first national bark, rgam -, solicitors & masters in chan-* eery,...

V ol. XIII. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, APRIL 14, 1888. r'No. 15. J A. w Tb BTMCK, M. D. BomceopatMc Physician and Sunfeon. cor. Cookman & Bangs avs., AsburyTark, N. J. Hours: until to a. m., and alter 4‘p. m. - H . S. KtNMONTH, M. D., , •-Corner Grand And A>bury Avenue*, .Oflloe Hoars—T^to 9 a.ra,, 1 to 2 p.ta.,6 to 8 p. m; T > lt BRPCE S.' KEATOR. tr , Homoaopathlc Physician and Surgeon. ,* , Graduate'of Iroth. school#. ; ' Cor, ABbury avenaeandBergh street. "^oara— 'UiitiVOa. m., 7"to 9 p, in. , • Telephone connections.. . ' I. GILL. A.M., P. D„ - ' i Pncnniatopathlst, Or Mental ITeaior, 400 SowaU avenue, Cdr. ncck street!* Ofllco hours 7 to 10,12 to 8, fl to 9. P. PAWLEY. - - - D E im sT^ CIS Bangs ave, ' Aabury Park, N. J; D n. 8. T. SLOfcUM, . ' ' 'DKNTIST', - Office—201 Main St., opposite Railroad Statldtt, was administered. _ Asbury Park, N. J, A. fl. BURTON. D. D. 0. ' I. 0. ^UKTOH, P . 1>. B. ‘ TJUHTON BROTHERS, " . Resident poutfufrs ___ coo Cookman 8Y6Hue, corner Rmoiy st, Asbury Park* N. J. Offioo Honrs: 9 a. m. to 5 p, m. Gan tolo-’ ! - phone or by faiail. ' M Trs/of “ ZQZO”. —the new preparationfor oleaiisliiff and preserving ,the Teeth. ■£. N. SKYMQtfR. D. D. 8. , . era?, O.floe 45 Cookman avenue, near Emory" street. Mechanical work a specialty. ' v ; > Difficult operations solicited. TRANK DURAND. . JJAWKINS * DURAND, Attomeya-at.Law, Solicitors & Masters in Chan-* eery, M!kado-BulIdi0 K1_<h>0kman Av., ABbury P a r a w ; J. J8AAC C. KENNEDY, Attortiey-at-Law, Solloltotv Master in Chanoery *■ " and Notary Pnbllo. - Special attention given to examination of Titles, Office In Cook’s Bulb _ Asbury' Park, New Jersey. A LFRED D. fiAILKV, - - ' -**- Attomoy-at-Law, Solicitor and Master In - Chancery and'lftotary Public, Special attention given to collection of claims. Office in Mikado Building, Aebury Park. SAMUEL W. KIRKBRIDE, ^ ^ CONTRACTOR, Carpenter & Builder. PlanB and . specifications'furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Beat of reference given. Res'dence-^Firflt ave., bet Bond and Emory sts. Sbopand Offlce-rFirat ave. and Main st. P. O. $0X 743. ' ASBURY PARK. CUIUON ROBBINS. ' ACTON C. UART81I0RNK. ■DOBBINS & HARTSnORNH, Attorneys and Coumelors-at-Law, Offices between the Post Ofllce and First Nation* al Bank, Main et., Freehold, N .J. . ; Law business transacted lo all Ita branches. £)AVJD; IIARtBY,lJr., A'librnoy-at,Law, Solicitor, Master and-Examiner ... ... ---jniChanoefy.' No.tary-Jhibllu,. ■7'—'— ^ - Asbnry Park, N .J. Q.ErmOKAV. BYltAM, ,* . ' Attorney-atfTAW and Solicitor tn Chancery. Address K O. Box 1004,* ABbury Park.,N. J. V . II. VREDRNIlUnOU. • . PREDRRICKPAHKXR. T7HEDKNBUR0U & PARKER, » Counselors and Attoraeys-at-Law, , \ J ... . Freehold, N. J. JlftANK V. BODINE, • ARCHITECT, . MIKADO BUILDINT3, R. (>. Box 855, ASBURY PARK, N. J, H. B. JOHNSON, i. Practical WatchmakerT Dealer in Pine Watches, Jowelry, Steotables &c> Watches and Jewelry repaired at City Prices.. Main street, near Oookmtur'avenue, ASBURY PARK, N. J. GEO. M. BENNETT, HOUSE FAINTING . In all Its branches. Hardwood finishing, Grain- ing, Calclmlning, Ao. . Estimates furnlshfed on application. L. Box 2182. Ocean Grove, N. J. COOK- HOWLAND, Architect & Builder. - pullding plana executed and all work promptly done. Offloe In Cook’a Building, Main. street and Cookman avenue. Astjury Park.. ' JOHN W. SUTPHEN, fltacksmilh and Horseshoer, Carriage work In al| Its branohes. \ CARRIAGE PAINTING AND TRIMMING t In the finest style nt decorative art. Main street and First avenue, f' asbdby park . A D O N L IP P IN C O T T , Carpenter & Builder Jobbing (n ail branohea^promp11 y and carefully attended to; Ttesldonce-MXG First avenue, . " - - p . o . box282. - a 8bury ; park 7N.~J. PRBD. B. GOWDY. CHAS. II. PITCHER. C .O W D Y & PIT C H E R , Carnages, and Manufacfcu- ' rers of Harness/' Pairk. Be .1 Bf»nb .. ...... fttttlToroa K lver. • . v .. ^ - - IF JL rR /IS Human Hair-Store, 611 Eoofcman and 612 Mattison I k ..- asbukv park. My Clrcosslag Tonlque /or. k the growth of the halr and for romoviiig dandruff and all cowplainta of tho Bcalp and hair, has been hlahty reoomraended by the best residents ot .Aebary Park and Ocban Grove. Its success 'lias “been marvelous. Testln'ioniftla. may be Beon at my ofllco. * '• tggf*8 access la all joases. - . Ladles and gentlemen consultation free.. Largo assortment-.ot Human'Hair Works. Natural .Water Curls guaranteed. Ladles’ ITalr Cutting, Shampoolnft', Hair Dressing and Curling by professional Fred oh a?KTy^Ve!otUIno for the face needs duly a trial to be preferred to all others In the market., Free trial to all.' v PR0F.MME.E.QRI3QH. A. A. TAYLOR, - Mason and Builder, crlokiaylna and Plastering In all branohes . , of Masonry work- Jobbing proMptlyaitende’d to. P.O. Box 697 - Office, tSS Mattison avenue. ;gttsiuiiw ®lufls. “ ROBERT T. ORAVATT, .. . ; /; " «-;••••• Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, TINW A RE, ic. Cookman av., near Bond st., ASBURT PABK, N. J. . 1 Till t^FIIUi^EADfKI, SUTTERS, AC. COPPER, TIN AID SNEEf IRBU WORK OF ALL | " KINDI. Ktr"Flr8tcIafla work at low ratos. j g l LIPPINCOTT, T A IL O R * 727 Co'olcman Ave. dents’ TRENTON STEAM DYEING WORKS, BBTAELfsHBJ) m g,,,' .Ladies’ dresses dyed in all the newest shades! Feather# dyed to all colors. Gentlemen's cloth- ing cleaned, dyed and pressed equal to new, Agfcnt for Asbary Park. HENRY DOREN, (Successor to'G . Vf. Read,)' 'MERCHANT TAILOR; 718 COOKMAN AVEKtJE. _ . - Suits made to order guaranteed to fit. Cleaning and Repairing. The Old and Reliable Brand. Yaoe, Calvert & Co. An Immense Stock on Hand, All DesiraWe Shades of Color, N.E. Buchanon & Co. Soje Agents for State of New J'erafty. 139“prleen low to painters and .-Consumer liberal arraugeiuents made wltlhdealen*. ' IN ST. AND ASBURV AVEr WILLIAM BEAMES, . Successor to J. Henry Applegate,. ! fPl * 'Jioceries, FI.OCB AJVD FEED. Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street, AHBUHY PABK. M. M. CROSBIE, Successor to i)avid Cartwright, Tar Paper, Shcatliinf? Paper, Two and Three-ply Itooflhg Paper. P. O. Box 803. Anbury Park, N. I. SANITARY PLUMBING - " •- B. CROWELL & CO. Now occupy tbe new brick-building-of J- H^nrf ' - ' Applegate, on Mattison Avenuej near Bonfl Street, where they are prepared to estimate on all kinds OFPLUHBIM , GAS ANDSTEAH FITTIE They do none- other than firet-nlasa work, and all plumbing will be dose aftfer the most approved sanitary methods.. . - ‘ ; Repairing promptly attended to* . Practical Slate and Felt Roofer. ' All Slatlflg done with Chapman and Bangor . ' quarries roofing slate, : Agent for Stewart's Patent Seal Lapped f Red Keady Roofing, _ Warranted fire and water' proof. REMIDEN€^I4 fHlBD AVE. , P. 0. jpox 04S. PAINT YOUR HOUSES ; -With First-Class Material. DON’T USE A SHODDY AltTICLE. * Good Wlilto Lead, Linseed Oil, and Pure I! .. AnK^ 0IjD 700 M ain Street, Anliurjr P ark, at lower prices than inferior qualities aro paid: for In many other placcs. Why S Blmply for tho reason- that the paint BuHlneafl.Js made aspo- olalty and Is conducted in the IriteroiJt of our cus- tomers ag well as to build np a large trade in Mils Important'branch of industry. H. C. MARRYOTT, Contractor arid Builder, Estimates (urnlahed. for every desorption of . wprk,. Jobbing attended to^promptly?--— _ ResldeHco-r1 Cor. Sewall A n. and Emory St., Lots Nos. 20 and 21 at North , Spring Lake, FronttnKoti nnrrjHTON AVKKUE, anr] J. \ ’ Within 300ft. of the Surf," • WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN, The lots are eaoh BS feet front and over 200 •feol deep. They are situated In the finest part of the town, almost directly on the ooeau front, ^nm>uaded'hy handsome residences and-Qn the ^b]MK.&^ftcgnt^tbalargeHotel wilb\irtpui t This'(s 'a chance fot^>nevof the surest Invest- ments ou the coast, the only-reason for selling la that the ownor requires the money-In hls bual- a. - Addreaa __ . E- WRIGHT, or a H. BROWN* Spring Lake Monmouth Coi, N. J. Lock Bsx 716 . AHJBrBY PABH, IV. J. . M u n Park Printing House. , fewest designs of tyf>e; latest, improved ma- chlnery j skhlfid workmen; every desctl^tlon of printing; estimates given.! Special promliuns n oul, the County 'Fair for flue printing. ^ rgam F.C; Real Estate and Insurance, Established in. 18S2. riotela, Boarding Houses and CottaKes to ’Let, for Sale and .Exchange, Office on CooKman ave. ~=. 71? COOKMAN AyfiNUE, . P. 0. Box 17. Near Mala st., Asbury Park, N. J. HV B. BEEGLE; (iAte If. B. Beegle ik Son) liEAJL ESTATE and INSURANCE AGENT, iS Hais Aresae, OceanBroie, K. J. Loans Negotiated and Legal Papers Drawn IL B, BEEGLE, Notary PubHo’and Commlsslonor of Deeds for New Jersey,'Pennsylvania and the District of'Columbia. Bargains in Real Estate LOTS AND IMPROVED PROP- - ..JIKTK AT NORTH Sl'BING LAKE. Improved Property and Lots at Point Pleasant obeapfor cash. : ----- .- ....... ................ Lots at Mahhasset for Sale-or'Exchange. 200 feet of Bay. front, suitable for a wharf. ’ The ohly Bay front In the market for Bale in that lofnlty. WiU be solo cheap. < Lot 25x125feet on Sixth avenue, near tho ocean, .Asbury. Park. ---- ~-~-t—■ '—r-.---— -— —r . If you want to buy or rent any property any- where along tho coast r Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON, Cor, Sewall av. and Emory St., ABbury Park. Or W. T. Stbbet, Point pleasant, N. J. W . 11. Pott*b. Spring Lake, N. J. "' « Seal Estiite, InsiU'ance and — — General A f6htr Property Sold, 'feented cr In- sured in Ocean Grove, Asbury Park, Loch Arbour, Ocean Park, Key East', Ocean .Beach and Spring Lake. . Policies written .at lowest rates in strongest companies. ----- Money loaned on 'Mortgage security. ’ Conveyancing,Contracts made, Etc. G. W. MARTIN. 47 Pilgrim Pathway, Opp. Post Office, . . Ocean Grove, N.”J. : ~W.T. DUDLEY,, Real Estate & Fire Insurance. jiousos and'Cottages of all sizes for ^ . Sale or Rent. P.O. Box 189. 616 Cookman Avenue. ASBUBY PARK, OCEAN BEACH, SPRINQ LAKE AND NORTH SPRINQ LAKE. Persons wlBhlng to Rent, Purcbase or Sell at tho above places, or Owners having cottages to rent for season of 188C, and desiring to place them In my hands, will receive Bpooiafattentlon. For further particulars or maps, addreaa Is. WRIGHT, Box 108, Aaljury Park, i Cor. Cookman tfndSewall Avs., A. Park. co . ^ ii|*0Wn’s store, North Spring Lake. N. B.—I have some cottages and lots for sale oheap, easy term s; also,a number 01 . cottages for rent. IFIIsrEi IFIR/OITS, CO H FEC TIO N ER Y , Nnft or all binds, Florida Orange*, Ca* taw b a a nd M alaga Clrttpon, and luxuries of many descriptions, can be found -at the nowsuirB'Of " * WASHINGTON 23 MAiN STREET, WHtTEr ASBURY-PARK. Modern Architect. Experienced Salider. JOHN J. RANEY x 90, O C E A ^ f t l R O V K , Bf. J, f ■■■■'' *r‘ Contractor for 4 Modoriij Stone, Brick or Fraimi Buildings v Real Estate’Agunfc. properties wanted v for.RflutuvSplo. 1‘lillada. Office, 3508‘AIather St,,- Tioga, Philada.. Oreonleaf Cottape, Now York avenuo and - and Carmel AVay, Ocean arrive. This fs a-gttqil timi! for business men to stock-,, up' with office stationery and advertise thoir in- ducements for Winter “ Trade. At tlie A.iljnry Part Printing liouso wo ’ ovivput youoiuhe right traefc^to do - . *bonr, to your lastingbeneflt,' ..... LADIES! Do Tonr'Owu’Bjrclng:, at lKdme* with PEERLESS DYES 'They VflU dye Everything.’ TliSy are sold every- where^ Price 10c. a package1—40 colors; 'They haveifo equal for strength, JBrikhtness, Amount in Packages or tot Pastne^s of Color, or non-fad- ing Qualities. They do not crook or smut. For UBle fay It, Tustlng, si,D ., Wodlloy & Reed, W. B. Chrfstine, Drugglats,1 Asbury Purk, N<-'J. , ‘ . nENRY 0. WINSOB, President. JAS. A. WAINRIGHT, Vico President. , -• - . ALBERT C. TWINING, Cashier. First National BaRk, ASBUBY PABK, N. J., Post Offloe Bnildlag, Maln st. and Mattison hVe., Transacts a general banking business. Issues let-' ‘ oredlt ai tors o f— the world. ___ bought and sold, “ollrt • jdi‘£~nTniial>roTnntSie prtoolpiTirtiM of. Foreign and Homeatlo exchanges tfi.nH.w..d -Bold. * . , ( Collections carefully made and promptly aor. cbunted for V' BOARD OF DIRECTORS? >~ O. F. Kroehl,: * .1. A..\V. IIetrick, . Jas. A. Walnrlght, . Henry C. Winsor, . . , N. E. Ui'ohanon,* Isaao C. Rennedy, y OUver R. Brown, - J. Stanley Ferguson, Albert C» iSvinioir. . pENpVIaVAlflA RAILROAD* On and after Nov. 14, 1887;. 'THAIRS LHATB A8BITHY PARK For New 'York, Newark, Klizabetb. Rah\fay, Red Bank, Long Branoh and Intermediate stations, a t 0.15 a. m., 1.15. 5 85 p. ra. Express for Now York, Newark, Elizabeth and Lond"Branch, at 7.40 a. m. (For South Amboy, Mataw&n; aud Intermediate ’. stations', a t 0.1S a. m ., 1.16,5.35 p. m. .-... For Philadolphlft, (Broad 8 t.,)Tron ton, Prince ton, Monmonth {Junction, and Freehold, at 7.59 a . m .. 1J&.27, 4.30 p ; m r - Foi Camden, Burlington, Borden town and points on tho.Amboy~Division, via. Berkeley and Toma River, on Mondays and Saturdays only, a t 2.00p.m. ' For Camden, Burlington, and Rordeutown. £rift» Trenton,) 7.59 a. m., 12.27, 4.20 p. mw yla. Jamefllmrff, 7JM a. m ., p , m , -• -* - A For Toma River, Island Heights, and Intermedi- ate stations, at 11,05 a m., week days. On Mondays anu Saturday? only, 2.00 p. in; . , For Polht Pleasant, and intermediate stations, at 11.06 a.m ., 3.00,6.80,7.00 P.m . (rains Ijeavji nbw to«k (via. Desbrosses and Cortlandt Sts. ferries) rou asrcht pahx At *0.10 a. m:, 12.00 noon, *8.40,5.00 p. m. ta a in s 'l u v i rniLiDBLPiiiA'CBroad S t) roa ABBtmT, r iK K At 7.a8,.ll.K> a. m., 4.00 p. m. Market St., via., Camden and Trenton—7.20, 10.80 a. m., 2.80 p. m. Via. Jamesburg, r .20 a m., 8.80 p. m. Via. Toms River ana Berkeley, on Mon- days and Saturdays only, 8.80 a. m. •Express. J J. R. WOOD, Gen'l Pott. dot. CHAs, B. PUGH. Gen'l #pnaoer. |||B W TO BK A LONG BBARCH B. H. 'plme Table, In effect November 13,1687. Stations In New York—Central R. R. of New Jer- sey, foot of Liberty Street: P/R. R., foot of Courtlandt and Desbrosads Streets.- , t«Ava tntw took roa aubust pabk, Ac, Central R. R. of Ji. 3.—4.00, 8.15, 41,15 a m., 1.00. 4.00, *4.80, ff. 15 p. m . Pennsylvania—*0.10 a. ro., 12.00 m,, *8.40, 5.00 . p.m. . Leave Newark, Broad St. Station, for Asbury PartC. &C.-A25, 11.20 a . m .t 1.05. 4.00, 4.35, fl.20 p. m. Market St. Station—9.88 a. tn., 12.26,4.11,5,26 p .m . UAVB ASBtTBT PARK FOB KXW TOaK. Jfca. Central R. R. of N. J.-0.S&, 7.25. *8.00, 10.56 a m ., 4.16,0.45 p. m ( Pennsylvania—*7.40,9.15 a m., p. m. For Philadelphia and Trenton, vla,Bound Brook . Route—«.25j8.ooa,:m«4.i5ptjn._^.--: For Ocean Beaeh, Spring Lake and Sea Girt— .0.55, 7.&9# 10.20, 11.06 a, m ., 12.27, 1.05, 2.00, aOO, 4.20,5.30. 5.55, 6,15. 7.00, 8.10 p, m . 1\ For Manasquan and Point Pleasant-^.Bft. .10.20, .11-06 a m ., 1 05,2.00, U.00,5.80,5.55, U15. 7.00, 8.10 p.m. . ' For Philadelphia/ via. Sea (Jlrt—7.59 a. m., 12 27, 4.20p. m. ' ..... For staUons. onJP. R. R^ to Toms^Rlver,-via; Bay; Head. .11.05 a. 'm. For Camden and Philadelphia, via Sea.Slde Park, 2.00 p. tt»., Mondays and Saturdays otily. •—Express. . KUFtJtt BLODGETT, Svpt, H. P. BALDWIN, O.P. M G. It. S. of N .J. J. R. WOOD. Gen'l Pa*. Aal. P. fl.i?. Heal Estate Conveyances. IJat of conveyances, Monmonth Connty je rk ’s office, for the week ending Aj)rii 7, X888;’ . t/- .... 1 A&15U15V PARK. . " William G. McEwan to Theodore F. Scott ft al— Jot Asbury Park. $2,400. ‘ Calvin II. Williamson to Isabella M. Alden—lot Afcbury P ark . S&.000. . ; * Maria Dorgelon to 'Theodosia Bennett—lot As- bury Park. 51,080. Theodore Aumack, sherifT, to' Uriah White— part of ]ots544 anddlb.-Sl.m- V- ' • /Alice Hulick to WlUiabi Hathaway—lot 30. Il, ; Alraeda D. Wfggltia to William J. Cooper—lot 838; *3,500. ■ ' , • . Gorge C* Opncrod to Alfred-Cubberly^-lot*245. Alfred Cubberly to John Stanley Fcrgtuson—lot 846. 13,300. • : NEITUNH TOWWBHiP. E " Lewis F, White to John F, Robiusou—2 lots |?e^une township.. 92,000. - m ig a re t A, Neaves la Charles R. Lccompt~lot Neptune township. 5500.' \ < David W. Sexton to Monroo Newman—lot Nep- tufce township. S000. _John G. Emmons to Girtie S, Slivers—lot West ■AsburyPark.'<7^.' ''' ■'t-----' John G. Emmons to Abraham 8tryker—lot West Asbury Park. 8750. F. G. Bumham to -Abraliam Stryker—lot-West- Asbnry Park. 8860. . * - * _...... __. MI6CEIXANBOU9.. ■Samuel Ludlow to Ellsworth Gifford—lot at Sea Plain, 81BO. •. B, E. Stotdenburgh <tf,._to Alex. A. Yard~48 86-100 acrea^Ereehold township. 31,100. Thomas S. Field* to Minnie W. Williamsi-lot Red Bank. 82,50). - Solomon Maps, By Ex'r, to John A. Hoyer—2. tracts land, Eatontown fctugpshlp. 88. 000. , . -8affiir-MuDounld to'Thoittftar Uakes^W a ^ lO t ^^elha^M a n g o ld to Willi tun H. Campbell—lot long Branch. 81,500. , • Susan Applegate to Cohoyer Barkalow ti oi.—all iher interest in c tracts or lamWn Freehold town- ship, S225. ./ * Christina VauCleaf to Eva H. VanCleaf—lot S^ing like 81. ‘ T George Hance, by Adra’r, to Fred W. Rope d al. —80 12-100 asres. Atlantic township. 882.83.' Same to WiUlatn.T. Parker—14 80-100 acres, At- lantic township, $08.07. 'Same to Sarah W. Hance—10 77-100 acres, Shrewsbury township.. 8113.08. .*•- Joseph‘A. Osboni to Elias II. Haight—undlvld* ed half of lot at Allendale. 8 -------. Emi^r Hartman to W, V. McKenzie, M. D.—lot Millstone township. 81,000. - Geoige P. ErricMsputo Willlnm Burke-lfi 50-100 acres, Manalapan tow nBhlp. < 600. . Thomas H. Applegate rf al., to George F. Mara- den—tracts ofland, Shrewsbury township. 85;400i Stephen M. Griswold to James a. Sheridan— lot Eatontown township. 8200. jlenkietta Cottrell.toRui Iff Voorhees, Jr.—6130- 100 acres, Manalapan and Marlboro. $>,’0oo, - Richard Laird, by Ex'r, to Peter D. Stillwell— mill property, Marlboro township. 82.S00. David Patterson, by Ex'r, to Hudson W. Patter: son—3 M-100acres, Howell township. 143. Abigail P. Weaver it a!., to Mary C. l<angstreet —lot Red Bank. 8150. Anthpny.Vlehman to-Jacob Rohdo^lot Middle- .town township. ' -• John -II. Conover to F. D. Woodruff, trustee—lot Keyport. 8225, fiame to Mattie B. Woodruff—lot Keyport. 8225. David FaUcreoin by Ex'r, to Daniel E. Patter* son—lot Freehold...5i#S. Geoige C. Gordon ‘ jp H P P .llO IP A TIM N E W Y O im M .lt. - '• \ ; ‘ I n egoetr-Jan.^„lt&8B._______ _ _ - THAINB WII.L LKAVK VOR VRKIUOl.D AS^OUOWS} Leave Asbury Park—7.25, 10.65 a. n^fi.10, 4.15,' 5.35 p .m . Leave Long Branch—7.40, 11.10 a. m., 1.30^,4.80. - 5.60p. m. ......... Leave^ranohport—7.48, li.14 a. m:, 1.33,4,88,5.58 Leave Little Sllverr-7.48, U.l0 a.m .,1.88,4.88,5.58 L eave R ed B a n k - 7 5 3 , “11.BO a l t t . , 1.43, 4.45, 6.06 Leave%ddletowu^&00, liirr a. m;, T.w, 47K5f Leave S&tawair—8.80, 8.21« 9.81 a. m.« 12.20,2.00, 5,80,0.40 p .m . - 4, LKAVX jranUOLD fob red bank, *to. 9.00,11.16 a. m!, 1.80, p. m. * The 1.80 p. m. train frflm Freehold connects closely for all Bhore points. . J.B . RALPH, Sup't. Sea-SideHome. Boarding and Day School for Yonng ' Jjadiefl arid Cliildron, ASBUBY PABK. - NBW JERSEY. Ninth year opens Wednesday* Sept. 21, *87. Address JULIA ROSS, Principal, 604 Asbury avw., Asbury Park, N. J JO H N H U B B A R D , Practical, House Painter, AIsfD HANGER. Residence Cor. Fifth avenue and Bond etTeet, Lock Box 076. .:, ASBURY PARK, N. J . PRINTING * /poR-anyandfcverypur- pose that may be ^ quired—from a visiting card to a newspaper ora 300-page book. Premiums have been awarded for our excellent work. . . . - V "■+ . AsBur^ Park-PrinUng Hous% * ‘ * I Mattison Avenus, opposite Bank. Ashnry ' ?i81 V When tfc lrfa well-known fact thiit BOURNE?S ^ English Tonic Dyspepsia .Pills will not only give ease, baVpemfanentlf cure < JUidlgeatlon, Dyspepsia, dr any gastric trouble. . For Sale all Druggists,'’ to Margaret J. Gorden—3- township. 860. tracts tend, Marlboro---------- - w— James S. Parke, Ex'r, et al., to William A, Han- kinson—lot Freehold. $1,200. v ---- William A. Hanklnson to Charles II, Snedeker —lot Freehold. 8200. Same to Almira Shuihar—lot Freehold. 8400. Johu T. Roftell to Daniel It. Davl&-lot Free - hold. *£(). ■■- Lydia A. P. Wardell to Charlea/A. Johnson—27 98-100 acres. Howell.township. 82,110.67. Charles T. Jones, by Ex'r, to William H, Moore -farm Upper Freehold township. 85,980. ■ Amkl P. Laue to Francis V. Many—lot near Rusa»on,_$l, w— — :— Francis V. Many to Elizabeth Lane—same prt>* ^ a . Emmons of al, to Forman Sickles— (krm Atlantic township. 15,100. . John II. Conover to BritlgorMaloney—lot Key- port. $150, - --------- ------ . - Tbe "State of New Jcraey to John F. R. Brown- riparian right at Pleasure Bay. $403.50.- - S. T. Meyer to Joseph' Robbina—10t, rlAtfg Branch; $360. - - ~> Catharine Gordon et at, to Charles I. Gordon—^ ^8-9-10(Hacres, Mlddletowri townflhtpr8g,wo. Russell West to Morris C,. Bums—lot Long Branch. $560. -* Warren W. Palmer to Mary J. Wilson—lot Bar- Ban township. 8600. John Field to Mary 1* Hartshorn—31 7:100 acres Manalapan township. 81,000. ^ Robert Pearce et al. to George E. Morris-lot Manasqoan. fHOO. Same to same—lot Maiiasquan. $100. Hermlnea M. Kerr to M. A. Rebecca Kerr—lot 1,652 Ocean Beach. 81. 4John Hulso to Bridget Callnhnn—lot Shrewsbury township. SMO; _ --------- * - -t—----- —r ------- Joseph Evans, Ex’r, to .Wm. E. Lloyd—lot Free- hold. 11,805. Philip Striker, by Adm’r, to John F. Comnions— 4 53-100 acres Marlboro township. ®!07.60. Michael Collins to Martin Mcalfey—6 acres Marl- 'boro township. 81,000. Catharine McKJnncy el a l John Henry Sheen et a t—4 tracts land.Freehold township. 85,100,: • Margaret a Clayton to Jonathan V. Mcllvain— undivided of 14 00-100 acres Marlboro township. *1,000. Philip Striker, by Adm’r, to Michael Cart-^-3 -tractAlandWarlborotownahlp^#t,U10, , J. Howard Van Kirk to Annlo S. Muldoon—lot Marlboro township. 862.60. David P. Miller, by heirs, to Wm. A, Miller—Ot 89-100 acres Freeh old township. .$4,687,50. Chas. E. Throckmorton et at. to ^Michael Con- way—514-100acres Marlboro townBhlp. $300,' - xKdrtenius C. Ileyor, byhelre, to Ki-ti’C. Hcyer— 15183-100 acres Holmdol township. 819,280, - Angelino Jaline to Mary H. Dennett—l0t Long Branch. 82,576. * filiiabeth A. VCorlfecs cl al. to Bridget M, Grif- fin— lot Freehold. $1,405, Marietta Story to wm. S. Heyer—OO acres Mid- dletown and Holmdel townships, 810, 000. Theo. Aumack, SherllT, to S. T. Hendrickson el a t —10116-IOOacres Middletown township. 84.774.- ‘ W. A. Heisley to Samuel C. Davis—lot Eaton* town townBhlp. 81,000, .George II. Howard Chamberlain—lot Shrewsbury township. 81,000. , - Chas. Smith, by Aam'r. to John 8 .8«ftter th wait •102 50-100 acres Upper Freehold township. 87,839, Martha J. Muldoon et al. to Elisabeth A. Voor- heea—lot R*ehold. 8980. . J, M. Johnson, by Ex’r. to Wm. nough —cejuc- tery plot Howell township. 825, John, H, Wagoner to Wm. Huff—lot Howell township,'t 2 C 0.",' ,M*^i - j. OlWer Huff, by Ex'rs, to Wm. O. H uff-U 25-100 acres Howell township. 840. 1 ---------------- Elisabeth A..Voorhees et aij to -Martha J. Mnl- doon—lot Freehold. 83,900. John'Lewis, by Ex'r, to Anna Snyder—3 tructa land Marlboro township. ,825. ,Theo. AumackioJdajy Ann Hlgglna—12 aores Holmdel town ship." 81.200. Ben^B. Ogden .to Stephen Aumack—lot Koy-- ^AVfredWaUing, Jr., to Lizzie Cheri^—lpt Kcy-^ portr»l, 000r ----- 7vr ------ •: --------: > . llerriom'Hoff to Jeremiah Jloflv-lot . Keyport. 81.. -*■ - . Dorothy A. Latham to Theo. Aumuck—12 acres Fcwotte-K,, Wall township. 8700.- John W. Herbert to Wm. G. Conover—65 acres Manalapan township, $2,000, Christ church, Middletown; to David D. Withers —187 73-100 and 2 acres Middletown township. $12,671.77,, EleanorS. PltUnger to Matilda BtillwcIl-38 47- 100 acres Howell township. 8100. ... JohnF. T. Forman to Richard T. Forman—4 tracts of land Froehold township. -8425. Charies E. Wlkoff to samo—undivided % of 2 tracts land Freehold townBhlp. 81. Richard T, Forman to Edward Hance—farm Freehold township. 812,000.. ' ■, ratea dowh^thero. aa with us. To go a block oc two the, charge is twenty-five cents, and the Baino tol get back.^, NOthlng.4s lost by j(falfei5ff>-bawavciL;Jh6.sand-iadeep^ttndW ?o ppozeu paaaeujKers in a fout-hcrac stage can be distanced In half^amlle, WIiHq vchli^es.tauflt stick to rcgidarToadways the pedestrian can ont>acro8 s lots and oufr of t.hfi way ipt t.ha - - 'B qIMIiiK Contracts.1,'— ^ 1ILBD TO AMD IWOLUDTTJQ AVRlI, 7j ' . . 2259-rThRodoRla Bennett with II. C. Marrj'ott. NowtouUdlngat Aebury Park. 81.925.- . 2^10—Thomas H. Hall with Smith:C. Pitcher. Raising barn at Sea Bright. 8100. - 2261—Thomas Jackson with WvW. Farry. Rais- iUK house a t O ^an Grove.; 8375.. m2b-Heury A. Curtis with John Falkenburg, New stercs at Manasquan. 84,950<. ;- 2263—Gcorgo W. Treat with Robert Holbropk. hous&at Anbury Park. 82,400^•> ' ... 2264—W. H. Forman with Benjamin Albertsdn. New barn at Afibury Park. 8365., 2265—Cyrus H. Chatfteldwlth J.Edward Denise.. -New building at Sea Bright. 82,000. 22C&—Garret Hennessy with A.'G. Dennis. 43ar- penter work, new houso at Long Branch. 8200. * 2267—G. R. Colby with P. B. Fairchild &Co. Ad- dition, Ac,, house at-Monmouth1 Beach. 83;200. . -2268—Stephen.Aumack with.George M. Young. NewVhohse a t^ - - . 8630. I , 2209—The I^ong Branch Hebrew congregation With Joseph C. Potter. New synagogue at Long, Branch* #,600. ----- _ ' - 2270—Mrs. G. S* flllvfirs w ith F. A, PrOctor. Now house a t Ayest Asbury Park. 82,132. 2271—Joseph Ft Bray with Forman Morris, New house at Rea Bank. 81,150. & ‘ E-1 2272— ^b. H. Applegate with O. E. Davis. New house at Rbd Bank. 82,m . w ' - 2273—The Cpnsumors Ice Co, with James R. Terry, Ice barge. 8690. •2274—Pi -Peter Thompaon et at.-,- with O. E. BaVls, New house at Rfid nank> 8635. - -,rf5Sr- (.At t^o late muutolpal oleotlou at Prlucetch,, the Noify’rtlckct was olectcd by majorlti^ ranging from .eighty to one. hundred. Tho combinationagainsj,,tho license ticket^ns led by Dr.. McCosir,- a?slMod by the Mcthodl&t,* Epl^copallatfafrd Cotholio clorgy. ' 1 St. Aupimtlne’s Falnoo .Hotels. - AN ANCIKNH AND BI-BEPr (.'ITV MADS 1-1VEI.T ANtf ATWAOT1VE—-MlLUONS-EXrBNDED ON HUrLl)IN08 TI!^.T- ECLIPSE . TUB" “ KFFKTB nVKABTIES” ACHOS3 THE TOND—TIIB MECCA Oir pr.OHIDA I'lKHUMS—80ME 81DB T1UPS— AND VMtlQUB ODDS AND ENDS. From the raonient a Northern man eets 'foot In-Florida, he beglPfl to- hear about St. AngnBtin^ and Its hotels.. If you meet a native and lie discover by'jrour talk that yon haVe not boon there, the look of'pity and tearful sorrow In:his. eye Shows plainly Hhat ho regards you. as an Inferior being.' Maybe yon have seen does it justice.' It appears to have no end. JSxtendlng-north^sbutlj^aafc and’pcajt are wings, and extensions, towers, balcOD^cs, patches of tropical-plants,'founts alni*, arid the charm ,of music seeming to hover over it all. Suddenly the march ends, and there Is a temporary quiet. Yon give up trying to take In all there is worth seeing, and enter tte gate, then the courtyard, and lastly the entrance to* the, hotel proper,* Through the conrtcsy of Mr. I?, M. Birnct.'j prlvrit'e secretary to Mr. Flagler, I was go from bottom to tbp oftho'hotcl and enjoy It juat as much as though I were a iwonty-dollar guest. It Is a*great place to visit, and thoro are liun- the conversation will come abruptly to a dreda who daily'wander flirough tho hallways, olose with suoh a«lmonltlohs„ as, ‘‘Well, you< »'itnptuoua parlora,roceptlon roohlg and about ... 1 ’’ ! fhn tivnm nn ,1 a nr. flin ,11/ul want to see tho P o n c e o r , “ There wont be anything worth seeing after yon .leave St. Angustlno.” It was for this r t^ason- that L preferred tor look o boutth o othor less -favored portions of the State, sb as. not to have my judgment biased, by 8eclng,the^:bcat_flrstl-:-At every point wo stopped at -through the lower part of the country someonS'Vonld be met with who fmi been-there, and it was Interest - ing to listen to their various opinions, - One tvotild treat tbo whole affair much as a circus performance; another couldn’t find - adjec- tlyt?8 enough to dgsgrlbfl-.hlH -lmprcflBlonert- otbbls dIdnT-ljfeQlbe onoklng, - oc jlio prioua, and falicd to see anything worth a word'o?* praise j still others, more conservative, would regard. the PoncS as one bf the wonders oft the United- States, bat windup a'glowing account of Its m any‘beauties by saying, “ You must see it yourself. Jtll'you have heard and read about It don’t- convey ‘the smallest Idea of Its grandeur and inln]enaity.,, And I found this about correct. Every morn- ing there are from two to fivo bunidred people on the 9 o’clock ferry-boat, which connects with train across tho St^Johna for St.'Autfus-' tine. Three out of every -five may be going for the first .time, and tho great majority will register thoir nameff at tho Ponce and pay a dollar for luncheon—W extensive In variety and careful .preparation as' any ordinary hotel’s most.elaborate dinner. _ Ol.ll J.A^PMAKKg, I don’t proposo to mako out a long de- scription ov^ry place of historical interest abont St. Augustine—when, it whs founded, and all, about Indian and Spanish 1 times. That can be found in any history of Florida, and will be written up In a better style than I am capable of. When a stranger gets out of the cars at the station, after a run .of .an.hour-and threo-quartors, there are so many hacks, carrlagea_and ohinibuses gather- ed abontTo? to bewilder ‘him, and makp h is thoughts rever t to somo station a on th&N. Yi A L. B. R. R. during August. If aloue,' the qurckest way out of the trouble Is to foot II, and thero’s many a Quarter saved by. purauipg 80ch a course In a week’s travel. , No ten-cent tho promenadc on the tiled,rpofs, wliere the tropical garden will be'gjowmg'next year. I never felt the lack of language so much jn myilifewafnce^^vlo#lfi<5^ffie“P o n W ^ e& A man’s descriptive powora' are almost para- lysed- Every Bqufpe foot of space Is a fltudy.- There’s nothing put Into Jhe building merely to'flll up. Every object appeared to bo stud- ied out, and have a history and character-of Its own. .The Interior, aside from the hallways and sleeping rooms, doesn’t scetn at all like a hotel. It’s an art gallery—a collection of the jflrefit-finRfllincuBi - in .curving, ' Bcnlptiire a n i doc.QratioUf - jiles or thiok carpeta cover the floors, and th 6 steady tramp of hundreds of pairs of feet haa taken, tho nap off the expon^ slvo imported>veivets and moquets. Passing ^lou^ftlie corridor from the .office eastward are thb post’office, telegraph, toilet and touso- rlal, writing, reading, smoking and ladles* bllltard rooms. Each la fitted np in a style distinctly itaown, and shows patient study in harmonious effects iu decoration and furnish- ing. Easy chairs and rockers, with carved oak frames and luxurious upholstery, aro at every corner a,mTfestlng place. From the windows the outlook Is upon taste-' fully aranged lawns, pr thick growths of pal- metto, orauge or bloohilng roses. Beyond the' officfc,. westward, pa&atng between massive carved columns supporll ng^the 'dome, }a the ladles’ writing room. Then rcceptioa rooms lu. all the glory of rich carpets, oil paintlng 8 , tmpoHedlace .curtains and oddities in brie a- brao, to the parlors. I’m not- going to mako myself‘ridiculous by attempting to tell of the beauties contained In theso magnldcent salons. 1 couldn’t if I tried. I won’t try. But I will say there’s nothing prettier in Florida. Taking one pf the two passenger elevators, I next reached the roof, Whence to the towers, and,up as the.s*epa wont. I^rom this high-observatory the propoftlohri of‘ tl\elblg^ bulidlng can be better atudied than affyWhero else. Off to the oast is the river. Island and occan, with the town at your feet. South and west more water, aud butldlnge, and soyoral acres of lowlands that Mr, Flagler has pur-' chased and will fill up and grade for parks aud drlvewaysr North la tho glasS-enclosed dlnfng:!iall, calinafy dtpartment, eervants’ quarters, ali^n'a four-story buTiding, and-at the extreme end the studios, ,w^ure several well:khown oil an'd' water-color artists have their afe?fef«,SKflFsfibw the best 'specimens of tholr handlyork lu general and local subjeeta. Across' the tennis and croquet lawn Is the clouds of diisttho wagons mak_6. Not a great distance from the station arc tho old city gates, tyvo square towers upon a dilapidated coquina wall, opposite the Immense San.Mar- co Hotol, a frame building, with* rooms for several hundred guests. D'owa along the water Is old Fort Marion, with Ita parapets, watch-towers ami dungeon, two years ago the home' of a band of Apache- Indiahs sentihere tor safo-kecplng. In the dungeon the Apaches had made BOveral drawings on the wall in lead pencil. It was from this room, many 'years ago, that an fndian chieftain, condemned to death, made hla eacaptfby digging into the wail deep enough to aecure.a hand-hold. Pull - ing himself qp as far aa t|bo grated window, tho iron bars across which, were forced -apart wldu enough tor ntm to squeeze through, ho dropped to the ground, swam ttyi moat and made,for tho woods. Ho was afterwards captnnpd aud suffered tbe penalty of his rais- JecdsrrTlio Indians’ Ideas of the pursuit and Capture of iho Somluole C hletln >Florii)a bod been worked out according to their own man- ner of Warfare on the plains. Soldiers mount- ed on borsea were shown lu, pursuit oi the- victim, wbo'fiad beon driyen Into a pocket in, the canyou, and hfs"escape cut off by posting senUnolsat the\only place ofAiglet, Very strict nilea prevail' In the old fort against de- facing the prpmiscs: or carrying off-relics of any kind. Nobody goes Into tiie dungeon Whhout'a guard, and this mu^t account for tho remains of the crude specimena ofliulian artist? atUl plainly seen on tho walls ‘Of their former prison. Without positlvejsrders tty the contrary,; .’many vleltora would probably rub their fingers over the drawings just td See- if they had been made by pencil. The watch- tower ia reached by a flight of stono steps, and then the panorama spread out before yon is well wortti looking at. . Off to (life East ia. Anaatoala Island and the whlte-ijiapj&d Atlan - tic. Worn tbe island, npw ownijd by 'Mr. II. M. Flagler, jvho Jsufl L.the J-'uncb-do XeOn, Js 7 obtained the coquina deposits used In-tho con- struction of .the", sevorai hotels whioh have made hi^ name famous. Descending from tho tower and-lenving tho fort by a passage way which leads4past tho enclosure contain- ing the <parved .stone coat-of-arms of Spain, youareaoou on the Sea Wall, built by tho U.^S. Qovornment tb protect the town from the encroachment of \Yatanzas River. Tho top of the vfall i& wlddonongh for two or-jLhreo- peraons to walk comfortably. It extends froni^ the fort bn the north to the soulhern end of town. Yon pass wharves, boat-houai^, olub- rooma and^ wa rchy uses^^on . tho water-a ido, irnd inhale the abft brceze'from the ocean ;,on the street running parallel to the wall the daat and aand are deep, and the steady .travel raakca It anything but pleasant, if . the wind blows the wrong way, Quaipt old. b\ilWlogs are at every corner, with ijninerons curiosity bazaars sandwiched^botweon.^'Along tho Plaza are, substantial stores of modern build. The public square in the biiddle contains the old Slave Market, which Mr, Flagler Is r&Uliild- Ipg at tfls own eicpgtfficrvaud--ftlrther along,- among business houses, Is the Spanish Cathe- dral, .damaged a'yoar ago. by fito, and at the time of my vtalt In' the hands of‘mrpftatera: nnd maBona^t who were, makfngt important alterations and im^royements—ilbewtse at lAr. F^agloc^a m^iflhso. It. was- proposed to reopen the Catnedral at Eas^dr, and the work of rebulldlpg aud refurnish Ini? Waa going on with a rush, ' . . 1 - :v ' J ; TIIB^O^CE UB LBpN.'vt AH theSe sights'sorv.e Tnerijly to keep j'olir^ expectatloqd uji to the^hlgheat; polnt. - Yon loiter about and work up* to tho vicinity of the big hotels by dogreea. .Turning, a corner ybur attention la arrested by the ?ound of ^gay: mtisio. The Poboe stands before yon, arid you stand, before It.and look;~K' fcj a ijcene1 yon will, never forget." The Immense propor- tions of the hdte) - astonish you. - No plotuj^ ical- 1 ntcTO9t~fd-|tudy, and nnmorous points “ of value to visit. More yadllis flnd^ a- ren*’ dezvoua in.the San Sebaamn and Mttntanzaa ”■7 than nny where, else in Flprlda' that ' L saw. *' Sailing about the Inlqt'and even oat iipon tlio: ocean, .is one of the. m ost;popular forma of amu'semont when the plcasdres of, the,land bogm to pall.' A visit to the coquina quarries __ on Anastasia Island, and the Ughthouso, or to San Sebastian Beach, will whilo ,$way many.' an .otherwise lonely dayi . 'v . Among the retnrniug alghtseetamet on the train were Mr. and Mra.’ W, C. ^elly and daugbUfr. Mr. Kelly adniitte^ that, topuf on atylo and ba as big as-the’ reat^ they had gone down in a-parlor car, but having seen the sights and satisfied their'hanger at tbe Ponce, de Leon’s liberal table, thoy wore Content to ... go bomePjustMlke common.folks. PABI.O, FOllT OBono s AND DBUNSWICK.: , ' ' Par IhB .the J Oat week of our Stay In Florida, - visits wore mado to Pablo Beach, duo ettat from .Jacksonville, thp summer resort of Flor- ida folks, where the usual attachments pf a seaside resort arsTound,-including a big hotel, bathing pavilion, lunch counters, &nd the! . dnest beach along the Atlantic. Tfc-Btistchea'-- mllea aud liiiies, north and south, as love! and hard aa a Booiv aud is- the" great', driving " ground for those who have, tpatns.,' Fort George Island is,reached by steamer - from Jacksonville down to tho mouth of 'the St. Johna, a distance ot 25., nilies, p&astng ' Arlington and, many other towns on tho way... 1 •Tbo island la owncd by^a stock, company of . . New Englanders, and aome baudsome-oot- tages have been built along, thfe main road^ ways In the nelghborhqofi of the hotel. The drives are excollcnt ^nd the scenery beauti- ful. In front is tho ocean; and an lnletrnn- ning westward and thcnce south to the river, makfiiMin island. of conalderable area. The ’ land Is moderately rich, and tho growth, of oak, magnolia, palmetto and cypress- is of tropical luxuriance. ' Among the'party on the boat that day werejMr^ and Mrs. Shermau 4 Brbadwell, Bummor- resldenta of Park and Grove, who wore, taking thlnga eaay with friends ItT Jacksonvillor' ° One ot tho most beantifnl plaeea discovered on this Southern trip was Brunswick, Georgia. Leaving Jacksonvlllo at S.45 m., Fernan--> dina is reached at -4.30, and a steamer takes «8 f^rty miles further, past big lumber yards, . saw mills, docks crowded with shippln'g, the old fort at the mouth of Amelia river on which Fornandlna is located, pasalng the mouth of St^-Mary’a rI ver, - the-di vid ing .11 no. between ^ ( ^ r g l a a n < l ‘F l 6¥Wft7 'iuio:eumborland' Sonbd" -- aud River, thpnee to Jekyl .Creek,.on the . , . banka?of whicWa the Island of tho same natae. Hero haa been'orocted au Immense clubhouse for the.use of mlllionairca- and thelr friends durhig tho winter months. Steamand sailing yachta are at anchor lu the stream, and blood- ed horses, flno carriages ami" carts are on dis- play about the clubJjbusc^ On Cumberland.. -Island fs the fine manston’aud jgrOuuda of the f late Thomas Carnegie, known aa Dungcneas. It was formoriy tho property of General Greene of Revolutionary^fame, and U-Light-' horse Harry ” Lee Is buried there. The island ■Methodist Church and paraonage, ■built by Mr.-Flagler lu sat^c etyle aa tho Ponce de. Leon, The gftiiind on which a portion of tho hotel stands waa formerly owned by tho -M. E. Chu?ch,-au4'in exchange Mt, Flagler gave the society the choicp of location and agreed to put up the church and parsonage .0and fur- nish them. Both look like'an 4 iunox to the Ponce. ’ Tho water supply la obtained from half a dozen Arteiaiau wells, varying In diameter from three to twelve inches. The 12-inch well pout? out a volume of salt water of sufficient force to run heavy machinery, and that Is what it Will probably be used for. Tho small- er wells aro Impregnated slightly with sul- phur, but exposure tO the air allows it to qs- -^eapera nd-m r-od or- ca'n~i»~d iFeWered^wIum used for drinking'purposes., Down In the baeement is the electrio plant, consisting of four-ArmingtoU'Sims high-speed engines, and several dynamoB. The entire capaqlty_ js nearly 12.000 incandescent lights, and. the* Ponce and Alcazar, with the adjoining grounds, nse all of them. A printing office la pne bf the fixtures of-the„ hotel, and qll-tiie ordinary atatlobery, billa o^fare, luvffatlon sards and dancing programs are printed on the premises. • The number of guests iu the house at tbe tlmo was 535, and from two., to four liundred visitors take Innoh, daily. The dining-hall is a maryeloua example of architecture and,dec- oration. Tables and chairs are of carved oak, and a Turkish m g Ia underneath each. Walls and columns are. carved and panefed in ex* pensive’ ’groods. eeilin«s aro covered with allegorical pain tfngs and tho coat of arms of many Spanish,provinces, 'with laconicisms pertaining to tue appetite. One of thom ia: “ You must break the egg~td mako the ome- let.0' Another : ** Tho calf that bleats losos hia moQthful.’' A meal in such a place can- .not bp other than a the llvo aonses. . v Tlllt-ALCAZAR—:— --- Is south of the Ponce* separated by tho Ala- meda .and a public park, aud Is of the same style of architecture,although notao.olaborato in detail. It will whon kopt opon all the year, and be conducted on the European plftu..- Gnesta canv secure ^thclr meals in the restaurant,.pr, duripgtho winter, at the- Ponce de Leon. Tha, ground floor Is divided by atorea, promenades,, flower ,gar- dens, baths, etc., whileSeveral hundred rooms above will supply accommodations- for the overflow from.its,nelghbor. Money has beon literally pourod oat In the construction and eqalpment-of -tB^ej P8lacefl, and from' tho amount of patronage of tbe first season Mr. Flagler, instead of making ^ failui^as thoh* aauda have predicted, ,wi“ reap a-bantiflome return from the investment-—all.*o£ ^hjq^'ind ten time3 more will go to'yvnrds improving tho surroundings anid places -of historical interest •at St. Augnfltluo.' ] .+ ' ’ ..V:: ; * Tim CASA. MONI0A faeea^the Plaza-on ita north .front, the'Ponce do Eeon Is no^thwost about two blOoks, and the AlcnZnr on the west,, with a narrow; street between, Sb they are-.aH within comfortable seeing distance, and if you atop at either yon can enjoy ^11.- TO^Casa MOnlca is not behind its nelghbore lix attrftct'.VQ architectufe and gorgeous^^furnishing^-' Thpro la somothing aboiit it not. possessed ^by^ any botoi in the piaQgti'It' is-’coaey, cpmfoVtablo, full ot art Work, rich, darpets, curtains, sculpture, carv- ings, oil paintings, flowers, plants, &o. Mr. F. W. Smith is known aa, the. architect tfnd ownor,'but'it ia believed Alt*. :FIag*I8fc’s ^asb helpedJmaterially }n Its construc^io“or‘inreturn Tor 'services tendered by Mr. Smith in real estate;transactions before tfae Ponce de Lodn= W |k bttllt. In common^vith all thehbtels ht St. Augu bad a.llberal patronage, and its futtoe'suoceiia cin only be measured by Its capacitor to take all who apply for rooms V 4 ws§k^«* 6 eivery profitably apent about the «in9toni.dty,''r(drifiera''Si> ; iBUclvofblstorr is iW miles long, and about 3 miles Wldo. Brunswick waa^reachOd at 8.80, and tbe nbw Oglethorpe Hote^-a-largo 3-story, brick build - ing, was our stopping place} : After supper we had an opportunity talnspecl the new hotel, under the guidancb of tho manager, Mr. S. E. Crfttonden, who Is well-known ^o the travel- ing public, '^fn^rhotel experience of 25 years he admits that he never presided oyer a more complete establishment than the Oglethorpe. Everything about the place Is ia tho highest* and most modern style, “all the furniture, cars pet?, tableware and linen being made'bspe- . claliy.for it. A letter^might be filled with descriptions of irand tho old and comfortable ' town of Brunswick, with Ua groves of pal- • metto and live oak, well-kept, drives,'and the -numeronirtstami rciiOFra .between it and thc^" It is a place worth aoeing, and the hotel Is one tit fora king to stop at. If any of the readers of Tjik Journai, get that far they should at-least-make their-home at^the Ogle-— thorpe for a day. Tho boafctrldo early tho nextr morning back to Fernabdina wasj 6ne to be remembered. The sun was warm, but the breeze from the water was dellclou^y cool and Invigorating. . On.March 9 our tour came to an eadt anit jdify- paHy of ’ thoroughly ,satisfied, tourists tooir a last look at Southern see nes as the train of- I’iiHcuan Cars hurriod along through Plot- Ida, Georgia, the Carplfnas, Virginia* ‘ Mary- . land, Dolawaro aad^eiinsylvanla,, until once; moro safe In great New Jersey' 1 Tba-trip-wa^ ended) but the memory of it Will >last aa long- a^ .wlnterB come and go; - ■, '■ Trouble yViuonp the Alilkmen. • Tho stringency of tho New Jersey milk laws and t’ho high tost required, is sotnothlng“sorl- .- oijielY tp th^ disadvautago of South Jeraoy j producers. Some of the largest wholesale dealers havo given thom,notIce that they can- not take the chances of the penalties liable to bo incurred bya failureln fbo testr- '. '• It Is affirmed on undoubted authority that In numorous Instanseslhp milk is below the ataudard when perfectly pure.' This Is aC- - counted for on the ground that the teat gauge was fixed on milk from high grado, well'fed cows. In some papt»«f the.State very many of £bo herds are low grade or lnfeiior fitock, > and with poor-feed the milk yielded, though strictly pure, Is below the ^requirement. . Falling to got relief from the Legislature, the al tern ativo IB to stop marketing milk, o r; olse to raise the quallty b f ^tock and feed. ' ''-Mr. George F. Blaok, who w as recently ap- polntedOfllolal stenographer of tho Camdon, - ' Gloucostor and Bnrtlrigton Courts, by Judge ; Garrison, Is a yonng man who ip a few years fiasco successfully mastered that dlfQcult s cl-• encO as tb stand among tho foremost shorty., band wr\tera in, tho country.; He' write»r equally Well with either hand—or both at onfco. It took himii year to acquire the; necesflai^( ; proQciency to report testimony. Then- he taught n class of beginn^ra, amonfe whoni ho ' found a wife, .who ylmofft eqi^ala her hilsband In sUillfttl work, ills repqftS*rof abstruse technical lectures have .boeti greatly praised v. foip ihelr accuracy, and' h0 fhas .roc'oivod’as high as $75 iTday for special cases. He is a. ^ brother of Mr. J. L. 6 lack, of Asbury Park.: , . The Bnotf aConeB ln tbo. window bf TuB - Jouunai. offi co still attract-the_jtttentlon of . many passors. " Tho abauridity 4>f bu^i im- • mensd drifis in the streets o t Aabury Pg£k strikes the usual summer visitor Wlth-aom^; - thing of a chili. • ' . . i - ------f—. -' .. 7 —_ - ^Monidpy mbrniug, Mr.'Wm. Lester’s steed, . : ‘‘HIa,wafhaj’, wand^ed Xromjhe vicinity of tbp.^bstoBlce where liis dwner wa? investiga- ' ting the contents Of his mall, and after; a clr- .y- curt of Railroad flqupre was: canght.-riear h lw ufiUftl stan<Ja.t the statlqin.-^; ^ ' s: V :y>.

