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    Submitted By:

    Amit Singh - 10030241051

    Ankur Shah - 10030241054

    Prakhar Sharma - 10030241073

    Rinshi Sahai - 10030241077

    Sonam Dongre - 10030241087

    Swati T.10030241089

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    This is to certify that a pilot study on Market Survey on Prospects of Cloud

    Based Enterprise Solution is a bonifide work carried out by the below

    mentioned students of 2st

    semester I.T Business Management (ITBM) in the

    partial fulfillment for the award of degress of Master of Business Administration

    under my guidance during the year 2010-2012.The report is approved as it

    satifies the academic requirements in respect of dissertation prescribed for the

    MBA degree.

    1.Amit Singh2.Ankur Shah3.Prakhar Sharma4.Rinshi Sahai5.Sonam Dongre6.Swati T.(Internal Evaluator) (External Evaluator) (Director)



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    We would like to express our gratitude and hearty appreciation to Prof.

    Dr.Pransenjit Sen for his encouragement and valuable guidance in the

    successful completion of the project work. The business plan would not have

    come to a successful completion without his inspiring and constant advice.

    We are also grateful to the administration of SCIT, Pune for facilitating the

    opportunity to work on our dissertation and also thankful to Prof. S.V.K

    Bharathifor providing us guidance.

    Finally, we would like to sincerely thank our Director Dr. R. Raman, Symbiosis

    Centre for Information Technology, Pune for giving us the opportunity to do the

    pilot task.

    It has been a wonderful and enriching experience working on this pilot project

    and we will look forward to do the same in future.

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    With the advent of internet, technology has reached new heights. One such

    technology using the benefits of internet is Cloud Computing. The term cloudcomputing may not have existed a few decades ago but it finds its root way back

    to mid 19th

    century. Multibillion dollar companies have been shifting to cloud

    computing and even mid-level enterprises have not been far behind in shifting

    to Cloud computing. Eminent personalities in the world of IT are discussing how

    cloud computing will revolutionize and change the way business is done. Cloud

    computing is managing the explosion of modern information. By 2012,

    Customers are expected to spend approximately 42 billion dollar on cloud

    computing.The objective of this report is to study the trends of enterprise solutions

    available in cloud and its future. Cloud Based Enterprise Solution (CBES) includes

    all IT aspects to an enterprise present in cloud for example: a leather industry

    also needs IT enabled project management tools, which is non core area for

    leather industry. Cloud can be used to outsource this vertical without hassles of

    IT setup. This report presents various such aspects of CBES from a vendors

    perspective. Also it looks at the underlying technology which drives cloudcomputing and the benefits we derive out of it.

    The analysis has been done on the basis of the online and literature survey

    conducted in the month of January 2011 as a part of pilot project.

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    1 Table of Contents1. Scope and Aim .............................................................................................................................................................. 48

    1.1. Scope of the project ................................................................................................................................................. 48

    1.2. Aim of the project .................................................................................................................................................... 48

    2. Assumptions ................................................................................................................................................................. 49

    3. Methodology ................................................................................................................................................................ 49

    3.1. Research Methodology ............................................................................................................................................ 49

    3.2. Pilot Project Approach ............................................................................................................................................. 50

    4. Literature Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 53

    4.1. Cloud ........................................................................................................................................................................ 53

    4.2. Services Provided by various Vendors: .................................................................................................................... 54

    4.3. Pricing Strategy: ....................................................................................................................................................... 58

    5. Survey and Analysis: ..................................................................................................................................................... 63

    6. Scope of development in Small and Medium Business(SMB) Market: ...................................................................... 75

    6.1. Recent News in SMB market .................................................................................................................................... 75

    6.2. Survey conducted for SMB market by .................................................................................... 75

    6.3. Survey conducted for SMB market by IBM .............................................................................................................. 75

    7. Cloud Concerns and Solutions ...................................................................................................................................... 78

    7.1. Integrity & confidentiality: ....................................................................................................................................... 78

