for:;. gov. q. rallyq.$2.00a year will...

$2.00A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL $2.00 A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL } Vol 4-No 47 @ GROSSI POl,1 E ,f!CHIGA" J HURSDAY OCTOBER 23 1910 By Mall $200 per year Smgle Copies 5 cents fl e- Gro<;se Pomte HIgh '-,c1 lnl Poard tackled the JunIOr HIgh s('hool program at It<; regular mcd Ig last \fonda) evenmg thL first tll11(' 1t hd given formal conslderatlOn to the )rob lem sm<:e the de<:mve defeat <- t the $399 000 JunIOr Ihgh school site bo 1 i Issue on Tuesday Septembcr 30 Charles Parcells trustee and secre tary of the ",chool Board brought the matter up for oComlderatlon by mtro ducmg a resolutIOn cal1mg for the '''lth drawal of Jumor HIgh ~chol sIte '\0 1 as a deSignated sIte for a proposed JUl110r HIgh school ThiS site IS located at Audubon and ~t Paul avenues 11 Gros<;e Pomte Park and has been the chromc stumbhng block m effectmg the JunIOr H1gh school program In hI" rewlutlon '.1r Parcells abo provided for the School Board to pro I ceed w1th the constructIOn of an c1e I mentary "choo! on the school .,Ite I owned b) the School D1stnct dt (.el 1 leux road and KercheVtl 1\ ('nue 1 I Grosse pomte VIllage Junior High Site in Park Sought To Be Withdrawn, Defeated • ~:~~~n~ Doi~~ I dents who talung "n aettve l>art ! II ID OppOSing the School Board's plan to lo<:ate a JunlQr High school on what IS known as alte No 1, located at Audubon and St Paul avenues 1 1 were present a.t the School Board s meettng last Monday evenmg In the Cacheux ..chool building Asked I)) ~ Fred ~utte1", president of the School Board, whether they had any busl ness to transact With the Board, one of the retlClents explained that they wanted to be present In the event the Junior High school program was to be brought up for consideration or If any action was to be taken on It AdVlsed by Mr Sutter that as there was not a full Board, one of the trustees, Mr 'Watkins being un avoidably absent, no aehon would be taken, and they departed Sub. eeauently. the developments de I senbed In the aecompanylng SloryJ occurred I In 1,. ,ate on the resolutlO11 conta 1 Ing the t'\\o counts the \ote \\as t\".o t) t\\O d 1d lackmg a maJont\ fatled to be adopted I<red Sutter president ot the School Board and CharIe" Pan pard treasurer \oted aga1l1".t tht r "n (Cont'lUued on Page Four) --- Hint of Insurance Fund To Be Set Up; I No School Policies I The advlsabll1ty of the School Board I mamtammg ItS own msurance fu 1d '\\ a:; com Ide red at the Board s meetmg Monday evemng but no definIte actIon was taken on the matter The liuest on aro"e when a bId was recerve<:l for ap pratSlllg some of the School umts 111 the' dlstnct that 111the event of a c1a 111 collection might be faclhtated Shades of electIOn day m the School The cost of carrylllg msuranCe on Dlstnct on Tuesday September JO school property apprOX1l11ates $7000 were raised at the School Board 5 annual!) accorumg to Fred Sutter meetmg last Monday v.hen a bill was presIdent of the School Board and dm 1l1g last ) ear anI} one clatm 11 thr prc!'ented for payment for the services amount of apprOX1mately t650 11 (l:',C of 16 electIon clerk.s \\ho ,,,ere lllred for UUl- to a small fire 111 the coal hll 01 the occaSIOn It WIll be recalled that one of the schools thll $399000 bond ssue for three JUlllor Cons (kratlOl1 of such a ~tep f <;et Ifigh school 'utes faIled at tailfica1lon tmg up an 111Sl\ranCe fun 1 ha" often been brought up Sutter stated but no at a general meetIng of electors held actIOn taken In the morn1l1g \',lth the result that no Another item 111 the Insurance plob general electIOn \vas held lem Mr Sutter brought out IS that of 1 he SItuation ""as brought to light retalllll1g an msurance counselor to the that No Work No Pa) Board ",ho \l;ould adVise ll1 the matter" Howe\er upon second thought, the I of 1l1surance and suggest the best steps Board dectded and passed a resolutton U1 the matter Such an advlsol could ordenng the payment of $5 per clerk be retamed at an annual appro"<l1natc. for the day The usual pay lor the day cost of $300 accordmg to Sutter 1\0 of an e1ectlOll clerk 1S $10 actkm was taken on thiS either lH WAil"''' ..".MU£, -.t T"--'-"" _ tlln1lon' ~PI+G"'" Rov. 1.(. U119 PO" ur eha. DU.pOtlt.. 1291'1 I. J'etteraon ~n Den-oi $;, lUoh. oear Xl' IlQPOQ$ llI'8 James ilOlde,Q and George ElllfortD.1 have repor$ed ToOWIat. bea4qllar"" .baToa aplendi4 Job 1°1,1 8J1<$ Tohe Liop.s QluJJ boave done during \Mi Q9ullAi To;y FUAdQam}'laiSD I ulidersU.Jl,d ;you han Illore trhan 'U'i5'led ,he 1Io1110UJ1t. obt.a1ned frolll tohe ~lIpeOU f~i::\~~1:: I KnOW from 8x~r1enoll ./lat. II WOI'II. MAT 1 exp~IUI \0 !:Q 1I.Q4 ,n.. oToh3r lIIelllbeNJ ~~~8 o~1re8;~:8 t.~ ~~;t e~; fi:"5;::nf~/~. PERCIVAL DODGE LAUDS LIONS The Law Has No ~entlment,' It IS often quoted but WIlham FltZipatru::k attorney for the School Board, made a suggestlO11 to the Board at Its meet mg l'vlonday filled WIth .,entunent that receIVed the t..c..rty ap'1roval of the four trustees present The ltttle red school house, t saId Attorney Fltzpatnch. ov,ned by the School DistrIct and located on Mack avenue 111 the Village of Lpchmoot presents VISIons of other days and soon WIll come to have consIderable hlstorl cal SIgnIficance It 15 my suggestIon that the School Board take those steps necessary to prcaerve thiS buddmg, now abandoned for use and set It tip as a Ul11t 111a museum to be located where it IS sItuated J Hearty acclaIm greeted the sugges- hon LETTER SPURS G. P. LIONS CLUB G-N~Vi,FUND D~IVE. ASK COURTESY The Parent Teacher AssocIatIon of the Stevens T Mason and Verl11er schools Will meet at the Mason school Tuesday evenmg October 28 at 8 o dock A tableau VIvant Will be presented by students of the Mason Scbool Representabves of the Grosse POInte High school student hody recently VISited the 4O-acre forest site purchuetl by the HIgh $choot students as part of the Refore&tabon plan sponsored by the DetrOit News The plot, located ln the northern section of the State, was named In honor the former prinCipal of the High school, Jerome Burtt~ Abov(!) MISS Phylhs Johnson is shown planting a tree while Joseph Cram, Henry Parsons, A. E rnppensee, Mrs TnppenGee and John: PanoftG look on With Interest -,,- Mr and \irs L vrenoe J Howard of St Clair a\tenu~ tannunnced the en ,?agement of theJ1~iJa.ugnter Kathleen to'Ir Charles YouJg of yory Harbor \fame at a dmner J?hICh wM given on Wednesday last {he guests ll1cluded "T\,IflsSLoretta Dest! 'i:;:,per \(rs Harry Vreeland '\£rs Wr {Jam F Darn MISS Agnes Ken: M~s~e,MarJorle Beaupre MISS Antomette 01 pit and Mrs James Butler fhe table t>~as most attractIVe w1th Its arrangeln~pt of roses and chrysanthemums Olt,<;ledby white tap ers Each guest 1 -f#celved a damty corsage Bndge f?J1owed dmner f Mrs Alexander lngarsoll LeWl& and hero 80n, Alexan_ tnrmon Lewts, Jr., will remain for a time. in l).etroit They have takett. "Oneof t'h. F~ terracea in Maumee- road., Qro6so POlQ.te. f .. \fe> C D Macp1erson of 1350Berk. shIre roa.d, Grosse:. 110lnte Park \\111 be hostess Saturday ~rfteTnoon, October ! (Co~ued ?r~ ~age'-~DUr) G. P. H:&CROEF-Eo't ~S-S-O-U-T-T-H.-'-.ll"r-E-~-<J-::r-1a-3l-~-J.\.-JX"--t ¥ :to 't .,1 h -: "t::::: .... - 'f WHEN OLDHAM SCORES 1i. OUCHDOWN : NeighborJ,ood Club 'to _____ Acti"jities :to \fter recovenng a blocked punt be I Gro~~e POll tr t60h. the lead \\ ltll a Yo I I., tl \ <,f r HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS PLANT FOREST I 'to tSoTli ... "II q. GROSSE POINTE .• "". 'fo SOCl.ETY .". .. \. ~ - . By DORoo;fiY DEE ~ \ ALOMA THEATER COUPON FOR ADULTS ONLY This coupon and 2Sc will admit two (2) adults to the theater, Charlevoix and Waybum, Tuesday or Wednesday, October 28 and 29, 1930. Garska Aids Needy G. P. Lions Club in City Wide Drive for 'Buying Session' Under the leadership of Juhus L known rectplents of retlef funds irom Berns presIdent the GrO'lsc Pomte the Detr01t Commumt) 1 nod It \\ 'l!> I C1 b h k d pomted out Their char t) \, ark 1tl t h(' t. 'l11n('\lthlcs,,!touchd(\11 11 tie fr~t quarter 0 aj ("'111asull classe' for bo,. "Ill lOll'> U t s \\ce startc on 1t<; ., ., dlstnct 15\'I ell kno\\l1 an 1 1s<;ured \\It\ 11 ] 1 () 1'1 11. (1 lX lla 11 1 1I "t;V"t a r)(lut ~(,,<.. loer 1st There '''llJ l.nn al drl\ 1 t11 Lro::>st POll tt d <; tl '> lllder<,tlnd 19 \, r 1 trl t 11 h 1 ~ I.., t " 1 ( t 1\\ l t 1 SO'll \ 1 r! tl re grC'up" one for \hdgets JU!11or I tr (t 1r <;t 1 '>cr pH 3,1 I d oat <; c \\ rke- tl at h It.- t hdL t tllt High co lye ted 1.1 aln ost -elr alll ue P1<;<'tro 1 H'll1 Ie l1ati t) 1 III Mu lroe I B)\ s and Intermediates mLetmg on I large 1.0 I <;11.11 t< t1 e 1)Ltrolt (,)Ill rL<'ldent<; III bra<;<;e} ntt. \'>OUi! t) I ft>at 11to a 21 20 vIctor} 'lfter see saw brought the pomte another touchdown Tlll~sda; Fnday and Saturday aft~r I ~lU11lty I und In their dflve last year te 1d tver;. courtesy \\ hen 1.pprod.ched II g back an ! forth m a football thl.lller 111 the <;econu quarter bu"" Sout~ .., ('<;t I 0" J. vr f tr~her particulars ;,c....1..r he L ors t\ cn~ 0 "'r tre top \t 1 a b J 3. T~ ..... p" ,..1 l sol C tor at Gro<;<;e P0111te 11st Saturday The ern came back to score before the half Slmol sen at the NeIghborhood Club bang and accorchng to \ir Berns WIlli A feehng pnde eXists In the LIOn" ball blocked \\-hen Soutlmestern ended James Hagen gomg over Bd1 1 * $ II< chrect ever) effort to repeat thea sue club member<' as the} undertake this attel'1P t ed to punt out from lts one Weber South'v,estern tackle recovered Ftfteen scouts from Troop 79 went cess feehng confident that Grosse \\ork as result of their helllg able to In an effC)rt to Inst 11 new Me wto yard 111e and Oldham recovered for I a blocked punt to s<core another touch- on the annual f'Mystery Hike" on OC.. Pomters wl1t not he~ltate to gae pomt to the letter of commendatIOn the commercldl sltuatlot members of G ossc P011tC 1;1\ 1g the suburban I d0\'d1 III the ht d qt artcr lober 18th There were 3600 In the knowmg that agenCies 111 the district received from Percl\al Dodge secre the Grosse Pomte LIOns club have school the 110111tSneeded for a \'Ill (Contlllued on Fag-t" rour) entire party and everyone of them en" share In the benefits from the Fund I tary of the Fund for their Hr) sails lomed other LIOns club 111 tbe DetroIt LAKE SHORE DRIVE TO BE OPENED joyed the tnp m ,plte of the unpl..... The ~e'ghborhood Club and the factor} drive laet }Crtr TI e letter re \:t."tropohtan 1.rea 111 a dn ..e to open weather Cottage Hospltal are h\o of the better celved IS reproduced ahO\e ~nv~u~~:s~n~~a~~1e~~e 1,;;;;~e:1Cm~e~~ FOR TRAFFI_C_S_O_O._N_;_WORK FINISHED The JunIor ~o:s' Football Team THREE HUNDREDC--H-I"L-.-D-R-E-N-T-O-D-I-E--- 'ao< \h da, at a l~a.s "ee ng "p1rl WIth the 27 foot dual concrete road I CompletIOn of al\Other road bmldmg played the St Cia" School on Satur" FROM DIPHTHERIA, REPORT STATES the Hotel Statler ThiS program was I \\a)s almost completed Jake Shore project has been v.e1comed h) motor day October l~th and won oy a score sponsored by th~ NatIOnal Lons clubs Dnve running through the Village of ISts usmg FO.l;t street as tt removed a of 196 ThIS 15 the team s thIrd game Three hundred chtldren ",Ill dte from and he adVIses that there IS a harmlesl> and maugurdted all over the countn Gro~<,e pOll1te "hores 1S to be opened dangerous condItIOn and a source of thIS season and so far they have won dlphthena 111 DetrOIt thIS year unless preventive for dIphtherIa \\h1ch I~ gtvcn The moV'cment to rebUIld the con to trdfhc 111 tl e y near future Ed lUmerous and Irntatmg de1a)s It 15 everv game Gray and Feltler were the the parent" take llumedmte steps to b) all physlclan~ f1dence ot the nat1011 IS be ng sponsored \\arct lo.., Hines cqunty rO'l.d comnllS the pavmg under the vtadu-ct whIch star players for the wmners whIle have them protected agatn~t thIS dls ChIldren between the ages of S,llJC hy tl e '\atlOnat LIons clubs anu \\111be S Ol1"Cr announced last Saturda) carfles the Pere \farquette and Penn Arthur Annstrong made the spectacu ease according to Dr Henry 1 months and ten )ears are most hk~y be part clpat~d 111 by 80000 member<; The '\1dth of the road has been 111 svha111a railroad tracks of rort street lar pla)s for the losers vaughan CommissIoner of the DetrOIt to contract dlphthena warns the Com .. (Cont1l1ued on Page Three) creased to 120 feet for a distance of (Con" fiued on Page T\\o) * *• Department of Health miSSioner I dhout 1\; a and one half nn1es It tuns On Sunday, October 19th, fifteen ThiS 1<;not an Idle statement, says Begmnlng October twentieth, 112 from the i\facomb County hue south G. P. High School members of .the V V. V Girls A C Dr Vaughan but It IS ba<;ed on the nurses of the Department of Health Ju..J ge Vernier III (\ IG P Sh were the guests of Mrs Mabel Asmus number of cases and type of the disease WIll call on all mothers of young Ch11 Q lrOUR 1 'osse oulle ores Dramatl.c Teacher h at er cottage at Brighton, M.cIugl'n I t Dt t th t d I I h I ___ I t\ ce lfer p.rk\\-av 22 feet 111 \'> Idth preva en m e rolt a e presen ren In t Ie 'CIty to exp am to t e mot 1 I IV . t. of Th In spite of the cold weather, everyone t D tb I t th b d fd hid h Judge Arthur W Vernier Jushe of d VIde" tlle traffic TillS parkway IS to S IC 1m ugs tme unng e as )ear more an ers t e anger .. 0 Ip t lena an te had a good time A program of brtdge, t th d L Id ttt h I h h d the Peace 111 Grosse P0111te IS \en be Idndscaped and the ,\hole route a short hike and even eroque! follo-ed \\0 ousan Cal ren s a ISl'CSS 0\\ ease \\1t 1 w IC It IS prevente se UI II tb t I II b d f h .... \\ho reSIde 111 the cIty have had dlph \'fore than 900 ph'slelans are Co no Sy I WI pneumonta 1 was \\ lema e one ate most attrac \Vlnle dnv111g 111from Rochester last a. pot~luck dinner J learl1cd th k Jd ,. t d b theria and one out of eIght of thest operat111g to thiS dIphthena prevenbon 1" wee u gc verl1lc" re 1, e roa ~ 111 t IS area acCord111g to Sunday night \1r Ale", Gruenberg In *• * o d t 126 'I d 1 \ TI chIldren has dIed campalgn and they have agreed to glVC ~I (.s a l~ orall roa -all( ellJO)S an I [r Hl11e" 1C "Iucr \\ldth of right charge of Dramatic \rt at the Grosse In addlilon to the regular classes In t t 1 (; f II dI I Dr Vaughan says that most of the the preventive to the chddren of fam c'\. enslVC acquam ance n tlC ... ro<;"e n ",a) \\ac; ce lCate )) thc vl1 ap;e and POll1tc High school \\as held up b) a dancll1g at the NeIghborhood Club tap P t dt t I three hundred deaths were needless be Illes havll1g no prtvate phYSICIan Thes.e 0111 e IS rtC 1 )utt 19 PlOl c ty owner<; brace of thug .. on the T,\Che \hle ':Ind ballroom danCIng are be1ng offered cause clllidren need not have dtphthena. (Contmued on Fqge Four) ~~ road at approxImately ten 0 clock. and thiS season If you are tnterested, call ---- =-":"-=-:--:----~-=-:_-:::-::_::-""::"----------- relteved of IllS money and a valuable Niagara 0771 for full partleulars "Little Red School No Work, No Pay, For THEATER PARTIES SUCCESSFUL pen and penCIl set MISS Ester Down *• I H " M ck' "ho "as dmmg wltn Mr Gruenberg Theory da .. es have hegun .t the ouse on a In Election Clerks, But Scores of Grosse POinters and readers of the ReView attended the - L h H 1 Al h h 1 concealed a diamond rmg 111 the cu<;h Neighborhood Club In co ...... nction •.-h OC moor I.storl'ca Board Thl.nks TW1.ce oma t eater t east two weeks WIthout charge, being guests of the ""'1- ,.. ... Gro IOn<; ot the car and although the he regular weekly prtvate lessons In sse POinte ReVlewe, which In cooperabon With the theater manage .. bandIts scat ched carefully the\ falled plano and V10hn l'lua coune. tS offered ment 1S offerlltg two adults admiSSion to an evening's performance for to find It ~hose pup1Is who ..- stud-ow "t the the price of one -~ or- "" After dIsconnecting the wIres 111 the Club under the <llUSpu:.e8of the Mustc So luccesaful were the pubes of the last two weeks and so appreci. h motol the thugs dro ..e off A short Department of the Deb'olt Community alive were t e patrons that adults who ellp the attached eOQpon /lnd dl:;tance up the road they \\ere bald to Union and there tS no adchhonal present It at tJ.e box oflice of +~eAloma .heater ne"t Tuesday or Wed- d 1av(. ht.ld up anothllr c.a ailel 1,\ hlCh ~har"'e As we have" few vacancleli nes ay evening, October Z8 and 29, may again be our guests at the .."'"' h the) n. t Ir 1C1 1.l1d drove by ,\ hIIe at the present ttme In the plano cbvs.. t eater A payment of 2S eents, the regular adm1sslo11 charge of one d1 GruenbcIg \ as fix1l1g 11>s'Car They $10n, we InvIte you to __U for ,-'orm". aut must accompany the coupon bearer who IS admItted free ~ m day'~:~.i~::'e:~:;':s p:;:"::~e:: :td~~= ~~:~~~;~':l~d n;.~:.::. I ~'ll1<d t, I If llld '1 cd on"ard ;~:o e::l~::n~o the Ne.ghborhood Cluh VOl. "od Wayburo ... eoue. l\i Parent- Teacher Meet at ••• M The Waoklya Camp FIre Group of ason School Oct. 28th the NClghborhood Club, held thelf first meetmg Fnday Ot.tober 17th GIrls from the ages of 10 to 16 are ehglble to J01l1Camp Flre and we cordially 111 vlte you to come over to the Club and meet the gIrls and see what they are domg and you too ma.y be mterested m JOll1mg are held every Friday afternoo.n at four dc10ck ,/ \ Every effort IS being made these trying days by Alfred Garska, preSI- dent of Grosse POinte Park to ald the needy by seeing to It that they are proVIded Wlth the neeeulltes of bfe and also to find work f~r the unemployed., He has gatnecl favor .. able succeas In both endeavors, It was reported thls week, and haa IS. sued a request that any resident of the Park In want or need to make application to hlin and for the un" employed to register at the Mum- clpal bwlcbng 0)]. East Jefferson avenue, near Maryland. Immedtate attenbon WIll be gtven, Mr Garska aasut'&s the reSidents \ nee for Sta:te fr asurel rt auk D 1 lt7g-era1ct; tlOltJ.l.1Te~ tor -Sez.rcfary ori State and other prominent <;peakers \\ III take part 111the progr'tl11 filS 1<;the fir<;t RaIl) c\er hetl 111 Gr c1 Ollt 1.11 1 ..ho lId J l 1ttU ded 1 r '\ 1 t1 1 1 I 11 ((or! 11r<! 0"1 Page ro 1 '" q. q. '" q. q. :;. q. :;. :;. :;. 1• :;. q. :;. :;. 'fo 'fo q. q. q. :;. Cot Alger Leads Britcker for Gov. Rally

