flame keepers_april 11

Flamekeepers A Jesus Youth Hyderabad initiative Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Lenten period, which leads us to the celebration of Holy Easter, is for the Church a most valuable and important liturgical time, in view of which I am pleased to offer a specific word in order that it may be lived with due diligence. As she awaits the definitive encounter with her Spouse in the eternal Easter, the Church community, assiduous in prayer and charitable works, intensifies her journey in purifying the spirit, so as to draw more abundantly from the Mystery of Redemption the new life in Christ the Lord… …The mercy of God, which cancels sin and, at the same time, allows us to experience in our lives "the mind of Christ Jesus" (Phil 2: 5), is given to men and women freely.The Apostle to the Gentiles, in the Letter to the Philippians, expresses the meaning of the transformation that takes place through participation in the death and resurrection of Christ, pointing to its goal: that "I may come to know him and the power of his resurrection, and partake of his sufferings by being molded to the pattern of his death, striving towards the goal of resurrection from the dead" (Phil 3: 10-11)… …The Lenten journey finds its fulfillment in the Paschal Triduum, especially in the Great Vigil of the Holy Night: renewing our baptismal promises, we reaffirm that Christ is the Lord of our life, that life which God bestowed upon us when we were reborn of "water and Holy Spirit", and we profess again our firm commitment to respond to the action of the Grace in order to be his disciples By immersing ourselves into the death and resurrection of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism, we are moved to free our hearts every day from the burden of material things, from a self-centered relationship with the "world" that impoverishes us and prevents us from being available and open to God and our neighbor. In Christ, God revealed himself as Love (cf. 1Jn 4: 7-10). The Cross of Christ, the "word of the Cross", manifests God's saving power (cf. 1Cor 1: 18), that is given to raise men and women anew and bring them salvation: it is love in its most extreme form (cf. Encyclical Deus caritas est, n. 12)… …Dear Brothers and Sisters, through the personal encounter with our Redeemer and through fasting, almsgiving and prayer, the journey of conversion towards Easter leads us to rediscover our Baptism. This Lent, let us renew our acceptance of the Grace that God bestowed upon us at that moment, so that it may illuminate and guide all of our actions. What the Sacrament signifies and realizes, we are called to experience every day by following Christ in an ever more generous and authentic manner. In this our itinerary, let us entrust ourselves to the Virgin Mary, who generated the Word of God in faith and in the flesh, so that we may immerse ourselves - just as she did - in the death and resurrection of her Son Jesus, and possess eternal life Pope Benedict XVI (2011 Lenten Message) APRIL 2011 A MISSIONARY MOVEMENT AT THE SERVICE OF THE CHURCH

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'Flamekeepers' is the newsletter of Jesus Youth Hyderabad. Please do go through this April 2011 issue for the latest news from the land of Nizams and Biriyanis. Special Feature: Do not miss out our new series on the adventures of 'Heroes of Emmaus'. In an action-packed journey, these Super Heroes will take us along the programs in Nellore and Vijayawada. Prizes are in store for those who can correctly guess the characters. Good Luck! Also, keep yourself updated with the 'hyderabad tweetboard' From this issue onwards, Flamekeepers would be published on a quarterly basis.


Page 1: Flame Keepers_April 11

FlamekeepersA Jesus Youth Hyderabad initiative

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Lenten period, which leads us to the celebration of Holy Easter, is for the Church a most valuable and important liturgical time, in view of which I am pleased to offer a specific word in order that it may be lived with due diligence. As she awaits the definitive encounter with her Spouse in the eternal Easter, the Church community, assiduous in prayer and charitable works, intensifies her journey in purifying the spirit, so as to draw more abundantly from the Mystery of Redemption the new life in Christ the Lord…

…The mercy of God, which cancels sin and, at the same time, allows us to experience in our lives "the mind of Christ Jesus" (Phil 2: 5), is given to men and women freely.The Apostle to the Gentiles, in the Letter to the Philippians, expresses the meaning of the transformation that takes place through participation in the death and resurrection of Christ, pointing to its goal: that "I may come to know him and the power of his resurrection, and partake of his sufferings by being molded to the pattern of his death, striving towards the goal of resurrection from the dead" (Phil 3: 10-11)…

…The Lenten journey finds its fulfillment in the Paschal Triduum, especially in the Great Vigil of the Holy Night: renewing our baptismal promises, we reaffirm that Christ is the Lord of our life, that life which God bestowed upon us when we were reborn of "water and Holy Spirit", and we profess again our firm commitment to respond to the action of the Grace in order to be his disciples

