner Celtic, accompanied by her hus¬ band, Al«-xan«!«-r P. Moore, editor and owner of 'The Pittsburgh LaodSff " Miss Russell said she had signed a contract with John COU tor next season, her salary for the entire engagement being 1101,000 To make sure that no ciphers mlgh« he omitted, the comic opera slng.-r arrota the numerals on paper for the ahlp news reporters. TOUR FOR FEMININE STARS Triple Alliance of Actresses To Be on "Road" Two Years. Ceaasteeh <* Uest have completed ar¬ rangements for a world tour «if a triple alliance of feminine stars: Lady l'on- «¦ St.-wart-Hichardson, representing England; Mlle. Polaire, representing Prance, and Qsrtrads Hoffmann, repre¬ senting America. The tour will open early la September In Washington, bul lose two years later i.i San PTaitCtOBB, aft.-r s praleasjsd enKatremcnt during the Fans ma BaneeMon in that city. Miss Hoffmann will peasant a new Re¬ vue of twelve scenes; Lady Constance St.-wart Hlchardson will interpret classic dances ahme as n<»w and Mlle. Polaire, with a supporting company of twelve artists from the Vaudeville Theatre, Pails, will present hSf latest Parisian success. "Ij«' Visitor.'' The mainder «if the programm«- will he n potpourri of BBUfltcal ami »lain in« features, gathered froni uii sver the world. A large orchestra Ulli bo part of the OOmpaay, Vhleh will number at leaat Ml Bvsry large city In the I'nlted States and «'anada will he visited before the tour Is extended to Tuba. Central and South America, the Hawaiian and Phll- Ipptna Irlands. an»l Australia Mr. Qest has Bharas of the tour, with odsaas In the rrlnoam Thsatra a New p/orh ap- pserenra le promised. THEATRICAL NOTES. Siarting with a special holiday per¬ formance this evening, the stock com¬ pany at the Iiong Beach Pavilion will have as its second offering of the sum¬ mer s.-.isori Crac»- fJeOfgO'B comedy, "A Woman's Way,'' with Mary Poland and K.lwin Ardsn In the principal rolea. The cast also includes Alice John. Olive Tem¬ ple. Ada Sterling. Jack Standing, Ken¬ neth HanCOOh ami Joseph Allenton. The play will be reOSStsd Saturday and Sun¬ day Bveatnga i'harlotte Thompson, who dramatized Th- Awakening of Helena Ritchie' and ''Rshecea "' Sunny brook Farm.'' haa Just rtt'irn«*«! from Kurope, where she, completed arrangements with Sir Cil- hert Parker for the dramatization of hta new novel, "Judgment House.' Ina Claire, former star of "The Quaker «'.iii,'' who has BSSn engaged to appear at the QsJSty Theatr,. ljondon. will make her farewell appearance at Ham- mcrateln's Koof Carden for one week, beginning July 14. Kleanor Knowiea (Mrs. Kose Martin) died yesterday, after an attack of heart disease, In Omaha, Neb where she waa appearing In vaudeville. Mrs. Martin, who was a member of the cast of many suc«-essful productions during the paat fourteen years, waa nfiy-one years old, and leaves a son, Harold C Martin, a student at Cwroell. COHAN SHIFTS BUSINESS CARES FOR AUTHORSHIP Klaw & Erlanger to Take Charge of Three Cohan & Harris Houses. ASTOR THEATRE RETAINED "Seven Keys to Baldpate," Dramatization of Earl Derr Biggers's Novel, Will Be Produced Here. Qeorge M. Cohan's recently announced decision to retire from the stage and de¬ vote his time, to writing p'.a.v«. has taken re rete form in the arrangements eom- pleted yesterday by e'ohan A Harris vvnereby Klaw A Erlanger will assume the management of the George M Cohan The¬ atre, the Gaiety Theatre and the Grand (»pera House. In this city Mr. Cohan will produce his plays exclusively at the Astor Theatre, in this eitv, and at the Cohan eîrand f)pera House. In Chicago, which still remain under the Cohan A Harris management The firm still retains its interest In the houses turn-'l over to Klaw A Erlanger, whie-h It has had for several seasons, but will In the future devote Its etiergb s to the Astor Theatre, In New York, ami the (¡rand eipera House In Chicago The A.-tor Theatre's second season under the direction of «'ohan «it Harris will begin on September 1 with "Seven Keys t«* Haldpate," a dramatization by (Jeorge M «'ohan of Karl lierr Bigger.«.'« novel, which was published In the magazine section of The Tribune. Wallace Eddlnger will have the lea'lmg role. The QesvSjS M. Cohan Theatre will open for the season on Au¬ gust 16 with 'Totash and Perlmutter," a play founded on Montague Glass's stories. The (îalety Theatre will open on Labor I »ay with a new farce by Kdgar Selwyn, "Nearly Married," with Bmce McRae in the lending part. Cohan A Harris's new Rronx Opera House will be opened the last week in August with Kugene Walters Fine Feathers," presentid by Wilton Laekaye. Robert Edeson and other members of the «.ll-star cast seen at the Astor Theatre last season The theatre will have Broadwav successes at popular prices, with a change of hill weekly- Mr Cohan will open his season at the new theatre September » with 'Broad¬ way Jone».'" The regular fall and winter season at t'eorge M. Cohan's Grand era House in Chicago will begin August 2K. the first attraction being Carlyle Moores farce "Stop Thief." Raymond iUtofecOCk will hegln his fifth stellar year under the management of Cohan A Harris September 1 at the Apollo Theatre Atlantic City, with a new musical play, as yet unnamed Mr Hitchcock's prin¬ cipal feminine support will be Miss Flora ¿Carelle 520'V a comedy by Porter Kmerson Browne, successfully produced in Atlantic City last Monday. will open in Boston In September «in or before October 1 Cohan A Harris will produce a comedy-drama entitled "Back Home." by Irvln «Jobb and Rayard Veiller. "Home Ties," a play dealing with the question of woman's suffrage, written h> George Mlddleton, will be produced in Washington November 10. Among the new productions now belne prepared for a fall hearing by the firm are: Douglas Fairranks In Cooper Hoyt. inc.," a comedy In three acts by- Frank Lord and Hugh Ford; "The Brain Promoter." a comedy by Kdward Laska "The House of Glass." a drama, and "Money Mama," a fane, both by Max Man-in. Besides the numerous actlvl- ties above mentlone«!. Cohan & Harris have accepted play scenarios from the following well known authors: Wln- chel! Smith, Hennold Wolf and Chan- nlng Pollock, Porter Emerson Browne. James Montgomery, John Golden and Frank e'raven. WOMEN COMPETE IN SONG Many Choirs Heard in the Great Welsh Eisteddfod. Pittsburgh,* July 3.- Women singers te>ok almoat complete possession of the Inter¬ national Welsh Eisteddfod to-day, com¬ petitions for women choirs being held during the« afternoon and evening ses¬ sion. Announcement of awarda is ex- pSCted to-morrow. «'hoirs of not less than fifty voice? several of them led by women, repre¬ sented the cities of Johnstown. S rantrn, Wheeling. Steubenvllle, Canonsburg, P.-nn.; Yoeing»t«>wn, e^anton, Altoona. New Castle. Paan», McKeesport, Pitts¬ burgh, and Chicase». Other competitions had to do with the literary features of the Eisteddfod. The ar'.judicators anno lirei that they were unable agree «>'i the winner of the prize offered for a national anthem. ¦ DIED. Bovnton, Frank H. Rorkwood, C G., Jr. Carpenter, Sarah T. Sands, Samuel 8 Carter. Henry 8 Simpson, Stephen P. BOTNTOM. Verv suddenly, Dr Frank H Boynton. at Mount Washington. Mass. Notice ot funeral hereafter. CARPRNTER-At '"Yine-Neath." Pitts¬ burgh N Y on Tuesday evening. July 1 1913, Sarah Talbot. only daughter of the late Sarah Talbot and Newton «'ar¬ penter. aK«*d 81 years. Servi« es will bo held at the residence of Mrs William K Hoag No. 8 East 4ïd st., on Friday afternoon, July 4. at 3:30 o'clock. CARTER-Suddenly, of Angina Pectorie, on Julv 2. 1913. Henry Skelton Carter, M I», son of the Rev Ijiwson Carter and Mary Ann Steenhack Gale Carter, at his home. Tarrytown. N Y.. In the fi.-,th vear of his age. Funeral sorvlees from his late residence. No. 121 Neperan Road. Tarrytown. N. Y on Saturday, July 5. at 3 p. m. Interment at conven¬ ience of family RO('K\ViiOD-On Wednesday. July t at Caldwell. N. J-. Charles Greene Re>ck- wood, Jr. son of the late Charles G. and Sarah Smith Rockwood. Professor Emeritus In Princeton Fnlverslty. Fu¬ neral at the e'aldwell Methodist Church on Saturday. July B. at 2 SO p. m. Burial at the convenience of the family. Kind¬ ly omft flowers. SA N I >S-Suddenly, on July 2. 1913. Samuel Stevens 8ands. at West Hampton, Island. Funeral service* will he held at 10:30 o'clock Baturda) morning. Jut) at No. 49 East i2d st. Interment pri¬ vate. SIMPSON-On Thursday, July 3. the Rev- Stephen Price Simpson. aged 74 years. Funeral service* at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, West 46th St.. on Saturday. July 5, at 10:30 a. m. The reverend clergy and members of th« C. C. Ü. are invited to attend. CEMETERIES. THE WOOni.AWN CEMETERT. 233«J St. By Harlem Tr»ln and or Troll«» Office.. 20 East 03el St.. N T or FICES. MAIN OFFICE.No. 154 Na»«au street. UPTOWN OFFICE.No. 1304 Broadway, or any American District Telegraph Office. IIAK1.K.M OFFICE.No. 157 Fast tSfth street. No. 2<J8 West 120th «treat a*4 N«. 219 Wist 120th st.-«ou

