fluent12 lecture03 solver basics

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  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    3-1ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Chapter 3

    Solver Basics

    Introductory FLUENTTrainingSharif University of Technology

    Lecturer: Ehsan Saadati


  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-2ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training ManualFLUENT #$ %UI Navigation

    The FLUENT %UI is arranged such that the tas&s are generally

    arranged fro" top to 'otto" in the pro(ect setup tree

    Selecting an ite" in the tree opens the relevant input ite"s in the

    center pane

    $ %eneral

    $ )odels$ )aterials

    $ Boundary


    $ Solver Settings

    $ Initiali*ation and


    $ +ostprocessing

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-3ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training ManualScaling the )esh and Selecting Units

    ,hen FLUENT reads a "eshfile -"sh./ all physical

    di"ensions are assu"ed to 'ein units of "eters$ If your "odel 0as not 'uilt in

    "eters/ then it "ust 'e scaled$ 1erify that the 2o"ain Etents

    are correct after scaling the"esh

    ,hen i"porting a "esh under,or&'ench/ the "esh does notneed to 'e scaled4 ho0ever/ theunits are set to the default )5Ssyste"

    6ny 7"ied8 units syste" can'e used if desired$ By default/ FLUENT uses the SI

    syste" of units -specifically/)5S syste".

    $ 6ny units can 'e specified inthe Set Units panel/ accessedfro" the top "enu

    %e&ine 'nits(

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-)ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training ManualTet User Interface

    )ost %UI co""andshave a corresponding

    TUI co""and$ )any advanced

    co""ands are onlyavaila'le throughthe TUI

    $ +ress the Enter &eyto display the

    co""and set at thecurrent level

    $ q"oves up one level

    FLUENT can 'e runin 'atch "ode or

    scripted using a(ournal file -see6ppendi.

    6 TUI user guide is availa'le on the FLUENT User Services Centerwww.fluentusers.com

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-*ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manual)ouse Functionality

    )ouse 'utton functionality depends on the chosen solver -$2 9 32.and can 'e configured in the solver

    2efault settings$ $2 Solver

    Left 'utton translates9pans -dolly.

    )iddle 'utton *oo"s

    ight 'utton selects9pro'es

    $ 32 Solver Left 'utton rotates a'out $ aes

    )iddle 'utton *oo"s$ )iddle clic& on point in screen centers point

    in 0indo0

    ight 'utton selects9pro'es

    etrieve detailed flo0 field infor"ation at point 0ith +ro'e ena'led$ ight;clic& on the graphics display

    )ouse controls can 'e set to e"ulate those in ,or&'enchuire "ultiple "aterialsand dictate 0hich "aterialproperties "ust 'e defined

    $ )ultiphase -"ultiple "aterials.$ Co"'ustion -"ultiple species.$ ?eat transfer -ther"al

    conductivity.$ adiation -e"issivity and


    )aterial properties can 'e directly custo"i*ed as function ofte"perature9pressure$ Use of other solution varia'le-s. re>uires U2F

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manual)aterials 2ata'ases

    FLUENT "aterials data'ase

    $ +rovides access to a nu"'er

    of pre;defined fluid/ solid and

    "iture "aterials

    $ )aterials can 'e copied to

    the case file and edited if


    Custo" "aterial data'ase:

    $ Create a ne0 custo" data'ase

    of "aterial properties and

    reaction "echanis"s fro"

    "aterials in an eisting casefile for reuse in future cases

    $ Custo" data'ases can 'e created/

    accessed and "odified fro" the

    standard "aterials panel in FLUENT

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-!ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manual@perating Conditions

    The @perating +ressure 0ith a eference

    +ressure Location sets the reference

    value that is used in co"puting gauge


    The @perating Te"perature sets the

    reference te"perature

    -used 0hen co"puting

    'uoyancy forces

    Specified @perating

    2ensity sets the referencevalue for flo0s 0ith 0idely

    varying density

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-9ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manual+arallel +rocessing

    +arallel processing can 'e used to runFLUENT on "ultiple processors to

    decrease turnaround ti"e and increasesi"ulation efficiency$ Critical for cases involving large "eshes

    and9or co"ple physics$ FLUENT is fully paralleli*ed and capa'le of

    running across "ost hard0are andsoft0are configurations/ such as co"puteclusters or "ulti;processor "achines