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Vol. XIII. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, APRIL 14, 1888. r'No. 15.

J A. w Tb BTMCK, M. D. “BomceopatMc Physician and Sunfeon.

cor. Cookman & Bangs a vs., AsburyTark, N. J . H o u rs: until to a . m ., and a lte r 4‘p . m . -

H . S. KtNMONTH, M. D., ,

• -C o rn e r Grand And A>bury Avenue*,.Oflloe Hoars—T to 9 a .ra ,, 1 to 2 p .ta .,6 to 8 p. m;

T > lt BRPCE S.' KEATOR.t r , Homoaopathlc Physician and Surgeon. ,*

, G raduate 'o f Iroth. school#. ;' Cor, ABbury avenaeandB ergh street.

" ^ o ara —'UiitiVOa. m ., 7"to 9 p, in. ,• Telephone connections.. . '

I . GILL. A .M ., P. D„ - ■' iPncnniatopathlst, Or Mental ITeaior,

400 So waU avenue, Cdr. n cck street!* Ofllco hours 7 to 10, 1 2 to 8, fl to 9.

P . PAWLEY.- - - D E i m s T ^

CIS Bangs a v e , ' Aabury P ark, N. J ;

D n . 8. T . SLOfcUM, . '

„ ' 'DKNTIST',- Office—201 Main St., opposite Railroad Statldtt,

was administered. _ Asbury Park, N. J,

A. fl. BURTON. D. D. 0. ' I. 0. ^UKTOH, P. 1>. B. ‘TJUHTON BROTHERS," . R e s i d e n t p o u t f u f r s ___coo Cookman 8Y6Hue, co rn er Rm oiy s t , Asbury

Park* N. J . Offioo H onrs: 9 a . m. to 5 p, m. Gan tolo-’

„ ! ■ - phone o r by faiail. 'M T rs/o f “ ZQZO”.—the new p rep a ra tio n fo r

oleaiisliiff and preserving ,the Teeth.

■£. N. SKYMQtfR. D. D. 8. , .era?,

O.floe 45 Cookman avenue, near Emory" street. M echanical w ork a specialty. ' v ;

> Difficult operations solicited.


Attomeya-at.Law, Solicitors & M asters in Chan-* eery, M!kado-BulIdi0 K1_<h>0km an Av.,

ABbury P a r a w ; J .


Attortiey-at-Law, Solloltotv M aster in Chanoery *■ " and Notary Pnbllo. -

Special a tten tion given to examination of Titles,

Office In Cook’s Bulb _Asbury' Park , New Jersey.

A LFRED D. fiAILKV, - - '-**- Attomoy-at-Law, Solicitor and M aster In

- Chancery and'lftotary Public,Special a tten tion given to collection o f claims.

Office in Mikado Building, Aebury Park.


Carpenter & Builder.PlanB and . specifications'furnished. Jobbing

promptly a ttended to . Beat of reference given. Res'dence-^Firflt ave., bet Bond and Emory sts.

Sbopand Offlce-rFirat ave. an d Main s t. P . O. $0X 743. ' ASBURY PARK. •


Attorneys an d Coumelors-at-Law, Offices betw een th e Post Ofllce and First Nation*

a l Bank, Main et., Freehold, N .J . . ;Law business transacted lo all Ita branches.

£)AVJD; IIA RtBY ,lJr.,

A'librnoy-at,Law, Solicitor, M aster and-Examiner. .. ... ---jniChanoefy.' No.tary-Jhibllu,. ■ 7'—'— ^

■- ■ Asbnry Park, N .J .

Q.ErmOKAV. BYltAM, ,* . '

Attorney-atfTAW and Solicitor tn Chancery. Address K O. Box 1004,* ABbury Park.,N . J .

V. II. VREDRNIlUnOU. • . PREDRRICKPAHKXR.T7HEDKNBUR0U & PARKER, ■» Counselors and Attoraeys-at-Law,

, \ J . . . . Freehold, N. J.



R. (>. Box 855, ASBURY PARK, N. J ,

H. B. JOHNSON, i. Practical WatchmakerT

Dealer in Pine W atches, Jowelry, Steotables &c> W atches and Jew elry repaired a t City Prices..

Main street, near Oookmtur'avenue, ASBURY PARK, N. J .


. In a ll Its branches. Hardwood finishing, Grain­ing, Calclmlning, Ao. .

Estim ates furnlshfed on application.L. B ox 2182. Ocean Grove, N. J .

COOK- H O W LA N D ,Architect & Builder.- pu lld ing plana executed and all work promptly done.

Offloe In Cook’a Building, M ain . s tree t and Cookman avenue. Astjury Park.. '


fltacksmilh and Horseshoer,Carriage w ork In a l | Its branohes. \

CARRIAGE PAINTING AND TRIMMINGt In the finest style n t decorative a rt.

Main stree t and First avenue, f ' a s b d b y p a r k .

A D O N L I P P I N C O T T ,

Carpenter & BuilderJobbing (n a il branohea^promp11 y and carefully

a ttended to;Ttesldonce-MXG F irs t avenue, . " -- p . o . bo x 282. -a 8b u r y ; p a r k 7N.~J.


C . O W D Y & P I T C H E R ,

Carnages, and Manufacfcu- ' rers of Harness/'

P a i r k . B e . 1 B f»nb.. . . . . . . f t t t t lT o r o a K l v e r . • . v .. ^

- - I F J L r R / I S

Human Hair-Store,611 Eoofcman and 612 M attison I k . . -

a s b u k v p a r k .

M y Clrcosslag T onlque /o r . kth e grow th of th e h a lr a n d fo r rom oviiig dandruff and all cow pla in ta o f th o Bcalp and hair, h as been h lah ty reoom raended b y the b e s t res id en ts o t . A ebary P a rk a n d Ocban G rove. I ts success 'lia s “been m arvelous. Testln'ioniftla. m ay be Beon a t m y ofllco. * '•

tggf*8 access la all joases. • - .L ad les a n d gentlem en consu lta tion free.. L argo asso rtm en t-.o t H u m a n 'H a ir Works.

N a tu ra l .W ater C urls g u a ran teed .L ad les’ ITalr C u tting , Shampoolnft', H air

D ressing a n d C urling by professional F red oh

a?KTy^Ve!otUIno fo r th e face needs duly a tria l to b e p referred to a ll o thers In the m arket., F ree tria l to a ll.'

v P R 0 F .M M E .E .Q R I 3 Q H .

A. A. TAYLOR, - Mason and Builder,

■ crlok iay lna and Plastering In a ll branohes ., of M asonry work- •

J o b b i n g proM ptlyaitende’d to.P .O . Box 697- Office, tSS M attison avenue.

; gttsiuiiw ®lufls.

“ ROBERT T. ORAVATT,.. . ; / ; " «-;•••••

Stoves, H ea te rs , R anges,T I N W A R E , i c .

C ookm an av ., n e a r B o n d s t., ASBURT PABK, N. J. .


Ktr"Flr8tcIafla work a t low ratos. j g l


* 727 Co'olcman A ve. d e n t s ’


.Ladies’ dresses dyed in a ll the new est shades! Feather# dyed to all colors. Gentlem en's cloth­ing cleaned, dyed and pressed equal to new,

Agfcnt fo r Asbary Park.

HENRY DOREN,(Successor to 'G .V f .R ead,)'

'M E R C H A N T T A IL O R ;718 COOKMAN AVEKtJE. _ . -

Suits m ade to order guaranteed to fit. Cleaning and Repairing.

The Old and Reliable Brand.

Y aoe, C a lv e r t & Co.An Immense Stock on Hand,

All DesiraWe Shades of Color,

N.E. Buchanon & Co.Soje Agents for S tate of New J'erafty.139“ prleen low to painters and .-Consumer

liberal arraugeiuents m ade wltlhdealen*. '


WILLIAM BEAMES,. Successor to J . Henry A pplegate,.

! fP l * 'Jioceries,F I.O C B AJVD F E E D .

M attison Avenue, n ea r Bond S t r e e t ,AHBUHY PABK.

M . M . C R O S B IE ,Successor to i)avid Cartw right,

Tar Paper, Shcatliinf? Paper, Two and Three-ply Itooflhg Paper.

P . O . B o x 8 0 3 . A n b u ry P a r k , N . I .


B. CROW ELL & CO.Now occupy tbe new brick-building-of J- H ^nrf ' - ' Applegate, on

Mattison Avenuej near Bonfl Street,where they are prepared to estimate on a ll kinds

OF PLUHBIM, GAS AND STEAH FITTIEThey do none- other than firet-nlasa work, and

all plumbing will be dose aftfer the most approved sanitary m ethods.. . - ‘

; R e p a i r i n g p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d to * .

Practical Slate and Felt Roofer.' All Slatlflg done w ith Chapman and Bangor

. ' quarries roofing slate, :

Agent for Stewart's Paten t Seal Lapped f R ed Keady Roofing, _Warranted fire and water' proof. “

R E M I D E N € ^ I 4 f H l B D A V E . ,

P. 0 . jpox 04S. •


* Good Wlilto Lead, Linseed Oil, and PureI ! — . . A n K ^ 0 I j D

7 0 0 M a in S t r e e t , A n liu r jr P a r k ,a t lower prices than inferior qualities aro paid: for In m any o ther placcs. Why S Blmply for tho reason- th a t the pain t BuHlneafl.Js m ade aspo- olalty and Is conducted in the IriteroiJt of o u r cus­tomers ag well as to build np a large trade in Mils Im portant'branch of industry.

H. C. MARRYOTT,C o n trac to r arid Builder,Estim ates (urnlahed. fo r every desorp tion o f

. w p rk ,. Jobbing attended to^promptly?- - — “ _ ResldeHco-r1

Cor. Sew all A n . and Emory S t.,

Lots Nos. 20 and 21 at North , Spring Lake,

FronttnKoti nnrrjHTON AVKKUE, anr] J . \ ’

Within 300ft. of the Surf," • WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN,

The lots are eaoh BS feet front and over 200 •feol deep. They are situated In the finest p a rt of the town, a lm ost directly on the ooeau front,

^nm >uaded'hy handsome residences and-Qn the ^b]M K .& ^ftcgn t^tbalargeH otel w ilb\irtpui

t This'(s 'a chance fot^>nevof the surest Invest­m ents ou the coast, the only-reason for selling la th a t the ownor requires the money-In hls bual-

a. - Addreaa __ ■.E- WRIGHT, or a H. BROWN*

Spring Lake Monmouth Coi, N. J .

Lock Bsx 716 . A H JB rB Y P A B H , IV. J .

. M u n Park Printing House. ,

few est designs o f tyf>e; latest, im proved ma- ch lnery j skhlfid workm en; every desctl^tlon of p rin tin g ; estimates given.! Special promliuns n oul, the County 'Fair for flue printing. ^

r g a m

F .C ;Real Estate and Insurance,

• Established in. 18S2.

riotela, Boarding Houses and CottaKes to ’Let, fo r Sale and .Exchange, Office on CooKman ave.

~=. 71? COOKMAN AyfiNUE, .