    7.2. Outsourcing contract with SLA: ................................................................................................................................ 78

    7.3. Time stamped-forensic proof Logs:.......................................................................................................................... 79

    7.4. Cost & Difficulty in migration: .................................................................................................................................. 79

    8. Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................................................... 81

    9. References .................................................................................................................................................................... 82

    10. Appendix .................................................................................................................................................................. 84

    Questionnaire: .................................................................................................................................................................. 84

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    1.Scope and Aim1.1. Scope of the project

    The survey conducted gives useful insight into vendors perspective of cloud

    based enterprise solution. The secondary survey ensures the feasibility in real

    time scenario. The pilot project is based on literature review, online survey

    conducted in a span of three months. The analysis is done based on the results

    of the surveys. Thus, due to limited sample size and limited resources, the

    feasibility of the study is subjected to future trend of the cloud computing.

    1.2. Aim of the projectCloud computing is the next big game changing milestone for IT. The cloud

    computing technology can be exploited to provide enterprise based solutions

    to the organizations. Also, it can automate various business processes like

    payroll, human resource management, accounting etc. Thus our project tries

    to understand the current market trend and analyze the future trends of the

    cloud based enterprise solutions.

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    2.AssumptionsFor the purpose of pilot project -

    The respondent is aware of the cloud computing technology The respondent has given correct information

    3.MethodologyThis part of documentation aims to describe methodologies used for various purposes. Research Methodology Pilot Project Approach3.1. Research Methodology

    Primary as well as Secondary research strategies were used.

    Primary research methodology of Questionnaire aims to find about various

    aspects like Customer choices and Market trends.

    In questionnaire design, there are multiple ways to phrase a particular

    question. Closed-end, open-end, rating or ranking, single select or multiple

    response formats are all valid question types that have a purpose in used

    survey. The questionnaire was designed using close ended Questions. Close

    Ended question format reduces the amount of cognitive stress placed on therespondent by limiting the choices they have to consider. By its very nature this

    format is easier to analyze than open-ended or verbatim responses, thus

    limiting the amount of cognitive stress placed on the analyst.

    Surveys are about logic and order. Ensuring our surveys flow in a logical order is

    one the best practices used. Lead the respondent off with a compelling

    introduction that motivates them to participate (was mentioned in mail sent).

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    Also, filter questions were used to ensure that only the respondents with the

    knowledge of cloud computing responds to the survey.

    Questionnaire is in APPENDIX.

    Secondary research methodology was utilized to find out Market Needs, and

    Trends as well as Growth of cloud computing was understood. Secondary

    research methodology includes all other resources which did not directly

    contribute but provided an insight and increased understanding of cloud

    computing market. Review of various articles, news, blogs and plethora of

    knowledge available through books and internet was used.

    3.2. Pilot Project ApproachStandard techniques followed for any project implementation ensure the

    success of project. Following are techniques used to fulfill the Pilot project.

    Work Break down Structure:

    The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a tree structure, which shows a

    subdivision of effort required to achieve an objective; for example a program,

    project, and contract. The WBS may be hardware, product, service, or process


    A WBS can be developed by starting with the end objective and successively

    subdividing it into manageable components in terms of size, duration, and

    responsibility which include all steps necessary to achieve the objective.

    The Work Breakdown Structure provides a common framework for the natural

    development of the overall planning and control of a contract and is the basis

    for dividing work into definable increments from which the statement of work

    can be developed and technical, schedule, cost, and labor hour reporting can

    be established.

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    Regular Meetings:

    The team meeting was held on weekly basis to ensure the progress and provide

    direction to the pilot project. Every meeting was conducted by a team member

    whose responsibilities are:

    Meeting Agenda Decided. Meeting MOM taken. Meeting take away discussed. Next Meeting Agenda Decided.

    Brain Storming:

    It is a group creativity technique designed to generate a large number of ideas

    for the solution of a problem.