By immersing ourselves into the death and resurrection of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism, we are moved to free our hearts every day from the burden of material things, from a self-centered relationship with the "world" that impoverishes us and prevents us from being available and open to God and our neighbor. In Christ, God revealed himself as Love (cf. 1Jn 4: 7-10). The Cross of Christ, the "word of the Cross", manifests God's saving power (cf. 1Cor 1: 18), that is given to raise men and women anew and bring them salvation: it is love in its most extreme form (cf. Encyclical Deus caritas est, n. 12)…

…Dear Brothers and Sisters, through the personal encounter with our Redeemer and through fasting, almsgiving and prayer, the journey of conversion towards Easter leads us to rediscover our Baptism. This Lent, let us renew our acceptance of the Grace that God bestowed upon us at that moment, so that it may illuminate and guide all of our actions. What the Sacrament signifies and realizes, we are called to experience every day by following Christ in an ever more generous and authentic manner. In this our itinerary, let us entrust ourselves to the Virgin Mary, who generated the Word of God in faith and in the flesh, so that we may immerse ourselves - just as she did - in the death and resurrection of her Son Jesus, and possess eternal life Pope Benedict XVI (2011 Lenten Message)























Page 2: Flame Keepers_April 11

Karen Maria Goldwyn

Many people would say their Jubilee was a graceful and beautiful experience. Mine ROCKED! My presence in the celebration of the Jubilee was all in itself a miracle. Being

thin the 10 grade, I had many exams lined up. In addition, unfortunately, my revision exams were scheduled during the entire week of our Jubilee. Accommodation, flight tickets, everything had been planned. However, my parents did not cancel a singe thing! We offered everything to God, willing to accept any plan of His. By the grace of God, the school postponed the exams to the week after Jubilee and our winter vacations were back on.

Even after reaching the premises of Rajagiri College, the confusions were there to stay, be it the registrations counter, main pandhal, etc.; and we were longing to see some familiar faces. We reached the main pandhal and my breath was taken away as if someone had punched me in the gut. Only at that moment, looking at about 20,000 people of varying age groups under the same roof as ours, did I understand the enormity of the Jubilee. I danced like I had never before and screamed and shouted songs to which I knew all the words. After receiving the Eucharist, tears of joy and happiness streamed down my face. For someone who was supposed to be at home, studying for the exams, I was at Jubilee Conference, having a glorious time. God truly does wonderful things!

The next day, I was not so enthusiastic. In a crowded place, I usually like to be surrounded by people I know, but without my parents, who were in the family stream and me in the Teens stream, I was on my own. Then something, which Dad very often tells me, came to my mind “Fear is the work of the Devil.” Thus, I shook away feelings of fear and walked determinedly to the seats closer to the stage. I sat next to a couple of girls and the girl on my immediate left asked me my name, told her, and in a snap, Joice and I were best friends. She would put her arm around my shoulder and walk with me to lunch and would hold my hand tightly when we were praying. There was only one problem, language. She could only speak Malayalam and I could only speak English. Nevertheless, we were more than willing to accommodate and manage.

Even on the stage, we had very vibrant speakers who would not let us fall asleep - Dony Peter, Colin Calmiano, Salvatore Martinez and Mark Nimo. My favorite session was that of Mark Nimo, who spoke on faithfulness to God. Agreed, you must have heard that session a number of times, but you have not heard it the way Mark Nimo says it. He illustrated it by calling on a boy and tying him with ropes to various other children, thus showing him attached to the things of the world and then the relief of God cutting the ropes. For all who does not know, Mark Nimo breaks a clay pot after every

session. He broke it for us showing how we get shattered when we get obsessed with the world.

Aside from great speakers, we had the Acts of the Apostles with us the entire time. What really struck me is their humbleness. They are an amazing band, but after every song, they try to put God into the Limelight and placed themselves along the sidelines. (Flash News: We got to interact with the Acts of the Apostles personally after the program.)

For me, Jubilee was a time to learn and observe, a time to learn how to thank God in the times of difficulties (Bus# 109 which had to take us to and fro the hotel was never to be seen) and to accept graciously the blessings God was showering on us.

Deep down within there’s a new song arising...

