f'jiil'jij17:1 42 morchnnt street, honolulu. iv david dayton will prm'the in...

TWIinnilllfnflM hiHMissMmiJjBsslliilli issmswisii illll I -- , ...i.um m V . r ,."' ' ' 'VJX w txm: ;. T 'vvryaBip . -- r " 4 H 4 r w- - -- Sk 'JgF JgrfP IIP v l " f'Jiil'JIJ vvr' MMitaMHfcgg ijwtrinwmwii STEIff Tor.. XTV. No. 2109. noNOLULU, ir. i.. Thursday BT3Ni"N,.NOviaMBis!U-2i- , issa. GO CENTO OUOBORIPTION PEB MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN 1b punted ami published at the oftico, Queen Street, Honolulu, 11. I., every afternoon (Sunilays uxoepled). .Subscription, 50 cents per Month. k Address till Communications Daimt liUl.l.KTIN. ' AtlvyttViamculM, to entru insertion, fliiiillcl bo ltitnilt.il in before omi (Moult I', u WALTER Hltl Sdllut-an- 1'iujHlatoi Bulletin Steam Printing Oinoe. Newxpoper, Boon, mid Job Printing ol all kindfe done od tin- - inoit favorable M'MU'i. Siell Telephone No. BOil Mutual Telephone No. 25(1 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. .An luleiestlug anil comprehensive ffubliealioD, contains 33 coluraus of ' leading matter on local topics, ami a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. U is the heat paper mibllahed ' in the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Mubur.vlptlan: iBlaml : : t 00 yoar . Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission Merchants. ClonwU Commission Agents. Hosoi.uld Q. W. MAOFAELAKE & Co. ' IXfOHTKltS AND COMMISSION MBUOHANTa, Queeu street, - Honolulu. II. I. GONSALVEa & CO., Wholeuale Qrocors & Wino Merchonta Beaver Block, Honolulu. BEEWBR it OOMPANY, c (Llraitwl) QKKB.IUI. MKHCAHTILK CoillUBBIOM AUKHiU T.isr ov ovfioeub: I. C. Jones, Jr President & Manager J. O. OAni'itn. .. ..Treasurer & beci etary uiiiectous: Uou. a H. Biauor. 8. C. Almsh, H. WATKailOUBK. 38 ly T. WATHBHOUBIC, JOHN Importer and Dealer iu General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 B. Caatlo.-- J. B. Atherton-- O. I'. CaBtle & OOOICB, CASTLH Shipping and Oomuiiwion Merchants. Iuiitortere and Dealers In Ooneral Merohaudiao, No. BO Klug t., Houolnlu. 1 CImu KprooktlB. Win. U. Irwin. IBWIN & COMPANY, Susar Faotors nnd CommiBslon cuts, Honolulu. 1 "1LDEB fit GO., Dealern in Lumber. Paints, 011b, Nails, Bal4, and Building MAWrlalu of every kind, cor. Fort and 0.uet;n ate., Honolulu. - " . ltwerl, F.J.tiwrey O.M.Oooke. St OOOttB, (aucceagors to Lowers & DichBon,) ImportorB and Dealers in Lumbpr and all ,&inda ol Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu . iPioneer Shirt Factory 1 04 Fort 8t, Upatalra. The underBlgned ben to luforui the " public of these Islanda that ho Is malting JBlalrtw ly McaBurement S DlrcotionB forBolf.mea8uremenl will bo glvon on application. White Shirts, OversUrts & Higbt Gowns A lit guarantee by making a eamplJ Bhlrt to eveiy order. s AN1 N. a. Maml order lollclted Bell Telephone 410 Wily A. M. MKBiB.lW. H. d. CRABBE, DEALER INWand GRAIN, HI King Htrect, oppoBlte tlio Old Station Houbo. Mutual Telephoue 3Mo. 4 87 tf A. H. BASEMANN, Dook'blnder, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. I,, No. Merchaut BtretsU tip stalr. , oun.no-i- y A&m .. Professionals. JM. MON8AKRAT, ut Law & Notary Public 14U Merchant Street, Honolulu, tf J. ALFRED MAUOON, Atiuruuy at Law & Notary t'ubllc 17:1 42 Morchnnt street, Honolulu. IV David Dayton Will prm'the In tin- - luviu courts, of the Kingdom rtii atloitie, attend to collect ing In all lis lirn iH'Iies, tenting of houses anil any other tiusluciM entrusted in him Ollli't' ill KlngStiMt-Up-mui- -i, KubiVSU PIONJhUtilt STEAM CAM FACTOM JV1 ISA.K.1SIS7V. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook anil linker. 71 Hotel St. -- at2T Telephone 74. HOLLISTER & CO., Drugjrlsts & Tobaocoiilats WHOLESALE AND nifiTA.IL, 109 Fort Street, : William's Block, 210 Honolulu, H. I. U. M. BENBON. O. W. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 1111 & 110 Foit Stied, - Honolulu Depot for Boericke & ScechlU' HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksccker'H Perfumes and Toilet Requlsltets, li!y WENNER & CO. dlauufUrliiriuK JewelluiH, ivo. a xoiia? H'i'itJdJ3'X". Constantly ou hand i large asbortmen of every deacrlptlon of Jewelry, Watehea Gold and Silver Plated Ware. &c. 5)53 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewelry a Specialty. Min Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Office CSSF Patticular attention paid to all hinds of repairs. Jan-10-8- 0 A i BEAfES, SALOON ' The Best Lunoh In Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours 'ITjo Finest Brand of Ciprs, 5 Tolacco Always on XIana. 11. J. KOX.TB. Proprietor. Hustacs & Robertson, DRAYMEN. LL ordora for Cartage promptly at-- tendwl to. Partloular attontlon paid to thd Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to the other Inlands. Also, Black and White Sand m quantities to suit at lowest prices. OfUre, neitl door to .fas. F. Morgan's auction room. Otti ly Mutual Telephone No. IU. J. N. S. WILLIAMS. Engineer & Contraotor, Is prepured to design and contrart for all classes of Bugar Kztraction Maehi. nery, Irrigating ilachiucry, KvaporaU log Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Kuulueti of all kinds and lor all purposes, Water SVheels, Water Condulti, (both plpw and tluines, Bteam Bollera of vurlona kinds, Itailroad Material and Holllng Block, Lie., Kto. DIFFUHIUN aiACIIIXltUY, Iu all its branches a specialty, Plantations supplied with Oliomloul and Analytical Apparatus of the very beat description to order, Sep Close attention paid to all orders and satisfaction to the purohaor giio ranteed. P, O. Hqx R80. Fort street, Hmroliilu. ep.l)6tt.ly KS31 ' : : BEING : POPULAR - 104 Fort Street, N. S. SACHS, THE Meat Company Bl ICING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesalo & Eetail Butcuers AHD NAVY 1717 ly Choicest Mutton ! Beef, Porky ITIhIi, VofetulleMt, Am., &m. Always on hand at the fe ft I tf KBHV If Hiw nUIMULULU (Successors to Wm. McCandleas), No. a qnetMi NU, i : 'IhIi AlarhoT. Wnnnlnlii If 1 "I . tWFamlly and Shipping Oulers oa. J fully attended to. Live Stock furuisheU to vessels at eliort notice. my 17 so JOS.TBNKER. nirrciiKit. City IVlarket, Nuuami Street. Beef, jBJ Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. AWO. Cambridge Pork Sausayes 1 Ficih Eyery Day. tSTHla noted Sausages are made by the evory bent mochlopry, and all orders onlriiBtttl to his cure will be delivered willi promptness uml dlupaleh, and his prices are as low uh uuywliere In the city. ISTTry his Bologua Baua(ej,-- a oet.lfta '' ij vam- .5 t 4 -- jrww GOODS- - jltj: TFI1E : - MILLINERY ARE NOW Metropolitan CONTRACTORS. mAnftiLI ,, Honolulu, & V OPENED ri -:- - HOUSE, PROPRIETOR. p -- P. O. Box 2V7J . & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Oxaiaiit:oel. 87 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and feed, KABT OOIIN1CK FORT AND KING STREETS' ' Nov QoikIb received by every Packet from the Eastern Slates and Europe Fiesh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to and' Goods to any part of the city free of charge. Itdand orders toll, cited. Satisfaction iruorantcod. Post Office Box Telephone No. 1)3 nov-4-8- 5 telephone 340.- - -- isttorar- LEWIS. & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, U. I., IMPORTEHS, WI10LKSALK & AETilL DEALERS IH GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. t&r o jx ice - By each steamer uf the O. S. S. Co. from California Fresli Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Cala, Fruits, I - v "hi A completo line of Crosse Blackwell.'s sa . Goods delivered Always on hand. Aho, just received a fresh Hue of (Juruiaa. I'atc A iotiit ItloatK &. Ilottkil IWhi'Vo1 Frnlln, Lewis & Ot.'ri Maltese Brand Sugar Uurett Hams & Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Ureum Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons A Cala. Riverside Oruuues. Oregon Burunuk Polntctes, Etc., Etc., Etc. up.10 tSatiwiHotion Ghas. Hustace, King Street, HAS EECEIVED per " AUSTEALIA," KitH Tongues it SoiiihIh, KitB Salmon Hellion, Mackerel, Rinokod Hoof, Block Ooillluli, lloniH it Hacon. OIioomi, Liltby'd CoinpiwM'd Pig's Fiol, Smokoil Horrin((!H, (ieiinmi .SausngcH, Lunch Tongues, Boned Chicken, Binwn, Fri-h- Apples, Yellow TurniiH, Potntoos, OnioiiM, Tublu Fruitb, Raihiii", Dihif Apii--ot- s, PrtineH, Dried I'eacho.s, Cul. Jiuuh & Jellirii in glass, Kieuoli Peas Hariliiii's, 'i'oji O'Can Butliir, Whitney's Huttor in 1 anil 2 lb t'uiB, Dosak-ute- Cocoannt, Dates, A FULL LINE OF PETALUMA JARS TABLE FRUITS, CoiuleiiBed Wlllc, Plum Piuiding, Gelatine, Almonds, WnlnutB. rats Table Pruno, Golden Gate, Extra Family Flour, Japan Ton, Comet Ton, Maple Kyi up, Oitton Peel, Ponilinu, Kupolln, Htar of the ICitolion Hoap, OaVJor, Hum HauBagoo, Vienna Saiisagi-H- , N. ',, Mullet, Uuriied Fowl, Uliinih, Oliooolnto, locoathuta, Ridges' Food, Imperial Grantim, Faripa, MiibIiioqui CatRiip, DiiboI'b Olive Oil, Saun'H, .Salad I)n'j,(.ing, . ' And a Opmpleto ABBortraont of Choice Goods at Lowest Prices - -r-ivni -- .aa.tn nnmi PLANIMO MILL. Alnken, near ueen Mt. 8 Telephone S3. I WALKER & EEDWAUD, Cunlrnotow t Iilllo'. Brick, t'tone and Wooden Buildings; given, .lobbing piotnptly to. 7U King stii-et- . Hell Tele, pliiiiii: N .. 2 P. O. Hov;!. ap Cly i tKOKOK LUCAS, " Contractor aafflfe and Builder,' Honolulu Steam PMntng Mills, hspl.i n:idu, Honolulu. Manufacture- all kinds of Mouldings, UiAckuts, Wludow Flames, Blinds, Hashes, Doorfl, and all kinds of Wood-ivoi- k llnlsli. Turning, Scioll and Band Swlnji. All kind- - ot Sawing and Plin-ing- , .Morticing and Tenanting. Oi ilciii promptly altmlcit to and wora tfuiirauieed. Orders fiom the oilier solicited Honolulu ikon Wokkb, lateam en ine8, BUK.ir mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brasB and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 1.E.BR0WN&GQ.. H .Ucrclinnt Kt., Honolulu, II. I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Conveyancers & General Agents REAL ESTATE FACTORS & COLLECTORS. Sole Agents for the Burlington Hontt Aeross America, and to the Azoies. Sole Auciita toi Pitt & Scott's Foreign Paicels Express & General Shipping Agency. Sole Agents for Atlantic ltuhber Stamp Company. Sole Agents for Masetleld Bros.' New Zealand Mullet and C.mned Goods. bpeciul Agents foi Leading New Zim land und AiKtlniliun Muicnnlile Firuis Speeial Agents fortbeCiilifoinia Laud AKboeialiou. Special Agents for the Honolulu Busi uess Directory. Also, Other Spei'iiil AjiOiicioH. Jfiy- - Customs' Entries Passed. Pro peities Managed. Assignees und Audi tors' Woik done promptly, llouscr Lcuscd and Rents Collected. New Business Solicited Bell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360. Dec-- 0 Post Office Box 4G9. 8S-- 1 I. O. Ilox .151. -- - Itell Trie. 74, A Corner Fort & Merchant BtiectR, Honolulu, 11. 1. GENERAL AGENTS, AccumiiatiitA ik. ColhH'toiti FOU THE Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co. Managor of Advertising Department FOHT1IK tt DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will rroelve special atten. tiou and returns promptly made. Real Estate bought, poIiI and leased. Taxes Paid and properly safely insured Houses', Cottages, Raonu and Officer. leased und rented, and reuis i.ollerteil. Fire and tile Insuranco Wlertut in ilrst. class Insuranco CoinpauiiK. Conveyancing a Specialty Reeoids aeurclied nnd eorrert Abhtrncu of Title fu ml shed. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully dniwn and hand somely ongrossed. Copying and Translating iu all Inngimgcs in iieucral use in this Kingdom. Custom House Business trauairtdl 'A lth accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated nt favorable rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and sold. Advertisements and Subscriptions poll cited for publishers. Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnUhcd. Any Article purchased or sulci, Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti cular attention. To Let, Furnished and Unlurniihed Col-tag- in desirable localities at reasonable rentals, Several Valuablo. Properties in and around the city now for sale and 1 eat e on easy terms. ttSrAll buEincbB enlrnslwl to our rare will receive prompt and faithful atten- tion at uioderalu ohatgesj Feb-4-8- NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $90,000,000,00 "Pacts are Stubborn Things.' A I every nge, on every pipniium latilii, niul in eeiy year, (lie AC- TUAL nnsULTS of Ttmliiit' I'olicins of the Now Yoik Life Insuiiiiice On. have been LA KGKKtliaii tlios,e OF ANY OTHER COMPANY i,iiiiiig similar policictf.. 0F" For particulars apply to C. O. HF.KWKIt. Gen'l Agent Hnwniian Itlaiuia. 28:1 tf FIRE7 LIFE, D MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. AsaoU, $5,288,G00 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Auets, $4 5 0.000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insuranco Co. Assets, $95,000,000 C.O.BERGER 'HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire A Marino Insur'ce Agents. AUKNTB FOU The New Kusland MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y of Boston. The iEtna Fire Insurance Coc, of Hartford, Conn. The llulon 1'lre oiid Marine Insurance Co., of 8an Francisco, Cala. Ully . Prussian National Insurance Comu'v BBTJOJLIBJIBD 1845, Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks rpUK undersigned, having been ap. X pointed aicm of the above Company for the Hawaiian IslaudB, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., ou the moBt Favorable Terms Losset Promptly Adjusted and Payablo ' Honolulu. H. Jly-871- y at Wilder & Cos. TZfV. FILTER PRESSES I'AAUItAU PI.ANTAT10N, ) Hawaii, March 0, 18S8. J" ICIhiIuu Iron & l.eromotlvu IVorUn Man I'ranrlHro. Gr.NTl.KMKNi We have u.sed two nf your 30'Chambered Filter Presses till t.i'iion, They site oonveiuent, eatlly handled and aie working entirely to our baiUfac-tlou- . lean no lm piovoment on thorn. Veiy teiipci'ifiilly vouip, (.Signed) A. MOORE, .Manager Paaiihau Plautatimi. Hkeia, Sept. 28, 1880. Mil. Joitv Dvr.u, Agent Hlednu lioa Works, Honolulu. Diun Sin: Pleaud ship us one f jour o0 Compartment Filter Presses, 1M0 square feel surface, bume as ilio one biipjilleU us last beason, Mhieh I nm pleased to wiy'li-- t given us entire satibfaetion. Yours truly, Gi:o. It. EWART, Manager HeeU Agricultural to. Thre Pit'fsi's aio. uiailo extra heavy for high pu'Ksines nceupy a iloor (ipaco II feet by J feet, mid pre.sem a filtering surface ut 240 square Itet. A limited number Iu mock iu Houo-- , lulu mid me sold nt very low prices. Rlsuon Iron & Loco. Works. . San Fr.inclM.-o- . Kir For particulars enquire of JOHN DYER, Honolulu, Ilupm No. is t'pieeWeliV Bluilc. 2M t W. 0. Irwin & Cc At;o it,' V 4'l M ' .; i t s t i Mil W. 4 J' '' ' '' ' ' ... - - jijf Ji 'SsssssW't if '' ft ' , "' - ' ' fasfc-- , , .k,;, jkxsMMitoM.umLMB-S- .ViuiLrfsiissw:-- . nl. va . ss.ifi ttmjLMiuiaia&iL .,Jm gmmimmEUMtmeM3r w a -ji'--.jAk. jt bpishmsi sum i sn sssmssiBsasssiMniiiiiiMiiiiPBiBsisiiMssissmiiBsii saw n ii pi i . i w urn s immsis' i . , . . .,.-- , j. ..k csbmb- t rm varim-t iraaamm. . , ' itttih tm ssaarv v iirssssssMiii rrrTsrrrTsssi rnrnm .iijtiii hsmimsi s 'insi'i r "aa. a mf ' .wmimy? . -- - JW7'mmwm--mmJ9- &'&K,fmm! ftSupepa Kuokoa." RIEMENSOHNEIDER, - -- J