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Vol 4-No 47@

GROSSI POl,1 E ,f!CHIGA" J HURSDAY OCTOBER 23 1910 By Mall $200 per year Smgle Copies 5 cents

fl e- Gro<;se Pomte HIgh '-,c1 lnlPoard tackled the JunIOr HIgh s('hoolprogram at It<; regular mcd Ig last\fonda) evenmg thL first tll11(' 1t hdgiven formal conslderatlOn to the )roblem sm<:e the de<:mve defeat <- t the$399 000 JunIOr Ihgh school site bo 1 iIssue on Tuesday Septembcr 30

Charles Parcells trustee and secretary of the ",chool Board brought thematter up for oComlderatlon by mtroducmg a resolutIOn cal1mg for the '''lthdrawal of Jumor HIgh ~chol sIte '\0 1as a deSignated sIte for a proposedJUl110r HIgh school ThiS site IS locatedat Audubon and ~t Paul avenues 11

Gros<;e Pomte Park and has been thechromc stumbhng block m effectmg theJunIOr H1gh school program

In hI" rewlutlon '.1r Parcells aboprovided for the School Board to pro Iceed w1th the constructIOn of an c1e Imentary "choo! on the school .,Ite Iowned b) the School D1stnct dt (.el 1

leux road and KercheVtl 1\ ('nue 1 IGrosse pomte VIllage

Junior High Site inPark Sought To BeWithdrawn, Defeated

• ~:~~~n~ Doi~~ Idents who talung "n aettve l>art ! IIID OppOSing the School Board's planto lo<:ate a JunlQr High school onwhat IS known as alte No 1, locatedat Audubon and St Paul avenues 1 1were present a.t the School Board smeettng last Monday evenmg In theCacheux ..chool building Asked I)) ~

Fred ~utte1", president of the SchoolBoard, whether they had any buslness to transact With the Board, oneof the retlClents explained that theywanted to be present In the eventthe Junior High school program wasto be brought up for considerationor If any action was to be taken onIt AdVlsed by Mr Sutter that asthere was not a full Board, one ofthe trustees, Mr 'Watkins being unavoidably absent, no aehon wouldbe taken, and they departed Sub.eeauently. the developments de

I senbed In the aecompanylng SloryJoccurred


In 1,. ,ate on the resolutlO11 conta 1

Ing the t'\\o counts the \ote \\as t\".o t)t\\O d 1d lackmg a maJont\ fatled tobe adopted I<red Sutter president otthe School Board and CharIe" Panpard treasurer \oted aga1l1".t tht r "n

(Cont'lUued on Page Four)


Hint of InsuranceFund To Be Set Up; I

No School Policies IThe advlsabll1ty of the School Board I

mamtammg ItS own msurance fu 1d '\\ a:;com Ide red at the Board s meetmgMonday evemng but no definIte actIonwas taken on the matter The liuest onaro"e when a bId was recerve<:l for appratSlllg some of the School umts 111 the'dlstnct that 111the event of a c1a 111

collection might be faclhtatedShades of electIOn day m the School The cost of carrylllg msuranCe on

Dlstnct on Tuesday September JO school property apprOX1l11ates $7000were raised at the School Board 5 annual!) accorumg to Fred Suttermeetmg last Monday v.hen a bill was presIdent of the School Board and dm

1l1g last ) ear anI} one clatm 11 thrprc!'ented for payment for the services amount of apprOX1mately t650 11 (l:',C

of 16 electIon clerk.s \\ho ,,,ere lllred for UUl- to a small fire 111 the coal hll 01the occaSIOn It WIll be recalled that one of the schoolsthll $399000 bond ssue for three JUlllor Cons (kratlOl1 of such a ~tep f <;etIfigh school 'utes faIled at tailfica1lon tmg up an 111Sl\ranCe fun 1 ha" often

been brought up Sutter stated but noat a general meetIng of electors held actIOn takenIn the morn1l1g \',lth the result that no Another item 111 the Insurance plobgeneral electIOn \vas held lem Mr Sutter brought out IS that of

1 he SItuation ""as brought to light retalllll1g an msurance counselor to thethat No Work No Pa) Board ",ho \l;ould adVise ll1 the matter"

Howe\er upon second thought, the Iof 1l1surance and suggest the best stepsBoard dectded and passed a resolutton U1 the matter Such an advlsol couldordenng the payment of $5 per clerk be retamed at an annual appro"<l1natc.for the day The usual pay lor the day cost of $300 accordmg to Sutter 1\0of an e1ectlOll clerk 1S $10 actkm was taken on thiS either

lH WAil"''' ..".MU£, -.tT"--'-"" _

tlln1lon' ~PI+G"'"

Rov. 1.(. U119


ur eha. DU.pOtlt..1291'1 I. J'etteraon ~nDen-oi $;, lUoh.

oear Xl' IlQPOQ$

llI'8 James ilOlde,Q and George ElllfortD.1have repor$ed ToOWI at. bea4qllar"" .baToa aplendi4Job 1°1,1 8J1<$ Tohe Liop.s QluJJ boave done during \MiQ9ullAi To;yFUAdQam}'laiSD I ulidersU.Jl,d ;you han Illoretrhan 'U'i5'led ,he 1Io1110UJ1t.obt.a1ned frolll tohe ~lIpeOUf~i::\~~1:: I KnOWfrom 8x~r1enoll ./lat. II WOI'II.