We hear the sound of a multitude rising

Page 3: Flame Keepers_April 11

For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” - Psalm 84:10

'One Day with the Lord' was born as a

personal initiative by Antony, which grew

into a ministry initiative by the active

involvement of other members of

Intercession Team of Jesus Youth


The initiative is intended to draw people out

of their busy schedule and bring them into

the presence of God, which may require

sacrificing food, time, at times a day's work

and many other pleasures. Another

objective of the initiative is to provide

people an opening for reflecting on the

Lenten season so that they can attain

spiritual growth by the end of the Lent.

Keeping this in mind, the initiative was

launched on Ash Wednesday.

Intercession ministry suggests that those

who participate in this initiative be in the

presence of the Holy Sacrament from 10.00

am to 5.00 pm, followed by confession and

Holy Mass to have the full experience of

'One day with the Lord'. The team has

prepared a schedule for the whole day, and

the person who is spending the time in front

of the Sacrament could use this as a

reference for what all could be done,

although the participants are free to follow

the promptings of the Spirit.

The initiative is continuing as an unbroken

chain these days and those who have taken

part in it feel that it was indeed a blessing to

have such an intimate time with the Lord!

Enthused by their sharing, many more have

availed of this opportunity to accomplish a

divine experience and a graceful Lent.

As Antony often says, “A little effort form us

and a big blessing from God”, let us all pray

that this initiative may not be restricted to

Lenten season, but grow further with the

grace of Christ into a mightier approach for

strengthening the Jesus Youth movement.

Let’s hear it from the Jesus Youths ofHyderabad...

“It was really a great time being in the presence of God after a long time. It was really peaceful and free of burdens.Really enjoyed those hours.” - Alekhya

“It was a successful day with the Lord. I felt the peace of God in me.” - Joseph

“I had a really great experience, which has never happened before; I could feel the

presence of God! Though I was fasting, I was not hungry. I was relaxed and I felt that I have achieved something in my life. ” - Sujatha

“It was a good experience, which helped

me to be in heaven with my Jesus.” - Delbi

“If we are in the presence of God, our mind will always be free from worldly tensions and it will be so cool.” - Ramyaraj

“Praise God. I am very thankful to God for making me to sit in front of Him on my birthday and rejoicing with Him.” – Abhishek

“The whole day, I was praying to God for others and it gave me peace and made me very happy. Thank you Jesus for giving me a chance to pray for others.” - Joseph Thambi

“It was wonderful experience for me as

that day, I could experience the deeper relationship with God” - Bibitha

“I still remember April 3rd, the day that I spent with the Lord. The day passed so fast and I spoke to my Lord a lot. It is an unforgettable day in my life.” - Malu “Dedicating a single day from myr normal life was just awesome. It helped me realize

how close I was to Jesus and how closer I moved after that day. Jesus said knock and it shall be opened, seek and you shall find it; that day I was seeking for the almighty God and He was next to me sitting and guiding me.” - Savio

“God spoke to me through 2 Thessalonians 1: 6 – 12. The message was that whenever you are suffering for Christ, whenever you are proclaiming His wonders which are revealed to you, whenever you are praying constantly for your brothers , you are glorifying His name and hence eligible for the eternal Glory. “ - Phinix

“It was first time I was spending such a long time with God. When I had said 'Yes', I was a bit tensed and wondered whether I am truly worthy for this commitment. I am still not sure where I got that concentration from and I felt my God calling and choosing me .Amazed and speechlesss!” - Alen

“I had a closer walk with the Saints and their lives when I spent 'One day with the Lord' !” -Tony

“An opportunity to thank GOD with Jesus

Youth family for all the blessings

showered on this movement” – Anoop

“More happiness, more power and more strength for my mind and body! After adoration, Jesus arranged my life in a beautiful way. Thank you, Jesus.” - Jisha

“I was able to pray for the prayer requests and for the Jesus Youth activities.” - Chikku

“One day with Lord brought me closer to God and it made me realize where I am with the Lord. “ - Naresh

“I am very happy. Thank you so much for your prayers. Praise the Lord.” - Venkat Rao

Page 4: Flame Keepers_April 11

Around 15 of us gathered at St. Jude's shrine at 2.45 pm andspent some

time in silence with the Lord. At 3.00 pm we prayed the Divine Mercy

prayer and half an hour later, we stepped out of the chapel to brief every

one about the visit plan. By 4.00 pm all of us had gathered at Gandhi

hospital and moved into different wards and floors in groups of three.

Vandana, Aditi and I had a wonderful time with the kids as we walked

through the paediatric wards. As we spoke to those little kids and their

parents, we experienced great joy seeing a simile on their faces.