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Page 1: f'Jiil'JIJ17:1 42 Morchnnt street, Honolulu. IV David Dayton Will prm'the In tin--luviu courts, of the Kingdom rtii atloitie, attend to collect ing In all lis lirn iH'Iies, tenting

TWIinnilllfnflM hiHMissMmiJjBsslliilli issmswisii illll I --, ...i.um

m V . r ,."' ' ' 'VJX w txm: ;. T 'vvryaBip. --r" 4H 4r

w- -

-- Sk 'JgF JgrfP

IIP vl " f'Jiil'JIJ vvr'

MMitaMHfcgg ijwtrinwmwiiSTEIff

Tor.. XTV. No. 2109. noNOLULU, ir. i.. Thursday BT3Ni"N,.NOviaMBis!U-2i- , issa. GO CENTOOUOBORIPTION



1b punted ami published at the oftico,

Queen Street, Honolulu, 11. I., every

afternoon (Sunilays uxoepled).

.Subscription, 50 cents per Month.


Address till Communications DaimtliUl.l.KTIN.

' AtlvyttViamculM, to entru insertion,fliiiillcl bo ltitnilt.il in before omi (MoultI', uWALTER Hltl Sdllut-an- 1'iujHlatoi

Bulletin Steam Printing Oinoe.

Newxpoper, Boon, mid Job Printing olall kindfe done od tin-- inoit favorableM'MU'i.

Siell Telephone No. BOil

Mutual Telephone No. 25(1


Weekly Summary.

.An luleiestlug anil comprehensiveffubliealioD, contains 33 coluraus of

' leading matter on local topics, ami a

complete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. U is the heat paper mibllahed

' in the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Mubur.vlptlan:iBlaml : : t 00 yoar

. Foreign : : : 5 00 "

Commission Merchants.

ClonwU Commission Agents.




Queeu street, - Honolulu. II. I.


Wholeuale Qrocors & Wino Merchonta

Beaver Block, Honolulu.



T.isr ov ovfioeub:

I. C. Jones, Jr President & ManagerJ. O. OAni'itn. . . ..Treasurer & beci etary

uiiiectous:Uou. a H. Biauor. 8. C. Almsh,

H. WATKailOUBK.38 ly

T. WATHBHOUBIC,JOHN Importer and Dealer iu GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

B. Caatlo.-- J. B. Atherton-- O. I'. CaBtle

& OOOICB,CASTLH Shipping and OomuiiwionMerchants. Iuiitortere and Dealers In

Ooneral Merohaudiao, No. BO Klug t.,Houolnlu. 1

CImu KprooktlB. Win. U. Irwin.IBWIN & COMPANY,

Susar Faotors nnd CommiBsloncuts, Honolulu. 1

"1LDEB fit GO.,Dealern in Lumber. Paints,

011b, Nails, Bal4, and Building MAWrlalu

of every kind, cor. Fort and 0.uet;n ate.,Honolulu. -

" . ltwerl, F.J.tiwrey O.M.Oooke.St OOOttB,

(aucceagors to Lowers & DichBon,)ImportorB and Dealers in Lumbpr and all,&inda ol Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu

. iPioneer Shirt Factory1 04 Fort 8t, Upatalra.

The underBlgned ben to luforui the"

public of these Islanda that ho Is malting

JBlalrtw ly McaBurement S

DlrcotionB forBolf.mea8uremenl willbo glvon on application.

White Shirts, OversUrts & Higbt Gowns

A lit guarantee by making a eamplJBhlrt to eveiy order.





Maml order lollclted Bell Telephone 410

Wily A. M. MKBiB.lW.



HI King Htrect, oppoBlte tlio Old StationHoubo.

Mutual Telephoue 3Mo. 487 tf


Dook'blnder, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchaut BtretsU tip stalr., oun.no-i- y

A&m ..


JM. MON8AKRAT,ut Law & Notary Public

14U Merchant Street, Honolulu, tf

J. ALFRED MAUOON,Atiuruuy at Law & Notary t'ubllc

17:1 42 Morchnnt street, Honolulu. IV

David DaytonWill prm'the In tin-- luviu courts, of theKingdom rtii atloitie, attend to collecting In all lis lirn iH'Iies, tenting of housesanil any other tiusluciM entrusted in him

Ollli't' ill KlngStiMt-Up-mui- -i,




F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook anil linker.

71 Hotel St. -- at2T Telephone 74.


Drugjrlsts & TobaocoiilatsWHOLESALE AND nifiTA.IL,

109 Fort Street, : William's Block,210 Honolulu, H. I.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,1111 & 110 Foit Stied, - Honolulu

Depot for Boericke & ScechlU'

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksccker'H Perfumes and Toilet

Requlsltets, li!y

WENNER & CO.dlauufUrliiriuK JewelluiH,

ivo. a xoiia? H'i'itJdJ3'X".Constantly ou hand i large asbortmen

of every deacrlptlon of Jewelry, WateheaGold and Silver Plated Ware. &c.

5)53 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewelry a Specialty.

Min Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Office

CSSF Patticular attention paid to allhinds of repairs. Jan-10-8- 0

A i


' The Best Lunoh In Town,

Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours

'ITjo Finest Brand of



Always on XIana.11. J. KOX.TB. Proprietor.

Hustacs & Robertson,

DRAYMEN.LL ordora for Cartage promptly at--

tendwl to. Partloular attontlonpaid to thd

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Inlands.

Also, Black and White Sandm quantities to suit at lowest prices.

OfUre, neitl door to .fas. F. Morgan'sauction room.

Otti ly Mutual Telephone No. IU.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS.Engineer & Contraotor,

Is prepured to design and contrart forall classes of Bugar Kztraction Maehi.nery, Irrigating ilachiucry, KvaporaUlog Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Kuuluetiof all kinds and lor all purposes, WaterSVheels, Water Condulti, (both plpwand tluines, Bteam Bollera of vurlonakinds, Itailroad Material and HolllngBlock, Lie., Kto.

DIFFUHIUN aiACIIIXltUY,Iu all its branches a specialty,

Plantations supplied with Oliomloul andAnalytical Apparatus of the very beatdescription to order,

Sep Close attention paid to all ordersand satisfaction to the purohaor giioranteed. P, O. Hqx R80. Fort street,Hmroliilu. ep.l)6tt.ly



: : BEING :


104 Fort Street,



Meat CompanyBl ICING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesalo & Eetail Butcuers


NAVY1717 ly

Choicest Mutton !

Beef, Porky

ITIhIi, VofetulleMt, Am., &m.Always on hand at the

fe ft I tf KBHV If HiwnUIMULULU

(Successors to Wm. McCandleas),No. a qnetMi NU, i : 'IhIi AlarhoT.

Wnnnlnlii If 1"I .

tWFamlly and Shipping Oulers oa. J

fully attended to. Live Stock furuisheUto vessels at eliort notice. my 17 so


City IVlarket,Nuuami Street.

Beef, jBJ Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausayes 1

Ficih Eyery Day.

tSTHla noted Sausages are made bythe evory bent mochlopry, and all ordersonlriiBtttl to his cure will be deliveredwilli promptness uml dlupaleh, and hisprices are as low uh uuywliere In thecity.