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Villas at Newport, Lenox andon Long Island Filled

with Guests.


Water Sports at Lake Mahkee-nftc Boating Club Feature ofProgramme.Mrs. W. K.

Vanderbiit in Paris.

For the next four <la\s the city will be¿«¿«.'ted by society folk, for every one

.l,,, eeuld possibly net away left town

v,;t<rda>% to spend the national holidayand ti»« v/«¡ek end a', aeaahore and inlandr,:-ort.- Nearly ah the villas ai Newport.Bar Hsrbor and I.cimx. the places on

j,on£ Island and aicn^ the NJsuj JerseymbsI «..'. ''lied «ith fuesta in \.

honorbub rnts hava been

planti'il for tO-da) and to-morrow

at K the < lambahe «iui» winhave a- annual celebration Mra JamesY. Kernoehan erlll live her usual Inde-peadsnea Day reception; Mrs. ttuyr»

ave ii lari;e luncheon ar CrOSS*ways, and dinner.- will be given by MrsHamilton M< K Twombly, Hra Maij Parry. .N1,s William Grosv«noi andpjra Bradford Norman.At Bar Harbor a two>day

win st.-irt this mon at I.enoxthere will le many intrestito; .vents,

chief el which will he the annual

Wat»r -port« ;it the Lathe Manas«Koatinp '.'bib. wheie the I^en.ix Junior

Urn Tennla ABM ration will run <.fT s» \

eral tacen including a eanoe obstacleTf-e. tab raeea t Amone thoas whowill take part ar.- Miss If. »"ivilese andMl?« Anna Alexandre. Mi-« Grace andMiss Svmphnrosa B:i.-ted. Mt»s Alma amiMiss Josephine d* <i»'rsdorrT. Miss KateHaven. Miss .'hrlMlne BVdgwIeh, MissIrene Turnure, G«-orge T .mure, jr Kllerygerigwi k. Donald and Samuel Frothing-hsm Thornsa Qamtnuclb Neablt DOtuja.Ross fi Uhl-tler and Wirt P/alher. >tl«-sMary M. Turnure Is chairman of the

water aporta eommlttoe. Theau win i>e

tea on the piazza ano. «lairing in thvclubhouse.Mr and Mrs Wil.lam liouplas Sloane

»111 entertain a larjr«- house T>arty at ElmCourt, and Mr and Mrs Joseph H

Chonte will have a number of giitsts at

their place at Stockbrltlge.

Mrs U. K Vand'-rhllt. jr.. has arri\«»lIn Paris, and Is staying at the Hotel Rita

Mr sad Mrs Arthur B. Twombly leftthe dtp yesterday for the White Moun-


Mr. and Mrs. Petei H H. Frelingh.iystnhave taken a cottage at Kasthampton.Long Island, for the summer.

