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Planning the Layout of my Magazine By Theresa Kuhn

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Planning the Layout of my Magazine

By Theresa Kuhn

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Thinking of an Idea

When considering how to layout the contents of my magazine there were many things to think about. Firstly, the way my magazine was arranged had to display the genre of the magazine being indie. Therefore I couldn’t do anything too over other top or plain as it would be giving out the wrong messages. Also I had to think about how each of the pieces would work around the images, and how my colour scheme would fit in with this. Therefore I created lots of different versions of flat plans for all three pages I was to complete, to see how I could change and adapt thing to make them look professional.

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My front cover

Starting with my front cover, I created lots of different flat-plans to see the many possibility I could use. The main things I had to include were all the conventions of a normal magazine cover, as well as the use of a medium shot photo. I wanted something that was extraordinary and eye catching, yet looked professional and readable.

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This one was just a very basic first idea as to what I could do. It was very unimaginative but included all the features of a

front cover

I then kept the image in the same place but made the main cover line bold and be a banner across the whole front cover. This way it would be clearer as to who the main person is and looks more interesting. I also made the bar code sit horizontally across the bottom and included a puff that would list some of the bands featuring in the magazine

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I then started experimenting with the positioning of the figure. In this picture she is to one side, which for rule of thirds makes her head in the primary optical area, and would be the first place a reader would look when picking up the magazine. I also chose to box some of the cover lines to separate them and make the cover more intriguing

I then tried to think outside the box and see if there was anyway that the banner could be lined to the image so it would look like she was holding it. However I wasn’t too sure how it could be done, so the only way I could know is if I did another test shoot.

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I tried again with this method, making it balance on her hand. This could possibly work but is not the position I wanted my model to stand in.

I then tired another position, which was more like one I would have preferred but it still didn’t exactly work. The only way I could try this out was in Photoshop which I might experiment with later. I also swapped the side that the bar code was on but I preferred it in its original position.

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I then thought to put the banner behind the main figure as a creative way of displaying it. I placed it more central to the page and placed it behind her hair. This looked quite good but I worried the writing wouldnt be visible enough to read the name of the band.

Therefore for this one I placed it behind the shoulders instead. I felt this was a better place to put it and would look more creative on the cover.

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Overall for this my two favourites were these two images. Until I start on Photoshop I'm not sure if the work or not, so I thought I'd leave the option to have both for now.

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My Contents Page

For this I took research from other magazines, both on Pinterest and other sites, that let me fully see how to set out my own. I wanted it to be simple and individual yet displaying enough information to interest and inform the reader. Therefore I created these 4 designs as possibility’s of ways for it to be displayed. Each had a 2cm white rim around the edge as this is a feature of my house design, so will feature on every page of the magazine.

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For this one I put the image to the top right and had the features shape around the body. The regulars and editorial were in small boxes at the bottom instead. I liked this as it was very organised and concise in the different sections which were easy to read.

On this version I made the contents title display vertically down the right side of the page. Instead of boxes, I put the editorial and regulars underneath the features, that would be separated with white lines.

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I didn’t change much to this accept make the image larger so fill the page, as well as move the contents title up to the top of the page. I especially liked this one as it gave room for page numbers and made the background more visible for the white writing to go over the top.

For this final version I kept the positioning of the articles in the same place, but drew dotted lines to the page numbers that surrounded the main figure in the image. I didn’t particularly like this as it made the page too busy.

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My final Design

I have chosen to use this version as my flat plan for my contents page. It is informative yet concise, and I feel has enough on it to recognise that this is a contents page.

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My Double Page Spread

With the images I had collected on my test shoot I came up with a few ideas on how to lay out my double page spread. I wanted the text to mainly revolve around the images I chose, so these flat-plans are not set in stone as the final outcome, but are an idea as to what I could create. For each version, I made sure I carried on the 2cm white rim around the edge as this is part of my house design and so should feature on all pages.

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For the top one I separated the picture and text entirely, with the white rim going through the middle too. I also put the text into two column, but had a pull quote in the middle that parted the text slightly. This is a very formal approach to what I could create which would look professional, but isnt exciting enough for my magazine.

The bottom one was quite different in comparison, making the image the centre focus with the text shaping around it. This could work quite well but I plan to edit my photo creatively, meaning their might not be the sufficient space to place the text. However it is one I will consider as I do like this way of writing and I also like the title of the page.

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This was my favourite design I created. It included 3 images of my model being edited together so they would work round on each other on the left page. I then placed the text on the right in two separate columns. The images background would then fill the entire two pages, with the white rim surrounding them. If my edit is successful I think this would work especially well and would be a very creative way of displaying the information I have collected.

For the bottom one I made one of my images cover the whole two pages. On the right side however(in alignment with the text) I would edit the picture so it would fade to white or another pastle colour. Then I would choose another three picture I took on the same shoot and place them going downwards. The text would still go into two columns, with a pull quote separating them on the middle. I also like this idea as it is simple yet displays the information and image in a originative way.

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My Final Design Ideas

Like for my cover page I have two ideas that will work the best for my double page spread interview. I like these two the best as the text is organised and follows conventions of a magazine, as well as the image needing creative editing.

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These ideas are basic sketches I have made of what I have planned these pages to look like. When making them properly, I will make proper flat-plans with detailed explanations and labels as to what will go where.