first presbyterian church · 6/12/2016  · the amount given week of 6-5-16 $2,903.70 $1,382.50 the...

First Presbyterian Church June 12, 2016 9:30 a.m. Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Be reverent. This is the house of the Lord. Before the service, speak to God. During the service, let God speak to you. After the service, speak to one another. “I will strive to enter that intimate space of Christ’s radical love with you.” GATHERING AROUND THE WORD Prelude Always Remember MeRichard Blake Welcome and Church Life Notes Sharing Joys and Concerns *Passing of the Peace - please share the peace & love of Christ with your neighbor Introit *Call to Worship (read responsively) Leader: In the morning, O Lord, you hear our prayers. People: In the light of this day we praise your name. Leader: Through the abundance of your steadfast love you have gathered us into your house. People: In the holiness of your presence, we bow down to worship and adore you. *Hymn When Morning Guilds the Skies#667 Prayer of Confession (read responsively) Leader: Happy are those whose sin is forgiven. Keep silence no longer cry out to God, who will answer with mercy. People: Gracious God, you know what kind of people we are. We judge others harshly and fail to see our own sin. We look with suspicion and fear, and neglect to show hospitality to strangers. We treasure things that are worthless and squander your precious gifts. We withhold the grace and love that you give us so freely. Forgive us. Pour out your grace upon us to save us from our sin. Amen. (A moment for silent personal prayer of confession) Assurance of Pardon (read responsively) Leader: I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me! People: The life we now live in the flesh we live by faith in the Son of God who love us and gives himself for us. Leader: Hear the good news! In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. People: Thanks be to God. *Choral Response “The Gloria” Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost! As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be! World without end! Amen! Amen! Anthem "A Key to the Kingdom" arr. Roger C. Wilson Chancel Choir PROCLAIMING THE WORD Time for Small Disciples Rev. Sarah Hooker (Children may leave for the Child Care Room following the children's message.) Prayer for Illumination (read in unison) God of steadfast love, by the guidance of your Spirit instruct and teach us in the way we should go; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. First Scripture Reading (page 188 NT in the pew Bible) Galatians 2:15-21 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. *Hymn I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say#182 Second Scripture Reading (pages 66-67 NT in the pew Bible) Luke 7:36 8:3 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. Sermon The Wrong Kind of Sinner?Rev. Sarah Hooker RESPONDING TO THE WORD Eucharist (Ushers gather in the narthex at this time.) Presentation of Gifts and Offerings & Birthday Offering Call to the Offering Offertory “I’d Rather Have Jesus” arr. Hugh Livingston, Jr. *Choral Response “The Doxology” # 606 Prayer of Dedication & Dedication of Birthday Offering Invitation to the Lord's Table ****To Insert

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Page 1: First Presbyterian Church · 6/12/2016  · The amount given week of 6-5-16 $2,903.70 $1,382.50 The amount needed year-to-date The amount given YTD as of 6-5-16 Fuel Fund given YTD

First Presbyterian Church June 12, 2016 9:30 a.m.

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Be reverent. This is the house of the Lord. Before the service, speak to God. During the

service, let God speak to you. After the service, speak to one another.

“I will strive to enter that intimate space of Christ’s radical love with you.”


Prelude “Always Remember Me” Richard Blake

Welcome and Church Life Notes

Sharing Joys and Concerns

*Passing of the Peace - please share the peace & love of Christ with your neighbor


*Call to Worship (read responsively) Leader: In the morning, O Lord, you hear our prayers.

People: In the light of this day we praise your name.

Leader: Through the abundance of your steadfast love you have gathered us into

your house.

People: In the holiness of your presence, we bow down to worship and adore


*Hymn “When Morning Guilds the Skies” #667

Prayer of Confession (read responsively)

Leader: Happy are those whose sin is forgiven. Keep silence no longer – cry out to

God, who will answer with mercy.

People: Gracious God, you know what kind of people we are. We judge others

harshly and fail to see our own sin. We look with suspicion and fear,

and neglect to show hospitality to strangers. We treasure things that

are worthless and squander your precious gifts. We withhold the

grace and love that you give us so freely. Forgive us. Pour out your

grace upon us to save us from our sin. Amen.

(A moment for silent personal prayer of confession)

Assurance of Pardon (read responsively)

Leader: I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me!

People: The life we now live in the flesh we live by faith in the Son of God who love us and gives himself for us.

Leader: Hear the good news! In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. People: Thanks be to God.

*Choral Response “The Gloria”

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost! As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be!

World without end! Amen! Amen!

Anthem "A Key to the Kingdom" arr. Roger C. Wilson

Chancel Choir


Time for Small Disciples Rev. Sarah Hooker (Children may leave for the Child Care Room following the children's message.)

