fire kills 1

Fire Kills by Adam Ridsdale, Louie Babb, Harriet Fortune and Becki Kidston

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Post on 23-Jan-2017




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Fire Kills by Adam Ridsdale, Louie Babb,

Harriet Fortune and Becki Kidston

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BriefUK Government are funding a campaign to improve Fire Awareness using the slogan

“Fire Kills”. The aim is :

To effectively communicate the six key learning objectives of the Fire Kills initiative:

•Plan your escape route• Have a Plan B!• Keep objects out the way of doors• Close internal doors• Get out, stay out!• Keep keys to hand

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Research/ Inspiration

For our research we watched past by the Fire kills campaign

Christmas tree fire


Ash effect an idea about shock value in adverts – people ‘spontaneously combusting’

Cancer video us that hard hitting messages can be more effective than other types of message

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iPod App

YouTube/TV advert

Facebook survey Poster

Flash game



Website design


Dreamweaveranimated banner



Final cut pro/After effects

Internet Game


Allusions of death

Families Children/teens


The elderly

TV advert



Target Audience


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Target Audience

• We are going to use two different campaign strategies to target primary school children and Facebook users.

• We will also post it onto the Fire Kills website.

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User ‘Dies’Fact 1.

1. Keep objects out the way of


2. Plan your escape route

User ‘Dies’Fact 2.

3. Close internal doors

4. Always have keys to


User ‘Dies’Fact 4.

User ‘Dies’Fact 3.

User ‘Dies’Fact 5.

5. Have a Plan B

6. Get out, Stay out

User ‘Dies’Fact 6.


Game plan

Key: Right Wrong

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Start: • Black Screen• Fire Alarm goes off• Light is flicked on

1.Keep objects out the way of doors:• Boxes in front of the door• Use mouse to move the boxes out of the way. If you don’t move the boxes out the way, you die.• If you die, Fact 1 appears

2. Plan your escape route.• Press on the map on the back of the door before leaving.• If you don’t press it you die.• If you die, Fact 2 appears.

3. Close internal doors behind you.• Once out the door, shut it behind you by clicking on it.• If you don’t shut it, you die.• If you die, Fact 3 appears.

4. Always have keys to hand.• While you walk through the house, ‘Grab Keys’ pops up on the screen.• Find the keys and pick them up, if not you die.• If you die, Fact 4 appears.


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5. Have a Plan B:• There’s a fire at the front door when you get there. • A map pops up, draw your route out, if not you die.• If you die; Fact 5.

6. Get out, Stay you:• You make it outside, but you left your phone inside.• Trick question: do you go inside to get the phone to ring the fire brigade or stay out?• If you go back in you die.• If you die; Fact 6.

End:• A progress bar shows you how well you did.• Option to post onto Facebook.

Some example of facts:• Most victims of fires die from smoke or toxic gases and not from

burns (Hall 2001). • On average in the United States in 2010, someone died in a fire

every 169 minutes, and someone was injured every 30 minutes (Karter 2011).

• In 2010, fire departments responded to 384,000 home fires in the United States, which claimed the lives of 2,640 people (not including fire-fighters) and injured another 13,350, not including fire-fighters (Karter 2011).

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Adobe Photoshop Adobe Dreamweaver

Final Cut ProAdobe Flash

Adobe After Effects

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The front door is locked

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Got keys

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YOU WIN!!!!!

Your time was: 1min 23 seconds. You had 0 faults.

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YOU LOSEYou died at stage: 4

Time penalty: 20 seconds2 Lives Left.

FACT:Most victims of fires die from smoke or toxic

gases and not from burns (Hall 2001).