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Physics Perfect Score SBP 2007 1







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SECTION 1\Question 1 [ Introduction to Physics ]1. Diagram 1.2 shows micrometer screw gauge which measures diameter of glass rod. The micrometer screwgauge has zero error as shown in Diagram 1.1


Physics Perfect Score SBP 2007 2

(a) What is the reading of zero error of micrometer screw gauge?

….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(b) What is the diameter of the glass rod?

….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

(c) What is the purpose of measuring of the diameter of the glass rod at several different places ?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(d) Why is the micrometer screw gauge more sensitive device compared to the vernier callipers ?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark]

Question 2 [ Forces and Motion ]Diagram 2 shows a skydiver falls freely downwards before the parachute open .

Diagram 2

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i Name and label the forces which act on the skydiver in Diagram 2..

……………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….[ 2 marks ]

ii. Why must the skydiver open up his arms and legs wide when falling freely as shown in Diagram 2..


[1 mark ]iii. After a while, the parachute opens and the skydiver keep falling until he reaches a constant

velocity.Draw a velocity –time graph to show the motion of the skydiver.

[ 2 marks]

Question 3 [ Light ]Diagram 3.1 shows an object O placed in front of a concave lens.


2F F F 2F

(a) (i) Draw ray diagram to show

(ii) State two characteristics


(b) The concave lens is then rep


the formation of image in Diagram 3.1.[2 marks]

of the image formed.

…………………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

laced with a convex mirror.





Diagram 3.2

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(i) Draw ray diagram to show the formation of image in Diagram 3.2.[2 marks]

(ii) State a similar characteristic of the images in Diagrams 3.1 and 3.2.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...[1 mark]

Question 4 [Radioactivity]

A radioactive source emits a beta particle and a detector is used to detect the juice level in a juice box. The juicebox is moved between the detector and a radioactive source in Diagram 4.

Diagram 4a. What is beta particle?

…………………………………………………………………………………..………………………….[1 mark]

b. Name the suitable detector used to detect the beta particle.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

c. Explain how a radioactive detector can be used to detect whether the drink box is fully filled with juiceor not?



[2 marks]d. Give one reason for each question below:

i Alpha particle source cannot be used to detect the juice level in the juice box.

………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………[1 mark]

ii Gamma ray source is not used in this process.


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Question 5 [ Forces and Motion]

Diagram 5 .1 shows a feather and a water droplet falling from the same height. The mass of the feather andwater droplet are the same and both are dropped simultaneously at time, t = 0.

Diagram 5.1

The graph in Diagram 5.2 shows the motion of the feather and the water droplet from time t = 0.

DIAGRAM 5.2a) Name one force acting on the feather and the water droplet.

………………………………………………………………………………………[ 1 mark ]

b) Using Diagram 5.1, compare the surface area of the feather and the water droplet.

………………………………………………………………………………………[ 1 mark ]

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c) Using the graph in Diagram 5.2, compare the changes in velocity of the feather and the water droplet.



…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[ 3 marks ]

d) Using your answer in (b) and (c), state the relationship between the surface area and the final velocity.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[ 1 mark]

Question 6 [ Forces and Pressure ]

Cargo ship A Cargo ship BDiagram 6.1 Diagram 6.2

Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show two types of cargo ship sailing on the ocean. Cargo ship B is fully loadedwith goods.

a) Compare the mass between cargo ship A and cargo ship B.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[ 1mark ]

b) Compare the volume of water displaced by ship A and ship B

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[ 1 mark]

c) Relate the mass of ship with its load and the volume of water displaced by the ship.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[ 1 mark]

d) i) Name two forces which act on the cargo ships when they are floating on the water surface.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[ 1 mark]

ii) State the relationship between two forces as mentioned in (d).(i)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[ 1 mark ]

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e) Name the principle which relate in (b)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[ 1 mark ]

f) What happens to the cargo ship when it enters the river mouth? Give a reason for your answer.


……………………………………………………………………………………..................................................[2 marks ]

Question 7 [ Waves]Diagram 7.1 shows the pattern of the water wave after went through a gap. The experiment was repeated withthe difference water wavelengths which went through the same gap, and the resulted pattern is as shown indiagram 7.2.

Diagram 7.1 Diagram 7.2

a. Define wavelength..............................................................................................................................................................

[ 1 mark ]b. Based on diagram 7.1 and 7.2, state two observations on water wavelengths


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….[ 2 marks ]

c. Compare the water wave pattern in diagrams 6.1 and 6.2 which formed after the wave went throughgap

...................................................................................................................................................................[ 1 mark]

d. Based on your answers in ( b) and (c), state one relationship between the wavelengths and the wavepattern formed.

.....................................................................................................................................................................[ 1 mark ]

e. Name the wave phenomena which occurs in diagrams 6.1 and 6.2


[ 1 mark ]

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Question 8 [ Waves]Diagram 8.1 shows the arrangement of apparatus for Young’s double slit experiment. A white light source ispassed through a coloured filter to produce a monochromatic light. Diagram 8.2 shows the pattern of the fringeformed on the screen when a red filter is used.

The experiment is repeated by using a blue filter and the fringes formed are shown in diagram 8.3

Diagram 7.1

Diagram 8.2 Diagram 8.3

a. What is meant by a monochromatic light ?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………[1 mark]

b. Using the pattern of fringes in diagrams 8.2 and 8.3, state two observations about the distances betweenconsecutive fringes for the red light and blue light


………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….[2 marks]

c. Compare the wavelengths of red light to blue light


d. Compare the wavelengths of red light and blue light with the distances between consecutive fringes in (b)


e Name the wave phenomenon which forms the pattern of fringes in diagrams 8.2and 8.3

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

Red fringe Blue frige

White light source Single slit Colouredfilter White screen

Double slit

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Question 9 [ Electricity]Diagram 9.1 shows an electric circuit. Voltmeter V1 , V2 and V3 have high resistance. Ammeter A1, A2 and A3

and battery have small internal resistance that can be neglected.. Bulb M1 , M2 and M3 have same resistance.

Diagram 9.1

(a) Based on diagram 9.1, compare the readings of ammeter A1 and ammeter A3 , when the switch S1 ison and switch S2 is off.