ISTTry his Bologua Baua(ej,--a


'' ij vam-.5


4--jrww GOODS- -

jltj: TFI1E











-:- - HOUSE,



-- P. O. Box 2V7J


& J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled

Oxaiaiit:oel. 87


Groceries, Provisions and feed,KABT OOIIN1CK FORT AND KING STREETS' '

Nov QoikIb received by every Packet from the Eastern Slates and EuropeFiesh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand' Goods to any part of the city free of charge. Itdand orders toll,cited. Satisfaction iruorantcod. Post Office Box Telephone No. 1)3 nov-4-8- 5

telephone 340.- - -- isttorar-

LEWIS. & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, U. I.,


t&r o jx ice -By each steamer uf the O. S. S. Co. from California

Fresli Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Cala, Fruits,

I- v "hi

A completo line of Crosse Blackwell.'s





Always on hand. Aho, just received a fresh Hue of

(Juruiaa. I'atc A iotiit ItloatK &. Ilottkil IWhi'Vo1 Frnlln,Lewis & Ot.'ri Maltese Brand Sugar Uurett Hams & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Ureum Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,Sicily Lemons A Cala. Riverside Oruuues.

Oregon Burunuk Polntctes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

up.10 tSatiwiHotion

Ghas. Hustace, King Street,

HAS EECEIVED per " AUSTEALIA,"KitH Tongues it SoiiihIh, KitB Salmon Hellion, Mackerel, Rinokod Hoof, BlockOoillluli, lloniH it Hacon. OIioomi, Liltby'd CoinpiwM'd Pig's Fiol, SmokoilHorrin((!H, (ieiinmi .SausngcH, Lunch Tongues, Boned Chicken, Binwn, Fri-h-

Apples, Yellow TurniiH, Potntoos, OnioiiM, Tublu Fruitb, Raihiii", Dihif Apii--ot- s,

PrtineH, Dried I'eacho.s, Cul. Jiuuh & Jellirii in glass, Kieuoli PeasHariliiii's, 'i'oji O'Can Butliir, Whitney's Huttor in 1 anil 2 lb

t'uiB, Dosak-ute- Cocoannt, Dates,


CoiuleiiBed Wlllc, Plum Piuiding, Gelatine, Almonds, WnlnutB. rats TablePruno, Golden Gate, Extra Family Flour, Japan Ton, Comet Ton, MapleKyi up, Oitton Peel, Ponilinu, Kupolln, Htar of the ICitolion Hoap, OaVJor, HumHauBagoo, Vienna Saiisagi-H- , N. ',, Mullet, Uuriied Fowl, Uliinih, Oliooolnto,locoathuta, Ridges' Food, Imperial Grantim, Faripa, MiibIiioqui CatRiip,

DiiboI'b Olive Oil, Saun'H, .Salad I)n'j,(.ing, . '

And a Opmpleto ABBortraont of Choice Goods at Lowest Prices

- -r-ivni--.aa.tn


Alnken, near ueen Mt.8 Telephone S3. I


Cunlrnotow t Iilllo'.Brick, t'tone and Wooden Buildings;

given, .lobbing piotnptlyto. 7U King stii-et- . Hell Tele,

pliiiiii: N .. 2 P. O. Hov;!. ap Cly


Contractor aafflfeand Builder,'

Honolulu Steam PMntng Mills, hspl.in:idu, Honolulu.

Manufacture- all kinds of Mouldings,UiAckuts, Wludow Flames, Blinds,

Hashes, Doorfl, and all kinds of Wood-ivoi- k

llnlsli. Turning, Scioll and BandSwlnji. All kind- - ot Sawing and Plin-ing- ,

.Morticing and Tenanting.Oi ilciii promptly altmlcit to and wora

tfuiirauieed. Orders fiom the oiliersolicited

Honolulu ikon Wokkb,lateam en ine8, BUK.ir mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brasB and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


H .Ucrclinnt Kt., Honolulu, II. I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Agents for the Burlington HonttAeross America, and to the Azoies.

Sole Auciita toi Pitt & Scott's ForeignPaicels Express & General ShippingAgency.

Sole Agents for Atlantic ltuhber StampCompany.

Sole Agents for Masetleld Bros.' NewZealand Mullet and C.mned Goods.

bpeciul Agents foi Leading New Zimland und AiKtlniliun Muicnnlile Firuis

Speeial Agents fortbeCiilifoinia LaudAKboeialiou.

Special Agents for the Honolulu Busiuess Directory.

Also, Other Spei'iiil AjiOiicioH.

Jfiy-- Customs' Entries Passed. Propeities Managed. Assignees und Auditors' Woik done promptly, llouscrLcuscd and Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedBell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360.Dec-- 0 Post Office Box 4G9. 8S-- 1

I. O. Ilox .151. -- - Itell Trie. 74,


Corner Fort & Merchant BtiectR,Honolulu, 11. 1.

GENERAL AGENTS,AccumiiatiitA ik. ColhH'toiti


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Managor of Advertising DepartmentFOHT1IK



Collections will rroelve special atten.tiou and returns promptly made.

Real Estate bought, poIiI and leased.Taxes Paid and properly safely insuredHouses', Cottages, Raonu and Officer.

leased und rented, and reuis i.ollerteil.Fire and tile Insuranco Wlertut in ilrst.

class Insuranco CoinpauiiK.Conveyancing a Specialty Reeoids

aeurclied nnd eorrert Abhtrncu of Titlefu ml shed.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully dniwn and handsomely ongrossed.

Copying and Translating iu all Inngimgcsin iieucral use in this Kingdom.

Custom House Business trauairtdl 'A lthaccuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated nt favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

sold.Advertisements and Subscriptions poll

cited for publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnUhcd.Any Article purchased or sulci,Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti

cular attention.To Let, Furnished and Unlurniihed Col-tag-

in desirable localities at reasonablerentals,

Several Valuablo. Properties in andaround the city now for sale and 1 eat eon easy terms.

ttSrAll buEincbB enlrnslwl to our rarewill receive prompt and faithful atten-tion at uioderalu ohatgesj Feb-4-8-


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $90,000,000,00

"Pacts are Stubborn Things.'

A I every nge, on every pipniiumlatilii, niul in eeiy year, (lie AC-

TUAL nnsULTS of Ttmliiit' I'olicinsof the Now Yoik Life Insuiiiiice On.have been LA KGKKtliaii tlios,e OFANY OTHER COMPANY i,iiiiiigsimilar policictf..

0F" For particulars apply to

C. O. HF.KWKIt.Gen'l Agent Hnwniian Itlaiuia.

28:1 tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

AsaoU, $5,288,G00

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)

Auets, $4 5 0.000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire and MarineCapital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000New York Life Insuranco Co.

Assets, $95,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire A Marino Insur'ce Agents.



of Boston.

The iEtna Fire Insurance Coc,of Hartford, Conn.

The llulon 1'lre oiid

Marine Insurance Co.,of 8an Francisco, Cala.

Ully .

Prussian NationalInsurance Comu'v


Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks

rpUK undersigned, having been ap.X pointed aicm of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian IslaudB, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., ou the moBt Favorable Terms

Losset Promptly Adjusted and Payablo 'Honolulu.

H.Jly-871- y at Wilder & Cos.



Hawaii, March 0, 18S8. J"

ICIhiIuu Iron & l.eromotlvu IVorUnMan I'ranrlHro.

Gr.NTl.KMKNi We have u.sed two nfyour 30'Chambered Filter Presses tillt.i'iion, They site oonveiuent, eatllyhandled and aie working entirely to ourbaiUfac-tlou-. lean no lmpiovoment on thorn.

Veiy teiipci'ifiilly vouip,(.Signed) A. MOORE,

.Manager Paaiihau Plautatimi.

Hkeia, Sept. 28, 1880.Mil. Joitv Dvr.u, Agent Hlednu lioa

Works, Honolulu.Diun Sin: Pleaud ship us one f jour

o0 Compartment Filter Presses, 1M0 squarefeel surface, bume as ilio one biipjilleUus last beason, Mhieh I nm pleased towiy'li-- t given us entire satibfaetion.

Yours truly,Gi:o. It. EWART,

Manager HeeU Agricultural to.

Thre Pit'fsi's aio. uiailo extra heavyfor high pu'Ksines nceupy a iloor(ipaco II feet by J feet, mid pre.sem afiltering surface ut 240 square Itet.

A limited number Iu mock iu Houo-- ,lulu mid me sold nt very low prices.

Rlsuon Iron & Loco. Works.. San Fr.inclM.-o- .

Kir For particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Ilupm No. is t'pieeWeliV Bluilc.

2M t W. 0. Irwin & Cc At;o it,'














J' '' ' '' ' ' ...- - jijf Ji'SsssssW't if '' ft ' , "' -' '

fasfc-- , , .k,;, jkxsMMitoM.umLMB-S- .ViuiLrfsiissw:-- . nl. va . ss.ifi ttmjLMiuiaia&iL .,JmgmmimmEUMtmeM3r w a -ji'--.jAk. jt bpishmsi sum i sn sssmssiBsasssiMniiiiiiMiiiiPBiBsisiiMssissmiiBsii saw n ii pi i . i w urn s immsis' i . , . . .,.-- , j. ..k csbmb- t rm varim-t iraaamm. . , ' itttih tm ssaarv v iirssssssMiii rrrTsrrrTsssi rnrnm .iijtiii hsmimsi s 'insi'i r "aa. a mf ' .wmimy?.-- - JW7'mmwm--mmJ9- &'&K,fmm!

ftSupepa Kuokoa."



Page 2: f'Jiil'JIJ17:1 42 Morchnnt street, Honolulu. IV David Dayton Will prm'the In tin--luviu courts, of the Kingdom rtii atloitie, attend to collect ing In all lis lirn iH'Iies, tenting

IKftS lWMliiWWIttl!MlftlIWflllllllIIWIIII)geiWlBWffro!


m. i .

WL-- - TAXES, 1889.K Tax Collector's .otlce, IMHtrlct or

R!Pt; Honolulu, iHlntul'or Ooliu.







Tax jinycrB in this District arehereby notified that the taxes for thecurrent, year will he duo anil payn-bi- o

at the ofl'ico of the Tn.

and Collector in the KapuaiwaBuilding, on the 1st day of Novem-ber, A. D. 1889.

Tho office is open fiom II a. m. to1 r. St. daily (Sundays uxeopted), andon Saturdays olllee elopes at 12 o'clocknoon.

All ainountH over $10 must bo paidin U. S. Gold Coin or Hawaiian Cer-

tificates of Deposit.Taxes not paid befoie the lCth day

of December next will be liable tounit with 10 per cent, and costsadded. T. A. LLOYD,Deputy Assessor and Collceloi of

Taxes, District of Komi.Approved:

S. M. Damon,Minister of Finance. 10.") lift

Tinsatltt iuITitfin

Pledged to neither Sect nor Parly,But established for the benefit of all.

THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1880.


Que of the proposed planks in theplatform of the Mechanics' I'nion isin effect "that the principal ofllcersof the Government be mado elective. Action is still pending onthe article, which involves a seriesof iuipoi tant questions. There areextreme differences of opinionarnoug members of the Union as tothe scope of the proposition as itstands. With some it includes theelection by popular vote of the Su-

preme Court Judges. Others whostrongly oppose such a revolution-ary change declare in favor of hav-

ing the Ministers .of the Crown elect-

ed by the people, either directly atthe polls or indirectly through thevote of their representatives in theLegislature. Probably the wholeof the remaining membership of theUnion, who Lave not thought of theJudges or tLc Ministers in the mat-

ter, would have heads of bureaus indepartments and districts such asthe Marshal, Postmaster-Genera- l,

Superintendent of Public Works,ami the Sheriffs elected by thepeople's ballots.

Tlip general principle underlyingthe proposition is that the peopleshould have more control of the de-

tails of government than our pre-

sent system gives them. It is a

principle that we should like to see I

avowed in some form by the Me-

chanics' Union and any otherorganization for the coining

elections. The evils of centraliza-tion previous to the present periodwere occasioned more by adminis-trative eccentricities than by the na-

tural working ot tho system. Whilethe present Government has correct-ed many of the evils caused by ad-

ministration, much of the legislationunder its auspices has bunched therelus of power moic numerously andtightly in ministerial hands. Theafllrraatioti of the principle of in-

creased popular control of patronageand local by anyconsiderable number of the peoplemay he taken as a protest againstthe centralizing proclivities of theMinistry. At all events, the Me-

chanics' Union, in opening up thorjuestion for discussion, is doing aworthy public service.

