first united methodist church the acorn...7/14—suzanne neel’s husband, chester’s 70th birthday...

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH July 2013, Issue 7 THE ACORN Red Oak, Texas Reaching Up to God, Moving into the World, Making Disciples for Christ Are you curious about what goes on at church or why we do some things? Go to our website every week and click on Chuck Knows Church and find out. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL GOD’S BACKYARD BIBLE CAMP UNDER THE SUN Sunday—Thursday July 28—August 1 5:30 pm—8:00 pm Dinner included All are invited to attend Youth will help with the leadership. Sunday, August 4 VBS Kids will attend the 10:50 am Worship Service and make a presentation to the congregation. Don’t forget the church this summer. If you are going out of town on vacation, please do two things for your church. (1) go to church when you are on vacation and bring us back a copy of the bulletin. (2) send your tithe in so that the bills can continue to be paid.

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  • F I R S T U N I TED M E T H O D I ST C H U R C H

    July 2013, Issue 7

    THE ACORN Red Oak, Texas

    Reaching Up to God, Moving into the World,

    Making Disciples for Christ

    Are you curious about what goes on at church or why we do some things? Go to our website every week and click

    on Chuck Knows Church and find out.





    July 28—August 1

    5:30 pm—8:00 pm

    Dinner included

    All are invited to attend

    Youth will help with the leadership.

    Sunday, August 4 VBS Kids will attend the 10:50 am

    Worship Service and make a presentation to the congregation.

    Don’t forget the church this summer. If you are going out of town on vacation, please do two things for

    your church. (1) go to church when you are on vacation and bring us back a copy of the bulletin. (2) send

    your tithe in so that the bills can continue to be paid.

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    — Flowers given by 7/7— Randy & Liz Sanden—7th Anniversary 7/14—Suzanne Neel’s Husband, Chester’s 70th Birthday 7/21—Yeadon’s in memory of Frances Denney 7/28—Rene & Jay Valarius 25th Anniversary • Donuts weekly cost is

    $25 July 28—Yeadon Family 2013 Donut Chart is in the foyer

    — Please sign up or call the church office is you would like to provide

    the donuts on Sunday— - Acolytes — TBA — Prayers for Pastor 7/7 Don Newman/Mike Stricker 7/14 Jerry Pomeroy/John Young 7/21 Tim Brownlee/Terry Brown 7/28 Don Newman/Keven Davis — Counters (Sundays) 1st : Pam Briden & Stephanie Vassallo 2nd Jody Smock & Tim Brownlee 3rd Lionel Hazard & Barbara Persefield 4th Brandy Young & Shirley Templeton 5th Chuck Fouts & Curtis Vassallo or Jody Smock — Sound Technicians 8:30 service Don Newman, Les Mitchell & Scott Sackett 10:50 Service: Youth ONE & Joe Meyers -Video: Carolyn Haffey, Maureen Plumb & Youth ONE

    Schedule of Servants: Give From Your Smart Phone

    FUMCRO offers a mobile version of our online giving page to make it easy for you to give anytime from your smart phone. Simply scan the image you see here using your phone’s Quick Response (QR) code reader! Follow the steps to give.


    Want to help us be a welcoming congregation?

    Why not sponsor our donut station? Sign up sheet is near

    the Library. Weekly cost is $25. Thanks for providing

    Radical Hospitality.

    Below you will see a report of how we are doing financially. Annual Budget Including Loan Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 389,952 Amount Needed Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,278 Amount received as of June 30 including transfers from savings. . . $ 198,671 Budget paid including Loan Pmts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $196,863 Apportionment Yearly Pledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,166 Apportionments Paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,718 Other Special Offerings (Malaria, UMCOR etc.) . . . . . . . . 3,562