P. 0 . Box 17. N ear M ala st., Asbury Park, N. J .

HV B. B E E G L E ;(iA te If. B. Beegle ik Son)


iS Hais Aresae, Ocean Broie, K. J.Loans Negotiated and Legal Papers Drawn

IL B, BEEGLE, N otary PubHo’and Commlsslonor of Deeds fo r New Jersey,'Pennsylvania and the D istrict of'Columbia.

B a rg a in s in R e a l E s ta teLOTS AND IMPROVED PROP- -

.. JIKTK AT NORTH Sl'BING LAKE.Improved Property and Lots a t Point Pleasant

o beapfo r cash. : ----- .-....... ................Lots a t M ahhasset for Sale-or'E xchange. 200

fee t o f Bay. front, suitable for a wharf. ’ The ohly Bay fron t In th e m arket for Bale in that

lofnlty. WiU be solo cheap. <Lot 25x125feet on Sixth avenue, near tho ocean,

.Asbury. Park.----~-~-t— ■'—r-.-- -— -— — r. I f you w an t to buy or ren t any property any­where along tho coast •r Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON,

Cor, Sewall av. and Emory St., ABbury Park. Or W. T. Stbbet, Point pleasant, N. J .

W. 11. Pott*b. Spring Lake, N. J . ’ "' «

S e a l E stiite , InsiU 'ance a n d — — G en e ra l A f 6 h t r ”

P ro p erty Sold, 'feen ted c r I n ­sured in O cean G rove, A sbury

■ P ark , Loch A rbour, O cean P ark ,• K ey East', O cean .Beach and

S pring Lake.. Policies w ritten .a t low est ra tes

in s trongest com panies. -----M o n e y l o a n e d o n 'M o r t g a g e

s e c u r i ty . ’C onveyancing ,C ontracts m ade,

E tc .G. W . M A RTIN .

47 P ilg rim Pathw ay, O pp. P o s t Office, . • . O cean G rove, N .” J .

: ~W.T. DUDLEY,, Real Estate & Fire Insurance.

‘jiousos and'Cottages of all sizes for ^ . Sale o r Rent.

P.O . Box 189. 616 Cookman Avenue.


Persons wlBhlng to Rent, Purcbase or Sell a t tho above places, o r Owners having cottages to ren t for season of 188C, and desiring to place them In m y hands, will receive Bpooiafattentlon. F o r further particulars o r m aps, addreaa

► Is. WRIGHT, Box 108, Aaljury Park, i Cor. Cookman tfndSewall A vs., A. Park.

co . ii|*0Wn’s store, North Spring Lake.N. B.—I have some cottages and lots fo r sale

oheap, easy te rm s ; a lso ,a num ber 0 1 . cottages fo r rent.

I F I I s rE i I F I R /O I T S ,C O H F E C T I O N E R Y ,

N n f t o r a l l b i n d s , F l o r i d a O r a n g e * , Ca* t a w b a a n d M a la g a C lrttpon ,

and luxuries o f many descriptions, can be found — - a t th e nowsuirB'Of "



Modern Architect.Experienced Salider.

JO H N J. R A N E Yx 90, O C EA ^f t lR O VK , Bf. J,

■ f ■■■■'' *r‘ Contractor for 4

Modoriij Stone, Brick or Fraimi Buildingsv Real E state’Agunfc. p ro p e r tie s wanted

v for.RflutuvSplo.

1‘lillada. Office, 3508‘AIather St,,- Tioga, Philada.. Oreonleaf Cottape, Now York avenuo and -

and Carmel AVay, Ocean arrive.

This fs a-gttqil timi! for business m en to stock-,, up' w ith office stationery and advertise thoir in­ducements for W inter

“ Trade.At tlie A.iljnry P a r t Printing liouso wo

’ ovivput y o u o iu h e right traefc^to do - . *bonr, to your lastingbeneflt,' .....

LADIES!D o T o n r 'O w u ’B jr c ln g :, a t lK dm e* w i t h

P E E R L E S S DYES'They VflU dye Everything.’ TliSy a re sold every­where^ Price 10c. a package1—40 colors; 'They haveifo equal fo r stren g th , JBrikhtness, Amount in Packages o r to t Pastne^s of Color, o r non-fad­ing Qualities. They do n o t crook o r smut. For

UBle fay It, Tustlng, s i,D ., Wodlloy & Reed, W. B. Chrfstine, Drugglats,1 Asbury Purk, N<-'J. , ‘ .

nENRY 0. WINSOB, President.JAS. A. WAINRIGHT, Vico President.

, -• - . ALBERT C. TWINING, Cashier.

First National BaRk,A S B U B Y P A B K , N . J . ,

Post Offloe Bnildlag, Maln st. and M attison hVe.,Transacts a general banking business. Issues let-'

‘ oredlt aitors o f —th e world. ___bought and sold,

“o llrt •

jdi‘£~nTniial>roTnntSie prtoolpiTirtiM of. Foreign and Homeatlo exchanges

tfi.nH.w..d -Bold. * . , (Collections carefully m ade and promptly aor.

cbunted forV' BOARD OF DIRECTORS? > ~

O. F . K roehl,: * .1. A..\V. IIetrick, .Ja s . A. W alnrlght, . H enry C. W insor, . . ,N. E. Ui'ohanon,* Isaao C. Rennedy, yOUver R. Brown, - J . Stanley Ferguson,

’ Albert C» iSvinioir. .

p E N p V I a V A l f l A R A IL R O A D *

On an d a fte r Nov. 14, 1887;.'THAIRS LHATB A8BITHY PARK

F or New 'York, N ew ark, Klizabetb. Rah\fay, Red Bank, Long Branoh and Interm ediate sta tions, a t 0.15 a. m., 1.15. 5 85 p. ra.

Express fo r Now Y ork, N ew ark, Elizabeth and Lond"Branch, a t 7.40 a . m.

(For South Amboy, Mataw&n; aud Interm ediate ’ . stations', a t 0.1S a. m ., 1.16,5.35 p. m . .-...For Philadolphlft, (Broad 8 t.,)Tron ton, Prince ton,

Monmonth {Junction, and Freehold, a t 7.59 a. m .. 1J&.27, 4.30 p; m r-

Foi Camden, Burlington, Borden town and points on tho.Amboy~Division, via. Berkeley and Toma River, on Mondays and Saturdays only, a t 2.00p.m . '

For Camden, Burlington, and Rordeutown. £rift» Trenton,) 7.59 a. m ., 12.27, 4.20 p. mw yla. Jamefllmrff, 7JM a . m ., p, m , -• -* - A

F or Toma River, Island Heights, and Interm edi­a te stations, a t 11,05 a m ., week days. On Mondays anu Saturday? only, 2.00 p. in; . ,

For Polht P leasant, and interm ediate sta tions, a t 11.06 a .m ., 3.00,6.80,7.00 P .m . •

(r a in s Ijeavji nbw t o « k (via. Desbrosses and Cortlandt Sts. ferries) ro u a s r c h t p a h x

At *0.10 a. m:, 12.00 noon, *8.40,5.00 p. m. ta a in s ' l u v i rniLiDBLPiiiA'CBroad S t ) ro a

ABBtmT, riKK ■At 7.a8,.ll.K> a . m ., 4.00 p. m. M arket S t., via.,

Camden an d Trenton—7.20, 10.80 a . m., 2.80 p. m. Via. Jam esburg, r .20 a m ., 8.80 p. m. Via. Toms River a n a Berkeley, on Mon­days and Saturdays only, 8.80 a . m.

•Express.J J . R. WOOD, Gen'l Pott. d o t.

CHAs, B. PUGH. Gen'l #pnaoer.

| | | B W T O B K A L O N G B B A R C H B . H .

'plme Table, In effect November 13,1687.

Stations In New Y ork—Central R. R. of New Je r­sey, foot of Liberty S tre e t: P /R . R., foot of Courtlandt and Desbrosads S treets.-

, t«Ava tntw took r o a aubust pabk , Ac,Central R. R. o f J i . 3.—4.00, 8.15, 41,15 a m.,

• 1.00. 4.00, *4.80, ff. 15 p. m.Pennsylvania—*0.10 a . ro., 12.00 m ,, *8.40, 5.00

. p .m . . —Leave Newark, Broad St. Station, for Asbury

PartC. &C.-A25, 11.20 a . m .t 1.05. 4.00, 4.35, fl.20 p. m. M arket St. Station—9.88 a . tn., 12.26,4.11,5,26 p .m .UAVB ASBtTBT PARK FOB KXW TOaK. Jfca.

Central R. R. o f N. J.-0.S&, 7.25. *8.00, 10.56 a m ., 4.16,0.45 p. m (

Pennsylvania—*7.40,9.15 a m., p. m.F or Philadelphia and T renton, vla,Bound Brook

. Route—«.25j8.ooa,:m «4.i5ptjn ._ ^ .- - :F or Ocean Beaeh, Spring Lake and Sea Girt—

.0.55, 7.&9# 10.20, 11.06 a, m., 12.27, 1.05, 2.00, aOO, 4.20,5.30. 5.55, 6,15. 7.00, 8.10 p, m . 1 \

F or Manasquan and Point Pleasant-^.Bft. .10.20, .11-06 a m ., 1 05,2.00, U.00,5.80,5.55, U15. 7.00, 8.10 p .m . . ■ ' ■

For Philadelphia/ via. Sea (Jlrt—7.59 a . m ., 12 27,4.20p. m. ' .....

F o r staUons. onJP . R. R^ to Toms^Rlver,-via; Bay; Head. .11.05 a . 'm . F o r Camden and Philadelphia, v ia Sea.Slde P ark , 2.00 p. tt»., Mondays and Saturdays otily.

•—Express. . KUFtJtt BLODGETT, Svpt,H. P. BALDWIN, O .P. M G. It. S . o f N .J .

J . R. WOOD. Gen'l Pa*. A a l. P . fl.i?.

Heal E sta te Conveyances.I J a t o f conveyances, M onm onth Connty

j e r k ’s office, fo r th e w eek en d in g Aj)rii 7, X888;’ . t / - ....

1 A&15U15V PARK. ." William G. McEwan to Theodore F. Scott ft al— Jot Asbury Park. $2,400. •‘ Calvin II. Williamson to Isabella M. Alden—lot Afcbury Park. S&.000. . ; *

Maria Dorgelon to 'Theodosia Bennett—lot As­b u ry Park. 51,080.

Theodore Aumack, sherifT, to ' Uriah W hite— p art o f ]ots544 a n d d lb .-S l.m - V- ' •

/Alice Hulick to WlUiabi Hathaway—lot 30. I l,; Alraeda D. Wfggltia to William J. Cooper—lot 838; *3,500. ■' , • . ■

Gorge C* Opncrod to Alfred-Cubberly^-lot*245.

Alfred Cubberly to John Stanley Fcrgtuson—lot 846. 13,300. • :

NEITUNH TOWWBHiP. E "Lewis F, White to John F, Robiusou—2 lots

|? e ^ u n e township.. 92,000.- m ig a r e t A, Neaves la Charles R. Lccompt~lot Neptune township. 5500.' \ <

David W. Sexton to Monroo Newman—lot Nep- tufce township. S000. •

_John G. Emmons to Girtie S, Slivers—lot West ■AsburyPark.'< 7^.' ''' ■'t-----'

John G. Emmons to Abraham 8tryker—lot West Asbury Park. 8750.

F. G. Bumham to -Abraliam Stryker—lot-West- Asbnry Park. 8860. . * - ■ *_...... __. MI6CEIXANBOU9..

■Samuel Ludlow to Ellsworth Gifford—lot a t Sea Plain, 81BO. •.

B, E. Stotdenburgh <tf,._to Alex. A. Yard~48 86-100 acrea^Ereehold township. 31,100.

Thomas S. Field* to M innie W. Williamsi-lotRed Bank. 82,50). -

Solomon Maps, By Ex'r, to John A. Hoyer—2. tracts land, Eatontown fctugpshlp. 88.000. , .

-8affiir-MuDounld to'Thoittftar Uakes^W a ^ lO t^ ^ e lh a ^ M a n g o ld to Willi tun H. Campbell—lot lo n g Branch. 81,500. , •

Susan Applegate to Cohoyer Barkalow t i oi.—all iher interest in c tracts o r lamWn Freehold town­ship, S225. ./ *

Christina VauCleaf to Eva H. VanCleaf—lot S ^ in g l i k e 81. ‘T George Hance, by Adra’r, to Fred W. Rope d al. —80 12-100 asres. Atlantic township. 882.83.'

Same to WiUlatn.T. Parker—14 80-100 acres, At­lantic township, $08.07.'Same to Sarah W. Hance—10 77-100 acres,

Shrewsbury township.. 8113.08. .*•- Joseph‘A. Osboni to Elias II. Haight—undlvld*

ed ha lf of lot a t Allendale. 8 -------.Emi^r Hartman to W, V. McKenzie, M. D.—lot

Millstone township. 81,000. - Geoige P. ErricMsputo Willlnm Burke-lfi 50-100

acres, Manalapan tow nBhlp. <600. ■ .Thomas H. Applegate rf al., to George F. Mara-

den—tracts ofland , Shrewsbury township. 85;400i Stephen M. Griswold to James a . Sheridan—

lot Eatontown township. 8200. ’jlenkietta Cottrell.toRui Iff Voorhees, J r.—6130-

100 acres, Manalapan and Marlboro. $>,’0oo, -Richard Laird, by Ex'r, to Peter D. Stillwell—

mill property, Marlboro township. 82.S00.David Patterson, by Ex'r, to Hudson W. Patter:

son—3 M-100acres, Howell township. 143.Abigail P. Weaver it a!., to Mary C. l<angstreet

—lot Red Bank. 8150.Anthpny.Vlehman to-Jacob Rohdo^lot Middle-

.town township. ' ”-• John -II. Conover to F . D. Woodruff, trustee—lot Keyport. 8225, •

fiame to Mattie B. Woodruff—lot Keyport. 8225. David FaUcreoin by E x'r, to Daniel E. Patter*

son—lot Freehold...5i#S.Geoige C. Gordon ‘

j p H P P . l l O I P A TIM N E W Y O i m M . l t .

■ - '• \ ; ‘ In egoetr-Jan.^„lt&8B._______ _ _ -

THAINB WII.L LKAVK VOR VRKIUOl.D AS^OUOWS} Leave Asbury Park—7.25, 10.65 a. n^fi.10, 4.15,'

5.35 p .m .Leave Long Branch—7.40, 11.10 a . m ., 1.30^,4.80.- 5.60p. m. .........

L eave^ranohport—7.48, li.14 a. m:, 1.33,4,88,5.58Leave Little Sllverr-7.48, U .l0 a .m .,1.88,4.88,5.58

Leave Red B ank-753 , “11.BO a l t t . , 1.43, 4.45, 6.06

Leave% ddletow u^& 00, l i i r r a . m ;, T .w , 47K5f

Leave S&tawair—8.80, 8.21« 9.81 a. m.« 12.20,2.00, 5,80,0.40 p .m . - 4,

LKAVX jranUOLD fob red bank, *to.9.00,11.16 a . m!, 1.80, p. m. *

The 1.80 p. m. tra in frflm Freehold connects closely for all Bhore points.

. J .B . RALPH, Sup't.

S ea-S id eH ome.B o a r d in g a n d D a y S c h o o l f o r Y o n n g

' J jad iefl a rid C liild ro n ,A S B U B Y P A B K . - N B W J E R S E Y .

Ninth year opens Wednesday* Sept. 21, *87. Address JULIA ROSS, Principal,

604 Asbury avw., Asbury P a rk , N. J

J O H N H U B B A R D ,

Practical, House Painter,AIsfD H A N G E R .

Residence Cor. Fifth avenue and Bond etTeet,

Lock Box 076. .:, ASBURY PARK, N. J .


/poR -anyandfcverypu r-

pose that may be ^

quired—from a visiting

card to a newspaper o r a

300-page book.

Premiums have been awarded for our excellent work.

. . . - V"■ + . A sB ur^ P a rk -P rin U n g H o u s% * ‘ *

I Mattison Avenus, opposite Bank.

A sh n ry

' ?i81

V When tfc lrfa well-known fac t th iit

BOURNE?S English Tonic

Dyspepsia .Pillsw ill n o t only give ease, baV pem fanentlf cure < JUidlgeatlon, Dyspepsia, d r any gastric trouble.

. F o r Sale all D ru g g ists ,'’

to Margaret J . Gorden—3- township. 860.tracts tend, M arlboro---------- - w—

James S. Parke, Ex'r, et al., to William A, Han-kinson—lot Freehold. $1,200. v ---- —

William A. Hanklnson to Charles II, Snedeker —lo t Freehold. 8200.

Same to Almira Shuihar—lot Freehold. 8400. Johu T. Roftell to Daniel It. Davl&-lot F ree­

hold. *£(). ■■ ■ -Lydia A. P. Wardell to Charlea/A. Johnson—27

98-100 acres. Howell.township. 82,110.67.Charles T. Jones, by Ex'r, to William H, Moore

-farm Upper Freehold township. 85,980. ■Amkl P. Laue to Francis V. Many—lot near

Rusa»on,_$l, w — — :— —Francis V. Many to Elizabeth Lane—same prt>*

^ ‘a . Emmons of a l, to Forman Sickles— (krm Atlantic township. 15,100.. John II. Conover to BritlgorMaloney—lot Key­port. $150, - --------- — •------—. - Tbe "State of New Jcraey to John F . R. B ro w n - riparian right at Pleasure Bay. $403.50.- -

S. T. Meyer to Joseph' Robbina—10t, rlAtfgBranch; $360. - - ~ >

Catharine Gordon et a t , to Charles I . Gordon— ^8-9-10(Hacres, Mlddletowri townflhtpr8g,wo.

Russell West to Morris C,. Bums—lot Long Branch. $560.

-* Warren W. Palmer to Mary J. Wilson—lot Bar- Ban township. 8600.

John Field to Mary 1* Hartshorn—31 7:100 acres Manalapan township. 81,000. ^

Robert Pearce et al. to George E. M orris-lot Manasqoan. fHOO.

Same to same—lot Maiiasquan. $100.Hermlnea M. Kerr to M. A. Rebecca Kerr—lot

1,652 Ocean Beach. 81.4 John Hulso to Bridget Callnhnn—lot Shrewsbury

township. SMO; _ --------- * - -t—----- —r-------Joseph Evans, Ex’r, to .Wm. E. Lloyd—lot Free­

hold. 11,805.Philip Striker, by Adm’r, to John F. Comnions—

4 53-100 acres Marlboro township. ®!07.60. ’ Michael Collins to Martin Mcalfey—6 acres Marl-

'boro township. 81,000.Catharine McKJnncy el a l John Henry Sheen

et a t —4 tracts land.Freehold township. 85,100,:• Margaret a Clayton to Jonathan V. Mcllvain— undivided of 14 00-100 acres Marlboro township. *1,000.

Philip Striker, by Adm’r, to Michael Cart-^-3 -tractAlandWarlborotownahlp^#t,U10, “, J. Howard Van Kirk to Annlo S. Muldoon—lot Marlboro township. 862.60.

David P. Miller, by heirs, to Wm. A, Miller—Ot 89-100 acres Freeh old township. .$4,687,50.

Chas. E. Throckmorton et at. to Michael Con­way—514-100 acres Marlboro townBhlp. $300,' -

xKdrtenius C. Ileyor, byhelre, to Ki-ti’C. Hcyer— 15183-100 acres Holmdol township. 819,280, -

Angelino Jaline to Mary H. Dennett—l0t Long Branch. 82,576. *

filiiabeth A. VCorlfecs cl al. to Bridget M, Grif­fin—lo t Freehold. $1,405,

Marietta Story to wm . S. Heyer—OO acres Mid­dletown and Holmdel townships, 810,000.

Theo. Aumack, SherllT, to S. T. Hendrickson el a t —10116-IOO acres Middletown township. 84.774.- ‘ W. A. Heisley to Samuel C. Davis—lot Eaton*

town townBhlp. 81,000,.George II. W Howard Chamberlain—lot

Shrewsbury township. 81,000. , -Chas. Smith, by Aam 'r. to John 8 .8«ft ter th wait •102 50-100 acres Upper Freehold township.

87,839,Martha J. Muldoon et al. to Elisabeth A. Voor-

heea—lot R *ehold. 8980.. J, M. Johnson, by Ex’r. to Wm. nough —cejuc- tery plot Howell township. 825,

John, H, Wagoner to W m. Huff—lot Howell tow nship,'t2C0.",' ,M* i - j.

OlWer Huff, by Ex'rs, to Wm. O. H u ff-U 25-100acres Howell township. 840. • 1 ----------------

Elisabeth A..Voorhees et aij to -Martha J. Mnl- doon—lot Freehold. 83,900.

John'Lewis, by Ex'r, to Anna Snyder—3 tructa land Marlboro township. ,825.

,Theo. A um ackioJdajy Ann Hlgglna—12 aores Holmdel town ship." 81.200.

Ben^B. Ogden .to Stephen Aumack—lot Koy--

^AVfredWaUing, Jr., to Lizzie Cheri^—lpt Kcy-^portr»l,000r----- 7— v r------ • :--------: > .

llerriom 'H off to Jerem iah Jloflv-lot . Keyport. 81.. -*■- .

Dorothy A. Latham to Theo. Aumuck—12 acres

Fcwotte-K,, Wall township. 8700.- •

John W. Herbert to Wm. G. Conover—65 acres Manalapan township, $2,000,

Christ church, Middletown; to David D. Withers —187 73-100 and 2 acres Middletown township. $12,671.77,,

EleanorS. PltUnger to Matilda BtillwcIl-38 47- 100 acres Howell township. 8100.... Jo h n F . T. Forman to R ichard T. Forman—4 tracts of land Froehold township. -8425.

Charies E. Wlkoff to samo—undivided % of 2 tracts land Freehold tow nBhlp. 81.

Richard T , Forman to Edward Hance—farm Freehold township. 812,000.. ' ■,

ratea dowh^thero. aa w ith us. T o g o a block oc tw o the, ch arg e is twenty-five cen ts, an d the Baino to l ge t back.^, NOthlng.4s lo s t by

j(falfei5ff>-bawavciL;Jh 6 .san d -iad eep ^ ttn d W ?o ppozeu paaaeujKers in a fout-hcrac s tag e can b e distanced In half^am lle, WIiHq vchli^es.tauflt s tick to rcgidarT oadw ays the pedestrian can ont>acro8s lots a n d oufr of t.hfi way i p t t.ha

- — - 'B qIMIiiK Contracts.1,'— ^1ILBD TO AMD IWOLUDTTJQ AVRlI, 7j ' . .

2259-rThRodoRla Bennett w ith II. C. Marrj'ott. NowtouUdlngat Aebury Park. 81.925.- .

2^10—Thomas H. H all with Smith:C. Pitcher. Raising barn a t Sea Bright. 8100. •- 2261—Thomas Jackson with WvW. Farry. Rais- iUK house a t O ^ an Grove.; 8375..

m 2b-Heury A. Curtis with John Falkenburg, New stercs a t Manasquan. 84,950<. ;-

2263—Gcorgo W. Treat with Robert Holbropk. hous&at Anbury Park. 82,400 •> ' ...

2264—W. H. Forman with Benjamin Albertsdn. New barn a t Afibury Park. 8365.,

2265—Cyrus H. Chatfteldwlth J.E dw ard Denise.. -New building a t Sea Bright. 82,000.

22C&—Garret Hennessy w ith A.'G. Dennis. 43ar- penter work, new houso a t Long Branch. 8200. *

2267—G. R. Colby with P. B. Fairchild &Co. Ad­dition, Ac,, house at-Monmouth1 Beach. 83;200. .

-2268—Stephen.Aumack with.George M. Young. NewVhohse a t ^ - - . 8630. I ,

2209—The I^ong Branch Hebrew congregation W ith Joseph C. Potter. New synagogue a t Long, Branch* #,600. ----- _ ' '»

- 2270—Mrs. G. S* flllvfirs w ith F. A, PrOctor. Now house a t Ay est Asbury Park. 82,132.

2271—Joseph Ft Bray with Forman Morris, New house a t R ea Bank. 81,150. & ‘ E -1

2272—b . H. Applegate w ith O. E. Davis. New house a t Rbd Bank. 82,m . w ' -

2273—The Cpnsumors Ice Co, w ith James R.Terry, Ice barge. 8690.

•2274—Pi -Peter Thompaon et at.-,- w ith O. E. BaVls,New house a t Rfid nank> 8635. -


(. At t^o late muutolpal oleotlou a t Prlucetch,, the Noify’rtlck c t was olectcd by m ajorlti^ ranging from .eighty to one. hundred. Tho combinationagainsj,,tho license ticket^ns led by Dr.. McCosir,- a?slMod by the Mcthodl&t,* Epl^copallatfafrd Cotholio clorgy. ' 1

St. Aupimtlne’s Falnoo .Hotels.



F rom th e raonient a N orthern m an eets 'foot In-Florida, h e beglPfl to- h ea r a b o u t St. AngnBtin^ a n d Its hotels.. I f you m eet a native a n d lie d is c o v e r by 'jrour ta lk th a t yon haVe n o t boon there , the look o f 'p i ty and tearfu l sorrow In:his. eye Shows p lainly H hat ho regards you. a s a n Inferior b e in g . ' M aybe

yon have seen does i t ju s tice . ' I t appears to have n o end. JS x te n d ln g -n o rth ^ sb u tlj^ a a fc a n d ’pcajt a re w ings, a n d extensions, towers, balcOD^cs, pa tches o f tro p ic a l-p la n ts , 'fo u n ts alni*, arid th e charm ,of m usic seem ing to hover over i t all. Suddenly th e m arch ends, a n d th ere Is a tem p o rary quiet. Yon give up try ing to take In all th ere is w orth seeing, and e n te r t t e gate , then th e c o u rty a rd , and lastly the e n tran ce to* the, hotel proper,* T hrough the conrtcsy o f Mr. I?, M. B irn c t.'j prlvrit'e secretary to Mr. F lagler, I was go from bottom to tb p o fth o 'h o tc l and enjoy I t ju a t as m uch a s though I were a iw onty-dollar guest. I t Is a*great place to visit, a n d thoro a re liun-

t h e conversation will come abrup tly to a dreda who daily 'w ander flirough tho hallways, olose w ith suoh a«lmonltlohs„ as, ‘‘ W ell, you< » 'itnptuoua p a rlora,roceptlon roohlg and ab o u t

. . . 1 ’’ ! f hn tivnm n n ,1 a nr. flin ,11/ulw an t to see tho P o n c e o r , “ There w ont b e anyth ing w orth seeing a fte r yon .leave St. A ngustlno.” I t w as fo r th is r t^ason- t h a t L preferred tor look o bou t t h o othor less - favored p ortions o f the State , sb as. n o t to have m y judgm ent b iased, by 8eclng,the^:bcat_flrstl-:-At every poin t wo stopped a t - th ro u g h th e lower p a r t of th e coun try som eonS 'V onld be m et w ith who fm i b een-there , and i t was In terest­ing to listen to th e ir various opinions, - One tvotild tre a t tbo whole affair much as a c ircus p e rfo rm an ce; an o th e r couldn’t find - ad jec- tlyt?8 enough to dgsgrlbfl-.hlH -lmprcflBlonert-o tb b ls dIdnT-ljfeQlbe onoklng, - oc j l i o prioua, a n d falicd to see any th ing w orth a word'o?* p raise j still o thers, m ore conservative , would re g a rd . the PoncS a s one b f th e wonders oft th e U nited- S ta tes , b a t w in d u p a 'g lo w in g a cco u n t o f Its m a n y ‘beauties b y saying, “ You m ust see i t yourself. J tl l 'y o u have heard and read a b o u t I t d o n ’t- convey ‘th e sm allest Idea of Its g randeur an d inln]enaity.,, A nd I found th is ab o u t correct. Every m orn­ing there a re from tw o to fivo bunidred people on the 9 o ’clock ferry-boat, which connects w ith tra in across tho S t^Jo h n a f o r St.'A utfus-' t in e . Three o u t of every -five m ay b e going for the first .tim e, a n d tho g rea t m ajority will reg ister thoir nameff a t tho Ponce and pay a dollar for luncheon—W extensive In variety and careful .p repara tion a s ' a n y o rd inary hotel’s m ost.elaborate dinner. _

Ol.ll J.A^PMAKKg,I don’t proposo to mako o u t a long de­

scription ov^ry place o f historical in terest ab o n t St. A ugustine—when, i t whs founded, and a ll , a b o u t In d ian an d S p a n ish 1 tim es. T h a t c a n be found in an y h istory o f F lo rida , an d will b e w ritten u p In a b e tte r style than I am capab le of. W hen a s tran g e r gets o u t o f th e cars a t the s ta tion , a fte r a ru n .of .an .hour-and threo-quartors, th ere a re so m any hacks, carrlagea_and ohinibuses gather­ed abontTo? to bew ilder ‘ him, and m akp h is th ough ts rever t to somo sta tion a on th&N. Yi A L. B. R. R. d u rin g A ugust. I f a loue,' the qurckest w ay o u t o f the tro u b le Is to foot II, a n d thero’s m any a Q uarter saved by. purauipg 80ch a course In a week’s travel. , No ten-cent

tho prom enadc on th e tiled ,rp o fs , wliere the trop ical garden will b e 'g jow m g 'nex t year. I never fe lt th e lac k of language so m uch j n myilifewafnce^^vlo#lfi<5^ffie“P o n W ^ e &A m an’s descriptive powora' a re a lm ost p a ra ­lysed- E very Bqufpe foot of space Is a fltudy.- T here’s n o th in g p u t Into J h e build ing m erely to'flll up . E very o b jec t appeared to bo s tu d ­ied o u t, an d have a h istory an d character-of Its own. .The In terior, aside from the hallways and sleeping rooms, doesn’t scetn a t a ll like a hotel. I t ’s an a r t gallery—a collection o f the

jflrefit-finRfllincuBi - i n .curving, ' Bcnlptiire a n i doc.QratioUf - j i l e s o r thiok carpeta cover the floors, and th 6 s teady tram p of h undreds of p a irs o f feet haa taken, tho nap off the expon^ slvo imported>veivets and m oquets. Passing ^ lo u ^ ftlie co rridor from th e .office eastw ard a re thb p o s t’office, telegraph, to ile t an d touso- r la l, w riting, reading, sm oking an d ladles* b llltard room s. Each la fitted n p in a style d istinctly itao w n , an d shows p a tien t stu d y in harm onious effects iu decoration an d fu rn ish ­in g . E asy cha irs an d rockers, w ith carved oak fram es and lu x u rious upholstery, a ro a t e v e ry co rn er a,mTfestlng place.

F rom the w indow s the outlook Is upo n taste-' fully a ranged law ns, pr th ick grow ths o f p a l­m etto, orauge or bloohilng roses. Beyond th e ' officfc,. w estw ard, pa&atng betw een m assive carved colum ns supporll ng^ the 'dome, }a the ladles’ w riting room. T hen rccep tio a room s lu. all the glory o f rich carpets, oil pa in tln g 8, tm poH edlace .curtains and oddities in b rie a- b rao , to the parlors. I ’m not- going to mako m yself‘ rid icu lous by a ttem p tin g to tell o f the beauties con tained In theso m agnldcent salons. 1 couldn’t if I tried . I won’t try . But I w ill say th ere’s n o th in g p re ttie r in F lorida.