The proposal to elect the Judgesof tffe Supreme Court is one that wo

do not believe more than a smallminority of the Union entertain. Itit one the bare mention of which hasa disquieting effect, a revolutionarytheory that it is fortunate cannot,under the Constitution, be realizedwithout the opportunity of giving itstrenuous opposition during twoelections and two bessions of the Le-

gislature. Even in the United.States, where the elective idea iscarried farther than in any othercountry, the Judges of tho SupremeCourt are appointed for life by thePresident. Let the construction oftho proposijion which includes anelective Judiciary, therefore, boabandoned by the Union unless itdesires to array against it every con-

servative influence and every weightyinterest of the country. A goodttst whereby to judge any opinionadvanced In the Union, according to

AiWrjw nttf&ifaMvOnJtaANMMvNB

its own ostensible ob.ccl8( is to asls

how it affects the interests of me-

chanics and workingmen. Now,what good end is to be gained bythese classes from the olcclion of theSupremo Court instead of its ap-

pointment by the Crown V

There is room for intelligent dis-

cussion of the question raised re-

garding the power to name the Min-

istry. It is a question that is givenaptness by a generally admittedweakness in the Constitution. Thediscussion between this journal anda correspondent, "Bystander,"showed the nature of this weakness.It amounts to the triple alternativeof a purely personal choice on thepart of the lving, the operation ofprivate and un-

derstandings between the King andpoliticians, or the absurdity of retir-

ing Ministers appointing their own

successors. There is a chance for awrangle over the point of whetherthe first or the last of these modosis the more consistent with the Con-

stitution, while either ol them can-

not avoid having its results upsetimmediately by a vote of the Legis-

lature. .It is the clear occasion foran amendment existing in this mat-

ter which brings it within the do-

main of practical politics. Anotherpolitical platform recently issuedproposed that the Ministry shouldbe elected by a two-thir- vote of theLegislature another evidence thatthe people are seeking a remedy foran obtrusive difficulty. None ot themethods referred to in the foregoingsentences are analagous to knownrepublican or monarchical systems.The nearest approach to a parallelis our existing system where theKing chooses his own Ministers andthe United States sj'stem where thePresident selects his own Cabinet.Ostensibly our system is akin to theBritish limited monarchical system,but according to the strict terms ofour written Constitution ours has nosuch limitations as theirs'. As therehave been disputes about the natureof the British system in Cabinetchanges, we quote below from anofficial statement of that system ascopied by New South Wales from

J.he Mother Country. The quotationis from "The Wealth and ProgrcbSof New South Wales 1888-9- ," is-

sued by the Government of that col-

ony, and is as lollows:The Cabinet must be chosen from"(1) Members of the Legisla-

ture; (2) Holding the same poli-

tical views, and chosen from theparty possessing a majoiity in theHouse of Commons; (:i) Carryingout a concerted policy; (1) Undera common responsibility, to be signified by a collective resignation inthe event of Parliamentary censure;and (5) acknowledging a commonsubordination to one Chief Minis-ter."

The following is so calculated tobe instructive to our people that itis worthy ol being quoted in thisconnection. It shows how the peo-

ple, in conjunction with the posses-

sion ot the itiles above given, cum

control Uic personnel ot their rulersthrough their lepresenlativcs with-

out voting them into office diiectly.The Imperial rule as to the cir-

cumstances under which a Govern-ment is bound to resign, is as fol-

lows: Censure, involving loss ofoffice, rests entirely with the LowerHouse, or popular branch of theLegislature. Hence directly a Min-

istry fails to command a majority ofthe Iloiibe of Commons it must giveplace to another. Want of confi-

dence in a Cabinet may be shown inllnee ways; first, by a direct voteof censure, or a specific declarationof want of confidence; secondly, bya vote disapproving of some act ofthe Government ; or, thirdly, by therejection of .some important measureintroduced by the Ministry. In anyof these cases Ministers must eitherresign or appeal to the country, itthey can get the Sovereign to sanc-tion a new election.

It seems to us that the adoption ofrules, as similar to these as the dif-

ferent conditions of the countriesallow, in our statutes we uhouldbe averse to loading the already ple-

thoric Constitution with such detailswould remedy tho defect referred

to in our fundamental law.There is not space left for dealing

with the oilier branches of the ques-

tion those referring to chief ofllcoruunder the Ministry. They will

command our attention, however, attho eat Host opportunity.



Ediiok Hi'i.ix'm: I am a firmbeliever in the honesty and integ-rity of purpose of the "Mechanics"of 'this town. I believe also in thewisdom of organization for politicalpurposes. The "Mechanics' Union"is capable of being made of greatbenefit to ita members and the eouvmiinity if its counsels are directed'by thinking men, It is now at aciltlcat period of Its existence. It

.daiiA' BbiihfeTmi

is endeavoring to formulate a plat-form upon which It can go beforethe people at tho approaching elec-

tion.There aic two ways of making a

platform and sustaining it.One way is to stale principles and

objects which tho party think areright, which can bo sustained byargument, and which the voters willbe eventually drawn to support byreason of its intrinsic value irrespec-tive of tho party putting it forth.Another way is to cast around andfind out what this and that factionin the community desires, nud re-

gardless of the principle involved nithe interests of tho community, toload up the platform with catclipenny planks with tho hopo thateveryone will find something to ap-prove of and their votes will be se-

cured in this why.The first kind of a platform, say-

ing what you mean and incauiugwhat you say, will carry convictionand strengthen the party, while thesecond kind is manifestly for catch-ing votes, is insincere on its faceand is injurious to the party adopting it.

At least one of the proposedplankR in tho Union's platform is ofthe latter kind. I mean the propo-sition to elect the entiic Legislatuieby universal suffrage.

The proposition that all shall votefor Nobles as well as for Represent-atives simply means that we are in-

vited to submit ourselves to the un-

restrained, unchecked, rule of therabble. It i3 right and just thatevery citizen should have a voice inmaking the laws which govern him.This is secured by manhood suf-

frage in voting for Representatives.But experience has not shown, andlogic does not require, that a manhaving no property and paying notaxes should have as much to sayconcerning the levying of taxes andthe expenditure of the revenues asthe man who has to stand in thebreach and pay the money ; nor thatthe opinions of an ignorant manwithout ability should be given thesame weight as the judgment of aman of intelligence. The mass ofmen do not and cannot do their ownthinking, and this country is no ex-

ception to the rule. The qualifications of Noble vctersare, 1st, abilityto write and lead and comprehendan ordinary newspaper; 2dly, Thepossession of an income of 8000 perannum. Any man who has not theeducation nor the ability to complywith these requirements is not thesafe guardian of his own or anybody else's liberties, nor to bu trust-ed with the absolute disposition ofthe public moneys. And yet thisis what the proposition means. Thenumber of voters for Representa-tives, in round numbers, is 11,000.The number of voters for nobles in;.()00. That is to say, the voters inthis country wiio are too ignorant ortoo shiftless to understand an oidi-nnr- y

newspaper or to receive a grossincome of $"() a mouth, outnumberthose possessing those qualificationsabout four to one. The incomequalification is so low that it doesnot shut out a single mechanic, clei k

or small tradesman, nor any manwith ordinary business capacity andintelligence.

The constitution allows represent-ation to every one, and at the sametime provents the property and in-

telligence of the country from beinghopelessly swamped out and runaway with by political demagogueswho for the time being may take thefancy of the ignorant majority.

If the Mechanics adopt this plunkand work for this proposition theywill alienate the intelligent vote ofthis town and be cutting their ownthroats if they succeed. Don't doit. You have n heavy enough con-tia- ct

on your hands in the Chineseproblem and getting men electedwho will be true to your interests inthat matter, proof against celestialcoin and Anglo-Saxo- n bluff.



Lessen & Manager : L J. Levey,

On Tliursday Evening, Nov. 21.

I'li-M-t Appearance ol'

THE RAY BEOS.,the. n:i.r.iniATKi

Australian Comedians,Will miike their first appearance inHonolulu on Thursday, Nov. 21st, anilwill appear in their Original MusicalEiitertaimnuut written ly Garnet Waloli,Kuq., mill played with tliein with (hegreatest sueocas tluoutrhoiit the Aiibiin.ban Colonies, and entitled

OUR GUV'NORBiOh nine tern by tliell.WUltON.,

After which will he presented 11 local'ami laughable fcketch,

The Telephone System,(Hiuiaelei-- ly f lie. HAY Itllo.

tSfUox plan now open nt the mllcooi it, J. i.evey.

tyy Pcconil IVrfouaimcc Hnt'iribiyNight, Nov. a3rcl. hKHl

VVANTEDa Herman Cirl n situation to doBY uencral liomowork. J'lcusorull or

mlilrejs l.M Fort btreet. 107 !U


w A CaribiiriiAlso. Ton


in?t;ool order.C-ea-


407-3- W. O. PEACOCK CO,

i m i 'in i i W9mrTTTT7TmWKmmWmn'mWmmmmnmmmmmmMmmMWmmmmivmwmmWa

Honolulu, ii. i., .ttoVTOftuK iu, tmAuction Sales by James F. Morgan,

Wooden BuildingAND


On SATURDAY, Nov. ,23,at la xoos.

On the premises, comer of fori Ss Kingstreets, 1 will nell at I'liblle Auction,

The Wooden Building,Foimerlv occupied by the "KeyntoncSaloon" anil Photograph Gallery. TheBuilding containi n Ure lot of wlmlnwXhes owl Is pirily covered with gnlvanircil Iron. At Hie Mine- lime will hosold a lot of Fixtures, comprising:

i Fine MacNeal & Urban Safe,

Lugo Bevelled .Mirror,C'ludis, Oil I'ainthfg, and


Kllulldlnp,n to he removed wlth'n 7davs from date of sale.

.IAS. P. MORGAN,407 It Auctioneer.


(new catch), in 4dozen cases.

K. IIKOWN & CO.,10(5 2w 2a Merchant street.


A SOI-ANXUA- I. meeting of theliounl ol Trusters of the Queen's

Hospital will ou licit! on THUJlHiiAY,the l'Jih Dcecmlier, 1SS1I, at the roonibof ilie Chamber of Commerce, at 10o'clock a. M. Aim tiilhieiu to tlie 1J).laws-- , fei ordci.


Honolulu, Nov. 11, 1SS9. " 102 Ut


retlied limn theHAVING ot ihc lluwiiilnn Hole)ymlibo Com puny , thunlcpublic foi tholr liberal patronage anillititpi'tik the, tume to my succmeiirH,Mr. I'mil .It , hihI bin gcttitiliimiueer, Mr. S. 1. tt'nwv, who Is wellanil tiivoinbly Known in tins coinmu.niiy, ami will' ruitlicr y Ibal wr willst ill continue-- us n spccinlty tho liumi.ling of nil liimlH of live slock purlieubuly liorsca ami untie-- , whicbwcuillliuw cmisituitly on biml. Orders n-u-t

to tin: Hawniinu Hotel Btablcg will bepromptly e.ccuteil unit "HtUfactinn ijimiaaitc.1. i:. It. MII.KS

HAVINO taken iliu nmmigcmeiil of11 uni ihh llctd Stablta 1

wiib to notify all of ibe obi filemls ofthe Stable; ami tlie public in jrcncmlllmt It will be urn mm to continue lliobusiness iu nistchisi stvle in (veryparticular. .S. I. .SHAW.

Honolulu, Nov. 20, KSiU. !lt

Dr. 31. E. GKOS8HIAN,

UITIH'l'.Hettirnci! on tin) Anxtraliu and Iris re.miniPil praetli't' at bi I'onnrt otHce. I!8IToti'l htwn'. tOUtf


Hefonit.bur.il CuU3 under Can luces.ir jtifil newly painted; mid

9 Top IIiiftKiei and 1 First clasa Hulkv,all ot wbieli aic in jrood. order. Applvto

W. W. WWGHTASON,I(M Xw Kinj; Mreel.


AT the Minimi melting of tlie Murk.Iinldci of Wlldei'ri S'cinitilp

Co, fl.'d), lui'd at ibeir olltee. in ,

Novemb- -i IfJlb, Ibe lollolnuolliccrs were rleeleJ to serve dutiHi: ill?ensuing yeti:

Win. ('.Wilder President.Juli n F. nttckfcld...Vicel'rc3i(ki)i.Sain'l b, Uose..,, Secretary.Sam'l H, Hrw Treasurer.Wm, F.Allen Xiidito-- .

S. Ii, KOSK,Secretary.

Honolulu, Nov. ItJ. 1HSC. toil lit

Tltti .Vli (Hi ii Yuftfii UuIhIiii'h midIMun , 1 Ntenl KteiiuiMl.li.

"Yamashiro Maru"1!,:.0D Tons Hegltiter.

Will leave for the above port on

Saturday, November 23, 1889


LSTFrir tonus ot freight or p.issjc,having Buporlor nabln und Htceuigt: tiecomrnodntloiiH, apply to

Ww. O. IttWEN & Co.,105 If AI6IUH.


Steamship Comp'y


Thu AlUtcHintfiiii

''AUSTRALIA,"Will havo Honolulu for thu above

' pott on

Friday, Nov. 22, '89A.rr NOOTV.

