foods to avoid with gerd

Foods To Avoid With GERD It is indeed a nuisance to suffer from a Gastroesphageal Regurgitation Disease. This kind of disease can cause heartburn especially when you eat foods that should be avoided. There is definitely certain foods to avoid with GERD which you need to take note of in order to avoid any attacks or worsening of the symptoms. First thing to do is prevent eating large meals a day. It is best to eat small but frequently. This will give your stomach all the time it needs to digest the food properly without producing too much acid. This lessens the workload it carries. In your meal plan, always include foods that have high carbohydrate content such as rice, pasta, multi-grain or white bread, bran, crackers, pretzels and many more. These rich in carbohydrate foods bind acid in the stomach and are lighter to work on. It is also necessary to remain in an upright position after eating. During sleep, it is also proper to elevate the head of the bed approximately six to eight inches when assuming a lying position. Second thing to remember is to avoid meals that have high fat content. Examples of this are foods that are fried and oily. These should be avoided because foods that are fat containing are hard to digest, therefore the stomach would need more acid to digest them. It is also necessary to limit intake of beverages such as alcohol and sodas. They double up acid secretions in the stomach making you more susceptible to acid reflux disease. And above all do not eat too much, because this will trigger your stomach to secrete more acid to compensate on the digestion process. Among the many foods and beverages to avoid and should only be consumed, there are also some beliefs that are wrong or proven null by research. One of these is the thought that a glass of milk before sleep can actually lessen GERD symptoms. The truth is milk can cause a

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Post on 29-Mar-2016




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For more acid reflux diet menu ideas and to discover other foods to avoid with GERD, check out


Page 1: Foods To Avoid With GERD

Foods To Avoid With GERD

It is indeed a nuisance to suffer from a Gastroesphageal Regurgitation Disease. This

kind of disease can cause heartburn especially when you eat foods that should be avoided.

There is definitely certain foods to avoid with GERD which you need to take note of in order to

avoid any attacks or worsening of the symptoms.

First thing to do is prevent eating large meals a day. It is best to eat small but frequently.

This will give your stomach all the time it needs to digest the food properly without producing too

much acid. This lessens the workload it carries. In your meal plan, always include foods that

have high carbohydrate content such as rice, pasta, multi-grain or white bread, bran, crackers,

pretzels and many more. These rich in carbohydrate foods bind acid in the stomach and are

lighter to work on. It is also necessary to remain in an upright position after eating. During

sleep, it is also proper to elevate the head of the bed approximately six to eight inches when

assuming a lying position.

Second thing to remember is to avoid meals that have high fat content. Examples of this

are foods that are fried and oily. These should be avoided because foods that are fat containing

are hard to digest, therefore the stomach would need more acid to digest them. It is also

necessary to limit intake of beverages such as alcohol and sodas. They double up acid

secretions in the stomach making you more susceptible to acid reflux disease. And above all do

not eat too much, because this will trigger your stomach to secrete more acid to compensate on

the digestion process.

Among the many foods and beverages to avoid and should only be consumed, there are

also some beliefs that are wrong or proven null by research. One of these is the thought that a

glass of milk before sleep can actually lessen GERD symptoms. The truth is milk can cause a

Page 2: Foods To Avoid With GERD

rebound effect that can encourage secretion of more acid, therefore causing acid reflux. The

key is to eat less during dinner and take a small snack like biscuits before retiring at night.

Another belief that had been practiced for years is that, spicy, citrus and caffeine

containing beverages should be avoided in order to decrease acid reflux symptoms. According

to the research made by Internal Medicine doctors of Stanford University, there are only two

means of reducing symptoms, and these are elevating head of bed while asleep and eating

small and frequent meal.

If you are suffering from this chronic condition, you have to update on your special foods to avoid with GERD list. Despite the fact that there are common foods, you also need to take

note of the foods and beverages that can aggravate the symptoms. It is good to have a food

diary in order to keep track of the dos and don’ts. It will develop discipline and assurance that

acid is produced in minimum at your stomach.