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    This Way or That Way Joan Pomeroy Writing for Enjoyment The sign picture is in Freeport, Texas, near Galveston. Since the mo-ment in time, when I saw this intersection sign, I realized we all arrive at this intersection in our lives. Which way do we go, this way or that way? On March 1, 2013, I went to UT Southwest Medical Center Hospital for exploratory abdominal surgery to remove a mass of about seven centimeters. The mass was a rare form of endrometrocius cancer. Before the end of March, I had several major surgeries and one mi-nor. The Dr’s called it super major surgery. Because of the super surgery, and the fact that I was not responding as the Doctors thought I should, it was decided to completely sedate me for several days. Jerry, our daughter Becky, and Pastor Allen; I am sure were praying for me when I woke up alone in a strange room. I did not know who I was, where I was, or what was the large yellow thing at the end of my wrist. The first thing I figured out is that the large yellow thing was my very swollen hand. Then I tried to move, and could not move even my hand. As panic started to arrive in abundance, filling me with anxiety, and fear; it suddenly occurred to me, “This is your choice, you can slip into the pits of darkness or you can stand on the promises of Jesus Christ our Lord.” Immediately I choose to stand on the promises of Jesus Christ. And just as quick, a golden shield came between me and the dark world. I felt the warm assurance of Jesus and was told “It will take time, I will guide you through this, and all will be well.” Every time I begin to slip toward the dark world, I remember that moment, I think about all the prayers being said for me, rely on the promises of Jesus Christ, and to this day, the darkest world will fade away, and I will be left feeling warm and content. I remained in the hospital for the most part of two and one half months, I have been home one month, and the diagnosis of endrometrocius cancer is 95% curable with Chemo treatments. My six treatments are three weeks apart. And by the end of the year I am expected to be completely through with this adventure. Life has a way of taking us on unexpected adventures. Some are most welcomed adventures and then there are the ones like I am going through. At the time of decision do we go “this way or that way?”

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    FOR ALL AGES 9:40—10:30 AM


    • CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:40 am - GROW—Proclaim—Serve, Grow your faith by leaps & bounds (Bible Based). Classes for Age 3—6th Grade. Nursery also uses this curriculum. Summer Unit 2 - Having Courage. July 7: Esther; July 14: The fiery Furnace, July 21: Daniel & the Lions, July 28: Paul’s Journey to Rome.

    • JR. & SENIOR HI SUNDAY SCHOOL: Meeting in the Youth ONE Room. Led

    by Owen McKnight; They have been watching films on Sunday Nights, and meeting on Wednesday to discuss what they saw about God, humans, creation and how they are connected by the film.

    ADULT SUNDAY CLASSES: • ·Sunshine Class: Meeting in classroom on the right of the Sanctuary.

    Rotating Teachers: Don Newman & Dani Muckleroy Adult Bible Studies: “God’s People Worship” Unit 2, Worshiping in Jerusalem Again, Ezra.

    • Enrichment Class: - Meets in the Fellowship Hall— Rotating Teachers • Library Study Class: Rotating teachers • Pastor’s Class Sunday Morning: Will meet in the Sanctuary. Studying:



    NAMES: ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ CLIP ON TAG ___________ Donation $ _______________ MAGNETIC TAG ________ Cost $9.00 Enclosed $ ______________

    If you do not have a name tag, we

    would like you to have one to

    wear on Sunday and during our

    many activities. Please fill out

    the form and turn it into the

    church office or put it in the

    offering plate.

    Laugh and Learn Preschool News The Parent’s Day Out Board is pleased to introduce and welcome Angela Cameron as our new Laugh and Learn Preschool Director. Angela has a Bachelors and Masters degree in Early Childhood Education. She has extensive experience in the classroom as a teacher, and she most recently has served educators across the country as an independent educational consultant specializing in literacy and early childhood education. Angela has also been very active as a teacher and ministry leader in the Praise N Play Preschool at the First Baptist Church in Red Oak. She resides in Red Oak with her husband, Richard, and two young children, Rebecca and Austin. Angela has an enthusiastic passion for working with young children and their parents, and we look forward to working with her as she brings her dynamic gifts and talents to this very important ministry of our church.

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    We are seeking a new leader of the Wednesday Fellowship Dinners. If

    you are interested in cooking and planning the meals for Wednesday

    Night Fellowship Dinners, please speak with Pastor Allen. These dinners

    feed approximately 40—60 people each Wednesday at 5:30—6:30 pm.,

    during the school year and except on holidays. Please contact Pastor or

    the church office with any questions.