For Freight or I'lunge--i apply tu

WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., AfjonU.JOS itv

"'WleB JjllcJBHMGiT- "?"-- 3 !!

ii ii



i.'wjiWyijluytjfum-w- u


lXlSWODRJES:Is issuing :i new form of iuatiraimo which provides, in thu event of death, for a return of all premiums paid in au-

dition to tho amount of the policy, or, should tho insured survive n given number of year's, tho Company willreturn tho premiums paid with interest; or, instead of acoapliug the policy and prollls in cash the lceal holdermay, WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION and W1THOUT-FURTIIK- PAYMENT OK lake inlieu thereof the amount of policy and profits in FULLY PAID "UP lusuraiiec, participating annually in dividends.

Hemotnber, this contract is insued by the oldest Company in the United .Stntew, and the Lar-gest Finniiclal Institution In the World, tt'j assets csoceiug One Hundred anil Twenty-Si- x Millions of Dollars.

eSJ" For full particulars call on or addressS. JfcS. KO&l,

!K'0 I in General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


.O. .B.

: L

Ale, Bob Ale,

f .i

esy All coiuiumiifntioiiH

3S0 1m

Flinvnlhin Stift'ar

"VTOTIOU is hereby f;ivt-- llmt M aJL.A meeting of tin? fctoiikhoblcrs of thuabove munt'il Company held in Hoao-lulu- ,

lliwulinu IsluuiN, n Nrtvimber2ml, IKSt1, it wm voltul to urci'pl thoCtiurlcr of lucninorntloii granted hyiboHuuiiilun Hnvornment. Notice in lur.tber given Unit the limit of Mini charteris fifty yeaia ami thu liiibiltty of thoMorkhoUlers limited to the amount dueand unpaid ou tho ehureh. '1 hit follow-infjolllcc-

wero elected lor the cnntllnfryear:

H. I. Baldwin President.(1. V. Macfailom-..- .

.). A. Hopper Secretary.Ii. M. Walsh Treasure! .P. (!. Joucj Auditor.And the tollnwiiiK wrni dueled

nirecinrH:II. P. Baldwin, O. It. Uishno.(J. W. iMaefarlam Q. N. Wllrox,.1. A. Hopper K. UHttOII.K. M. Walxh.

W. I.. llOlTEIt,Secretary rro u in,

lionnliilii, N'm I. Uf!i. i'X, tin tts--

Valuable Projiorty For fiiila

Aveimc, arulsbed S.stui v

PfiCTJgaa IIoiikl' eiintaiuil H loonii).Kl cncii, iirtlliroipin, cloself, um ria nuhoiiMf, stable, heuery, en . Itrotitiilicontain 2 2.1U uciim, well laid out Inlawn, shade, and Iruii tret. llow-r- ,

ety. Will In: .sold low, ulth or withoutturmturc, horeoa, curriaijOH, livostoek,anil all the Hppo!ntiiitnt; ui'&deil in alIrst-eiiH- i rosblimce, as the onnur in.leuilB Ipavlnu- these IiilaniN.


Cottage To i,tit.

A NKAT Cottage, In per.lea order, containing 4

rooms, inoKouilo ninol. nar.t In v luinlfllind. will, liirce Itlif)nnFliaife trei, ele. located.Bout $20 per month lo Rood tenant.



jftONTAlNINO 1 large andemail rooma. veranda

with Imih.iuoni. dlulnir.roomand kitcheu tteiarhvd, on Jfokaulikebtreot, opposite Hotel street. Unit $10per month. Applv nt



rpUK heit remeily JorA woiiuiIh, ulcere,

galli, proud ileflli aminoreAof everv (lesciln--

-- tloiito norhoiiK or animals, Adopted by leading horsu rail-road, club and livery bUblen, etc., Iuthe United States and elsewhere. Woare pippurod to piove thl htatement by(eHtlinouhils ami referenees to plnnterriund llveiymeii In thW Kingdom.Apply to


IkIiuuI Views.

LARGE iibaoitmeiit of riioto,'taihsA and Btcrooscopio VIevsa of theuiont attractive seeuoiy, buildings, etu,iu IhebO JhIiuhIh, fori-al- at reasonableprices.

1IAWAHAN BUSINESS AOKNOY.Comer Fort and Merchant Htrceti;,




OP- -


li.XJTEiy, JMTimuici






Ginpr Gruilc, RasylrerryaflB, Sarsprilla,


and ur.loii; should be addressed to


STEINWAY PIANOS!The. IJent American Pianos in the World;


l Hcst Oorman PianoBo

Br.. HOI'TSCUT.AEpER & Co., Sole Agentu for the Hawaiian Wanda forSteinwiij'&'ftona, New York ; and lid. Wcstermayer, Berlin.

Cabinet Uprights & Boudoir Uprights.

f0f Kor 8iilo at Moderate Prices by

Ed. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co.,'100 lm-ll- .J It





-:- -



mull A--HLnear Beut

$2U perOliitis.



con.of and

bath loom also slngloApply "Nuuanu Avenue," Amu.rlean two



4 rooiDB w Imra amiIrani

and rt-u- .


103 St 43 Merchant







for this Olimate.

King and Bethel

& Soda.--4



I HAVE Uiia day Hold theLcinoiiiiiln Works lo ilie

Lemnuadu Woiks Company, and requestan Itnmcdlatu luittlemont with rue of all

aecoiiutfl. All bills due bythe late business will be paid by

I. K. IIKUWN.Honolulu. Oct. 3 1, 18811 im i m

Earopuun Billiard PaiiorK.rpuiz Billiard l'arlora In.1. the ami up thu moat

approved with all theiinprnvuments.

.1. r. BOWKN &370 tf 1'ioprietorn.

17ATHER Datulen'H l'botoe. .1. J.for b.tlo by Bpecla

at his Fort ulroei,photograpliB of the lain Father Datnien

shortly before his aerett of goientifln photon of interest to

the faculty. H8& if

Gent's Fine Blue Flannel Suits,Voiuik 'Men's Black French Diagonal

IJoyn' Light WVi'ght CaHsimere Suits!(Icnt'n Fine Neckwear, Honiory, Undeiweai



will hy told at VERY LOW FIGURES nt

Chas. J. FBStiEL'S,Tho Leiuling Millinery Houbo, Corner Hotel

CRYSTAL SODA -:- - WORKS,JOHN GKACE, : : Proprietor.



Ginger Saraaparilla, Cream

ALL AERATED WATERSa-- t acirsrca street 'i

Mutual Telophone 380 saoosr Bell Telephone 298Inland ordorH promptly alloiuled to.


HOUSEflBlSPW ropuia on KIur ttieotHflKNt Kuwuiuhao Church.

mouth. Apply toGKHTZ,


AHANDSOMK BooiiibBnito

BUtlui? narlor. bedroomadjoiulug; rooms.

oppoBituLegation, iloois Imlow Bcboo'

atreot. if


A COTTAGE paintedand papciedcnniainiuff

Ith outbuildlarge yard, eituate two.doora earnerAlapui Kinau streetu. TermsHonublu to good tenmtt; Anplv to

JOHN MAOO0N,utrett.






Haudflomestcity, titled InHtyle. Four tables


peimhisiou ttudio

taken deutu. AIbo,




l'ott &



J .,..;. .. , x,'.,.,. ,-- iaw- - jaj-j- &. . JErfLf '. . .JmJBStf-mmLrffl- im .jjmML. jmmm'imidJimmimjtx .'t.:7,k. AJWB2ti,! -

m " n t- - -1 -- rwv m ""iiiTiiffli ,w iiiT ifwi iiTTMWurgf --mrat tfTnirirr wuMummKwmmK vt imwri V rrawi mm a nr-i- riair tiw uri wr rmi nTHMniiii ii nrn niupu ' JBaaatsffiBsas'i- - ., , :mzf,imii in nui i in 11 iimmmi iiwiiin i m tw hwih immmw.mmvwmmm& i . ji. .Mwijiji.HiMi'iiMiMmMiKiiMi hijijii BiMMiiBiaiiiiMi

3t.iSP-'MMjjiT- .sW&?ffiWltiiimni y - 1 ! nn

i i










. .- '








Page 3: f'Jiil'JIJ17:1 42 Morchnnt street, Honolulu. IV David Dayton Will prm'the In tin--luviu courts, of the Kingdom rtii atloitie, attend to collect ing In all lis lirn iH'Iies, tenting


j?g;vywlBwwsiw.lr t k

Drtil'ui, aSttTliifiii

THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1P89.


BSYamashlro Muni from YokohamaSchr Loahl from Koiuritmr.l A CummltH fiom Koulnu

""vessels leavingSfmr WO Hull for Luhnlnn, Mualaea,

Koua. Kau nod the Volcano tit 1U

o'clock a inBtnir Pelc for Komi ports nt'U u inStmr 0 H llmhop for Wnhmao, Wnhdiiu

nml Koohiu at 11 u mS S AtHtmlia for San Francisco nl noonHe W U It win for Snn Fianelseo

SHIPPING NOTES.The schooner Lcahi anlvctl thli

inoi nlnp with iiliout forty cotds of ohiiillrnwootl fiom Komi. Hawaii.

Tliu Morning Star's holler Is beingsupplied with new tubes by machinistsfrom 11m Honolulu Iron Wot let.

A large iiinntlty of bananas will hoshipped by the steamship Australia to-ni- oi



The Japanese steamer Yninu'iliirnMaui, Capt. C. Young, arrived thismorning fourteen days from Yoko-hama, during which she experiencedrough weather. She brought 'aspassengers Lieut. Col. Gleig, G. O.Nacnyaua, Mrs. Nacaynma, Mrs.1). Keawcamahi and 2 children, and11 Japanese in the cabin, and 1050Japanese immigrants, 812 men andi08 women. The vessel docked atthe Pacific Mail wharf and the im-

migrants have been landed.

a ticketTominated.A special meeting of Engine Com-

pany No. 1 was held last eveningw'itli a vory large attendance. Mr.1$. Ordenstein, acting foreman, pre-sided in a very impartial manner.The following ticket was nominatedfor the election of engineers on the2d of December: Chief Engineer,Julius Asche; First Assistant, E.B. Thomas ; Second Assistant,IIenryKaia. A committee of one was ap-

pointed on printing. Before adjourn-ing ef Lucas proposed a voteof thanks to Mr. Ordenstein for pre-siding, which was carried.


In view of the regard and CBteemin whicli the late Capt. Nicolls ofH. B. M. S. Cormorant was held inthis city, it has been proposed, andthe proposal meets with general fa-

vor, that a window should be erect-ed to his memory in the Cathedralchurch in which he with his officersand men constantly worshipped dur-

ing the manj' months his ship wasoitaticned in the harbor of Honolulu.

All persons interested in givingeffect to this proposal arc requestedto attend a meeting to bo held inSt. Andrew's Cathedral Sundayschool room on Saturday next the23dinst., at 5 p. m., at which theBishop of Honolulu has consentedto preside.


Quite a number of passengersleave on the Australia forSan Francisco.

Miss Susie Young, daughter oflion. Alex. Young, leaves for Oakland with the good wishes of a hostof friends.

Miss M. J. Lowden, who has beenvisiting her sister Mrs. Z. K. Myersseyeral weeks, returns to her homein California,

r Mrs. J. I. l)owsclt,Sr., goes diiectto San Francisco, returning on theMime steamer. Her daughter MibsMary Dowsctt will return with her.

Hon. Paul Neumann, who has notbeen at all well the past few months,

Slopes that a trip to the Coast willlo him good. So say we all of us.

Mrs. Frank M. Hatch is going ona brief viBit to the parents, Coloneland Mrs. A. G. Hawes. Of coursethe baby is going too.

Mr, G. A. Bordwell, the architectfor tho new Central Union church,returns to San Francisco.

Mrs. Quinan, Mrs. Moselcy andR. S. Duncan of San Joso, whohave enjoyed a visit of two monthsin the islands, return home., Mr. II. Lose goes direct to Ger-

many to spend ChrislmaB with hismother. Ho will not have to Loseany time on tho way. It is seven-

teen years since he was at thepaternal rcsideuce.


The following aro hooked at tho of--

fiou of W. a. Irwin & Co. lo leave onthe Australia, Nov. 22d : Mrs. I. Q.Tjwkebury and child, Geo. A. Bord-wel- l,

S. Solig, -- MrB. F. M. Hatch,jjhlld and maid, MiflB M. J. Lowden,Miss SuMo Young, J. McCarthy andwife, M. C. Harris, Mrs. W. K. Qui-

nan, Mrs.. MoHoloy, K. H. Duncan,Hon. P. Neumann, V. L. Tenny.JliH8 Walkyn, C. 1). McCandlesn imuwife, Mra. J. I. Dowsctt, Sr 11. Lose.