Former Ambassador an«l Mrs HenryWhite who were at the Ritz-< arlton f-.r

Spa have gone to Dublin, N. Hfor the Bummer.

Mr and Mr.«. A. Hcyward McAlpin willeccupy the W W McAlpin camp in theAdirondacks this sum;:

Mr ,.nd Mra Henry i^ewis Morris lefttoan yesterday f"r the Oriental Hotel,Manhattan Beach to r< main two weeks

Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Auchinclosshave Closed their \ilia, at Tuxedo an«!have gone to Beverly Parma Mass foi


John Hobart Warren haa gone to

Heoslck Falls. N. Y., to spun) a teaweeks.

Mr. and M:s I OahsSP \ ba\etaken a ottage at Kasthampton, lxmgIsland for 'he summer.

Mrs. F. Henry Harriman will start on a

Western trip at the » rid of the month.

Mr. and Mrs. Uord QrteeOBB will spendthe summer at Southampton.; Isl¬

and, where they have taken a cottage.

Mr. and Mrs J. Wrap Cleveland and

Mas Marjorie Cleveland will Bpend th- In the White Mountains.

AT NEWPORT.[By Telegraph to The Tribun* I

Newport, July I..Reginald < '. vaoalsr-Wlt arrived from N« w Yoik to-day to

.pend the Fourth at Sandy Point Farm

Ha was accompanied by Preston Gibson.Mr. and Mrs <;iU..n are to Bpend a parte-f August here and they will give an Ind¬ian ct>atume denes and anuppei at the

»iambake iub. Mr. Gibson may alsoorgtnlz» a baseball team among the men

of the summer colony, aa he did lastsummer.The holiday cuest» of Mr. and Mrs

Maraden J. Pero include Mrs. CharlesDana Gibson, Miss Josephine Gibson, Mr.and Mre A Doer Irving, Mr. and Mrs.Richard Swartwout Mra. «... ('¦ Harrows,

Colonel and Mrs. Samuel M. Nicholson.Miss N:< hoison and I>r. and Mrs. Will-lam McDonald. Mis. Perry will give a

dinner, followed hy fireworks, to-morrow-

evening.Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Livingston, of

New York are guest» of Mr. and Mrslawren'e I* Gillespie.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur laelin and Ken¬

neth p Pudd are spending the week endhere.Patanal C. I* F. Robinson has returned

from Hartford for the holidays and forthe annual meeting «if the Rhode Island¦«lety of the Cincinnati. He gave a.

dinner in honor of the officers of the so¬

ciety this evening.Mrs. Stuyvesant Pish has announced

«inners for the evenings oí July 12 andM Mrs. Charles F. Hoffman was a

lunehoon hostess to-day. Mrs. J. J. W>-.onc »as a luncheon hostea» In honor Bfaer guest, Mrs Wilmtrdlng, Of NewTork.Mrs lAle F. Bellinger gave a recep¬ta at her Hunter avenue cottage idhonor of Mrs Kirby Smith, who recent-h return.u from Honolulu.Mrs. George T. Perkins has issued In¬

vitations for a turkey trot party at FortAdams on Tuesday night.Mrs. Burke-Ro«he and family have ar-

riv*d »t Elm court.Master Amos Tu«k French, Mis. Peiu-

'*non Powel and Mrs. Howard SpencerGram, who were recently operated upon*.«" appendicitis, are recovering.Mlas Natalie Merrill, daughter of the

***. and Mrs. George Grenvllle Merrill.¦** been threatened with pneumonia.

DOINGS AT BAR HARBOR.[By T«|egraj>h to The Tribune |

har Harbor, July 3. -Mrs. Garrison,*". of the Secretary of War, will come* Bar Harbor on July 10 to be the.»«?st of Mrs. Thomas Walsh.Mies Margaretta Riddle Porter, of

*nf«e«ielphla, la Usltlng MIsb Sally»ftith

**.¦*"'atered at the Newport for the. ***on s,, jij,. csjnpbell. of Boaton;

MKS. STUYVESANT FISH.She will lie> te.-<lav at a luncheon at The Crosswtjrs, her

Newport place.

Eben sutton and Miss Sutton, of Balti¬more.Mus Eloise Derby has let her cottage

to Mr. and .Mrs John RogersMrs a H. Oallatln and atlas e;aiia-

Un of N'ew Ye>rk. arrived to-day ami

have taken the TalleyrandMr.'. H C. C'hapman.'of Philadelphia

a luncheon to-da> at her «ottage.Mr. am! Mrs John Callendar Livingston.Of .New York, gave a «îinm-r part) at

their cottage.Mrs M. i? Lurrlll and daughter, of

New York, arrived to-day¦


Tuxedo Park. July 3. IndependenceDa) at Tuxedo will be lively, as thecolonists bave arranged a rer) attrac¬ts« proerramme which srfll last a¡i «i«vThere will be the u-sual field sports, withcat races in the afternoon, follow.-«! by

-.ati.-n '.; tuxmio Lake and rue

w oiks at night. There will be house

parties at nearl) e\ery cottage and dlimm row night

Mr. and Mrs P. !.. Barbey gave h

dinner dame it th' ir cottage to-night atwhich Bfty cottager.« and their gwere present

Mr. and Mrs W .M V. Hofman. Mrand Mrs. Winthrop McKlm, Mr ami Mrs

.He Kane, Mr. and Mrs PaulTuckerasaa, Mr. and Mrs. PrederlcliFoster. Mr and Mrs. I I Carey, bfland Mrs. Ri« hard Delsfleld and PierreLorillanL ji win entertain parties «.v.-

the Fourth.Mrs. Henry Redmond will gi\ e a gla¬

ner at the club to-morrow- nightThe- first "I a sei I« ^ «,f matine* bOTSe

will >.. bald "-. Beturday at theTuxedo tía« kAmong arrivals to-day were Leonard

M. Tht.mas, Jam« C 'lark Ifr an«!Mrs. \v. i: Brueted, biles CodiUniMis Jefferson Coddington, i. a. Snow,v\ M l'ost. the- Mis« Kell Mr a:,,IMrs. «". H Kalsey, Mr and Mrs WilliamElliott, John BUIotl and William ElliottJr.

IN THE BERKSHIRES.|Ry Telegraph In Tlo Trlbttl .