...................................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark]

(b) When switch S1 and switch S2 are on ,

(i) Compare the brightness of bulb M1 and M2 .

......................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(ii) Compare the readings of voltmeter V1 and voltmeter V2

......................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(iii) Write down the equation to relate the readings of voltmeter V1 , V2 and V3 .

.…………. ……......................................................................................................................................

[1 mark](iv) Write down the equation to relate the readings of ammeter A1, A2 and A3

. ............................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(c) (i) By referring to (a) state the type of circuit connection for the bulb if only bulbs M1 and M3

light up.

....................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(i) Is the circuit connection above suitable to be used in a domestic wiring system? Give areason for your answer.








Switch S1

Switch S2


M2 M3

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[ 2 marks]


Question 10 [ Electronics]Figure 10.1 shows a circuit with transistor which is used as an amplifier.

Transistor will function when potential difference between Y and Z is 1V.(a)(i) What is the type of transistor used on Figure 10.1?

………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(ii) What is the function of the capacitor?……….……………………………………………………………………..

[1 mark](ii) What is the maximum value for resistor R1 for the transistor to function?

[3 marks]

DIAGRAM 10.1.1




6 V







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(b) Diagram 10..2 shows a logic gate with input A and B, and Diagram 10.3 showsthe input signals



(i) Name the type of the logic gate above.

…..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark ]

(ii) Draw the output signal X for logic gate on Diagram 10.3.[2 mark ]









Input A

Input B

Output X

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Question 11 [ Forces and Pressure]Diagram 11.1 shows the hydraulic pump which is used to lift a car in a workshop.

Diagram 11.1

(a) (i) Name the principle of physics used in the hydraulic pump above.

…………………………………………………..………….............................................................[1 mark]

(ii) State one important characteristic of oil used in the pump.

………………..……………………………………………………………………………..................[1 mark]

(b) The pressure of compressed air at the oil surface is 5000 N m-2 and the cross-sectional area ofthe piston is 2 m2 .

(i) What is the pressure of the oil in the cylinder?

………………………………………………………..……………………………………..................[1 mark]

(ii) Calculate the mass of maximum load that can be lifted by the piston.

[3 marks]

(iii)What happened to the position of the piston if the car is replaced with a lorry of bigger mass. ?

………………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

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(c) State the necessary modification that can be done to the piston and the cylinder so that a heavierload can be lifted.?



……………………………………………………………………………………………..[2 marks]

(d) Name another application for the principle of physics in (a)(i).

………………………………………………………………………………..…………..[1 mark]]

Question 12 [Electronics](a) Complete the truth table for logic gates P, Q, R and S.

[1 mark ]

[ 1 mark]

[ 1 mark ]

[ 1 mark ]

Input OutputA B X0 00 11 01 1

Input OutputA B X0 00 11 01 1

Input OutputA B X0 00 11 01 1

Input OutputA B X0 00 11 01 1

















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(b) Diagram 12.1 shows the combination of two logic gates S.

Combination of two logic gates above will produce single lo

(i) Complete the truth table in table 12.2 for the combina


0 0

0 1

1 0

1 1

(ii) Name logic gate N.


(c) Draw the combination of two logic gates Q to produce a logic ga

(d) Arrange the logic gates P, Q and R inside the box provided inproduce is the same as the output in the truth table in 12.4








Diagram 12.1

Table 12.2

Diagram 12.3


gic gate N.

tion of logic gates in diagram 12.1.

[ 1 mark ]

...........................................................[1 mark]

te OR.

[ 1 mark ]diagram 12.3 so that the output

[ 3 marks ]

Input OutputA B X0 0 10 1 01 0 01 1 1


Table 12.4

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Question 13 [ Light]Diagram 13.1 shows an astronomical telescope in normal adjustment. The power of objective lens is 2 D andthe power of eyepiece is 20 D.The diameter of the objective lens is larger than the diameter of eyepiece.

(a) (i) Why is the objective lens with bigger diameter used for the telescope ?

……………………………………………………………………………………...[ 1 mark ]

(ii) Calculate the length of the telescope[ 2 marks ]

(b) Ali discovered that the astronomical telescope as above, was not suitable to observe the distantobject on the earth. He changed the position of the objective lens and eyepiece. He also added twosimilar optical components , D to obtain a better image.Diagram 13.2 shows a structure of optical device which was modified by Ali.


EyepieceObjective lens

Diagram 13.1

Objective lens

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Diagram 13.2


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(i) The telescope in Diagram 13.2 is more appropriate to be used to observe distant objects during acamping activities. Explain.


………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..[ 2 marks ]

(ii) Name the additional optical component ,D , that can be used to overcome the problem in (b)(i).

……..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…[ 1 mark ]

(ii) Draw both additional optical components , D , inside the boxes provided in Figure 13.2.

[ 2 marks ](iii) Complete the light ray that passes through the objective lens until it gets into the observer’s eyes

[ 1 mark ](iv) State the light phenomenon that occurs in the additional optical component.

...................................................................................................................................................................[ 1 mark ]

Question 14 [ Forces and Motion]Diagram 14.1 shows the condition of two identical steel springs, before and after a load is placed on them.


(a) (i) Name the form of energy stored in the spring when it is compressed.

…………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

(ii) Calculate the spring constant.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………..[1 mark]

(iii) Calculate the energy stored in the spring when it is compressed as in Diagram 14.1 (b).

[2 marks]

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(iv) Calculate the length of spring, l in Diagram 14.1 (c)

[2 marks]

(b) Figure 14.2 shows the arrangement of springs in the weighing scale.


(i) State the relationship between compression of the spring and the load..

………………………………………………………..........................………………………………..[1 mark]

(iii) What will happen to the spring when a very heavy load is placed on the weighingscale.?

………………………………………………………….………………………………………………..[1 mark]

(iv) Suggest two modifications to the weighing scale so that it can be used toweigh a heavier load.…………………………………………………………….……………………………………………..