Though they were in pain, many of them were happy to see us visiting

them. Thanks to Aditi, her medical background helped Vandana and

me to understand the health conditions of those kids. With mixed

feelings of joy and sadness (joy to see them and sadness to see them in

that condition), we went around. These people were of different faith

and from different places, but still they welcomed us and shared their

story. Many of them requested for our prayers, believing and hoping our

prayers will be answered.

We wished we could have spent some more time with those kids, but we

had to move on. As per our plan, all of us gathered together at 5.30 pm

and had a wonderful time of sharing. Each group shared their

experiences and felt the need to pray more and more for these people.

As I heard each group share their experience, I felt the mighty presence

of the Lord filling each one of us with His Holy Spirit and more & more

grace flowing though that place. As rightly mentioned by Vandana, we

ought to be thankful to the Lord for this opportunity that He gave us and

much more for the good health that He has given each of us.

After the delightful time of sharing, we had a small time of

thanksgiving to the Lord for the presence of two great individuals who

were working for the Lord selflessly for the past one year – Raikhan and

Cyril. It was their last CPG with Hyderabad Jesus Youth. Both of them

shared their experience during the past one year. After the sharing, we

had cake cutting to bid farewell to our two wonderful full timers;

another moment of mixed feelings. After all this, by around 6.45 pm,

everyone returned to their homes.

It was an awesome day all together. Please pray for all the sick people at

Gandhi hospital and for our two dear full timers Cyril and Raikhan.

Outreach to Gandhi Hospital

Maria Loretta

Outreach to Gandhi Hospital

I Support Child Support

Abhishek Onteddu

Becoming an Engineer had been my long cherished dream since my childhood. Hence, after my school, I joined coaching classes and appeared for the exam. Within a month, the results were out and by the grace of God, I was selected. But, a hurdle was still in my way, a financial hurdle it was. At that time, my cousin (Raja Sekhar) who was well settled in USA came to hear about and decided to sponsor my graduation. No other news could have been a happier one at that moment and I immediately told him that I will repay him as soon as I get a job. To my surprise, he told that there was no need for me to repay him, instead sponsor another child who would be in similar need. This incident etched in me a thought to sponsor a child whenever I get a job.

Years passed by and by God's grace, I got a very good job on August, 2010. Even though my desire to sponsor a child was still there, I could not find any means or channel to go about doing this. I believe our loving Master saw my plight and after a few months, I came to know about a Jesus Youth initiative, 'Child Support'. As soon as I heard about this initiative, I sponsored a child, starting from April 2011.

Seven years before, I was at a juncture and this noble help from my cousin helped me to complete my education and attain the position where I am today. Across Andhra Pradesh (and India), there are

numerous children looking forward for helps like this. It is the dream of the Outreach AP team to sponsor 5 children from each diocese of AP. In AP, as a part of this initiative, we are sponsoring 30 children. As per the figures from Jesus youth National Outreach team, there are 1758 children who are being supported through this initiative, but we are only having 1250 sponsors! Hence, supporting all the worthy children in our list becomes something impossible for us. So if the Spirit of the truth and charity prompts you to contribute for this initiative, please contact me or Sruteep (Laddu). God bless you and have a wonderful life!

Page 5: Flame Keepers_April 11

hyderabad tweet board

#WebSite: Campus Ministry has now entered the cyber arena with a new website @ http://www.jyhydcampus.co.cc

@cpg#LentenReflectionDay: CPG Team conducted a day long program to help Jesus Youths to meditate over the Lenten mystery. Fr. Praveen (AP Regional Youth Director) shared his Lenten message and Fr. Vincent (Principal, St. Joseph's College) gave valuable inputs on spiritually preparing for the forthcoming days. Post lunch, Fr. Vincent, Fr. Samson (St. Alphonsus Church Parish Priest) and Fr. Vijay (Holy Trinity Church Asst. Parish Priest) were available for confession. The day concluded with a beautiful Adoration lead by Adolf bhayya.

@intercessionteam#NewCoreTeam: Intercession Team of Jesus Youth Hyderabad saw a new core team being formed, with Jijo as the Co-ordinator and Jinson as the Asst. Co-ordinator, along with 4 team members

#MarchNightVigil: The Intercession Team conducted a night vigil on March 4th at St. Alphonsus Church. Apart from Jesus Youths, a few parishioners had also joined for the vigil. At 10.00 pm, Fr. Samson exposed the Blessed Sacrament for adoration and it was followed by a beautiful time of praise and worship. Bro. Christopher and Bro. Antony shared the Word of God pertaining to the Lenten season. The vigil concluded with Holy Mass at 5.00 am.

