september 2019 messenger -...

September 2019 Messenger MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE UNITED METHODIST COMMUNITY OF FAITH IN MEDFORD AND RIB LAKE WISCONSIN What is inside? Bishop’s Message 2 Finances 3 Monthly Volunteers 4 Birthdays/Anniversaries Prayer List Church Info 5 Committee News 6 Community 7 SALT Board News 8 Calendar 9 At Rib Lake and Medford UMC, we feel that teaching our children about the love of Jesus Christ is very important. One way that we help them grow in His love is with our Children’s Ministry programs on Sunday mornings. School-age children from pre-kindergarten through sixth grade are welcome to join us. In Rib Lake our children’s ministry is called Children’s Church, and in Medford it is called SonShine Kids. Both take place on Sunday during regular service times. Attendance Numbers Date Rib Lake Medford 7/28 10 23 8/4 17 39 8/11 12 41 8/18 17 35 8/25 12 31 Pastor Angel will be a taking personal care leave with plans to return to the pulpit on 10/20/2019. During his leave Jean Nuernberger, Cheryl Ketelhut, and guest pastors will be filling the pulpit. SPRC is working with the District Superintendent to develop a plan to offer communion. Should there be an emergency requiring pastoral involvement please contact Dorathy Nelson or Jean Nuernberger. Due to low attendance at the Wednesday Night Prayer Services at the Medford church, the SALT Board decided to temporarily suspend the services in September and October. During that time the format of the service will be evaluated. Please add the prayer service to your prayers. If you have suggestions for the prayer service contact Cheryl Ketelhut at 608-485-2459. Charge Picnic in Rib Lake

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Page 1: September 2019 Messenger - Due in 2019: $13,308 Amount Paid in July: $550 Total Paid YTD: $3,793 person

September 2019



What is inside?

Bishop’s Message 2 Finances 3 Monthly Volunteers 4 Birthdays/Anniversaries Prayer List Church Info 5 Committee News 6 Community 7 SALT Board News 8 Calendar 9

At Rib Lake and Medford UMC, we feel that teaching our children about

the love of Jesus Christ is very important. One way that we help them grow

in His love is with our Children’s Ministry programs on Sunday mornings.

School-age children from pre-kindergarten through sixth grade are

welcome to join us. In Rib Lake our children’s ministry is called Children’s

Church, and in Medford it is called SonShine Kids. Both take place on

Sunday during regular service times.

Attendance Numbers

Date Rib Lake Medford

7/28 10 23

8/4 17 39

8/11 12 41

8/18 17 35

8/25 12 31

Pastor Angel will be a taking personal care leave with

plans to return to the pulpit on 10/20/2019. During his

leave Jean Nuernberger, Cheryl Ketelhut, and guest

pastors will be filling the pulpit. SPRC is working with

the District Superintendent to develop a plan to offer

communion. Should there be an emergency requiring

pastoral involvement please contact Dorathy Nelson or

Jean Nuernberger.

Due to low attendance at the Wednesday Night Prayer Services at the Medford

church, the SALT Board decided to temporarily suspend the services in

September and October. During that time the format of the service will be

evaluated. Please add the prayer service to your prayers.

If you have suggestions for the prayer service contact Cheryl Ketelhut at


Charge Picnic in Rib Lake

Page 2: September 2019 Messenger - Due in 2019: $13,308 Amount Paid in July: $550 Total Paid YTD: $3,793 person

Becoming One, Being One

I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of

peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:1-6

The word that leaps out of this passage of scripture is “one.” Bear with one another. One body. One Spirit. One hope. One Lord. One faith. One baptism. One God. I shake my head when I hear people question and challenge the concept of unity in our scriptures – “making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” My blessed siblings in Christ, this is why we are here. This is why we exist. We are the one body of Jesus Christ, incarnate and empowered by the Holy Spirit, to participate in God’s holy work of the transformation of the world. We do this together. In the spirit and teaching of John Wesley -- Solitary religion is not to be found there. “Holy Solitaries” is a phrase no more consistent with the gospel than Holy Adulterers. The gospel of Christ knows of no religion, but social; no holiness but social holiness. Faith working by love, is the length and breadth and depth and height of Christian perfection. (Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1739)– where he explains that we cannot be truly Christian in isolation from a faith community, we need each other. The trend toward personal and individual holiness so prevalent and popular in recent times is completely foreign to the understanding of ancient Hebrew culture, early Christian culture, and our Wesleyan heritage. We are Christian together.