……………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..[2 marks]

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1. Diagram 1 shows a suction pump being used to lift a mirror that measured 1.5 m X 0.5 m X 0.01m .The density of the mirror is 2.5 X 10 3 kg m-3 .The pump obeys atmospheric pressure principle to let the suction pump stick onto surface of mirror.

Diagram 1(a) What is meant by atmospheric pressure?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...[1 mark]

(b) Explain how the suction pump can lift the mirror with the aid of atmospheric pressure.




…………………………………………………………………………………………............................[ 4 marks]

(c) The weight of the mirror that can be lifted by the pump depends on pump’s surface area and thedifference between the pressure in the semi vacuum space and the surrounding atmosphericpressure.Three suction pumps have different surface area and different atmospheric pressure as shown intable1.

suction pump Surface area / m2 Difference in atmospheric pressure / Nm-2

S0.0025 4.0 x 10 4

M0.0040 4.5 x 10 4

T0.0035 6.0 x 10 4


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(i) Calculate the force produced by the sticker pumps.

[3 marks](ii) Calculate the weight of mirror above.

[2 marks]

d) By using the answer in the c(i) and c(ii) , suggest the most suitable sticker pump to lift the mirrorabove.Give a reason for your answer.




[2 marks]

2. Diagram 2 shows three beakers P,Q and R , each containing 800 g of water being heated withimmersion heater. The power of each immersion heater is 220W. The initial temperature of thewater in each beaker is 30 °C and the immersion heaters are switched on for 5 minutes.

Diagram 2

(a) State the change of energy when the immersion heater is switched on.

.............................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(b) Calculate the energy supplied to the immersion heater when it is switched on.

[2 marks]

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(c ) Calculate the energy absorbed by the water in each beaker P,Q and R.(Specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J Kg-1 °C-1)

[3 marks]

(d) (i) Based on (b) and (c), which beaker has the highest efficiency to heat thewater?

.................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(ii) Give a reason for your answer.

...................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(e) Suggest two steps that can be taken to improve the efficiency of heating the water.


..................................................................................................................................................[2 marks]

(f) After the water in beaker Q reach the maximum temperature 46° C, it was poured into apolysterene container which contain 0.2 kg of water at 28 °C.Calculate the final temperature of the water in the container.

[2 marks]

3. (a) Diagram 3 (a) and Diagram 3 (b) shows the arrangement of apparatus and material for twoexperiments.

Diagram 3 (a) Diagram 3 (b)

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In experiment Diagram 3 (a), when the switch S is on, a deflection in the galvanometer is observed fora while and return back to zero.In experiment Diagram 3 (b), when alternating current is switched on, the steady deflection in themeter is observed.

(i) Name the principle of physics that can explain the deflection of the galvanometer.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(ii) Why are the deflections of the galvanometer in Diagram 3 (a) and Diagram 3 (b) different?


………………………………………………………………………………………………………[2 marks]

(iii) For the experiment in Diagram 3 (b), if the bulb lights up normally, calculate the current thatflows in the primary coil. [ consider that the transformer is ideal ]

[2 marks](b) A student wants to build an electromagnet to separate materials that are made of iron from a heap of

wasted iron.Table below shows the characteristic of the material provided in the lab.

Core Material Shape of the Material Type of Metal

A Soft Iron

B steel

C steel

D Soft iron

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(i) Name the most suitable core material to build a simple electromagnet. Give reasons for youranswer.


………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………[3 marks]

(ii) Sketch how the wire is wound around the selected core in (b) (i). Then label the poles of theelectromagnet when the current flows through the wire.

[2 marks]

(iii) State two ways how the student can produce a more powerful electromagnet.


...............................................................................................................................................[2 marks]

4. Diagram 4 shows three transformers X, Y and Z. Each transformer has their own specific number ofturns of primary and secondary coils respectively. Each transformer is connected to 240V alternatingcurrent supplier. The output for each transformer is connected to electric filament bulbs in differentarrangement.

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Diagram 4

(a) All the transformers are the same and produce the same output voltage.Calculate output voltage for the transformers.

[2 marks]

(b) When the switch is on, 0.25 A current flows through the primary coil in each transformer. Allthe bulb lights up normally.

(i) Calculate the input power for each transformer.

[2 marks](ii) Determine the output power for each transformer.

[3 marks ]

(iii) Between X, Y and Z transformer, which one has the highest efficiency?

.................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(iv) Give a reason for your answer in (b) (iii)


.................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(c) (i) If l the transformers are ideal, what is the output power ?

[1 mark]

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(ii) State one reason why the efficiency of the transformer is less than 100%.

......................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(iii) State one step to overcome the problem in (c) (ii) above.

……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………..[1 mark]

5. (a) Diagram 5.1 shows a graph of the number of neutron and proton in the stable nucleus.


Phosporus-32 atom has 17 neutron.

(i) Calculate the number of proton in the nucleus phosporus-32?

..............................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(ii) On the graph in Diagram 5.1 , mark ‘X’ to show the position of phosporus-32.[1 mark]

(iii) According to graph in Diagram 5.1 , explain why phosporus-32 is radioactive?

........................................................................................................... .............................[1 mark]

(b) P and Q are 2 elements whose half life is 12 hours and 2.6 years respectively. Both elementsundergo radioactive decay and emitted ray to become stable .

(i) State the change to proton number and nucleon number of element P after emittting ray.



[2 marks]






Number of proton

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(ii) State the change to the activity of element P and Q after 24 hours.



[2 marks](iii) State the change in mass from the original mass after 12 hours.

.................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(c) A factory produces aluminium plate 1 mm thick. The thickness of aluminium plate can bedetected by a detector which is connected to radioactive counter equipment as shown inDiagram 5.2. Radioactive source emitting ray is used.

Diagram 5.2

(i) Explain why radioactive source that emitted ray and ray are not suitable?



[2 marks]

(ii) Between element P and element Q, which the more suitable element to be used as radioactivesource in radioactive counter above. Give a reason for your answer.



[2 marks]

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Diagram 6 show

Explain how a su




7. Diagram 7 shows a

Using the specific






Ballast tank

Diagram 6

s the internal structure of a submarine and the position of ballast tanks.

bmarine that floats on the sea surface can sink underwater.