    +arallel FLUENT can 'e launched eitherusing the syste" co""and pro"pt orusing the FLUENT Launcher panel$ For ea"ple/ to launch an n;C+U parallel

    session/ use the co""andfluent 3d tn

    The "esh can 'e partitioned either

    "anually or auto"atically using a nu"'erof different "ethods$ Non;confor"al "eshes/ sliding "esh

    interfaces and shell conduction *onesre>uire partitioning in serial

    6 0e';'ased lecture is availa'le on theFLUENT User Services Center

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-10ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training ManualSu""ary

    This lecture has presented "any 'asic tas&s that are often perfor"ed

    during a CF2 si"ulation setup

    +arallel processing can 'e used to reduce calculation ti"e This is

    advantageous only on large "eshes

    6 later lecture contains "aterial related to the setup and solution ofti"e;dependent pro'le"s

    @ther topics not discussed -see 6ppendi for infor"ation.

    $ )esh heirarchy and relationships

    $ eordering and "odifying the "esh in the solver

    $ +olyhedral "esh conversion

    $ Solution;'ased "esh adaption

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics

    11/203-11ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00


  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-12ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training ManualFLUENT Aournals

    FLUENT can 'e run in 'atch "ode using(ournal files

    6 (ournal file is a tet file 0hich containsTUI co""ands 0hich FLUENT 0ill eecutese>uentially

    The FLUENT TUI accepts a''reviations ofthe co""ands4 for ea"ple/$ ls Lists the files in the 0or&ing


    $ rcd eads case and data files$wcd ,rites case and data files$ rc/wc eads90rites case file$ rd/wd eads90rites data file$ it Iterate

    TUI co""ands in a 'atch file can 'e usedto auto"ate operations in a non;interactive

    "ode$ The TUI co""ands file/read-bcand

    file/write-bccan 'e used for readingand 0riting the settings for a FLUENTsession to and fro" a file/ respectively

    $ 6 0e';'ased training "odule is availa'le0hich eplains this process

    ; Read case file

    rc example.cas.gz

    ; Initialize the solution


    ; !alculate "# iterationsit "#

    ; $rite data file

    wd example"#.dat.gz

    ; !alculate another "# iterations

    it "#

    ; $rite another data file

    wd example%##.dat.gz

    ; &xit '()&*+exit


    Sa"ple Aournal File

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-13ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manualeading the )esh ones

    In this ea"ple/ there are t0o cell *ones -fluid;upstrea" and fluid;

    do0nstrea". Because of this/ FLUENT splits the eterior 0all *one into t0o *ones

    -0all and 0all:DD#. This is 'ecause an eternal 'oundary cannotspan "ultiple cell *ones

    FLUENT also splits the orifice plate into t0o 0alls also -plate andplate;shado0. since the plate *one is an internal 0all






    &li cell one

    2efault;interior *one-s.can al0ays 'e ignored

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-1)ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manual)esh Infor"ation and ?ierarchy

    6ll "esh infor"ation is stored in the "esh file$ Node coordinates

    $ Connectivity$ one definition

    Si"ilar to the 0ay geo"etry is defined/ "eshentities o'ey a hierarchy:

    $ Node Edge intersection 9 grid point$ Edge Boundary of a face -defined 'y

    t0o nodes$ Face The 'oundaries of cells/ defined 'y

    a collection of edges$ Cell The control volu"es into 0hich the

    do"ain is discreti*ed$ one 6 collection of nodes/ edges/ faces

    or cells

    The co"putational do"ain is defined 'y all"e"'ers of the hierarchy

    $ For fluid flo0 si"ulation only/ the do"ain consistsonly of the fluid region

    $ For con(ugate heat transfer or fluid;structureinteraction pro'le"s/ the do"ain needs to includeany solid parts that are present

    Boundary data is assigned to face *ones )aterial data and source ter"s are assigned to

    cell *ones

    Si"ple 32 "esh

    Si"ple $2 )esh






    Cell Face





  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-1*ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manualeordering and )odifying the %rid

    The grid can 'e reordered so that neigh'oring cells are near eachother in the *ones and in "e"ory$ I"proves efficiency of "e"ory access and reduces the 'and0idth of the