T ak ing o n e p f th e tw o passenger elevators, I n e x t reached th e roof, Whence to the towers, a n d ,u p as h ig h .a s the.s*epa wont. I^rom this high-observatory the propoftlohri o f ‘ tl\elblg^ bulid lng can b e be tte r atud ied th an affyWhero else. Off to the oast is the river. Island and occan, w ith the town a t your feet. South and west m ore w ater, a u d butldlnge, a n d soyoral acres of lowlands th a t Mr, F lagler has pur-' chased an d will fill u p and grade fo r parks au d d r lv e w a y s r N orth la tho glasS-enclosed dlnfng:!iall, c a lin a fy d tp artm en t, eervan ts’ q uarters, a l i^ n 'a four-story buTiding, a n d -a t th e ex trem e en d th e studios, ,w^ure several well:khow n oil an 'd ' water-color a rtis ts have th eir afe?fef«,SKflFsfibw the best 'specim ens o f th o lr h a n d ly o rk lu general and local subjeeta. Across' the tennis and cro q u et law n Is the

clouds of d iis tth o w agons mak_6. N ot a g rea t d istance from the s ta tio n a rc tho old city gates, tyvo square tow ers upo n a dilap idated coquina wall, opposite the Immense San.M ar- co H otol, a fram e building, with* room s for several hundred guests. D'owa along the w ater Is old F o r t M arion, w ith Ita parapets, w atch-tow ers am i dungeon, tw o years ago the home' o f a band o f Apache- In d iahs s e n tih e re to r safo-kecplng. In the dungeon th e Apaches h ad m ade BOveral draw ings on the wall in lead pencil. I t w as from th is room , m any 'y ears ago, th a t a n fn d ian chiefta in , condem ned to death, m ade hla eacap tfb y digging in to the wail deep enough to aecure.a hand-hold. P u ll­ing him self qp as f a r aa t|bo grated window, tho iron b a rs across w hich , w ere forced

-apart wldu enough to r ntm to squeeze through, ho dropped to the ground, sw am ttyi m oat a n d m ade,for tho w oods. Ho was a fterw ards captnnpd aud suffered tbe penalty o f h is rais- Je cd s rrT lio In d ian s’ Ideas of the p ursu it and Capture of ih o Somluole C h le t ln >Florii)a bod been worked o u t accord ing to their own m an­ner of Warfare on the p lains. Soldiers m o u n t­ed o n borsea w ere show n lu, p u rsu it o i the- victim , w bo 'fiad beon driyen In to a pocket in, the canyou, and hfs"escape c u t off by posting senU nolsa t th e \o n ly p lace o fA ig le t, Very s tr ic t n ilea p rev a il ' In th e old fo rt a g a in st d e ­facing th e prpmiscs: o r carry in g o ff-relics of any k ind . Nobody goes In to tiie dungeon W h h o u t'a g uard , a n d th is m u^t a cco u n t for tho rem ains of the crude specim ena o f liu lia n a rtist? atUl p lain ly seen o n tho w alls ‘Of their form er prison. W ithou t p o s itlv e jsrd e rs tty the contrary,; .’m any vleltora w ould probably ru b th e ir fingers o ver th e draw ings ju s t td See- if they h ad been m ade by pencil. T he watch- tow er ia reached by a flight of stono steps, an d then the panoram a sp read o u t before yon is well wortti looking a t. . Off to (life E ast ia. Anaatoala Island a n d the whlte-ijiapj&d A tlan­tic . W orn tbe island, npw ownijd b y 'Mr. II. M. Flagler, jv h o Jsu fl L.the J-'uncb-do XeOn, Js7ob tained the coquina deposits used In-tho con­s tru c tio n of .the", sevorai hotels whioh have m ade h i^ nam e fam ous. D escending from tho tow er and-lenving th o fo rt by a passage w ay w hich leads4 p as t tho enclosu re con tain ­ing the <parved .stone coat-of-arm s of Spain, y o u a re a o o u o n the Sea W all, b u i l t b y tho U.^S. Qovornm ent tb p ro te c t the tow n from the encroachm ent of \Y atanzas River. Tho to p of the vfall i& w lddonongh fo r tw o or-jLhreo- peraons to w alk com fortab ly . I t ex ten d s froni^ the fo rt b n the n orth to the soulhern end of tow n. Y on p ass w harves, boat-houai^, olub- room a and^ wa rchy uses^^on . tho water-a ido, irnd inhale the abft brceze'from the ocean ;,on th e s tree t runn ing paralle l to the w all the d aa t and aand a re deep, a n d the stead y .travel raakca It any th ing b u t p leasan t, if . th e wind blow s th e w rong w ay, Q u aip t old. b\ilW logs a re a t every co rner, w ith ijninerons curiosity bazaars san d w iched^bo tw eon .^ 'A long tho P laza are, su bstan tia l sto res o f m odern build . The public square in the b iiddle con ta ins the old Slave M arket, w hich M r, F lag ler Is r&Uliild- Ipg a t tfls ow n eicpgtfficrvaud--ftlrther along,- am ong business houses, Is the Spanish C a th e ­d ral, .damaged a 'yoar ago. by fito, an d a t the tim e o f my vtalt In ' th e hands o f ‘m rpfta te ra : nnd maBona^t who were, m ak fn g t im portan t a lte ra tio n s and im ^royem ents—ilbewtse a t lAr. F^agloc^a m^iflhso. I t . was- proposed t o reopen the Catnedral a t Eas^dr, an d th e w ork of rebulld lpg a ud refurnish Ini? Waa go ing on w ith a rush, ' . . 1 - :v ' J

; TIIB^O^CE UB LBpN.'vt AH theSe sights'sorv.e Tnerijly to keep j'olir^

expectatloqd u ji to the^hlgheat; po lnt. - Y on lo iter ab o u t and w ork up* to tho vicin ity of the b ig hotels by dogreea. .Turning, a corner y b u r a tten tio n la a rrested b y th e ?ound of ^gay: mtisio. T h e Poboe s tands b efo re yon, a rid you stand , before I t.and lo o k ;~ K ' fcj a ijcene1 yon will, never forget." T he Immense propor­tions o f the hdte) - astonish you. - No p lo tu j^

ic a l - 1ntcTO9t~fd-|tu d y , an d nnm orous p o in ts “ of value to visit. More yadllis flnd^ a- ren*’ dezvoua in .the San S eb aam n and M ttn tanzaa”■7 than nny where, e l s e in Flprlda' th a t ' L saw . * ' Sailing abou t the Inlqt'and even o a t iipon t lio : ocean, .is one o f the. m o s t ;p opu lar form a o f am u'semont when the p lcasdres of, th e ,lan dbogm to pall.' A visit to the coquina q u a rr ie s__on A nastasia Islan d , an d the Ughthouso, o r t o San S ebastian Beach, will whilo ,$w ay many.' a n .otherwise lonely dayi . ' v . Am ong the re tn rn iu g a lg h tse e ta m e t on the tra in were Mr. and Mra.’ W, C. ^ e l ly and daugbUfr. Mr. Kelly ad n iitte^ th a t, to p u f on atylo a n d ba a s b ig as-the’ reat^ they had gone dow n in a -p a r lo r car, b u t hav ing seen the sigh ts and satisfied th e ir 'h a n g e r a t tbe P o n c e , de L eon’s liberal table, thoy wore C ontent to ... go bomePjustMlke com m on.folks. •

PABI.O, FOllT O Bono s AND DB UNSWICK.: ,' ' P a r IhB .the J Oat week of our Stay In F lorida , - v isits wore m ado to Pablo Beach, duo ettat from .Jacksonville, thp sum m er reso rt o f F lo r­id a folks, w here the u su a l a ttach m en ts p f a seaside reso rt arsTound,-including a b ig hotel, ba th in g pavilion, lunch counters, &nd th e ! . dnest beach a lo n g the A tlan tic. Tfc-Btistchea'- - mllea au d liiiies, n o rth a n d south , as love! andh a rd aa a Booiv a u d i s - the" great', d riv in g ■" ground fo r those w ho have, tpatns.,'

F o r t G eorge Islan d i s , reached by s team er - from Jacksonv ille dow n to tho m outh o f 'the S t. Joh n a , a d istance o t 25., n ilies, p&astng ' A rlington and, m any o th er tow ns o n tho w ay ... 1 •Tbo island la owncd by^a stock, com pany o f . . New E nglanders, a n d aome baudsom e-oo t- tages have been b u ilt along, thfe m ain road^ w ays In the nelghborhqofi o f the hotel. The drives a re excollcnt ^nd the scenery b e a u ti­fu l. In f ro n t is tho ocean; and a n ln le trn n - ning w estward and thcnce so u th to the river, makfiiMin is la n d . o f conalderable a rea . T he ’ land Is m oderately rich, and tho growth, of oak, m agnolia, p a lm e tto and cypress- is of tropical luxuriance. ' Am ong th e 'p arty on the boat th a t day werejM r^ an d M rs. Sherm au 4 Brbadwell, Bummor- resldenta of P a rk an d Grove, who wore, tak in g th lnga eaay with friends ItT Jack so n v illo r ' °

O ne o t tho m ost bean tifn l p laeea discovered on this S outhern t rip was Brunswick, G eorgia. Leaving Jacksonvlllo a t S.45 m., F e rn a n -->d in a is reached a t -4.30, an d a s team er takes «8 f^rty m iles fu rth er, p ast b ig lum ber yards, . saw m ills, docks c ro wded w ith shippln'g, the o ld fo rt a t th e m o u th o f Am elia r iv e r o n which F ornand lna is located, pasalng the m outh of St^-M ary’a rI ver, - th e -d i vid i ng .11 no . betw een

^ (^ rg la a n < l‘F l6¥Wft7'iu io :eu m b o rlan d ' S o n b d " - - a u d River, thpnee to Jek y l .C reek ,.on the . , . banka?of w hicW a the Island of tho sam e n a tae . Hero haa been 'orocted au Imm ense c lubhouse fo r the.use of m lllionairca- a n d th e lr friends d u rh ig tho w inter m onths. S team an d sailing yachta a re a t a n ch o r lu th e s tream , an d b lood­ed horses, flno carriag es ami" carts a re on d is ­p lay abou t th e c lu b J jb u s c ^ On Cumberland.. -Island fs the fine m anston’a u d jgrOuuda o f th e f late Thom as Carnegie, know n aa Dungcneas.I t w a s form oriy tho p roperty o f General Greene o f R evo lu tionary^fam e, an d U-Light-' horse H arry ” Lee Is bu ried th ere. The island

■Methodist Church and paraonage, ■b u ilt by M r.-F lag ler lu sat^c etyle aa tho P o n ce de. Leon, The gftiiind on which a portion o f tho hotel s tan d s waa form erly owned b y tho -M. E . C hu?ch ,-au4 'in exchange M t, F lag le r gave the society the choicp of location and agreed to p u t u p the church an d parsonage .0 and f u r ­nish them . Both lo o k l ik e 'a n 4iunox to the Ponce. ’

Tho w ater su pp ly la obtained from half a dozen Arteiaiau wells, varying In d iam eter from three to tw elve inches. The 12-inch well pou t? o u t a volum e o f sa lt w ater o f sufficient fo rce to ru n heavy m achinery, an d th a t Is w hat i t Will p ro b ab ly be used for. Tho sm all­e r wells a ro Im pregnated slightly w ith su l­phur, b u t exposure tO the a ir allows it to qs-

-^eapera nd-m r-od o r- ca'n~i»~d iFeWered^wIumused fo r d rin k in g 'p u rp o se s ., Down In the baeem ent is the electrio p lan t, consisting of four-Arm ingtoU'Sims high-speed engines, an d several dynamoB. T he entire capaqlty_ js nearly 12.000 incandescent lig h ts, and. the* Ponce a n d A lcazar, w ith th e ad jo in ing grounds, n se a ll o f them . A p rin tin g office la pne b f the f ix tu res of-the„ hotel, an d q ll- tiie ord inary ata tlobery , billa o ^ fa re , luvffatlon sa rd s a n d dancing p rogram s are p rin ted on th e prem ises.• T he n um ber of g uests iu the house a t tbe tlm o w as 535, a n d from two., to fo u r liundred visitors take Innoh, daily. The din ing-hall is a m aryeloua exam ple of a rch itec tu re an d ,d ec­oration . Tables a n d chairs a re of carved oak, an d a T urkish m g Ia undernea th each. W alls an d colum ns are . carved and panefed in ex* pensive’ ’groods. e e ilin « s a ro covered w ith allegorical pain tfngs and tho co a t o f a rm s of m any Spanish ,provinces, 'w i th laconicism s p e rta in in g to tue ap p e tite . One of thom ia : “ You m u st b reak the egg~td m ako the om e­le t.0' A nother : ** Tho calf th a t b leats losos hia moQthful.’' A m eal in such a p lace can- .not bp o th er th an a delig h the llvo aonses.

. v Tlllt-ALCAZAR—:— --- —

Is south of the Ponce* separa ted by tho A la­m eda .and a p ub lic p ark , aud Is of the sam e style o f a rch itectu re ,although notao.olaborato i n detail. I t will whon kopt opon all th e year, a n d be conducted on the E u ro p e an plftu..- G nesta can v secure th c lr m eals in the res tau ran t,.p r, d u rip g th o winter, a t the- Ponce de Leon. Tha, ground floor Is divided by atorea, prom enades,, flower ,gar- dens, baths, e tc ., w hileSeveral hundred room s above will sup p ly accom m odations- for the overflow from .its,nelghbor. Money has beon literally pourod o a t In th e construction and eqalpm ent-o f - tB ^ e j P8lacefl, a n d from ' tho am o u n t o f pa tronage o f tbe first season Mr. F lagler, instead o f m ak in g ^ f a i lu i^ a s thoh* aauda have predicted, ,wi“ reap a-bantiflom e re tu rn from the investm ent-—all.*o£ ^ h jq ^ 'in d ten tim e3 m ore w ill go to'yvnrds im proving tho surround ings anid places -of historical in te rest •at S t. Augnfltluo.' ] .+' ’ ..V:: ; * Tim CASA. MONI0A faeea^the Plaza-on ita n o rth .fron t, th e 'P o n ce do Eeon Is no^thw ost a b o u t tw o blOoks, an d the AlcnZnr o n the west,, w ith a narrow; s tree t betw een, Sb they are-.aH w ith in com fortab le seeing distance, a n d if you a to p a t e ith e r yon can enjoy 11.- T O ^C asa MOnlca is n o t behind i t s nelghbore lix attrftct'.VQ arch itec tu fe an d gorgeous^^furnishing^-' Thpro la som othing abo iit i t not. possessed ^by^ any botoi in the p iaQ g ti'It ' is-’coaey, cpmfoVtablo, fu ll o t a r t Work, r ic h , darpets, cu rta in s , scu lp ture , ca rv ­ings, o il pa in tings, flowers, p la n t s , &o. M r. F. W. Sm ith is k n o w n a a , t h e . a rch itec t tfnd o w n o r ,'b u t 'it ia believed Alt*. :FIag*I8fc’s a sb helpedJm aterially }n Its construc^io“or‘in re tu rn Tor 'services ten d ered b y M r. Sm ith in rea l esta te ;transactions before tfae Ponce de Lodn= W |k bttllt. I n com m on^vith a ll th eh b te ls h t S t. Augu8tlu o .it b ad a .llb era l patronage , and i ts futtoe'suoceiia c in o nly b e m easured b y Its capacitor to tak e a ll w ho app ly fo r rooms

V 4 w s § k ^ « * 6eivery profitably ap en t a b o u t

the «in9toni.dty,''r(drifiera''S i>; iB U clvofblstorr

is iW m iles long, an d a b o u t 3 m iles Wldo. Brunswick waa^reachOd a t 8.80, a n d tbe nbw Oglethorpe H ote^-a-largo 3-story, b rick bu ild ­ing, was o u r s topping place} : A fter su p p er we h ad an opportun ity ta ln s p e c l the new hotel, under the guidancb o f tho m anager, M r. S. E. Crfttonden, w ho Is well-known ^o the travel- ing public, '^ fn ^ rh o te l experience of 25 years he adm its th a t he n ever presided oyer a m ore com plete estab lishm ent th an the O glethorpe. E verything a b o u t the place Is i a tho highest* and m ost m odern style, “all the fu rn itu re , cars pet?, tab lew are an d linen being m ade 'bspe- . claliy.for it. A letter^m ig h t be filled w ith descriptions o f i ra n d tho old and com fortab le ' to w n of Brunsw ick, w ith Ua groves o f pal- • m etto and live oak, well-kept, d rives,'and the -num eronirtstam i rciiOFra .between i t and th c ^ "

I t is a p lace w orth aoeing, an d th e hotel Is one tit f o r a k ing to stop at. I f any o f th e readers of T jik J o u rn a i , g e t th a t fa r they should a t-leas t-m ak e th e ir-h o m e at^the Ogle-— thorpe fo r a day. Tho boafctrldo early tho n e x tr m orning back to F ernabd ina w a s j6ne to be rem em bered. T h e su n was w arm , b u t th e breeze from th e w ater w as dellc lou^y cool and Invigorating.. On.M arch 9 o u r to u r cam e to a n e a d t a n it jdify- paH y of ’ thoroughly , satisfied, to u ris ts tooir a la s t look a t S outhern see nes a s the tra in of- I’iiHcuan Cars hurriod along th ro u g h P lo t- Ida, G eorgia, the Carplfnas, Virginia* ‘ M ary- . land, Dolawaro a a d ^ e iin s y lv a n la ,, u n til o n c e ; moro safe In g re a t New Jersey ' 1 Tba-trip-wa^ ended) b u t the m em ory o f i t Will >last aa long- a^ .wlnterB com e an d go; - ■ , '■ ‘

Trouble yViuonp the Alilkmen. •Tho stringency of tho New Jersey m ilk laws

an d t’ho high to s t required , is sotnothlng“ sorl- .- oijielY tp th^ d isadvautago o f South Jeraoy j producers. Som e of the largest wholesale dealers havo given thom ,notIce th at they can­n o t take the chances o f the penalties liable to bo incurred b y a fa i lu re ln fbo te s tr - '. '•

I t Is affirmed o n undoub ted au th o rity th a t In num orous In sta n ses lh p m ilk is below the a taudard w hen perfectly pure.' This Is aC- - counted for on the ground th a t the tea t gauge w as fixed on m ilk from high grado, w ell'fed cows. In som e p ap t» « f the .S tate v e ry m any of £bo herds are low g rad e o r ln fe iio r fitock, > an d with poor-feed the m ilk yielded, though stric tly pure, Is below the requirem ent.. Falling to got relief from the Legislature, the al tern ativo IB to stop m arketing m ilk, o r ; olse to raise the q ua llty b f to ck and feed.

' ''-M r. George F . Blaok, w ho w a s recently ap- polntedOfllolal s tenographer of tho Cam don, -' Gloucostor and Bnrtlrigton C ourts, by Ju d g e ; G arrison, Is a yonng m an w ho ip a few y ears fia sco successfu lly m astered t h a t dlfQcult s c l - • encO as tb s ta n d am ong tho forem ost shorty ., b a n d w r\te ra in , th o co u n try .; H e' w r i te » r equally Well w ith e ith e r hand—or bo th a t onfco.I t took h im ii year t o acqu ire the; necesfla i^ ( ; proQciency to rep o rt testim ony. T hen- h e taugh t n c lass o f beginn^ra, amonfe whoni ho ' found a wife, .who ylmofft eqi^ala her h ilsband In sUillfttl w ork, i l l s repqftS*rof a b s tru se technical lectures have .boeti g reatly p raised v. foip ih e lr accuracy , a n d ' h0 fh a s .roc'oivod’as h igh as $75 iTday for special cases. H e is a . ^ bro ther of Mr. J . L. 6 lack, o f A sbury P a rk .: ,

. T h e Bnotf aConeB ln tbo. w indow b f T u B - J o u u n a i. offi co s ti ll a ttrac t-th e_ jttten tlo n o f . m any passors. " Tho abauridity 4>f b u ^ i im- • m ensd d rif is in th e streets o t A abury Pg£k strikes the usual sum m er v isito r W lth-aom ^; - th in g of a chili. • ' . .

i - ------f— . -' .. —7—_ -^M onidpy m brniug, M r.'W m . Lester’s s teed, . : ‘‘HIa,wafhaj’, w a n d ^ e d X ro m jh e vicin ity o f tbp.^bstoBlce w here liis dw ner wa? investiga- ' tin g the contents Of h is m all, an d a fte r; a clr- .y- cu rt o f R ailroad flqupre was: canght.-riear h l w ufiUftl stan<Ja.t th e statlq in .-^ ; ^

' s :

V : y > .



JOHN C COFFIN ewtor.published weekly a t * y

T H E ASBURY PARK P R IN TIN G -HOUSEy . •’ i.. l, com*..


Entered as second-dttiss matter at the Asbnry Pitrk ■ Post Office, February j , i88S.

TEjtMS OF. SUBSCRIPTION.1 year, tn advancei . . 1 *!,.6 m b jith ft i Jn adVano©}.*.J ........•..,8 month*, In, a d v a n c e , . .........Single c o p ies ,....

..SI 50 7fl.

„ " 40.. - 3

TO CORRESPONDENTS. .We Bhall be g lad to receive item s o f news and

com m unications on subjects/of In te rest to this — fiommgnlty. - »•

In writing krtloles intended fo r publloattonr . ou r friends’will please bear In m ind th a t a sheet

w ritten on both sides has to be copied before go­ing to th o prlnter-l-a labor w e cannot undertake.

\ 1 ‘ 11 comm unications Should be accom panied by th e f a i r name and addreaa o f the writer. Hot necessarily for publication b u t aa a guarantee o f good faith. Anonymous le tters will n o t bo noticed. ,

We cannot re tu rn rejected comm unications, bu t will hold them for a lim ited tim e If requested

' to . , '* ' ;•‘All letters Intended fo r the editorial o rn e w s

departm ent should be addressed-to the ,K d lto ro f Tn* J qohnai* anv^ kpublicak,

ABbury P ark . New Jersey. -

jm d.eagor to utilize every means to injure tbo Republican pflrty and defoat the righteous law. i t alone enacted. T o ac­complish this end tbey are willing to sub­vert- the truth, give substantial aid to the mighty evil they profess to fight and even * sacrifice tlieir saored prin­ciples. Thejr a re : joining hands with saloon keepers to render void the very ^law they have so long been asking far... . The Republican party"at first ignored the.teEQporance question in its S tate p lat­form, and th ird party leaders fought^ it. A temperance plank \fraa putr in, and still1 they /ought it. A prem ise ,$ t proper" legislation, was made ; they ridiculed and still, fought it. The pledge has been honeetly and bravely redeetned/a^id they

.fight i t l^dre fiercely than ever. tTbey have gone over, body and soul, to th e

SATURDAY. A P R IL 14, 4888.

«.-j; . HPFXIAL NOTICE.O n t h e - la b e l o f e& ch p a p e r w i l l !>•

r o u n d Ih e ^ d f tW o f e x p i r a t i o n o f . t b e iirtlfttiirl p 11 : i hi * d»t«' I ir.wrong

j l e a s e n o t i f y n a n t o n c e ) i r y o n nrr> t n a r r e a r s p l e a s e r e m i t a t o n c e .

C i v i l S e r v i c e P e n s i o n s .

Following after the lead of granting pensions for army and navy service,

..J lie ra is£Afc,preB8ura-ntJWaahingtori, tbe State capitals nnd even in some larg^

cities, pension the Govemmenfcem­ployees after a. term of faithful service.

' Though' our frequent changes of admin­istra tion are less likely to enlarge such a list than hereditary government, yet there are many in th§ departm ents who

. lrnve served a lifetime almost in official relations with the Government. '

Some cities are pensioning their police and firemen, who, like those in the Navy

„ and Army, are in positions’of peril, and therefore ifc is justifiable. B u t,a ., civil officer, purely, "becomes no inore mento- ribus by a conrso of. Ipng service than dQps a man who works a t h is ordinary

’ labor and pays his taxes, thus providing ways and means for the support of the Government.. Tlie line certainly sliould

■ be drawn at the point of hazardous serv­ice, or else the gate, (pneo open,, there will be no end to the clamor for these annual stipends which will soon becomtf a grieyt'

, ous burden. • x

R u n n i n g S h o r t o f M a t e r i a l .

Not long since 'M r. F rank Smith, of 1 ^V ine land ; head of”th e Qood Templars in v—this State,-addressed a circular letter to

each Republican Senator and Assembly­man who voted for the Local Option law, asking permission to use their names to ' head petitions in the ir" several counties for special elections. O ut of the 44

.^ m em b e rs addressed, 37 replied, and, a t - course, everyone refused to gran t Mr.

Smith such an extraordinary privilege^ Theroupdii the letters wero sent to the Voices the leading th ird p a rty organ ofthe country, which publishes them with-

i comments. The Vofctf-afftrms thntjhpee refusals prove that these legislators—and necessarily the Republican party—were insincere in passing tlie b i l l ; that they and the party are deliberately attem pting to hoodwink .the people by a hypocritical show of temperance zeal, and th a t lie -

' publicans aro actually in league with the rum men, , ‘ *

The logical deductions a re not bad— for the Forte—and show that journalistic Itev. iffr. Sitggint'in a true if no t a com­mendable light. If upon second and

—RnberthmigbtraTry-man—assertB—that-the- facts as given w arrant the conclusions

"Urns reached, that matT either wilfullydistorts tru th or isdeficient in thereason-

— ing departmentrof~hifl—intellect.—As an exponent of pseudology we regard the Voice as w ithout a p eer .; ; -

Notwithstanding Mr. Sm ith’s plaujsible disclaimer the sending of th is c ircular to

■ members of the late Legislature was a trick. No man in his fober senses would authorize a stranger to use his name on a petition he had never seen ; y e t this man Sm ith n o t only asked this privilege, bu t explicitly stated in. each case that he wanted liis name to head the list. Among the 44 temperance legislator* J;here was not a fool to bite. Plainly, 'P rohib ition­ist Sm ith was fishing in the wrong pond,

•“Again, the modest request came from the euemy, and the plain and decisive nega­tive answers give ample evidence"that

r these in e n ln their legiSlafcive/career had* learned to be wary of friendly enemies.-

— — ThejUBp to which these, answers were, p u t shows the.tricky .T h a t their, writers d id no t kndwof Mr. Sm ith’s intention to publish ja evident by the construction of many of them! The cracked FoiWjJfi,

* -its -utter poverty of Cogent argument,., takes advantage of the lapses and w ith­holds from them the courtesy i t extends, tb its ovm correspondents,^ of correcting in p rin t 'the^crrorsof punctuation and

• capitalization co^rnmou'to nearly all un^i . . J p r o f e s s i o n a l m e n . t> y : .

.; ---To.s|jm up, the cywe i^ tliis : A prepos­terous request, thinly veiled by specious word-garniture, is s e n t to forty-fohrNew

,r Jersey' Republicans, the author well knowing th a t no mentally balanced naan would grant it. T he negative^answers,

rumsellers, andT condolences are in order for the la tter. Meanwhile honest and conscientious mBH, who-'tform the great mass of th ird party adherents, are hay­ing their eyes opened and arerenouhqing allegiance in po smalj numbers to ^iese p lotting guides ; in this we see the fount- mn heatT of their actions. . ;

B onds of U nity .

We present in detail to-day, as Jar as they have progressed, the negotiations pendm g between Asbui^r P a rk and Ocean Grove relative to the erection o f perma-

l t bridges acr^MS ^7esl(^ Lake. There a re ' many excellent reasons w hy'-these bridges shopld be built, while, if proper regulations aro made, w acan poneeive of ho valid argument againBt them. The relations existing between the two places aro pleasant, and each i|j wilh'ng, to pro-'' teot the interests of the Other. F o r many years T h e J o u r n a l has urged-, this step, and it-is glad that the consummation, is near. - .

* O r u w in ^ T o w a r d a C lo se . ' .The m eetings of the L tbrary A ssociation

a re draw ing tow ard a close, only tw o m ore rej?niar m eetings and one p u b lic will be ' held before the end o f the season. The general a tten d an ce through the w inter has been very good fend the p rogram s given were fa ir tZ> ex­cellent. „

The executive co m m ittee 'h av e done theJr beat to -supply a varie ty of en te rta inm ent io r each evening, b u t as i t bomHJmegffffflpens th a t volunteers are n ot alw ays to b e d e fen d ed on, so wheri a good evening w as expected th ere was occasionally .a failure, a n d a t o ther tim es, when less was expected there have been m o st in te r e s t in g exercises. The- only way,- therefore, to ge t the fu ll-1 benefit; is to a tten d every m eeting.

A fter th e reading and approval o f the m in­xes, Mrs. B radley gave no tice _of th a ^ p n p a l W ting for ih e election o f offlcers, w hich

w ould .take place on M onday evening n ex t, A pril 10ih. On m otion o f M r. LeRoy the president appo in ted Messre. H arrison , Penny*

p a c k e r an d Dr. Pawley as a com m ittee on nom inations. Mr, W yckoff and Mr. M iles explained the.provisions of the law governing such o rgan isa tions and w h o -w ere -ee titlo d to v o te .. . ‘ . / _ ;

The opening unm ber of the‘p ro « ram w6 s a flne p iano d u e t “ Polacca d e C o t ce rt,” by Misses Mamie P o tts and M aud M iller. The n e x t was a reading, ‘'•Fall o f the P em berton M ills,” by Miaa B Ianche W oolston . Xhe e ie -S cu tlon of this difflcult selection was m uch tairred* by th e co n tlo u o u s cdmbllog! o f the Ore englho which was on .tr ia l a t the corner. The long prom ised baajjO^dueV by , Messrs. Hurley, and Hoffman ^yas then given, an d received S jp lau se an d a re-call.

T he Others announced to tak e p a r t fa lling

p a y to the borongh au th o rities the m oney w ^lch Bhould by law b e expended upoa,-thosoroa^9,4nJ.ien o f 'd o in g -th e w ork Mr.-Bra4.-ley th o u g h t this applied to 'th? streets of A s­b u ry P a rk aod th a t step s should .be tak en to collect the money th h s dne.o Counselor Haw- k tn ss a id th a t In o rder to becom e en titled to th is m on^y the s tree ts m ust be n o t only dedi­ca ted to pu b lic 'u sd , b u t th e^ m u st also be fo rm ally accep ted by th e tow nsh ip au th o ri­ties. W hile th is w ould com pel jthe Tow nship Com m ittee to ^ ee p the s tree ts in re p a ir it w ould also give them con tro l over the streets to a certain- ex ten t. I t w as a question w hether the Bofough desired to relinquish a n y o f^ t s au thority , a n d It w as a question , w hether the T ow nship Com m ittee w ould now a c ce p t the s tree ts. -A t all events, h e w aa of the opinion th a t n o th in g could be*collected now excep t for the one o r tw o accepted roads'.M r. K lrkbrlde prom ised to look Into 4he law an d do all th a t was possible and r igh t for the Borough. ' * ^ •

Com. Bradley m oved th a t a m an be au th o r­ized by the Board to ca tch w ith a . soalp ne t all ch ickens ' found ru n n in g a t large in o u r streets, the m an to keep the ch ickens as his pay. S h o t gun p ractice was dangerous, and i f th is new m ode was legal h e should u rg e its ad op tion . Mr. H aw kins ,said th a t the catch-, t'njf o f ch ickens was all r ig h t provid6d they wSre im pounded and the ow nera jg lven a ch an ce to redeem them ; b u t iff the m an kept them he could be a rrested for th eft. Mr.Bradley Anally withdrew his m otion, v T he S treet Com m ittee reported favorably u p o n the widening o f C ookm an avenue b e­a c o n B ond and M ain streets , But recom m end­ed th a t form al perm ission bo n o t g iven u n til tbe“ petitioners had given a bond to do the .work sa tisfac to rily an d .within a g iven time.The C om m ittee Was given pow er l o g ra n t the application , b u t was Instructed U> lim it the w idth to be tak e n 'f ro m the sidew alk to 4 K feet, and to require a bond of $1,000 to aave th e Borough harm less a n d . to com plete the w ork by M ay 1. Stone cu rb ing was a lso Jnr sisted upon. ^

Tho sam e com m ittee also recom m ended the a lte rin g of the grade~-of the roadw ay a t the c o rn e r of'C ookm an a v e n u ea n d Em ory street, a n d the rep o rt was adop ted with the proviso th a t the cost o f tho w ork should n o t exceed * 200.

A n app lica tion was received for perm issionto hang a b an n e r o u t over the Bidewalk onM attison avenuo. Com. Bradley m oyed th a th e re a fte r n o privjleges b e g ran ted . to.;vp a t outadv ertis in g »ls ni,r batinors o r flags o v er " " " ~i n t h a t now s«trfluoUlE« th e pavilion a t t^o foot

to appear, ibo balance of the evening was spen t in listen ing to th e m em bers w ho had juBt re tu rn ed from , F lorida, Dr. H enry M it­chell a n d Mr.' L. E. LeChevaller. T h e form e r spoke of the difference In localities and cli­m atic changes o f .the sea^qus, th e increasedadvan tages of travel du ring the p a s t ten years', als o th e enperlo r fac ilitie s ' fo r procu- rln g the d itferent a rtic les for fam ily use. ^-The p roducts of F lo rida he was riot m uch conver­sa n t with, b u t concluded the best p ay in g was the universal Y ankee crop. T he oyster beds were very productive, even to the ob stru c tio n of navigation . I t was. n o t an uncom m on th ing to see teu or a dozen oysters hanging from a tree branch where they hang in the w ater. Mr. LeChdvaller spoke of-the* an c ien tcity of St. A ugustine w ith ita grand Ponce de Leon hotel. C ap t. M inot a lladed to hts recen t y l s i t t o the lan d of .F lo w e rs ,a n d 'g q tp f f W little joko on the docto r as a land p.toprletor with-lofs-for-eale,

A fter ad journm ent the execu tive com m ittee had a sho rt buyJpess session, while o th ers e n ­joyed a period o f social rehntqp.

supposed to bo w ritten . to a private iridi-f . : vidual, are given to a th ird p a tty nerws-

-papeiv whioh gleefully—ex^pses * their ■ / grammatical errors, (listorts“ih e ir mean­

ing, accuses th e writers o f duplicity, de- 'votes.fhree colum ns1 o f ^ ts space to them and Bends thouBahda of marked'copiea of th is issue into tlits State, and w hat for ? Le^everyhoneat, temperance loving, fair-

., - / m inded man ask that question, and thon let us answer it. < So fjreat and the hatred of th ird party Jeadcra toward

"*■- th e Republican party, so great - is their \ohagrin and discomfiture because th a t

.. party , as a party, haaliftod, ita powerful arm againstt the foe of hum anity and is

» strik ing tho blows that they have beon. feigning to strike ^ s o great is .their welj- grounded’fear th a t this action Will de­prive them of political reward and a prof­itable occupation,* tbafcjhoy are willitig

- - ‘‘ Open Days.*' The annual Open Days o f Ihe publicschpojs

will bo. observed as follows : A sbury Park schijol, F riday , A pril 2 0 th ; Ocean- faroye school, W ednesday, A pril 2 5 th ; W est Park school, T h u r3d a y ,^ p r i l ^ t h . ‘ . ; '.

These annual open d a ^ ^ ay e become a fa c to ro f .no sm all'Im p o rtan ce in a ttrac tin g atten tio n to c u r public school system . I t should not be understood th a t tb e schools a re closed against the publffT’saVe Oh the days above designated on the co n tra ry the “ latch s tr in g is alw ays o u t” and al) paren ts , pa tro n s and friends of the schools a re welcome o n |m y a n d .e y e ry d ay o f th ey e a r jW h e n th e y w ll^ Q n d the,principal and teachers ready and. g lad to

“Show an d explain to them th o . d e ta ils of- the sChqols instruction and m anagem ent.; These special—daye^are-flxed fo r- th e re a s o n - th a t m any paren ts who intend to v isit the schools som etim e d uring the year, keep p u ttin g 1 t off. from day to day until the year baspaBsed and to tb e lr reg ret they havo n o t m ade th eir con- •tem plaled visit, when, if a day Ib fixed and a special In v ita tio n ex tended , those who o ther­wise would by p rocrastina tion be cheated o u t

^of: their Jfialt, villi m ake a n e x tra effort to g e t there . B esides,‘m any parents, s ingu lar a s It m ay seem, arer re t ic e n t . Atjout'*''visiting < the acbopls whero they hav^ such g rea t in te rests a t stake* b u t the knowledge th a t 'o th e r yfsl' to rs are to be present will aW th eu T to over­com e such retlcenoo. There, will be nospooial prepara tion for tho .ocpag lon ,-bu t th e object being to give tbe p aren ts an Idea o f o u r average clay’s w ork in school, every th ing so fa r as possib le w ill cop form to th e usual 'daiiy -routine. ' ................................