[3 marks]

seaside during the day.

heat capacity c







Diagram 7

oncept, explain why sea breeze occurs during day time.





[ 4 marks]


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8. Diagram8 shows the model of an electricity transmission system.

Most opowerschool

State tExplain




core SBP 2007

Diagram 8

f the electric energy that we are using come from hydrostation is connected to each other using cable to transand house. This system called National grid network.

he form of energy transfer at hydroelectric power station.the importance of National grid network system in electr




Power station

Industry at8 Va.c

Transmission wire at 24 V a.c


electric and thermal power station. Thismit electric energy to industries, office,

icity transmission to consumers.




[ 5 marks]

House at 6 V a.c

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9. Diagram 9 shows a wire in magnetic field. The wire moved upwards when current flows through it.

Diagram 9

Explain why the wire moved upwards.




.............................................................................................................................................................[4 marks]

10. Diagram 10 shows a Cathode-Ra Oscilloscope.

Explain how the Cathode-Raycell.








Diagram 10

Oscilloscope can be used to measure the potential difference of a dry





[ 4 marks ]

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Question 1 Forces and MotionDiagrams 1.1 and 1.2 show a load is being lift up.

(i) What is potential energy. State its unit.[2 marks]

(ii) Based on diagrams 1.1 and 1.2 , compare the load’s position while being lift up.State the relationship between the load’s position with work done in lifting the load

[4 marks]Question 2 LightDiagram 2.1 and 2.2 shows the virtual image fomed by a plane mirror and convex mirror.


Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2

Ground Ground

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i) What is meant by virtual iamge ?[ 1 mark]

(ii) Observe diagram 2.1 and 2.2 and compare the characteristics of both images. Hence describe how theimages are formed and state the relevant physics concept.

[ 5 marks ]

Diagram 2.1 Image formed by plane mirror. Diagram 2.2 Image formed by convex mirror

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Question 3 Electromagnetism

Diagram 3.1 and Diagram 3.2 show wire coils connected to the ammeters, switches and d.c. power supply.

Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.2

When the switch is on and iron filings of the same amount is spread on each of the cardboard surface, thepattern of the iron filings is formed as shown in the diagrams.

(a) What is meant by magnetic field?[1 mark]

(b) Using Diagram 3.1 and Diagram 3.2 , compare the number of turn of the coils, the pattern of the ironfilings and the angle of deflection of the ammeter indicator.

[3 marks](c) State the relationship between the strength of the magnetic field and

(i) the pattern of iron filings,(ii) the number of turn of the coils.

[2 marks]

Question 4 ELECTRONICSDiagram 4.1 and 4.2 show a bulb is connected to a diode and a dry cell.

Diagram 4.1 Diagram 4.2

(i) Observe Diagram 4.1 and 4.2 .Compare the brightness between two bulbs .Relate the brightness ofthe bulbs in diagram 4.1 and diagram 4. 2 to deduce the relationship between dry cell polesconnection and current flows through the diode .

[ 6 marks]

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The production of nuclear energy and volume detection are the two examples of application of radioactivesubstances in industry .Table 5.1 shows reaction equation and total mass of atom between before and after nuclear fission process.

Nuclear FissionBefore Reaction After Reaction


239 1

Pu + n94 0

141 97 1

Ba + Sr + 2 n + energy56 38 0

Total mass ofatom

240.06082 a.m.u 239.85830 a.m.u


Table 5.2 shows reaction equation and total mass of atom before and after nuclear fusion process

Nuclear FusionBefore reaction After reaction


2 3

H + H1 1

4 1

He + n + energy2 0

Total mass of atom 5.03013 a.m.u 5.01043 a.m.u


a. i. What is meant by nuclear fission ?[1 mark ]

ii. Using the information in table 5.1 and 5.2 only, compare the nuclear fission and nuclear fusion andthen relate the relationship between mass and energy released

[ 5 marks ]

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Question 6: Forces and MotionDiagram shows a car travelling at 20 ms-1 on a level road. At this speed the car has to overcome a total force of500 N opposing the car.

(i) Calculate the distance travelled by the car in 5 seconds. [2 marks](ii) State the value of the driving force produced by the engine to maintain a uniform speed. [ 1 mark](iii) While on the level road and travelling at 20 ms-1 , the driving force suddenly becomes zero. The mass of the

car is 800 kg . Calculate the deceleration of the car [2 marks]

Question 7 Forces and Motion

The graph shows the relationship between the stretching force, F and the spring extension, x.(a) Calculate the spring constant of P and Q. [3 marks](b) Using the graph, calculate the elastic potential energy stored in spring P when its extension is 0.5 cm .


F (N)

x (cm)











0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Graph F against x ofspring P and spring Q

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Question 8 : Heat

A copper block with mass of 200 g is placed in boiled water. After the thermal equilibrium achieved, the block istaken out and put it back in 100 cm 3 water at 28˚ C.[ specific heat capacity of copper = 379 J kg -1 C-1 , specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg -1 C-1 , waterdensity = 1 g cm -3 ]

i) What is the initial temperature of copper block before we put it in 100 cm 3 water at 28˚ C?[1 mark]

ii) What is the mass of the 100 cm 3 of water?[2 marks]

iii) What is the final temperature of the water?[2 marks]

Question 9

The mass of the load is 0.8 kg and is lifted to a height 1.5 m in 4.0 second. The reading of the ammeterand voltmeter are 1.2 A and 5.0 V respectively.Calculate

(i) useful energy output of the motor(ii) Energy input to the motor?(iii) the efficiency of the motor.

[6 marks]

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Question 10 ElectronicsDiagram 10 shows a fire alarm circuit using a transistor as a switching divice.

Resistor T is a thermistor. G will switch on and ring the bell if theS is a fixed resistor with resistance of 6 kΩ. When there is a firethe potential difference :

(i) across T

(ii) across S

(iii) Is the bell ringing at that time?Explain your answer.



potential difference Y and Z exceed 3.2 V.burning, resistance at T is 3.5 kΩ. . Calculate

[2 marks]

[2 marks]

[2 mark]


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1. [Heat]

Diagram 1 shows a model of an incubator used to hatch eggs. The temperature in the incubator mustbe maintained around 39oC. Every part of the eggs must receive uniform heat. The eggs are hatched inabout 20 days.