Lenox, July 3..All of the Berkshirehotels are entertaining lerge parties oftourists for the liobday. fJolf and tenniswlli be the principal contests to-morrowat tie- country ciuin. The beginning ofthe plav for the' tennis CUpg offered LvMrs William K. S. OftSWOld Wfll be a! K)O'clock, ami th'- t-omp. titlon- will he nar¬

row, u fiOWn to th« semi-.'inaL. The semi¬

finals and finals: v. ill b. played Saturdayaiternooii at Wynelhurst, the country

( Mr. and Mrs (¡riswold.All Lenox and St« e-kbridge are inter¬

ested in the water sports tO-mOTTOW af¬ternoon at Lake Mahkeena« There isun entry of thirty in the various comp-ti-tions.Mr and Mis. CllatOB Elliott and Miss

DoTOth) Elliott, of iVeW York, arrived to¬

day al th Hotel Wcn«Ii 11. in I'lttsfield.Mr. ami Mrs. Herbert PBTBOnS have re¬

turned from Newport t<« Stoiie«iv«-r.

Mr and Mrs ClMltSS I Wainwrlght.Mr. arid Mrs. K. Y Mose ley. Miss Helen

Rand. Mrs Q. S Logan, Miss M. A. Fitz-

harris. ¡«ml F 0. Hayde-n, of New York,are registered at Beaton BoteLAdmiral and Mrs. e.eorgo Ixwey mo¬

tored t«i LeaeS from Pitt«SriOld this after¬noon and «ailed on eharles linier at

Allen WindenMr. and Mrs. F. M J. neks, "f Halti-

mtire, on route to then country place at

Dublin, N.. H Mr. and Mrs. ly.uls V.

Davleon, of BngSewOOd; Miss Sara Nor-

ri»-, Miss Mary Not rle, and Dr. Vanhorn

Norrio, ««f New York, are at the RedLion Inn, Storkbii'igeKT. and Mrs. «'¡ni a «i»- Oarsdorff enter«

talned at dinner to-night at their St«, k-

bflfigS villaMisa FIL n I> Hunt, Douglas Bobbins,

of {few York; Mr au«! Mrs W. É, Mur-

«to.k, «.f Boston: Mr. and Mrs. larnualil end M's. <'. Bussell Auchlre

,,f New York, are at enrtis Hotel.

Betters! and Mrs. W. !'. Rogers, ofWashington. Mr. ami Mrs. I rancis K.MeCulP.. Mrs !.. M. Scag'-i. of PetersonN .1 Mr. and Mis James «'..mi. Jr , BJM Milllcent «Carri, 'if Baltimore, an- at

the Maplewood, Plttsfietd.»


guebec. July .1 Sir Charles Fitspatrlck,Chief Justice of Canada, and his family

arrived here SB Wednesday in company

with former Président William HowardTaft Mrs. Taft and tWO chlldon. ("hail.

and Miss Balsa Taft Bath families

Hailed to-day on the gove-rnm« nt steamer

Lady Grey for Murruy Bay, where theywill spend the summer. I

NO WIFE FOR MARQUIMrs. Moss-Cockle Will I

Marry Lord Hertford.

London, Jul) I.« Another sodet)gngemsnt bus- been broken off. Inraes lees tb¡ui tu<» month- .ift»-rHrst announcement, a Th4 M iHertford snd Mn M Is arc

..m.- man and « lie.The B/eddlne plana aere verp

pdvanced, and arrangementa had ac

ally been made ut Aloester, osai LHertford'a seat, Ragle) Hall, for ¦ ptIk presentetl« n tQ the marquis .-n

tu salon. No reason Is. th« breaking of u

Mrs. M<her fortun. being upward of 5

left tO her by her j1101 Lord Hertfonl was

t«. th« tit!« In Mal. ti ilthe Bklrt-danclng Earl ol Yurmuvj.¦ ho married alie« Thaw,

N. Y. BRIDe'iN ENGLANGrafton H. Pyne and Miss Le

C. Wright Married.,|H\ » Hlib- t'i '1 1

London, July .".. Orafton H« s a

Pyne, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Perc;Pyne, wai married to-da) at Meldehead, to Miss Lets C Wright, daug¡ter of Mrs. Eben Wright, of N« w TotI Among tb'is» prsosni were Mrs. ParR. Ppne and her husband sad ssce

son. H. Rlelngton Pyne, b"th ».f win

arrived. On th«- Imperator to Join h«

Mr. and Mrs. George P«»st, Jr., ai

Miss Harriett Pool

RICHARD C. KERENS SAILSays Balkan War Will Not Al

feet U. S. Interests.

London, July 4 Richard c KerenAmerican Untmssadoi In Vlenito-day on tha Adrtatl« lor New v<»r

vYhlle D"t nanting '" grant any ¡met

VieW, h«- said thai th<- Hiilkan disturlanca, ahile rerj pregnant, would n«aff«-ct Anxnican Intareati

YALE GETS KENDALLNew York Artist Chosen Direc

tor of Fine Arts School.N« w ila\«-n, Jul) :t Brraoenl K» mini

<.f n» n Para t:.i> been elected « direct«nf the eehoel sf Pine Arts a't rsle h

sucoceds John f> rgusoe W ir, win. re

tlrcil this BPtinS eftOT forty-four years 8

entlnuoua servi« aMr Ken.lall, w h«. was horn in gpuytet

liuvvil in IPJt, BtUdted at th» An BtSdents' league in New York, und«a ThomaRahine, of iiitia.i«ij.iiia. and ai the Booldee Deem Arts snd upder Olivier Mcrsoiin pan- ii. receltsd honoisole bv ntimi m the Paris galon in ¡til, a mods«. the nilcapo Rsposltlon In IMl an«

many other prises snd medals In Hi»- following reara Hia srorh la repreeented hthe Metropolitan Mux.uni, th« Pennayl«renta Academy and tha National Mu inId Wasbinpton.


Popular Actress Married to Ran

dolph Guggenheimer, a Lawyer.I Janet Bescher, BU ¡cires«, known in

private life as Jan« t Wyndham. USS mar¬

ried yesterday sfliinoon to Barry Ran«¡dolph Qvuupsahetmer, at the spartmentaof the bride. No. :''»! Went .".«jtli sti.-.-t. bythe P> v i>r ii.»*.» iThe In Id» «room, who gav« his aKe as

thirty-four years BU UM BsSrriSga UcaUSS,onlatnad .lune lu, is a n.-w fort lawyer,anil live« at No Ml Fifth aveaua Mi*.

