form filling guidelines

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  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.

    Aw, whatthehell!!

    Where is the time to fill the form?

    I shall do it tomorrow! I shall do it the day before the deadline!

    Why do they ask such funny questions? What do they expect from me a brutally

    honest answer or a diplomatic one!

  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.


    Analyze & fully understand the question(s) Read between the lines!

    Develop & build clarity

    Career goals

    Alternate goals, if any

    Why MBA?

    If not MBA, then what?

    Strengths & Weaknesses,Achievements & Failures, Team Skills,Interpersonal Problems, EthicalDilemmas

    Why x B-School?

  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.

    Steps in writing SoP

    1. Get your ideas in place

    2. At first, write the essay without worrying about the length

    3. Proof-read

    3. Review what can be dropped without losing clarity & value

    4. Rewrite to abridge but to keep the essence

    5. Solicit comments from friends / teachers

    6. Discuss comments & revise + rewrite as needed.

    7. Go to step 5 again till you have an acceptable essay that

    fits into the space allocated to it!

    8. At least 2-3 drafts may be needed to get an OK one!

  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.

    Dos and Donts

    Simple language, short sentences Avoid flowery language / quotes

    Be Honest

    Prepare to answer likely follow-up questions


    Very old achievements under extra-curricularactivities may be omitted unless these are


    Do not try to hide gap year, if any; having oneis not going to disqualify you!

  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.

    Use photocopy of the form for draft answers

    Use space provided for filling-in the answer

    Space given for answering should be used evenly Structure your answers

    Give specific answers rather than generic ones

    Give answers that you can justify Do not copy answers from friends / relatives

    No overwriting or cuttings in the form please

    Dos and Donts

  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.

    Common errors students make

    Not reading Instructions before filling up the form

    Over-writings in the formMissing Details

    Incorrect Interpretation of the Question

    Not cross-checking the form before sending

    Not retaining photocopy of application form

    Asking friend / relative to fill-up the form

  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.

  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.


    Describe your present / last job, responsibilities,achievements, & failures.

    Briefly describe one significant incident on the

    job where you were involved.

    Briefly describe an incident or situation in which

    you faced a problem, explaining its nature, its

    importance to you and the manner in which youdealt with it.

  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.

    Please describe the strengths andweaknesses that you have identified

    in your academic career so far.

    ORPlease describe the strengths and

    weaknesses with reference to pursuing

    to a career in management.

    What would interest you most as a career

    and / or further education if you were not topursue / take up management education now.


  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.

    Career Goals( 30% of the page )


  • 8/8/2019 Form Filling Guidelines


    T.I.M.E.Triumphant Institute of

    Management Education Pvt. Ltd.

    Describe briefly your recent jobresponsibilities. State the knowledgeand skills you have acquired from thisexperience.

    Why do you wish to go for management?

    What alternate careers are you considering& why?

    Describe strengths & weaknesses as identified

    by you.

    IIM-I & -K