#AprilNightVigil: April night vigil was held at Auxilium Church, Secunderabad, on April 15th. By the grace of God, there was a huge turnout of the parishioners, especially the youth. Commencing with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament by Fr. Richard and Praise & Worship led by Tony, Tomy & Savio, the vigil consisted of different mysteries of the Holy Rosary, sharing of Word of God by Jeffie and other intercessory prayers. The vigil concluded at 5:00 am with a Holy Mass.

@nursesministry#NewCoreTeam: Along with the other ministries, Nurses’ Ministry can now boast of a new core team, with Chinchu as the Co-ordinator and Anu as the Asst. Coordinator

@serviceteam#training: The Service Team training held at the Pastoral centre, Abids, on the second weekend of April was animated

Sr. Mary (Hyderabad Service Team Animator), Vijay Sebastian(Bangalore), Immanuel (JYNT Asst. Co-ordinator),and Antony (JYNT Co-ordinator). The Hyderabad Service Team, along with the ministry co-ordinators attended this training.

by Adolf Goldwyn (JYNT Animator),

@campusministry#NewCoreTeam: Campus Ministry of Jesus Youth Hyderabad has elected a new 9-member core team with Fr. Joy Sebastian OFM as the Pastor. Jeffie John is the new Campus Co-ordinator and Alekhya Reddy is the Asst. Co-ordinator.

The reconstitution was accompanied by the post-jubilee gathering for the campus youth of Hyderabad. Near to 40 Jesus Youths attended this program, where they shared their Jubilee experiences and resolutions

#CCPM: An initiative of the Campus Ministry, Central Campus Prayer Meet (CCPM) is a venue for campus youth from in and around Hyderabad to come together for a wonderful time of prayer and fellowship. CCPMs are held every second Saturday at St. Francis College from 10 am to 12 pm. RT #CampusTeam

Page 6: Flame Keepers_April 11

“A journey of 100 miles starts with an auto ride for minimum charge (after a bargain)” - Capt.Rockztone(DISCLAIMER: Based on a true story recited by Phinix, on conditions of anonymity. Any resemblance to anyone you know, does not know or does not want to know is totally intentional)

Chapter - ILocation: Headquarters, Team EmmausBeep…Beep…Beep…The red alarm at Team Emmaus HQ started beeping. “Emergency, emergency. Code Red situation at Unit-N”, cried the huge plasma screen in the control panel. Clearly, this task required two of the most illustrious superheroes from Team Emmaus – SuperHero 1 & SuperHero 2. Without a minute to spare, forsaking brushing, bathing and breakfast, they leapt towards the nearest auto stand.

SuperHero 1: “Bhayya, Railway station jaana hein”Autowala: “Sir, pachees ruppaya laghega”SuperHero 1: “Pacheeeees ruppaya! Woh bahut zyaada hein. Chaalis mein jao”Autowala: “Chalo sir” (grin)

With the satisfaction of having bargained the auto fare from `25 to `40, our SuperHeroes commenced their journey towards their mission place.

Chapter - IILocation: St. Joseph Nursing College, Nellore (Unit-N)The huge wooden carved doors of the fortress brought back memories of his previous missions to SuperHero 2. As they knocked on these thresholds of the establishment, they could not but anticipate the mysteries hidden behind them. Their thread of imagination was broken by the sound of a young lady covered in white robe.

After glancing and studying them in a fleeting second, she asked, “Who are you?” Even before SuperHero 2 could respond, her eyes targeted SuperHero 1 and asked, “Are you a kidnapper?” Our superheroes could feel the ice melting beneath their feet as these waves pounded on their eardrums. Never to be flustered, remembering his master who taught him the basics at a secret national-level training camp, SuperHero 1 responded, “I am a missionary, on a mission here.” The lady was tough to impress and her heart spoke against letting them in, but she had her orders from above!

Having gained access to their mission area, the SuperHeroes started moving cautiously towards the guest room.

“The lady in the white seems to have some suspicions. We should contain the issue before it becomes serious.”, whispered SuperHero 1 to SuperHero 2, as they were led to their guest rooms.

Heroes of Emmaus

SuperHero 2: “Don't worry. Anticipating this, I have already requested for backup from Unit-K. Two special agents, along with the Big Boss would be reaching here any moment from now”SuperHero 1: “What? The Big Boss is coming here!”

Bu ha ha ha ha…The laughter of SuperHero 1 echoed across the hallways of the college as they disappeared into their room.