    $ eordering can 'e perfor"ed for the entire do"ain or specific cell*ones

    $ The 'and0idth of each partition in the grid can 'e printed for reference

    The face9cell *ones can also 'e "odified 'y the follo0ing operationsin the %rid "enu:$ Separation and "erge of *ones

    $ Fusing of cell *ones 0ith "erge of duplicate faces and nodes

    $ Translate/ rotate/ reflect face or cell *ones

    $ Etrusion of face *ones to etend the do"ain

    $ eplace a cell *one 0ith another or delete it

    ri 4eorer 5onesri 4eorer %o6ain

    ri 4eorer Print an/ith

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-1#ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manual+olyhedral )esh Conversion

    6 tetrahedral or hy'rid grid can 'econverted to polyhedra in the FLUENT %UI

    -not in the preprocessor.$ %enerate a tetrahedral "esh then convertinside FLUENT

    $ 6dvantages I"proved "esh >uality Can reduce cell count significantly User has control of the conversion process

    $ 2isadvantages: Cannot 'e adapted or converted again Cannot use tools such as s"ooth/ s0ap/ "erge

    and etrude to "odify the "esh

    T0o conversion options are availa'le in the%rid "enu:

    $ Convert all cells in the do"ain -ecept hecells. to polyhedra

    Cannot convert "eshes 0ith hanging nodes ?eCore "esh can 'e converted using the tpoly

    standalone utility

    $ Convert only highly s&e0ed cells to

    polyhedra%rid +olyhedra Convert S&e0ed Cells

    %rid +olyhedra Convert 2o"ain

    Tet9?y'rid )esh

    +olyhedral )esh

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-1ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manual+rofile 2ata and Solution 2ata Interpolation

    FLUENT allo0s interpolation of selectedvaria'le data on 'oth face *ones and cell

    *ones 'y using profile files and datainterpolation files/ respectively$ For ea"ple/ a velocity profile fro"

    eperi"ental data or previous FLUENT runat an inlet/ or a solution interpolated fro"a coarse "esh to fine "esh

    +rofile files are data files 0hich containpoint data for selected varia'les onparticular face *ones/ and can 'e 'oth

    0ritten and read in a FLUENT session

    Si"ilarly/ Interpolation data files containdiscrete data for selected field varia'leson particular cell *ones to 'e 0ritten andread into FLUENT

    7ile Pro&ile(8rite

    7ile Pro&ile(4ea

    7ile Interpolate(

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-1!ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manual)esh 6daption

    )esh adaption refers to refine"entand9or coarsening cells 0here neededto resolve the flo0 field 0ithoutreturning to the preprocessor

    $ )ar& cells satisfying the adaptioncriteria and store the" in a 7register8

    $ 2isplay and "odify the register ifdesired

    $ Clic& 6dapt to adapt the cells listed intheregister

    egisters can 'e defined 'ased on:$ %radients or isovalues of all varia'les$ 6ll cells on a 'oundary$ 6ll cells in a region 0ith a defined

    shape$ Cell volu"es or volu"e changes$ y in cells ad(acent to 0alls

    To assist adaption process/ you can:$ Co"'ine adaption registers$ 2ra0 contours of adaption function$ 2isplay cells "ar&ed for adaption$ Li"it adaption 'ased on cell si*e

    and nu"'er of cells

    efine Threshold should

    'e set to #D of the valuereported in the )a field

  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3-19ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserve.April 2!, 2009

    Inventory "002#00

    Training Manual6daption Ea"ple Supersonic +ro(ectile

    6dapt grid in regions of large pressure gradient to 'etter resolve the

    sudden pressure rise across the shoc&

    Initial )esh -%enerated 'y +reprocessor. +ressure Contours on Initial )esh

    Large pressure gradient

    indicating a shoc& -poor

    resolution on coarse


  • 7/25/2019 Fluent12 Lecture03 Solver Basics


    Solver Basics

    3 20ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary April 2!, 2009

    Training Manual6daption Ea"ple Supersonic +ro(ectile

    Solution;'ased "esh adaption allo0s 'etter resolution of the 'o0

    shoc& and epansion 0ave

    )esh adaption yields

    "uch 'etter resolution

    of the 'o0 shoc&6dapted cells

    in locations of

    large pressure


    6dapted )esh -)ultiple 6daptions

    Based on %radients of +ressure.

    +ressure Contours on 6dapted )esh