    There are four basic rules in brainstorming

    Focus on quantity

    Withhold criticism Welcome unusual ideas Combine and improve ideas


    Participants who have ideas but were unable to present them areencouraged to write down the ideas and present them later.

    The idea collector should number the ideas, so that the chairperson canuse the number to encourage an idea generation.

    The idea collector should repeat the idea in the words he or she haswritten verbatim, to confirm that it expresses the meaning intended by

    the originator.

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    When many participants are having ideas; the one with the mostassociated idea should have priority. This is to encourage elaboration on

    previous ideas.

    During a brainstorming session, managers and other superiors may bediscouraged from attending, since it may inhibit and reduce the effect of

    the four basic rules, especially the generation of unusual ideas

    Brain storming technique was used to take decision. This techniqueensured un-biased decision making for all stages in Pilot Project.

    Brainstorming is not just about generating ideas for others to evaluateand select. Usually the group will, in its final stage, evaluate the ideas

    and selects one as the solution to the problem proposed to the group.

    The solution should not require resources or skills the members of thegroup do not have or cannot acquire.

    There must be a way to measure progress and success. This was madesure by WBS.

    The steps to carry out the solution must be clear to all, and amenable tobeing assigned to the members so that each will have an important role.

    There must be a common decision making process to enable acoordinated effort to proceed, and to reassign tasks as the project


    There should be evaluations at milestones to decide whether the groupis on track toward a final solution.

    There should be incentives to participation so that participants maintaintheir efforts.

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    4.Literature Review4.1. Cloud

    Cloud Computing has been dominant IT news over the past few years. Thisterm refers to any virtualized resources that are delivered as a service from

    data centers over the internet and that are accessible from anywhere in the

    world. All data and software applications that were originally located on

    desktops and in corporate server rooms are now being swept up and installed

    in the cloud or online resources.

    A cloud is grouped into Private Cloudor Public Cloudbased on the location of

    the data centre where the services are being virtualized, the For private cloud,

    the data centre is built internally behind a firewall and not shared outside the

    enterprise. Full control is retained by the organization. On the contrary, in

    public cloud, the service providers manage the infrastructure and offer public

    customers the ability to deploy and consume services over the Internet.

    From the type of the services and its architectural point of view, there are

    three layers of cloud computing: SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.

    Software as a Service (SaaS): Software as a service- service providerwill give your users the service of using their software, especially any

    type of applications software. Example-Google (GOOG),

    (CRM), Net Suite (N)

    Platform as a Service (PaaS): Platform as a service-service provideronly provides platform or a stack of solutions for your users. It helps

    users saving investment on hardware and software. Google engine and provide this type of service.

    Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Infrastructure as a service- serviceprovider bears all the cost of servers, networking equipment, storage,

    and back-ups. You just have to pay to take the computing service. And

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    the users build their own application software. Amazon EC2 is a great

    example of this type of service.

    4.2. Services Provided by various Vendors:Companies/


    Microsoft Google

    Software-as-Service Business Productivity Online Suit


    There are four different products in


    Microsoft Exchange Online Microsoft Office

    Communications Online

    Microsoft SharePoint Online Microsoft Live Meeting

    In the Software as a Service

    (SaaS) space Google is a

    pioneer. Google's services in

    this space are listed below.

    Google email Google docs Picasa Google Calendar Google Group

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    Microsoft Google

    Platform-as-Service Microsoft Azure

    It provides an operating system and

    development platform to

    access/develop applications on

    Microsoft data centers.Microsoft Azure can be divided into

    three components:

    a. Windows Azure provides aWindows based environment

    to access/develop

    applications on Microsofts

    data centers.

    b. SQL Azure provides access toa relational database hostedat Microsofts data centers.

    c. .Net Services (also calledFabric) provide access to

    applications running on the


    Google AppEngine

    It is a developer platform

    hosted on Googles cloud. The

    initial support on the

    developer platform was forPython programming language

    and support for Java is

    available now. Google has

    detailed documentation for

    both Java and Python

    development platform.

    Deploying the code to a cluster

    and running it is managed by

    Google. The database availableis a non-relational database.