Using an appropriate concept in physics, explain the modification required to the above incubator so asto efficiently hatch about 200 eggs.

[10 marks]

2. [Forces and Pressure]]Diagrams 2.1 and 2.2 illustrate the working principle of a hydrometer. The depth to which the test tubesinks depends on its surrounding liquid.

Explain husing the

Draw a dfollowing




re SBP 20

ow you widea of th

iagram thaspects :

The stabiThe sensThe abilit

The cali

Alkoholrr Alcohol



ould design a hydrometer that can detere working principle of a hydrometer show

at shows the design of your hydrometer

lity of the hydrometer,itivity of the hydrometer,y to measure a wide range of densities obration of the hydrometer.



mine a wide range of densities of liquid,n above.

and in your explanation, emphasise the

f liquids,

[10 marks]


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Physics Pe

3 [Waves]Diagram 3, shows the seashore of a fishing village. During the rainy season, waves are big. One year

the waves eroded the seashore, caused the jetty to collapse and damaged the fishermen’s boats

To pthe jMak




rfect Score SBP 2007

revent similar damage inetty.e further suggestions of

should use your knowledgestion, to include the fo

. the design and si. the location of thii. the size or energ


the future, the fishermen suggest building retaining walls and relocating

ways to help the fishermen solve their problems.

ge of reflection, refraction and diffraction of waves to explain thesellowing aspects :

tructure of the retaining walle new jetty.y of the waves.

[10 marks ]



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Physics Perfect Score

4. [ Electromagnetism]

Diagram shows the electromagnetic Lifting Machine using the principle of eletromagnetic. Usingsuitable physics concept, explain the modification that must be made to increase the lifting ability of themachine.

[10 marks]

5 [Electronics]Transistors is an important device in electronics. Transistors can be use as a current controller or automaticswitching. Diagram 5 shows a circuit with a transistor as a current controller.

An engineerconditioner

Explain how(i)(ii)(iii)

SBP 2007 37

want to invent an automatic switching circuit to control an air conditioner. This airwill swith on during hot wheater and switch off during cold wheater.

you can built the circuit using your knowledge about transistors;Explain the operation of the circuit and how the circuit work during the hot weatherExplain how the circuit work during cold weatherDraw the circuit diagram .

[10 marks ]


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Physics Perfect Score SBP 2007 38


6 [Forces and Pressure]A automotive student ordered to investigate charecteristics of liquid for using in brake hydraulic system ofcar. Diagram 6 shows an arrangement of hydraulic.


Table 6 shows characteristic for four type liquid that using as brake liquid above.

Liquidcharacteristic Boiling point /


Specific heatcapacity

/J kg-1 ºC-1

Density/ kg m-3

Rate ofvaporation

A 357 140 13600Low

B 130 2500 800Low

C 100 4200 1000Average

D 55 2200 790High


Based on Table 6 above, describe the characteristics of liquid appropriation so that the liquid used asliquid in the apparatus above. Next select which liquid more appropriate used for this purpose. Giveyour reason.


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Physics Perfect Score SBP 2007 39

7. You are asked to investigate the features of heating material and the design of a pressure cooker as inTable 7.


The features of pressure cooker :

Specific heat capacity of the body of pot : 14001o1 CJkg

Specific heat capacity of the handle of pot : 8901o1 CJkg

Thickness of the pot : 5.0 mm Has safety valve


The features of pressure cooker :

Specific heat capacity of the pot : 385 1o1 CJkg

Specific heat capacity of the handle: 890 1o1 CJkg

Thickness of the pot : 3.0 mm Has safety valve


The features of pressure cooker :

Specific heat capacity of the pot : 449 1o1 CJkg

Specific heat capacity of the handle of pot : 3851o1 CJkg

Thickness of the pot : 1.0 mm


The features of pressure cooker :

Specific heat capacity of the pot : 502 1o1 CJkg

Specific heat capacity of the handle of pot : 23001o1 CJkg

Thickness of the pot : 5.0 mm Has safety valve


The features of pressure cooker :

Specific heat capacity of the body of pot : 14001o1 CJkg

Specific heat capacity of the handle of pot : 8901o1 CJkg

Thickness of the pot : 5.0 mm

Explain the suitability of each features described in Table 7 and then determine the most suitable pressurecooker to be used.Give a reason for your choice. [10 marks]

Safety valve

Safety valve

safety valve

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Physics Perfect S

8. Diagram 8 shows circuits P, Q, R and S that are used to determine the resistance of a constantanwire.

You areDiagram



9. The sounown natu

Table 9 sstrings tostrummed


core SBP 2007 40

asked to determine the resistance of a constantan wire. Study the circuits, P, Q, R and S in8 and consider the following aspects:

the usefulness of the measuring instruments.the usefulness of certain components in the circuit.the way the measuring instruments and other components are connected in the circuit.

xplain the suitability of the above aspects and hence, choose the most suitable circuit toetermine the resistance of the eureka wire.ustify your choice. [10 marks]

d of a music note from a guitar depends on the strings of the guitar. Each string has itsral frequency.

String Diameter Tension Strength String material

P Small low medium jute

Q Small High high steel

R Medium Medium low plastic

S Large low medium jute


hows the characteristic of strings P, Q, R and S. Explain the suitability of the characteristics ofbe used in a guitar that can produce high pitch sound and will not break easily when it is.

the most suitable string to be used and justify your choice.

[10 marks]


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Physics Perfect Score SBP 2007 41

10. Diagram 10 below shows a boiler that using to boil water at home.

Table 10 below shows characteristics of material that can be used to make immerson heater .




Freezing point /0C

Resistivity/ Ωm Rate of corrosion

P 3500 5500 2.0 x 10-7 AverageQ 5000 6550 4.0 x 10-7 LowR 2500 7500 3.0 x 10-7 LowS 7000 8050 7.0 x 10-7 AverageT 7900 9000 8.0 x 10-7 Low


You are asked to investigate the characteristics of the materials above. Explain the suitability ofeach characteristic in table 10 and then determine the most suitable material to make immersionheater.