In recent months, unity in the church has become not only a topic for discussion, not only the battleground for debate, but the focal point of a real effort to divide the church. Again, John Wesley offers clear and precise opinion on the matter: “Itis evil in itself. To separate ourselves from a body of living Christians with whom we were before united, is a grievous breach of the law of love. It is the nature of love to unite us together; and the greater the love, the stricter the union. And while this continues in its strength, nothing can divide those whom love has united. It is only when our love grows cold, that we can think of separating from our brethren. And this is certainly the case with any who willingly separate from their Christian brethren.” (On Schism, 1786) There is no goodness or grace in separation, only an admission that we lack the love that can unite us together.

United Methodism proudly offers an open communion table. We do not deny the grace and acceptance of God to anyone who wishes to partake of this holy meal. And in our standard liturgy, we proclaim and request together that “through the power of your (God’s) Holy Spirit, make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world.” This is who we are.

But I am concerned about how different our actions are from our words and our core values and beliefs. Do our racial and ethnic minority people feel they are one with us? Do many women feel they are truly one, with equal voice and power and respect as many of their male counterparts? Do our gay and lesbian siblings feel they are one with us? And even because of our theological and political differences, I question how many of our same culture, same background, same gender baptized children of God feel they are one with each other? In a Christian fellowship where God works constantly to forgive, redeem, unite, and reconcile people, we choose instead to focus on our differences. In a denomination defined by prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace, many choose instead to focus on sins, and faults, and failings.

My distress over these realities led me to create a Bishop’s Task Force on a Wisconsin way forward – leadership dedicated to discerning a Wisconsin Option as alternative to schism and split. We cannot solve all the challenges and problems facing our church today, but we can work together to create a space for prayer, discernment, humility, and hope – a grace margin – that allows us to slow down, not be overly reactive, and to engage with one another in mutual respect and regard, to hold each other accountable to the highest standards of civility and dignity, and to put our Christian faith and values into action. We want to be a people who do not attack, do not insult or assault, and who “do no harm” in the ways they treat one another. We are making a commitment to “do all the good we can,” embracing a Golden Rule code of conduct, and seeking to think the best of one another instead of the worst.

Make no mistake, the Task Force is not doing this for the conference. They will be leading the conference – all of us together; clergy and laity, younger and older, of every status of education, economics, ethnicity and heritage – to make a fundamental paradigm shift. The Wisconsin Option is a choice of unconditional love and forgiveness. We will live faithfully into the Wesleyan understanding of God’s grace for all who confess Jesus as Christ and Lord. We will hold our disagreements as a sacred trust – to love those with whom we disagree and formerly judged as beloved children of God.

Let us pray for God’s presence and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we truly, deeply, and honestly seek healing, wholeness, and oneness as the body of Christ. Let us spend time in contemplative reading of our scriptures and the teachings of John Wesley. Let us enter into true and faithful Christian conference and conversation – both with those with whom we agree as well as those with whom we don’t. By God’s grace, God’s will is done in us, and together we can witness to God’s miraculous work of grace. Thanks be to God.

Grace and Peace,

Bishop Hee-Soo Jung


Published 21 August 2019

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Weekly Volunteer Schedule

Worship Greeters September 1 (M) Ron & Sandy Breth September 8 (M) John & Kristi DeBruyne September 15 (M) Shane / Nicholas Ludwig September 22 (M) Jim & Jean Flood September 29 (M) Marge Blair / Wendy Bockin

Worship Leaders/Liturgists September 1 (M) Shawn McDonnell (R) Deb Lind September 8 (M) Jean Wimmer (R) Deb Polacek September 15 (M) Cheryl Ketelhut (R) Carol Punzel September 22 (M) John DeBruyne (R) Deb Lind September 29 (M) Kelley Isola (R) Dorathy Nelson

Coffee Fellowship September 1 (M) Shane & Crystal Ludwig September 8 (M) Pete & Diane Loniello September 15 (M) Dean & Carol Lietzow / Connie Braun September 22 (M) Ron & Sandy Breth September 29 (M) Marla Hemke / Jean Wimmer

Counting Committee September Financial Secretary: (M) Steve Mayer September 1 (M) Shawn McDonnell September 8 (M) Kelley Isola September 15 (M) Brad Kalmon September 22 (M) Pete Loniello September 29 (M) Shawn McDonnell

Children’s Ministry September 1 (M) Wendy (R) N/A September 8 (M) Cheryl (R) TBD September 15 (M) Wendy (R) TBD September 22 (M) Cheryl (R) TBD September 29 (M) Wendy (R) TBD

*You are responsible for finding a replacement if you are unavailable on your day. You should have received a contact list. **Please contact the office with any changes.