Ottggenhelnwr Was Ixiin In Jefferson <ity,

Ma, tursaty seves pears sgs sad Is a

sister of Ollv. \\'\ nilhani. also an BCtTI ~s

.lanet Bseehsi arel cassa lata promlnsncaon the stage In the CSSt of "The K«Ju«a-

tion of Mr. PlPP," with Dlgb) Bell UMhas since BPPSSrud In the lea»llng feini-

nine part in the BOBBSOO su»-.-ess "TheI'oncert.'' and last played Jos. |.lune In

I The Puri»le Rend.'1Mrs. QUSJgBOhetmsr, who has recently

returned from Kurope, would make no

announcement of her plann, but It Is

given out from the offices of WlnthropAnus that she Is <ngaged to appear this

fall In "The (ireat Adventure, which

will open the new Gotham Theatre.


Little New Yorkers ReachLatchstrings cf Hospitable

Upstate Doors Easily.


All Bars Down, in Fact, toPastures in The Tribune'sOutings.July 7. 8 and 9

Big Days for Some.v.'- talk mud of Southern hospitality,

but the Smith musí looh to Its lenrels or

N.-w York will steal \ot

'La' Ho one Is growing lees hospitable,bul tl nor. if CUM may judgeby th- number Ol Fresh Air

child!* t. that have been lavlted to variousts I« tin central pari of the state

within the last f.w «lays, all tin lateh-¦trings in th«- reglón bang out.

x only do th. v bang om but theyha-, ben lengthened s«i that the mnallfsttots i.r this gicit city may reach themwithout so much .,-. itandins tiptoeThe) ar.- Istehetrtngs. too, that strand-

as it ma; stem, not onlj mai,.- doers to

-wing weleonüngl) op n, but thai akw letdown im«, posturas, apei rates Intoorebsrds, nrlng wide great barn .)"ors.

help John Snortl<ngs over stiles and, m

sborl ,.f beithat sre used in the country t«« ko- p

out «.f pbhM.Tit placea These aralai h strings that sven nullify "No Tres«

-i.« Allowen" siana and open Boorst«> friendly »nans

If .vu will take a map of Haw Yorkanil mark on it the rtU<H i,f Auburn.

Binghamton, Cortland, Norwich, Utteaui«i Schenectsdy, vu win have th«- boun«darles "f the rc^liui that is Just now llt-rally humming with hospitality ..r per-

bsps, one W«9Uld better say. hummingv-1tli the preparations foi hospitality.

i n acb ««f th mcommittee Is scrivel] ai wort eo-oaerat«Ing with the Tribun. Fund Th. re-

suits ol th. co-op. r.i tl' n are surpassingIons Invitations for the

talnmenl of cbUdrea to th» sumber «>f IMhave g|rrad] bean obtslned. ami there is

ij> ne, question that parties still

to bs planned will add <KiO more to this

total for the regionAuburn he ret steed Its irat

.-. eighty-seven la number bal is

planning t«. receive at least tWO additionalpartie« l'tlca has opened It» doors to

t*" gieasa Of «Ixt'-fHv each, and is

plan-iing to tak«- three other groups Msimilar size

The lemalnlng plsces ail] receive a partr all of the «guest It :rivtt« I

¦withNorwich willbe the fir at to greet it.« empan. and

ssay fudge by Wbal happened lnsf

rill have Its u

on fe the s The first party win

arrive In th.» place 00 July T, about slxty-

five «(rung Another partv is planned loi-

dateTl.en will eSSBS « ortland's turn, on July

Last year e'ortlatnl tOOfe t Its h'artx' Fr.»h Airs." but It- heart haa

grown tr. tWSlfil« yar It will plav f.ilry «godarStBOf

to IvS or m"re «¦)..

bsnsatad) Is te take twentj ehlktrsaon Julv 8. anil three additional pBltMe of

e¡i< h at ref/.il,ir ir.t-Hlnghamion BSSgf

i «hie Btngbamtea, that -v-r) c^.r takes

the largest single paitv ». nl out b) theTribune *i t.. balrm m of thetee there, writing «-«incoming the

gajd ffe beM ,ui .ir.d manv more to li.-ar h D

ns that Blnghamton's Fresh Air

parti this yaei sill numbei N) or more.

the signs of former years fall

Men than MM little Now Torkers sillpass a \:r Fourth to IBOI'rOW, lOf

-.bat numb, r of hil'li- g .«; I <-"w

elljov Ing th.-ir outings.

A'KN-iWI.KKi.MKNTsMi .ni Mr« Usrbatl lav lng»leri Sal

i "ri.. itoono.; ir.-n I.

Un «irorír it moan, «Jtwio N 1l«.i mmoeu.i,i.»

,¦.¦Jo no \2:. oo

2r> <v>

M '"'

.:¦! (.1


l«. no


B Harne»A s Kseemnn Bros.K J Ar-nd ...........

Th« LaOles s" i«! i'nl'Ti <A Madison.¦ Method 1st ...

through Min M*rii«n orle ¦ru J'ar mother M 1.

Ml AI. I M I " ",r«ji Ne. k, LoniT lfl»ndv i: s........eoileKiHte Middle Hut. ii «¦»inn h through

9 ;.!.¦¦'

|He!ei \« fu. free! Wee Ilrlgnion.Pinten Is; i M II .>«

Ml»- s i: Hatch «nd Ml»« L «' Who»!'i Portvin« S ..Î.

Fret. th. Lu« lee of th«. ''m'ile Itoll of theSorti lurch, «f

N,» Rochelle N. v itir.'usli A x

tup« rir.t. r.-I« St..lie prtBian |le{.*ltmenl of Me

it,.- Nonti AvoaMIt« ¦ .'' ii «i' New It"' m

v .; m f ttanrey.'saps'ig .a -"-

i .!.!, il Lester, Hay Hhore. N ïa. M. a .........

Mr. D». U M Look IO0OLoin« WheehMisht * Mro . loexii.- : m - Miu.iiiii. n. j . 1000Sol !¦ Silber Klein . I«'«*'

r. i. i. i.¦. i: \«. o . W MWin Khlllabet . l«,f«>H i L . I"1"'

J Ho*. '" *»

«M 10""In rneimiM ..f ,l«m-' MaeglVgOl « '-"n !Of»i

Howare A geholls ......... tonnr c n. i«««»«

hlldren of Mooéy Memorial S,.inl«'ol Toi l"-r Lak«. N Y thr"tmh

Rai iiei liink»on .