^ m o s V cordfel: inv itation Is therefore ex­tended to a ll # h o havo jany.xinterost 4n theeducation olMhe y o u h i 'o f o u r d istr ic t, to be p resen t a t this our six th ‘^A nnual Open Day.”

. ,W . f t . f i l E L i N D . I ) lx f c 8 t tp t ,

J$Lr, Joseph W eir, J r .’,T s a residen t o f , an d has recently purchased p roperty In, the dis­tr ic t where* Ihe erectipn o f (frame bulidinga la prohib ited by B orough ordinance. rH o desired to /n a k o eome'afldUibnB to and changes in his ,proj)erJy.' H is -f irs t move waa to ^Btiovr’jbla p lans to the Com missioners a n d find o u t w hether they were In conflict w ith the la w ; th en hp waa preparcd^to begin hia work. I t was an bohorablo a c t T|>fc^s^ometlme& for­g o tten ib th is busy towu, and lie dea&rves com m endation.

Borough Commissioners.> A pril 0,1888.

Ai.n HAnns HBAnt r o a w o n x —a ft b r t h bnOAD MONKY—A CHICKEN BAOOINO BOUEMJS


t o r th e f lre t tim e IhJa y e a r a ll the Borough Com m issioners woro p resen t a t the m eeting M onday night, and p re s id e n t M oEwan occu­p ied h is p ro p er place a t the head o f th e long table. A s . ,Towd Com m itteem an K lrkbrlde, waa In the ro o m -th e order of baslnestf-w as snspend'cd: while the Clork read a law M r. B radley h a d . d isc o v e red 're la tin g to ro ad m oney. I t was ch ap te r 83 of the law s o f ' 1888, an d It proyldod th a t w here reg u la r pub- Iio ro ad s were located w ith in th e lim its o f a n y b o ro n g h .^ th o Townahip Com m ittee should

sidew alk o r s tree t unless a ll o th er residents on the sam e block g ave their w ritten consent. Com . Kroehl m oved an am endm ent th a t noneJ be g ran te d "at all. The, am endm ent waa ac­cepted an d the m otion provaU&l.^J__ .

T he F ire and W ater Com m ittee reported th a t the Stable o f Mr.JBa ri ln o Brow n b ad been inspected, and Ua h e h a d prom ised to cbntorm s tr ic tly to th e-H ea lth ordinances-no fu rth e r action was '‘recom m ended; T he r e p o i f w as acceptcd. j ' . •

W ater Com m issioner T rea t called th e -a t-ten tipn of the Board to tbe increasing p ractice of residen ts throw ing ashes in to the street. AsheB well scattered-w ere no d o u b t beneflolal to the roadbed of the streetis, b u t to o m any people dum ped them in piles and it w as very unsightly . They were often th row n o u t in- windy’ weat her and nelghbora rw e i ved m u c h of the benefit of the c louds !of ,duat. He; th o u g h t ashes should^be p u t in b arre l» o n the c u rb and the- town should rem ovo them . M r. B radley said the best roads ^ e had were where the surface was of cqal ashes, Once packed dow n they never becam e d u s ty as c lay wotfhl; T h e p llw and hum m ocks were of course objectlonpble,. b u t th e Stre e t De p a rtm en t wonldi have m en and scrapers to level them off. T he expense o f ga th erin gashes .-would be too g rea t f o r t h e ^ tow n to affo rd ju s t now, and by w atching the u n sigh t­ly p iles could be avoided. .......■

Mr. J o seph Weij-, ‘J r . , s ta te d th a t he hadboughtJiIr^Bfill’a build ing a d jo in in g h im o n Cookm an avenue, and he desired now to ralae it one story and m ake som e a lte ra tio n s so as to en large h la re s ta u ran t. He d id n o t w an t to do any th ing co n tra ry to the o rd inances a n d so had come before tb e j jo a rd w ith his p lans. The m atte r was referred to the Fire and W ater Com m ittee w ith power. . .

Com. Beegle said th a t the special com m ittee on hose carriag e building had tried to secure a com pany to give an en te rta in m en t fo r the benefit o f tbe {undr b u t-h a d . been unsuccea* fu l. Com. B rad le^ sa id th a t u nder a law ju st passed the Borough was em pow ered tb levy a tax of -X ° f onp p^r cent, for suqh pujposes. T h e m atter, was referred to the F ire and W ater Com m ittee w ith instructions to rep o rt a t nextf m eeting w ith p la n s and es tim ates fo r approval, and also to suggest a p lan to 'ra ise the m oney. . v

.Comp Beeglo also reported th a t th e a lte ra ­tions In the doors o f the HJgh School, b o n d ­in g ,‘to decrease danger in case b f fianlc, had been njade in’ accordance w tih, suggestions from tfrtsB p ard , and l t waa uow SatlBfactory.

- Com. K roehl pleaded lack o f tim e as a r ea ­son f o ro a k in g to be excused from the special com m ittee on sewers. The Board deem ed him too valuable a m em ber an d declined rto excqse

Tho New Brunswjpk Fredoniati, usually, fa ir an d corrcqt, is quite off w ith reference to the ©lection both as to . fa c t a n d in fer­ence. I t p robably took a s ita ^ ase so tne of the nhm&rous a tco u n la th a t were fict a float fo r apnrpoBt^. . ' ^ , .*. . -

him.The corporation counsel reported th a t the

sureties on .the bond given bjr the E lectric Hallway C o .‘to rem ove the w ooden poles w ith in tw o year?, wew^ not sa tisfacto ry . Mr» Selknap waa the ow nersof considerab le p r o ^ erty in th is S ta te . and w as.ra ted h igh fo r cap- jta l an d business Integrity, bu t, the, .other- bondsm an, Mr. 8 tevens, - wns sim ply Mr. Bel­k n a p ’S secretary and held no p ro p erty l lu?hls own najbae. As the 'agreem ent called fo r m ore than j> ne su rety tho com m ittee was Intrnated to n o tify ^ b e com pany to furn ish ja n o th e t bondsm an. v . .. * ... - ,,*•

‘ 0niDO|SO\WBSLBr la k e :L ast D ecem ber Mr*. Bradley,, as o w n er‘of

half- 6 f Wesley Lake, opened,cprrespondence w ith the Ocean Grove ABaoclatJonipoklng to th e . bu ild ing of tw o^perm anen t bridges to rcplaco th e p resen t fferry boats^ W e give here iho full te x t o f h i s le tter r V . • '

j . • ' . . . 1 0 , 1 8 8 7 . •*JC.' iL -W d U ii, 'President .Oceari {trove Asao-

■ • .»-cfa(ion.'■£»<>: ^D e a r S i r —Som e weeka since I read 'Jn the

O cean G rove Itecovd th a \ the AaBOClation had diaouased the su b jec t of bridges over W esley Lake.- As I understood the report, pome m em bers urged It strongly while o th ers o b ­jected. Since th en I have talked w ith m em ­bers of the AM oaiation, ahd While thoy a re Itf favor of the bridges, they a,re in d o u b t bb t<r the exaot effect they will hatfe In E nab ling the Grove people to maVhtain th eir peouiiar, j e t vory proper, position as :a religioua in stltu - .tion, while a t tbe saroi/ tim e i t Js a .p lace of residence. I appreciate the* position of those wbo.wish lo weigh the m atter fo lly and care- fi^llyl r have hefltd m any ra ise obie:ottont to

T ' - , .■

Ocean G rove because of Ita closed g a te s on Sunday, b u t I c an n o t see how a religious body th a t consoienlloasly believes vehlole travel on Sunday is wrong, could *do otherwise th an close Its gates on tb a t day. ^

A l^persons now have access to tho Grovo on Sunday by way o f tho Btnall g ates o® tho tu rnp ike , by the {orry b o a ts o f the lake and the bodrdw alk of the beach.

; The Sabbatarians who ho ld an an n u a l m eeii ing a t Ocean Grove, I h^ve no d o u b t, look upon the ru n n in g of, the c ferries' a n d - tak ing toll*therefor pn Sundays as an Incohslstenoy'/ and n o d o u b t m any memberB of the A ssocia­tion feel tho same way, and yet it ean rw t bo expected th a t a n um ber o f m en shou ld w ork - on the ferrleis a ll day S undays and n o t receive p a y therefor. I yield to n o m an in my respect fo r the religious convictions o f 'th e m anagers a n d v lsltora to Ocean G rove, an d w ill dow_6a t ’ I can as a neighbor to guajrtl it from In trusion from the outside.

Ocean G rove has a ttrac te d to M onm outh coun ty i^v ast n u m b er o L p e o p le_ S o m e came to enjoy, tho religions m eetings, o thers canio fro m ourloslty j'arid the resu lt has been th a t m any poraons h ave pnrchased lan d and b p llt houses a t the Grove, while mahVf.othors fiave located in th e .v ic in ity where only tb o o rd i­n ary law«T g o v e rn in g tow ns' a ro iu force. L ands th a t were w ild, and alm ost worthless tw enty y ea rs ago areno>v w seased a t mlHlocaj Indeed, In the little 'to w n sh ip o f Neptune* in- olndlng Qoean Grove an d A sbnry P a rk , hav­ing a fron tage of only three m iles ott thb set^, rd h n ln g w estw ard abou t three m hes, th e p ro ­p erty is aaaessed for. over th re e m illions o f dollars. In 1867 the asffipam ent of the san(e d iqtrict d id not am oun t to oho h u n d red thou qand dollars. From . such small beghfbing haa grow n such m ighty results.

The w onderful grow th o f th^w hple seacoast o f M onm outh coun ty Ib u tffa ll a ttr ib u ta b le to Ocean Grdve, b u t Its annual ga therings o f the various conventions and reunions keepd I t in a m eritorious position as a p o w e r/to add to the w ealth of the S tate .

W hat the fu tu re o f Ocean G rove.w ill bo I c a n n o t tell, b u t I believe th a t as the o ld fash ­ioned cam p-m eeting has given 'p lace to the beau tifu l A ud ito rium of Ocean G rove, an d tho te n t an d u n san ita ry straw -strew n ftbor haa given way to the handsom e T em ple fo r y oung people, so I believe. th e .tlm e will com e when, the above s lru c tu je s , a t Ocean Grove tvlll be okW ashloned, and w ill*^ lre way to o thers o f brick an d stone, th a t will bo know n a s the A uditorium , Young People’s Temfrlej Snnday-school College, H all of C hristian E th ­ics, an d in te rests th a t will be developed as religious a n d In tellectual though t expand.

To gu ard the fu tu re of Ocehn G.roy§ is a sacred tru s t and yoi^-Wili do well to m ove carefully , an d In view Of the foregoing fac ts to avoid w hat I have long d readed—the acci­den tal sink ing of a ferry -boat som e n ig k t w hen they a re so crow ded ; a n d to relieve you frqm all em barrassm ent, I m ake th e following p roposition in rela tion to the bridges o y er the lake". • • j ." ■■ . . _ ¥ _'

A s Is generally known to tho publlo the titlo to the L ake is In Ujf Ocean G rove A ssociation and myself, and in re ta in in g title I am ac tin g a s custod ian for tho b est Interests o f A sbury P ark , and a t tbe sam e tim e gu ard log tb e In te r ­ests o t o u r esteem ed neighbor. To give tim e ' for reflection and to enable O cean G ro v e .to m ake such regulations aa a re necessary to p’ro tept its in terests , I w ill ag ree to e re c t a t m y ow n expenso, two n ea t Wooden bridges, one a t H eck s tre e t an d one a t E m ory streeti"

en teet^yldej'w ith^a u ea tT aU ln g s lm lla r to

visions o f this agreem ent and Of an y o ther agreom ont re la ting to sa id bridges, which m ay bo m ade, b y an d be tw een said parties, are duly carried o u t. A nd the sa id p arties fu rth er m utually covenant th a t If i t shall h ereafter becomo necessary to ropalr, o r rebuild the-w hole o r any p ortion o f said bridges, the expense of said repairing o r rebuild ing shall be borne:,cqually by thomi their legal representatives o r assigns. And the said p a rtie s -fu rth e r m utually-covenant th a t in case any of tbo provisions o f th is agreem ent Or Q khny agroem ent, m a d p o r .to be mado for tho purposo of carry in g p u t th is agreem ent and m aking tho sam e effectual are v iolated, either party m ay give no tice to tho,

-other of sa id violation, and if the grievance o r grievances com plained o f aro n o t fo rth ­with rem edied, tho said aggrieved p a rty shall, •bo a t liberty to give to tho othor s ix m onths notice o f 'th o term ination of th is agreem ent, and a t the end of sa id timo to be specified ln said notice, m ay proceed tq reipove sa id bridges, tho m aterials to be sold by the p a r ­ties, and proceeds divided equally.

And It: is fu rth er m utually agreed betw een said putties th at if tho Borough of< A sbury P ark phnil violate tho agreem ent m ade be­tw een said Association an d said Borough, bearing tfren da te herew ith, respecting s tan d s for bhsineaa, backs, sale o f new spapers, &o-,- on Sunday, and o ther purposes tuereiu mou- ttoned. th a t thou In such case the said Asso­c ia tion m a y d isco n tin u e , an d rem ove said bridge. ~ 1 ■' • • '•

A nd i t is fU ither m utually covenentcd and agreed b ttw eeu the said partlcsathat th is agree­m ent shall bind the respective legal repreaonn tatlves, heirs, successors and assigns o f said parties, *

-T he Ocean Grovo Cam p-M eeting A ssocia­tion of tho M .'E Church agree to tho forego- in g ’condU lons on ono sldo- of W eslpy Lake, but^before the agreem ent la 'fo rm ally ratified,

~the Ocean G rove A ssoclatlon respeotfuliy aak o f the A sbury P a rk ^ o m m lsa lo n e rs th e adop­tion of tho following A greem ent : ■ \

This agreement,- mado tho — day o f . ;In t h e ‘y ear o f o u r I^ord 188 betw een the

^Ocean Grove C am p-m eeting A ssociation of the M. p . C hurch, body co rpora te o f N eptune

of A «hury avenue. These b r id g e s 'to be free every S u n d a y . ip tb e yea r, a n d a t a ll o th er tim es except from Ju n e 20 to Sept. 20 o f e ach year, whon a o n e-cen tto ll will be taken ; the object id tak in g tbo toll a t th a t tim e b e in g to ' pay for>tbe a tte n d a n t on the bridge, keeping It in -repair, paying special bridge poltpem an, paying In te re a to n t he co st - an d - to - m e e t t he.loss th a t will o c c u r In rem oving 1 the bridges when Ocean G rove and A sbury i ’a rk a ie pre­pared to e rect a n ornam ental iron sf?ncture , underaueh-regu i agreed the tw o towns.

The bridges I proposcKto bu ild to t>e - s u b ­jec t tb such ra le s and regulations as Ocean G rove m ay m ake. I f th e m lea a re not accept? able to me then the Ocean G rove A ssociation m ay have the op tion of rem oving the bridges fron f their grouhd a t any j jm e by giv ing tw o w eeks’ notice. .

As the A ssociation will m eet in a few days will you please accep t my best w isbes for your fu tu re p rosperity and a happy New Year to each m em b er! • JAmbs A. BifA~nLET.

. TUE ASSOCIATION’S REPLY. ^ r .[U..This let te r w w h e ld b y Dr, 9 tpkea u n til the

n e x t m eeting of the E xecu tive Com m ittee, when the following reply waa s e n t : .

O cean GitoyE, N. J . , J a n : 81,1888. /. James A . Urtu(leyt E sq . .— •« /

D e a r S i r —Y o u r letter of the 10th o f pSe cem ber, 1887, la a t hand. W e rec ip roca te the

f ra te rn a l sp ir it therein expressed ,-bu trbefore7 proceeding fu rth er in the m atter , tny^col- leagues in the Association suggest th a t u> pro­tec t us from any m isunderstand ing In the fu tu re y ou sho u ld consen t to the following ru leaan d reg u la tto n sln tho build ing and m an­agem ent of tbe W esley L ake bridge. W e haven o d o u b ty o u a r i w illing H o concede to thefollowing conditions and agreem ents :^Thls^agreem ent m ade t h e . ; . .d ay o f . . : ...In the year o f our Lord 188.., betw een the Ocean^ Grove C am p “M eeting A ssociation o f the M. E . C hurch, body corporate of Nep*. tune tow nship, county of M onm outh, and S tate o f New Jersey, of tho f irst1 p tfttp ttfld JJr. Ja m e s A. Bradley, of tho sam e place, p arty of the second p art, wltnesseth.

W hereas, The said parties aro th e Owners In fee of tho lake known as Wesley Lako, $na o f th e bed soli thereof in said tow nship, eaoh

foresald bavli ................ thereof ; and,WnERBAS, I t is though t advisable by tho.

sa id parties th a t the tw o foot bridges should be built* over said lake to bo used by pedeatrl- a n sjm ly , one o f whloh shall ex tend f ro m . .>...on tBe Ocean Grove Bide, a n d i . . , o n the.Aabury P a rk side, and tho -o th er sha ll ex tend .fro m o n the Ocean G rove ai^e, andend a t ................on the A sbury P ark s id e ;. Therefore, in consideration of the m utual covenant and agreem ents heretofore ^m en­tioned to be perform ed and kep t by sa id p a r­ties respectively, thia agreem ent witneaBeth th a t they, the Bald parties, will build, creot and co n stru c t across Wesley L ake aforesaid, of the style and m aterial, and accord ing to plans and specifications hereto a n n e x ed ,. two bridges as aforesaid, a t the places aforesaid, and th a t tha expense of build ing , erecting an d construc ting and m ain tain ing sa id bridges and the. m aterial thereof, shall bo eqaally borne by said parties, and th a t sa id bridges when b u ilt shall bo and rem ain p riva te prop*

p arty aforesaid bavlbg tit le to the Bame to tho m iddle ‘

erty, the ownerahlp of which shall bo Jointly hold by^eald parties, and th a t sa id bnflges, when built, sb a ll-n o t be considered publlohighways, o r as dedicated to the publlo, neither shall th ep u b llo acquire by use o f th e sam e or ln any o ther m anner an easem ent thereon o r a right to use tho same, ex cep t as m ay be perm itted by said parties, an d neither lapse Of tim e nor contlniieii use shall give to tho bubllo right therein. On. eaoh end jof eaohfbrtdgo there shall .be p laced a Blah or, placard, which shall contain tbo words, “ I'h t! bridge is private property , and Is ‘h o i ‘ dodi- eated to the public.”. A nd thoBaid p a n ic s m utually co v en an t tb a t. Bald bridges Bhall be used oxolualvely aa brldgea for foot passongfers, an d th a t no nand o r push c a rts /w h ee lb a rro w s, o r a n y pthel: vehlole shall be perm itted thereon, .o r.that no horso o r o th er anim als shall bo perm itted thereon; T hat Bald brldge8 shall no t be over 7 feet wide, an d B hall be dlvldod in the cen tre by ralla o r Centre pieces, that, no kind o f mer- obaodlee, baggago or bundles shall be tra n s­ported over said bridge, except auch a s can be convonlontly carried In tho hand. A nd tbe said parties fu rth er m utually covenuut, th a t d u rin g thq m onths Of Juno , J u ly , A ugust

And Septem ber In eaoh year a toll o r chargo of n o t moro than ono ce n t for each foo t pas­senger over said bridges m ay bo.ehargod an d oollected from such passengers', u nder such ru les an d regulations and lu such m an n er as m ay bo m utually agreed upon by sa id parties, the m oneys so colleotod shall bo in ihocus**tody o f v.but shall belong!equally to thoparties hereto, land. If no t -olherWiao dlapoSed of by. them , shall annually bo equally divided betweon them -: and d u r in g ,th e rem aining m onths of each year, n o to l lp r ch a rg eab a il

be levied, m ade ;or_follected, from aa ld lo o t bridge o a s se n g e r ra a a fo resaid ,,excep t and provldod alwaya th a t no toll o r oharge fo r crossing such bridge o r bridges, shall over bo levied, chargcd, received o r collected b y said parties o r tholr agents o r assigns o r logal rep ­resentatives, On any Suhdfty d u ring th e con­tinuance of said bridge or bridges.

A nd tbo said partlos fu rth er m utua lly cov­e n an t th a t thero shall, b e k ep t and: m ain tained on both sides of said bridge, a t the term inus, thereof, o n the S abbath day, du ring the said m opths of Ju n e ? J u ly , A ugust an d Septem ­ber, a policem an a t th ee q u a l oxponso o f sa id p a rtie s here to , respectively, jwhoae duty- it ahall see th a t p ro p er order Is observed, and the regu lar an d special poilQoman shall a t any tim e b o o that,L no d runken o r d iso r­derly poraon o r persons,' aro a t anrY tlm o

tow nship, ln tho county o f M om houth and . ----- . ..S ta te of New Jersey , p a rty of the flrst parL - "hf A sbury Park;*. Tbe com m issioners frpm and the Borough of Aabury P a rk of the same coun ty and State, p arty o f th e Becond part, w itne*8eth that, w hereas the said Association and Jam ea A. Bradloy hafre agreed to build tw o foot bridges acrosa. Wealey Lake a a 'p o r agreem ent betw een the d a ted . . . . . . will m orefully a p p e a r ; now, therefore, tho Maid parties do' m utually povenant and agree th a t there shall n o t bo on the stree t o r sldowaika within 500 feet of the ten n in u s of said b rid g e 'o n either aldo of the lake, auy s tan d s for car­riages, stages, hacks, om nibuses, newspapers, b ooks o r signs,* or for any business purposes w hatever ; neither B h a ll any carriages,' stages or o ther vehicle a land a t e iihu r-te ru ilnus 'o jf said bridges w ithin aald d istance o f GOO feet for the purpose of so liciting passengers or custom , neither shall the s tree t cars land or receive pasacngera nearer to tbo terinfuus of shld bridges than their present line o f tra p kon Cookm an avenue, n o r 8hajl th ere be any cry ing or sale of newspapers on Siinday a t

us o f sfild bridge nea re r th an §00 to rem ain in fproe au dbinding upon said p a rtis^ 'h e te to *o lo n g as aald budges o r any o ther bridges erpcted in place Of.tne Bame sha ll coptlnue across -said lake. . ■ *'•* ‘

Tho agreem ent clauso requ ired action by the Board, t:abd fo r th a t reason M r. B radley bcougbt-lt before th em 'fo r aptlorf. Tho Com- m lsslonera regarded the term s as fair, w ith the exception of the DOO feet iim lt. A circ le of 500 feet with 1\b ceu ter a t Em ojy s tree t ferry would em brace all of Cookm an avenue from G ra y a ti’a s tove store to the jun ctio n ofBangs avonueTarid ex te M T ja p k 'a a 'fa r asThe rea r of G uerin’s lo t on M attlson avenue. T he sanVe line from H eck a tre c t.fe r ry w ould take lo Cookm an av e n n e fro m G rand-avenue to

rafan avenuo ai\d 2,000 fee t of- Lake avenue, besides portlonfLot M attlson, B angs, Sum'mor- fleld, M unroe and Sewall avenues, an d Em ory a n d Heck streets , w ould b e included. In the p rohib itory d istric t. This waa th o u g h t to_ be tpoV m u ch qn d " the agreem ent \vas ratified upon condition th a t tfiei w ords “ono block” be su b stitu ted f o r ‘'W)0 feet;”

M r. F . h i Leggett inv ited the Board to ac­cep t the hosp ita lity of N Sptnne E n g in e Co. n ex t W ednesday evening. T be Board voted to accept.

,LT pon m otion of(Com. Krpebl ih e O rdinance Com m ittee was instructed to prepare a n o rd i­nance re la tiv e to hack stands. •*’

•The W ater Com m lsslonera su bm itted th e ir annual financial rep o rt fp r tho yekr. ending M arch 31, 1888, a s follows :

BECEIPTS—CONSTRUCTION.Proceeds of sale of bonds/ 810,173.70 T '

NECEllPTS—H4 INTBkA NCB.O irband A priP irlM T j^ «17,30_Attachm ent fees,..Water rates ____Meter ra te s ...................Meter ren ts ../. Hydrant BUbscriptiops

.8 495.00 8,719.62 1,072.14

ltf>.80 .US.O0-

0,020.40------- —Total rece ip ts ..... '. ' * 817,191.40

EAPEND1TUBES. ■'On construction, tier sheet No. 1 f ir ,968.40

** ■ . S No; 2- m .76On maiutewmcc, No. 1_.4,601.33

“ No. r2 • 60.99 'Cosh on hand, March 31,188S.. 218.95

*• in bank u •* . . 12 .H ---------- -. fA)tal; Jvr? d-rf .v , | *817,191 ;48

BILI, RECEIVABLE. ' ""Due from BoroiiKh tax 8 700 )0 Water rent* d u e . . . . ,■» 214 OO

Cast Iron pipe, etc., on h a n d .....

8014.00AVAII. ABJ.E ASSISTfC • s - valves, V ' . *<r''

9 050.00 . ,Wrought iron pipo and . *■ fittings.. ................... ■ ?6 .0 0 -----------‘

725.00 -- - 81,039.00

Bills payable . . . ; 1 , 8 8 9 , 8 1

Surplus-1; l : ; v i ' $ 249,09T he report was received and referred to th e

F lnanco C om m ittee. . *- T he 8 tr^ rC d m h iit to o was reqaeH teJi.orad^ vertlse"for bids for furn ish ing ru n n in g gears for aprlukling.w agons. The sam e com m ittee was also Instructed to. a c t w ith the .W ater Com missioners. In lo ca tin g th e ' sp rin k lin g h y d ran ts .’

By request of Com. Bradley police pow er was conferred upon J u s tic e B orden,.w ho will bo on the beach th is sum m er. -

A letto r was received fro m ah* underw ear m an u fac tu rin g firm In New Y ork rela tive to building a faqtory a t th is place; I t w asre - ferred to the Board pf Trade. A num ber of, bUis "were ordered p a id -an d tho ■ l io a rd ad- ■joutned. ' L ' -

T r a i n s D e la y e d . .Engine No. 162, on the m orning mall- leav­

ing A sbury P a rk a t 7.25, broke dow n at> Key^ E a s to n W ednosday m orning. A,‘fre igh t en : glve.was sen t to assist in clearing the track , and^the d isabled engine'W as hauled u p td th e Ice house, s it in g .1 The P. R. R . express, due a t 7.45, wa§ over half a n h o u r late, and th e ' •Central E xpress and Philadelphia tra in were obliged to wait un til tlio s lng le tra c k , ln uBe while Shark River bridge ia; bolng ropaired, \yaa free to travol. T he m all left £ t abouf ' o’clock, w ith engine 147 ahead. N one of Fogular tra in s wore delayed-atter tjia t tlnie.

Tltc “ Spray’s” P rospectus..,^Advertisem ents are being t a k o n 'f o r tho

Daily Spyay w ith the-atlpulatjon In th o .con­tra c t thatl^ISdltoE.Devfereax'B fo rtu n e arrives bcforO.tho lost Issue for the season Is pub-. Itohnd tho money p a id by tbo adverttaers l§ to be refunded and each p a tro n presented with a su it of clothes, and .a copy o f G ilp in 's novel, “ A M illionaire f o r ^ 'Jtfcjek.” ' * .

Itev. W m.-I. GUI,'‘A, M.f wJll p reach hv&io ^Ttoformed Churoh noxt Sunday m o rn in g and ovonlng. ^ .. •

- Prcsby tor inns a t Work* -The P resbytery of M onm outh a s It w as con-

stltfuted a t tho reo rgan isa tion o f the New Jersey Presbyteries, in 1870, ombYaces a ll of M onmouth and Burlington coun ties, with sovcral bhurohos lying r.ontlgnons j n M iddle­sex. By a consolidation o f tw o com parative^, ly weak b o d ies /ft has, w ith tbe e a rn est an d faithfu l efforts o f Its m inisters and leading laymon, becom e one o f tho m ost im p o rta n t fields In th e S ta te . r < .y

The reg a la rsp rln g m eotiog o f th ls b ody was held In the church itt Ja m e a b u rg ,,I te r . B. S. E v erett’s, on Tuesday and W ednesday o f th is week, A pril 10th,,aud 11th. T he M oderator^ Rev. C , T , Edw ards, opened th e session a t 10.30 w ith prayer. Jlev . E . $ . I lodge , o f B ur­lington, was elected aa ^he succeeding Mod­erator. Rev. B, S. E vorltt was chosen a s S tated Clerk and Rev. Ri. C.- Halleck^ l?erm anent

.Clor^. -■ ■ V '. . . L :'Tho re tirin g . M oderator, Mr. EHwarda,

preached on able and Instructive ^erpl.on, A ppolhtm ehT of c o m tn U teeaT an d ^ p o rta ocr cu p led th e tim e till the npon recess , w hen ,the m em bers and friends qu ite aS ea rn estly d is ­cussed, the lunoh which the ladlea had spread with Ijipnntlful h an d In the lec tu re r o b m .. . ' vA t the afternoon Bcsslon Rev. A . H i Dashlei;-

chalrm an of^Home M ission Com m ittee, m ade an Interesting rep o rt on tb e^co p o an d ex ten t of their w ork. > ■ 1 \

Rev. A. l i . Brown, P ie sb y te ;la l M issionary, reported pn tho condition of the w eaker ohurohos w ithin tho h o u n d s aa being well supp lied ;'e ither by hlmflelf o r s tu d e n ts from Princeton. ?- ; ' , :

T reasurer H all read his rep o r t w hich w as referred to a u d itin g com m ittee a n d snbser quently approved. * .'

= Rev. J . S, VanD yke reported g deficiency In the su sten tatlo n fund, aa a portion had been diverted In o ther directions. T he deficit was m ore tlian llqu idated , $4G5 bhIng mado up by .volunU ry su b scrip tions from the churches and Individuals.- -■ } - -

A .p e titio n was received from 25 persons aaklng the organization o f H ope Chapel in to a ehdrch. D iscussion ensued and I t y a s laid over to tho tim o Tor unfinished business onW ednesday. r__ _ -------- _______________

Dr. Conn reported* on the p e tition f o r a church a t M ooreatown favorably, an d b n m o­tion of Dr. C handler, ReVs. Hodge, Conn an d Hall were appoin ted a com m ltteo to proceed to an organization if the w ay Is c lear.^ The C lqrk p resented to the Presbytery the ca ll e ite n d e d to D r. F ran k C hand ler to be­come* the p asto r of the P resb y terian CbUroh

the church, M essrs. W , J . Cooper,"J, .Minot,D. M ehegan and W m . F . LeRoy were heard , a n d earnestly favored the call, believing th a t It waa for the best In terests of the ch u rch and com m unity. Dr. C handler s ta ted th e causes th at had led him to consider this cali a n d de­s ire d the Presbytery if th ey sen t him to the Aapdry P a rk field to , consldor well tb e lr ac­tion. H e had no o ther am bition th an to serve wqti.tho M aalflttm d ho wanted tfie fflll moral su p p o rt of th e T?p«&bytory in the w ork ,.: Dr. Symmes spoke very p o in ted ly on the sam e line. By unanim ous consen t the ca lf w is p laced In Dr. C handler’s h an d s and waa accepted by him. The Insta lla tion service waa flked for the first W ednesday In May, of w hlch .due no­tice wlll be given., - . :«i ;

Mr. F ran k E v ere tt was exam ined a n d d e ­ceived as a cand ida te to the m inistry In care of the Presbytery.

Rev. D, M cLaren, D. D rw h o la connectcd w ilh ihe^U. ^ . 'H .;”qnd d e ta ile d to d n ty in Brooklyn, askfed to be.dism issed to the Brook­lyn Presbytery ;* G ranted .

Rev. T hom as T yack,.from tbe"LebIgb^Pi bytery, w as received, and o_call hav in g been accepted to the church a t'H ig h ts to w n , ar^ rangem enU w erftjnade for his insta lla tion .

In view o f th e ap proacb jog C entepnlal cele- b ratlo n a t Philadelphia, the even ing aession was taken .u p w ith historical, narratives! E ld er J a m e s S teen, of the Shre w sbury church , gavo a sketch* o f the early ’ hlatory, o f the ehuroh In M onm outh, from records In hispossession dffting-"back to colonial “ tim esrRev. E. B. Hodge gave a portion of an ex­haustive history o f th eo ld P resbytery o f B u r­lington from th e tim e of Its erection from Now Brunswick and M orris u n t l l i t w as m erged Into tlia t o f M onm outh in 1870. Rev. Thaddeus \y ilsen devoted his tim e to the n a r­rative of th e old P resbytery o f M onm outh, takon from New Brunsw ick In I860; an d th e new Presbytery from 1870, w hen It waa united w ith Burlington. Rev. B, S. E v erltt gave the history of th e m issionary w ork o f th e churches, also th a t o f tho W om an’s F oreign a u d Hom e M issions, - ib prepared by their secretaries. The choir rendered som e very ex cellen t an ­them s during tho devotional and o ther exer­cises. . . • ' -

W ednesday .m orning action was taken o il the petition for o rganizing a church a t ,;Hope Chapel,’ w hich w aa g rantcd . •.

'E lec tio n of delegates to-the Gcheral AsaerpT bly resu lted in the selection of Clergym en Symmea and Bradley ; a lte rna tes,-H odge and H allo o k ; elders, Bard and C u r t is ; altornatos,- Cham bers and VauD oran.