Sept 1 (M) Ronald Bengtson (B) Sept 4 (M) Cody D Church (B) (R) Gwen Clendenning (B) Sept 5 (M) Ron/Muriel Isaacson (A) Sept 6 (M) Morgan Ludwig (B) (M) Colton Zittlow (B) Sept 8 (M) Brenda Bengtson (B) Sept 10 (R) Tahlia Scheithauer (B) Sept 10 (R) Talon Scheithauer (B) Sept 11 (R) Hal Swenson (B) Sept 12 (M) Chas Witz (B) (R) Tasha Mannel (B) (M) Aimee Swedlund (B) Sept 13 (M) Oliver Ludwig (B) Sept 17 (R) Carl/Kristin Lueck (A) Sept 19 (M) Peter Loniello (B) (M) Corliss Jensen/Shirley Werner (A) Sept 20 (R) Joan Anderson (B) Sept 22 (M) Gaitlin Piller (B) (R) Valerey K Roiger (B) Sept 23 (R) Sierra Mannel (B) Sept 24 (M) Jack Herkowski (B) (M) Lee/Jean Nuernberger (A) Sept 26 (M) Cullen Murphy (B) Sept 28 (M) Jim/Jean Flood (A) Sept 29 (M) Melanie Church (B) Sept 29 (R) Allison Heiser (B) Sept 30 (R) Jack Wiitala

*Please submit corrections to the church office by calling 715-748-2165 or emailing [email protected]


(M) Afternoon Circle

Afternoon Circle meets the first Wednesday of every month at Medford UMC fellowship hall.

All women are welcome. Please come and join us!

Please contact Jean Wimmer for the hostess schedule and the scripture word for this month.

The Sept / Oct edition of The Upper Room is now available, made possible by Afternoon Circle.

Prayer Requests

Health Concerns: Ruth Smith; Brenda Clark; Craig Butor; Dennis Lind; Deloris Lansing; Hal Swenson; Paul Johnson; Pamela Schwippert; Crystal Ludwig; Mariann White, friend of Jean Wimmer Mission/Missionary/Community: “Beds From Christ” volunteers and recipients; ALIVE youth group and parents; the Medford Charge as we reach out to our communities Others: The Rosario family; Bishop Jung and the Cabinet; DS Tsuker Yang;

Page 5: September 2019 Messenger - Due in 2019: $13,308 Amount Paid in July: $550 Total Paid YTD: $3,793 person

If you have an event or meeting that you would

like included on the calendar, please contact the

church office with all necessary information.

715-748-2165 or

[email protected]


Amount Due in 2019: $13,308 Amount Paid in July: $550 Total Paid YTD: $3,793

Remaining Balance: $9,515

Just a friendly reminder, please do not leave

notes on the desks in the church office. There

are many people who use the office and desks

and notes/papers can easily be misplaced or

lost. Please don’t assume the appropriate

person will see them. Please put your note in

their mailbox. Also, when you leave a note,

please address it to the person who is

receiving (incase it is misplaced and when

found can go to the correct person), date it

and please sign or initial it. That way if there

are questions, it can be addressed.

Thank you!


The ALIVE Youth Group from Medford UMC

collected school supplies during Harvest Days last

fall. The supplies were presented to Barb Schultz,

the home and school resource assistant at Medford

Elementary School.

photo submitted by: Crystal Ludwig

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Rib Lake

Food Pantry: 3rd Wednesday of each month, 9:00-11:00am. Contact: Karon Dallmann 714-427-3563 Knife Sale: Karon Dallmann will be collecting knife orders through the Christmas Cookie Sale. The knives will arrive in time for Christmas.


SALT Board: Meeting 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm. Contact: Jean N. 715-748-4217 *Next Meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 24th.

Afternoon Circle: Meetings 1st Weds each month, 1:30pm, Fellowship Hall. Open to all women. This group will assemble Welcome Bags as needed. Contact: Jill P. 715-678-2418 ALIVE Youth Group: Contact the church office: 715-748-2165 Beds From Christ Contact: Jerry H. 715-965-3046

Building Maintenance Team: Meet every other month. Contact: John D. 715-748-5765 Church Directory: Tentative Fall 2020 Contact: Jean W. 715-748-2804

Community Connection: Meet every Monday at 9:30am. Contact: Jean W. 715.748.2804 Finance Department: Contact: Kristi D. 715-748-5765, or SALT for over-budget planning requests.