IIKKOHK JL'Dl), C. J.G.W.Macfnrlane va. S.MfDatnou,

Miniiitcr of Finance. Mhndmuus.Argued and decision reserved, C.L. Carter and Panl Neumann forplaintiff; A. P. Peterson. DeputyAttorncy-Gendra- l, for defendant,

nt:KOitr. not.v., j.H Mary C. Keckley vs. Geo. Lucas,trustee, ct al. Hill for speciDc per-

formance. DemuiTor of dcfendanUi.Argued and decision reserved, J,M. Monsarrat 'for plaintiff; V. M.Hatch and C. h. Carter for defend-ants,

inTrfry Jyn.frwrwtfBW.a -- ,a w xyirT" KC MffwpSMAVjBiil HU'Jbi


TfiK YnlnnM ro Mnru luonghtl.O.'iO Japanese tttiiiiiKi.ints.

Lots of local liiu at llio Operallotiso nhn tlic iiitinical butt-le.-.

Tin? htcimuT W. (. Hall sails at l()o'clock morning for Mauiand Hawaii.

Oun San Francisco lettoi, on Hiejudgment against the Sugar Trust,appeals on the fouilli page.


Hk sure nml let your mail includea copy of the Hulletiii Weekly Hutn-uinr-

It glu-- all the news.

Tiluiegular niontlilv meeting ofthe Y. M. ('. A will "be held thisevening, at 7:110 in the parlors.

Ir you want, to enjoy a Rood laughand see pome fun, ro to tho KayHros. performance this evening.

A mkktinc; of Hawaiian Lodge Ha.21 F. and A. M. will be held (hisevening, for work in the fust, degree.


TltK Austtali.i fails at noon sliarpfor San Fiancisco with

passengers and a cargo of domesticproduce.

Mn. Paul lenberg, Ji is learningto play the cornel, and shown sianHof tapid advancement. 1 1 in tonesair remarkably full.

Enoi.nk Companies No. 2, !, 5 anilHook ifc Ladder have all nominatedthe Wilson, Norton, Boyd ticket forthe olection of engineeis.

The Japanese .steamer YaniaBhiioMuru will Pail for Yokohama on Sat-urday next, at noon sharp. Mcssis.W. (J. Irwin it Co. arc tho agents.

. .Sr.vr.itAi.of 1'iof. Sauvlefa piano

compositions are on sale at tho Ha-waiian News Company's music stoic.HiB (favottc No. 1 will lie publishedlater.

Don't foigct that the mail by theAustralia closes at thePost Office at 11a. in. sharp. Anotherthing, don't forget to post jour lot tcisand papers will abend of the closingtime.

Tun tegular trains on the OihuRailway will be suspendedKiitlay, on account of the moving ofthe steam shovel along the lo.id.Kegular tialli'' will boicsumcd Satur-day morning.

Tiik members of the Koyul Ha;waiian band had a picnic" at Pcailharbor yesterday. They went downon the cms and report having had asplendid time. Mr. Merger tlic h.uid-inast-

was with them.

A vnitY pleasant dancing partywas given last evening at the resi- -

kence of Hon. and Mrs. J. S. Walker,Nuuanu Vallcv, in honor of theotlicei.s of the U S S. Aleit. Musicfor dancing was furnished by a stringband. ...

The choir of tho becond congtcga- -

tion of St. Andrew's Cathedral willpresent a fine programme of musicat the Christmas morning service,which is now being rehearsed. Thechoir has been l.ugely augmentedfor the occasion.

Tun members of the Y. M. C. A.will bold u social in the A ionhall evening, all theirfriends and the Y. M. C. A. boys areinvited to attend. A brief but pleats-iii- K

programme to close with ligbtrefreabnientH well bo given.

By tbe Australia Jlr. .1.

J. WillianiH will forward one of thelargo pictorial advertining fr.ime. Itwill go to the care of Mcbhii. .1. D.Spreckels & Bio., and be placed in a.

coiiHpieuoiiH osition. OthciH willfollow. This will bo a capital way ofadvei Using tho islands.

A j.nTTi'it has been received andwill bo published ohortly, contradict-ing tho statements legarding liquordrinking copied fiom the BostonTianscript. The extract was insert-ed by request foi what it might beworst, which wasn't nine.li if ourcorrespondents facts aro straight.

The momborH of the Koyal Hawai-ian Band wish through this mediumto coidially thank Mr. B. P. Dilling-lni-

for the excursion ho so kindlygave thorn on tho Oahu railway yea-terda-

and Dr. J. S. McGrow for giv-ing them the use of bis grounds onwhich to hold their picnic on theoccasion.

(Friday) ovening anexhibition of photogiaphic woik willbe held at the rooms of the HawaiianCamera Club on Ahiken stieet, towhich all members of tho club aminvited. On Saturday afternoon andevening the exhibit will bo open forinspection of any who may be intoi-ehtc- d.

Ir you are desirous of sending anisland bouvenir to friends abroadwait until the return of the Austra-lia. Tlion tliu Hawaiian News Com-pany will have "QlimpBos of tho Ha-waiian Islands." It is a handsomelybound book full of indcliblo photonof prominent buildings and sceneryin tho islands. Nothing could benuiie suitable for sending away,


By niajl Mr. It, II,Moore, agent of the Bisdon IronWorks, forwards an order for 500,000pounds of 10 inch etoel piping vuiy-in- g

in thickness from K! to fi-- Hi

inches for tho first ditch for the Ha-waiian Sugar Company on Kauai,The pijio is lo shippud in sectionswhich arc to ho rivctted together onthe gioutid. JJvcry 20 feet is to beprovided with lead joint. Tho pipeis to bo in Honolulu by April 1, 1800,

J'ivc ChinoBC were lined in lluiPolice Court this morning for havingopium In possession. Their flncH.amounted to 8M0,


The Hay Bros, will ghc llielr firstperformance this evening at the Ha-

waiian Opera lloiibe. The stagewill be handsomely set and there isno doubt that thc'cntoUaimnciit willbe one of merit. The piogrammcopens with "Our Giiv'nnrs," withcharacters by tliu 15ay Bros, as fol-

lows :

Sir Ritpcil Lceter.Ca poor but pioudHaionet)

Edwin Lester, (his miii)Snin'l Pctlcrby.Oi w althy Parvr s

l'olterby, (his son) . .

Hciny Irving .limes, (a Tiagcdinn)Meckin Lamb. Y. .M.C.A., ("Oh,

Fancy") .. . .

Thcopilus Brown, a footman)Way flop Lee, (a Chinese detective)I'riscilIaTwcedie, (an eldeiiy spin-

ster)Incidental to the piece the follow-

ing songs will be introduced: "TheGood Young Man "Who Died,""Only One," "Breach of 1'iomiscCase," "Where Aro You," "Halle-lujah Lass," and the musical sketch"The Juvenile Tea-I'arlv- ."

The performance concludes witlithe laughable and local sketch "TheTelephone System." Seats can besecured at L. .1. Levey's olliec.


Enrron Bun.r.TiN:--Th- e followingphysicians, l)is. A. Lnlz, G. Trous-seau, Jt 11. Kimball, Iiobt. Mclvihbin, H. Stangcnwald, A. B. Gaiter,It. Oliver, F. It. Day, C. B. Wood,and N. B. Emerson, by invitation ofthe Board of Health, met at theofllco'of the Board this afternoon,to discuss the reported outbreak ofdiphtheria in the city, and makesuch suggestions as the matter seem-ed to require.

The facts elicited were, that alarge, majority of the physicians hadrecently attended numerous cases ofsore throat but had seen no cases ofdiphtheiia.

Two physicians had seen twocases, the symptoms of which com-

pelled them to believe tho cases tohe diphtheria, one physician, calledin consultation, holding a decidedlyopposite opinion.

In view of the above facts thephysicians assembled recommendedthat every suspicious case of throattrouble be repot ted at once to theBoard of Health, who will investi-gate and see that all necessary pre-

cautions arc taken, and aro unani-mous in the opinion that there is noepidemic of diphtheria in Honolulu.

Geo. C. 1'ottku.Actg. Sect eta ry.

Honolulu, Nov. 20, 1880.


Drill Co. A Honolulu Rilles,at 7:30.

Honolulu Chapter No. 1 It. A. M.,at 7:;)0.

Regular monthly meeting of Y.M. C. A. at 7:00.

Entertainment at Opera House,by the Ray Bros. , at 8.

Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. and A.M. at 7:30.

Hawaiian Lodge, Ho. 21, F. & A. M.

nPHTiUE will be a mooting of Hu.JL waiian Lodge No. 21, K. & A. M.,

at its Hall, corner of Fort and Queenstreets, THIS (Thursday) EVKNlNO,November 21st, 1880, lit 7:30 o'clock, for

Work in the 1st Degree.Members of Lodge h; I'rogrr-- i and nil

sojourning brethren are fraternally In.vlted to be present.

By order of the W.. M..T. U. 1'ORTKR,

4rJ It Secretury.


TIIK public arc notified 111 (it none ofthe regular trains will he lia.

patched over tlif; lino of tho Onliu ltall.road Co, on FRIDAY, the 2nd InMRegular trafllc will ho resumed on .Sa-turday iimrnlnir

P.. F. DILLINGHAM,409 1 1 Manager U. U. it L. Co.

NOTICE.rpHK undersigned has removed to No.X lid Mtnmiikca street, where he will

open a restaurant and coffee saloon onMONDAY MOBNINO, Nov.Mlli, ens.tomtrs will bo served with bust of meats,vegetables and fruits, the innrkel affords.Beefsteak. Mutton Chop, Hani & Etigs.Ktn Giro me- a call and you wllllx.satistled.40 lw U. MATUMOTO.

WANTEDTHOHOUan Good Cook for aA hotel, one uudcrBlaadlnc his

biminps". Apply at tills olflco 400 nt


J. HUBASHWill itturn by the "Ainttiullu" next

Ulp, with the

Finest Assortment of Jewelry,

Ever seen In Honolulu, including thelateht patterns and designs In

Diamonds, Pearls,RUBIES, ETC., ETC,

Prom Germany, France, Kugiaud andAiiutica.


Holiday PurchasesTill ou e villain ii his stock, Hu

j well known tdfll In

wicri7iva DfAMONDsiEnable him to suit any fnucy in orderfor special work. 409 if


RSo. 10 StoreHas lust opene i out a large assortment

of Goods biiltftbln for the

JtAolidm-- -:- - TradeComprising



Yes and No Bolls !

Anil Dolls of every other dscriplion.

New Games, Footballs,And other kinds of Hall".

VKLO CI PEDES,-:- - OA KTS,Watcou", Iliuyclcn,Doll Carriages, Rocking Homcr,lilc, lite., Lie. Ktc.

Toys for the MillionNI'.W STYM.S IN

WKY ami VAXCY 1OIS.108 tf


Theo. H. Davies&Co.'s I

FANCY -- ARTICLES,Suitable for prc-eiits- ;

DietHincr, UBses, siher uiotiiilL'd ;Hand Hags is Valisvs,

Decora tol VaMCMChina Dinner Sct,China Tea Hcts,

Hani PBiiM Dessert Sib,Kniicy JIajollc.n W'aic,Knney Oliihiwnif,

.Ta.pnn;.sc "Wave,Fancv Work B;ikpi,Knncv fciTeens A l.ttini)- -,

Ktc, f.lc. i:tc. Ktc.

Dolls! Bolls! Bolls!itlsiiiic Dolls,

Wax Dolls,

Indestructible DollslUg Dolls,

Ktc, K:c, lite, Kir.

An Immi nae Vnriety.

TOYS, Toys, TOYS.Tin Toys, Diunvi,

Xoll ftSot,,' Carts,Musical Toyo, Bte., Ktc.

A Large Assortment.

Christmas & New Year Cards,

Direct from Raphael Tuck it Sou,and 8. HSlduslieimrr.

Theo. H.Davies&Co.405 1m



Siitable forjpflai Gills

l have just received from the nianiifac.tuicrs In lrcUnd a large and assortedshipment of Irish Linvns of all kinds.

Consisting of

Damask Table Cloths,In new and hcsutiful nalterns withNapkins to mulch, from the cheapestto tho best qualities manufactured.

Embroidered Handkerchiefs,In all styles und prices giiaiuntecd,

all handwork.


Jentlnirii'rHemstitched Handkerchiefs,

In all styles and qualities.

Ladies Handkerchiefs,Or all inskci and patterns, the tlmst

selci m ever imported. Alto,

Doylcy's Toilet Covers, Towels, &c, &o

AUo, a few very choice

CABINET: PHOTO ; ALBUMS,Maiiulaciuicd by Marcus Waul is,

Co .(Limited).408 If W. C. Sl'KOIJI.I,.


NOTICE Is heruby glvcu that Mr. II.is no longer uiphoricd to

Hlyu our tlrm unun) by nrnuimtlnu.H, HACKFELD ,t CO.