MAT 1 exp~IUI \0 !:Q 1I.Q4,n.. oToh3r lIIelllbeNJ

~~~8o~1re8;~:8t.~ ~~;te~;fi:"5;::nf~/~.


The Law Has No ~entlment,' It ISoften quoted but WIlham FltZipatru::kattorney for the School Board, made asuggestlO11 to the Board at Its meetmg l'vlonday filled WIth .,entunent thatreceIVed the t..c..rty ap'1roval of thefour trustees present

The ltttle red school house, t saIdAttorney Fltzpatnch. ov,ned by theSchool DistrIct and located on Mackavenue 111 the Village of Lpchmootpresents VISIons of other days and soonWIll come to have consIderable hlstorlcal SIgnIficance It 15 my suggestIonthat the School Board take those stepsnecessary to prcaerve thiS buddmg, nowabandoned for use and set It tip as aUl11t 111a museum to be located whereit IS sItuated J

Hearty acclaIm greeted the sugges-hon



The Parent Teacher AssocIatIon ofthe Stevens T Mason and Verl11erschools Will meet at the Mason schoolTuesday evenmg October 28 at 8o dock A tableau VIvant Will bepresented by students of the MasonScbool

Representabves of the Grosse POInte High school student hodyrecently VISited the 4O-acre forest site purchuetl by the HIgh $chootstudents as part of the Refore&tabon plan sponsored by the DetrOitNews The plot, located ln the northern section of the State, was namedIn honor the former prinCipal of the High school, Jerome Burtt~ Abov(!)MISS Phylhs Johnson is shown planting a tree while Joseph Cram,Henry Parsons, A. E rnppensee, Mrs TnppenGee and John: PanoftGlook on With Interest

-,,-Mr and \irs L vrenoe J Howard

of St Clair a\tenu~ tannunnced the en,?agement of theJ1~iJa.ugnter Kathleento'Ir Charles YouJg of yory Harbor\fame at a dmner J?hICh wM given onWednesday last {he guests ll1cluded"T\,IflsSLoretta Dest! 'i:;:,per \(rs HarryVreeland '\£rs Wr {Jam F Darn MISSAgnes Ken: M~s~e,MarJorle BeaupreMISS Antomette 01pit and Mrs JamesButler fhe table t>~as most attractIVew1th Its arrangeln~pt of roses andchrysanthemums Olt,<;ledby white tapers Each guest 1 -f#celved a damtycorsage Bndge f?J1owed dmner

• f •Mrs Alexander lngarsoll LeWl& and

hero80n, Alexan_ tnrmon Lewts, Jr.,will remain for a time. in l).etroit Theyhave takett. "Oneof t'h. F~ terraceain Maumee- road., Qro6so POlQ.te.

• f ..

\fe> C D Macp1erson of 1350Berk.shIre roa.d, Grosse:. 110lnte Park \\111 behostess Saturday ~rfteTnoon, October! (Co~ued ?r~~age'-~DUr)

G. P. H:&CROEF-Eo't ~S-S-O-U-T-T-H.-'-.ll"r-E-~-<J-::r-1a-3l-~-J.\.-JX"--t¥ :to 't .,1h

-: "t:::::....- 'f

WHEN OLDHAM SCORES 1i. OUCHDOWN : NeighborJ,ood Club 'to_____ Acti"jities :to\fter recovenng a blocked punt be I Gro~~e POll tr t60h. the lead \\ ltll a Yo •

I I., tl \ <,f r


"". 'fo SOCl.ETY •.". ..\. ~ - .

By DORoo;fiY DEE




This coupon and 2Sc will admit two (2) adults to the theater,Charlevoix and Waybum, Tuesday or Wednesday, October28 and 29, 1930.

Garska Aids Needy

G. P. Lions Clubin City Wide Drive

for 'Buying Session'

Under the leadership of Juhus L known rectplents of retlef funds iromBerns presIdent the GrO'lsc Pomte the Detr01t Commumt) 1 nod It \\ 'l!>

I C1 b h k d pomted out Their char t) \, ark 1tl t h('t. 'l11n('\lthlcs,,!touchd(\11 11 tie fr~t quarter 0 aj ("'111asull classe' for bo,. "Ill lOll'> U t s \\ce startc on 1t<;., ., dlstnct 15\'I ell kno\\l1 an 1 1s<;ured \\It\11 ] 1 () 1'1 11. (1 lX lla 11 1 1 I "t;V"t a r)(lut ~(,,<.. loer 1st There '''llJ l.nn al drl\ 1 t11 Lro::>st POll tt d <; tl '> lllder<,tlnd 19 \, r 1 trl t 11 h

1 ~ I.., t " 1 ( t 1\\ l t 1 SO'll \ 1 r! tl re grC'up" one for \hdgets JU!11or I tr (t 1 r <;t 1 '>cr pH 3,1 I d oat <; c \\ rke- tl at h It.- t hdL t tllt

High co lye ted 1.1 aln ost -elr alll ue P1<;<'tro 1 H'll1 Ie l1ati t) 1 III Mu lroe I B)\ s and Intermediates mLetmg on I large 1.0 I <;111.11 t< t1 e 1)Ltrolt (,)Ill rL<'ldent<; III bra<;<;e} ntt. \'>OUi! t) Ift>at 11to a 21 20 vIctor} 'lfter see saw brought the pomte another touchdown Tlll~sda; Fnday and Saturday aft~r I ~lU11lty I und In their dflve last year te 1d tver;. courtesy \\ hen 1.pprod.chedII g back an ! forth m a football thl.lller 111 the <;econu quarter bu"" Sout~ .., ('<;t I 0" J. vr f tr~her particulars ;,c....1..r he L ors t\ cn~ 0 "'r tre top \ t1 a bJ 3. T~ .....p" ,..1 l sol C torat Gro<;<;e P0111te 11st Saturday The ern came back to score before the half Slmol sen at the NeIghborhood Club bang and accorchng to \ir Berns WIlli A feehng pnde eXists In the LIOn"ball blocked \\-hen Soutlmestern ended James Hagen gomg over Bd11 * $ II< chrect ever) effort to repeat thea sue club member<' as the} undertake thisattel'1Pted to punt out from lts one Weber South'v,estern tackle recovered Ftfteen scouts from Troop 79 went cess feehng confident that Grosse \\ork as result of their helllg able to

In an effC)rt to Inst 11 new Me wto yard 111e and Oldham recovered for I a blocked punt to s<core another touch- on the annual f'Mystery Hike" on OC.. Pomters wl1t not he~ltate to gae pomt to the letter of commendatIOnthe commercldl sltuatlot members of G ossc P011tC 1;1\ 1g the suburban I d0\'d1 III the ht d qt artcr lober 18th There were 3600 In the knowmg that agenCies 111 the district received from Percl\al Dodge secrethe Grosse Pomte LIOns club have school the 110111tSneeded for a \'Ill (Contlllued on Fag-t" rour) entire party and everyone of them en" share In the benefits from the Fund I tary of the Fund for their Hr) sailslomed other LIOns club 111 tbe DetroIt LAKE SHORE DRIVE TO BE OPENED joyed the tnp m ,plte of the unpl..... The ~e'ghborhood Club and the factor} drive laet }Crtr TI e letter re\:t."tropohtan 1.rea 111 a dn ..e to open weather Cottage Hospltal are h\o of the better celved IS reproduced ahO\e

~nv~u~~:s~n~~a~~1e~~e 1,;;;;~e:1Cm~e~~ FOR TRAFFI_C_S_O_O._N_;_WORKFINISHED The JunIor ~o:s' Football Team THREE HUNDREDC--H-I"L-.-D-R-E-N-T-O-D-I-E---'ao< \h da, at a l~a.s "ee ng "p1rl WIth the 27 foot dual concrete road I CompletIOn of al\Other road bmldmg played the St Cia" School on Satur" FROM DIPHTHERIA, REPORT STATESthe Hotel Statler ThiS program was I\\a)s almost completed Jake Shore project has been v.e1comed h) motor day October l~th and won oy a scoresponsored by th~ NatIOnal Lons clubs Dnve running through the Village of ISts usmg FO.l;t street as tt removed a of 19 6 ThIS 15 the team s thIrd game Three hundred chtldren ",Ill dte from and he adVIses that there IS a harmlesl>and maugurdted all over the countn Gro~<,e pOll1te "hores 1S to be opened dangerous condItIOn and a source of thIS season and so far they have won dlphthena 111 DetrOIt thIS year unless preventive for dIphtherIa \\h1ch I~ gtvcn

The moV'cment to rebUIld the con to trdfhc 111 tl e ..ery near future Ed lUmerous and Irntatmg de1a)s It 15 everv game Gray and Feltler were the the parent" take llumedmte steps to b) all physlclan~f1dence ot the nat1011 IS be ng sponsored \\arct lo.., Hines cqunty rO'l.d comnllS the pavmg under the vtadu-ct whIch star players for the wmners whIle have them protected agatn~t thIS dls ChIldren between the ages of S,llJChy tl e '\atlOnat LIons clubs anu \\111be S Ol1"Crannounced last Saturda) carfles the Pere \farquette and Penn Arthur Annstrong made the spectacu ease according to Dr Henry 1 months and ten )ears are most hk~ybe part clpat~d 111 by 80000 member<; The '\1dth of the road has been 111 svha111a railroad tracks of rort street lar pla)s for the losers vaughan CommissIoner of the DetrOIt to contract dlphthena warns the Com ..

(Cont1l1ued on Page Three) creased to 120 feet for a distance of (Con" fiued on Page T\\o) * * • Department of Health miSSioner

Idhout 1\; a and one half nn1es It tuns On Sunday, October 19th, fifteen ThiS 1<;not an Idle statement, says Begmnlng October twentieth, 112

• from the i\facomb County hue south G. P. High School members of .the V V. V Girls A C Dr Vaughan but It IS ba<;ed on the nurses of the Department of HealthJu..JgeVernier III (\ I G P Sh were the guests of Mrs Mabel Asmus number of cases and type of the disease WIll call on all mothers of young Ch11Q lrOUR 1 'osse oulle ores Dramatl.c Teacher hat er cottage at Brighton, M.cIugl'n I t D t t th t d I I h I___ I t\ ce lfer p.rk\\-av 22 feet 111 \'> Idth preva en m e rolt a e presen ren In t Ie 'CIty to exp am to t e mot 1

II V. t. of Th In spite of the cold weather, everyone t D tb I t th b d f d hid h

Judge Arthur W Vernier Jushe of d VIde" tlle traffic TillS parkway IS to S IC 1m ugs tme unng e as )ear more an ers t e anger .. 0 Ip t lena an t ehad a good time A program of brtdge, t th d L Id t t t h I h h dthe Peace 111 Grosse P0111te IS \en be Idndscaped and the ,\hole route a short hike and even eroque! follo-ed \\0 ousan Cal ren s a IS l'CSS 0\\ ease \\1t 1 w IC It IS prevente

se U I II tb t

III b d f h

.... \\ho reSIde 111 the cIty have had dlph \'fore than 900 ph'slelans are Cono S y I WI pneumonta 1 was \\ lema e one ate most attrac \Vlnle dnv111g 111from Rochester last a. pot~luck dinner Jlearl1cd th k J d ,. t d b theria and one out of eIght of thest operat111g to thiS dIphthena prevenbon

1" wee u gc verl1lc" re 1, e roa ~ 111t IS area acCord111g to Sunday night \1r Ale", Gruenberg In * • *o d t 126 'I d 1 \ TI chIldren has dIed campalgn and they have agreed to glVC~I (.s a l~ orall roa -all( ellJO)S an I [r Hl11e" 1C "Iucr \\ldth of right charge of Dramatic \rt at the Grosse In addlilon to the regular classes Int t 1 (; f I I d I I Dr Vaughan says that most of the the preventive to the chddren of famc'\. enslVC acquam ance n t lC<;"e n ",a) \\ac; ce lCate )) thc vl1 ap;e and POll1tc High school \\as held up b) a dancll1g at the NeIghborhood Club tapP t d t t I three hundred deaths were needless be Illes havll1g no prtvate phYSICIan Thes.e

0111 e IS rtC 1 )utt 19 PlOl c ty owner<; brace of thug .. on the T,\Che \hle ':Ind ballroom danCIng are be1ng offered cause clllidren need not have dtphthena. (Contmued on Fqge Four)~~ road at approxImately ten 0 clock. and thiS season If you are tnterested, call ---- =-":"-=-:--:----~-=-:_-:::-::_::-""::"-----------

relteved of IllS money and a valuable Niagara 0771 for full partleulars "Little Red School No Work, No Pay, ForTHEATER PARTIES SUCCESSFUL pen and penCIl set MISS Ester Down * • • I H " M ck'

"ho "as dmmg wltn Mr Gruenberg Theory da .. es have hegun .t the ouse on a In Election Clerks, ButScores of Grosse POinters and readers of the ReView attended the - L h H 1

Al h h 1concealed a diamond rmg 111 the cu<;h Neighborhood Club In co ......nction •.-h OC moor I.storl'ca Board Thl.nks TW1.ce

oma t eater t east two weeks WIthout charge, being guests of the ""'1- ,.. ...

GroIOn<; ot the car and although the he regular weekly prtvate lessons In

sse POinte ReVlewe, which In cooperabon With the theater manage .. bandIts scat ched carefully the\ falled plano and V10hn l'lua coune. tS offeredment 1S offerlltg two adults admiSSion to an evening's performance for to find It ~hose pup1Is who ..- stud-ow "t thethe price of one -~ or- ""After dIsconnecting the wIres 111 the Club under the <llUSpu:.e8of the Mustc

So luccesaful were the pubes of the last two weeks and so appreci.h

motol the thugs dro ..e off A short Department of the Deb'olt Communityalive were t e patrons that adults who ellp the attached eOQpon /lnd dl:;tance up the road they \\ere bald to Union and there tS no adchhonalpresent It at tJ.e box oflice of +~eAloma .heater ne"t Tuesday or Wed-

d1av(. ht.ld up anothllr c.a ailel 1,\ hlCh ~har"'e As we have" few vacancleli

nes ay evening, October Z8 and 29, may again be our guests at the .."'"'h

the) n. t Ir 1C1 1.l1d drove by ,\ hIIe at the present ttme In the plano cbvs..t eater A payment of 2S eents, the regular adm1sslo11 charge of one

d 1GruenbcIg \ as fix1l1g 11>s'Car They $10n, we InvIte you to __U for ,-'orm".

aut must accompany the coupon bearer who IS admItted free ~ m

day'~:~.i~::'e:~:;':s p:;:"::~e:: :td~~= ~~:~~~;~':l~d n;.~:.::. I~'ll1<d t, I If llld '1 cd on"ard ;~:o e::l~::n~o the Ne.ghborhood Cluh

VOl. "od Wayburo ... eoue. l\i Parent- Teacher Meet at • • •M

The Waoklya Camp FIre Group ofason School Oct. 28th the NClghborhood Club, held thelf first

meetmg Fnday Ot.tober 17th GIrlsfrom the ages of 10 to 16 are ehglbleto J01l1Camp Flre and we cordially 111

vlte you to come over to the Club andmeet the gIrls and see what they aredomg and you too ma.y be mterestedm JOll1mg are held everyFriday afternoo.n at four dc10ck



Every effort IS being made thesetrying days by Alfred Garska, preSI-dent of Grosse POinte Park to aldthe needy by seeing to It that theyare proVIded Wlth the neeeulltes ofbfe and also to find work f~r theunemployed., He has gatnecl favor succeas In both endeavors, Itwas reported thls week, and haa IS.

