finding sustainability data on the web

Finding sustainability data on the Web David Leal CAESAR Systems Limited [email protected]

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Finding sustainability data on the Web. David Leal CAESAR Systems Limited [email protected]. Using emerging technologies. Identifying things by HTTP URIs getting data about them by “ dereferencing ” Data as RDF statements readable RDF as N3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Finding sustainability data on the Web

Finding sustainability data on the


David LealCAESAR Systems Limited

[email protected]

Page 2: Finding sustainability data on the Web

Using emerging technologies

• Identifying things by HTTP URIs– getting data about them by “dereferencing”

• Data as RDF statements– readable RDF as N3– a little bit of formality from OWL

• The importance of standard RDF vocabularies– This is what will make it work– This is our task

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About URIs• a URI is just a string of characters

– They are unique identifiers for things, which are used on the web– A thing can have more than one URI, but a URI identifies only one


• HTTP URI– formerly called a URL– The use of an HTTP URI implies that an HTTP (HyperText Transfer

Protocol) access, e.g. from a browser, is valid– But you may be disappointed and get “error 404” – no answer was

the stern reply

• a URN– A URI which does not imply any form of access– used by some organisations – e.g. ISO, ISBN– urn:iso:std:iso:15926:-2

The Web is based upon HTTP URIs – don’t worry about URNs

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What a URI identifies

• a web page–– You can open it with your browser – data is downloaded– You can follow links to other web pages

• an object–– This is the organisation Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining– It has a Royal Charter – it cannot be downloaded to a browser

• a formula–– This is a computer interpretable file of RDF statements about the

IoM3– It can be process by Semantic Web browser or by an application

Uniform Resource Identifier

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Dereferencing a URI

• If the URI identifies a web page – you get it

• If the URI identifies an RDF formula – you get it

• It the URI identifies an object ....– The object could be the Eiffel Tower, or the Institute of Materials –

neither can be downloaded to your browser– either you get nothing (error 404), or you are redirected to

a “representation”

“dereferencing” means attempting to get some data. You can only dereference an HTTP URI.

access to is redirected to

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Semantic Web technologies

• RDF (Resource Description Framework)– making statements on the Web–

• N3 (Notation 3)– a simple way of writing down an RDF statement–

An opportunity to:

• record information more simply• enable others to use our concepts• use the concepts of others

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Getting started

Janet Johnloves

RDF diagram


:Janet :loves :John .:Jane :believes { }

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Getting started

people:Janet relationship:loves people:John .

@prefix people: <> .

@prefix relationships: <> .

namespacesidentify the people

identify the human relationships

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….. or as XML

<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [ <!ENTITY rdf ""> <!ENTITY people ""> <!ENTITY relationships "">]>

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="&rdf;" xmlns:relationships="&relationships;">

<rdf:Description rdf:about="&people;Janet"> <relationships:loves rdf:resource="&people;John“/> </rdf:Description>


no more precise – and not as readable

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Clever browsers

click to view the formula

The IoM3 has not implemented this – yet

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Clever browsers

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Suppose you want a formula

• Usually redirection takes you to an HTML web page

– This is good, because a person may need to know what a URI identifies – the web page can tell him or her

• If an application want the formula, then there are two options:

– content negotiation – the HTTP protocol allows the GET request to specify the required format – RDF can be specified

– link from the HTML file – this is hidden in the header and is used by applications when required

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Suppose you want a formula

link to the formula

<html> <head> <title>IOM3 - Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining</title>

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rdf+xml" title="RDF Representation" href="" />

<meta name="description" content="Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining“/>

<meta name="keywords" content="IOM3, IOM, IMM, materials, world, academy, profession, science, engineering, metals, ceramics, polymers, glass, rubber, minerals, mining, plastics, institute, careers, jobs, journals, education"/>


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Suppose you want a formula

@prefix con: <>.@prefix tabont: <> .@prefix foaf: <> .@prefix dc: <> .

<> a eng-sci:EngineeringInstitution ; dc:title "Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining" ; con:phone <tel:+44 (0)20 7451 7300> ; foaf:webpage <> .

<> a eng-sci:Conference ; dc:title "Materials Congress 2008 - Materials for the Future" ; tabont:isMentionedIn <> .


vocabulary about engineering organisations

and events

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An individual product


Ruian Zhuxin Machinery Co. Ltd.manufactured by



– person readable nameplate

– bar code


specified as:

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An individual product

@prefix rzm: <> .@prefix iso: <> .

dereference to get a formula about the model

rzm:item/08-12345 iso:manufacturedBy <> ; a rzm:model/ML1800 .

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A class of product

@prefix rzm: <> .@prefix iso: <> .@prefix packing <> .

rzm:model/ML1800 iso:hasMass [ scale:kilogram 14000] ; packing:maximum_rule_length [ scale:metre 50 ] ; packing:speed [ scale:perMinute 16 ] ; packing:motorPower [ scale:kilowatt 11 ] ; ......

who defines the vocabularies?– an ISO or IEC committee– a trade association

The Ruian Zhuxin Machinery Co has not

implemented this – yet – as far as I know

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LCA data in the formula

• Each item of model ML1800 requires:– emissions of 25 kg CO2 to produce;– emissions of -4 kg CO2 to dispose (negative because recycling displaces mineral

extraction);– emission of 0.001kg CO2 per hour to run (European electricity generation mix).

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LCA data in the formula

rzm:model/ML1800 lca:unitProductionCO2emission [ scale:kilogram 25 ] ;

lca:unitDisposalCO2emission [ scale:kilogram -4 ] ;

lca:hourUseCO2emission [ scale:kilogram 0.001 ] .

actually it is more complicated

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Actually it is more complicated


flow 1

output flow

manufacture of 1ML1800 item

reference output






25 kg


flow 2




0.01 kg


flow 3

output flow output flow

objects and relationships defined in ISO 14048

but not different in principle

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Actually it is more complicated



[ a lca:ReferenceFlow ;

lca:destination lca:Technosphere ;

lca:material [ lca:loadOf rxm:model/ML1800 ;

lca:numberInLoad 1 ] ] ;


[ lca:destination lca:Atmosphere ;

lca:Material [ a iupac:CarbonDioxide ;

lca:amount [ scale:kilogram 25 ] ] ] ;


[ lca:destination lca:Atmosphere ;

lca:Material [ a iupac:SulfurDioxide ;

lca:amount [ scale:kilogram 0.01 ] ] ] ;


vocabulary for LCA from ISO 14048

URI for substances from somewhere?

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Making this work

• Material products have HTTP URIs– A new business process

• Dereferencing gives:– Web page of information about the product – Web 1.0– RDF formula about the product – Web 3.0

• Standard vocabularies to use in the formulae– Vocabularies for product properties– Vocabularies for LCA

• LCA data published using the same approach– Products have URIs, dereferencing give LCA data

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Navigating the supply chain

LCA catalogues (e.g. EU LCA InfoHub) linked to industrial catalogues

class A class B class C class D class D


supply 1

supply 2

supply x

supply y

supply z

subclass of

LCA data fromanalysis of supply

subclass of

subclass of

LCA data fromanalysis of supply

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