flightlines - texins flying club...august 2013! flightlines •• texins flying club newsletter...

August 2013 Flightlines •• Texins Flying Club Newsletter •• Page 1 THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER Aug 2013 Sorry, I haven’t written earlier. We have been busy getting the fleet healthy. N737TY is all repaired and sporting a spiffy new paint job. N7508J will be returning to service very soon as well. We are preparing for N7929U engine overhaul in a few months. I have been busy at work, and flying when I can. A business trip prevented my annual trip to Oshkosh this year, but I have really been enjoying following the many events on their website and web cameras. It’s almost as good as being there. All I need now is a brat & ear of corn ... Like you, I too get overwhelmed with all the bad in the world sometimes, but the people that go to Oshkosh each year do an excellent job inspiring others to try something new! I particularly enjoyed listening to David Knight give the behind scene information on how the Space Shuttle Endeavor made it to the California Science Center from LAX. Yes, the Toyota commercial was done with a stock Toyota Tundra. The only special issue was a little worry if the truck’s brakes would stop a 200,000 pound Space Shuttle as it moved downhill over the I-405 Bridge. What a logistical nightmare, but the movie will be awesome! See you around the airport, Calvin FLIGHTLINES T e x i n s F l y i n g C l u b N e w s l e t t e r President’s Corner, 1 Return of 737TY, 2 July Guest Speaker, 3 Trip Report, 4 TFC Fleet Information , 5 Regional Events, 6 Fuel Prices, 7 Club Meetings, 8 TFC Instructors, 9 TFC Board Updates, 10 C O N T E N T S

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Aug 2013

Sorry, I haven’t written earlier. We have been busy getting the fleet healthy. N737TY is all repaired and sporting a spiffy new paint job. N7508J will be returning to service very soon as well. We are preparing for N7929U engine overhaul in a few months.

I have been busy at work, and flying when I can. A business trip prevented my annual trip to Oshkosh this year, but I have really been enjoying following the many events on their website and web cameras. It’s almost as good as being there. All I need now is a brat & ear of corn ...

Like you, I too get overwhelmed with all the bad in the world sometimes, but the people that go to Oshkosh each year do an excellent job inspiring others to try something new!I particularly enjoyed listening to David Knight give the behind scene information on how the Space Shuttle Endeavor made it to the California Science Center from LAX. Yes, the Toyota commercial was done with a stock Toyota Tundra. The only special issue was a little worry if the truck’s brakes would stop a 200,000 pound Space Shuttle as it moved downhill over the I-405 Bridge. What a logistical nightmare, but the movie will be awesome!

See you around the airport,Calvin

FLIGHTLINEST e x i n s F l y i n g C l u b

N e w s l e t t e r

! President’s Corner, 1! Return of 737TY, 2! July Guest Speaker, 3! Trip Report, 4! TFC Fleet Information!, 5

Regional Events, 6Fuel Prices, 7Club Meetings, 8TFC Instructors, 9TFC Board Updates, 10


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After completion of all repairs, engine overhaul, instrumentation checks, and a new paint job, 737TY is looking pretty sharp. We took a few photos to let you see the result. If you haven’t been out there, go take a look!

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By Charles GallesDuring our July membership meeting, Gerhard Deffner talked to us about the checkride process and his role as a Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) for the FAA. When it comes to a checkride, Gerhard said, “Everything goes by the book.” The knowledge an applicant must demonstrate and the flight maneuvers they must perform are all covered in the practical test standards (PTS) for each rating. At the end of the process, the examiner can enter the result as “Satisfactory”, “Unsatisfactory”, or “Discontinued”. So what can an applicant do to get the “Satisfactory” label? And what is the DPE looking for to grant it?

All applicants will already have the endorsement of his or her CFI, so relax: the DPE expects that the checkride will be a success. The checkride begins with an oral discussion in which the DPE can ask anything from the appropriate FAR/AIM sections. While a pilot is not expected to remember every regulation in detail, they should be reasonably well prepared and should know where to find the answers to the questions. The flight portion of the exam follows a semi-scripted scenario involving cross-country navigation, diversions, simulated IMC, and forced landings. At any time during the checkride process you (or the DPE) can elect to “discontinue” the checkride for any reason. So if the weather is below your minimums, or if you just aren’t feeling safe to fly, this is your chance to show the DPE that you can make the right decision even when the pressure is on and postponing is inconvenient.