Mr» S 1' .

v |.. .,¦ ,l -' .'M'.- N' J<. 1. AR T M« KMise M L win'rir'iham. Sharon Omait D .

t; M M .MX».s v | . r, SOHenrv I .Iiil»«.n . SO"

s'aimii-, <)v.n . I'MM s W. ......

fl ""

. !. -; . M»'

.1 I' M.«"l..ln . .".<«»

Annie M Une-», nrookhn . l\ <*»

s M Miller. Hr"U-'-'.,t roM ....... «00.,,..' iir i n Bmersoa s «»>

Helen M Fort, tassonta NT:, no

King'» I»«-irtit'rp -' M-.- nf I.eonl».>i nun McDormut, trosearir " oo

a î . teeà a . «onw aller B. l'oil.V f> oom Loalst n Waaaer, l't'per Montclair N J . 2rt,',

K i-or»i-i North I'.r«n'-h. N. J :u,I -lllii.-.n a «To. |<Ml>r summ! S:ni..n 2 t>>

M M lliimmi2««0siln» H m«.»n. Montclali N j 2 evo

vVm « Mit! . 2 00¦¦ rend 2 00

li unk E Lii'llti.n. Muni-luir. N. J |gg\.. |,lerilli.-itl' n. 'J «ïn

:.'-- latiae Pteinfeid . i ihi

lu i'.lllli-ll S-linei .1 . 1 ««">

H Alluev -r .. I «IPrevloi-Kly s«knowledge.!.T.MtttTrtei. July ^bmi. Mjmeiontrlbutlons. prefe-ably by cheek or

money order, should be addressed to The

Trlhune Fresh Air Fund, The Tribune,N.w York city.

s «..r, i«.

¦ OSS «».MV«r. ne»r. o>


Slgmarlngen, Germany, July 3 Themarriage between former King Manueleif Portugal and Princess Augustine Vlc-

tfiria, daughter of Prime Wilhelm of

Hohenzollern, has been s>t for Beptembe-r.the civil ceremony being performed on

the 3d and the religious service on the tth.



MME. RAPPOLD^MARRIESOpera Singer Is Bride of Ru¬

dolph Berger, the Tenor.Mme Marie BapCMtd, a singer ai the

Metropolitan Opern .House, was quietlymauled BO Wednesday, In Jersey «ity. to

Rudolph Bersrer. tenor, of the Royal opera.Of Ibrlin. Herr H«r,rer WSS barytone (DC

B yean In th«< Kaiser's Opera HOOUBIn Il'iltn. Four years apo he cam»- to

Neva V-irk.A V/eddlpg reception was held last nlplit

at rh<- homs of '»scat Baenger, No. 6 BBS!81st Street, Bad Saaay prominent artist

n« rs presan! I>r Saenger entertain« .1

hta euests "n the roof, which had bSSBset to r> iTfsenT a Japanese Karden.The couple will spend their honeymf>on

RsppoM returninK in < NTot>.r in time f«>r the opening of the Opera



Announces Engagement of SignoraBarrientos. a Coloratura.

i«rar Hammcrstein announced the

eapture Of snothsr piiina »lonna. SignoraMaria Harrlentos, now singing at the

CohMI ' Ben House. BUOBOa A>re>«, Southliée She will appear n«-xt season at

his Ti.-w opera houaa In Ltmngton avenue

Signora Harrlentos, whose work as a

..I«.ratura Is r»»ni«idere<l by many to

place her in the same posit!on 'aniso

solda as a tenor, will be Mr. Hamnier-Btstn'a trump eard for next season



Singer Will Make Long Conecert Tourwith Jan Kubelik.

Mme Melba will not appear in operathis coming season, according to NtudonCharltona esaeert manager, who an¬

nounces that th* pilma donna BVitI start

upon a tour with Jan Kuhellk. the vio¬linist, early in the fall, which will last

throughout the .-ntlre season

The entire parl\, which will inc'u.le

Edmund Huike. The .'anadian barytone... planl-t and flutist, will appear at

-its In h'.th the t'ntted States and

Canada Eighty appearance* have al-tx n hooked


I»r I'ra-k H BeyntOn for main years. of th» te«* known ocuttsta and oph-thalmfc irpfi^sllsta In thin country, diedBuddenly ye terdaj el hta country homeat Mouut Washington, Mass., arhere he..i been Ivtttg for sboul a month. His

health had been excellent, ami death was

the result of a sudden attaeh of heart

troulile.Dr Boyaten was b»»m in IPJg was era«l-

Batsd from the N' a York BOhOOhl and at

«mce took up the atudy of msdtotne and

ophthslmp, m which he later specializedii Broth at th. New York OphthalmiclloM|.itít¡ BOM i--aln<-»l him w)d<- r«'.''»i:-

nltion. and I..- later became senior silr-

1-. OB a" thai Institution, a position whichBS held Bt the time «if his death. .Histown hou«,- w.»- Si N" 3>". U/SSt "tlistreet

rangements for the funeral have not\.i been completed, bul the body will he

brought to mis <it\ aome time to-day.Dr Boynton leuTea hla wife, a marrlsidaughter and a Ben, Fraah i* n«>ynton,a lawyer, of No Ml Broadway.

CAPTAIN TUCKER C. EDWARDS,i,'>r>»? Branch, K. ¦' July L.Cáptala

TuchSI C K.lwsrd!". eighty-six yearsof Bga '« pioneer oysterman of this

place, .ii. i hen- to-da) Captain Edwards«as born soar Oceanport October 27. i*'.'1*.lie I» urne.I ship carpentering when a boy.but later planted eystsrs In th.- Shrews¬bury Hiver Ha fOltOWed that vocation upto ten >eais ago. when he was fr.rf.»»l t¦¦>

retireCantals Bdwarda had been sn f"id Pei-

low Btnce !>>.'..'! He eraa a past officer ofArioch l.oiitr«-. 77; lying Branch »Jiicamp-iil»riT. I!», and Arioch Kehckah DsgrSSLodge, -1 He l«-H\es his wife, four sons,nai ».m- dauphtor



Cáptala Prsdarlch Ehariiarei Schneider.forrasrli commanding The nth SeparateComnoay, now Company H, 10th Régi¬ment. N '¦ N Y »lied yesterday from a

complication of dtsssaes al in« home. Neí'J.I South Sixth avenue. Mount Vernon.¡IK».! ««ixt' five ysera He "as tor aaaay|. a; s a shoe merchant.


nlnety-tw*» years of age. one of the oldestresidente "f Bsel Ovaaaa, «lied at herhorn.- there yesterday, she was born inPennsylvania.MHS DAVID VAN WINKI.K. of Tea-

neck Una«I, Teaneeh, N. J died at herhome yesterday niurniiiK after a brief III-nens. Sh.- was a member of the old I'nlonChurch a« Hi.Ik« field PHrk for manyyears. Her hushand. David Van Winkle,survives h.-r She was nfty-elght yearsold.