sued a request that any resident ofthe Park In want or need to makeapplication to hlin and for the un"employed to register at the Mum-clpal bwlcbng 0)]. East Jeffersonavenue, near Maryland. Immedtateattenbon WIll be gtven, Mr Garskaaasut'&s the reSidents


nee for Sta:te fr asurel rt auk D1 lt7g-era1ct; tlOltJ.l.1Te~tor -Sez.rcfary oriState and other prominent <;peakers\\ III take part 111the progr'tl11

filS 1<;the fir<;t RaIl) c\er hetl 111

Gr c 1 Ollt 1.111 ..ho lId J l 1ttU ded1 r '\ 1 t1 1 1 I 11

((or! 11r<! 0"1 Page ro 1

'" q. q. '" q. q. :;. q. :;. :;. :;. 1 • :;. q. :;. :;. 'fo 'fo q. q. q. :;.

Cot Alger Leads Britcker for Gov. Rally




Instantly...-.No Time Lo,t ,It takes only a ,ee9~cl to test your"Ju..... 1

Stmply drtve on the l'ester- and app11 -10""hrake.. The relative b..a~mg P9wer .n each "i

wheel I' IIJlInecbately .'hbwn by tho n.e 0' lu..w iIn the fou.. gauge., whu~h li\re po.i~on"- \0 4

corre.pond to the fOl'r w"'~1. Thaf. >01\ tile ......'. to ,.. 'I'\n. 'I',,'.r 1>,.. o-n i"'ltall"" I.ryour ",fety end cll,lpfort p!"",'1 Ole l~ ef~


DAY BY DAY * * * dollar lily doll ... * * *your dream ""mes n~rer to actuaJi»,. Ib,easy, systematic savings depoaits * * * youare providing for later years * * ~of leisure,and travel, and contentment. It's eaoy to.tlU'l-today!

DANIEL G. ALLOR, Township q~.

Test Your Brakes andWheels Free '

DARLING'S GARAGE17153 E. Jefferson

Grosse P<>int" Michisan


You can check YOUr ahgnmeJlt iDU1$~I"ately by dnvlng OYer oUr new AutomaticWheel Ahg"""",' lnd..,..tor The!w>don ~a Jar" -eha1 ~m! .how. any,Jegrf:eof nuaa.b~~e~t -p",n~ntin numb,r01 £""1 .h. '1<•• "re ;<ttq.:Jli dr.oJsed .,de-we-y' m ~ch 'quie due to the wheel. beipgtoed In or 'Out A bell wa ..n. you If thiSnusahgnment IS ilXl!:ea.lve

You are urged to till- your bin NOW with the one fuel thatnever clisappoillts* * * COAL. The highest quality cO"'~\lllD~ obtlUnes'!promptly by calling L&ox 3467.


If ypu waQt



O:lOClo,;ap, ii20J;::lOC::=:::ZOM_

D SAVING · Your Way 1Towas;ds . . LEISURE;I


Of Registration of ElectorsOF "GROSSE POINTE TOWNSHIP






Open From 8100 o'clock A. M. to 8:00 o'clock P. M. Eastern StandardTIme.

Township Hall, M a u m e e and Roo$~ve1t J

Avenues, Grosse Pointe Village, M~Municip~ Bt,rilding,Jefferson Avep.ue, Gr~sse

Pointe Park, Michigan.Municipal Building, K e r b y

Pointe Farms, Michigan.Municipal Building, Lake Shore and V~r.nier

Road, Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan.Municipal Building, Mack Avenue, between

V~rn~erRoad and Anita, Loch~oor VJlt~g~,o \ ", Mxchlgan.

PREctilllCT :N~c6<' D~fer School,Avoenues.

(Cont nued from Page- One)lu"t we'lt of \\ oodmue '1\CtlUl

Fort <;treet h1." b~en \~ldel}~d to 120feet to the River Rouge bn~g~ at d '1

nc\\ w de concrett: pav{!ment b'1'> hi;etlcono;tn ttc I

Lake Shore Drive to BeOpened for Traffic 0


ta"( It was pomted "Out, effects MIChI~gan merchants only, and merchantsoutSide Mtdugan can st;l1 to -customerstax free and dehver to theIr door byParcel Post If the tax WtJ1S, MallOrder compet1tlOn to all retall merchant'> 1<;practically ccrtam for thatIcason merchants arc 1.d\-1secl to \oteIt do\\n b} \otmg No

(\Jotc" for an address hy tile talmng at that tlme no to\\n couldCh cf of 'it'lff Genenl Charles P lope to surVIVe WIthout tl e protectlOn",u n nCI 1.11before the Chicago As of a fort the bmldmg ot lort De1.rbornoc atlon of Commerce ChlC,<l.gO11 \\ a<; the determmmg factor 111 ]ocatll1g

1nOI~ October 22nd 1-930) the fourth CIty of thc world J f t1lk"1 he D]C'lst!re of bemg 1m0ng friend" 1.rOll1d 1. w J h:rnc ..s 'COlncll fire had

IS Jnten'llfiec! v,hen the fnend~ 1.rr 1.lso proc('cded 1.10ng <;1ghtlv ehfferent 1 nesne g-hbor'> 'Ay 0\\ c1alm to the latter we would be a,,<;cmbled tothv someltle IS a double one It ha" becn my fifty mLlc'>*l.lP the la! e

prlV11egc as an melt'. dual to cnjo} Cll Fvw m thO'>e pnmltl\ l... tuncs howage. <; hO'lpltaht~ <;0 fre.quently an i to evcr the CONtrolhng re1.sons for the

rece ve the shmU1l1'l of her <j\.lrgll1g('11 $ tmg of commllmt es \\cre ldentlcal"rgJ n such d gree th1t I fell \' lth those th1.t rn1C' to hi" ( hlC.l*'Olo~dy bo trl I to}O b) tHO''"..of m<;pJrl can c nta hem", a" 1. 1nt!lOll 1n I IftcCllOl J It 1 feel Ont r tnd ng P0'lt lOr c'\.aetly the same Tea

1)0"-1;0'lS n c\ CT nn~<. \ 1.hel cia rn tn "01 th'll 1ccount" for 1t"i preemmcn<:elelghborsh r fo ! 1.m 1. <,nldler 1.nJ II 1910 It was a tramportatlOn cenlerrllCtgn tic t\rn} h1.\r largely fle ChlCJ.?,O periagc '\\1<; one- of thero \n Hj Og'CthCl ('1.<,{';t routes from the 11.k(,,; to the11 t <,... 1t 1 (]l tl (. \rn y \ It 1 \f S<,";"iPI r nrthern ore t \\1<; pIeh (. tg'o 0 1m t!: ,,1 1 ld nf., It l H 1 C 'lei ht re '1111 1 cn OJ 1\ th'tt tl extc HI::. b tc}.. to the (hy,,; \\ hen tl crC' (Iran 1 Pn r e of Ilhno s c'(icnde(l tip to

wa<;scarcelv the ve,>i.lge of a 'lettlemcnt I 1kc \11cl gan 10d1Y \\ 1en 1& ra 1lere on the shores of Lake \11ch ga 1 roa 15 serve (Jllcago and 23 tn nk hnesf \ { 1 st 1001 for the first offlc 1.1 ter n lld.te he (. \.\he 1 a p1.<., C'nger tnmClOg tl 11of (h C1.go I thll1k we lllU'lt enter" or !ca, es the) arc!,; CV\ rn1Iluteo lOt to the H111llupal records but and a fre ght tra n every h\o mll1uteso the treah \.\111ch \fad J.\.nthony an i 1. It lS most gratlfYl11g to re'\-ayllC c01cluded WIth the Indmn<; 1.t fiect on how Chicago'> destmy ha" unTrUlev lk 11 1795 after brcakmg the r 101ded 111 the same directIOn but 111anov. er at th" battle of fallen Ttmbcr ... all lO"t lllcomprchensible degree thatnd ph}s nly secunng the \Jorth\\c<;t ll1dlcatcd III her mode"t begInn111gsen tory to the n<ttlon In thIS agree J 1 thh unpanllcled c>.pan"IO 1 ba'ledlent \lih ch O\\ut It,> ratlficatlon ex on tra'lsportatJon \\e find tll(' Armylu,; \ c1y to the S\\ ord there was ceded Dnce agall1 p,laYIng an essential parta the Ll1Itecl States for the conc;lruc few people rea1J7e the extent to '\\h chIon of a mlllt'lx} PO'lt a tract SlX the country l'l Indebted to the n htaryn Ie'> <;q..tarc at the mouth of the (111 "erV1CCfor the de'\ e1)pment of It r111ago RIVer 1 roads The early 1111es "uch a<; theThe fro lt er stockade enVISIOned I'll Baltnl10re and OhlO were llterally

he treat) 1\ as not realized ImmedIately bu It III theIr entlrety by the ArmyIt \ as ally 111 1803 that a tll1Y mlhtary \fa 1\ other roads i\ ere surveyed byexpedition proceeded from DetrOlt to Ann)' Engmeers or proceeded alongfound and garrison ..rart Dearborn the routes dIscovered 111 the course ofHtre- agall \\ e find destmy and the purely mIlitary reconnalS:Jance As thei\rmy 11 cooperation Ongmal1y It had stlel tracks pu"hen their v.ay 111eXOrbee 1 thought des rable to bUl1d the ably toward the- <;cttlng SUll they werefort n thc V1Cll11tyof St Joseph \{Ich preceded by the blue clad soldIer" whoI&an fl e Indlan trtbes refused to carned law and securIty WIth them 111tOco lsent to thiS 10catlOn so the Chicago the trackless plams and through theIrsite was adopted as a second choH:e sale agency made western ralalroadll1gIna,;much as under the .condluons ob practIcahle

Church of ChristLochmoor

Mt. QIive.Luthel:anChur<:h

1 H J!. u R 0 ~ ~ 15 1:' O$~~ l!~~R E VIE Wj

mer,nment has so~e of the greatestnames of the stage ~nd screen enlIstedIII 1t Samuel Go-Idwyn and FlorenzZtegfe1d combtned their efforts In pro-ducmg tius not 01 JOY and mUSiC Theyare re"pcctlvely the greatest !pIOneer

of the motlOll plcture 111America andthe l11tlsl'cal cO~ledy of the !\mencan stage

Thl <;tar of VI/hoopec I'ddlt' Cantor I'> known v.herc\er there 1.rethc1tres a'> a comIC <1rtlst of gen u~ In1t'> stage form produced by \{r ZICgfeldm "\Tew '.tor-k \\lth Carttor m thelead It r1.n over 1. }e'lr and 1. half

IndLldcd In the ca<;.t of Whopct'arc rleanor Hunt the red half(~ Ibe' Dorothy Knapp famed 'to; themo"t beautIful g rl ~n the world PaulGrcg"or) the $21000 tenor fthelShlltta 1.nJ such famD'lIS Zl(~gfellglanfied gIrls 1.'>Jeanne \forgJ.11 \fur New VerslPn1(.'1 I n1cy an 1 Vlrgml1. Bruce Thon '1101t> a! E' more good fi"h lu theton I reehnd br lll<tnt young clJrector sea than ha\e eve1 been takf>n out A\\110 1'" l,.on-wn 1.Sone of the faste,,;t r <, an 1 more good shots in a golf dub Vmg '\c0l)le- of lIolly\\ood d rect'Cd t1 c thflp the average man ever UUIlIZe':i - 0

AlhansB.! GazettepIcture 1 _"E t ..~--.~'----,,-t John McCormack Sings 0 GrossePointe SavingsBank

x ravagance a I h P h d J d ~h F. h Th at t e unc an u yt e IS er ~ater I -- Jefferson i)t Rivard Blvd. J

There are many superlative clement,>Fxtravagance IS at the nsher to be seen and heard at the Punch and Unit of the DetrOit Bankers Co.~J::;rQR

theater this week WIth June Collyer J tdy theater October 23 24 and 25 fheLloyd Hug-hes Ow~n Moore 1.Hd Gwen star John \1cCornnck 6111gsas beautl Oc:rOr iOJ::lOZ:===:::;~1Lee headll1g the C1.~t The 6tory re fully as ever and the movlCtone record,,; A_i -''- __ '-'-vohe<; about a gtrl who ha'> never been hiS ;".Dlce\\lth hfe1 ke quahty the btory ~~de111c.d 1l1ythmg 111 her hfe and her I,', hum 1.n surpnsmgly fresh and mter"sub",cquent marned hfe Her) oung e"tmg the cast from lovely Maureenhu"b1.nd struggles to gly~r the lux 0 Sulhvan down to the lO\\hest extraurIC,', ,,;he demfll1d,>and l1' he can no doc" hIS or her bIt With unaffected ,',lm101 gcr grat4y {:1er"'fwhM~ ~~C declde'l phelty and dramatic power For all tb <;

to adopt the pourse ofi~ fn~nd of hers we have that ace or{ roX. movletone ellwho IS hav!,fl~ !Ln a{f(!A Wltp- a wealthy ret.tors~ Frank Borzagc, to th;l.l1k1:lachelor .P,t.f\.ihecruct!rl tune she does Borzage made 7th Heaven- and \.\enot go tE.t6~$'h vdth her ldea but all raved Then he made a number ofsucceeds In,.;m<J,klllgmoney 111 the stock other bnlhant pIctures And now Withmarket W~~~'tiliHSshe purcJtase a sahle the talk1es (and smgtes) thoroughlycoat v,.hICh.t4~s been ~er ~mbltlOn to €<;tabhshed he proves In thIS \fcCorown Her ~~al1e1. sees lt bung up m mack s.i.ellar vefude J'. Song 0 \{ythe c1os'Ct al~ ~uspects }ler ,pi followmg Heart that he IS perieetly at home 111

the ongmal courSe she Iiad planned 1ny phase of 'PIcturesHe leaves her Wh,en her mother 1n \1oCorma'Ck smgs hiS songs ~leventercedes and tells her how 'Worthy her of them and performs hIS role WIthhusband IS she reahzes what a burden ease In fact the way that the 'iongsshe has been and <;aves her husband's are worked 1Uto the story IS so logIcalbUSiness and WIns ba,ck h1s love one goes d,way With the thought of Gl

Presbyterian Church 1 cent mont-hs \11SS Bennett s work as _.______ beautlful '1'omance fulSlled enhanced

f h C ,the glr1 15 acc1a>med by enhcs as a "Follow Thrall Feature logIcally by the 'ocal beauty of theo t e ovenant I tnumph of audIble films A dlStlll ,\-orld s favonte tenor

, thoroughly departmentalIZed B,b1e gU1shed cast mc1udlOg Tully Marshall on HolIYW-Dod Screen Some of the song" are old favQrItes\. l3eryl Mercer Hale HamIlton Purnell f bl b 11 d hSchool at 9 3.0 \fen s BIble Clas'i 111 un orgetta e a a s wh1-c most of us

B Pratt \fatty Kemp and other favor Two of the screen world s most have heard hIm smg on hIS 'Concertthe Brown Chapel t t p t 1I es enac rommen ro es popular favo1;ltes-Buddy Rogers and, tours But there are a number of new

\lorn 19 WOrShlP at 10 45 SpeCIal -------- :Nancy Carroll-are co-.st3)'red m Fal Tynes a few opetatlc arias he-ard 111 apred.cher the Rev I rank Fltt of the Nancy Carroll at the 10\\ Thru a story of youth and love com:;ert sequcl,fce v.hlch WIll appeal beFlr<;t Presbytenan Church i-ilghland M' h' . 'L h ' \\Ith d.n entrancmg background on the cause of MoCormack s superb soulfulP k III D' t f h IC Igan In aug O'erar lnNS r.L' 1 t IS one 0 t c ,. £~Irwa) s whtch IS the attra<:tl<}n at the rendltlOll::lUtstandmg preacher:, of the Chicago H 11 d th t f d bo :1 \\ 00 ea er ot.r aYSj egmn111g \fcCormaek tn thiS finely writtenPresbytely 'Vhen Nancy Carroll appeared 111

T.1 toda) aloJ}g WIth 4 program of bIg ' Barr, story v'hlch Sonya LeVIen

\f uSlcal Program he Devu ~ Hollday' ,early last sum 1 ,-bme "audev 1 e act'i on the 'l.tage adapted IS a dIsconsolate slhger deeplyPre1ude- 'octurne ,n G mInor mer newspapers. were as one In cltlng r 11 1 h " d t f" .L0 ow ru tS an a apta Ion a ';lffected because hl5 boyhood sweet

I her 'Capablhhe.. as a remarkably t-al- hR>IIn ..... 'lVf> 111('-M 'l\faC'\r n (' !\rndt Chapm ~ .1 j .....F-\'4..-'" ~ ....... -S.l-,...- __ ~ ......_ ;-he f~m.9u~ goC~SI"C:}JI( comedY.",.:,nd hca:tt.J1a1... been fQrycd marnage

