fonts in thrillers

Fonts in thrillers: In thrillers fonts are often used for multiple purposes. The colour of a font can connote to hidden messages that the creator is trying to include, for example red font could represent danger. Fonts can also reinforce the sub-genre of the film. For example, a horror/sci-fi thriller could have a disorientated type font, reinforcing to the audience that the film is going to have that theme. In ‘Zombieland’ fonts during the opening credits font is used to create different effects and to inform the audience. Firstly, the colour of the font during the credits is red. During the sequence zombies are flying everywhere and there is blood everywhere. The red font connotes to the idea that there is going to be blood, however; it also connotes to the idea of danger and violence. The film is a zombie apocalypse, and by inferring the idea of violence and danger, the themes of death and action are reinforced to the audience. This will excite them and make them want to watch on. Also, during the opening credits of Zombieland, the animation of the font is key and foreshadows the future. The font falls apart as the man falls off the stairs, which foreshadows the idea that society and order is going to fall apart, because

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Page 1: Fonts in thrillers

Fonts in thrillers:

In thrillers fonts are often used for multiple purposes. The colour of a font can connote to hidden messages that the creator is trying to include, for example red font could represent danger. Fonts can also reinforce the sub-genre of the film. For example, a horror/sci-fi thriller could have a disorientated type font, reinforcing to the audience that the film is going to have that theme.

In ‘Zombieland’ fonts during the opening credits font is used to create different effects and to inform the audience. Firstly, the colour of the font during the credits is red. During the sequence zombies are flying everywhere and there is blood everywhere. The red font connotes to the idea that there is going to be blood, however; it also connotes to the idea of danger and violence. The film is a zombie apocalypse, and by inferring the idea of violence and danger, the themes of death and action are reinforced to the audience. This will excite them and make them want to watch on. Also,

during the opening credits of Zombieland, the animation of the font is key and foreshadows the future. The font falls apart as the man falls off the stairs, which foreshadows the idea that society and order is going to fall apart,

because of the zombies. Finally, the font during the sequence is very formal and because of the typography the audience can infer that this film is going to be a zombie survival guide like film, which informs and excites the audience.

Although ‘The Walking Dead’ and ‘Zombieland’ are both zombie films and sci-fi thrillers, the two differentiate in the way they use fonts in the opening credits. In The Walking Dead, the font of the opening credits is very worn and torn, the text looks like it has literally

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been stabbed. The effect of this on the audience is an informative one, similarly to Zombieland, the text represents society and earth itself. That being the slow decay of everything caused by the zombies. Another key part of this is the point size of the words “walking dead”. The use of this is a visual representation of the idea that not only are the zombie the “walking dead” but that every character is the “walking dead”. This suggests to the audience that over time everyone will slowly die, and reinforces the common theme of loss and depression that occur throughout the show. The positioning of the typography is key in the opening sequence. When the actors name is being shown, the audience can infer how much power their character has over other characters (if the audience know the actors name). For example, Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s character is the most powerful and has

complete control over all characters and other actors such as Norman Reedus’ character has no power in the season. This is a hidden message that intrigues and informs the audience of what is going on within the show.

In conclusion, fonts are used to inform the audience of what is in store for them. But also, use colour and the connotations to that colour to reinforce genres and ideas within the film. The best example for this being the red font during Zombieland’s opening credit sequence. Also, the Point size of font is used to make certain words stand out, and from this the audience infer different ideas. Overall fonts/typography inform and intrigue the audience.