Prayer for Illumination (read in unison) God of steadfast love, by the guidance of your Spirit instruct and teach us in

the way we should go; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

First Scripture Reading (page 188 NT in the pew Bible) Galatians 2:15-21

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

*Hymn “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say” #182

Second Scripture Reading (pages 66-67 NT in the pew Bible) Luke 7:36 – 8:3

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “The Wrong Kind of Sinner?” Rev. Sarah Hooker


Eucharist (Ushers gather in the narthex at this time.)

Presentation of Gifts and Offerings & Birthday Offering

Call to the Offering

Offertory “I’d Rather Have Jesus” arr. Hugh Livingston, Jr.

*Choral Response “The Doxology” # 606

Prayer of Dedication & Dedication of Birthday Offering

Invitation to the Lord's Table

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Page 2: First Presbyterian Church · 6/12/2016  · The amount given week of 6-5-16 $2,903.70 $1,382.50 The amount needed year-to-date The amount given YTD as of 6-5-16 Fuel Fund given YTD

**** Insert ****

*Hymn “Come to the Table of Grace” #507

Great Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer

Leader: The Lord be with you People: And also with you Leader: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up to the Lord. Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Leader: ... And so we praise you, tuning our voices to the angels’ songs, joining all those who sing on earth and in heaven:

People: Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.

Leader: ... With thanksgiving we take this bread and wine, gifts of the good earth, offering ourselves as a living sacrifice dedicated to your service.

People: Dying, you destroyed our death; rising, you restored our life. Lord Jesus, come in glory.

Sharing of the Bread & Cup As you pass the plate to the person next to you, please say these words. The body of Christ, the bread of heaven. The blood of Christ, the cup of salvation.

Those taking communion are asked to hold the bread until all are served, symbolizing our unity in the Spirit of Christ, then to drink individually the cup, symbolizing our personal commitment to Christ.

The Lord’s Prayer … “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”

*Parting Hymn “Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks” #240


*Postlude “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” arr. Edward Broughton

*You are invited to stand.

Thought for the Day: “To pray is to grasp heaven in one’s arms, to embrace the Deity within one’s soul and to feel one’s body made a temple of the Holy Spirit.”

—Charles H. Spurgeon

Pastor: Rev. Sarah Hooker Music Director: Gayle Olsen Organist: Gayle Olsen 4 Clinton Street, Delhi, NY 13753

Liturgist: Elder Tom Philion (607) 746-2155, Fax # 746-2156

e-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

First Presbyterian Church actively exists as the living body of Christ, committed to growing in faithfulness to God, serving the whole human

family and welcoming all people into God’s love. (Our Mission Statement)

SUNDAY June 12

9:00 am Choir Gathers (Chapel) 9:30 am Worship with Communion (FPC Sanctuary) 10:30 am Coffee Hour Fellowship (FH) 11:00 am Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

MONDAY June 13

Last Day to contribute geraniums & flowers 9:00 am Senior Fitness (Chapel) 11:00 am Delaware County Senior Council (Chapel) 11:00 am Delaware Opportunities Senior Meals (CR)


11:00 am Delaware Opportunities Senior Meals (CR) 2:30 pm Tai Chi for Arthritis (Chapel) 5:00 pm Weight Watchers (FH) 5:30 pm Girl Scout Troop 30301 Meeting (CR)


7:30 am SPARKS at Crossroads Café 9:00 am Senior Fitness (FH) 11:00 am Delaware Opportunities Senior Meals (CR) 6:30 pm Trustees Meeting (Library)


11:00 am Delaware Opportunities Senior Meals (CR) 2:30 pm Tai Chi for Arthritis (Chapel) 6:00 pm Sewing Fellowship (BR)

FRIDAY June 17

10:00 am Gentle Yoga (Chapel) 11:00 am Delaware Opportunities Senior Meals (CR) 5:30 pm Set Up for DCCAN Event (FH)


7:00 am French Toast for Fathers Day DCCAN Event (FH)

SUNDAY June 19

9:00 am Choir Gathers (Chapel) 9:30 am Worship (FPC Sanctuary) 11:00 am Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

RR – Red Room; CR – Conference Room; FH – Fellowship Hall; BR – Blue Room

Page 3: First Presbyterian Church · 6/12/2016  · The amount given week of 6-5-16 $2,903.70 $1,382.50 The amount needed year-to-date The amount given YTD as of 6-5-16 Fuel Fund given YTD

Barbecue Chicken Benefiting First

Presbyterian Church of

Delhi, New York Presbyterian Women

Mission Work

Friday, June 24, 2016

10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

(or until sold out)

At Wilson’s stand in the parking lot near Tractor

Supply Company. Just watch for the signs & follow your nose!

Take a break from the cooking and support the mission work of PW.

The Upper Room Devotionals are available on the information racks in the narthex and outside the church office. If you wish to make a contribution to defray the cost, there is a wooden box in the Narthex.