l'~~tor 4425 Radnor 1ve-nue Phone 150h- 1hc \1an of tJ:lJl1ec 1 oZKr Th b1 It IS rlppbng \\ It 1 )aug l.ter ,:I.hvc w~tn WIth another rhe lady 0' ius drealns" H 1 '- 1S Pit Ie appreclatlOll of her gift ~"t\,lagara 3023 I vuS'> e ene :Jooy f h catchy mU!,l%~;tnd fi1:qf~d entirely In s abando1.lCd when we are mtroduced, t S d th 1 u Antht..n - The Rece<;SlOnal DeKoven or t c more weIghty type of -charac T h I A k 1 b'lex un ay e annua VJ.ISSIonI ter portrayal led Para'1lOunt to deCIde ec mea or ~van y country c u to t1.C story WIth her two young chll

feshval Will be celebrated at \1t Olwe ( 10\1r H ~ Ball c and ch~lr C upon I 1. 19htn 1.S her neAt dramatlc prOVIde.; the <;ettalf: and the golf ~nitch dren the clcler of whom IS on the \.crgc."In the mornmg serv c(' at 11 0 cl ck I r J I lX ':> ~OCI t () lIr I rclcd. bet HOI hrrO~tlL d.~d rl\.a~ ,dl1Ch r ng~ :)f I tV ng hcr 1'01 lI1ec und('rgo th(tl L )d.~tor \1111 )H.J. It t P C ",1 rr la 1 1. J j: 1 hr \ tal I ,} I tl stOl'r t f t (llhlJX \\'111thr 11 t'\-eD y(r co lr~c 01 1 t lJ 11te I 1'"' tJ rf

h I 1 rll I \1 \1 1 r '" \1 h gan 1 1 1 1 Ito t e '-,unday I., 10 1 111dn 1 Jar' 1cdte 1 t '>t 1\ (' n \. Q"l, a l 11 t 'v} {t 11 b r t'lk r1. I @" I l D "] t rlhl

d'lor 1rvr,,\rbt I a 1(' (1 tfle- g<lll { J~ tl (' ("1 fe f) 0 °rr ,r \1 ()'

theIr parents The lhIldren '\\111 lead I ten)} oug a... DOh an ..arrv) I '-. ...., ..,)the congregatlOn III Slllgll1g at th1" "er 6 30 P 11l y) l~ Peoll '> 1 ello\\ I bad e 0 Arnst 1Thun a Todd Eugel1t.- Pallettt Jad, Toll! (Janek J \{ h('rnga I AllceVIce and the chOir \0\111rClder an ap II hIp Group I Hale} 1.nd 7elma 6\1"et1 thl" lattrr tWOt JO)lC' Tomm) (,hfford rarrrH 'fa"

l<ven 19 \vorsh 11 at 74 Prfachr-r I n we rJlay ",alley ~ "cen 1.S lIe Cl<.. k d f I' h hpropr;ate selectlO11 At 8 0 doch. lP I r-I I:J F II I} h piC e rom t le 'i age were t ey 10nald and those- othf'rs m the ca'lt :for,. h R j1 k P D n 0 Ie!>glr \\ 10 ml1r"Jes a vCly \\('alt ythe eve11lhg another servIce ','1,111be e ev ran ltt oJd man her ..elonu ('hOlcC' aftu her playC'd comedy role~ n the mU<:llC1.lvef thea' bnlhant support-aho to a 1 01hheld The Rev B Westendorl of ] hn uslca1 Program \1 young lover 1or"akes her III favor at an SIan of Follow Thru er<; concerned 1(lr th 'l I~ i really \\Mth

WIll preacb at thl" serVIce and the chOIr "JrdudFc- I '1 Fddle r oughton popular master of willIe aC'1ucvementexclt ng tnp to anb I..- pon 1 s re

W111agam rC'ndflr a "eleci.ton A hearty a \en,,;olg vl:artln turn to \iew lorJ... hfr first love he cerel11omc'i contmues to captam thf tl¥.MfUt91t1t.~IfiHlJiI!iflHHJ.u.I!l!!llH!fnl!H~!.OO!!1!UHl~II'll'I.I"j.L!1III1.nlnl. I.' iii ill nv.ekome 1<;extended to all In our com b Chanson du ",or ranI tag" and cva). mu::.C"and no\e1 ~.g.II.fJ.II.IJ.IIJ1I.ItIlI.liJiijlll.l.IlSlliIili.iiifJili1itlnu .. lftil;,Ut;I~-I!fSf!if!IH ••• Hltlli!*H;IUfI8H1¥.H!IUIIIUIUtIPJf9_"!Ilt!l!lJ~

C h 'I C011CS a pal to ~ancy ... hmband but * . ~'I)Uhlty to attend these serVIce" At ou c A 111 t C Hight -,leppard tlC"i {rom the Iloll\Jwood Mcrrymc1.ker<:. ~+!'1 1>1\, ly attempt<, to nah.e advance<; to hu i " ..last Ml5slon test1val the ehajJel W''C 0 0- H <,Fve h 01 tl e Sparrow popular orchestia~ Hcadmg the bW ~._", 1 he dra11atlc and thnllmK events '*Efilled at both services "seven pastor Gabnel \\-h1<..h follow are the high POll1ts of hmc acts I'> 1. re tle headed by fill ..JI!froUI "ther churche,', were l)re,cnt on vl:r H \1 AHal and I aRue and featurll1g the VadI( .:;1;.-~ 'I 1 I nit rc'>t 1 thiS pO\\erful sho\v ,1 '1:~hat day as ViSItors InVIte vour fnend l..nt lCI I-A I Hall \ acbeen Dancers and He~n 0 Leary 1.t the "eand btJng them along Octoher 1ht will he observed b) an plano There Ight talenten younp ~titI

II Ch "Woman of Passion" .-c t\ •On rnday eVe1l111g October 24 the urch School H.dIO\\e-en Party wom{'n 11~",,{~<,() rlllg" vo 1ll~n an( -O a d 1 th r tl J '~l 1 t th U 't d A t' t no less th""wi'tScv"fl dlJtl:'~rent 1011tme <II;; of the c011gregatlQl1 are 6ponsonng y<, n ~Ir s roug 1e Ulllor 1: 19 1 a e PI ~ r 1$ S u,,,.., '"' J~ ;£

'1. party 101 the congrcgatlOl1 'l11d 1chool Department w th theIr parent" n the offerlllitr

I~ 1').' aY'lav1"hlv stagee ~tnend<; 111the store b1l11dll1g on vI1ck nd teacher" WIll have their party from I Dear to the hearh of \\0111en arc offermg and 0 Ie of the most talked 0 it!

10 to 9 00 Tile "emor lo,~11 cehoal I 1 d h act to travel the ~)lg CirCUIt<; Sweet $••=.,veJ1UC at Washlllgton road (former}) ':'I.L ",,'" gOlgeou" neg Igee<;-an< eal to t e ~

llld YOU"g People 0 gro P' WIll I a A I k T and Proctor ncent 'itar,> of such mUSI "'~=occupied py the \i[oeller and Kitchen .. U.. 1 v, purse 1 eWlse he htest fa"hlOn noteh f 9 00 10 30 cal ,,;how hits as Blo'>Som TIme J :(jJOliP.any) Fverybody :, asked tc elr partv ram to p m fro n Hollywood l!l the lltle of apparel ~________ th Queen Hlgh and Up 111the Clouds ~.~.ap.:vear 111out of date 'Clothing l\J0 ad concerns rce e'CqulSlte creatIOns worn I-"C CI" t th l' T I dg 1 U I \\111 offer a delJghtfuHy different smg '-lt1IS.5I0n prICe \\111 be charged but a ommon ay a e)y l\'Orll1a a ma e III ler new mtee

A t t t D B \V f Il1g talkmgand cOll,l.edvo,{f-e.rll1g knov.n .; -_.collection Will he taken to deft ay the Punch and Judy Theater r IS <;P cure u any oman 0expenses of the lunch The men cx PasslOll whIch IS 110\,,, 'lho\\ mg at the as TalkIe Tattles Y Short subject,', ot~ ij!tend a hearty ....\C1come to all Umted ArtIsts theater the saeen and an organ solo by Bol ai

Can an unmarned mother hope for Clarke completes thIS offermg ~='.=On :Nov 6 at 8 en m the Y P s' One IS a ncghgee of peach satm

F Justtce from our best people? fitt d I I I 1 As has been the custom for the pas ~'••~=WIll have a rally meetmg ~n the same e tral mg VI It :t Sl ver ace apWho are our best people? I d 10 months the ~Ol1Y"'OOd .w1ll glV(bwldmg Young peO'ple welcome! pIque on the top of the bodIce and -<og_

These -are some of the al,)sorbmg the hem of the skIrt The skirt IS a away free two n w Ford Coupes or :: =~----.- ~. .. questlO11s that are fearlessly answered senes of narro"" plaited ruffles and Tudors one Fnda and the other Sat '11 •

GrUe1' 111 Common.C1ay Vlelor Flemings ° f ha d d fl a th urday at 845 each evemng ifi_.&~& r ws a n ma e oVyers ver IS !I!

tJistrlo-,D.ic Club at remarkable productIOn for Fox mOVie [IS worn a coat of black lace beaded 111 ------- ~

G.' P. High School tone featurmg Constance ,Beunett and steel bea'ds w,th a border and cuffs of Cjg~r~tte T1x Will ~Lew Ayres whIch WIlt be at the Punch white fox B d" iiih and

dJudy thbeater Tued,day and Wed Another 15 a neghgee of brown crepe e Vote IonNov. 4; ~ PRE<:;INCT No 2

AnnounCing t at he would try t nes ay Octo er Z8 an Z9 w,th a border and front panel of gold 'No' Vote Explainec ~ •Jumt the Grosse P01l1te HIgh School s Closely followmg Cleves Kmkead s beaded lace, whl\;h IS also fitted and -i:- mdramatIC club to thIrty members Mr noted Harvard pnze play In Its theme very long traIlmg Over thIS IS V\orn Voters on November 4- Will be aske -1-Axel Greunberg the club s new spon and story the screen verSIon IS saId to a coat of beIge chIffon whIch has ruf to cast a ballot on a prQPos1t1on pro ::sor has set about to make the nece<; be even more gnppmg' and dramatIC lies of Iacp on the sleeves and skIrt and v1dmg for a tax oh clgarettes Those Iiisaty chanfres 111 the constltubon In thhan 'lhe 0hngmal M1SS Bennett enacts whwh also tra,ls the floor opposed to su'Ch a tax 'pomt out, 111 ifithIS way every member w111 hav.... an t e ro e t at carnecl J an~ Cowl to fame The thtrd IS a negltgee of gra the urgmg a 'Nb'" vofe that to the non 1Ii'ilopportumty to take part 111the dub before the foothghts y 1 ••sltp of gray crepe prmc;ess "';lth zlg sma tel' a State tax on CIgarettes Villi =:::hlstnOlltC efforts dunng the :Jchool The story centers around a pleasure zag bands of stiver lace and finely not stop theIr use If It becomes cl •

The new sponsor made known hIS !lovl11g girl who takes a Job 111a speak plaIted 'Cream net Garlands of whIte ltav. soft drmks candles sport111a- iiiIntentIons to orgamze the club mto J easy because of the gaIety and mUSIC hand made flowers complete the sltp goods, foodstuffs and dozens of arhcle/; !I!sort of little theatre -affaIr 111whlcn she craves When the e~tabhshme11t 1-S and the tong gray chIffon whIch IS of necesslttn1ay Sqol1 b"t taxed It \\a<> ~_:_tne other branches of dramatics <ire raided she sees the dangers of the path b t~ lIt k f stated r' ~~:h b d 1 ~rt'\ oy",r )~IS las a a tlce war t eSI es actmg a one Th.e- ll1"lU she IS folloW1l1g and abandons tfa-e .t~ese some httle flowers and bands of To the >C1garsmoker a- general "ales if;bers WIll be taught to produce and (.1 bnght lIghts for a pOSItIon as a maId 1rl manbou on the full sleeves tax on dozens of neceSSIties ,,,as !ISr.tct a play t also they WIll have the op a fashIOnable home Here ho\"ever hmted \\hlle to the CIgarette sl110ke~IporttUuty to deSIgn scenery and stud, she finds herself subject to the same "Whoopee" Now at he was remmded that he already pa:y<:. .;;hghtmg l,.,.ffects un\\clcome attenttol1s and eventually a SIX cent Federal tax on each paCkage-I; -=.=.-

It is the mtcnhon of 1vIr Gruenberq falls 11llove WIth the young heIr of the Madison Theater 0-£CIgarettesto produce a full length play alol g house played by Lew Ayres who be ----Ji To the taxpayer a message was adwtfh the ,dub s u&ual achvIttes 111one trays her EddIe Cantor s hllanous comedy dre'lSed stat1l1g th lt the passmg of a 1= =:acts and a scene or t\\O from the c1as Hu sub,,;equellt efforts to secure '" hoopee whIch enjoyed a sensa State CIgarette tax furnishes leglsl1tonSIcs. ~ justtce for her"e!f and her chtld WIth ttonal three week s engagement at the an excuse to tplace a, general sales ta),.

-------- the une:>..pected turn of events at the IUmted Arttsts IS now bemg shov..-n at on lnuumerable other arttcles both lux IiChnabnas Cards $100 a box at the cltmax form a baSIS for one of the the MadIson theater unes and necesslttes iii

$roue f'o.ntl;' rnnLni Co, L~~o'i 1152 i ....,,,,,c:t ntprpe:t I1g 'U"1"ee offf'rm~Cl of re~ ThIS fast mOvIl1g tncture of fUll and I And to the mer1hant the cigarette JII~irl.t!!.J.!l!ll!Lf!l.!..lI!J.!1.!!I!.l!!1!I!!I.!1!~!J!!1HJ!ltJl!J.!ll!lnl~l!~UIl!!Ll1!l!~!l!I..!~!l!1!!1!I!ng!lAln.l!1!ll.1I.ml1J!lIJnoom.IU~UIf!!llUU-...ll!l.!.l!!1IlJ!1III1fr ". " liliiliili1iililliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliifiiliililliiTiilii'iililliili1iili1iilYriliTliliiliili1iiiilii1i1iili1iililiiliiliililiiliiliililiili''imrniliiliiliiliililiiliilliliTiiliilltlilillili

Faith Lutheran Chureh

The LIttle Church In the VIi lId\" oodJ ochmoor Blvd at Mack avenue

The followmg wcekly serVl0C"; are for1.11 people young 1.nd old 1t1 the dl'ltnct So take advantage of thIS opportunlty Come and help SlOg fine song<;Come and hear the old hme gospelCome and meet aM the folks

Bible School 9 45 a m worshlp11 00 a m gos[:Iel service 7 30 p n1

'3ubJed The Story of JesU'l Wednesday 7 30 p m prayer praise preachmg Frldav 7 4:> p m gospel serVIceat the home of Mr Halsey 213 Bouldeavenue Ea'it DetrOlt

Thi:j preat;her IS yoU! servant wllhngto can at ).our home at any tune HISaddress E G Rockltff 896 L nlv ef<;ltyPlare Grosse Pomte Phone"\ agara444/

The selIC''> of sermon" on ml'>'iIOnS\'\dl be C011lplctcc;1at lalth J utherartch1l1rdi l1ext Sunday moriling v. hen thepn~tor Rev R D L nhart \\ J11preachof'! the- subject Chnst the Gre1.t Inner\il~~10nar;,. The vested (hair or eIghtyVQlell'> w-tl1 ~lng' 1.t tJn~ ,>crvI('(' The1Ssistant p'lstor WIll conduct the 11lar<:,~.rVlt:e: and w 1111so 1]"'1Hr 1. 1fIe I scrmonette to th.c cllllthcn \ SltOl" WIllfind a welcome 1t 11 <, \\or h p homwhich begl1s ptoml)tl) 1t 10 4.) 1 I

'\ <;pee 1.1 l"ta1ht on <,C'f\ ce \ 11 beheld 111 connection \\ th the ",u Id1)School hour WhlCh opens at 9 15 1. m-z( "tafT of J.pproXlIlat(' 1y 60 tea'Chero;wIll be In'italled mto thc}f rcspcctlvofficcc; (h rlng the 15 1111111tcdevotlO 13

penod ",vh ch ope 1~ th!'> B ble ';<-hoolThere are over 500 chIldren enrolleotn tms school 111 adthtlOn to- the adultBJblc <:las'ic,,; Thl<, '>chool offers it1dvantages to anv dnld of the commtlQ-Ity and thr p;1re 1t<, of the l1ughhorhoad arc un Ited to '>end ihclr ch 1drcn to th1s B ble School

The Young People s Uuh ha\e al\no-ul1ced theIr IIallowe C 1 party fo\Vc.rlnc,>day lllght October 29 at 83("docol,. 1IllS party wtll he held et)\\ 1

<,talrs In the church In11

rpinte Review ,ADDRESS MADE BY GEN. GUMMERALL~~ 1\1Ib~lJ,.dandd~tf~te~ 1{O CHIC1'\GO BOARD OF COMMERCE

w~~kby1'1I£ eltoss£ POINTE PRINTIM

COMPAJIIYLil:m.x 1162 14935K.... heval Aft

Detrmt, MlC\tlpn



<' wi! I












1lllf:...-"' 'tt..'Ill ' ..J#'l! $l , "".,.., ",.- .. ''''$,,~..b:e {/7t..,. .. -$1 J,. "' 'J::.. ' .."'''' ~%..~I ~..,""II"'" .,.., "' , ..' ..J"''tf:t -~ ' 4.".\ $l'''''t.J t'''' ..". '1, 4..' , - .. ' ,


1-.••- =IiIII