    W E D N E S D AY F E L L O W S H I P D I N N E R S


    We begin with singing at 7:00 pm and a communion service, followed by

    fellowship and a light meal. No Gathering in July. The August 6th Gathering will

    be held at First UMC of Red Oak. Please bring a friend or potential pilgrim. If you play

    a musical instrument, come and play with the band. Bring a potluck snack, dish, and/or drink

    to serve about 40+ people to share for fellowship after the Gathering.


    We had a busy month in June. We presented two services on Father's Day, which will now, also, be designated United Methodist Men's Day at FUMCRO. We also cooked and presented the send-off meal for our Missionaries. At the end of June, we had our smokers at he Red Oak, White and Blue Festival, where we sold smoked turkey legs and sausage-on-a-stick. Although it was a warm day, to say the least, all involved had a good day of fun and fellowship as we served the community. The fireworks presented by the city were great, too.

    On the second Saturday of July, the 13th, we will have our next breakfast meeting at the church. All men are invited to join us at 8:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. The menu will be a surprise, being prepared by Steve Smiley and Curtis Vassallo, but it's bound to be delicious! Join us for devotions, food and fellowship. We'll be planning our next activities and service projects, so your input will be greatly appreciated.

    If you have any questions, call Ron Briden at 972-617-7974. All men are invited to attend and invite a guest.

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    R E D O A K , T E X A S


    Owen McKnight Youth Minister


    [email protected]













    Continued on page 7

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    WeareplanningatriptoDyno-RockClimbingGyminArlingtononThursdayJuly18th.Toclimb, students will need to bring $16 as well as money for dinner. We will meet at the church at 1:00 PM and return by 7:00 PM.

    We are having our PPPPoolPPPPartyPPPPalooza at the Ashford’s on Sunday August18th@ 5:00PM. Please see Owen and Shannon for more details on what you can bring and directions to the Ashford’s. Parents! Parents! Parents!

    We will have a Parent Pizza Planning Party on Sunday August 4th immediately following second service. We ask that you bring $10 per family to pay for pizza. Youth will join us for the meal and then we will send them to the field for fun and games while we have our Planning Party. There will be door prizes for the adults attending the party. If you have a youth in YouthOne, we ask that you attend this meeting. We are growing both in number and spirit and this short meeting will help us start the school year on the same page.





    Owen McKnight—Youth Minister

    Continued from page 6

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    We have several opportunities to serve our community as Jesus reminded us to “Love God and love our neighbor as our self.” CARTER BLOOD DONATIONS—Each year we sign up with Carter to have the Blood Mobile at our church or in our area. This year they came to FUMCRO on a Sunday and we collected 11 units out of 14. Thank you so much for your participation NORTH ELLIS COUNTY OUTREACH (NECO)—FUMC provides packages of 12 oz. pasta and canisters of oatmeal to the Outreach located in Red Oak on Hwy 342. Please bring your donations of food and put it in the basket in the foyer. NECO will be accepting applications for clients needing school supplies June 17—July 26. If you can help please bring your donations for school supplies from now until the beginning of school. The Outreach will be setting up the school supplies in a store environment for the parents to shop for their family. Using the school district’s supply list, parents will shop for the basics required. Place the items into the outreach basket or bring them in a backpack ready to go. The outreach is also asking for gently used uniforms as well. After all the uniforms are selected by the families they service, the remaining uniforms are placed in the thrift store for sale to those who shop on a budget. NECO would like the supplies and uniforms no later than July 29th. The remainder of our items collected is taken to ROISD. They also need backpacks, supplies, and uniforms. One of the items they can always use are belts of various sizes. Children of all ages are required to wear a uniform to school. “Imagine No Malaria”—Your “Risk Taking Mission” Team has taken on a pledge for our congregation to donate to this cause through the Central Texas Conference for three years. Please give to this cause which strives to end Malaria in the sub-Sahara African region. Drop your donation in in the offering plate or go online through our website at and click on the donation button. Please specify “No Malaria”. DANIEL’S DEN — providing: Emergency Assistance and Transitional Housing. Address: 507 W. Jefferson, Waxahachie, TX 75165. Phone: 872-938-0103 — [email protected]. Our annual Belk’s Fundraiser was in April. Funds are still coming in for Daniel’s Den through the sale. If you would like to provide monetary assistance, please make a donation and note on your envelope or check memo: Dan-iel’s Den. Our Belk’s Fundraiser was close to $250 this year. ANGEL TREE MINISTRY—We provided Angel Tree Christmas presents for over 40 children of those in our Texas prison system. We continue to remember these children throughout the year for their birthdays. LABELS FOR EDUCATION— Please be sure to clip the UPC code and symbol when tearing your labels. Examples:


    Burning of the Candle – 2013 The Burning of the Candle is a United Methodist Women’s project which funds the UMW’s total mission work with women and children, both within the United States and internationally. Money in any amount may be given by UMW units or individuals in honor or memory of relatives, friends, etc. In 2013, it will cost $29.70 to support the total mission program for one minute. A candle for each district will be burned at the UMW Central Texas Conference Annual Autumn Gathering for the exact time that each district has funded a portion of the mission program. Names of individuals in whose honor or memory money has been contributed will be printed in a book; one amount may be given for one or more memorials or honorariums. Certificates will be given to those who donate. Although contributions may be given at any time during the year, the deadline for names to be printed in the book is August 11th. If you would like to contribute to the Burning of the Candle, please give your money and the name of the individual in whose honor or memory the money is given to Jo Wilsford or Charlotte Yeadon by August 11th. Checks may be made payable to UMW; please write “Burning of the Candle” in the memo line.

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    UMW Summer Meetings The Circle of Love and the Friendship Circle will take a summer break and will resume their meetings in August along with the General Meeting. The first General Meeting for the fall will be on Sunday, August 11th. The Circle of Love will meet at 10:00 AM on August 27th; the Friendship Circle will meet at 7:00 PM on August 22nd. The Circle of Hope and Healing will begin its meetings for the fall on Saturday, August 24th. YAWN will continue to meet throughout the summer as announced on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:30 PM in the Library. All ladies are invited to join us as we focus on mission in action! UMW General Meeting - August 11th The first fall UMW General Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, August 11, at 4:30 PM in the Sunshine Classroom. (Executive Team will meet at 3:30 PM.) The program will be provided by Charlotte Yeadon. All women are invited to attend and become a part of the active and moving spirit of UMW. Please call the church office if childcare is needed. Friendship Circle to Begin New Study The first fall meeting of the UMW Friendship Circle is Thursday, August 22, at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. The Bible study for 2013-2014 is “An Abiding Hope: The Presence of God in Exodus and Deuteronomy.” The focus of the study is for us to travel with the Hebrew people from Egypt to the Jordan River. Exodus and Deuteronomy tell the story of freedom from bondage to covenant, of a journey from just existence to holy calling and certainly the story of God’s amazing love, faithfulness, and grace. Study books will be available the first Sunday in August from Jo Wilsford. Jo will provide the devotional and refreshments for this first meeting. All women are welcome to join us for Bible-based study, lively discussions, good fellowship, and delicious refreshments. Need more information? Call Jo Wilsford at 972-617-0672. Please call the church office if childcare is needed. Mission U Mission U, the new name for the School of Christian Mission, will be held in three sites in August. On August 5-7, evening and weekday classes are at Genesis UMC in Fort Worth. On August 9-11, weekend classes are at Glen Lake Camp in Glen Rose. On August 12-14, evening and weekday classes are held at FUMC in Temple. The studies are Living Sacramentally; Walking Justly; The Roma of Europe; and Poverty. The deadline for registration is July 25th. Please see Jo Wilsford for more information and a registration form.

    If childcare is needed during any UMW activity, please call the church office 972-617-9100 to schedule.

    Dear Church Family, For each and every family that brought Jerry and me dinner after I returned from the hospital, I want to say; thank you for your kindness,and generosity. The dinners were so appreciated. Not once in our entire married life has anyone been so kind to us. Thank you! I am doing better although the good days are out numbering the bad days, there are still those days where I don't even want to get out of bed. This Wednesday will mark the half way point of the Chemo treatments. There were six treatments spaced three weeks apart.