Food Donations: Non-perishables, egg cartons, clean bread bags. Put in basket/box under table in lobby. Thank you. Contact: Glatha S. 715-748-3355

Keenagers: Meet 2nd Wednesday of each month for activity followed by a meal. Open to all 50 years and older. Contact: Barb S. 715.748.6001

Lay Servants: Meet monthly with Pastor to plan sermon series, Life Groups, Wed. Night Prayer Services, and currently planning Intentional Faith Development. Contact: Jean N. 715-965-4403 Leadership Development: Contact the church office: 715-748-2165

Library: Meet every other month. Contact: Jean W. 715-748-2804

Life Groups: Two classes offered: Classes start Sept 25th and Sept 26. Contact: Jean N. 715-965-4403

Membership: Those interested in becoming a member attend “Coffee with the Pastor” Contact the church office:715-748-2165 For Membership Records: Contact: Eunice M. 715-748-3835.

Memorial: Contact: Mary Lou C. 715-748-2154

Special Events Coordinator: Do you have something planned or an idea for an event? Contact: Jean W. 715-748-2804

SonShine Kids: children’s ministry program during Sunday Service. Contact: Wendy Bockin 715-560-8020

Worship Design Team: plans and coordinates Sunday services. Slideshow Training to be held Sunday, Sept 15th after service. Contact: Crystal Ludwig. 715-965-4006

Submitted by: Jean Wimmer, Medford Lay Member - please contact with corrections, additions, or comments

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Rib Lake UMC Community Food Pantry (open every third Wednesday at 9 a.m.)

1. Dry cereal 2. Canned fruit 3. Juice - frozen/canned 4. Canned tuna - preferably “in water” 5. Jelly 6. Canned vegetables 7. Spaghetti sauce 8. Hamburger Helper - Tuna Helper 9. Peanut Butter - Creamy / Crunchy 10. Chef Boyardee/Franco canned pasta dinners 11. Canned soups: Cream soups, chicken, tomato 12. Toilet tissue & Paper towels Please do not donate damaged or expired food.


Ruby’s Pantry is brought to Medford by our friends at the River of Hope Church. This once-a-month pop-up pantry grocery distribution will be held at the National Guard Armory at 10am to 12pm on September 28th, or on the 4th Saturday of each month. For a cash donation of $20, you will receive a generous amount of groceries. Bring your own containers to carry your groceries (two 18oz totes or two banana boxes per share). There are no income requirements - everyone is welcome! For more information or to register as a volunteer, please phone 715-965-8768.

Please come and help us prepare the monthly

newsletter for mailing.

Wednesday, September 25th 3:00pm @ Medford UMC

There will be no

Wednesday Night Prayer Service

until further notice.

(M) Keenagers

Keenagers is a social group for members and friends of the Medford congregation

who are 50+ years old.

Wednesday, September 11th

@ Medford UMC Fellowship Hall

See you there, and bring a friend!

Battlefield of the Mind - Joyce Meyer

Starting September 26 at 9:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m.

Worry. Confusion. Anger. Depression. If any of these are a constant companion in your life, there’s a battle going on in your mind. You’re not alone, though, and the war isn’t lost! God wants to fight this for you, and this book will teach you to…Gain control over your mind and find freedom and peace.

Foundations - Phil Maynard

Starting September 25 at 6:00 p.m.

Growth as a disciple begins with a good foundation. We need to learn how to pray, how to begin reading the Bible, how to live in authentic relationships, how to have a devotional time, how to use the resources God has provided, how to discern our call to serve, and how to share our faith. These basic foundational spiritual disciplines are presented in an easy to understand and very practical format in "Foundations". For new believers or as a guide in a mentoring relationship. Even seasoned believers are finding this to be a valuable resource to strengthen their spiritual lives.

If you have questions please contact:

Jean Nuernberger (715) 965-4403

[email protected]

Page 8: September 2019 Messenger - Due in 2019: $13,308 Amount Paid in July: $550 Total Paid YTD: $3,793 person


Our Mission: To make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our Vision: By the grace of God we reach out to all those who need hope, comfort,

support, and the love of Jesus Christ.

I was on vacation for the August S.A.L.T. board meeting so I thought I would write about my opportunity to attend the

Beth Moore Living Proof Live event in Green Bay on August 9 & 10th. The title of her message was “For Real Rehab

for Approval Addicts.” She challenged us to consider if we are trying to please people, gain their approval or are we

more interested in pleasing God.