G. P. Lions Clubin City Wide Drive

for 'Buying' Session'(Contmwed irOlD(J'ag. One)

Follo\\ Thnl 1S a love' "tor) filmedaU In tochnlcoJor 'Vi ~th a golf settmgand a \\orld of comedy Zelma 0 Nelland J ach. Hale\ corned) stars of theongmal stage success recreate theirroles for the srreen hit

ThIS IS a pert and peppy outdoor">ton Naney Carroll With ambltlOn'>to lI.\tn a Ch1.n;t,Plonshu- crown on thehnks dnerts attentlon from golfto the handsQt;r1c dub profeSSIOnal('h lrle,; Rogers and gIve!> her rn alThdnl'1 10dd t chance to he lc 0t t


Charles Rogers and ~ancJ 'Carrolllover" of Oo,e Harmony fame makethen: last screen sensatIon tn FollowThl tl playmg at Fubh"{ Rlvleni forone week "tart ng Saturda\ October25th

Flr.a,'. J,.ightLlghtnUlg bugs or fireflIes belong to

any species 01 two genera of beetlesof the famIly Lampyrldae Photunsp.ennSyf'VRnica is a common form inth", :e/lStern Umted States Ftrefilesproduce a bri~ht. soft, intermittentlight without sensible heat from anOH~aD)n the lower part of the abdom~n ThIS organ appears to 'be a speclaUzed parf of the fat body aud 's.$"lIpbe<l with ne"es and abnndanttracheae C!'be IIgbt IS supposed blsome to be causell by j)Xjt!lzatlOnof aSUbstance secreted by the cells

RU.llan t]nlVeriltleaThe uOlvers~tles of RUSSlR before

the 'Vorld "fir were dlvided into twoclassifications-the uDlversibes of artsand sciences and the institutIOnsWhICh included the schools {Jf mine~technologiCal lnstitutions and the lIke-Students 1n the uDlversities of art<oj.and suences WOle uniforms of darkblue material, trimmed with 11gbtblue ~tudeIits in the other insUtubons wore umforms of black 01. darkblue and wore speCIal insignia of InstitutIOn which they att-ended on the shoulders of the unlform

Collectors Cather atFrankfurt's Insect Fair

One- of the strangest fairs in ilieworld l~ held at the German tm\n ofrU\.n1 fl,1H eVeJ;Y year NottlngllRmEngland h'1S its goose fair and inC>ther c1tlPS there ate mop fairs andfUr fntrs But F.ranltfurt goes one bettel th'11 i:\nv of the'3e QY holqlng aDm<;cct fan

(ollectors come flom all pal t~ ottIll) ~ 0 ld to meet seUers of rare buttf>"fl.lts and moths Some of these arencnth e:ma7ing sums There are men,too offenng and disposing of beetles,tPc,;; gl.lsshopp~rs,. ca<;:kets,and so on

\!o,t of tpp Y~ndor. bdllg tbelr stockt'll h th~m and display tije beautIes otMien bpe<.lmenlS to inquirers There'tt~€' rr anv, how~\(lfe, wl10 do bUSIness in'I1~lt~ , d,fI'erent way

'J hev h'1.\e no stoe1~with them theysell mspcts so to speal. on the hoof,just 3S cattlemen wl1l sell beasts thatare Ii t»-QUsand mlles away on theranges 'lnese: seners. of ipsectsspe~x.a1i7e in Lnmung just wl,lere thera~cst lnnds .are to be found AlongcNoes'a collector who ask,;; if a. particula.r specJ.luen can be obtained. forhim Though the one which wlll eventually grace his eabinets is not ) etbOl"D the o,der i~ booked a!1<1in d~eeOUfse the $p~clmen is delivered

in some states gO\ e1l10rs pro ~W~Ul::.lWWI.::.lI ...H~:.ll.Jl.JL::l~:~:~l;:e~~i~r0:;f;~,1hr~t~~';~:~1Hamil;~~~~S;h~~i~~~~~~~~~~--~--~----ino,\\ and E'lel tre deprE's" OP ha\ e bee 1 fe'

callod F I' I f k @, or .tt e 01 s, ages 2-6 years ~I

\\ c icel that confide le(' 01 the 1art UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT [f

of the hu) mg pubhc 11 the future \\ 11i ~exert a tre'11CndOllS nfiucnce on bUSl We st.IlI have openings for a few mere chIldren before QUY quota. IS fID!less 1ceo, cry at an earh date fined Bus serVJce for all pUplls hVIng lr aU five Gros~e POInte Villages ~

to and from school, and as far west as East Grand Blvd InfonnfJ.hon @1"fore th1.1 20000 st Ckef" carryll1g may be obt.amed hy caihng Niagara 352:5 ~

the Lions slogan h1.\ e been prmtcc and ~ ~w Ilbe placed on automob,tc, Oscar j.1~ 615 Notre Dame Grosse Po~nte Village tVJSchettler ';,(;C ('tan of tbt COllle 1 :>ald ~l'::1l';;1m~r:'\r::\t=lr:m::'II:: ~1J,':J~I.::.ll:U~~I!:'JI.!:A:!.!~@$IITQ:;::JI;)'fu.ffill@r~~@

"\ 1t ( ly \\ 111the llt\ be placarded -~---------- --- - --- - -- ---------

",tll ;>gns "rgmg cvmone to buv no\\ ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS NOWand help husme,,~ but ",pc:cJal ~pe.akers'l,1,111'1ddn.i"', C<le! meetIng ui tllC ''1r1. Nffi!.ffil~ ----- - - ~~-- - -- - ~-----

:~~,::~;l,::~;:~~i\:'~:~~:~j",,,)I C~~~:u~?,C3'~a}NYl5po nt thc ll11l1d of DU 11 e " nJr 1 '11111 ~ iLl V'<J lUQ U..... ~

e l>7ell gC1cnll, lm Dinner 50c and 75c IJ I d 11,an I th'l I " I ,[ por ~ S' 1S d D 5

I' pat g, [I e c\" t arc () I J Ie I peCla un ay inner 7 Cand $1.00f)nv,ntO\\ 1 Det () t t 1. I \ \\ .t,d ~ We put up Chop Suey to take rome-Froee dehvery anywhere f¥{I 1st" dc ellll ]ul tS 1 Per 1'; Gro St ~ ~

1'011te I b \ J J ",,crt '\ "h "t "I 14904 Kercheval Ave. at Alter Road ~\\ 1.1ttr '\11 nendll1gu "\) tl l!ld J1 r lee "\1 lCQUe'C Ll vcr ty h. but LENOX 6720\1 \fag ...c \ortll\vcst \V L 1 0 l(f ~~~QillQ.r@.~i2.T _J~Jiill5.1f[illiil.ffi!.f@jiill~m.f@f@J~~~

belong ng to 2257 c1ub~ throughout the Lpto\\11 fd \dr 1] 1 crgu<,on 1 er 1 -- - -- -------""----'---

[,9Ili. Kossuth Showed Un tec! States sa,,1 Edward H Neu <laic R \ !\ "lerson Ro"t Dal FOR JOB PRINTING CALL GROSSE POINTEE;\9CJ.\l~nc;e in ~~gli$b mal n prcsHlcnt of the DctrOlt Metro \\ tlter \1 oreland Bl 1 mgh'11 1 d 1 !

Americas deep rooted tra~tlon as pabtan COlln"t of Fxehangc (.Inb' j) II '\ertol H,ghland Park PRINTING CO., LENOX 1162~n asylum for the oppressed of other ----~-,- ----,-----.--'-.-- -----lands. a tradItion which in some in !!lttl~I.H1!J!I.II. II .11." 118al.II.ltlJJ!!l!J!!.l\ill!!l!l.!!l!'.I.!~~I.!J!!J£!!1!.!mru!.l!lmEm~~~!.l!.lH.l!.l!!.l!lI!l~W!!ml.!l~~LIlIUJ.~.tL~lU!Li!lJ!l~!l,.! ,all!..!:. ~L~!I...'llVl2i l4!.!ltl!l.l...l!lt!l!!!.!'I~II'.lM!.l!l!!.l!!!J!H1j1ilii'iTiiJiTtr. II it • II •• IIII • I II _ liliTiir.Tiffiiiil1.1JiliTiililiiTil'iIIiili~iii1iifilimiliTijTi1iiTiiTilliTiJliTiiTifil II tifll.l1ililiililii1iTiiTiiTiiiif,iTi.TiiIiifil \I. II .W ~l jl IiTiiTi t!I liTJ t!1:l ImI



stances has boen permItted to lapse m J i III I j " "

in recen t years, found viVId expression 'a5 ~~6D the ViSIt of Louis Ko'Ssuth to thIS !t5 *conntry after the collapse of the Hun ~ ~garlan re\oIuti.on of 1~8 asd 1849. ~ ~lays an artIqle. in a Boston paper I~: ~~

Kosuth was an orator of stirring :: ;i~eloquence even in the 'EngUsh tongue. ~: ~\Vh~ch he had mastered by readlDg -. ~~Shaltespeare and the BIble in an AU.. :: !!I~trian prIson cell 5t5 ~

Here IS a sample of hIS oratory, the iE-I: ~~start of hIS Faunu~ll hail spe.ech • *

Do me the jnstice to- belteve that = ~J rise Dot with any pretensIon to el0 to: == ~l1::

quence within the Cradle of Ameri J!I: = ~i<'an Lib,ert.y If 1 \Vl:'re stanq.lng upon • ... ..the ruins of Pr\ t'llleum and had to : ~speak whence Demost-henes spoke my se ~tongue "QUId refuse to obey, my words ~ ~wo-uld di e a way from my hps and II ~~worild fIsten to the winds f"\lght : - ~witll the d.. adflll r.allzatlOn of his • ~unheeded proplwcle'S -D~tIOJt "'\e"s :;:::. :~.M ~

---- \= ~Opened Indles to Trade III ~

In 1:)99 the DutCh 13.H.,eu tbe prIce .1_-;; ~of pepper from ~ slnllmgs to 6 Shllhngs ~+-:: ~;per pound. and In ~eptembet .of tuat I'" - ::atyear the J;\er~l1ants of Lond~n banded ;;;; ~together fOl the :PUlpose of Joimng a 1= to dlr~ct trade to the Indle~ ::I It ...

~~e EOfit)ndl. compasy ",as grasted h :Jj;;s dUll;te' by Quee"nnllzabeth In 1600 = "" h "t;and was ftJ"<:lt eaUed flGovenour and I J ~+-~Company of Mert11ants of London • = !TrsdIng \Vlth the East IsdleS' In ~ ;.~1698 William III iDCOlpClated the iF. 3!'English Company lr.<Img With t~e Sf;! ~East Indws 'ibe two wele amalgl.1 ~;'YI"ltpd in 170" l1Uf!fl)' tbf" title • T J'" 1 ~ ~~l!

~United Company of \Ierch.aIltS ot Dng.rand Tln'lso to (lIe nast Indies' com '= . ~ I;. ;.-1.1 .. "'*4" II' V J(PV'pPiii'why 4\f:Od""a¥t.;fwl~.....*WM,~. :s"'~~#,J;' to' ..~II€JJ"t;.:J~It't' %41. 4 ¥P',t"~~monl\ (alled f.{onoulblo Fast IndIa ~ ~.-Cornp'lU' !l! ~

~ ~

~ ~ 11, \lrnl~~~~~.",n '90 1t I ot 1 m 12 Beautiful As~ortedCl~~i~tma~~Jbecome lhf' cl amplOn of bel sex Sl ( I;:; - - .' "'" w.iIl. """ <Ii:) .,.had beeD subpenaed as a WItnes~ and ..... 1'_

~;~:}~~~~;~l£~~~~~l:r.t:;; Cards, Neatly Boxed1l t~or ~to stat .. onlv VI hat you actually saw ~aDd l~now There. roust be no henI'&aV ~B\idence He then signaled fDr thf' ~.~.~.proseclltor to go ahead • '~

I Vi,hat J8 your [lge')' a'll ed that : ~worth~ = ;'*."

1 cannot answer,' cooed the lad' • 'I::"I have only hearsay knowle<lge on • ~"tl,at point' -I os Angeles ',rImes ~~



Difference ~

Sunsy, <Irlvlng throsgh the coun fi P" P - !!,;;

~~f~:s~~~d~:e~!~~:irZ~~~;i:~."1 roc~q se 01'"nte ft-ntl-ng I Iw~e dolql!, •:;J:h,elare ~ating, ~19ver,' , .i!' II" -hi~ gr.abail1Ofher, informed the lIttle ::tl"l1o" 11l~y hke it Just hke you hl..eSXIll' ~.' Sunny was instant In his i1i~ ~ ~

l' ss::~e I dont like spI.-ch at all, Ill. HI I I III ,I I JOB PRINTERS & !-';::;BLISHERS [~~••

.1"" ...., -~ :A.II•• 1 a....iatl Spiri~ 1\1 '!r.:

Way WIII:Be Bllown V.o4kt.11l alJlllllSlall distilled alco '" 14935KE~RCHEVAL AVE~ LENOX 1162 miiTrjlst In God for g.. at things 1lol1Q lIq1lllr,commonly ",ade from ry'e ." ~

,With yo»r dve ,loaves alld 1;w", j!o)Detimes from pot~toes. asd rarely = ~1lslles. He will sh,O,wyou a way to mllr b!rley. -Sometimes, In !tussi.. _. ';l!feed thossasds -ROl'IlCE>l3uslmen thi! term I. applied ti} asy kmd ot I ••WIll.9:ky »r ),dJ'. ~I I I 1.1' II • II • I :lJu!W!www.!W!!J!l!ll!l!!.l!!J!1!1!1l!l!ill!1.!!~ •.OOHJ!l.HJJlH.!U!lI!i!l!!.J!.ll!J!llW~ml!ll!!.J!l!!.L~lHl!I!L.!I!lt1.~LI!l!I..l.!!J!U!!l!i!~ID!J!.!.!!.i!.l!!~lJ!hHJ~41!m.l!.LI.I.Jiiill!!J.!J!J!l!~;r.i!ItiR

:T ~~ .......... i ~tm!!JPSll~lir.l!!~iljiHTiiifijl'ii1ilii1i1ifiTlJ\itliiIili)lllllliTlJ~iiif*lliJi:lt&i1ilimmir!i1ii1iiiiIii1ii1Jl1iifiTliTJilHralii1i1iiljTiiTiillllIlIUI.rliTiiiiTiTiililill~l1ffii'1t'1iTiiTWi!ll aut I ulll II •,

----,.., M,,~dy

JaOlces ll1oth~r had been ~t~Q~ngrugs WIth a)l>)llonla 1'1>at afWntootlJ1lJltce went next /lopr Kud the ne(ghboy /lS~ed why her eye~ wefe sd red

uOh, mother's been cleaning rUj:rsJanice replIed, Uaud 1 ve got pI ItnODla 10 my eyes '

Man, and 'VarlecIA youngstet was starting to school

and Iearslijg to sJ>~lI.'What dnes A a C spell?' he aSked

ot his mother, Nothing," ~~~ ~eJl:\Ied."Well, doe. X 't 'li Sj)en anythillg"

he sgais asked Asd agollJ !Iie answel was "notbing ,

A sfuall gIrl \\Ibo j>ad stood br. [ISten!ng intenUy. TemarIred lllyly'Seems Uke t-hele's a lot of. wass tospell nothing"

Pretzel LegendPletzels. according to thEt a~ept~d

legend orlglnated in the m.ona.sterlesof the Middle Ages It was the CUStom of the priests to ~ive a smallcake to chIldren who learned theIrpr~yers 'rhe cake was caUed pretiola

lmeaning if]Ittle reward"

On" day Jln lngeniosS priest tbGsghtto make the preUofa symbllllllal" $0be folded th~ sirlp of oongh to repre.spnt tIle folded arms ot: Children intile sttttu~e .of pru, or

Arbitic Book DecoratioDThe term •..forage J:Ul1ntiUg' used in

book binding I. a co:rrupti.on of the\Vord~ fore edge," used to describethe peJieate painting or .decoration apepIled to lhe extreme frJlllt edges of tbehoot.. \Vhen the book 'Was closed, onlyblotcheS or masses o~ colors sbow~d,but wIlen the tell\eS of the book werepartially Spl end delicate tracery, srUstJc designs ilnd SOOletJ.mes elaboratepIctures "ere revealed Samuel Mearne,bool~bindel to tong Charles II of England il; credited with origInating of decofl:\tion

Holdmg Old Ace at SayThere is no other joy iIi 11fe Uke and hodIly activity. Ilke keep,tUg uP a live mt~f.est in the worJ.<l of:.tbou~ht Bud thIngs O,ld age Is. prac.,ticnlly held .Ilt h3Y as IOQ~as ose Clln,~~p tj)e enrr~ts of hIS life movin~It s~enls as if one never could ~et tothe end of all the lieli!{htftll t1liRgstheta we to know, and to obsetvt".and to .,speculate about In toe worldNature is always young, and tJl.ere)$no greater fl!li~lty t~~n to ~jl~re Isher ~""th I, 'Illl find e~ell 9ny tooshort for all tbe thoughts I want tothll\k all tl1,ewalks 11VIlS!to t;l.~e.sllt~e !too*s I want to reM, ani! sl1 thefr,enas r want to see '-JolIn »Or.roughs In I Tne Summit of the Years"(above "70)

World's Iodine SupplyGathered Ff9lJl the Sea

The commercial supply of iodine .isalmost entIrely .obtained sea~weeds In some of the la(ter-par.tIculnrly the gi4ut kelp, known to sci,ence as "IacroQystls, meaning Hbig!mlb -the cpncen,tration pf jodioe is~;x;tfQ.ordtn(l.r~ That marine plant,enormous In $Ile, anchorl:;d to tIlese'l bottom by a .stem hundreds otfeet long, with a vast floating frondof leaves, contums over one fomthof 1 per cent of iodine gUUlt sen.\,~e4s are Jdeal carrJ.ers of lOdme for human uses ~fedl.eUJJi.le'ttracts mage frqrn them are.)readY standar<lIzed and havepro\ ed mO'it valuable. But the kelps,vastly apnndant, sbould yIeld valuahlefood products Thev contain all theworth w1nle minerals that the OLeanholds in solution and may be raga.rQli! marine ,£g~t~htes. neglect.edt.hfllllgh ij!no.r.lllJ,ce