Rev. A. H. D ashlell having labored a t Lake- w b o d 2 I years, felt he needed res t, ttnd a a an o pportun ity was offered him tp go ab road he askell to be dism issed1 from hla p asto ra l re la ­tion . I t waa granted . • eRovs. Chandler, Ro­land, Sw ain, B radley and o thers, "gave affec­tionate testim ony ofD r, Daahlell’a persevering and faith fu l work under advorao c ircum ­stances, an d also spoke of th e ir personal regard for him , , hoping a speedy restoration an d re tu rn to a renew al of hla labors. Hev, iMcMllleu was appointed to declare th e p u lp it Vacant an d to a c t a s M oderator olLthe session which was a lio w .supply th e pM lj^rtr' ,

Rev. Steen read th e . N arrativ e o f tho S ta te o t Religion, showing a deep and earnest aw akening In m ost of the churches, with large

access io n s from the young people.Revj H allock Invited the Presbytery to Old

T ennent Church for Its O ctober session^ 's ta tln g ^ tfia rth irch u rc iran tg ^d a t^ th g -A saem - b ly ,'a n d would be -ah appro p ria te pl>ce to hold a C entennial seaaion. Ther invita tion waa accepted.

R o ll o f H o n o r* .in/uLIC BfilfOOL DISTRICT NO. 90^!,

Pupils who have not been ab sen t o r ta rd y fo r m on t,h ,cDdjng-M arcii 80,1888 : . rv -

a^p r IMAUy , asdurV pa u k . . ;Fannie Decou* Kddlo'Greon,Nina Kroehl, Star Sanford, - ■Bertha Wells, Freddie Wohrer,Lizzie'Wallace, Fm ncofliJBoycc.wiltlfi Ragtirlrtn. •...

' ■ ..H 1’RIMARY,James Applegate, Ida Christine, 'Mary Cady, -— - • Pembertou Uudley, . --John Ueram,* ^ Witilo James,Joe Lash, Lester Sparks.Lizzie Sanford, . Maud VanBruiit, —fAda Vanderveer, Sadie Wardell, *Howard Wallace, .M Howard Oliver,Albert Forney, *■ : A-gglo |tom aln .

^ A rtv e rtiiie a iJotters* . ,• List oM etters_ rq m a in id g ln the post office a t A sbury Uarkv N. J . , fd r the week en d in g A pril-7,-1888 r . - • /.

r r . -"VI— ------g ^ C tl l^ tC S -,Thom pson, Mra. Virden, E & Co.

■ VariNote, Mlsa E lla —W hitehead, MIbs E. B-,

W olven, H ow ards - * Woeks, if r s . 7’. W arw ick, C

M orton; M & tet D. W .W ittberger, Mrs, Theq. O’Brien, Jo h n ~''-• Persona calling fo r the above pleaso ask for advertised letter^ A charge of ono c e n t will be m ade on each lettor a dvettlsed .’aq reqU |red by law. A t « ,T O L ^ i> ; P . M.

Charlea T . H a rr iso n ,'w fio has recently bought the offlce o f tb e 0i>c/a«Kn-a Valley «<in«, spent Sunday with lils p aren ts, on •Third avenhp. I t la hardfbrXJbortoy to b re a k . av<ray from Jiln old associations of xheTark^

A pplegate, D . . Bancroft & Co. ^ Brlttpn , SUsan VV*. B renk-Jpaeph E litt, Misa A. T. Lyons, Mre.Lewis, Mlsa L anra M rtnard, W illiam

I t Was Nenror Homo.7*o the JZflitor $T We Journal - I n tho lost Issue o f the L ong B ranch there appeared the following item :

WHAT I AT MORAL A8 BURY PARK 1 The Asbnry Park J o u rn a l gives currency to a

report th a t a cqck fight, or rather chicken dia- pute, took placo there a Aw nights ago. Men holding public and offlefal positions were in . at- tendance; women, too, and ** the night was spent iu vilest catouBal.” . Limerick m ust look t< Its laurels.;, ,. a •:_ ■ _ • 1 -

Now the fact Ib th a t the cock ' fight dldVnot tak e place In A sbnry P a rk o r even In N eptnne to w n ah ip r I t took p lace .in tho to w h sh fp o f Ocean, north of G reat P ond . T h e fac t th a t a codk fight was to tak e place a t a d isrepu tab le house abou t a mile from P ark Hall was com ­m unicated i to Mr. Bailey, Chief Police^qf A sbury P ark , who called o h thtf^Rresident* oil tho^l^aw and • O rder League o f Ocean tow n- Bhlp, who to l^ him th a t atty co u n ty constab le could m ake a rtes ta o f parties found a t,e p e k fights. The tlnie was too sh o rt . to p u t the .m achinery o f the law in m otion' before the c o c lf f ig h r to 6k” pIace. T irQ ^L aw 'an^ 'O rder League of N cptupe tow nsh ip wlU' work, .in harm ony with tho Ocean tow nship Loogno; and no^doubt tho law will be fully understood when ano ther cock fight is con tem pla ted a t th e houso of q m an who seem s to have lost all §ense^)f .honor. The poorest tram p and the m eanest tb d t wanders th rough tho w orld has aome sp ark of honor Heft, b u t th e follow who ad d s cock fipbtlng to hhj business .of rum - belling Is ab o u t as low dowh as a m an /c a n .possibly ge t. ,

P iiE sips.v j Law anu OiiPKit LsAaifB, A sbury Park , Ocean G rove and vicinity .’

Trusts, Deposits anrt Savings.Second on ly to tlio " o rgan iza tion o f o u r

bauka, if indeed it dooe not s tan d first In th o substan tia l lutoresta of tho people, Is tho new M onmouth T ru s t and Safe D eposit Company^ which wont Into operation on T h u rsd ay , Jn tem porary q u a rte rs a t t l io . 9 Id p o st offlce building, while' tho new bank ing house, its fu ture hom e, is being built.

On the 10th o f NoverabAviaaT^.M essrs. O.H. Brown, A. C. Tw ining, Jo h n E. Davla, 11C. W insor, W m S.. .laokenn, Xiea .FAJicoehl and H . H . Y ard ,-as Incorporators, took the first step lu the brganlzatlon . T h e 7 th of Jan u ary , 1888, the articles o f Incorporation w ere recorded w ith tho S ecre ta ry of State, au thorizing tho com pany to issue and dispose of bonda to tho am ount of $ 100,000.

The shares wero quickly d isp o se d o f,, ahd double tbe am oun t would havo found ready takers. . A form al organ ization took place Feb. 9, 1888, resu lting J n tho election .o e folio wing officers : . .

Isaao C. K ennedy—President. /Geo. F . Kroehl—V ice-presidt'iit. ,

„ H enry C W insor—Secretary.A lbert C. Tw ining—'Treasurer.Isaac C. K ennedy, N. E . Buchanon, J . '

Stanley Ferguwin,- *Brnce 8 . K e^tor, Geo.^ E. Kroehl,- H enry C . W insor, A abury P a r k ; H enry II. Yard, Occaii B each ; O liver II. Brown, Spring L a k e ; W lll la n rJ . H arrison, Lakewood; G arret D._W.e Vroom, T renton , D irectors. . ,1'.

The com pany undertakes tho cafe of tru s ts, estates, annu ities, A c ., th e secu rity o f bonds and valuables, and has a savings d epartm en t. I t thus becomes a valuable in stitu tio n for people of surp lus revenues, Vor those o f •mod­erate m eans, and for those w ho wish to lay by smaU savings. The offlcers a re m en o f known ab ility a n d carefu l business methods,' giv ing an assu rance th a t the affairs o f the com pany ,wlU’be conducted in a prudent.iiiart-

. ,.The office Is In charge of^M r. l*v G, Snede­ker, assistan t—treasurer, an d _Mr . M illard F,

Ird, book-keeper. rr 110 equipm ents o f , th e tem porary ofllce a re the usual desk und office fu rn itu re , w ith the largest p o rtab le H errin g B a f e over m anufactu red by F arre ll & Co., of Philadelphia. I ts doors an d m ain walls a re 12 Inches th ick and .It weighs nearly 12 tons. The door la supplied w ith the la te s t im proved bination locks with tim e a tta c h ­m ent If needed. The m akers g u a ra n te e th a t n o professional bu rg lar c an get in to th e safe w ith-the-beat-toola -a h or t of .48 hours-steady-

•a td « y i» £ ^

w ork. - ; i - r - -There are 90 boxes w ith steel, aides and

doors 4x4x16, and C boxes 8x8x1(11^ They ren t fo r $5 and $10 p e r year: Each box h a s . tw o keya, one held by the tru s t officer an d one by the bo x holder. N either canloppn-itL.alono.. Ten of the boxes.w erd engaged fhe firsl T hejsafeJs only fo r-tem p o ra ry n s ^ t t iT w I I L be retu rn ed w hen the p erm an en t v au lts in the new building are ready.- The com pany Is now ready for business in all Ita departm ents, and extenda a cord ial In­v ita tion to the publlo to call an d exam ine ita present equipm ent and to in q u ir e in to the ainiB and scope of the Institu tion . ' ‘ ‘ .

K e o p e i i l i i p ^ t l l e O p e r a r H o i t s e , —

Tuesday n ight’s easterly atorm o f wind and ra j n_kept hundredsl o t .people aw ay_^om the Opera House. H ad it been p leasan t there wouldn’t have been a vacan lr, for a m in­stre l show Is Asbury Park/A chlpf kellght. and with suoh a com pany / a s Dockstarfcr’s thero- would have bee^ n o excuse for keeping away.

M anager L o n g h a d worked n ig h t an d day. to havo.everythlng In p roper ahape, a u d i t Is due tb h is tireless energy th a t the house never looked p re ttle j.o r was more com fortable. The new cha,lfs and carpets a re of the b est m ake, th e ushers gentlem anly and obliging, an d tbo fine scenic effects of the stage settinga eqnal to ariy O ty th e a tf t . M em bers o f the com- panyJw§fe delighted w ith the house an d I ts , equ ipm ent. *. .

To criticise r m instrel perform ance Is out of the queatlon, th e r e w as the aam e.“ first p a r t ,” w ithJtho soml-clrole o f end m en, vocal­ists and the m iddle m an, or Interlocutor, and the m usicians and boy choristers In the back­ground. Rice and Dockstador occupied the ends and wrestled with tho usnal conundrum s and comic songs. T he ten o r an d bass solos were few arded .with hearty applause. Such vblces a re rare ly heard ex cep t In th e h ighest c p s o f opera com panies Rice’sd J tty 'o f love ; and Dockstadei;’s topical aong, in which he touched some Jocal characters in a tender spot, were am ong th e ' m oat agreeable num- bera. One thing forgotten wits the mossy gag

.AiKtttfcdtpg-stores an d th e ^ a ^ to ^ w f f ik ^ ^ f p r ' a dram W ithout a p rescription. Dockatader’a “ Home, Sweet H bm ePr provoked scream s of

Jau g b te r . His su it o f clothes w as of unusual dimebalons, n e explained the misfit by say ­ing th a t Steinbach had sent him U riah W hite’s su it by m istake.

The sing ing of the boy q u a rte tte was a re- fre sh ln g frlto f vocalism, and tho o lio by the song and dance men am ong the b est ever.

H o w tlicX aiu lG o eaT Jp .Fourteen years ago (1874) D r. Hi ,S. Kin­

m onth bought tho land on Cookriian avenue .opposite his d rag store for $ 10 per fron t foot. Thia week he B o ld t o 1 Jo sep h W eir/jffy tw en ty - th ree feet.for $300 per foot, o r an increase o f nearly 25 p e r oepC per.year added to I ts value. Mr. W eir ha^ found th a t hia re s ta u ra n t buair ness has increased J t o , such a n ex te n t th a t m ore r b o m is required a n d " has .therefore. md3o the purch ase .^ . -

G r a n d E u t o r t a i n m e n t . : v

. The frlonds of .tho Y.. M. C. A .'w ill giVQi-a m ilaical and literary en terta lnraont on^Tues- day evening, Aj^ril 17, In E ducational H all, for the piano fund. 0 Vocal, violin and co rn e t solos,* by such a rtis ts hs Mias F arring ton and Mr*~Melchow-i-f6oltatlon by Mias M cGuire, an d chorU^ o«mpo,sed of 75 .voices,, led by Mr./A. C. Atkins. /a, v

The Classls of M ohm om b h e ld - I ts s ta ted Sprjngfeeaslpn in the lioforitied Chnrch, Key­port, lo st Tueeday,',;\O n ly ro u tin e business waa transacted . • r


C a p i t a l , - 8 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

Authorized by la w tu nut na KxeciUor, Ailmln- istrator, QuaralarrrTniBtoe. AsHlgiiee. hecelver Ajtoni. s ta ..a n d fq rth o fiilt li ti i l lMrfommiieo of a llw c h dutloa Ita capital stock, and enroluk ar« liable; also to Receive and Kxcctlto W a ts T f every deBoTlption. from the Courla, Corporation* and Individual s. , v

All T rust Funds and Investments are IriBcrlhed in tbo nttmes o f tlio ownfcrs t>f tho property hold In trust, and a re kept separate and npart from the- assets of the Company. ■ / ■ • ;

I q t e r e s t A l lo w e d o q UrpONliN.Safe DciMMit V au lts in O r e nnd b u r l

p r o o rb u l ld , ln g . ,n o w incourse-of-eivc-—tion, com er Mattiaon avenuo and liond street. Wills receipted for and kept witiiolU charge::'™ Will commence business on o r alft«(t Man-h 1

IHSH. ISHAO KKNNliDY. l'rt!H ,lym. •CiBO. F- KKOKH I.. Vice IW d l'it t 11KNHY<!. WINKOK.Sccrciary ' ’

. A.C.TW lNINO.Treasnrcr!D1HBCTOUH:

(fl; n. W. V HOOM, Trenton, N. J.> wr. J. HARI«HON. I.akow<K)d. X. J.,. OLIVKKJI. BltOWN. Spring Uko. N. ,J. •

IIKNRY fa. YAItll.Oceau iRjaf h, N. j . ■•INO, 8. FKROUHOI&, Anbury I'ark. N. .1. IIENHYC.WINSOIU ••

'’■* OKO. F. KltOKlIL, •*.HRUOB 8 . KHATOK, M.I).,A. C. TW1NINO, ...................N. B. BUCHANONT'ISAAC O. KENNKIJY.

$ 10,0 00 'To Loan on Good Mortgages.

S. C. COWART, Freohoid, N. J.

Money to LoanON HONI> ANl> MpRTGAGE. .

ISAACfC. KKNNBDY, Aslmry Park.


M O R TG A G E LOANS.708 C o o k m an Ave.

J ' x v P a r s , V

S 8 A L E .— B y v ir tu e o f a_ w rit of 11. fa. to m e directed, Issued out ot

theC Irepit Court o f tlio county of Monmouth, New Jersey* wilt bo-oxpo.Hed t« salo a t public vendue, on- * ■ ' ^ r r- r

S a tu rd a y , th o O tli-d ay o f M ay,.T 888 , - betw een tho hours of 12 and ft o'elo«*k, (at 2 o'clock), ifi the afternoon o t kuIiI day, a t i'ark Hall, In tho borough of Asbury Park, in tbo township of Neptune, county of Monmouth, Now Jersey,• .All the following described' lands, tep’-"*’ ementa and real esta te of tho aald .Robert ‘fl. Cusack, builder and owner as tenant for years, viz.: The said.building Ib a two-sloiy brick Hat tin roof storo building, twenty feet by forty-four feet, erected on a lo t of land or cnrtilage.Hituate, lying and being In the borough of Asbury Park, in the county o f Momnouth and s ta te of New*-, Jersey, beginning a t ajaplnt In the northnrVy line of Mattison-avenHiVjatrtiiesouthweHt corner of John llenry Applegate’s land, distant one.inm- ., dred and tw o feet and eight inches westerly from the northw est^corner of Mattlson avenno and (Bond s tree t ; tnenee [IJ-westwatdly along the -.tfOTthor.Jy-lJne.ot Mattison..avenue,twenty

- fee t; "thence-^Uj- -northwardly a t right angles - with Mattb?ort avenuo fifty fe e t ; thonee [3] east- wardly parallel with Mattison avenuo twenty fee t; theuce f-lf abuihwardly again a t right an- gica-witb Mattison avonue and along John‘Henry Apidegates’.s laud fifty feet to tho place ef begin- . ning.— •

Seized os the property of Robert B. Cusack, builder and owner us tenant for.years, taken, in , execution a t the suit of Charles Lewis and Phin- <fax M. Barber, partners as Chas. Lew h & C«, and to be,sold b y . ’ •.

.'--■,1 : THKOnORii FIMLPS, SlierlfT. *Isaac C. ttusrfrKHVVAtt’y. ......... 'J)ated April a, itw . [P r's fee. f .



Messrs;‘ • i

Wainright &!Errlckson

will make their-usual

Spring Announcement


In the Interim , v isit th e ir s to re and lo o k -a t- the new; styles in F u rn itu re , Carpets, Glass,' C rockerj’, and House Fixings.

■ ...

A Word to tbe Wise■ IS SUFFICIENT.

A-ohango In the^plau of conducting bualness. which precludeB the po.ssibiiity of usin# a team of horses, e ither for pleasure or profit; compels tlio subscriber to sell th a t beautiful nntl very desirablo tejiirf of bldck norjes,

M A U D E B , ^ A . n 3 " J I M ,carefully bred in Inverness, In th e Province of Quebec, Canada. Their dam s v^eres of pure— French Mpck, sired b y . BlackliawK. and them1- , aelveS'alBb aired by .Blaekhawk. Maudo E.’h dam, w ithout training,trotted a mllo in two min­utes and fortv seconds on tho best,roads in the Vlululty. of- Quobeo, Canada, ami uovv Maude i£., without traiulng,'trots a mlio In less than threo minutes in single harness, and togetlier with .Jim m ak c a a m lle ln lo8.4.than four minutes 0 1 1 ‘the *- est roads in the vicinity bf Asbury I’ark . N. .J, *

l id s team was bred with the view of securing t yip; speed* gentleness, intelligence, and docil­

ity, and the’greatest posslblo am ount of .opdnr- nnee. Imported regardless of expeiiBQ. and thor­oughly broken to dr,Ive singly o r together.‘♦They

■3 be<— ‘--------------------».....................................have been'tangh^ to have imnllelbjoonildenoo in ;

fused . They1 have never yet been frightened, or .attem pted,to run a w a y .. Tlieir pbwers'of endnr-aiice, and dlspoaitlon-a»d the way they-have been broken-makes them aafo, cheap, and deslr-. able, even a t tjio highest' price, without consid-

.erlng the record fo r speed, thoy WUl-securo.' .Maude K. will be fivo years old on tlie first day

►f July, 1____ ^.......,,dav of iheBumo'month. ^- ^ T h e s o h o r s o s , t o g e t l i e r w i t h a 7C0 p o u n d ; d n i f t c o t i p ^ . - j n g o o d r u u n i n g o r d e r , ( o t H r e w s to r ’s m a k e , ) o n e v p r y l i g h t t w o w h e e l e d - c a r r i a g e , ' a d b u b l e J ia m c H s ( s i t v e f - p l a t e d ) , t w o t o t s a ln g U ) h a r n e s s ^ s i lv e r p l a t e d ) , t w o s u d d lo s , o n o f o r J o d y a n d o n o f o r g e n t l e m a n : a l s o brtdte»», m a r t i n g a l e s , & o . , a tw ti- B o a tc < rH lo lg l i , s t r i n g o r s i I v e r - p l a j e d h e l l s , w o l f s k i n m b e , a l l o f w h ic h , m a y b o s e e n a t t l i e e t a b l e s o f t h o s u b s c r i b e d a n d o w n e r . A l l t h e a b o v o w i l l b o o f f e r e d l o r s a l e o n

SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1886,a t 1 o 'c l o c k p . M .ko n t h e p r e m i s e s o f t h » s u b s c r l * b e r a n d - o w n o r , w f i o u t r r m s w l U ‘b o m a d o k n o w H .

D B . E V A N B ,

No. 542 Cookman avohno,.Asbury Park, N. J , .

-------------_ years ____ _______ _188Hi.eind 41m w fivo on tho tliir*!-

- a 'i ■ i .

... • \ V ■ :V ’*V

.■ / i f " ' v .

V ■■■'■ :r. r

- s L —

4SBWEY PABE JOURNAL, SATURDAY , : 14, * 8 8 8 . '


j. SiTtTBDAy, APRIL 14, 1888.

H a te s o f A id v e rtls in a r.

| I 6 j ' : 1*.-.80j$400|l 000 00 000 1000 60 BOO 1-1400.

. 00 10 00 1800 ff 00 1800 2500

00 2000 3500 00 SO 00 5000“ 00)5500 B500 00i9000|icp00

Locax NorroKB.—A limited num ber of local notices frltt bo adm itted a t tho ra te ,o f flftoon

‘ bents p e r Hue; They , will bo plaopd a t th e bot- . t om of tho looal columtts only, and m ust have

“ end. When continued four weeks or.longer? ad lS couh t of 2ft poir c e n t Ib allowed.

TKnMs.—Yearly advertisem ents are payable'v ,q u a rte rly ,,in advanco :.advertisem ents lorJeBa

‘berlod than three m onths are cash. .*>

■‘I . O i i r A j c e i i t H .Geo.‘ P , Rowell & Cp.,'10 Spruco stl, New York. W. $V.Sharp & Co.. a I Park Row, New York,; Edw in AJden 140 N assauat.,H ew York,

and Cincinnati." J . II. Bates, 41 Park Row, Now York. „ '

N , W^Ayer «fc feon, Times Building, Phlla’d.. P ra tt & Co., N inth and Arch eta., Phlla’d . /

' Will receive advertisem ents for Tub Jo u rn a i* a t regular DUbllfehod rates. 1

J n all cases wo resorvevthe right to re leo t anjt advertisem ent th a t m ay bo objectionable to u s . ,

l e g a l N o t l c e i . v ' * \Our friends will pleaso bear In m ind th a t 'Pas

J ournal is a legal newspaper, and as such lfl the proper m edium for all legal notices. Somo aq-H -1, f .1 . 1. A V... lo ... Ifflth

t ln ter-vorilHomcntR belong to us by law , while w ith m any others It Is optional w ith the p a rt? lr ested a s to w h a t paper should publish them (

I....; « F r * e . N o tice s .* ’By m utual agreem ent, and by reoomraenda-

tlon of the New Jersey Editorial Association, the newspapers of Aebnry Park have decided to abolish the unfair and unw arranted custom of giving free lodal notices to entertainm ents d f4 any kind which hai '* ‘ ’ * x

!so f money for the --------- ... ------------vlduals. H ereafter we shall m ake a oharge of

* five eents p e r line to residents and ten cen ts per - lino tb traveling or ou table companies Or persons

i have as tholr object the raising tho benefit of societies o r Indl-*

M r. E g b e r t T ow ner has aold hlB E igh th avo-nuo residence for $ 10 ,000."

R ev. A. R ogert, d r ! , m ade a h asty visit’ to tbo P a rk a n d G rove on M onday.

T uesday’s heavy rain cleaned the streots ahd s ta rted b ad s an d grassJnto> now life.

- M r. G eorge W n rtz , of the P a terson P m a , and wife, a re s topp ing a t the A tlan tic House, Ofeean G rove. > ■

T w o very va luab le leases aro offered for .sale by W., I I . .Tones,- the coal dealer. See advertisement. . .

T he real e s ta te llrm of Ervien & S tock ton has been dissolved and M r.8 tocktbn now con­tro ls the business, ~ y

S upt. Jo ra lem on promlaos th a t a c a r wlll b$ ru n o ver thft en tire lebgth of the E lectric tait- way within ten days.

T bo-foundation o f Mr. T re a t’s 1 o n A sbury aveuuo Is com pleted a h dnp- . . . . v . - ' t •

Messrs. Rogers, G arrison &>■ Rogers a re p u t t lo g u p .a ^ ln rg e b u lld ln g a d jo In ln g tb e lL m iU for a u ofllce an d s to re rooms.

Mr. L. M. Meeker, of B rookjyn , m ade o h asty v lslh tp the P a rk on T h u rsd ay to p u t h is houso In o rd er for the sum m er. . . ^

Mr. M, J . Boycb reachod hom tfon W ednes^ d ay even Ing frdm Roojtledgo, F lo rida ; wbqro ho has sp en t the w lntor on th e force o f th ellfntWllldtftff'-lijmr-T'V • :'V -.-rr: ■'*'

Miss Llzzie S ill-ente^talned a num ber o f her yoilfigf friends a t , t h e G rand Ave. Hotel o n S a tu rday evening , on the occasion o f h e r b irthday ann iversary . . / V * r

Mr. an d Mrs. G. W, E vans aro In W ashings ton, D , C.‘, where they pn-ived on M onday/ fi-om A rlington , FlaV* M rs.. E v an s’s health has g rea tly lm proved^ aud -1 n a few 'days she will co n tin u e her hom ew ard journey-as^far a s Philadelphia. T. y ' ' - ^

Tho casting th a t M r, Bradley picked u p in a foreign ju n k shpp, etch ings o f which were m ade th a t have figured so largely ^n publlo p rin ts ; nas been handsom ely gilded ,by M r. E* E . M an y ,, ah d is e n vjew l a Schneider’s show w indow s. . •. ■ • ■ ' ; ' ' -

T here are now ,440 houso conhect% »s on the m ains o f th e A sbury P ark and now tap s a re being m ade a lm o st'ev e ry day. ’ ' • '.

‘M r. A u te n , o f the Second N ational B ank of N ew ark, spen t Sunday w ith Mr. an d Mrs. Charle$ J . H u n t, a t th e A tlan ticH o u se , Ocean Grovo. ' . ’ ~ .......

T h l^ F rid a y Is “ open vda^’^ a t - t h e -Longi b r a n o h H igh School. T here” will be q u ite a

delegation in a tten d an ce- from the Asbnry P a rk school.

M r. J a m e s J . Powers, C. E ., o f Brooklyn, will lectur^ on Sewer System s an d the dis­posal of sewage, a t L ib rary H all, n e x t Thurs­day evening.

T h o sa le o f Dr. E b S # Una team and c a r­riages, „ which tak es placo th is (Saturday) afte rnoon .sh o u ld d raw jn a n y lovers o f good horses together. >

Mr. J . B. Thom pson, of.Ocdan G rove,ended Ula Boason a t tbo E v e re tt Hotel, .TackeonvUle, on M onday, and j s a t homo again. He brought w lthh lp i an ew m in ia tu re yacht m ade in F lorida, w ith which ho proposes to b e a t any th ing oti W esley.or Floloher L ak es .: | t Is

lit tle Q tfet an d tho m odemImprovem ents for se lf stoerlug and ‘‘ trim ­m ing sh ee ts .” .M essrs, W. P , Ladom aa and C. .J . . H aiti a lso own fast sailers, and the races betw een them th is season a re’iboked forw ard to w ith a . g rea t deal o t In terest, . A, prlze c a p wUl b e aw arded to th e m ost^ tue—H cessful yach t.. • • - ■ ‘ : A \ ;

•Mrs. JL1zzieTW alker, s is te r in'raW drT>Ir.”C.“F. W alke iyof th is place, was a eehdoolm ate of th e P re sid e n t’s wilo a t WellB College, g rad ­uating , tw p.^m rsJ)iifflm JkIr8. C leveland. L ast

- l ) t . K e a to r’s law dJts ambnjT the fl ret to need1 th e m ow er. The docto r’s horses an d the grass In th e f ro n t y a rd show the effect o f p len ty of

. good {ood an d p ro p er care . -

T he w indow s of J e n k ln s’H sta tionery and G ow dy & P itch e r 's harness estab lishm ent'a re a p re t ty good" advertisem en t of the varied c o n te n ts o f the twp stores. .-V

T h e J o u r n a l begs to acknow ledge, w ith inw ard satlgfaction, the receip t o f som e fresh,

J o o th so m e Cal 1 fornTa" a 9paragua from - the M ikado o rb ric -a -b rao , M r. C. E. Bobst.

W e u n d ers tan d th a t Uuasoll Hullck Is abou t m oving to Ocean county . l i e says th a t ho d o u b t there w ill be trouble u n d e r ^he local op tion law , and he w ishes to got away.

A unt Polly B asse tt an d h e r accom plisfied d au g h te r a rrived here th is week. They are

booked to r P ittsb u rg and Philadelphia' before they se ttle dow n In the P ark for tbo sum m er.

M r.O . II. BroWn will now be ,h t h is N orth Spring L ak e store every w e e k d a y e x cp p t 8at- urdayq;’ H is b ig estab lishm ent Is fu ll o f the flnest and la te s t styles of a ll sorts o f h o u se - fu rn ish ing g o ods;' and noth ing pleased him b e tte r th a n to havo his A sbury P afk frlehds c a ll upon him .:

Rev. D. W. Skellenger, o f Dunellen, N . J . , preached last S unday to large congregations- a t the P resb y te rian Church. T he m orning serm on w as a fine exposition o f D ay ld ’s y a l- rnnt Qght for h o r earth ly k ingdom as a .t^p o o f the necessity o f the C hristian w arfare. The eveaing was a pi'alse service a n d tho topic,: “ G?pd Js love.”

M r. J e iry T ilto n w as d riv ing n e a r th e fre ight sta tio n W ednesday, afternoon when h is horse becam e frightened by a tra in . The anim al” wheeled around , throw M rT T lf to rf from his su lky , then dashed In to a wagon, leav ing th e tw o -w b ^ le i, an d rfcih-op M ain s treet w ith the harness dangling tb o u t lils

ps. The* horse ra n as far a s i * 9 * ■ - . .. * .. -J

In the early p a rt of th e w lntor M rs. T . M. Avery suffered a severe sickness In Brooklyn^ Recovering sufficiently to travel, sho w ent to T h o m asv ille /tJa ., w here she rem ained u n til th is week, w hen she retu rn ed to th e P ark . H er Illness has in terfered with her bnlld ing

.plans here, and the tiotei she ‘contem plated, erecslng on the ocean f ro n t will JioJ; bo bullt; thlsfseason. H er health is now fully recov^ ered. ' .

In Mr. Cyrua W. Flojd’s ydunge? 'd jjy s ho was engaged In th o 'ftan n fac tu ro of p ap er, an d through business reverses was obliged to m ake an assignm ent. . A co m p ro p lso waa effected ‘an d cred itors received ab o u t 50 per c en t. M j. F ield was released from his logal obligations, and afterw ard^ prospered In business, b u t tbo m atte r of the d eb t -ho owed, m orally , to h ts form er creditors waa alw ays u p u trm o st In h is m ind. W hen ho had paid ofT the, la s t do llar, with In terest frocn tho dato of h is failure , ho felt as though ho had dono his duty . H e Is now a vory w m lthy m an, b u t h is policy has alw ays been, “ Owe ho roun an y th ing .”

year M rs. W alker was in W ashington and before leavlngfsho very n a tu ra lly desired to call u p o n 'X m . C le v e la n d 'a n d ape’ if sho re ­m em bered her. Upori bending h e r c a td to the W hite H ouse she received a co rd ia l no te from Mrs. C leveland, inv iting her to call and ap^ poin ting a tithe. The call was m ade and. Mrs. W alker was honored w ith a n Inform al ijocla] ohat of ,OTne duration ; an d h e r welcome waah ea^y beyond aU expectation . She will long rem em ber tho p leasan t visit.

A colored m an w as'driv ing th a t fall vehicle vfaceUously know n aa the “ b an d w agon,” Tjsed'by the E lectrio Railway m en In a d ju s t­ing the overhead wires, one day th is week,; and did n o t m ake a ver^. good calcu lation as

'to Its he igh t. I n try ing to drive u nder the line the to p of the w agon cau g h t one o f the. big coppor w ires and pulled i t from th e b a n g - . e r. I t fe ll a n d s tru c k the Iron t ire , and a s tho cu rren t waa on there were blue blazes and some ta ll crack ing a s the mptals cam e togeth­er. One ot the raulefl a ttach ed to th e wagon touched his heel to the w ire and a t once be­cam e am bitious to b reak the k ick ing record, b u t was^Qnally secu red ^ I t is affirmed by w it­nesses th a t th e jlr lF e r ac tua lly turned white.

F o r co ttages to ren t' and barg a in s In real estate a t Key E^st, ap p ly to R.„,p. Love, Key E a s t L and Office.—Adv.:

P residen t M cEw an was in tow n a p a r t of the week, b u t h a s retrtrned to Philadelphia. Mrs. M cEw'an tfas^been 111, o lse_tBe_ family w ould have been home now. They v IU come n e x t week. . ________

A m ong th e n ea tes t of the co ttages lately '* e rected Is t h a t o f . M rrllen ry D oren, on Bangs

avenue. The In te rio r arrangem ent is very' i' com ple te ,and well .ad ap ted fo r the use o f a

sm all fam ily . • . -;>t •„

M r. D . C raw ford ’B ‘‘ Palace of M usic,” in th e n ew W h ite b u ild in g ,o n M aln stree t, open­ed o n T h u rs d a y w ith a b rillian t d isp lay of pianoB, organs, m n sfta lih efch an d lse , low ingm ach ines, & c. - . 1

- R e h e a t co ttag e on G rand avenuo, above Sewall, form erly^occiipIedJjy F re d L .^o m era ,

• i^ J ia s been p u rch ased o f Mr. M o tle rb y M rt^ . ^ 'M . - R a ls to n , 'p rincipal of the Ocehn Grovo

d ep a rtm en t of-tho public schools. V

’■ MrV J o h n I). ' Beeglo id Having a canary- co lo r d ress o f p^ ln t 'p u t on his M ain s tree t

* ch a teau . I t Is In lively c o n tra s t to tho som bre t in t o f th e B ap tist Church-.- Mr. Ashor Culver la d o ing the w ork lu tho best m anner.