[10 marks]


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1. (a) -0.03 mm(b) 3.83 mm – (-0.03 mm) = 3.86 mm(c) increase accuracy / to get more accurate reading(d) can detect a small change of reading

[4 marks]

2. i. weight and upthrust [2marks]ii. Increases the surface area / Increases the air resistance [1 mark]iii. v-t graph [2 marks]



a. i. correct ray diagram [2 marks]ii. virtual, upright and magnified [2marks]

b. i. correct ray diagram [2 marks]ii virtual ,upright and diminished [2 marks]




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4. a. Beta particle is fast moving electron. [1 mark]b. Geiger Muller Tube [1 mark]c. The reading of the detector is high when the drinkbox not full. [1 mark]

The reading will be low (minimun limit) when the level of juice on the real level. [1 mark]d. i. Penetrating power of alpha emission is weak than other. So it can’t penetrate the paper

box (drinkbox) and can’t detect the full level of drinkbox [1 mark]ii. The gamma ray has most penetrating power and high frequency and high energy. So it

is very dangerous to our health. [1 mark]

5. (a) Gravitational force / (buoyancy forces / up thrust / frictions / air resistant / drags/ weight [1 mark]

(b) (Surface area) feather > (Surface area) water droplet /more surface area for feather // other wise

[1 mark]

(c) Similarities: Decreasing in velocity/ deceleration / initial acceleration constant / increasing invelocity

: Final velocity /terminal velocity / final velocity constant / final acceleration zero / nochange in velocity at the end.Different: Velocity (terminal) water droplet > velocity (terminal) feather [2 marks ]

(d) Velocity (terminal) increase when the decrease of surface area / Velocity (terminal) inverselyproportional with the surface area. [1 mark]

6. (a) The mass of the B cargo is larger [1 mark](b) The volume of water displaced by ship B is bigger than ship A [1 mark](c) The bigger the mass of the load, the bigger the volume of water displaced [1 mark](d) (i) The buoyant force, the gravitational force (weight) [1 mark]

(ii) F = W [1 mark](e) The Archimedes Principle / buoyancies principle [1 mark](e) (i) sink deeper [1 mark]

(ii) The density of the river water less than the sea water.

7 (a) Length between the two crest / trough / consicutive wave front [1 mark](b) The water wavelength remains constant after went through the gap.

The wavelength in 6.3 is greater than 6.2 [2 marks]

(c) Curvature of the wave pattern in fig. 6.3 is more greater / Diffraction of waves is more in 6.3[1 mark]

(d) The greater the wavelength, the wave pattern more spread or curve after went through gap.[1 mark]

(e) Diffraction [1 mark]

8 (a) Light has one wavelength only / Frequency or light have one colour/ one basic colour. [1 mark](b) Similarity : The distance between consecutive blue/red fringes are equal.

Differences : The distance of consecutive red fringe > The distance of consecutive blue fringe[2 marks]

(c) Red wavelength >blue / red> blue / red > blue[1 mark]

(d) The greater the wavelength the greater the distance of consecutive fringe// The wavelength isdirectly proportional to the distance / x /

[1 mark](e) Interference / Diffraction

[1 mark]

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9 (a) same[1 mark]

(b) (i) M1 brighter than ebih cerah[1 mark]

(ii) V1 is bigger than V2

[1 mark](iii) V3 = V1 +V2

(iv)A1 = A2 + A3

[1 mark](c) (i) Series circuit

[1 mark](ii)Not suitable

If one bulb blown up ( does not light up) all the bulb will not funtion [2 marks]


10. (a) (i) npn[1 mark]

(ii) to avoid direct current from battery flow through the microphone[1 mark]

(iii) Vzy = 1 VVXY = 5 V

R1 x 6 = 5R1 + 1000

R1 = 5000 Ω[3 marks]

(b) (i) NAND[1 mark]


11 (a) (i) Pascal Principle(ii) Oil cannot be compressed

(b) (i) 5 000 Nm(ii) F=PA

= 10 000Nm = 1 000 kg

(iii) move downward( c) Increase diameter of the pist

Use thicker wall cylinder(d) Hydraulic brake


[2 marks]

[1 mark][1 mark][1 mark][1 mark]

[3 marks][1 mark]

on[2 marks][1 mark]

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12. (a) (i) 0111 [1 mark](ii) 1000 [1 mark](iii) 0001 [1 mark](iv) 1110 [1 mark]

(b) (i) 0001 [1 mark](ii) DAN [1 mark]

(c)[1 mark]

(d)[3 marks]

13 (a) (i)To focus more light ,so that image are brighter [1 mark](ii)

f 0 = ½ m / 0.5 m / 50 cmor

f 0 = 1/20 m / 0.05 m / 5 cm

Length = ( 50 + 5 ) = 55 cm [2 marks]

(b) (i) Telescope is long / not convenience to carry aroundProduce inverted image

[2 marks](ii) Prism 45˚ [1 mark](iii) + (iv)

(iii)Correct arrCorrect arr

[ Note: AcCorrect ray

(v) Total intern






angement of first prismangement of second prism [2 marks]

cept 2-D or 3D diagram of prism ]diagram [1 mark]

al reflection [1 mark]

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14. (a) (i) Elastic potential energy [1 mark]


Fk ,



k = 0.9 N cm-1 [2 marks]

(iii) E = ½ Fx= ½ x 3.6 x 4/100= 0.072 J [2 marks]



l = 12 – 5.56 = 6.44 cm [2 marks]

(b) (i) The compession of the spring is directly proportional to the load [1 marks](ii) Exceed the elastic limit of the spring/ Spring does not return to its original condition

after the applied force has been removed. [1 mark](iii) Connect the spring in parallel

Use spring with larger spring constant.Use spring with smaller diameter.

[2 marks]


1. (a) Atmospheric pressure is the weight of air acts on a surface. It caused by air moleculecollision on the surface..

[1mark](b) Air pressure in the sticker decrease.