Chapter - IIIA Superhero's life is never an easy one. Set with life-altering decisions, they constantly tread on the path of discernment each moment of their lives. SuperHero 1 was on the brink of such a dilemma at present. The options ahead of him were few, but profound. Confused at the juncture of the two paths, he had to muster all his strength to decide the path ahead. Finally, in a move that could have upset the entire balance of the cosmos, he opted for the path that led to the dining hall instead of the one that led to the intercession room. His bravery did not go unrewarded; after the hearty meal, he re-checked his options and headed towards the intercession room.

Coming out from the intercession room, SuperHero 1 was formally greeted by Agent 1 from their top-secret Kurnool unit (Unit-K) and their Big Boss. In addition, they had also brought in special agent Agent 2, who had served in all the bases of the state; his experience would prove handy, mentioned Agent 1, as he stroked his flowing beard and checked the precision of his multi-keyed weapon.

Chapter – IVHaving fought courageously in numerous fields, this assignment was nothing new to SuperHero 1. However, there was something different about this mission. Nevertheless, wearing his customary blue armour, SuperHero 1 entered the arena and started his mission. An excruciating period…time flew by, time stood still…In the end, SuperHero 1 was once again victorious and recruited 150 new agents who would stand for life and defend the dignity of human life. A mission well begun is half done, reminisced our SuperHero 1, as he retired towards his favourite arena, the dining hall.

Chapter – VThe day was coming to an end and the SuperHeroes did not want to leave any stone unturned. Upon the orders of Big Boss from Unit-K, the SuperHeroes now donned the mantles of traffic organizers. Directing new recruits along a rugged terrain of over a kilometer, towards the anointed Heroes in white robes for confession, is no child's play, but thanks to the strategy devised by Agent 2 from the Northeastern lands, this was a cakewalk for our Heroes. From a beggar to a kidnapper to a competitor in food festival to a traffic cop – all in a day's work, SuperHero 1 mulled over.

Page 7: Flame Keepers_April 11

Chapter - VIAs SuperHero 1 retired towards his room, thinking of his next assignment, SuperHero 2 came up to him and announced the inevitable.

SuperHero 2: “After hours and hours of discernment, I have finally made that crucial decision.”SuperHero 1: “(gulp) Are you saying you have decided to…”SuperHero 2: “Yes, yes indeed. I have decided to go undercover and join this establishment; work for our mission as one of them”SuperHero 1: “Are you sure you want to take up this assignment?”SuperHero 2: “Hmmm…Even my mind was at a loss. However, today's breakfast and lunch have affirmed my decision. I am joining them. My decision is firm.”SuperHero 1: “Well, I can't blame you for thinking so. Even I am fed up with the food at our Head quarters. But, do not forget that the gender protocol of the Universal Agency may stand against you.”SuperHero 2: “I had thought about that. I am sure our Big Boss would come up with some plan. Let us wait and see”

Wait and see…wait and see…wait and see…

Chapter – VIIAfter recruiting, training and inducting new agents, our SuperHeroes entrusted the remaining work to the agents from Unit-K and started for their next assignment in Vijayawada unit (Unit-V). As soon as they boarded their buses, SuperHero 2 could feel some negative vibes around the region. Suddenly, a streak of light flashed across and our heroes were teleported to an alien ship. The aliens seemed curious to know about the human species; but little did they

know that they had chosen the wrong samples for their tests.

Sensing the opportunity to spread their mission to yet another plane, our heroes commenced:SuperHero 1 : “Do you know that…dign i ty o f life…fertility…population…”SuperHero 2: “Let us recite…for all the people…for our personal…”

Understanding their folly, the aliens beamed back our heroes to their bus; the time was 3 hours into the future and the bus had moved nil ahead.

Chapter VIIILocation: Vijayawada (Unit-V)Unit-V presented a mission no different from the numerous ones they had undertaken; nevertheless, our heroes started with a conversation with the Supreme Commander. After having lunch, they proceeded to meet the agents of Unit-V and training a few of them.

The food was lovely, tasty and good, but they have promises to keep, and miles to go before they sleep, miles to go before they sleep. Fighting the multitude of populace in the hub of the chief transportation terminal of Unit-V, our valiant and courageous heroes commenced their onward journey back to the HQ, awaiting yet another assignment in a remote part of their territory.

Epilogue“Wherever the dignity of life is at stake, wherever intercession needs are felt, wherever good food is served, we will be there to save the day.” – Team Emmaus