1 Thessalonians 2: 4 “…Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts.”

She provided 6 points to consider:

1. Approval addiction makes us untrue to God, our own self, and others

2. Your task is to be true, not popular

3. Even the hardest core approval addict can be rehabilitated

4. Seeking God’s approval over man’s is not just right, it’s relief

5. Our approval as beloved children of God rests in Christ alone

6. Free People, Free People we henceforth enslave no one to our approval

Philippians 1:9-11 9 I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge

and understanding. 10 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives

until the day of Christ’s return. 11 May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character

produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

Beth Moore stated “Nothing gets in the way of my love for Christ. Relationship with Him is number 1- no compromise,

He is EVERYTHING.” Is Jesus Christ your everything?

If you have questions, observations, concerns, please let us know. Our next meeting is September 24 @

6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. You are welcome to attend and observe the work of this team. We

appreciate your input as we work to fulfill the Mission and Vision of the Medford UMC.

Your S.A.L.T. members are: Jean Nuernberger, SALT Board Chair

Sandy Breth (715) 748-6760 Shane Ludwig (715) 560-2439

[email protected] [email protected]

Jim Flood (715) 748-4531 Steve Mayer (715) 482-1313 or

[email protected] (715) 748-3825

Brad Kalmon (715) 785-8043 [email protected]

[email protected] Jean Nuernberger (715) 748-4217 or

Cheryl Ketelhut (608) 485-2459 (715) 965-4403

[email protected] [email protected]

Dean Lietzow (715) 965-6489 Gwen Thomas (715) 965-9113

[email protected] [email protected]

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 12th Sunday after


(R) 8:15am Worship

(M) 10:15am Worship

(M) 10:15am SonShine Kids

2 Office closed


(M) 5:30pm

Lay Servants /





(M) 1:30pm

Afternoon Circle


6 Office closed


8 13th Sunday after


(R) 8:15am Worship

(R) 8:15am Children’s Church

(M) 10:15am Worship

(M) 10:15am SonShine Kids

9 Office closed

(M) 10:00am


Connection Team



(M) 11:00am


(M) 2:00pm

Nursing Home

Service @



13 Office closed


15 14th Sunday after


(R) 8:15am Worship

(R) 8:15am Children’s Church

(M) 10:15am Worship

(M) 10:15am SonShine Kids

(M) 12 noon Slideshow Training

(R) 1:00pm Praise Team

16 Office closed



(R) 9:00am

Food Pantry


20 Office Closed


22 15th Sunday after


(R) 8:15am Worship

(R) 8:15am Children’s Church

(M) 10:15am Worship

(M) 10:15am SonShine Kids

23 Office closed


(M) 6:00pm


Maint. Team

(M) 6:30pm



(M) 6:00pm

Life Group -


(M) 3:00pm

Sticker Day


(M) 9:00am

Life Group -


(M) 6:30pm

Life Group -


27 Office Closed


29 16th Sunday after


(R) 8:15am Worship

(R) 8:15am Children’s Church

(M) 10:15am Worship

(M) 10:15am SonShine Kids

(M) Potluck following Service

30 Office closed


(M) 6:00pm

Lay Servants


(M) 1:30pm

Afternoon Circle


(M) 9:00am

Life Group -


(M) 6:30pm

Life Group -


4 Office Closed 5

6 17th Sunday after


(R) 8:15am Worship

(R) 8:15am Children’s Church

(M) 10:15am Worship

(M) 10:15am SonShine Kids

7 Office closed



(M) 6:00pm

Life Group -



(M) 9:00am

Life Group -


(M) 6:30pm

Life Group

11 Office closed 12


The Event Calendar is subject to change. Watch the weekly bulletins for updates.



Pictures and

Articles Due

Charge Office Hours:

Tuesday - 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Wednesday - 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Thursday - 1:00pm - 4:00pm

The Charge Office is located at the Medford Campus.

Page 10: September 2019 Messenger - Due in 2019: $13,308 Amount Paid in July: $550 Total Paid YTD: $3,793 person

Address label


Medford Charge Office

Phone 715-748-2165 Fax 715-748-9719 [email protected]

Rib Lake UMC, Sunday Worship / Children’s Church at 8:15am 1300 Church Street Rib Lake, WI 54470 Phone 715-427-3670

Medford UMC, Sunday Worship / SonShine Kids at 10:15am 287 E Allman Street Medford, WI 54451

Angel Gabriel Rosario, Pastor 414-400-3486 Crystal Ludwig, Connectional Ministry Coordinator 715-965-4006 Dawn Kasper-Harder, Charge Treasurer / Office Manager

The mission of Medford UMC is to make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

By the grace of God we reach out to all those who need hope, comfort, support, and the love of Jesus Christ.

The mission of Rib Lake UMC is to help all people to know and grow in Jesus.

Our vision is to build a church family by providing opportunities

to worship God, connect with others, and serve the community.