Some maneuvers like steep turns have clearly spelled out requirements, while others like forward slips have almost no pass/fail criteria. So how does a DPE conduct the test? The DPE acts like a passenger and will only take control and end the test to avoid airspace violations or unsafe operation. Gerhard described a “wait-and-see” approach to checkrides. He related a story of one checkride in which the pilot had not was already on final approach but had not been granted clearance to land. Gerhard was almost certain he was going to have to intervene, but the applicant was “saved” when the tower proactively called out a landing clearance. During the checkride the DPE is not allowed to give a “second chance” on any maneuver. However, if a short-field landing or other maneuver is not looking right to the applicant and he/she executes a go-around, that’s ok and the maneuver can still be executed for the test. In another test the pilot was having trouble communicating with ATC. Rather than step in, Gerhard let the pilot and ATC work the issue out to see if the pilot could demonstrate their proficiency.

At the end of the day, the job of a DPE, is to ensure that the newly minted pilot is safe and proficient to operate the aircraft in all phases of flight. Within the parameters of the PTS the DPE fills an important role that keeps all of us safer by ensuring that a new pilot meets at least a minimum level of proficiency. Thanks for the presentation, Gerhard!

August topic - Customs and Border Patrol and Ramp ChecksAs part of the homeland security umbrella, it seems there has been an increase in the frequency of aircraft search and inspections by the Customs department. What are your rights or obligations as a pilot? We plan to have an aviation attorney talk to us and answer questions at our next membership meeting! ! Saturday August 10, 2013 9:30 a.m. at McKinney Performing Arts Center

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By Charles GallesI hadn’t had a chance to take my oldest son flying yet, so I planned a BBQ run in late July. Lately the weather has been pretty hot - normal for Dallas in July of course. However the weekend of the 27th we were graced with a rare July cold front (actually we have had a few of them this summer). It looked like a great opportunity to fly down to Taylor (T74) and try out the newly rebuilt Mueller’s BBQ pit.

The forecast called for low clouds in the morning that would gradually give way to mostly cloudy conditions with high cirrus clouds. However the cold front stalled across central Texas between here and Taylor. Ceilings were only about 1700 ft and MVFR or IFR was the rule of the day. I asked the weather briefer about a few different locations, but he said about the only way to fly VFR that day was to go “northwest”. So I looked up Gainesville (KGLE, 310, 42nm) and planned a flight up there.

Gainesville airport started in 1941 as a training base for WWII aviators. Since then it has been used for flight training, agriculture operations, and general aviation. An abandoned 747 sits on a taxiway on the northeast side of the airport. The runways is in great condition and fuel is pretty cheap there. The city runs the airport and they have a couple of crew cars that you can sign out. When I arrived, I asked where the best place to get a burger was and the attendant replied that most people went to Dieter Brother’s Restaurant. Dieter’s is about 2 miles to the west of the field and you can eat there or take some BBQ back with you. My son and I did both, bringing back some huge melt-in-your mouth ribs and tasty smoked brisket for dinner.

This trip also marked a milestone for me - it was my first truly useful flight, resulting in enough dinner for our family and some friends as well. As it turns out, even factoring in the tach time cost, it was probably

cheaper per pound than some fish dinners I have caught. Our friends raved about how good the BBQ was and that it was flown in fresh to them. Then they said, “next time can you fly in some lobster?”.

Hmmm, I’m not sure how good Gainesville lobster would be, but, sure ...

Gainesville Airport

Dieter Bros. Restaurant

Aviation story to share? Send it to Charles Galles, [email protected]

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0 35.0 70.0 105.0140.0132.6










Jun 2013


N6368K On-line.05/10/13 Cleaned and re-caulked rear window.05/20/13 Fabricated a new part for the top cowling.05/24/13 Overhauled nose strut.

N7929U On-line.05/05/13 right brake bleed valve tightened.05/20/13 50 hour oil change.05/30/13 New bleed valve for right brake ordered.

N737TY Off-line - engine break-in and paint shop05/07/13 test flights completed.05/10/13 Annual inspection completed.

N733NB On-line     05/03/13 Carb heat cable adjusted. Oil changed. Installed new cowling fastener to bottom cowl.05/09/13 New battery installed.

N7508J Off-line - damaged in hangar during storm. Parts on order05/06/13 AI removed for rebuild.05/07/13 Parking brake master rebuilt.05/10/13 Rebuilt AI installed.