**• M r.“AfCCfieaaey has a horse au d c a rr ia g e es p a rtn e r In tbo real esta te buelnoss. W ednes­day m orniug the anim al took a no tion to run th in g s to su it hlm selt and camo near dissolv­ing partnersh ip . Ho w as.caught a fte r a lively chose an d b ro n g h t back to business.

— ------

A pressuro o f advertisem ents a n d th e pnbr llcation in detail of the W esloy Lako bridge, nego tia tions has com pelled the om ission ot tho r e p o r t o f tho Bonrd of T rade m eeting,

^ “ Silas P e te rs ’ ” le tte r and many Item s o f local In terest. M ost o f them will be given, nex t w eek;- -- , ______^

W eedon’s Law n Dressipg, 8co c a rd .— A<b>.

Tho open ing term of; the* ^oasldo-H om o; B o ard ln g an d Day Hcliool for y oung ladies an d ch ildren , A sbury Park , opens A p ril-18. Prl-*

. vate pupils in m usic, languages, & o ./ th o r ­oughly taa g b t. t ’or circulars; ad d ress Miss R o s v P r in c ip a l, ,004 A sbury avenue, A sbury Parlf, N . J.^- 'Ad». -

C all and exam ine tho Imm ense s tock of mattrosscB and b ed d in g -n t J , A. G lthens ^ C o .’s new facto ry , 14!1 Main s tree t, head of. Luke avonue.—Ado.

Awnings, felting fo r bollore, now code, w eather signals, p ride from |8 to $10 p e r act. Hom ‘mot>way’s ,B lP ‘Cookmifn4Vi— Ajlu.

'JP lib y a r o r N e v c r ^ o t , o f bargu lns in co ttago properties a n d desir­ab le vacan t lots in Aebnry Park a n d W est A abury, a t G 6uld & Pawloy’s agency. C^ll and see th em ,a t e ither ofllce and get bottom prices.—Ativ* ,

JM>—A t QO Cpnts—OJ>25 doz. gentlem en’s hats, F edora sty lo iu,

black o r d rab , will be p u t on sale this S a tu r­day. Dou^t fall to g e t one.

H enry S teinbach , iBrlck'Store.—Ado.

' O reat Crash in W all-Paper.Ja c o b Doll, the p rac tica l paper-hanger an d

decorator, has on hand the largest a n d finest stock of g lit and p lain w allpaper and decora­tions, an d glij; p ic tu re m oulding an d frames. Picture, hooks a t lowest prices -In the county, ft I ve us a ca ll. E stim ates given. No. 543 Cookm an av enue,'A sbury Park, N* J'.-»i4f/w.,

Corsets! C orsets!30 doz. French Sateen Corsets a t 97 cents,

V . WOrtll IS.fiO"20 doz. F ren ch S ateen C o rse fe lit^O 'cen ts ,''- "

' .w orth $2.00. 20 do?. Twilled Corsets a t 47c, worth $1.50. lO T loirC hildren’a W aists uv23u,'w ortlr50c."...

The above are from *the recen t Broadway Are, hut w arranted a ll perfect. Secure som e a t once a t tho

Brick Store of Henry Stelnbdclu—^dy.

‘A full an$k<yynplote a sso rtm en t of T russes a t K in m o n tb ^ rC o ’s .-iv i'/n . ~. *

V. Prices Ttfll tlie'Story.J u a l spend a few m om ents n t o u r show

windfows. Sco th e varie ty o f goods on d is­play ami note p articu la rly the price m arked on each ^ T h a t tel Id the story 1 I f you walit. a closer inspection o n r s to re Isftpen t o y o u In all departm en ts. W e claim th a t o u r prices aro^Jow^r fp r “tho sam e o ioss.of goods than a t any o th er s to re I ii th e S ta le 1 ; T V .\

\ Steinbaob Bros.— Adit.

Carpenter^ W anted. »25 good ca rp en ters w anted o n M onday,

April 10; W ages $2.50 por day 5 -work u n til July<Sl A ddress Bonj. A lbeftson, A sbury Park .\ —Adv., * 1,

O rent Value for C sib Ii.

Messrs. Steinbach Bros, have recontly tfiade exton&lve additions to th eir Shoe Depart ment, p u ttin g in an assortm ent o f th d finest as well ks tho lower g rades ( f foo t w ear. T his Btock was all m ade to their special o rd e r by leading m anufacturers, bought fo r cash, and Is placed on their shelves a t as sm all advance over ac tua l cost as leg itim ate expenses wljl perm it. Every taato can be su ited .

■f)Jd S tand , I^akftav. an d Main s t

M attings! M atttn^st- Nice White M atting a t $4 00 a ro n >

Fanoy check M atting a t $5.75 a roll.*And hnndTfds of piecoa of F anoy\M atting a t com parativelyJow prices, a t the

. Brick S tore ^ f Henry 8 telnbaclf.—Jrf».


i j a ^ l i e s i n a F i r e m a n ’s H a l l . _

The Ball o f N eptune E n g in e 'H o u se w it­nessed a, novel gathering on W ednesday even­ing. T li6 unnbual ^peC taolo^of m any e x tra sea ts j-w lth ^ th e - carfy in g o f-su n d ry tfibs an d m y B ^ o u p ^ p a c k a g o s ,’ all gave token th a t sq m cth ln g m o re than o rd in a ry ,w as a b o u t to tak e ^ la c e . Tho p rom oters o f the-aflfalr whls* pored with double-capped Bocreoy n o t to lo t your wife know abou t it, b u t b ring the

wom en folks. ’7 " ' ~ ; l . ;i_ --V.' A nd Ih o wom en folks camo. wUli wlvesi sis

ters, m others and sw eethearts, to th o rcuiilott of. tho Nopkuno'o m onthly banque't. M r. G. F. Kroehl, president, wore his usu a^b o o lg n ap t smile, graolously receiving th e '"co m p an y ’s guests. C ap t. Mlnttc arid Secretary- Bird were hero, th e re and everywhere, m ak ing them - boIvob useful, and Indeed the.W hol^ com pany wero on tho a lq rt to see th a t tlietr guests.w ere well provided.

A very excelloht pfogtyuv. w as im provised for th e occasion. Tho first; num ber was a p lan o Bolo by M rs. M .-F . B ird . P resident Kroehl g a v e 'a n address oFw elcom o, Which' was followed w ith a vocal qoIq by H arry Red­w ay. -Capt. M inot was called' on fo r a n "ad­dress, b u t declined, as ho won Id havo so m uch ta lk in g d u rin g th e evening. H o k e p t b is word. M essrs. H u rled a n d n o flm an gave a ban jo dhef, 7 w hich was well received. M r. J'ohn F . H aw kins, the Dopew o f aftor-dinnor speechm akers, then laVored h is hearers with a n addro86, jlearned and poin ted . 'M rs. Miles, a lw ay a .read y , gave a recitation . Ex-Chief Beegle arid D . H . JVyckoff spoke Jo t w h a t they know- ab o n t fires, fire com ^in les in general, and those df A sbury P ark In particu la r. The be|ujoisJs thon gave a n o tW exhib ition o f their -skyi.^ M r. $t. E. Buohanon an d Rev. J . D . S to n e --m ad e ahort addresses. Messrs. Com p and Ripley delighted tho aud ience with their .m usical specialties. Addresses b y Mr. U. C. Pcnflold anil P residen t M cEwan, o f the Board *of ComtriissioncrH, closed tbe exer­cises. •-*

Tho guests were then served w ith Ico cream , cake and lem onade, which was good, ab u n d ­a n t and to spare. M r. W. II. Miles, who a r ­rived too lato for his placo on tho brogram , gave a Germ an dialect recita tion . Tho slng- lug of “ A uld L ang Syne,” led by C apt. M lnotj-eoneluded 'the-evening.----------------------

. W l i y 8 0 Clienp? .. lIs w h a t everybody a sks who has seen Shoos sold a t Buoh ‘low f ig u re s ,, Sim ply “because I . bought all of my shoes d irec t from tho m anu­factu rer. A nother large sale th is Saturday.

H enry Steinbach, Brick Store.—^rfw.

Don’t forgetHtho ” Tailor Sociable,” to be given by th e lad les o fL tho B ap tist Church, noxt W ednesday.n lght, a t the S a in t Claire, S ecord avenue. Som ething now, q u ee r an d h u m o ro u ^ s prom ised. Each lady to b ring an apron o f somo kind not hemm ed. .Admis-- s lon for indies, 10 c e n ts ; gontlemen, 25 centa, e n titlin g th c m to a n aprdri. Those In terested 1n the o rg a n fund are.Uiy.inHU : th e prizes.—Adv. ■ : . ' v i__

P aiita tobnsl I 'an ta loons! /225-pa ir Men’s Pantaloons a t 75 cents.200 p a ir M en’s P antaloons a t 09 cents.

Aud m an y 'o th e r com paratively low prices a t tho Brick S tore’of H enry S teinbach.—Adv.

lU itie rs '© lee Club.Thcse.justly ce leb rated eitigers (15) will give

ono o f tholr G rand Concerts a t Educational Hall, T hursday cvenlug, April 20th. Adm is­sion 25 centa. Reserved seats -55 cents.—Adt>.

M illinery! M illinery!As usnal, fo r .handsom e fancy ribbons,

atklfah trl»olGf&-bonuct8 ,a u d p retty flow ery you can i>g boataccO m m odated a t the . '

Brick Storo o f Honry StelnbachT—Adv.

Easy F itting 8?ioes.S teinbach Bros. \ have the f a s te s t fitting

shoes in tow n. A t tjiis season, w hen a sud­den warm spell b r ln g r 'o u t the weakness of co rns o r tender jo in ts, n o th ing can be m ore satisfacto ry th an a p a ir o f commori-sense, limber-soled Bhoes for ladles or m isses, o r an easy-fitting W aukehphast for" tho m en. The com fort obtained is worth ten tim es th e cost. See our display of new and fashionable shoesfor spring and sum m er w ear. .

Old S tand, Lako ave. an d M ain St.—Adv.

Ready-Made Ciotliing-.H enry Steinbach, o f the B rick Store, has

now^on hand th e largestrasBortm entrbf-men’s,^ boys’ and ch ild ren ’s clo th ing ev e r offered a t prices th a t d efy com petition.—iltltfr ^

/ M anilla Tablets, 4heavy paper, rulod both sides, 10 cen ts each, a t the J o u r n a l oflJce.f-v5UJy.-

Cni*tain Poles, W iodou SUaUeH.C u rtain poles Complete a t 80 cents.^Vindow shades on sp rin g rollers, 8Q c e n ts . .At tbo Brick S to i^ d f H enry s te in b a c h ,-—Adv.

— A-jfappyTlioujrlit^ ^^ I w ill havo my m attresses renovated a t

onco a t the new m attress fac to ry o i J . A. G lth en s :* Co., 143;Main street, head of. Lake avenue .’.’—A do. ■ . -

r"-~ " >_T / Plante Leajtos, . ~A late and Improved edition, at T oe J ournal ofilco, 718'MatMsQn-avo.^-Jdw.

" f : r *prin ted on sa fe ty paper and bound 25 In a a book, 15 cen ts a t tho J o u u n a l ofilco.— Adv.

Creedm oor s tan d ard p a por targe ts, 50 y ard s pracjico rango, p rin ted an d for sa le a t tfyo Asbury P a tk 'P rln tln g Houso .—4 dv. *" ’ ‘

JOS. L. DURRAH,: D P lastexex,

503 TH IRD AVEN U E.Jobhhitf Promptly attended to.

N O V E L T I E SF i n e S t a t i o i i a * y , I> o 11n , T o y s ,

( n t l e r y , W r i t i n g . J V I a t « r t a l s , e t c . - C i r c u l a t i n g : L i b r a r y .


Main street, opposite D epot. ,

Proposals Wanted.PropoHftls will bo recolved| fo r tho lem oval of

Karbujre from tho Doroujjh of Aabury ParTc-for ono year from Juno 15th, 1883, to Juno 16th, 18k):- AddrcHB all letter*.to <;. T. UAILKY.

Clerk ofTom m hsjjiiH ui*, P a rk H all,' w A abury ParkANmv Jo rsoy .

Proposals Wanted.Proposals will bo received for^lIghtlnK tho

struetrt of Hie Borough o f Asbury Park for one ■year from May 1st, 18b3.,to May lat,- 1880. -

AdUross alUlottcnUe ’a- J c. t . JJAJLBY,- J’lerlj of CommliJsionorn. Park Hall,

• '^A B h u ry 'i’ark, New Je rsey .'

*T"‘ ou Friday, April 6th, a Png■ U W k3 J m dog, w lta white breast, lit­tle larger tlt^n ordinary pugs. Answers to tlio name of^* U oriX i^uliable rew ard If returned to

C or.y ran dBBItTJ. SLOAN,

Phlrd Avon., Anbury Park.

Crawford's-Palace of Music,the leadlngraoslo store o f the Atiantio coast.

1 4 3 -1 4 3 IV fiiii S t . . A n b u r y P a r k , N« Jf*(White's now briok building.) Bohr Bros; & Co.’s, MathuBbek, S terling and. Woliwen Pianos.. Wil­cox Sc VVblto and bterllng O rgans.' Muslaai In­strum ents, muslo. books, Bhoot musle. Plano, organ.and table covers. Scarfs, stools, and sew­ing machino suriplleg. Pianos and organs for sale or ren t—cash or on Instalments. Dome&tio, American, and o ther Sowing M achines-for rent o r aalo—cash o r "on Insta lm ents.1 Repairs'made to pianos, organs and sewing machines. --

& " o D. CRAWFOni># y

BRANCH O FFIC E OFTie Prudential Insuranee Company


N ;6.,’ 2,7 B a y a r d S t .yNEW BRUNSWICK, N. J ;, . ' t ; - '

Insures persons fro m One to Seventy Year* o f Age, fro m $15.00 to $25,000.

Agenta collect premiums weekly, w ithout any ^ troublo to the Insured,All claim s paid w ithin 21-hoars. In order th a t

th e money may be available In tim e o f greatest need. Send-postal card to office and agent will c all on you. — It. J . UOBERTSQN, Snpt. -

p r A g e n ts wanted in every town.

s a w life m m m m m iNew York City. W anted, sub-agents f o r th e above Com pan v in ovory. township and village. Liberal commission to energetic canvassers. Apply to • - -jr. Ifl. e A a n v e l . •

’ . ’ Long Branoh, N .J .,General Agent for Monmouth Co., Now Jersey.

The only fine calf $9 N o am lcn * Shoe in the world made w i t h o u t t a c k * o r n a l l a . Asstylish and durable as thoso costing 8s Qr $0, and having no tacks or nails to w ear tho slocking o r hurt the foot, makes thom as comfortable and well-fitting as a hand sowed shoe. Buy thebest. None genuino uoIobb stamped on bottom '* W. L. Douglas $8 Shoe. W arranted.”

W L. Douglas $4 Shoe,only hand-b«wed welt shoo, which equals cus­tom-made shoos, costing fn*m$(Ito$y.

W.L. Douglas $2.50 Shoefor heavy wear.

W. L. Douglas $2 Shoe ainSoyand is the best Bcnool shoe In the world.

All tho abovo goods are mado In Congress, But­ton, Lace and W aukenphast, and are ror’sale a t.

O . H .

“ Twin City” Hat snd Shot Store,Main St., Opp. Depot, A S ll tJ K Y P A R K . - ^ “ Call and see our New Spring lia ta. They are Light In-Welght, Fast-Jn Color an d Popular In price; ■ ' '...V;aV

T R A Y I S ,

Watolimalep and Jeweler,

MAIN ST.’ "ijirtre clock on the _ fron t of the store.TJIAHfONDS.-----


Fine repairing and adjtistlng aspooialty.


A S B U R Y P A S H , » . 9 .Established 1878. Jobbing promptly, a ttended

to. Best of reference^glven:'Office and Reslderico,




Field. 6a id& i -and1 Flower Seeds,

Embracing GRAS8 SEED, and the choicest vari­ety of Com, Deans, Peas, etc., with ex tra fine Harden and Flower Seeds.

All warranted pure and truo to namo.


Concrete Works. Third Ams, seirlUM, 1

ASBURY PAKK, - NEW JERSEY. T o tho I’ublie. *

Having laid ln the past 2 years a t Asbury Park. Ooean Grove, North Spring Luko, Brlello and Point Pleasant 71.68* square foot of Asphaltum o r Concrete walks, drives &o. By personally superintending tbo work mysolf the coming sea­son, with men having 8 to IH years oxperlenco to do tho work, I will guarantee satisfaction. Any one desiring any ot the above work, I shall be pleased to m eet. NO agents employed. AUoori- iraots m ust bo mado with iho undersigned. All communications promptly attended to. Also hemlock curbing sot to lino und grude. •

Very respectfully,S. L . BARTHOLOMEW, - -

omco and Residence 700 Munroo-avenue,, ' ■ c o rn e r B ond s tree t.P.O. Box 616.

G O A L ,Lime and fertilizers.

-Best grades o f Rod Ash, Lehigh and Ply>,, mouth Coal.


- RED AND BLACK MORTAlt,- LImor Comont,-Marblo Dufit,-Hairr&tt--*-i‘—

Ilrlok always on band.


m SA2T 1IHE MS COAL ._ I. K. HOPE, ManajjfifP"

"Weeden s Lawn Blessing,Best material to mako grass grow. Used by

Dr. Keator, John W. .Sutpben, L. C. ItarmorO, niul many others. ^Vddross,

W . C . W E E D E I f , Manager, Box 703, Asbury Park, \

Ot- leavo orders a t Uearaea* Gfocory.

FINE SOFT and h an l woodjmaples.. . . . 811-. _____ . ver, Norway, English, Eto.

Must ne soid at somo prioe-to oloar up Rumson N u m ries . :r

Horse for Sfile.Bayboreo, 16^ handi h lg l^ lW ht built, picas

an t driver, not afraid of railroad o r electrio oare, has been drlvon by ladled fo r tw o years and is w arranted kind and tree . Would m ake a goo<l hacke?.- Three m pntba credit will bo given.,

AddreHS, COOPER, 805Sixth avonue,, , Aabury Park; N. J ,


• ‘ N otlco Is hereby-given th a t a t a m eeting o f tho Board o f Directors* o ftho Aebury P ark E lectric L ight and Powor Co., hold M arch 81, 1888, a Semi- A nnual Dividend o r T H U EE ANIJ A IIA LF^PE U CEHT. w asldeclared on the C apital Stock,, payablo o n o r 'a f te r April 14, 1888. T ran sfer Books \y 11] be_ closed froni-A pril 10 to 20. * . j - ~ V

A ttes t; . . ' MVRON S. CO U LD ,GEO. M . LANE, Secretary . • • • .. r , P resident.

: ‘ NEEDED IN N ’ ;•

C o n s t r u c t io n

o f B u i ld in g s■ t , •'


In te r io r W o rk . M u r a l D e co r a tio n .

Antique, Jrtistic Brass and Bronze Hardware,——-BY-— - ; .

TH E BO NH EUR D EC O R A TIVE CO.Under special supervision of

EGBERT TOWNER,Opposite and W est o,f Freight' Station,


h o t e l s , ^ c .

Grand Ave. Hotel,tbo largest hotel open all thp year.

Complete In all modern appUahces for the health and com fortof W inter guests.

Artesian w ater. Perfect KoweraRC.’ Steam heat all through'. • - *


New Hotel LafayetteAmerican and European plan.

Broad and Cbsstout Sts., Philadelphia,W ithin threo m inutes’ walk o f P. If. R. station.

TKRMH:American Plan, 5.1, $8.60 and $•!. Baths extra. European Plan, I l , $1.50 and Vi. Balhs extra.


THE IR VIN G ,Third avonuo, near ocean,


For further particulars, addroaa .M. LAUDENSLAGER.

g - e a l E s t a t e .

BARGAIN.Fully furnished boarding house near thebeavh,

also cottago and cholco lot very cheap.Address BOX 181, Asbury Park P. O.

TO LET OR FOR SALE“ T he G lobe,”

408 Fourth ave.* south side, near Beck street,, for season or year. Furnished. Thirteen largo rooms In good order and location. Terms mod­era te to a good tenant. Address .

E. A.-LE PAUD, \B68 Hudson St., New York.

Or inquire a t J oubnai, oQlco.: v

F O E S A L E ,TwO Valuable Leaseson property on Main street a»d tho railrpad, near First avonuo. Apply to

W. i l . JONES, Coai Dealer,’Cor. Main St. and Second Ave., Asbury Park.

FocSale or Exchange.A country 'storp-and desirable dw elling 18

rooms (suitable for B u m m e r boarders) barn, wa­gon house, AO. 7 acres, fino garden land, 400 pearji trees, 25 apple trees, 1 aero strawberries and raspberries. Near I>mg Branch and Asbury' Park, N .J .

F arm ' 12 acres, 8U miles from Asbury Park, N. J. Apply to WM. B. BYltAM.

• ' Postoffico Iiullding. Room 1,Aabury I 'a rk , N. J .

C O T T A G EW o. 9 P i t m a n A v e . , O c e n u O r o v e , N . S .

....... - " ' ' vNear the Ocoan.

—l-btrun» througli to McCilntpck street. TJi/re ia an Artesian well 45» feet doop on promises, a fountain ln front yard. Cottage comfortably fu m lH h o d . Price fo r all 84000. Address

' A. S:T0WN8BJND, A tiantio Worka,. Marshall streo t, Brooklyn.

•, I F q x S a l e .Tw o F in e L o ts 5 0 x 1 5 0 F ee t,with plenty of shade. Prico'Sl.OOOeaoh. I^ocatod 6n the north side of Sixth avomiorbotwoon Bond and Emory atrceta, Aabury Park, N- J* Also two nloo lots for B a le , prlcp 8500 each,'loontod on tho Gould & Oaboriio tract, adjoining Uradloy Reaoli. Apply to any Real Entato Agont In the Park, or<to the owner, P. R. LHW1S, ’«

601 Sixth ovcnuo, Aabury Park, N-. J .


Cholco nursery, atook veVy low. Finoj-oses, 85 oontSr Peach, trees, your choice, a ccntR.' Elms, king o f trees, cheap. Evergreens atA lm ost.any price. . E. BlsEKMAN, Managpr.


a t Jhimaon Nnrserlos for only $8 per Imn-

jnrtp. Also LeConto Pear . f'nundred. *. BHEliMANv Manager.


\ Knickerbockir fM A R K E T , *

( E ( t a b ) U h e d l u N o w I f o r l t 1 8 6 1 .)

O N L Y T H K ^

S e a t ^ v i C o a , t s 3

A R E ^ O L D .

F in e s! Ppultry ..-— S m o k ed - M ea tsv

S u p e r io r C orned BetefFrom Selected Stook, Artoslan W ater and Pure

Pick ling Materials.

Vegetables and Fruits. Froflh Dally from Monmouth Couiity

Farms.C A N N E D Y E a E T A B L E S ,\ P E S H E R T F R U IT S ,

P H I S I P t f D n i N O . A o- . »

A satisfactory place to deal. whoro'everyt^lng* sold la guaranteed to be the beat In the m arket.

Telophono connections with Park and Grove.


„ r _, . . . . r .r NURSERIESwill sell you gracofur Willows, elegant Poplars and Malden Ifulr trees. Ilardy llerbuceotiH nlunts, such as Plumo X)ross, Ilardy Geranium, Snljerw ort, Vucca and a dozen o ther varieties. Numerous vln«s iind crpcpera. lledco plants a t prices in reach of all who love tho beautiful.

P HOTOGRAPHY lrH t8 Perfection I





haa a supply of now and second-hand Boats for salo or hlro. Codar Boats u specialty. Oars and rowlocks on hand. Bcjats delivered to any lake In tbo vicinity o f Aebury Park.P. O Box 180, Ocean Grove. •- B. D. CRAMEI^-

For Sale a t RumsoH NurserieaAltheas, Purple Barberry, Japan Quinoe (flower­ing) and doxens of othor olegank, choioo and ruro shrubbery at from 12 to. 18 cents por plant. A chance for everyone to have a door y^rd e<iual to wealthy i>coplo. .

- EstabllKhed 1«B1.*

EVERETT E. I1AANY,I M t A t l l C A l .



M ;fl« K S 0 N NURSERIESIng ItoiieiBuekloH, Wltiturtaa. Olios, Hyr*

lngaa, etc., a t prices th a t never'w ilt bo so low again. I t la the ehanco of a life thno.

E. BKEKMAN, Muniigiurjl.lttloSilver,-N. J..

DANIEL G. COVERT,f No. 27 Pilgrim Pathway, Oceau Grove, N. J „ G E N E R A L AG E N T

— iron tuv.-----PurcbasL., Sale and Renting o f Real E s ta te .Also Property Insured In flrst-olasa companies. Improvements m ade for non-residents. Proper­ty cared for. Loans negotiated and.Collections made. ' Correspondence solicited. P. O. Boxi2180.

M :R8 . R O SA LIN E V. R IPL E Y ,

TEAOHER OF PIANO, OROAH AND THEORY.Forolgn and Amorloao flngorlng. Torma—f 15 for

tf) lessons, payable a t 10 th lesson.

iy[K8. A. O. OIiMlTOif,;DHEB8MAKER,

38-Dolftwaro nvenuo, OROVE

Butcher’s Store to Let,With largo loo Room- In q u ire of T . P. BERGENi Cor. Main atroot and Munroe .avenue. Asbury

FOR SALE OHEAP;Small pony/K dog d art and pony pbajton.

AiWrgM S .C .^ O ^ A R T ,F ree h o ld ,N .J .

O p e n a ll t h e 'Y e a r .

Transient Rates. $3.00 per day.«A pleasant, quiet nouse, whloh h as ■

a perfect system of dra nago, pure water, steam heat and sun parlor.

CHAS. J. HTJNT,. Proprietor.

■■ - V -1

V .■|: -/.I.,,

M O ST A T T R A C T IV E N O V E LTIE S» • • •>


- AT


T t -

- ' A man who has never visited our,big store at.t Broadway and Prince' Street, would naturally be surprised at the ex­tent of th e , premises and variety of the stock. W e have another store

- at -B ro ad w ay and_32d Street, not quite- as large, but equally com­petent to serve you • with everything worn by'm an or boy;

In both stores we aim at the same careful attcntioTT to customers as any small ishop- can render^ T h e salesmen, and clerks all have an interest in-k-the-profits of the house and are irl one sense proprietors, .

~ ’ "scnpnisK." . O p e r a t in g on -the'-iargest, scale^eVery. advantage_in.-the— purchase .of goods, and a careful jnariufacturing system to produce garm ents of the best character which a re sold at moderate prices.

W e would be pleased to serve you. ..

ROGERS, PEET & CO.,/ . •


Broadway and Prirtcfc St. Broadway and 32d St.

■ v . N E W V O R K ." . - . %.


M ILA N ROSS,R e a l E s ta te a i id I n s u r a n c e A g e n t,

725 Cookman Avonuo,. Asbnry Pork, N. J .

Transaota a gonoral Real E sta te bustnosa, handling proporties on follow- . ing te rm s : FO R BELLING, 2J P E R OT.; REN TD IG, 5 P E ft OT.; ‘

• dednoted as the rent is colteotQil.-,— Negotiate* M ortgage.Loans on Real E s ^ to .-— Ropreeonta LE A D IN G INSURANCE COMPANIES.

• C . q . S TO C K TO N ,

R M L ESTATE AND INSURANCE?14 Mattison Avenue, Qenlrat Hall Blook, Asbury Park, M. J

A gonoral Real Estate and Insurance buBlness transaetod a t Ocoan Grove and Asbury Park Insurance placed ln b est companies, no tels andoo ttagos fo r ren t and sale. A n mb ber o f very clesirab lflj^ iuo be dUposod Of. CORRESpOl^lflNOK SOUC1TED. ' ^ v J 5 r - -

im sl



S aiaaad Q UaSiSiajt N U t •


■ Having had several years’ experience In the J fee) com petent to give satisfaction to all w ho 1


ap preciate th e situation of tho place, a ted above i t was supposed th a t im-


. % T l i o G l i a r ^ e nt Ron ml T f> p . ‘

A ial) roan jgtood on tho c ircu lar d a is in the panoram a :o f tlio b a ttle of G ettysburg and gazod long a t pno po in t o f the p ic tu re spread a round h im . H e w ore a slouch-bat, a f a d e d - :

— bluo overcoat, a strugg ling g ray beard , and an a ir o f n lelanoholy wisdom. ,A sleety rain yvas falling outside .and people .w ere passing

'" ro u n d ab o u t.h im i b u t th e ,’ta ll ,ro an d id not ap p ear to h ea r the storm qe see ttfe o ther, vls- itors. F o r a lm ost rf half h o u r h e s tood there gQKing w ith w hat .m ight have been the ab- fetrnotloa o f retrospection ' upo n the one jjd lu t in tbo p icture. * .' 'P re s e n tly ;a short, th ick -se t'm an detachpd hlmaolf from tho crow d and ’ paused b y the side of th e tall m an. T h a s h o r t m ail h ad a stubble face, g ray eyes,-a wide, loose m outh an d a m ore th a n ad eq u ate chew o t ; tobacco. H e stood c lo so jo * th e ta ll n ian , johjtng: his

; s ilence to th a tc6f h is com panion for fivem ln- u tes o r m ore. ‘‘ Then he sa id *■ * >-1“'-'

, • H ow dy, s tran g e r.” " . .- -i ,., T h e ta ll.m an iloolred dow n ra th e r solem nly

• •b u t ja o ta ia p k ropiledi \ i-M. '■■■

-** P a r ty fa r pictur,*’ rem arked thp sho rt ., m an casualty.. .. . y - . ‘. •

‘‘ You b e t t ” said, the tallym an. '“ E ver seen i t afo re f ’’

Y ou b fltl ,’ 1v - j v j ; •-“ Beckon mbbbt) you fit In tho ,lato w ar f ” ’ .“ You b e t.” , /-•

■ ‘; v!!,Coilf(^ t>»» • ; _ v >; •' ■’JV; ■ r “ Yflu b e t n o t l »»;• ■' vv r* ■ *> - _ ~... ’' “ t w n z l-” ‘. ' • • • / • - V - >

T he toll m an d idn’t answ er fo r so'rue time,... d u rin g which he seem ed to be-'reflecting

deeply. F inally he dreW .a lo n g b rea th and s a id : “ A l l r i g h t ! ”

“ W uz 3*ou ih a r f ” Inquired th e sh o rt m an;

Y A U betl*’ sald th ff ta ll m an,»• W har ? queried the sh o rt m an, ^ '■

V “ T h e rfi!” sa id the tall m ao , pblptlrig to-" Ward”lliSii|)6rVvhich had seem ed to :,rlvet his ‘ a tten tio n fo r sO long a tim e./ “ W hen?” . . . . . \ ......

Tho tall m an showed signs o f an im ation . u ’Say, s trangerj” lie began, “ i t 'p e ars to m e , you a re m ighty curious like. W h at ’f I was

■there an* w hat ’f l w asn’t ? W hat ’f I was there one d ay an* w h a t ’f I w asn’t there an-

.■ ro ti iw v r ■ ■ '. The sho rt m an : laughed ' gdod-naturedlyi “ W ell,” ho answored, “ no th in ’. O nly I was th a r to o .” *■ ' ~

“ Y o u f”“ M et?’“ W hore?” * . . . .“ T h ar I’.' exclaim ed tho sh o rt m an, po in t­

ing tb the ex ac t place befo re 'designa ted by the tail m an. • -

Tlie tall m an looke(Tclosely a t hia com pan­ion an d then a t tho fascinating location in the p icture. “ T h a t there’s Round T op ,” said he, a t once asserting h is ow n Inform ation, an d inquiring in to thb validity, o f the o th er’s

“ E x ac tly ,” asserted th c a h o r t m'jin. “ T h a tth ar’a-Round•Top.’.*-'' .- -■ •' • ..........

N either spoko-for a m inute o r tw o. T hen . th e ta ll m an turned ag a in frqm th e attractive-.1 ness o f Round T o p to the consideration o f his com panion. * " * . ’

“ Lookyhero ,” said the tall m an , slowly,•* I want, to tell ye som ethin’. I fit a t Gettys- bu rg on tho dgy ’t Sykes’ and Lon«streetrs m en were raisin’ hell ‘ to git- a h o ld ^ f th a t

. thero little r idge. I w as there'w lfh Sykes. I ’d been la id off for a while slckv ,b u t , I vgot to work ’fore (Joitysbnrg. Looky here I-r-’f .1

, overkilled, airy; one * tw as a t th at-th ere R o u n d , v‘ Top"' otTri’Ct i e e n “ 1 n no" "otbe'V b a tt le ' to

. spealj of, and Imdn’t-n e v e r-sh o t to kill an y ­body in pertlck ler, je s ’ le ttln ’ .fly In a gineral way. ’s you m ight saj’, b u t th a t day d u rin ’ the^ charge I seen a little d rum m er boy, a reb, ’t ’d got hold of a gu n som e way an1 h e was a p in tin ’ a t m tvclose range . I le t him have^ it fu str a n ’ he rolled ov6r nigh onto a s tum p a n ’ ketched_there, a n ’ I g o t ju s t one glim pse in to

^his b ig gray-eyes fillin’ w ith tears, a n ’ heard ‘ju s t o n e little so b f ro f f ij^ w h lte th ro a t, which you-could see on .accoun t o f the buBtin’ open o f Ilfs sh irt, a n ’ then the charge com e righ t p p

- o n to mo ani^Pffas4ifted clean o g e n -m y -fe e ta n ’ I noFCt* seen the boy no. more...-. No,, mi­never seen hlrn no. moro. But, s tranger, I

—— catT t g i t th d t boy o u t o’ m y m ind. I ’m a l­w ays d ream ln’ o f his eyes a n ’ h is th ro a t w ith the so b into i t a n ’ alw ays a w onderin’ i f he

, difed. I f I ’d a killed more o f ’em i t w ouldn’t ' bo ther me so much, b u t to th in k o f a fellow

goin’ to w ar an ’ killin ’ oriQ. p o o ^ i t t l e gray- - eyed drum m er boy—say, stranger; I ’d give

th o u san ’s o’ dollars ’f I h a d .e ’m to know .’t t im t kid got well " : . 7 :

- r ' The sho rt m an had listened w ith keen in te r­e st a t first—afterw ard w ith the quietness of

- ^ .o n e who knows ex actly w hat b is com panion la going to say. W hen th e ta ll m an con­cluded ho looked up. - -

“ Ya’aa,” sa id the sh o rt m an, “ y o u ’ve got i t right! Y ou all sh o t m e in the lung, a n ’ though, i t to$k mo a r ig h t sm art while, I polled through. So I can forgive yon, do n ’t you see. J a ln ’t as if I ’d a . died. I do n ’t g it no p a in from it, neither. .Y e s ; We can forgive

— ~7y o u nllTrow:” - : “■That tall m an’s face beambd. “ Is It tm e ?”

h e cried. “ Bo you th e d rum m er ch ap ?”’I" Sure,” sa id th e 'sh o rt m an.