Have the different between pressure in the pump and the air pressure surrounding.The force is produceForce > mirror weight

[4 marks]

( c) (i) ( Use F = PA )Force is produced by pump S = 4.0 x 104 x 0.0025 = 100 NForce is produced by pump M = 4.5 x 104 x 0.0040 = 180 NForce is produced by pump T = 6.0 x 104 x 0.0035 = 210 N

[3 marks](ii) mirror weight = ρVg

= 2.5 x 10 3 x 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.01 x10= 187.5 N

[2 marks]

(iii) Pump T is choosed because force is produced bigger than mirror weight.

[2 marks]

2. (a) Electrical energy to heat energy [1 mark ](b) E = pt

= 220 x (5x 60) // 220 x 5= 6.5 x 104 J [2 marks]

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(c ) Beaker P, Heat = mcӨ= 0.8 x 4200 (38 – 30)= 26880 J

Beaker Q, Heat = 0.8 x 4200 x (46 – 30)= 53760 J

Beaker R , Heat = 0.8 x 4200 x (40 – 30)= 33600 J [3 marks]

(d) (i) Beaker Q [ 1 mark](ii) The increase of water temperature is higher with the same energy supplied

[1 mark]

(e) Immerse the immersion heater fully in the water // wrap the beaker//// cover th beaker // use beaker of higher specific heat capacity [2 marks]

(f) 0.8x 4200 x (46-T) = 0.2 x 4200 x (T-28)T = 42.4 °C [ 2 marks[

3 (a) (i) Electromagnetic induction[1 mark]

(ii) At (a) flux changes in a while (when switch is on) // the coil cuts the magnetic field in awhile // The coil experience flux increases.At (b) flux changes continously / always happened // solenoid always cuts themagnetic feild

[2 marks]

(iii) VpIp = 36

Ip =240


= 0.15 A[2 marks]

(b) (i) DU shape can produce surface / lower part that consist of two polars: ’North andSouth’.Electromagnetic strength is higher.Iron core is easy to magnetised and demagnetised.

. [3 marks]

(ii) U shape core is wound with the number of turns of wire and the direction of currentflow to produce both poles North and South at the end.North and South pole are labelled correctly follow the turns and direction of thecurrent flow without consider the shape.

[2 marks]


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(iii) Increasing the number of turns.Increase the magnitude of current flow inside the solenoid. [2 marks]

4. (a) V =800


= 160V [2 mark]

(b) (i) P = 0.25 x 240= 60 W [2 marks]

(ii) X Transformer = 36 WY Transformer = 48 WZ Transformer = 54 W [3 marks]

(iii) Z transformer [1 mark]

(iv) Highest in Output power / Lowest in power lost



[1 mark]

(c) (i) 60 W [1 mark]

(ii) Resistance of coil wire / Heat produced / Flux leaking / Eddy current produced /Lost of energy in term of magnetised and demagnetised [1 mark]

(iii) Use the low resistance wire / design the efficient core shape / Use laminated ironcore/ Use soft iron core [1 mark]

5. (a) (i) number of proton = 32 – 17 = 15 [1 mark]


[1 markah]

(iii) Phosphorus -32 situated outside the graph that shown the stabile atomicnucleus.

[1 mark]

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(b) (i) The atomic nomber element P incease 1. [1 mark]

Nucleon no. Does’t change [1 mark]

(ii) Element P activity change ¼ from origin activity. [1 mark]

The activity of Element Q activity does’t change [1 mark]

(iii) The mass of element P decrease to half from original mass. [1mark ]

(c) (i) Penetration power ray is weak and can’t penetrate aluminium plate. [1mark ]Penetration power ray is too high and effect our health. [1 mark ]

(ii) P element [1 mark ]

Half life not too long. [1 mark]


6. The submarine has a ballast tank in front and at the end of submarine. A water is filled in the ballast tank to increase the density of the submarine // the weight of

submarine. The submarine will sank in the sea when it weight is bigger than buoyant force.

[3 marks]

7. The specific heat capacity land less than sea water. 1 During the day time, the land is warmer than the sea. 1 Air above the land is hot and less dense, so it will move up. 1 The cooler air from sea more dense move to land. 1

8. Potential energy kinetic energy/ mecanical energy electric energy

Electric supply is continuously Electric supply is depends on region, the region like city needs more electric supply than

interior region. Peak hour need more electric supply. If one region is black out, the source of electric supply can be taken from another region. Reduce the cost. Easy to manage and to repair.

* Choose any FOUR from the list.

9. A magnetic field is produced when current flow through a wire. 1 This cause the interaction between a current-carrying conductor 1

and the magnetic field. 1 A catapult field is produced and cause the wire to move. 1

10. Connect the dry cell terminal to the Y-input of CRO. 1 The Y-gain is set to a value so that the direct current wave form displayed on

the screen CRO. 1 Determine the distance / part of y-axis. 1 Potential different = ( Y-gain scale) x (Vertical distance of direct current wave) 1

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Question 1

(i) 1.The energy an object has because of its position.2.Unit Joule/ Nm

(ii) 1. The load in diagram 1.1 is higher than in figure 1.2.2. The load has weight.3. The work done = gravitational potential energy / mgh.4. The higher the position of the load , the higher the work done.

Question 2.(i) A virtual image is an image that cannot be formed on a screen(ii) 1. Both images are upright

2. Image of the convex mirror is smaller3. Light from an object is reflected by the mirror

4. angle of incidence = angle of reflection5. Physics concept – Reflection of light.

Question 3.(a) magnetic field region(b) 1. The number of turns of the coil in diagram 3.2 is more // vice versa

2. The arrangement pattern of the iron filings in diagram 3.1 is further apart.3. The angle of deflection of diagram 3.2 is more.

(c ) 1. The closer the pattern of iron filing the greater the strength of magnetic field.2. The strength of magnetic field increases as the number of turns increases// vice bersa.

Question 4

1 The light bulb in diagram 4.2 does not light up while the light bulb in diagram 4.1 light up

2. In diagram 4.2 the negative terminal cell is connected to the anode.3. This increase the junction resistance in diagram 4.2

4. The current cannot flow through the junction.5. The diode in diagram 4.2 is reversed bias.6. Concept – Diode allows current to flwow in one direction.