Sewing Fellowship will meet on Thursday, June 16, July 21 and August 18 at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a friend and your favorite project, ideas and/or willing hands and join us in the Blue Room. We are currently working on aprons and curtains for the Adventure Learning Centre & Camp. If you have questions, please contact Nancy in the church office. Hope you can join us and bring a friend!

First Presbyterian Church Delhi, New York

Church Life: June 12, 2016

“I will strive to enter that intimate space of Christ’s radical love with you.”

Brothers and sisters in Christ, how good it is to gather to praise our God and hear his Word for us today! May God bless you during your time here.

God of new beginnings, at the start of this new season, refresh us with worship, rest and new ways to serve. Amen.

We invite everyone to take a moment during the offertory to sign the Church Attendance Register found in each pew. A special welcome is extended to all who are visiting with us this morning. We hope that your worship experience will be meaningful and enjoyable. If you are interested in learning more about First Presbyterian Church or becoming a member of this congregation, please speak with Pastor Sarah, the Church Office or any Elder.

May-Early June Mission Emphasis – Birthday Offering

The CHILD CARE ROOM will be available to parents today during the worship service. Volunteers are needed. There is a list of who will be providing care each week posted on the Nursery door. Child care is usually provided from after the children's sermon until the end of worship most Sundays.

Children’s worship bags are available in the hospitality room on the shelves. Children are welcome to select a bag with items of their choosing to use during worship. Children’s Bulletins are also available.

The Summer edition of the Courier is available for pick up throughout the church. The TRUSTEES responsible for counting today are Steve McKeegan and Bruce Burr. The Trustees responsible for counting on June 19 are Patrick Sullivan and Art Maxwell.

The summer worship schedule will run through September 4. Worship will begin at 9:30 a.m. those Sundays.

Page 4: First Presbyterian Church · 6/12/2016  · The amount given week of 6-5-16 $2,903.70 $1,382.50 The amount needed year-to-date The amount given YTD as of 6-5-16 Fuel Fund given YTD

JOIN THE FUN! 2016 Vacation Bible School Sunday, July 24 – Thursday, July 28 6:00 pm – 8:15 pm

Registration forms available throughout the church and in the Summer Newsletter

Attendance week of 6-5-16 60 The amount needed each week The amount given week of 6-5-16

$2,903.70 $1,382.50

The amount needed year-to-date The amount given YTD as of 6-5-16 Fuel Fund given YTD as of 6-5-16

Mission giving week of 6-5-16 Mission giving YTD as of 6-5-16

$69,688.80 $43,723.03


$120.00 $2,413.00

Apportionment Needed 2016 Apportionment received YTD as of 6-5-16

$6,658.32 $1,953.05

The Per Capita amount for 2016 has been set at $34.86 per member.

Thoughts on Giving: “When I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet…” LUKE 7:44

Today’s Gospel calls us to consider how we serve God. Do we consume like the Pharisee who simply reclines at the table and expects to be served? Or, do we contribute like the woman who kneels before Jesus and washes His feet? Every day we must make a choice. Take or give? Consume or contribute? Recline or serve? Stewardship Prayer: That we may more easily choose to serve rather than to be served, to give rather than to take, to contribute rather than to consume.

Join us in beautifying our church yard with Geraniums and Flowers! Please consider bringing a red geranium (or other sturdy, sun-loving flower) to be planted around the church. Flowers may also be dropped off at the church office during regular office hours through June 13. If you’re interested in helping to provide plant care and maintenance this summer, please see Bonnie Fleming or give her a call at 746-2697.

Volunteers are needed for the Delhi Area Food Bank. The Food Bank is open on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Please contact Carmel Banks at 746-3008 if you feel God calling you to serve in this way.

Pastor Sarah will be out of the office June 15 – July 2 for General Assembly and July 11 – 16 for a conference. You can direct all pastoral concerns to the office and they will be addressed by our Elders.

Annual Bake Sale

at the Fair on the Square

Friday, July 15, 2016

Plan on bringing your baked goods to the church by 4 pm that Friday (leave in the Red Room) or

drop them off directly at the Square by 5 pm.

If you are interested in working the bake sale, give Susie Little a call, 746-2536. Thanks in advance!

If you are interested in joining our First Presbyterian Church Family we are planning to welcome New Members on Sunday, August 7th during Worship. Please feel free to discuss any questions you may have with Pastor Sarah or any member of the Membership Committee- Bea Mooney, Betty Bell, Nancy Althaus, Nancy Thomson or Donna Burgin. Should you wish to proceed please contact Pastor Sarah as soon as possible to schedule a meeting with her. If you will be joining by affirmation of faith or coming from another faith tradition (other than Presbyterian) you will have to meet with her before July 8th. If you are currently a member of another Presbyterian Church you may transfer to First Presbyterian and you should schedule a meeting with Pastor Sarah prior to July 29th. We sincerely hope that you will decide to join our Church Family for Sunday Worship and our many Fellowship opportunities. The Membership Committee will host a Special Coffee Hour to welcome our new members after the Worship Service.