~iF~ncJ'nt ~utnPerr~)\ t .Jl:1 a nnmbQl" that hM V;»D(I'

heen regarded as pecUliarly slgnlJ\oantrhc idea may bave orlglliated Withreaders of the Blble, who notIced that,roses was 40 days on the monnt,r:tqah "us fed 40 da~s by the ravens.

ItIle rum of the food fell 40 da~s 'lD 1ther 40 d.n~ (>1'lpsed b(for€' "\oah

I uQ(>ne<1ttl.e "mdow of the ark 40 davs

I was the period of embalming Jonah6ave Nl.nevah 40 days to repent, the

I,i"ora fasted 40 dajs, and Hs 'Vas seen.,0 days after Ills resurrectlon Oldtnghsh l<tw filM featured many 40 dayp-~rlods

Binnfnlfh .. m Man Learn.How to Avoid Old /Ji.p

.'1 got fooled by a headline recent,' said Banhs Talmadge, ufor inlooking mer a maga7ine I .saw 'Bowto ~vo,d Old Age,. snd while I ~mnot yet worried mer the matter, yet Ireglstered attention ArooQ.gother WaYsto keep tlom g'ettmg old It adV\""d'Never stop, look or Hsten at ratlroad.cros~ngs when driving a car, alwaysrace with locomotiveS to crossings, asit gIves engineers a thriH; alwayspas~ the car ahead of you \1tl .. curve,or a hlll, ahUlV$ as fast as. youcan on wet. sbppe.r? NS.ds and be$tltP to lOCh your brakes when ::;1...i.o..~11iJ;.~':l XOU caD o{ten turn your~"U clf'1.o around, always drive fast01\( of .I",¥s tor if yon do it oft~nenDugh y.ou may ha\"e the good luckto nm down a traffic ,pohcem~n, al~,,"s speed and demand hsjr of theroad the middle half, just show theot! er f-ellow you lnow Y-OlJr I'Jghtsand are ready to die for them; al'i\i1\S drive fa~t m tra(fi.('~if a ne.wdrlt>er a'S it i'lJ the easiest way t<lha \ e an accH,1ent'" - Birmlpgham'1e",s


To Rent

Work Wanted

--- --For Rent-Flats

Leib ConseryJ.Wryof MUllc

~ 6Coa.Tl1\t'lnr DemonstrahQZl of MutlCT... h." who ha.. D'''!tmC andPreaCflblnc Ablhty, and who mllat: ona.laxatloll, Rhythm T,m., E>!prea.lOn

and llemorlzu'J.l' SetectloalAll Brt,ll<h.' 1apgltt

12110~Il Jelfl:t'9h. eM ContlJ\a'l1,1:!,ho.. teno" 6131

Bra"oh1I0 South PhIlip A......

It,.leo,y 2151. WIt .. f Grind Cireul Par\<

ll' W,therellI~kl J.,,,••••t"lI~~ "'"~_ lflck~ "".J '

S.... loea~i&n1912-. f,~..~'l-""'~

HOl! SEKERPER want' ,",orl - I:xpenence-d In cookmg and general

good referenccll Call or v. nte 2950\{aOlshque

CURTA!N'S washed and stretchClIalso fancy center pIeces and nurse

dres.", 618 Notre Dame 20c[6,EXPERIENCED laundress would like

work to do at home Called for anddelIvered Lmcoln 9634.J 20d6,

WASHING AND IRbNING doneneatly by e::-cperlen-ced laundress.

caned for and dehvered NIagara Z7i)7HOUSEMAN-Refined <o!lege gradu

ate, respectable desm~s work WIth'private faml1y good references Apt23 620 Prentts Detrolt~ MICh

I'or Gooel Job Pnn\tnlf call Gr .... ~Pointe Printfng Co., Letl.bx i162.

rURNjsHED <10U"r~ room, 'ndbath double garage 1491 J\n tn

Lochmoof VIllage

TO.<-RE~T-3 rQom SUIte sUitable for1)eauty parlor lentl,>t ctc 15300

Kercheval r CUO}, 1547 or nIl 'It "\ ourDrug Co.

'\011 [,\(,II \ \1 ~&r-, ,I foe cfjr~placl ..,10 \cr be. HIt f 11 !Lxt If{''

refrIgeratIOn '-, d( dnvc gar d.g'C illroom~ 11gh! redc-cor lTC ''!.is or

o.~. n__ b"_D'_I __ '_'_

1Teac1].er,of P~ano IMISS LILLIAN HAFKE I

Grad t. of l)etr011Con...... ato"",~ M l.. ...~_ a~ lIt1IlIto ....

pupil's bOlJlo

i 3305 Gr.tiot Ave.Niq.... 2615 M.lro ... 2J63___ ~...-u_i~' ...(.

Bo Dil'~tQry~,R. "

.-Funeral Director. ,Geist & Company

J;'Ul1lllrat Director'Ed... ToI'P.,n. s••.pelT .....

''"~ 11 .. ~tter of 'JOur 9l!JJl ~t...11 " ... .b....1kt•...... Alw •• 11'1

I.... ,.cat


Qar;liel G. Allor andSons Ice & Coal-Co.

Ph... HI..... UN

7. 1e•• Il, 1\.. " C P. F_


~!!r~ Cal'J.lenter Work

W.. ~,peejaIize in Repair Work

.. RiPlll!lOJ;lt Nia(lU"a 07~6..... Pointe Fa .... , Mich.

.. ~ '€

p.,p. M. Peat Moss:~nd briconure

For Lawns and Gardens

QA\{ID RAWN&LEYN IHl\r;o 4921 102 G. P. Blvd.

Grosse PointeUpholstering

t1 Hillere.t, Gro .. e Pte. F annsf~"'JI1.rly l\:...o4.v.1 ~v.

j\lIAGARA 2987


.AU Il:,,!ds off !:lOll" leet ...~ App .ancel

Eeollom{ca! - ReliableAll Work C........ teeclJ'hon. Hl<kory 24fI.J

3M R.Vl\tcl.JIlv,d. H A lUFE,I____ ~ _____ .._ll_ ..

W.J.PATONI;'llImbing and HeRting

Repairs l\ftd Alteration.f~PT S£RyICE

~ IitIlWp,h"", R<L 1.'''1'''' S~'7 •~~----~...

R~view -Liners


~ge '.our ~__, _ ~ rill: GROSS' POINTl: REVIEW , ------ --~ --~- -----------~ ---------~---- =-'"

, '1

Sunday I

LENOX 0707



Kercheval.,WayburnService Station





Messiah Lutheran•• 1 _.

POPULAR PRICESSoutheast Corner of Lakewood and

Matinees and Evening Kercheval Avenues A H A Loebl.rMairt Floor: Adults 50c pa'tor 1434 Lhkewood Avenue Tele

• phone Lenox 2121Chddren 25c I Sunday October 26 German serVlce

at 9 a 111 Enghsh serVlce y...lth HolyI :I 0 ' '01:::10 CommunlOn at 11 15 a 111 Sunday

IMuch ReJected Manu.cript

The proportion of manuscrIpts sub-mitted to magazllles that 1S actually -bought depend~ ULJOli conuitlons .theedItor of one natlOnal \\ eekly statesthat his magazme purchases approxlmately 004 per cent of the manuscrlpts submItted to It flom one year'send to vear s end He adds that flOm80 to 90 per cent of fictIOn subm!sSlons come flOIn people of no ploiesBlOnal e'{penence or tramlng \\hat

t ever




"Children of Pleasure"




"Love Among theMillit;maires"

"What A Man"On Ih. SIV....Country Store NICht--$1700 in Caslt,

also 2.1 Grocery Prlze$ Free

Fol' DOIr OwneraIt 11 o!'u~thing to love a foohsh llt

tie pup that cocks one ear \\ hen youspeak to him. and another thing tolove a mere collectIOn of blue Iibbons.The next time a man tall s dog to you,note whether he dl';CUQ,ses hIS dog orhis dog if anef>Q,t! v .....-.0our tl \ Home

Grosse Pointe J.ligh !LITTLE THEATER OFFERS I Elephanl's Trnnl< director for Mar~ Pld<ford and'the School at 10 15 a m 'Guest NIght 15 the first of several 'Those that voted agamst 1t "ere

O f t So~~ t 'LAST NIGHT OF DON JUAN' There are t\\O opemngs In the end late 1 red 1honl~ol1 The productwn Next Sunday evemng at 8 oc1ock specIally arranged gospel programs wrong but they have obeJcted and ,,,e

e ea s umwes ern __ of the trunk of an elephant The pro \\ as 1!l general ch.arge of Hal old tIP Prof Edward Rechlm wIll g1Ve an and wIll be observed next Sunday must submIt Other SItes may not beFor t~e fIst t me 1U DetrOlt the bOSCIS1S really only a prolongation of ,\,Itz and Ed¥.ard W Butcher aSSOCIate Rev Arnold H Kehrl of the Beulah so Ideal but It IS possIble to <;elect anorgan reC;lta1 at 'Vfesslah Church Mr

"ContInued on Page Tv.o) LIttle Theater players WIll present Ed the aninlal s no!e -Pathfinder Maga producers of Fox VIo\ letone great out BaptIst Church IS our guest speake1 other SIte 111 the Park that \"'ould not

d R d L"h f D , ne d Rechlm 1S comadered Amellca s foreA. pass from Dan Nemeth to Lotus man astan 5 ast .l.'lIg t 0 on 1 • oor romances \\lth \fr Allen speakmg 111 the Beulah throw out of alignment the prmcll)le

Juan Friday October 24 and nme ------- most Bach mterpreter and has a fame Church 1-he plan IS - bnng your of the three SIte system the equl chsHorvath put Southrwester'1 In the lead "L t £ Th D " Icon:.ecut ve mghts thereafter 1 he as 01 e uanes HIOghSchool Faculty which 1<; natrona ) ea even lOterna guests to hear our guest If no one IS tant pnnclpleIn the final '!'Ienod, but a e.afety and I I h ' 1 All h h h d h th¥ P a}hou<;e IS 111 t le T\\enttet Century t th P h d J d ~lOna w 0 a\e ear 1m on e v1s1tmg yOU lllvlte some other fnend 'II would suggest the purchase pos-

th bl ck d pu t - G e Po nt 5 I b a e unc an u y Increased 49 Per Cent b f II t k h t te 0 e 11 f,,,,\e rose. 1 t.. Club bmldlOg 8 Fast Co um la near organ e ore W1 d e t IS oppor UUl y Attrachve m'Mslc \\111 feature the ser sibly of the property adJOIning thethe Victory Woodward Geolges Obnel who pb "t1-Je lead in Two-Year Period to hear hl111 agam In a cnttCls111 of V1ce Rev Kehrl \\111 brmg an evan Defer school or on the other handGrosse Pomte- _Southwestern Thls 1S the last and probabl} most mg role m Last of the Duanes ro'\.. __ one of hIs recitals the Cleveland Plam gebstlc message on the top c !mpos Ithere may be some property south of\{unroe L E PavlIck dlshngmshed ¥. ark of Edmond Ros \trovetone all talkmg thnllmg romanCe 1 \Vlth a 49 pel cep.t mcrea<;e In ltS Dealer Saln \ir Rechlm 15 an or <;Ib111tles The hour s 7 30 0 clock IJefferson avenueSpansky L T Rhohanel \ tand \\ho Jomed the Immortals wIth hlS <;)1the gleat Sxquth\\ot dt the Pl nch \ faculty $'1tee the o~ning 111 1928 gamst of note\\orthy power" pro",mg The evcnmg <;('rvlce at the follo ;vmg Then'lgal11 thetc 1~ the remote posTh1bodeau L G Barold Cyrano de Bergerac It wa~ ""tbt':>t~?~~Jl'lidy t>hed.te:r ;, llHId.Y dt 1 \1on Grosse Pomte Ihgh ;Sc11Ools teachmg 1 hImself a masterful player 9f~Bacm\t\n.d week wIH be des gnatccl \1:us c Night" <'lbhty of Gro<;sc POinte Park becom gA..mbtoglo C Retort..\PUbh;>hed aftc.r hIS death In 19-1st1tnd1dar.y Octooe;; 2G '\11<1 ?7 has probably ~taff mdudes 62 members at thc ples la <;ympathctlc lnterpreter ~f \yEtm~1pYI I 1. part of thc CIty of DC'trOlt and tOmeSymon R G \{cCold,l h 1<1 I d I 1\1 ~ho ' sk 1I£ul reg1stra\ on he l1n~aFte<) v~r\ety Th H d d Ch'ld

H kas sc om )een pro ucee done 110re con'> ~t('l t travelli 12; 1Il tht.. ent time accordllg to statIst cs re I d I f h 1 I ree un re 1 ren qUlnt1y \"c must needs comlder the

SmIth R T rus a u111ted State,> A) ear 0t two ago 1 h an to d. 1St 0 1)~eCeS \\ III I h f II h R E K 1 course of IllS fi m Carl(f i dlaI)- other ce lily complIed at the sc.hool At the £ 1 M R hI to Die from Diphtheria needs 0 t e our ot ler commun t es Il5teveync ae George Jeal \athan not the mldest scrccnvlaver "c~001~op.(.nll1g1l119Z8therc\"ere30 area supreme )cauty r ec.. 1111S1 ,. the'schooIDI<;tnctwhlch\\IllprobablyKn~n", Q HHakrns cntIc say... It staged In the. little Green I If 0 Bnen I" ca:.t 111 a p cture one teacher" on the staff a rcmarkabl} fine techntclan as dem cont nue lor that rea~on '\\C shouldWernet L H op illS wlcn \ Illage llayhomc and announced I tl t I h I A h h h h h onsttated also III a bnlhant ImprOVlsa (ContInued from Page One)

F IMav )c "ure 1d t e con p'ln) 0 W IC1 mong t ase w a aye taug t ere h 11 d hlh'" not heSItate 111 acq'Ltlr 19 JUl1lor H gh

T Hanneman R H e Z the ne>.t day lt had Justrfied 1000 pre\ 1 hall One of tl e dally papers 11 Augs p ys Clan" w glVe Ip er a l~revenC H F B L k I he san e 1 ber \\ 111 <;oon leave tl e <;nce the schoul s openl1g MC F ank b G 1 P f R 11 t on treatm~nts to those unable to pay school s te,> \0 2 and 3anneman oc ous dull n ghts 111 the theater I <;tud 0 to go on 10catlOl1 and that the Banach George Berr) RanI B Black Utj:, ermany w lere ro ec 110 The presl(1ent of the School Board

Gros~e POl11te 0 7 0 8-21 ProductIOn of The Last "Ight of gave a reutal last June ",ntes as fol free of charge90 th t 0 7 6 7 20 [lOCahO 1 WIll be severdl hundrcd If not \Vl11frerl Camp1:>elt Ruth Crame Lola I Tl f 1 h 1£ d 1 he Department f Health suggests 1 red S ltter obJccted to "\ir Parcel <;u wes ern - DOl Juan by the LJttle Theater Play a thousand Ot marc miles a\\a) Det lmg Helen Dorn Denl1ls W Du O\H Ie hearer ee s Imse carne 0 plan stat 19 It to I e a p1eCc1J1eal

Touchdowns-Weber (sub for Hru ers under chrecholl of Loms \iller IS av"ay ascends the heIghts "\-lth hIm that a hst of phys Clans 111 Jour neIgh

) ) H I "\1asked 1 110 01~ found 0 Bnen gu d John E. Fmch forrest Geary b h 1 I It d I t I h mallner (f ohta 1 g' JunIOr H ghskka , Hagen (sub for Hopkms or nIne \'" th theIr announced policy of h I f h < R d I h I K k I dreams \\lth him and IS gnpped by the or ooc may )C 0) a ne )y c ep on "cllo01s

h ( b f P I k) \:H ..... n t e ro e a yac tsma 1 crUIS ng a t dymon Kau It:z :Ct e ll1 eae g C d II 2810 '

vat su or av lC 'v rnet 'V.l.onroe bnng ng to stage and screen artlsttc I th l 1 t \1 \ 'v.L K G VV' L S111Cerep1ety of the great Bach whlch 111 a 1 acOldham (sub for Smlth) Goals from successes de111ed to pattDns at the I Se

lta 10rma

hcoas t nfear 1 Old,tefrey \lary r



d, 'leorge J L ahnlce carnl. f10m the depth of a human heart ------- \Vc should lot take any ac't101

hd~ 1 ,_ ( I f au e sa\" 1 no ar In an rom I arguen e 111 1" ane oug 111 J ° HO h S.. Sdld vir Sutter 1 th smatter unt 1

touc O"",n$-L e 7 I eZUC'L SU) or rommerclal theater The play IS Idedl tl Atl t I St R t k L L B 11 C R d S I and agam goes to the heart Rechlm umor Ig Ite In h d fi d f 11 d IIo-ck) Safety......,Cleveland Referee- (or the Ilttle Theater S111ce whIle lt I h" t anthlC Idonef Aar a 1ger


1I " OU


he ovkeJoY