Hiiiiolulii, Nov. 18, 188!'. 4(ill lit


ALL iMirhOiii und Bill wri hers ludohledthe uslaie of Jnscpli Lawrence

oliaB Joe You Tassel), of Yau TnssellBros , are nautloaed lo uiuku mymentat this Consulate, and Unite havlnt;clulms to present the same iniinuiliatuly.

II. W. SEVERANCE,U. 8 CoiisiilOciiernl

Honolulu, Nov. 18, IBS'.). 407 !U

"m v K


(111 MM k Laud Go.

TIM 10 TAHLlfl!


i....,rtfEVi..j jitKjjUyLyk

rWt-i"-l,- ,lr KKgg

Trains will leave Honolulu over theOatiu liailmml & Lsnd Co. as follows:

M'.Wt: IIUMM.l'M Al!t:tT. IIONOMnr.ro r. ur.i'OT.

7::t(i a. .M. ::io a. m.l(i:0H . m. 1'JiOO M.:i:uu r. m. ;:t0 v. m,

Ho for Halawa & The Lakes of


Grand : ExcursionOn SATURD1Y, the 23d Inst.

Tickets lor the Hound Trip limited to ISO:

sa.B() i:aii.Children under 12 years : Half Fare

On Katunlav tin O. K. .fc I. Co. uronniicto iflve an evclirsion by bind and km.Trains siu leave the Htntion at I :li)o'clock cnnnrciin-i- ; tit llaliw.i with theSteamer "Ewn," letiiruiiig to arrive inIlnnolulu at tt:r i: m.

If" Kntly upplicition for lirkelsshould be made. 4(17 4t


vOf-:-- E

FOR 1800-01- ,

Notice is hereby j:iven that tho Histbieliniul election (under Chapter IfiHtatute Lawi of 1S8H) will be held

On MONDAY, Dec, 2, 1889.

At tliu Kelt Tower.For the purpose of Electing a ChiefKtigineer and two Assistant En ginecrefor the said Fire Department.

flieSf" Polls will be open at (1 v. m. andclose at ! p. m.

II EXUY SMITH,403 td Secretary II. F. D.

JUST RECEIVEDPer ' AiiElraliu" choice brands of

Cigars, : Cigarettes, : Tobaccos,

Auit Nmokcr'H ArtloleH.Also, a large assortment of GcnU',

Ladies' it Children's

-- AT-

Chris. UEIJ.TZ,40filw FortBtiect- -

TAX APPEALSFor tho Island of Oahu .

rpiIE Courtsrof Tax Al'pcil, lor theX Island of Oahu, will hold sittingsat the following times and places, ifthcru are any appeals to be heard :

For the Honolulu District, hi theCourt Room of the l'nllee dilution ofllonnlulu, al 1 o'clock i1. M., on .MON-DAY, the 18th day of November, 1881.

For the Kwa and Wuiainie District,at the Kwa Court Home, at !) o'clocka. ii, on WEDNESDAY, the i!0ili dayot November, 18M).

For the Waialua District, al the Wale.Ilia Court Hoiipc, nl 8 o'clock a. m., onTHUUSDAY, the iilst day or November,lUffil.

For the TCoolauloa District, at MidxiiuCourt House, at 8 o'clock a. m., on 1'RI.DAY, the Sand day ol November, ISSU.

For the Koolaupoko District, at theICancohe Court House, at'Jo'idrck a. m.,on SATURDAY, the iitlrd day of Novcm bur, 1S33,

W. FOSTER,Police Justice of Honolulu, Oahu.

Dated Honolulu. Nov. Ili, 18d!i.102 Ml


VJOTICK is hereby givcu that I hoveJlS this day sold my interest in theLroug Hop Co, doing; dry kooiIs bind,neis, on Niiit&nii street, to Chin); Fun,who collects all accounts, and pays allbills auainst said store.

CIIANO CHIN.Honolulu, Nov. 18, IHfei), 400 4t


AT the annual meeting Of the UnionFeed Co, held this day, at the

Compitnj'solllce, the following oltlcorueiu elected to bcrve fur ihueiibiiingyear:

President,..,.... E. C. Macfarlanc,VicePuMileit W, F. Allen.Tii'inurer F. W. Alacfnrlaiie.Auditor, ..E. 0. Bchumuii.Secretary ., F. Oiuhuin.niMcton 0. W, Muofarlaue, A.. I.

CuitwrlKhl, F. W. Macfarlanc,8. K. OKA II AM,

Secretary.Honolulu, Nov. 15, 1889. 4(W 1 w





Tim l.tf.a 5 a

iuiii1 on me ii.ick.




li.m nftnntml tinu frm of



(Tinni Xkw Yoiik

Tvrmtl.ilitn Auairnlifnpolicy which, like bank draft,


MMtiti:-M&Jtil- ViAir ti4fo' '(wxp.



quitable Life Assurance SocietyTIIK

TiMr,.Iunc 183!).


simple promise to pay without' condi-1- ,


From the Outono Lnvkstioatoh

Always on the alert, anil ever anxious to give the public tho runatadvantageous contract in life, insurance, the Equitable Life Assurance So-eio- ty

of New York hao, in the pult, made many advances on old inetliod-- j

and has been the means lo liberali.e life assurance in a yrealer degreeperhap-i- , than any other organization. It is not at all surprising, tlitue-for- e,

that this great company now comes before the people with a newcontract, the like of. which has Hot before been known in life insurance.

From the Kentucky IlKmsTi:n,1llclunonil, Ky., June 'JS, 18S1I.J

The Equitable Life Assurance Society has, in the past, done more tocreate and maintain confidence in life assurance tbuu any other company.Consequently its business is larger than that of any of its cotupetitoru.Furthermore, it has now taken a step which practically .sweeps cvory ob-

jection of the character referred to out of the way. The result, undoubt-edly, will be that thousands of men who have horetofore lacked confidencein life assurance, will examine the new policy offered by the Equitable--and assure their lives forthwith.

rFrotn the Boston

This company has done more than any other to simplify tbeasaurancecontract, and to maintain public conlldence in life assurance.

Fiom the Picikic UNiiEitwntTKn, San Francisco, July 1, 1880.J

Tlic Equitable has already established a world-wid- e reputation forliberal dealings with its policy-holde- rs nud for its prompt settletuont of alllegitimate claims against it, and this new olicy cannot fail to enhance itreputation for enterprise and progressiveneHS in dealing with the subjectof life assurance.

ty For full paiticulars call on

ALEX. J.330 Ini

This !



Agent for the Hawaiian



THE 16i H, THE

60 : CASES :



OF l- -e






DRY -:- -

Toys of Every Description,

and Etc., &tc0


S.Corner Hotel & Fovfc SlroutOct-19-8- 0


General Islutnls.

Ulack Spanish Lace Flouncing, from $1 yard ltpwaid.Mark Clianlilly Lacu Flouncing, fiom $2 yard upward.Ecru, Cream & White Oriental Floiincine;, fiom TiOoIh yuid upward.Extra Heavy (new Htyle) Oiiental Flouncing, from $l.t!f yard upwuid.

Drees Nets in Pink, Blue, Red, Cream & Black.Full ossorlinent of nil shades of C.ihhinore, Moireo, Satin S. (Jros

Grain Ribbon. Velvet Rugs in all sizes just lecoived.Rest variety in Cainluic, Swiss it Nainsook Embroideries at



33. X 3eJEiDU.SRg!i &o COunder


n i n i', I


- -

Tout Policy



. ..




-- J l

Bead This



GOODS,Fancy Goods, Holiday Goods,

Boots Shoes,


-- OK'




iinn n m i i nP.I 'ftMllfflftS ffl DIM.

DrcsBinuking Department



Colgate fl.SWU.Ml.VWWm







iNflaiR.,..... .

of All





4," li-





W v.

w f it


i vT8te

-- .. rT, :

v.if ? . - v

--,St s

.:-- ' ;. v.

. ; 'M

" ' '1" , i -

' 1

U . mft - n'JHttt



w uj,u;Goods Kinds.


Fine Chemicals, Patent Medicines.Cigars, Cigarettes Tobaccos,



t &93II


Page 4: f'Jiil'JIJ17:1 42 Morchnnt street, Honolulu. IV David Dayton Will prm'the In tin--luviu courts, of the Kingdom rtii atloitie, attend to collect ing In all lis lirn iH'Iies, tenting



. ,- -


JNwHWfit mi, 1 lllfti i mi milimixMtJHKlmmM

km Sletiiiislim con'y.TJMK TAKLti:

Loavo Honolulu:Australia. . ,'. ........ .November 22Alameda . J . . December 14

218 tf

Australian lill Service

The now and fine Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu Horn Sydneyand Auckland on or about

December 14, 1889.And will lcavo for the above port withmalls and passengers on or about tliatdate.

For freight or passage, having 81J.PiilUOK ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM, G. IRWIN & CO.. Aueute.

Hur Sydney and Auckland

The ne.w nil Que Al steel atcMimlilp

II Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Stcnnwhip Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SauFrancisco on or about

November 23, 1889.And will have prompt dispatch withmails and passengers fortheabove ports.

For freight or passage, having 31)PR HI OR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM, 0. IHWIN & CO.. Agents

A. G. SILVA,07 Hotel St., opposite Bethel St.

Cabinet Work Neatly Done.Furniture Repaired & Polished.

Matting; So CarpctN Haiti.S"Work well and promptly done at

reasonable prices. 3!)6 Ira

Tax Collector's Notice, 1889.

rpHE undersigned Deputy AssessorJL and Collector of Taxes for the Dis-

trict of Wnllnkn, Island of Maui. II. I.,hereby gives notice that he will be atthe following places on the dates given,for tbe purpose of collecting taxes:

TUESDAY, Nov. 12th. 1SS!). at Maken.iTHURSDAY. Nov. Htli, 1B80, at Wai- -

bce.MONDAY. Nov. ISth, 1889, at WalkapuTUESDAY, Nov. :!5th, 1889, at Kahiilul

On all other days during the monthof November anil December (Sundaysexcepted) from 1) a. m. to t p. in. dailyand on Saturdays from 9 a. in. to 12uoou at his office at Wailuku.

All amounts over $10 must be paid inU.S. gold coin, or in Hawaiian 920 es

of Deposit.Taxes remaining unpaid after Decem-

ber 1.1th will be subject to an additionalcharge of 10 per cent.

.ISO. II. STALLING,Deputv Assessor- - Collector of Taxes

District of "Wailuku, Island ofMaui.

Wailuku, Maui, II. I., Nov. 1, 18S9.39G 2w

Notice to Tax Payers, 1889.

rTlHE undersigned Deputy AssessorJ. and Collector of Taxes for theDistrict of Makawao, Island of Maui,hereby gives notice to the tax payers ofthe said district, that he will mee't themat tbe time and places below specilipilfor the purpose of receiving their taxesfor A. D. 1889:

SATURDAY, Nov. SOth. 18S9. at JlneloMONDAY, Dee. 2d, 1889, at PauwrlaTUESDAY, Dec. :ird, 1S89. at. PainWEDNESDAY, Dec. 1th, 1SS9, at .las.

Anderson's, MakawaoTHURSDAY, Dec. nth, 1SS9. at I). El- -

drldge's, Kuln.FRIDAY. Dec. lith, 18S0, at .T. K. Ka- -

uiakehi, Kuln.

And on all other days during themonth of November and of December tothe 35th at his ofllce nt the droveRanch, Makawno, Maul.

All amounts over Sit) must, be paid InII. S. gold coin or 20 Hawaiian Certi-ficates of Deposit.

Taxes remaining uniwid after Dee.loth will he charged 10 per cent, addi-tional.

Wai. P. FENNKLL,Deputy Assessor & Collector of Taxes

for Makawao.Makawao. Nov. 1st, 1889. tiflC 2w


M:RS. MONROE, ladies' iiuree, hasremovea to iso. ;i. kukiu lane.

Feb.14-8- 9


ANEW Wilcox & White Parlorwith eight stops. Suitable

for school or church. A flue instru-ment. Apply at 57 Punchbowl street,opposite N. P. Mission Institute. U7St tf


A R. ROW AT, Veterinary Burgeon,ofllce and pharmacy at Hawaiiuu

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and ttlohaidstreets. Scientific treatment in all dis-eases of domestic animals. Orders forplantation and ranch stock promptlyuttended to. Mutual Telephone '.W4,P. O. Bos 320. mii.18-8-


HAVING bought out Mr. W. II.in the "Honolulu Carriage

Manufactory," at 128 Fort street, lamprepared to continue the above businessunder the old name of Honolulu Car.rlage Manufactory, and being an oldexperienced carriage builder I solicitthe patronage of my old friends and thepublic in general, and with my thoroughknowledge of the business and with ex.perienced workmen and using only thebest material I guarantee general satis,faction. Please call uud see mo beforegoing elsewhere. "


Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1889 Bill tf




DAILY : 1SSH. :&i2&LiJ J '

1'RIOKS- -

Ciilii'ornia Huy, Oats, Bran,Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal,

Bin-ley- , Kollcd Barley,IMidilliiiK Ground Barley,

Wheat ami Corn Flour.FLOUR fctf-Alt-

n, Golden Gate & Saliuas-ttt- f FLOUR

Teleplioneo. 175. Cor. Edinburgh & Queon Sta.tmiimt iiiii iiiin i i MiMMiiiwnnfMiiaM rt"jgy1"'gg;gyjgjf J!!!lJlffSfll,.ir.w,,lS?