FUNERAL OF PROF. ROCKWOOD.Caldwell. N. J July 3. The funeral of

.'hartes Greene Rocltwood, professoremeritus of Princeton University, who<li.-d Wednesday, will be held to-morrow

afternoon at Ml o'clock at the Metho<llstKpls»»ipal Church, «aldwell, N, J. Mrftochwood was graduated from Yale In1864. and taught maihematles at Howdolnand Rutgers before going to Princeton,where he was professor of mathematicsfrom 1V77 to I!>X. He was a member ofthe St Nicholas 8<»clety of New York*c4 ai aavuaU laaraud ewcietiea.


JAFFRAY ESTATE SHRINKS$160,000 Bequest Wasted to

$4,996 by Litigation.The shrinkage of The I1C0.000 tnhert-

f tro- Int.- Howard S. Jaffray b»

M,BM was the feature of a report whichthe transfer tax appraisers filed yester¬day in H rook 1;. n Th.- depletion was saidf. he »tue to litigation and mismanage¬ment.On the death of P S Jaffray. once a

noted »lr\ goods merchant on Hroadwav,

tUg man came into possession ofone-fifth of the estate valued at 1100,000,end 'insisting principally of Manhattanreal estate. It comprised huildlngs in

Bteachsr, l*e«inard and Henson streets andminor holdings In oth<*r parts of the city.Howard H Jaffray died last Dvw-emher,

and it has been found that his fifth was

reduced to the sum reported yesterday.Which will go to his w'.fe. Kmma H. Jaf¬fray. of Ha, 1"2 Trospect Park West.


LILLIAN SIGNS AND SAILSMiss Russell to Get $105,000by Oort Contract, She Says.Miss Li'lian Russell, who has heen leet-

Odng "ii physical heauty In vaud'-villetheetree Throughout the Past, sailed for

Liverpool yesterdav tn the White Starliner Celtic, accompanied by her hus¬band, Al«-xan«!«-r P. Moore, editor andowner of 'The Pittsburgh LaodSff "

Miss Russell said she had signed a

contract with John COU tor next season,

her salary for the entire engagementbeing 1101,000 To make sure that no

ciphers mlgh« he omitted, the comic operaslng.-r arrota the numerals on paper forthe ahlp news reporters.

TOUR FOR FEMININE STARSTriple Alliance of Actresses To

Be on "Road" Two Years.Ceaasteeh <* Uest have completed ar¬

rangements for a world tour «if a triplealliance of feminine stars: Lady l'on- «¦ St.-wart-Hichardson, representingEngland; Mlle. Polaire, representingPrance, and Qsrtrads Hoffmann, repre¬senting America. The tour will openearly la September In Washington, bul

lose two years later i.i San PTaitCtOBB,aft.-r s praleasjsd enKatremcnt during theFansma BaneeMon in that city.Miss Hoffmann will peasant a new Re¬

vue of twelve scenes; Lady ConstanceSt.-wart Hlchardson will interpret classicdances ahme as n<»w and Mlle. Polaire,with a supporting company of twelveartists from the Vaudeville Theatre,Pails, will present hSf latest Parisiansuccess. "Ij«' Visitor.'' The r» mainder«if the programm«- will he n potpourri ofBBUfltcal ami »lain in« features, gatheredfroni uii sver the world.A large orchestra Ulli bo part of the

OOmpaay, Vhleh will number at leaatMl Bvsry large city In the I'nltedStates and «'anada will he visited beforethe tour Is extended to Tuba. Central andSouth America, the Hawaiian and Phll-

Ipptna Irlands. an»l Australia Mr. Qesthas Bharas of the tour, with odsaas Inthe rrlnoam Thsatra a New p/orh ap-

pserenra le promised.

THEATRICAL NOTES.Siarting with a special holiday per¬

formance this evening, the stock com¬

pany at the Iiong Beach Pavilion willhave as its second offering of the sum¬

mer s.-.isori Crac»- fJeOfgO'B comedy, "AWoman's Way,'' with Mary Poland andK.lwin Ardsn In the principal rolea. Thecast also includes Alice John. Olive Tem¬ple. Ada Sterling. Jack Standing, Ken¬neth HanCOOh ami Joseph Allenton. Theplay will be reOSStsd Saturday and Sun¬day Bveatngai'harlotte Thompson, who dramatizedTh- Awakening of Helena Ritchie' and''Rshecea "' Sunny brook Farm.'' haaJust rtt'irn«*«! from Kurope, where she,completed arrangements with Sir Cil-

hert Parker for the dramatization of htanew novel, "Judgment House.'

Ina Claire, former star of "The Quaker«'.iii,'' who has BSSn engaged to appearat the QsJSty Theatr,. ljondon. willmake her farewell appearance at Ham-mcrateln's Koof Carden for one week,beginning July 14.

Kleanor Knowiea (Mrs. Kose Martin)died yesterday, after an attack of heartdisease, In Omaha, Neb where she waa

appearing In vaudeville. Mrs. Martin,who was a member of the cast of manysuc«-essful productions during the paatfourteen years, waa nfiy-one years old,and leaves a son, Harold C Martin, a

student at Cwroell.


Klaw & Erlanger to TakeCharge of Three Cohan &

Harris Houses.


"Seven Keys to Baldpate,"Dramatization of Earl DerrBiggers's Novel, Will Be

Produced Here.