    I also appreciate the cards and cherish all the prayers. They keep me focused on the Good Lord. Joan Pomeroy

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    R E D O A K , T E X A S

    America The Beautiful by Katherine Lee Bates 1904 This week is our Nation’s birthday celebration. We live in a time now when we see more patriotism in our land than we did about 45 years ago. In the sixties, many of our people were almost anti-American. Lots of people were against the war in Viet Nam and yet my friends and relatives went over there to follow the directions of our leaders. I hope we have learned some important lessons from that time. I hope we have learned that our nation may make some mistakes but it is still our nation and it is ours all over the place. When Katherine Bates wrote America the Beautiful, she was on her way to Colorado to teach. Riding the train from the east coast, she got to see much of our great land. “O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain; for purple mountains majesties above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.” I love that song for a couple of reasons. It reminds me that God has already blessed our nation and it also reminds me that we were placed here to care for those amber waves of grain and fruited plains. Much of my life, I have been serving churches in farming country and Americans have always been a part of God’s plan to care for and plant the crops that much of our world enjoys. This week, the Supreme Court made some important decisions. We don’t know yet how that will affect us down here on the plains. Many will be angry, many will be joyful and yet we are all Americans. We will adapt. We will survive because it is not in our nature to give up. And we will survive and make the best of a new future because we believe God placed us here to care for one another as well as our land. I am grateful to live in a land where we can discuss our different opinions about what are passionate topics. I am grateful that we have a peaceful system to make changes when we feel they are necessary. That beautiful song about America ends with this line: “God mend thine every flaw, confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law.” On this week of celebrating our freedom, let us all pray for America and for those who are leading our nation. You may love our leaders or hate them, just remember to vote at the next election. God bless America. Allen

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    Our Home Church Folks: Golda Punkoney (Nursing home in Center,


    Kayleen Johnson-Gallagher (Joanna’s


    Hazel Butner (Margarett Butner’s mom)

    Dorothy Doty (Dean Doty’s mother)

    Jack Christianson (Linda Higgins)

    Phillip Trees

    Rita Dugger

    Florene Nix

    Red Wammack

    Dortha Daubitz

    Johnny Wood

    Wayne Kimbro

    Vernon Coffey

    Cecil Tarver

    Kally Robbins

    Doris Maechel (Cindy Belote’s mom)

    Dollie Fouts

    Kay Merrifield (Rene Fouts’ mother)

    Wanda Cutler (Paige Davis’ grandmother)

    Charles Brown (Oma’s brother)

    Pauline Brown (Oma’s mother)

    Cecil Fields (Valerius grandfather)

    Grace Weir (Keven Davis’ mother)

    Mildred Jeffers (Mary Young)

    Mrs. Ralston (Becky Monnette’s mom)

    Esel Norris (Bud’s Mother)

    Kathy Tepper (Muckleroy)

    Nikki Benoist (Stricker)

    Dorothy Low

    Norma Jean & George Stricker

    Miranda Bradley

    Those seeking employment


    Rayan Wilt

    Cynthia Rives

    Jana Wallace

    Mark Muckleroy, Landry & Logan

    Sawyer Quinn

    Lettie Robinson

    Miriam Garcia Vonn

    Jessica Garner


    Tammy Gray-Davis

    Melvin Wilkerson

    Johnnie Peters

    Dewayne Thomas

    Gary Tiffany

    Julian Thompson

    Joan & Jerry Pomeroy

    Sherisha Tipping

    Ron Patton

    Josh Garcia

    Jean Cecil

    Devin Wright

    Russ Schupmann

    David North

    Lisa Woods

    Johnnie Peters

    Earline Brownlee

    Steve Pullen Melissa Wheeler Chris Hunt Taylor Solis Tiffany Barnes Nicole Tully Dale Voigtlander Pat O’Connell Harold Sawicki Mary Burr