Pacific Hardware Co., Ld,o

voiv.v sxAtiaiar. noisoxuirj.


Kell JCclepliono, SO "l BSF


Ho. 24 Mercbaat Street, Hear Fort Street.






gjST Which will be sold AT



Dail BulletinWill be Issued

32 Columns of Interesting Nows;

JOHN" Diiiiniul Hlo;lf," Non.

,i'f4",?, A

BUl.l.KXiN HONOLUiiU, H. I., HOVEM.BBU 21, ffjy






Turpentine. Etc., Etc.

unm.s FOR THE

Revere Rubber Co., Boston.

. all OjUALiTiKS OF

iiliiilliil1 f; Willi liUllllll lli!t:il

g? Call and examine our NewGoods. Aug-H-8- 8

"Sliilnal aVlloiie, ZiVX

WINE 60.,

nil n tan &

WW 1 fl C J







Weeklw Summarv JJ

November 19th,

The Beat Paper to Send Abroad.

NOTT,I As 07 JCiiifr Srt.



Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping: Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND903 Sheet Iron Work.

lw gijiUj 4Ufitt.THURSDAY, NOV. .21, 1880..


Thai In lVhnt the Xnw York Kit-- -

iirciue Court Deelnvon thr. Mng;nrTi'tiNt to be.

rCoiit'spond'encpof the lliti.i.KTix.

San Francisco, Nov. 8th.The long expected decision of the

New York Supremo Court at. thegeneral term was delivered yester-day. A despatch to the Examinercovers the entire ground, and willbe interesting reading no doubt tothe holders of stock in this "crimi-nal enterprise" the Sugar Trustat the Islands. The following ex-

tract? give the gist of the. decision:"New York, Nov. 7 The Su-

preme Court of tin's State has hand-ed down a decision in the great su-

gar trust case, which to many willbe n genuine surprise. It is truethat some time ago Judge Harrettdid make an order dissolving theNorth Klvor Sugar Refining Company charter, because of its traiui-te- r

to the grent sugar combine, hutthis soon came to be regarded as auisi prills affair which would not,hold water on appeal. It happensthat in this case lliu Sugar Trustagi cement itself a document whichis typical of and indeed the verylife of the trust organization cameup before the Judges for construc-tion.

The decision declaring this con-

tract criminal is so broad in it char-acter and so sweeping in its provisions as to affect the existence of allother trusts if it should be vigor-ously enforced. .Judge Daniels,who delivered the opinion of thecourt, in which .Justices Van Bruntand Brady concurred, was carefulto lay down the broad principle ofconstruction, which cannot possiblybe misunderstood.

" 'The law does' not rccpiire,'says Judge Van Brunt, 'that anagreement of this kind shall in plainlanguage ailirin the intention to pre-vent competition for control of themarket or advance prices on neces-sary commodities. " The lan-

guage of the instrument, tkereforc,is not alone to be consulted, but itis to be considered in view of thesecircumstances, and individuals en-

gaged in bringing it about, and tdlthat may be implied from argument,is to be considered as contained init for the purpose of discoveringwhat was intended to be accomplish-ed.

"By the application of these rulesto this case the leading object is dis-

closed with reasonable clearness tobe that the affairs and business of acombination or association should beso managed and carried on as topromote the profit and gain of theassociates. The board was expresslyauthorized to promote the interestsof the parties in all suitable as wellas lawful ways. A jury would befully justified in concluding from theagreement and other facts and evi-

dence in the case that the governingobject of the association was to pro-mote its interests and advance theprosperity of the associates by limit-ing the supply, when thatj could bedone, and advancing the prices ofthe products produced by the com-panies. To conclude otherwisewould be to violate all the observations and experiences of politicallife.

"This is the controlling feature inthis controversy, and that it was in-

tended to be secured by an organiza-tion provided for, and which actu-ally took place, is reasonably freefrom doubt, and when that appearsto be a fact, the agreement, or what-ever else it may be called, havingfor its object the removal of compe-tition and advancement of prices ofthe necessaries of life, is subject tothe condemnation of the law, bywhich it is denounced as a criminalenterprise."

After quoting the law making it adisdemeanor to commit any act in-

jurious to trado or commerce, andmentioning cases in which it washeld that combinations akin to thesugar trust were in violation of thestatute, Judge Daniels says :

"These cases are authoritiesagainst the legality of tho associa-tion to which tbe defendant wasmade a party. This association, ofwhich this defendant is a member,has an unlawful object. He liasplaced its interests and affairs un-

der the dictation and control of aboard which legally should have nopower over it and rendered itselfliable to judgment which has beenplaced itself in a situation iti which,according to the statute as well astho decisions of courts, the chartermay be annulled at tho suit of theAttorney-Genera- l. It has become uparty, in part at least, to a combina-tion designed to create a monopolyand exact from tho public that whichcould not be obtained naturally.This was its object.

"The action was well maintained,and judgment should be alllrmed."

General Koger A. I'ryor, the as-

sociate of Attorney-Gener- al Taborlit the suit, said ht that in hisopinion the decision of the GeneralTerm meant the disintegration oftho sugar trust without further nppeal.

Tho despatch to the Report goesinto the history of the case, andmakes pointed reference to the caseof the People of the Slate of Cali-fornia against the American SugarRcllnery Company of San Francisco,which was traded by tho stockhold-ers for certiOcates In tho SugurTrust rfwlntlle.

The following is copied from theReport's despatch:

"Of the fifteen or twenty refin-eries originally in the trust only fouror five are still running. One of thelargest in New York was burnedand tho others have been closeddown from one causo and another.Some arc being dismantled of theirmachinery.

"A similar suit was brought bythe people of the Stntc of Californiathrough Attorney-Gener- nl Johnson,against the American Sugar Refin-ery of San Francisco, and the casewas argued and submitted to JudgeWallace of that city about the sametime the North River Company'scase was submitted to Judge Bar-rett, but the San Francisco courthas not yet rendered his decision,although it is supposed that thoConstitutional limit for the decisionhas passed.

"The effect of the decision willprobably be to break up the trust."

It is understood that Judge Wal-lace of the California SupremeCourt has prepared u decisionagainst the Trust, which will be de-

livered in a day or two. The nextproceeding will be to apply for theappointment nf a receiver, becausethe sale to Hnvetneyer A Co., whichwan intended simply to defeat theond'i of justice, will not be allowedto stand in the way. Trust certifi-cates will no longer be saiable anymore than lottery tickets, and theholders thereof will be out and in-

jured accordingly, unless the Trustmanipulators nro loyat to their pro-mises and make a fair divide. It isuot likely, however, that they willstrip theirilelves to protect, theirdupes.

FOR -j-S-


1 will sell at the very Inwewl prleps,all my



Violins, Curios, Etc.If I cannot, sell them before December

1, ISSt), they will be sold at auction.

US7 tin A. KRAFT.

'V II 33




380 lm

Anderson & Lundy,3Dent.ist.

Artificial Teeth from ouo to nu cutlieEot inaerted on gold, silver, allnminuraand rubber bases. Crown aad BridgeWork a specialty. To personB wearingrubber plates which are a confltantsource of irrltatiou to the mouth andthroat, wo would' recommend our

Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance with tbe latestimprovements in dental bclencc. TeethExtracted without pain by the use ofNitrouB Oxide Gas.

tSBOfflce at Old Trejrloan ResidenceHotel street. Pob-20-8- 9

W.W. Wright ftSoir,79481 J Bell Tele.

King s $mmi-l- n 381.'(The Rose Promisee)

All orders for wheel vehicles of everydescription filled wlih promptness.

First-claFf-l mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

TltAI CAIIH. OMMIIllHMim.Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts,

Made to order, altered or repaired.

Carriage Painting;, Trimmlnrjr,ETC., Kit'., KTC, KTt

Our HOUSE SHOEING Departmente under tho management of R.

ootMnj Cayforii. tim

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,furl Strwit, next Lucju' Mill,

Carriage Builders,Ship's Blackimllhlng, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building as spochtlly.

Every description of work In theabove linos performed in a tlrst-olai- a

manner and executed at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.Mr Orders from tho other Islands

solicited. Will bo pleated to see allour old customers as well as new onestMutual Telephone No. 578.




.Per "Eskdale"123 days from Liverpool.

DRYGOODSILarge, Varied & Selected Block.

FANCY GOODS,l)i,-8ftiitt-; Case,

MtrwrfcWlcta'i- Wain, lite.

A full line

A lar(5e niuiutmont.




Oarrlngre Lanip,Sugar &--.


Other Varieties.


Latest Novelties.

F L AG S !fiftwaltan,

English,A'meHcAii ami




Ilock,Liverpool and

HIgglu's Dairy.

Oils ! Oils !

boiled & Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc I

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Kto., Etc.

BEiONT fiftOtil !

Couutfatwl & Plain.

in aU'varietiea.

Fence Wire !

Anoealoo",GlvunlzKt llaibwl,

r'atout Bteol JJurbed





Ciiornia tiiieriesOf till varieties, always In stoolc


Hay, Feed & Flour



rlhc Thoroughbred StiiUiou

i MARIN"Will stand at set vice at

ltEcout) 2:22J, Sacramento, Sept. is!1887,

FKDimtBK: Marin wan sired byQuinn'a Pnlchen, ho by Geo. M. Pat-cho-

Jr.; Marin's dam bv Bmigrnnt, hoby Billy McCracken; Itilly McOrnckcnby McCrackcnM Black Uawk, 707, (thesiro of Lady Dooloy, and of the dam ofOvermnn, 2:10U). McCracken'a UlnckHawk, 707, bv Vermont Black Uawk, 0;2nd dam by Marshall1 Black Uawk, heby Enston'B Black Hawk. The dam ofliuinn's l'alchcn by Utoekbrldge Chief,ho by Vermont Black Uawk, 5.

R. T. Carroll of Sun I''irtficlw tintformer owner of .Marin, vouches, ttmtout of thlrty.flx marea served hy llilahnrse during his hist penvon In Cali-fornia, thitty.flvo ptovcil with foal.

IMIlfi U. 1SWWHKK.Jlv.2l).l

Wm liypP Jto HUtiy

74 King st, --Trill Jf 74 Kind st

ltuportuia of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos So FurnitureMoved with Care.

ing and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.38 Hue de Dtuikorque, Paris,

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English Goods, atthe liest Manufacturers' Lowoat Prices,

Commission, lf per cent.All Trado and Cash DiscountH allowedto.CHenta. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payablo on delivery, ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

Tho Agency IlenroscnU, Buys, andBella, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrica,Bilks. Velvetfe, LawnB, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery,Xacefl, Gloves,Fringes, parasols. Haberdashery ,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Bhoes, Glass, andOhlna-war- e, Clocks, Watchca,Jewcllry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toyo.Perfumery, Wines, &C,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFumitory, Stationery,Ohromo , Machinery, &., &c.

Honolulu LibraryAND

Reading Room Association,

Cor. Hotel & Alalica &tivctni

Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at tho present '

time of over Five Thousand Volumea. '

The Iteadiug Room la eupplled wlti"about fifty of the leadiujj newspaperand poilodloala.

A Parlor Is provided for onveraatlound games.Torins of membership, fifty ecnU a

month, payable quarterly In advance.No formality required lu jolulug exceptBlgnlng tho roll.

Strangera from foreign countriea nut!visitors from tho other islauda are wel-come to tho rooms at all times nsgueeu.

Thla Association having no regularmeaus of support except the dues ormembers, it 1b expected that residentof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelnu interest In maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their uamtsand become regular contributors.

A. J. OARTWRIGIIT, Prea.,M. H. SCO'IT, Vico-Preaide- ni,

II. A. PAIUIELKK, Secretary,-A- .L. SMITH, Treasurer,

O. T. RODGERS, M.D.,Chairman Hall and Library Cotninlttaa


ALL persons who waut to coramuulwith tho Poituauwe; either

for business, or for procurlua workmen,servants or any other, help, will find ftiho most profitable way to advertise Idthe Luso aumffamt, the uew organ oftho Portuguese colouy, whjoh Is pub.llsbed ou JJotet Btreet, and only chargersatrmable rates for ftdverliseineuu,



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