for courage - constant ·...

1 FOR COURAGE John O’Donohue When the light around you lessens And your thoughts darken until Your body feels fear turn Cold as a stone inside, When you find yourself bereft Of any belief in yourself And all you unknowingly Leaned on has fallen, When one voice commands Your whole heart, And it is raven dark, Steady yourself and see That it is your own thinking That darkens your world, Search and you will find A diamond-thought of light, Know that you are not alone And that this darkness has purpose; Gradually it will school your eyes To find the one gift your life requires Hidden within this night-corner. Invoke the learning Of every suffering You have suffered. Close your eyes. Gather all the kindling About your heart To create one spark. That is all you need.

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Page 1: FOR COURAGE - Constant · 2017-04-07 · Jesus knew that her touch was more than that of someone in the crowd who


FOR COURAGE John O’Donohue

When the light around you lessens And your thoughts darken until Your body feels fear turn Cold as a stone inside, When you find yourself bereft Of any belief in yourself And all you unknowingly Leaned on has fallen, When one voice commands Your whole heart, And it is raven dark, Steady yourself and see That it is your own thinking That darkens your world, Search and you will find A diamond-thought of light, Know that you are not alone And that this darkness has purpose; Gradually it will school your eyes To find the one gift your life requires Hidden within this night-corner. Invoke the learning Of every suffering You have suffered. Close your eyes. Gather all the kindling About your heart To create one spark. That is all you need.

Page 2: FOR COURAGE - Constant · 2017-04-07 · Jesus knew that her touch was more than that of someone in the crowd who


JOURNEY - April 2017

The Woman Who Touched the Men of Jesus Cloak Luke 8:42-48

As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind Jesus and touched the edge of his cloak, and imme-diately her bleeding stopped. “Who touched me?” Jesus asked When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.” But Jesus said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.” Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.

Page 3: FOR COURAGE - Constant · 2017-04-07 · Jesus knew that her touch was more than that of someone in the crowd who


Time and Space

Just before this encounter we read that Jesus arrived in Capernaum after traveling across the Sea of Galilee from Gergesa where he healed a man with a demon. Many people in the town knew Jesus and the power of his presence. It is believed that Capernaum was the home of Peter. The head of the local Synagogue approached Jesus begging help for his daughter who was dying. Jesus immediately agrees to go with the man to his house to see the sick child. This story then interrupts the journey. It is a miracle within a miracle. This is one of the few miracle stories included in each of the Synopitc Gospels writ-ten by Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Each author gives us the basic points of the story while also highlighting different segments. Luke, a doctor, understands the woman’s pain and the limited help doctors of her day had at their disposal. See: Mt 9:20 and Mark 5:25-34. The woman, who remains unnamed, is at her wits end. She is considered unclean and must stay away from others. However, this does not stop her when she hears that Jesus is in the town. She springs forward with a plan to just touch the hem of his cloak. Her faith is strong enough to brave the looks and questions of the crowd gath-ered. A bold move by and emboldened woman!

Page 4: FOR COURAGE - Constant · 2017-04-07 · Jesus knew that her touch was more than that of someone in the crowd who



A friend’s reflection - “She’s an amazing woman. She was an outcast/rejected woman for 12 years and never gave up. She’s an example of endurance, courage, strength and faith to keep going at all cost. She risked a lot to go forward to touch his hem. She knew what she had to do and moved on it. She was perceptive to have recognized that Jesus was holy and was willing to take a chance to be healed. Talk about persistence. She never gave up.” It was a daring plan! According to Mosaic Law, women who were ceremonially unclean weren’t allowed to touch anyone, let alone the Son of God. But desperate women do desperate things. For twelve years this woman suffered physically, emotionally, and socially. The doctors of her time were unable to help her. She was “spent” on all levels. Then she heard about Jesus. This woman, forever unnamed, pulled herself up and found her way to him. I think I might have thrown myself in his path, begging for help. Not her! Instead she quietly “came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak.”

Page 5: FOR COURAGE - Constant · 2017-04-07 · Jesus knew that her touch was more than that of someone in the crowd who


The fantastic part of the story is what remained healthy in the woman; her faith. She had the willingness to believe she could be well again despite all the evidence to the contrary. This same faith empowered her to stretch out her hand, and finally to come forward in re-sponse to Jesus’ question, “Who touched me?” She was literally someone who put feet to her faith and moved to wholeness.



Faith is not a theory, a philosophy, an idea; it is an encounter.

An encounter with Jesus.

Pope Benedict

A Miracle within a Miracle - In all three Gospel accounts (Mt.9, Mark 5, Luke 8) this

miracle takes place within the context of the raising of Jairus’ daughter. Jairus was the head of the Synagogue in Capernaum. He was a person of power and wealth. His little girl was dying and he had nowhere else to turn except to Jesus. He must have been thrilled when Jesus agreed to accompany him. The story of the miracle of raising Jairus’ daughter is interrupted by the woman with the hemorrhage seeking help.

Page 6: FOR COURAGE - Constant · 2017-04-07 · Jesus knew that her touch was more than that of someone in the crowd who


So many of life’s blessings appear as interruptions in our plans. God loves each of us as though there was only one of us. God’s caring is that personal and intimate. Possibly the “interruption” is God entering in to show us the way. It might be helpful to your own story of God’s love to pause and consider some of the major interruptions in “your plans”. How has blessing found you in and through them? It is also helpful to record some of the bless-ing you have received along the way. It is always good to look back and remember! The Touch - My friend continues - “The word touch is significant for me. She touched him with a total trust and faith in him. It worked. He recognized power went forth from him. Her touch was in a way powerful no doubt because of her strong faith. It enabled her to be healed. Power of touch! How do I touch others? Is my touch life-giving ? Whose touch is significant for me.? How am I healed through another's touch.? What are the ways that I touch others?” There are many different kinds of touch: the casual touch, the curious, unintentional, pro-fessional, embracing, punishing, to name of few. The woman’s touch was certainly one of desperation but, I believe it was also a touch of trust. Jesus knew that her touch was more than that of someone in the crowd who brushed up against him. Through her des-perate and trusting touch Jesus felt power leave him. She did what all the forces of hell could not….she stopped Jesus in his tracks! He did not want to just let her slip off into the distance. Jesus wanted to honor the miracle that happened between them. He was not ashamed to be touched by someone considered untouchable and an outcast. He always extends a hand to those most in need. I suggest you enter a quiet space and see yourself on the sidelines as Jesus is passing by. Will you let him pass? Will you just brush by him? Or, will you reach out and touch him inviting him to touch the hurts in your life? Why not invite God into a conversation through your journaling? Begin by writing what you want to say to Jesus. Then place your pen on the page and just begin to write. It is amazing how Jesus speaks in our lives when we give him a little room! Finally, I suggest you take a few days and look around throughout each day. Take note

of where God is breaking in. It can be a pro-found moment of encounter or a simple ges-ture of kindness from a stranger. God is truly everywhere we only need to look and see. These thoughts are meant to help you along the way during this month. Please do not feel you have to stay with them. Let God lead you. where you are to go….And... Enjoy the Journey! Sister Pat