TOTAL 1455.2 94.7 109.8 105.7 118.5 121.0 132.6 74.9 111.2 137.8 123.4 132.1 96.4 1358.1

N6368K 379.5 24.1 24.0 25.3 33.4 36.0 44.6 32.7 20.7 13.7 33.1 39.1 29.3 356.0

N7929U 205.5 7.9 19.7 44.8 24.0 36.5 50.3 6.0 7.0 30.8 17.7 10.4 14.2 269.3

N737TY 275.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 2.0 42.8 47.1 34.1 41.9 1.6 171.1

N733NB 445.1 33.4 46.3 17.7 38.0 43.2 37.7 30.0 29.2 32.8 26.1 24.4 41.5 400.3

N7508J 149.6 29.3 19.8 17.9 23.1 3.7 0.0 4.2 11.5 13.4 12.4 16.3 9.8 161.4


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Texins Flying Club rates are based on a “wet tach hour”, meaning fuel and oil costs are included and you pay for engine usage and not wall clock time.

Aug 31 — Lancaster, TX (KLNC). Warbirds on Parade. The Dallas Fort Worth wing of the Commemorative Air Force annual event in which we honor all veterans and have various warbirds attend as well. This year we will have a B-24 Liberator, A-26 Invader, O-2 Rides are for sale in the B-24, BT-15, PT-17 "Stearman", C-45. Contact Russ Coonley 940-466-3672.Sep 7 — Dallas, TX. Collin County Regional at McKinney (TKI). EAA Chapter 1246 1st Saturday Coffee and Donut Fly-In. We're having Free coffee and donuts for everyone on the first Saturday of every month at Chuck Roberts Hangar (#2520) in the McKinney Hangars Association area. Let's gather at 9:00 am. You don't have to be a member to attend. See you there! Contact T Marbach, 214-549-9563.Oct 10-12 — Ft Worth, TX. Meacham FIeld (KFTW) and Ft Worth Convention center, AOPA Aviation Summit. Register to attend the AOPA summit, listen to aviation experts, and meet aviation enthusiasts and vendors. 1940’s hangar dance, http://aopa.org/summit.


N6268K Cessna 150M Commuter $113.39

N7929U Cessna 150M Commuter $113.39

N737TY Cessna 172N Skyhawk $146.88

N733NB Cessna 172N/180 Superhawk $146.88

N7508J Piper PA28R/180 Arrow $179.58

rates effective 08/01/2013 - 08/31/2013


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FUEL REIMBURSEMENTOffsite fuel purchases are currently reimbursed at $6.69/gal. If

you refuel at a lower price, you pocket the savings!

Remember to enter the gallons purchased in the log book and write your member number and tail number on the receipt and place it in the box in the key locker.

Comparative Fuel Prices from Around DFW. Information current

as of 08/03/2013

















$6.99 $6.99


$6.64 $6.64 $6.64$6.49

$6.59 $6.59$6.69

Cutter Aviation at McKinney.

Fuel Price



GVTTKI $6.99ADS $7.69

SWI $4.66GYI $4.89GDJ $4.72CPT $4.77GVT $4.96GLE $4.90HQZ $5.05LNC $4.60F46 $4.95DTO $5.10










Our fuel prices at McKinney Airport have increased to $6.69/gallon. The hourly rates listed on page 6 became effective 08/01/2013. The average 100LL price in our 6-state region is $5.76/gallon.

Check 100LL.com and/or AirNAV.com for current fuel prices when planning your next cross-country flight.

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August Meeting: Tentative: Aviation lawyer on ramp checks and searches.

Please join us on August 10, 2013 for our monthly membership meeting. Recent changes, fleet updates, and topics of interest to members will be discussed.

We have a tentative plan for a talk by an aviation lawyer about what to do if you are stopped on the ramp by Customs/Border Patrol and searched. August 10, 2013 at 9:30 am at MPAC

Unless otherwise stated, the TFC meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:30AM at the following location.

McKinney Performing Arts Center111 North Tennessee StreetMcKinney TX 750691st Floor, Encore Conference Room

FLIGHTLINESMonthly Board Meetings

All members are welcome to attend our board meetings held on the Wednesday prior to each monthly membership meeting. Our

board meetings are held from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the following location:L.E.R Schimelpfenig Library5024 Custer RoadPlano TX 75023Contact a board member any questions regarding our meetings.

MilestonesBen Johnston - 1st solo 7/3/2013Damon Printz - 1st solo 7/25/2013Jogi Baruah - PPSEL 7/20/2013

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CFI: Certified Flight Instructor

CFII: Certified Flight Instructor for Instrument Rating

MEI: Multi-Engine Rating Instructor

CONV: Conventional Gear Endorsement

SES: Seaplane Rating Instructor

ATP: Airline Transport Pilot

Want a Free Month’s Dues?For those of you unaware, the FAA

has a pilot proficiency program (called WINGS) in place to assist with proficiency in flying. The benefit of this program, besides making you a safer pilot, is that for each phase of the WINGS program completed, your Fl ight Review is extended by 24 months from the end of the month from which you completed the phase.