Qeorge M. Cohan's recently announceddecision to retire from the stage and de¬vote his time, to writing p'.a.v«. has taken

re rete form in the arrangements eom-

pleted yesterday by e'ohan A Harrisvvnereby Klaw A Erlanger will assume themanagement of the George M Cohan The¬

atre, the Gaiety Theatre and the Grand(»pera House. In this city Mr. Cohan will

produce his plays exclusively at the AstorTheatre, in this eitv, and at the Cohaneîrand f)pera House. In Chicago, whichstill remain under the Cohan A Harrismanagement

The firm still retains its interest In thehouses turn-'l over to Klaw A Erlanger,whie-h It has had for several seasons, butwill In the future devote Its etiergb s to

the Astor Theatre, In New York, ami the(¡rand eipera House In ChicagoThe A.-tor Theatre's second season

under the direction of «'ohan «it Harris willbegin on September 1 with "Seven Keys t«*Haldpate," a dramatization by (Jeorge M«'ohan of Karl lierr Bigger.«.'« novel, whichwas published In the magazine section ofThe Tribune. Wallace Eddlnger will havethe lea'lmg role. The QesvSjS M. CohanTheatre will open for the season on Au¬gust 16 with 'Totash and Perlmutter," a

play founded on Montague Glass's stories.The (îalety Theatre will open on LaborI »ay with a new farce by Kdgar Selwyn,"Nearly Married," with Bmce McRae inthe lending part.Cohan A Harris's new Rronx Opera

House will be opened the last week inAugust with Kugene Walters FineFeathers," presentid by Wilton Laekaye.Robert Edeson and other members ofthe «.ll-star cast seen at the AstorTheatre last season The theatre willhave Broadwav successes at popularprices, with a change of hill weekly-Mr Cohan will open his season at the

new theatre September » with 'Broad¬way Jone».'" The regular fall and winterseason at t'eorge M. Cohan's Grandera House in Chicago will begin August2K. the first attraction being CarlyleMoores farce "Stop Thief." RaymondiUtofecOCk will hegln his fifth stellaryear under the management of Cohan AHarris September 1 at the Apollo TheatreAtlantic City, with a new musical play,as yet unnamed Mr Hitchcock's prin¬cipal feminine support will be MissFlora ¿Carelle 520'V a comedy byPorter Kmerson Browne, successfullyproduced in Atlantic City last Monday.will open in Boston In September«in or before October 1 Cohan A Harris

will produce a comedy-drama entitled"Back Home." by Irvln «Jobb and RayardVeiller. "Home Ties," a play dealingwith the question of woman's suffrage,written h> George Mlddleton, will beproduced in Washington November 10.Among the new productions now belne

prepared for a fall hearing by the firmare: Douglas Fairranks In CooperHoyt. inc.," a comedy In three acts by-Frank Lord and Hugh Ford; "The BrainPromoter." a comedy by Kdward Laska"The House of Glass." a drama, and"Money Mama," a fane, both by MaxMan-in. Besides the numerous actlvl-ties above mentlone«!. Cohan & Harrishave accepted play scenarios from thefollowing well known authors: Wln-chel! Smith, Hennold Wolf and Chan-nlng Pollock, Porter Emerson Browne.James Montgomery, John Golden andFrank e'raven.

WOMEN COMPETE IN SONGMany Choirs Heard in the Great

Welsh Eisteddfod.Pittsburgh,* July 3.- Women singers te>ok

almoat complete possession of the Inter¬national Welsh Eisteddfod to-day, com¬

petitions for women choirs being heldduring the« afternoon and evening ses¬

sion. Announcement of awarda is ex-

pSCted to-morrow.«'hoirs of not less than fifty voice?

several of them led by women, repre¬sented the cities of Johnstown. S rantrn,

Wheeling. Steubenvllle, Canonsburg,P.-nn.; Yoeing»t«>wn, e^anton, Altoona.New Castle. Paan», McKeesport, Pitts¬burgh, and Chicase».Other competitions had to do with the

literary features of the Eisteddfod. Thear'.judicators anno lirei that they wereunable t« agree «>'i the winner of theprize offered for a national anthem.


DIED.Bovnton, Frank H. Rorkwood, C G., Jr.Carpenter, Sarah T. Sands, Samuel 8Carter. Henry 8 Simpson, Stephen P.

BOTNTOM.Verv suddenly, Dr Frank HBoynton. at Mount Washington. Mass.Notice ot funeral hereafter.

CARPRNTER-At '"Yine-Neath." Pitts¬burgh N Y on Tuesday evening. July1 1913, Sarah Talbot. only daughter ofthe late Sarah Talbot and Newton «'ar¬penter. aK«*d 81 years. Servi« es will boheld at the residence of Mrs William KHoag No. 8 East 4ïd st., on Fridayafternoon, July 4. at 3:30 o'clock.

CARTER-Suddenly, of Angina Pectorie,on Julv 2. 1913. Henry Skelton Carter,M I», son of the Rev Ijiwson Carterand Mary Ann Steenhack Gale Carter,at his home. Tarrytown. N Y.. In thefi.-,th vear of his age. Funeral sorvleesfrom his late residence. No. 121 NeperanRoad. Tarrytown. N. Y on Saturday,July 5. at 3 p. m. Interment at conven¬ience of family

RO('K\ViiOD-On Wednesday. July t atCaldwell. N. J-. Charles Greene Re>ck-wood, Jr. son of the late Charles G.and Sarah Smith Rockwood. ProfessorEmeritus In Princeton Fnlverslty. Fu¬neral at the e'aldwell Methodist Churchon Saturday. July B. at 2 SO p. m. Burialat the convenience of the family. Kind¬ly omft flowers.

SA N I >S-Suddenly, on July 2. 1913. SamuelStevens 8ands. at West Hampton, I.ongIsland. Funeral service* will he held at10:30 o'clock Baturda) morning. Jut)at No. 49 East i2d st. Interment pri¬vate.

SIMPSON-On Thursday, July 3. the Rev-Stephen Price Simpson. aged 74 years.Funeral service* at the Church of St.Mary the Virgin, West 46th St.. on

Saturday. July 5, at 10:30 a. m. Thereverend clergy and members of th«C. C. Ü. are invited to attend.


233«J St. By Harlem Tr»ln and or Troll«»Office.. 20 East 03el St.. N T

orFICES.MAIN OFFICE.No. 154 Na»«au street.UPTOWN OFFICE.No. 1304 Broadway, or

any American District Telegraph Office.IIAK1.K.M OFFICE.No. 157 Fast tSfth

street. No. 2<J8 West 120th «treat a*4 N«.219 Wist 120th st.-«ou