Ae eL S e Jmahn D may lOdeed be counted among the su I'Ve aye e ne u) our nee ~ am

C (Y) UE tt (L f I lIn 0 e \\1 s a rlzona OUgl 'l. oerna er nne Ima 0 n f Th Park Sought To Be completely ascertall1ed the best 'Way to

rane pSI mp1re- arre 0 I employs a small cast of pr nc pab It Romance found hIm workmg 111 toe Staffeld Lthel M Sm1th DOriS J preme masters 0 the organ e d d fulfill them Our ne}"t plan must beD) Head Imesman-~tlggles (YpSl) '"qUIres large group lOgs for the back I Cascade rd' gc of n ountams 111 \\ ash Tefft vlaCte Parker and N Ray \Vat deeply ,enSlllve fecllOg and h15 arllslle With rawn, Defeate one that WIll be certam of bemg ac, IglOuncl of Don Juan s descent mto hell mgton and last oi the Duanes agam hng taste make hIS renditlO lS a tnumphant cepted by the School Dlstnct electorsCol. F. M. Alger Heads Quaht} of the play and length of ItS J saw hUll 111 Al zona and pOlOtS South acewmphshment The followmg pro (Contmued from Page One) and I don t t1unk "our (re£ernng t)R hI. R II . h 11 un make It the major effort so far by I \\est N B ks h gram WIll be gl'"en Sunday evemng lutlOn and J J ee Barrett trustee voted \tI1 Parcells plan) suggested course of

epu lcan a Y In. t e the I Itt1e Theater playel s 1 hese locatlOll tllPS \"hlch are due I eGw 00 p ~tt eL'b 111 Come Holy Ghost God and wlth \Ir Parcells 111 favor of the reso actlOn ¥. ould be a step III that dIrectlollHigh School on FrIday Resel vatlon<; may be Ilade at tl e I to the l11S1stence of Fox VIovletone rosse olnte 1 rary Lord Zachau lUhon The fifth member at the "The Oppo~HtIon to Junior High

Ilx'lX office Clifford 9,,71 offiCials who de"nand absolute authen 2 (a) \Vhatever God Ordams 1S School Board John R \Vatkms was school SIte No 1 as expressed at the

(Cont1Uued from Page One) IbClt:> ot background are much enjoyed Banng Robert Peckham Good Walthe1 unable to be present at the meetIng recent bond Issue elecbon IS not basedfollow1l1g officlals Y"l11be at the Speak GROSSE POINTE b) thiS popular and athlehc screen Barnes Yearb of Grace (b) From Heav n Above Pachelbel "The well conceived disagreement," truthfully on economIcal reasons Rath-erg, table John R \Vatkll1s U S D1S SOCIETY actor who has become a" accustomed Brock vIurder on the Bndge (c) WFalk,e,ll\\\ake for 'TIght IS said Mr Parcells In mtroduclng hIS er IS It founded on the deternunatton

I k 1 II reeman vIr Potter na-ck s O"er y g Krebs I resolution, 'IWlth the sele ...tton of Junior f f d h

tnd. Attorney Judge I e<;ter S Moll to ma mg ong Jumps as a travt'11g .,.. 0 a group 0 resl ents In t e VICinItyJudge Henry G 'J1(wl Alfred J Gar (Contmued from Page One) f salesman Sight 3 Improvlsatlon High school SIte No 1 In Grosse POinte of the SIte to see to It that the school<;ka PreSident of Grosse Pomtc Park 2;> from 2 to 5 oc1ock dt the first ofl Last of the Duanes adapted from Hughes l\ot \\rlthout Laughter 4 Choral Harm011lZatlOns J S Bach Park, necessdates, It seems to me, our IS not located In their neighborhood.RIchard P Connor PreSIdent of Gros:.e the bndge teas planned by \;Irs W Zane Gre) s best seller IS a tht111mg 1 ehmann A Note In MUSiC (a) All Depends on our Possess1l1g WllthdraW1ng It as a deSignated site I v llWe should not be moved by th~tPOlnte \ Illage kenneth M


Pre<;1 R Carlin SOCIal affalrs chairman of and dlamat c story of a red blooded Maugham Of HU111<inBondage (b) lord Jesus Christ to u" Attend agree, however, that we should not get expreSS10n of public senbment It ISdent of Grosse Pomte Farm<; J:ored A. rort Pontchartraln chapter Daughters and romantic young \\esterner \\<ho \h11m Adams Rest (c) ;\11 PraIse to Je<;us Hallo\\ecl away from the thl"ee~slte system and not a genume sentunent. It does not'Behr PreSIdent of Grosse Pomte of the AmerIcan RevolutIOn after k11hng h1s fathel s cowardly as Oppenhel111 LlOll and the Lamb ""Jame therefore don't: thmk we should build mean what It stands for Personally

• • • b 1 I h R tledge Boho 5 Choral Preludes a Junior HIgh school on the element........ d h IShores James Carter Presldent of saSSl1 ecomes an out a\" Jut.\ 0 U - .. I ont s~ ow we ean carry o'ft t lC1 ochmoor Fdmund C \t ermer Super Complimenting MISS Evelyn Cooke, eventuaH} st mulated by the love of a Unamuno). J\lg0 Three Exemplary (a) If Thou but Suffer God to Gwde school site at Cadieux road and Ker~ three SIte system WIthout the use of the\I~or of Grosse pomte Township and daughter of Mr and Mrs. George R beautiful girl takes 111Sr ghtful place ~ovels Thee r ,S Bach cheval avenue presently deSignated site No 1r d S tt Pdt f th 130 1 of ICooke, who Will be presented to so(ne- n soclet} \\Todehouse Ver) Good Jeeves (b) Deck Thyself My Soul Wlth The CadIeux <;chool dlstnct has sup uTo my mind, the School District

re 11 er reSI en a e ar-e ty Dee 2 at a reception Mrs! Luther W h C f A B k Gladness J S Bach t h "rducatlO11 The pubhc IS cordIally 111 ' I u~le BrO\\ne s cast 111 the leaclmg ng t ase 0 nn-e IC erton portee the Sc 001 Board In all ltS un electors have not been gIven a talrvlted S Trowbridge Will be hostess at a fe1111l11l1erole \"Ith \f}tl1a Loy and L\\elg Joseph, Fouche 6 ToccataD \fll1or (Donan) J S Bach dertakl11gs and a site 111 that ehstnct chance In the matter An aggreS&1ve

debutante luncheon October 29 at her Walter vIcGrall enact ng the other ---____ The pubhc IS cordially 1l1vIted to at was -one of the first purchased by the mmorlty has prevented our programhome on Umver$lty Place, Grosse featured parts The supportmg cast In High School Annual tend the organ program Ko admISSion School Board as the locatIOn of an gOing to the general electoratePOinte VIllage. eludes among others James Bradbury 0 Off d b iee \\111 be charged elementary school We should go ahead If the Board IS to be gUlded by an

MISS Aileen and MISS Kathleen Jr "l\Jat Pendleton Blanche Fndencl peretta ere y T,..1.e newly orgaUl.::ed MembershIp WIth that as the CadIeux dlstnct h",s expreS:>lon of the elector~ then let,\, bcKeena, tWin ~ughters of Mrs James and WIllard Robertson Glee Club This Fall Class for adults wIll meet for ItS <;econd always paId ItS share of taxes m bUlld So 111 a dlfferent manner I would s 19T Keena, will make their formal bow The 'PIcture \\as directed by Alfred lesson next \ionday October 27 at 8 mg schools 111 other dIstncts to the 111 gest a comm1ttee be a,pop1l1ted to 11

to SOCIety at a recepbon November 20 Werker who- produced Blue SkIes Scheduled to :present ItS annual P m Anyone who deSires to jom thIS convel11ence of It~ own school ch1ldl C 1 elude the preSidents of each of thLto be given by theu' mother at their 9.nd Double Cross Roads for rox operetta before Christmas class 1S urged to be present at that "",ho are compelled to be trampOi ted VIllages m the ~chool distrIct repl ehome on Lakeland avenue ThiS will \1ovletone and \"ho \\as formerly a the Grosse P0111te HIgh S'Chool Glee tIme out of the eltstnct that they mIght at scntatlve electors and members of he

UJ!ftlUn!i!!l!1!HHIHHIU;fiNiHer.HHHHHiI be followed by a supper~dance for the :::ioi=====iioc::iio Club has chosen Up hI The AIr for The Young People s SOCIety W1lt

ltend school SchOOl Board for the 1.1uflpose df en..r~. U.._...II.' _lIell I. members of the debutante set and their ::::10 OJ:::lO thl~ year S offenng acco.rdmg to a re meet next Tuesday evening at 8 a c1o-ek "Ultimately there must be a JUnior deavdr111g to solve the Jun or HH;h

, escorts cent announcement The pre.,entahon and the Ladles AId on Wednesday High school m Grosse Pomte Park, but school proglam

Aloma Theatre · · · P h & J d WIll be under th~ dlrectlOn of MI John afternoon at 1 we won't get It on the site now known J Lee Barrett e"-prcs,,ed sentllllenhMr and \1rs HarrJ TlombleJ 1890 une u y rch ~ On 1hursclay of the coming weet.. as site No 1 Ibeheveth~boardcould on the matte!. ,\,11U1latt) those ot 11\

BeaU!11t Dnve Lochmoor Vll1age c'Cie 0 t I 30 tl L d Alii15901 Charlevoix Ave. The cast IS a!:;,follows c o)er Ie ales H V.l give a do nothmg else than what It has done Parcell<; v..lllle \[r Poupard ,lomed 111

brated thur fourteenth weddmg an11l Th keatre Helen Wortley and Helen ScJlled.. sauer raut sup-pet In endeayol'lng to put the school On Sutter 111 thmkmg Ml Parcells pla 1

Corner of Wayburn vcrs try last Sunday O'Ctober 19 at a '}Bettv Burbank Fobert Hell<;d and ------- that site We have J;"ecommended the as havlllg' '1 tendency to attack themuner dt .t.a~t wooa .1.1111 .1.1 ell I I J ft AADMISSION AT ALL TIME~ Henry Adams Harold Po~t Dorot Iy e erson venue ,}Jte there, deSIgnated the amount or prolJkm ir ! L.l~ r1Ldl Idbl oulowl11g' guests were present \ir and Kercheval and Fisher Road Snyder an:d Madge Cq.s:ndy C;hlrIey the bond Issue to acq".lre.t and called rOllO\\lllg the vote 01 Parcell .. le<;o

ADUl.TS 25c .... CHILDREN IOc M:rs Jo<;eph F Beaufalt Mr 1ud "\1f<; I KIlgstan Elmer Benem and Donald Baptist Church an elechon on It We have been de 11ltlOn 1, mot on to adjourn \-\as p l~SC 1r C 1 t H 11 d 1 I Grosse h"inte FarmsALL TALKING PICTURES ON flU \ 'Vir eo cre 11111 \ I c;hephard Joe Bennett 1homas feated. 'lld n) fnrthn 'let on ,\as taken

WESTERN ELECTRIC 1 tl d C1lJaghu \ir 11d \[1<; 1 h\ r 1 Telephone Niagara 3898 I (Jfoeh ant 1 dward ketterc! Jlln I ('01 I t 1 go the- <,('rH'<;of <;crmons on --------- -------------,------------\ II r 1 (1 c. \f 1 \1 '\11 1 ( It r J hell 11 Sc ra 11 ill the!\p "tlc Cree 1 \fr Alle 1 \\ 11 r~~~l'1J&iillN@J&~

EQUIPMENT ! l(t 1ft. \it (11 Bn 1 -.------ ••o_'--, ....---.-,._., ....--ju tc \. n \[lLullaTI P \1.1 jC 1 c'\.t "" hv 1 ,.. t., 11 LJ

______ \1 U IIr \11 I 1U I \1 Mats. Saturday and Sunday Do'" a "I Gnce RICh 111' 1 "' I ) , ) 1 tl I (hn \ 1 j lell ~ "Religion-- The Key to Successful Living" 'i~II rccknch. RUlaud vIr a ld Mrs lIerb \icCullom In the ong1llal (,re(' 1 there appears tl c ~

THURSDAY, FRIDAY 'I "{ d H , I t B b at 3 P M I Hid d IT 11 b I A sene> ot I CctUl" 0 1 l110t C1! Rel glOnOCTOBER 23.24-- crt,:, 1rJ<,. \ r an Vlrs "or )er ar d. • • Robert Snyder and Robert fh1bo p ua~t.. e (cscen e 1lltoLe ut

W1AII~1;;ES 11d \Ir and \l:s .Ra~ A Grmmer EVENINGS: 7:30 and 9:30 ~::'~ndH~~;~ ~~~;~~;' :,:g;:;c~~~ ~~~:~ w';~I:, ~~es ~:~~:~:~e '~hatth~e:;;: ~ Every Frid:; ~v:niRA"Dm

111 Mrs Joseph E Beaufatt was hostess lorn Roy Kalser and Ramon Perrv repudiate the doctnne of hell or do '" e I~ The Audltonum of thE"Way Out West" at a dInner given for her bridge club on THURSDAY, FRIDAY George S Bmbank Ruth Carpen stlll belIeve that It IS a very real place?

Th cia 0 I b 91h I h h I th S t I h Kerchc\al and \1cK1l11eyurs y, coer , a et" orne, ter and 1< rances Bennett vCrs Bur s ere a cnp ura teac lUg concern

1127 Devonshire Road, Grosse POinte I SATURDAY bank RIchard James and Hatty lIlg the lnternred ate state? The"e and All are corchally InVitedI Park I OCTOBER 23~24-2S PrItchard Jumper Johnson other 1l1terestmg questlOns WIll form \;11 Randall speaks at the l)etrolt ClVIC Theatre every

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25- '" '" • VlOla Oldane was appomted student the baSIS of a helpful dlSCUSSlon next morn111g hIS addresses bemg broadcast over \iVJR at 11 30DOUBLE FEATURE '\IIS5 Bdt} Joh 160n Gros<;e pOll1te JOR'. \1cCOR\fACK manager of the operetta commIttees Sunday mornmg Hear thIS message

Feature ~o 1- Iff b d 1 IIIwas 10stess or ourtee lays an glr" have also been chosen to dSS1St theKE"lNETH HARLA" at a el1nner dance 01 Saturday Table "Song 0' My Heart"111 manager

, decoratIons mc1uded a center plece of The ushers ale Dorothy Clark Ora"Under Montana Skies' fall flowers and ca ldles on the ~orncrsFeature No 2- ot the table SUNDAY, MONDAY dell Hull E1111IVGorden Carol Rose

REGI1\ALD DFN:NY *' • • OCTOBER 26.27 baull Hazel Lamborn Carol Creamer111 Dorothy DIQbIe Elame Arndt Mar

Mr James T Shaw returned to hiS "L f Th D "garet McLaughlm a.nd Thelma Mehome.. on TO-uralne road, Grosse POinte ast 0 e uanes PhersonthiS week a week's stay at Man I \\1th The make up comnllttee 1S Bon11lechester by the Sea With Dr J Henry GI:ORGF 0 BRIF\ Stubbs Dorothy Ruehle Jean HardmgLancashire at hiS home, I Grafton. I

I\t[mam Mattice Audrey VIahlmeIster

wood' and "l{a1tlja Dte TaylorTUESDAY,VVEDNESDAY "

f Doormen a1'"'e Ja'Ck Wall JulIusFraud Ia Old One I OCTOBER 28~29 Ortwem and George and \VIlham

I A manufactolY fOl productlOR of I I LloydI 81 11 "Common Clay"cleverly fOlged letters 0 le ef, LoUise Dalley IS property m'll1ager

Keats and Byron eXIsted lU 1862 h\" It I Irene Ro\\ e IS V\ ardrobe mIstress andCO,,"STAl\CL Blo\~ET f and ICarl Kuechenn1Clster call bo)



I.} ,---l------------------~ ..l ~C4_~~~~~....,,_~_~_~_"___"_'_~ ....l.._L......,.. __ ~"""'__~_~~ __ ~~-~~ ~, &:w ,~~J