In addition, the Texins Flying Club offers one month of free dues for each WINGS phase completed (up to a $45 value)

In order to complete a phase, generally, the pilot needs to complete 6 credits. Three knowledge credits taken either online or in a classroom, and flight credits, in a plane with your CFI. Completion of WINGS courses not only counts as an FAA Flight Review, but also counts as a TFC Annual Review along with the discount on dues for the month following completion.

For more information, go to:

h t t p : / / f a a s a f e t y. g o v / W I N G S / p u b /learn_more.aspx

Texins Flying Club Certified Flight InstructorsTexins Flying Club Certified Flight InstructorsTexins Flying Club Certified Flight InstructorsTexins Flying Club Certified Flight InstructorsTexins Flying Club Certified Flight InstructorsName Gender Ratings PHONE Availability

Richard Klein(Chief Instructor)

Male CFI, CFII, MEI, CONV 972-424-2307214-704-2054

7 days per week.

Mike Baulch Male CFI, CFII, MEI, CONV, SES 972-843-2208

Dinu Catona Male CFI, CFII, MEI 469-795-1117619-925-1118

Calvin Coffey Male CFI, CFII, MEI, CONV, SES, ATP 972-547-6711 weekends, some weeknights

Hank Eilts Male CFI, CFII, CONV 214-480-3581 7 days per week.

Rich Graham Male CFI, ATP, MEI, CFII 972-491-0011 7 days per week.

Art Jones Male CFI, CFII, MEI, CONV 972-346-2646

Bob Niedwiecki Male CFI, CFII, MEI, ATP 214-697-5266

Sherman Ratliff Male CFI, CFII 469-220-5283 weekends, some weeknights

Aniseh Shapiro Female CFI, CFII, MEI 972-965-7999 7 days per week.

Dick Stephens Male CFI, CFII, CONV 972-517-1647972-342-0018

7 days per week, except Sunday mornings.

Gerhard Deffner Male CFI, CFII, MEI, CONV, SES, ATP 972-814-3746 7 days per week.

Tom Guyton Male CFI, CFII, MEI, SES, ATP 214-566-1765 7 days per week.

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N737TY737TY is back online again. Follow

break-in procedures for the first 25 hours.

Safety OfficerKTKI safety briefing meeting we

learned about a plan to close taxiway B3 and move the windsock further north. However no funding or dates have been identified.

Cross-Country / Trainer MaintenanceGPS database updates for 737TY will

resume. Board suggested checking with Garmin to make sure we get credit for downtime on subscription.

Treasurer ReportThe board reviewed a number of

members with old dues-only outstanding balances. These will be written off. Board will take action to collect past due balances.

ComptrollerBoard discussed current model for

setting rates and building reserves for future updates to aircraft. Will revisit the topic again in the Fall.

Membership reportWe have 142 members down 2 from

last month.

TEXINS FLYING CLUBPO BOX 831311Richardson, TX 75083-1311

The TEXINS Flying Club is a subsidiary organization of the Dallas TEXINS Association, a non-profit organization.

Our purpose, as stated in our Constitution is “... to encourage interest in aviation, to advance the knowledge of the members in aeronautical and navigational subjects, and to bring to more people the social benefits and pleasure of flying.”http://www.texinsflyingclub.org

Texins Flying Club Board of DirectorsTexins Flying Club Board of DirectorsTexins Flying Club Board of DirectorsTexins Flying Club Board of DirectorsPOSITION OFFICER PHONE E-Mail

President Calvin Coffey 972-547-6711 [email protected]

Vice-President of Operations Fred Carvajal 972-562-2128 [email protected]

Vice-President of Membership Robert McLeod 972-424-0820 [email protected]

Chief Instructor Richard Klein 972-424-2307 [email protected]

Treasurer Curtis Conrad 972-998-9898 [email protected]

Comptroller Anton Quiroz 972-495-5850 [email protected]

Communications Charles Galles 469-222-8203 [email protected]

Safety Dick Stephens 972-270-1769 [email protected]

X-Country Maintenance Brian Relin 214-733-2001 [email protected]

Trainer Maintenance James Ballard 972-271-9728 [email protected]

Texins Flying Club Board Meeting Updates