    Family of Daniel Windstead

    Tim & Jeniveve Strain & new baby girl

    Marilyn Byars

    Dale Voightlander Pat O’Connell Harold Sawicki Rozlynn Davis & family (death of her brother) William Kruger The Frankie Family Joe Cadenhead David Doyle Concepcion Rodriquez Carlotta Grinage Beck Weatherholt Sarah Shands Emily Frankie Golden Josh and baby Case Gene Coffey Kim Hazard Jack Sonnamaker & wife Peggy Eli Floyd JB Rice

    Our Nation


    1/ Art Haffey, 6/ Edna Malcik, Rob Wolaver, Michelle Lyons, Shelby Vernon 8/ Christa Lane 9/ Mel Baldock 10/ Olivia Sanden, Emma Vent, Charles Neel 11/ Olivia Baylee Gray, David North 12/ Michael Plumb, Amy Young 15/ Regina Hazard, Carol North 16/ Gracie Ellard, Martin Grandstaff 17/ Mary Ann Paquin 18/ Julieann Mayer 23/ Jennifer McKnight 24/ Sopheap Vonn 26/ Jeff Bell 27/ Mary Wakefield, John Young



    Mike Webb (cousin of Rene Valerius) Damien Guss (Stricker) Afghanistan Harold Valyou (Wilson) Cpt. Adam Dugger Sean Acrea (Yeadon grandson) Fred Ballard Jr. Doug Cantrell (Suzanne Neel) Michael James (son of Oma Mitchell) Jason Maris Curtis Windsor (Neel) Colby Jones (Lane) Robert Grandstaff Hugh Taylor Grandstaff Sylvia Grandstaff John-Paul Taylor (Nix’s family) Justin M. Gell Lee Weatherholt, Jr. (Grant family)

  • We just returned from one of the most awesome mission trips ever. It was awesome because the presence of the Holy was felt throughout the week in almost every place we went. It was awesome because of the dedication of God’s disciples who followed God’s call to go where the needs were. Bishop Reuben Job in my daily Bible reading said: “Do you want to follow Jesus? Then go where the wounds are, for that is where Jesus went. Demon-possessed, paralyzed, blind, cut-off from family and community, ostracized and left out, ridiculed and harassed, divided and estranged, these were the ones who seemed to dray the very presence of Jesus.”

    Indeed that is where we went. Along the way we had some fun, talked with each other and with this Jesus who called us to a new place. Now we are home and Jesus still calls us to serve those who are wounded. We all know that our world is filled with wounded people. They are everywhere and we are also among them. So, if you want to go where Jesus is, then go where the wounded are. Go where there are hurting, divided, and lonely people. Two weeks ago our Missionaries did just that and the challenge continues. Our mission statement tells us to Reach up to God, Move into the World and Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our world was in Mangum, OK as our missionaries went out. This week, it is in Red Oak, Texas. Do you see the wounded? Open your eyes. We are all around you. Allen Grant—Senior Pastor

    THE BACK PAGE by Allen Grant

    Rev. Allen GrantRev. Allen GrantRev. Allen GrantRev. Allen Grant Senior PastorSenior PastorSenior PastorSenior Pastor

    972972972972----333333333333----4197 or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]

    Owen McKnight, Youth & Music Minister [email protected]

    Sunmi Goodwin, Pianist

    Judy Cox, Building Manager

    Elizabeth Sanden, Interim Nursery Manager

    Lori Stricker, Office Manager

    [email protected]

    Arnell Kimbro, Bulletin Editor

    Barbara Persefield, Membership Secretary

    Worship Times: Sunday 8:30 & 10:50 am

    Sunday School 9:40 am

    Office Hours Monday—Friday 9 am— 4 pm

    (972) 617-9100 Fax: (972) 576-3276

    Website: www.FUMCRO.ORG

    (nursery provided at all services) Located at 600 Daubitz Dr. (formerly Red Oak Rd.)Located at 600 Daubitz Dr. (formerly Red Oak Rd.)Located at 600 Daubitz Dr. (formerly Red Oak Rd.)Located at 600 Daubitz Dr. (formerly Red Oak Rd.)

    Red Oak, TexasRed Oak, TexasRed Oak, TexasRed Oak, Texas

    First United Methodist Church

    PO Box 25

    Red Oak, Texas 75154

    Address Service Requested postage