“ Como I” com m anded th e tall man.- - —•> ■ *» W hat ?” said tho sho rt m an.

“ I^et’s liquor.”“ No, ^ s tran g e r ; I don’t d rink , £ ec you

la te r,” . " ^. . . . . . .- Th6*tftll tn a n '~ v a n i8 b e ^ w i t l^ t^ d o r ^ lu c t3

~ a n c e . ^ h iT s h b f i~ m ’a n sfdyed awhile" longer, a n d a s he passed o u t h e sold to Capt. B arney ;. th e m anager of the panoram a, “ W ho wuz the ole veteran I wuz a ta lk in ’ to ? ” ’ .

“ O h,” said tfte captfitOT^m lltng, “ thot is P ete Sam pson,, a so rt of o rau k w ho hongs

\ a ro u n d here and jfgs. H e 1ms lived in Omab& 7 * ‘ fo r the ‘pa^t th ir ty - j^ o ,y ea rs . All th e old-

i tim ers tuoW 1 Bfm7T '; “ W ifz he in the w ar ?”

“ N ever,” sold the c a p ta in ; “ d u rin g the w ar ho ran a g rocery sto re on F arnam stree t.

A re yo u a com rade ?” \ .t“ N ot perzac tly ,” replied the Bbort m an. “ I

^ v w n z ln th o jto n th jjfp re tlm w ftr ,h i iL ljw e n tto —’ A ustra lyer duriri’ It. R igh t J sin a rt p icture

G ranite and Marble Monuments Tombstones, and all Cemetery W ork :' Call a t o u r show room and.see samples, cuts, &o. - W e can fluitinquai- Ity and prieo.: . , G E N U N G A C O . ,

733 Siattlflon ave., Asbury. Park, N.‘ J .

B I S S E T T ’S

Great Dyspepsia Care.ITISASUHE5CURE.

, 5lii. B ibbbtt,. Dear. Rlr^-I w as afillc ted 'very .much.witlnlyepopsln, but'since I have, used your

■ .. j,Gastrodyiio I exporlonoe bo ill elfect from a most hearty meal, anq-I believe I am ou red;, ,< -P. II. WYCKOFF, New Brunflwlck, N. 3.

I I A K R Y L . O G D E N , A g e n t ,: > V 214 MAIN BT.. ABBURY PARK, H. j .

Ponied Wanted.* Any petsonlhaving small Poi)!oa o r . Donkeys. , •...■ y .jp T suitable .

FOR CHXlDRBN'B u s e ,, for.Hajtj very cheap, w ill And a custom er la /: 'Pi G / 8 N K I) KK K R, ,

, ’ • M attyon avenuo, oppoflite Post Ofilco.

A lthough w e h ave o ften given th e history of A flbury^ark ,* tho place is becom ing so well know n th ro u g h th e ow ners o f co ttag es and t i e p r e s s / th a t we a ro o ften u rg ed to again glvOlts h istory^ln type. . I ia jru ceess Is a lm ost m arv e lo u s ; I ts g row th a s a sea-side reso rt has ;tyeen g rca tc r th a n an y ■ Bimllar en te rp rise on^ the A m erican con tinen t. I t will, b o . no ticed th a t j ip o rm a iie n t yUl^go lias g row n u p , aris­ing from the necessities of tho s itua tion . Some, "who a t first on ly sp en t a .. few." m onths in sum m er, now llx ^ h e re the year a ro u n d , as they b ave all th e com forts o f the largo tow ns th a t a re m uoh nearer N ew York.

We tako 'pleasure in rc-pubjishing itfl bla-* tory, as given in d^prevlbus: number of T n n JonitNAL by Mr. Jamos A. Bradley, the- orlg- Inal proprietor i j

“ O n e a f te rn o o n in l la y , 1870,'I w as wolk- Ihg dow n BrOadway, Now York* an d sud* donly r a n ag a in s t m y friend , D avid H . Brown, E sq ., T re a su re r o f u ie O cean Grove" A ssocia­t io n . ‘ H ow Iff Ocean GroVe g e ttin g a long ?’ I asked, ‘Very fairly,* said he, ‘why don’t you buy a Jo t ? - Those w ho h av e th eir nam es p u t

O cean Groves W e to o k tho b b a t fo r P o rt M onm onth, thence-by ra ilro ad to E ato n tow n, The s e ash o re rou te ' w as opened a few days afte rw ards. A fter d in in g ,a t Mr. B row n’s co un try house a t E a tontow n, w e d rove to Ocean G rove In carriages?1 The, tu rnp ike com pany had ju s t com m enced operations, and from G roat Pond to Occan Grove w as ono o f tlie w orst ro ad s th a t cotfld well be im agin­ed. I w as com pletely tak en w ith Ocoan G rove and ita su rro u n d ln g R -sp m uoh so t h a t .I p u r ­chased th o first lo t evor sold"there, tho prem i­um b e ing $85. ‘

** H av in g fo r som e tim e previous been tin b a d healths I concluded t o t ry w h a t l h ad been recom taended—sea a ir. Too close app lica tion to business h a d ' m ade in ro ad s on my con­s titu tio n and- m y -n e rv o u s system waa seriously affected. So. a fow- d a^s a fte r p u rchasing tho lotsi tak ing" tw o houses, c a r­riag e .and ten t, an d Jo h n B aker,, m y colored m an , I le f t the hum o f tho busy c ity behind, to becom e an in h ab itan t o f th e wild woods, w here m y wearied b ody a n d b rain m ig h t rest, lu lled to s leep b y thb m urm uring sea a t n lgl ‘ and aw akened in the m orning by th e songsand aw akened in the m orning by th e songs of b irds in th e n ine trees su rrounding m y couch.

“ J o h n an d I arriv ed a t O cean G rove ju s t a t n ightfa ll, and hav ing g o tten o u r ho rses u n d e r a b d ter< h r ts b a i^ l je l ongin g-to Ob arlcoRogOTB, nea r, tho -^ p re sen t, "O ce$n G rove school, house, w e en tered the w oods' an d a b o u t h a lf a m ile o ff, e rected o u r ten t. I t was too d a rk to got poles, so w e h u n g the to n t on the beamB of w h a t w as a fte rw ards tho Associ­a tio n Ofllce, th e first bu ild ing over erec ted in O cean Grovo. (Thla build ing s tood n e a r the A uditorium a n a w as afte rw ard to rn down Or rem oved), T he b u ild ing a t th a t tlm o was w ith o u t roof. W e Were w ith o u t light, and soon a fte r lunching o n Bomo crackors wo lay dow n to sleep, o u r neads. res tin g on the car­riage cushions, an d o u r covering be ing the carriage b lankets. So w e sp en t o u r first nlghtj In O cean Grove, a n d so began a n en tire change in my- m ode of life an d w hich led eventually to a n a lm ost com plete res to ra tion to health . ‘

“ I n . th e m orning B aker sighed an d said ,< Mr. B., th is Is a w ilderness p lace .’ Ho was hom esick ; for, le t th e reader, who perhaps has been~,on th e 'sam e sp o t, d u ring tho busy sum m er season,- .an d h ea rd th q continuous click- o t . the' teleg raph in stru m en t a n ^ seen th e v a s t th ro n g o f m en an d m aidens call for th e ir letters* w hen tho m ail arrives, rem em ber i t w as fa r d ifferent o n tho m orning ' o f which we a r e w ritin g ; although i t w as th e 10th of Ju n e , n o t a sou l was w ith in hearing d istance o f us. I cheered hint by s a y in g : ‘ Oh I don’t .be c a s t dow n,’ a n d soon w e w ere e a t 'n g o u r m orning lu n eK That.fin ished we p re c e d e d t?o m y lo ts on th e lak e , an d pitched ou i small te n t o n th e g round how b u ilt upon and owned by Rev. A lfred C ookm an’a widow. My large te n t was. erec ted an d bo w e began o u r Cru-' aoo life. ‘ D u rin g th o day-w e occaslonally saw Forem an F ran k iih Ts m en, whp w orked abouf; the g rounds, a n d a t n ig h t we w ere le f t to o u r solitude. Mr. F ran k lin ’s m en ten ted on tho lota .now covered by the H ayw ard cottage, b u t o n Sundays w en t to . th e ir hom os in the

In te r io r o f tho tow nship. ' ■>'Jr“ Baker w as m y stew ard , houaekocpcr and

cook. I p ro cu re d ^ bo x a n d dug^a hole ln the g ro u n d an d p u t i t . in , an d th p t w as our ice House. W e w ould sonietim esxdrive to L ong B ranch, s ix m iles aw ay, a n d ' procure* food, principally canned goods. Mr. F ran k ­lin ’s m en Indulged m ore in fresh m eats th a n B aker a n d I,: so I w ould trad e canned goods fo r . th e old-fashioned savory stow th a t gave m uscle t o tho men, who flrst rem oved b ria rs an d brufih fro n f Ocean G rove an d m ade itsstreets ,-1 “ O ne even ing ' B aker a n d -1 took a stro ll alotfg the ocean and I proposed a ba th . Baker sm iled an d said ‘No, n o .’ ‘ B u t rem em ber, Jo h n , cleanliness Ib n e x t to godliness.1 I took a n ocean b a th ; but;" oh,\how different from the w ay b a th e rs u sually en joy the surf, th e w aves dash in g o ver th eir heads. I laid dow n on tho so ft sa n d .and allow ed tho w ater to ju s t touch m y body, an d I c a n te ll you, reader, i t is sortie- w h a t lonol^ to t ru s t yourself in the g rea t ocean in th e tw ilight a n d alone. A ftor I h a d beon ly ing o h th e beach fo r a Uttle while, I looked a ro u n d to_see_ w h at, bad become « f Baker.. H e b ad plucked u p courage by my exam ple dn d h a d really d ivested himself of his clothes, an d , cow ard lik e m yself, barely allowed th e w ater to touch him . H is ddaky sk in was som ew hat in co n tra s t w ith the white sand^and th e whole scene forcibly rem inded m e of Rob­inson Crusoe an d his m an F rid ay .

“ I have often m et personB since th e tim e I flrst cam ped o u t a t O cean Grove whoso nerves w ere sh a tte red b y tOO close app lica tion to th eir profession, studies ot th e ir chOso for the ‘ a lm ighty do lla r.’- - I w as fam iliar w ith their sufferings w hich, alas, strong m en look upo n w ith contem pt. Som e w ere tak in g th is o r th a t ‘'nerv ine cu re-all,’ b u t tho best n erv in e fo r a m an w ho is got absolutely- p a s t- re p a ir is to b reak aw ay entifgly from hla calling o r p e e d and cam p o u t o n the sea shore, W hite M ountains, Adirondocks * o r in som e othor healthy locality , o r travel in E urope, a n d p a te n t ly w a it fo rth o re tu rn o f the g rea te s t boon God h a s ever given to m an—good health .

“ D uring tho cam p-m eeting th a t took place, In A u g u s t .we o ften heard the Inquiry, W ho owng the lan d o n the o th er side o f th e lake ? One d a y Bev.W m . B. OSbom an d m yself w ent over, an d a t th e . risk of having o nr clothes to m off, w o rk ed —o u r ^-way tta roughr^the* b ria ts 'n iJ ttl 'we, reached^Sunset Lake. 'And, lik e th e red m an o f whom we read in trad itio n , * w e cou ld say ‘A labam a—h ere we r e s t f o r We stood o n th e b an k s o f as beau tifu l a sheet of w a te r aa c a n bo fo u n d anywhere. W e retu rned to the G rove by w a y . o t th e beach, a n d soon s e t t o w ork to m ake u p a com pany to p u rch ase1 Mie land . W e learned the owner, would l o t sell the t a td in oareola* b u t th e pur'chosor

m u st ttfke tho wholo o r none. H ere w as a d ifficu lty ; five-hundred acres 1—a w ilderness an d barren sand-w aste, w ithdut house or in ­h ab itan t, an d n o t a foot Of cu ltivated soil in.. the whole trac t. - ‘ N ever m ind ,’ sa id some, * the; m ore land w e ' have th e m ore profit w e will have.’ O ur com p a n y wastQ con­s is t Of eight fiersons, som o o f whom wore very en thusiastic ; b u t, -w h o n tho cool n igh ts o f au tu m n cam e along, i t chilled th e ir en thu­siasm , and thoir exam ple h ad Its chilling effect

‘b n m o . B u t I often th ough t Of the m atter,' an d aa aoon a s X h ea rd th a t B ishop Slmpgon, o f tbo M. E . Churchj u rg ed tho Ocean Grove A ssociation to purchaso It, to prevont Its fall- in g in to the hands of somo one who -was n o t in sym pathy w ith the en terp rise they had in th e ir hands, I called-Qn D avidrH . Brown, an d proposed h e should jo in mo In tho purchase by ,tak in g 6ne-olghth, tho , p rice asked being a b o u t$90,000.. ‘ N o,’ said he, ‘ I am -deter-- m ined to haVe^notlH ngno'iiu w ith an y ent§r> prise in th a t neighborhood th a t w ould seo m to place m e in an .in co n sis ten t posltlon, a s I am now T reasurer o f the Ocoan Grove A ssocia­tion . This I will d o ; - 1 w ill w rite to ie v e ry m em ber o f the A ssociation, an d if th ey say b u y it, I a m in c lln e d to th ink ishairiToT-Oppose i t , although I th in k wo have pnough land n ow .' B u t If they d o n o t buy it, you can? And as yo u w ish m e to nego tia te the purchase,’ I- tflll d o so, on condition th a t you advance tho

-requlsito am o u n t to Secure tho property , aud i f th e Association- decide to tak e it, yotir tnotiey to \ b « refunded. W e aro to hav&^a week’s option to consider the m a tten ’ A m ajo rity o f 't h a Association deolded not to purchase tlio land,, a lthough some urgod i t very a trq p g ly ; so the p ro p erty become mi do— I , a t tho sam e tlm o . a ssu ring them th a t tbepro p erty " * ................a s w ould . .. “ A s state* .................. . r ____________

m enso profits w ould resu lt from the purohaso o f the land known a s A sbury Park , b u t tho m an w ho b as jr le d to mcofc every em ergency th a t b a s arisen Is w iser n u w w1Ka'pl w hen bo f lts t risked a fortuno in an en tirely now and u n trie d sehome:,v T here w as not, so f a r as ho knew , a seaside resort, a b incorporated tow n ,o n the A m erican co n tinen t o r in E urope, w here in tho doeds the sale of lntoxlcating- liquor w as prpblb lted . • W ith your restric ­tio n you can never m ake a > seaside l,re> so rt ft-aueoess sp -lieor N e w ,Y ork,’ sa id , th e tim id and tl}0 ' crookera, - b u t t h e fo u n d er of Aabury P ark , w ith a n in tense arfd lifo-long h a tred o f the -liquor' traffic, has given hubdreds a n d hundreds o f deeds wbicB a re on record a t ther C ounty "Clerk’s ofllco. a n d con tain a p ro tes t a g a in st tbe cu rse o r socie ty which th tf A m erican people s trangely

: ■ V .

allow to ex ist; and yet A abury P ork , n o tw ith ­standing , d id grow a n d I ts .su ccess h as been so g rea t th a t th e anti-llqiuor c lause is now a feature in tho deeds o f m an y seaside reso rts sta rted o n tho New Je rse y co ast w ith in th e p ast ten years.

“ As th e tow n ____________________ ______‘ H ow w ill y o n d ra in a n d sew er th e p lace?’ I t w as found th a t th e people woro n o t prepared to g rap p le w ith t h a t question , so, again , an-, o thertfo rtune w as Invested in dem onstra ting th a t seaside tow ns o n tho Now -Jersey^ co ast could bd sew ered an d overy house p u t in q com ple te ‘san ita ry condition.

“ M onoy has n o t bcon lo s t o n tho purcbase o f ABbury P ark , b u t tho slig h t p ro fit m ado (a m ere sa la ry to Its founder) w ould d isg u st tno ' o rd in ary specu lato r, a n d alth o u g h tbo ca lcu ­lation a s to p rofits haa been a d isappoin tm ent, the en terp rise J s a g ran d success.”

There will never taj an o th e r seaside to w n o n •the A tlan tlo coast from S andy H ook to Barne- ga t In le t w ith a s w ide streo ts ond opon spaces as. A sbury P ork , because nearly.-fill tho land n o rth an d sou th o f A abury P a rk bo n boon' m apped o u t o r i s ow ned in sm a lle r-p a r- cols than tbo o rig ina l t ra c t o f A sbury Park. F u tu re generations will bave-opportuuitios to o rnam en t tho tow n "by s ta tu a ry ,r vases, gar-, dons an d fountains. ' " . '

A sbury P a rk w as th o first seaside re so r t On the A m erican C o n tinen t to a d o p t a porfoct system o f drainage. W o h ave fifteen m iles of s tre e t m ains, exclusive o f bouse con­nection pipes. O u r srfwago Is difloharged In to tho ocean an d is carriod aw ay b y th e our- ront. W o h av e m iles o f w a lk s ; a n Ocean Plaza- ono m ile long,, an d from s li te e n to th irty-tw o feet w ide. .. - j ’ '

A sbury P a rk h a s tb e p u rest w a te r in the world from our-A rtesian wells, the analysis o f which w aa m ado b y Profeesor Cook, S ta te Geologist. .. ,, .

A sbury P a rk h as seven church Episcopalian, Reform ed, Baptist. P resby terian , M ethodist a n a A frican .

e d if i c e ^ Ce "lathollo,

. . in. AP u b lic L ib rary B uilding w orth , w ltb th eGrounds, twenty, tho u san d dollars. H otels,

Dardjng-housos, s to res o f eVery varie ty neo- e ssary .to a largo popu lation a re estab lish ed ; weekly a a p e rs w ith c ircu lation o f over 0.000 c o p ie s ^ p o s t offlce, salaii^l&SOO: tw o public baUS-^Ono, E ducationa l H all, being the sam e nam e re.w hen I t s tood o n the .Centennial grounds a t Philadelphia— seating over 1,500 people. W e have a lso a n opera houso sooting.a b o u t 1,600. i

Thoro a re . e igh t h undred co ttages, besides hotels. Tho finest M asonic lodge-room In M on­m outh co u n ty w as e rec ted b v the lato A llen R. Cook, who was for a long tim e th o esteem ed S up erin ten d en t of A sbury P a rk . W e have also pno o f th e b est p lanned school-houses in tho S ta te , with* a dally a tten d an ce o f seven h u n d red ; tho school lo t fro n ts o n . th ree streets.

A sbury P a rk w as assessed ln 1869 a t $15,000. T he assessed 'valuation In 1880 was .over $2,000, ( K K 1 . t

S treets ru n n in g a t r ig h t angtes to th e se aa re - from ono to two*frftndred feee*wldo, an advan­tag e possessed • by n o o th er seaside reso rt on the Now J e rse y coast. T he depo t g ro u n d sa re tho finest on tho line o f th e b o n g Branch Division o f tho C entra l R ailroad o f New J e r ­sey, an d w ith ad jo in ing s tree ts cover four acres, includ ing a sp lendid grove.

In the m atte r o f electric ligh ts A sbury Parkwas tho p ioneer a long th e M onm onth.county coast.

The F irs t N ationa l B ank o f A sbury Park was organized for business In the eariy p a rt of 1880;, I ts success h as been g rea t. T he de­po sits in th e sum m er o f 1887 r a n u p to nearly $500,000. Tho A sbury P a rk N ational Bank was opened to . th e public on Tuesday, Sept. 20^*1887. - .

The first s tre e t c a r line in M onm outh coun-

by the A sbury P a rk E lectric L igh t e Com pany. *

A t th is p o in t in tb e h lstdry o f Aabury P ark it should be s ta ted th a t one o f» tho agencies In build ing up tho tow n Waa th e Abbuhy P a r k J o u r n a l . T be orig inal p roprie to r o f Aabury p a rk was tho founder o f t b h J o u r n a l . Tho m atte r for its co lum ns w as p rep a red in AB­bury P a rk a n d prjn ted a t th e office o f the Brooklyn Eagle, b u t a fte r a few: years tho pajper w as p rin ted in Asbury, Park.

T he p ap e r w aa s e n t In g rea t num bers to oil p a rts of th e coun try besides hav ing o large local d istribu tion . T he liberal m an n er of con d u ctin g wie p ap er o f course-requ ired an expenditure, th a t w as f rig h tfu l fo r-a coun try paper, b u t It served its purpose. ,; The p ap er w as fearless In denouncing w rong and approv ing the f ig h t. Suits fo r libel did no t d e te r i t a n d soon it becam e a, bu lw ark o fdefence; an d a lthough it. is now som e tim e since i t passed ejftltply o u to f the hands o f Its founder, i t still m ain ta in s its high character, an d I am hap p y to aay yields a handsom e in­come to its nresent owners.




ENTIRELY RE-A R R AN G ED ,The Finest Stock of*1

MsefaraisMag Goodsto be round on tbe New Jersey C oast

Newest-Designs in Furniture.A N T I Q U E O A K ~

in Bedroom S u its, S id i Boards, Cfailrs, T ib lt t r E t c .

Carpets, Mattings,lteed and Rattan Goods,

.B E D D IN G ,S ilv e rw are , L am p ^~ S tb v es.

All the Novelties in *-

F r e n c h , B o l i e n i i a n ^ n d D o - • _ _ m e s t l c O l a s a .

F o r e i g n a n d D o m e s t i c C h i n a a n d T a b l e W a r e . - „■

' Goods dolivered ln A sburr Park and O co an ...*. . Grove.


- Highest degree o f .quality insures lowest cost and best work. v ,

Tbo prlco per gallon fclghpr. but quantity need­ed Is less than tr any other points were used.

Any building th a t is "not Batisfactorlly painted w ltb It, or upon which its liBehaa not costless than if other paints had.beon Used, w i l l b o r e p a in t* ©<l a t o a r e x p e n a e . /


w . l . A -tK icisrsoisr1 . * . D ealerld ’

P a i n t s , O i l s , V a r n i s h e s , G l a s s , & < vArtists* Tube Colors’, Brushes. Wall Paper. * |

, * NO. 806 BOND 8TRKBT,(Established rf; AsburvPork, N. J,

O HPME BLESSED WITH A E^BV is Complete w ithout th e m onthly^iiits

• o f B A qvnodb, th a t deBght, comfort , a n d a id o f th e mother,. Only cubHcation in tT\£ world, devoted to th e care o t young children. We are g lad to recommend It* (5 B e ^ m a h S t;,’ N .:V ;) f i.S o a ^ y e a r ; i^ c c n ts a ,c o p y . .„‘ :.:

THK JOURNAL and BABYHOOD, both one y&ar, 92.B0, lu advance. - . ; ,


W i l l i s f o r d D e y & C o . ,

Wo have a large num ber of furnlsliod cottage* and a fow boarding jliousos In Asbury Park arid Ocean Grovo for rent. Bradley Beaoh plots almost.given away. ■ ^ ■

Strongest Insurance Agency in America.PhconJx, “ H artfo rd ; : German-American,- Homo, Niagara, 'C ontinontal, Phquir,

»TGlena iFalla and L ibe^y , New Y ork ; Insurance Go. ,of Xortb, Amerioa. JFiro ^ Association aiid - Unton, - Ph iladelph ia; Liverpool and Iiondon and

Globe, Eoyol and London and Lantjaahire, Liverpool ; Com*. meroial Union , P lia3nix, linperiid, F ir e Insurance Asao- v • '

oiation and City of London, L ondon ; Lancashire, M anchester;> N orth B ritish .and Jlercantilo, E d inbu rgh ; Eliot, B oeton; British ; * Amerioa, Toronto; Providenco W ashington, . Provideiioe; Equitable

Life, M etropolitan p la te Glass, and American S u re ty ' Company, 5few York,-• Our companies insure against dam age by, lightning, w hethor flre o n su o s^ n o f . ; '

are Wanting

Read what those who use them say :•F r o m P . F .B n l g e r , C i ty J a d g e , R o b e r t I f c E l w a i n e , C h ie f o r P o l i c e . '

To the Honorabie the Mayor and .Common Council o f Ihe.Clhj o f Utica :We the undtrslgned do hereby certify th at th e contract m ade by Russel Whoeler, Hon & Co., to.

heat the police building and City Court Itooma h a s been performed m tho m ost sat isfaotory to eighty (80) degrees In tbo coldest'w eather. The present

_________ ^_____ to th e 'o ld way of heating by Hteam with d irect radiation,;building being supplied w ith a coTienl of fre3h a i r a t ail times.

The Furnaces h e a t the butl „ ____m ethod is very much preforable to the <

F r o m I I . R . H c Q re a r y .Buy a nt & Stiiatton Utica Bujunehb Colleok, I

Utica, January 27th,.1880,Ism'" very happy to; say. th a t tlie. No. 90 I-lirnace which you put up ln my house gives perfect sfactlon ln every resp ec t The extremely cold weather of the past week has tested it* ben

...^aclty fully. In the m orning w ith the therm om eter on the piazza a t 18 degrees below zeroj one in the front parlor (where thero is no register,)' a fte r the fire had been checked strongly all night, stood a t 68 degrees above.. All the doors Into hall and dining and sewing rooms stoodopen. I am sure wo can get more heat from It th an w e shall ovor need, and In the.fall I found th at I could control It so as to gUe ju st the am ount o f heat desired w ith a trlfllng'oonHhmptlqn o^ ftiol.

W . M . P A W L E Y & O O .- — "1" A B E A « E N T S F O n / r i l K N E W «JK IW H T ;C O A H T .

New Sjore, 166 and 168 Main St., Asbury Park, I J.

I j _ U K . T A Y L O R ,^:"r^'.r.TXrrj:'.„gjiow'fl(wif4o.oi^-VA^T&-TAYLORi A\OiolesdI^and-retallMe^ihr l n ’

C O A L , W O O D ‘, C H A R C O A L .

Lime, Lath, Hair, „ Cement, Plaster;

And all kinds of

Basons’ Materials,. ‘-'-I * a t |iio old established yard . . . . . !

I N R E A R O F L A K E V I E W H O U S E .A full Stock of the above arilcles'wiU be kept constantly on hand and satisfaction guaranteed,

iranch offices a t Beames’ Grocery, Asbury I'ark, and Mattbows A D allard 's Grocery, ocean Grov< : 1 . TKI.El'HONK. • .



Upholstering in all ita . branoliesjearried 09, also a full line of Picture Framea and M ouldings Kept constantly on hand.. Window Cornices of all descriptions.

undertaking business In Aabury Park and. vicinity Pay favor m e w ith their patronage,

principal hotels and stores tn Park and Grove. •' .

Office open day and night. T -A JL C E S S T . S E S C r o a iT .

BMLB YOUR HOUSES WITH 6 0 0 P LUMBERA n d t h e y w i l l l a s t a l o n g t i m e .

One of the b a it p laoea io and anL iaottinent df FIRSTJ3MBS BUILD1NO MATKIII*!., Is at the. . _ established business place o t

N. E. BtJCHANON & CO.,, ‘ ’ . 4 > 8outhwe6t oorner of Main stree t a . ^ Ast)ury avenue,

^ Aabury iPark, K&K..Jer&eytDnlfed this h'ouBO, cab.; testify th ^ t thore Ja_po better Into tbe cu iiB ttuu tid litif^Q oy^reora paiaoe. Come

i-’- 1 " '. ' •

Thousands of customers who havo patronised plaoe to purchaae evom hlng whlob eUWrtf' ‘ ' a long w|£h y our^rdere for ... f .

I .U M B E B . L l f r K , ‘ I - A T I I , 'P L A 8 T E B , C E M E N T , J V A IB .O i l* , .T D B P I 5 S T I S E , P A I J I T ,

H A R D W A R E , V A R N IS H ,E T C l, E T C .

And everything to complet^jamRbQuaa. Batlgfaotlon guaranteed to all customers.

N.E, M m BeoTA,

g . j . s g h a n c k & s o n ; S u c c e s so rs to '

A s b u r y A v e . a i t « l M a i n S t . , A n l m r y P a r k , I V . J .

BRANCH. OFFICES—Milan Ross's, 120 Cookman avenuo, Asbury Tark, and O. W. M artln>, Pilgrim . Pathway, Ocean Grove..whore all orders received will bo promptly tilled.

,' GARRISON a ROGERS;M anufacturers a^d-Doalers ln all branohes of . <

A S B U R Y P A R K A N D L O N C B R A N C H , N . J .W in d o w F ra x n en . N n sb , B l tn d n . p o o ^ s , R T o n ld lo g a , B rA « h « ts a n d C a rv e d W o r k .

H a r d R o l l 'W o p d ftfm U eln. T n r n l o g n n d H e r o ll Na w Iu k a »p*>*« l a l t y . D e s ig n s a n d P r i c e s I n r n i s h e d o n A p p l t ^ s d o n .




YARD. ; t -

B R A D L E Y & S M I T H ,B R U S H M A N U F A C T U R E R S ,

251 P ea ^ l S t r e e t , n e a r F u lt o n S t r e e t . N e w Y o r k ,Have oocupled th e same building m ore than a q u arte r of a cenury. T heir goods aro shipped to a ll parta o f tho-United States. ■

John A. Gitbens & Co.MaHufaeturora of. and wholesale and

i retail dealers In

, £3)


Up Stairs, -

Renovating Mattreesoe a Specialty,> ' *•*— j* r


COAL, WOOD & CHARCOAL- ;■ ought to su it you.

ftU A JL,lT lf.—I keep both H a r d I#ehlBl>'arid F re e -b u rn Ii» K C o a la . all sizes, and o f the

best quality obtainable. My W o o d Is ex tra good and Is alw ays perfectly

. dry; My C h a r c o a l I havo m ade • eapeolallv fo r m v own trade. •

P R IC E S —T h o l o w e s t p o s s ib l e .F a c i l i t i e s nnequaled' ln thla town... Full

weight and moa^uro «uar^Utf®4* . • .T A R D : Main ist., opp. Octfan G'rrov'e"8chooI

Houso. . - •:B ran f'ch O ff ic e s : Lemkau’a Grocery, Aabury

P a rk ; W ainright & Errlckson, Ocoan Grovo. OMer a t offices, of drivers, by telephone o r by

m ail, addressed ' \ ' . --'cFER G USO N ’S CO A i V&BD

Steinbach Bros.LEADING

H O R S E S ! H O R S E S I

M fO T IC E TO T H E P U B L IC .I have Sold my Stables in N ew Bruns­

wick to Janeway & Co., Paper Manufac­turers ; and Removed m y entire Inkiness to ■Newark,. N , . where'. I have Two large and commodious Stables— ■> at fi20 IWbnil St- arid 19 & 21 Atlantic St., ttnd^r_the ixianage- ment of li. Morehoiis ,,'A .

i ‘ , I shall constantly keep'&oni150 to 200 head of HORSES and M U lifis, o f all kinds, sizes, and qualities, so 'that per- son s. cpiMng frOm-a diatajice-iueed hate no doubt that they will- find anything and everything in shape of-Hofses or Mules. '-^S3§S7T,ersons' living at a distance, too far

;sr»”-rtx> drive, who; ham Horses or Mules to Ex-


N E W J E R S E Y ,OABltY T n i i ^

L a r g e s t a n d F i n e s t S t o c k


In ASbury Park;

STEINBACH BROS.,ing, Near the Lake.

change, I have Men for the purpose of going tro...examine.,such, and the exchange can be Railroad travel.. v ■ . - ‘

Also, Stock ftelivercd to a n y p a r t o f the State Free e f“i'Eipehse, and sp,t'isiaetion Gruaran^eed . ■ . .,v ..., _3 ■

tw o to Ih m - C on h ia tin a r v i jw / ? » , , ,M i c h i u m i , I n M m u i , K e n -

tu c k y , ctv.yvtf;.- > • .■

Plenty of. Second-hand Stock always on hand; good for service in the country. • *. "

In buying stock Personally, and paying Cash for thersame, with my great experience and acquaintance of the business enables me to have them to sell cheaper than most anyone el^e. * •

Selling fronir ^OOO to 2500 a year I can well afford to s<Jll at small profits; so that it will pay anyone-to look at my stocic ■ before purchasing elsewhere.

,‘,p0 to-250 Horses & Mui'cs for Sale or ExchangeA T r ,2 i) J i J lO A J i~ S T R I V E T f

■ —dOIIN TK MO ItIl ftS, Niiivurk. N. J,^ . • ■■,>»/' ' ■: •• •.- . . ■ ■ ■ • .

' ^ ■ ■'■ :• ■ "• , ... - •* •


¥ 5