Question 5.(i) Nuclear fission is the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two lighter nuclei,which subsequently emit either

two or three neutrons and release of large amounts of energy.// the high number mass/ high nucleon number to small nucleus.

(ii). Difference:State that nuclear fission involves the fission of heavy nucleus.State that nuclear fusion involves the combination of lighter nuclei

Similarities:State that decrease/loss of mass after the process occurs.State that the neutrons are produced.State that nucleon number/ mass number/ atomic number before and after are the same

E = mc2 // loss of mass/ mass defect directly proportional to the energy released .

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Question 6.

(i) Distance = 20 x 5= 100 m

(ii) 500 N(iii) a = F / m = -500

800= -25 ms-2

Question 7

(a) 1. The spring constant = gradient of the graph2. For P , spring constant = 8 / 0.5 = 16 N cm-1

3.For Q , spring constant = 3 / 0.5 = 6 Ncm-1

(b) Elastic potential energy = ½ x 8 x 0.5 x 10 -2

=0.02 JQuestion 8

(i) 100°C(ii) m=ρV = (1) (100)

= 100g(iii) .2 x 379 ( 100-T) = 0.1 x 4200 x (T-28)

T = 39° CQuestion 9

(i) Useful energy output =0 .8 x 10 x1.5=12 Joule

(ii) Energy input = Pt = 1.2 x 5 x 4= 24 J

(iii) Efficiency = 12/24 x 100 % = 50 %

Question 10(i) Potential difference across P = 3500 x 6 = 2.2 V

(3500 + 6000)

(ii) Potential difference across Q, 6000 x 6 = 3.8 V(3500 + 6000)

(iii) Ring because the voltage across Q exceed / greater than 3.2 V.SECTION 81.

CHARACTERISTIC EXPLANATIONAdd number of bulb / arrange theeggs in eggs container / used fan

To ensure all the eggs get uniform heat

Used insulator or wrap the eggs To control / harmonize / to maintain the temperatureor prevent heat loss to the surrounding

Used shiny material / silver colour /white / mirror

As a heat reflector

Used water proof material / strong /stiff / sponge

Eggs not wet or break

Thermostat To control / harmonize / to maintain the temperature

10 marks

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CHARACTERISTIC EXPLANATIONhydrometer diagramplaced lead shot / steel ball into glass bulb. to keep the hydrometer upright.used smaller diameter of the tube / long stem to increase the scale range of measurementused the bigger bulb. to increase the buoyant force or to increase the

volume of liquid displacedCalibration :

put hydrometer into the low density liquid (parafin/alcohol)marked the liquid level on the hydrometerhydrometer is then put into high density liquid (water)marked the liquid level.divided the space between two marked equally.

Any 10 marks


10 marks

Suggestions ExplanationsDesign a inclined concrete barrier wave is refracted with velocity/ magnitude

/decreasing wavelengthDesign a curve barrier Can be absorb waves/decreasing reflectionJetty is build at bay Water at the bay is stillerBuilt diffraction barrier (aperture/slit very small)for ship passage

To diffract the wave / diffracted

Barrier is built from a strong material/concrete Not easily corrosive/broken// can prevent a strong/hard wave

Design the higher barrier water cannot over flow

Lead shotBulb


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5. (a) (i) – During hot weather, resistance at termistor decrease ,potential difference across- Potential difference across R will increase- This will produce bigger base –current , and will increase the collector current- Finally, electric relay will switch on the air conditioner.

4 marks(ii) - During cold weather , resistance at termistor increase.

- Potential difference across thermistor will increase.- Potential difference across R will decrease.- This will produce smaller base-current and no current flow in collector circuit. Finally, electric

relay will swith off the air conditioner.4 marks

(iii) Circuit diagram




Safety valve

Thickness of the poSpecific heat capacthe potSpecific heat capac

Characteristics ExplanationsThe number of turn in the solenoid.A U-shaped iron core is used

Attaching a steel plate to the ends of a U-shaped iron coreforms a closed iron loop. The magnetic field lines in an “iron circuit” increases the strength of the electromagnet.

Increasing the number of turn in thesolenoid increases

Increasing the number of turn so Increases the magneticfield and effects of the windings of the solenoid.

Increasing the current magnitude Increasing the current will increase the strength of themagnet

The type of core should be laminatedsoft iron.

Soft iron is used because it is easily magnetized andincreasing the magnetic field in the coil

Increasing of the thickness of the wire. The greater the thickness of the wire, the greater thestrength of the magnetic field of the electromagnet.


Explanation Reason

needed To release extra steam so that the pressurein the cooker does not reach a dangerousstage

t High To withstand high pressureity of Low Heats up quickly and food will be cooked

fasterity of High Heats up slowly and can be held with bare

2 marksThermistor

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the handle handsS is chosen Reasons: It has safety valve, high thickness, low specific heat

capacity of the pot, high specific heat capacity of the handle.

7.Characteristics Explanation Reason

Boiling point High So that liquid slow to heat

Specific heat capacity High So that it can’t be easily hot

Density Average High density, liquid more heavy

Rate of vaporation Low Liquid volume will be decrease faster if rateof vaporation high

Liquid B is chosen Reasons: Boiling point high, specific heat capacity average, rate ofvaporation low

8.Characteristics Explanation Reason

Size and heighthydrometer stem

Stem thin and long To increase accuracy

Bulb diameter Big Bouyant force high// Displace more liquid

Bulb A Bulb contains leadshot

Hydrometer upright/ lowing gravity centre/more stable

Hydrometer wall Glass wall No erode by acid

Hydrometer K is chosen Reasons: stem thin and long, diameter air bulb big, bulb containedlead shot and stem glass walled



Characteristic Suitable property Reason

Diameter small High frequency hence high pitch

Tension high High frequency hence high pitch

Strength high Does not break easily

String material Steel Lasting and does not break easily

Q is chosen Reason: Small diameter, high tension, high strength and its made ofsteel.

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Characteristics Explanation Reason

Density Low So that the loop will be light

Freezing point High So that it can’t easily freeze

Resitivity Low So that the current high// high heat energyproduced

Rate of corrosion Low Can’t easily rust

Substance R is chosen Reason: Low density, Freezing point average, resistivity low andrate of corrosion low