    Database can be accessed with

    GQL (Google Query Language).

    GQL has SQL like syntax.

    Google AppEngine enables

    users to build a basic web

    application very quickly.

    Configuring and setting up an

    application is quick and easy.

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    Amazon Rackspace



    Amazon is a pioneer and market leader

    in the area of Infrastructure-as-a-

    Service. Amazon suite of products in

    cloud computing space is calledAmazon web services.

    Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)

    was launched in March 2006. S3

    provides data storage using a simple

    web interface. Amazon launched S3 to

    improve its server utilization and to

    initiate another revenue stream. S3 has

    been extremely successful due to its

    low pricing and high stability. Typicaluses of S3 are web hosting, image

    hosting, and as a back-up system. Some

    popular sites that use Amazons S3 are

    twitter, and slide share. S3FOX provides

    a Firefox extension that allows a

    Windows explorer like user interface to

    upload/download files. CloudBerry also

    offers a Freeware with Windows

    Explorer style interface to manage

    Amazon S3 accounts, files, and buckets.Free hosting reviews are available to

    assist with making an informed web

    hosting choice.

    Amazon SimpleDB is non-relational

    database hosted by Amazon. It was

    launched in December 2007. The

    database integrates well with other

    Amazon AWS tools. Amazon SimpleDB

    provides web service for runningqueries on structured data in real time.

    Relation databases like Oracle and db2

    are expensive. SimpleDB provides an

    alternative database platform.

    SimpleDB uses a basic string-based

    query language. The syntax is

    straightforward but different from SQL.

    SimpleDB does not support some of the

    standard SQL features like joins, full

    text search, or sorting query results. No

    upfront investment is required. The

    Rackspace, formerly known as

    Mosso, is a strong vendor in the

    Infrastructure-as-a-Service space.

    According to Rackspace, 40% ofFortune 100 companies host with


    The main products that Rackspace

    offers are -

    Cloud Drive offers file storage

    similar to Amazon's S3. Rackspace.

    A typical use of Storage-as-a-

    Service is for taking online backup.

    Rackspace Server Backup is a

    product similar to Cloud Drive. It

    allows Windows or Linux based

    servers to be backed up. Rackspace

    Server Backup encrypts,

    compresses, and transfers data as

    per defined calendar. Cloud Sites is

    a web site hosting product that

    allows web applications to scaleacross multiple servers based upon

    the demand.

    Cloud Servers provide complete

    access to a server. The offering is

    similar to Amazons EC2. The

    number of server usage can be

    changed over time and pricing is

    done accordingly. Users get root

    access to the Linux Servers.

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    database is scalable and is accessible

    through web services.

    Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

    provides computing servers on rent, a

    kind of dedicated server hosting.

    EC2 is the Amazon's core offering in the

    Infrastructure-as-a-Service space. EC2 is

    available with a web services interface.

    The service is resizable, in the sense

    that you can increase/decrease

    computing capacity depending upon

    your needs.

    Amazon offers three types of virtualservers:

    a. Small Instance (Default) 1.7 GBof memory and 160 GB of

    instance storage.

    b. Large Instance 7.5 GB ofmemory and 850 GB of instance


    c. Extra Large Instance 15 GB ofmemory and 1690 GB ofinstance storage.

    There are more variants if you have

    high-CPU or high-memory


    Operating Systems supported include

    Windows Server 2003, Linux and

    OpenSolaris. Also supported are

    databases like Oracle 11g, MySQL andDB2, Application servers like Weblogic,


    Amazon also provides a Firefox

    extension called Elasticfox that provides

    a free web interface to manage EC2


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    4.3. Generic Cloud based enterprise solution services Supply Chain Management CRM/Sales Management Discrete Production Process production Tool Management Maintenance Service Management Cost Planning and Control Financial Management Data Centre Application development Extendibility, Report Customization, Integration, Business Intelligence, Mobile

    Computing, Security features

    4.4. Pricing Strategy:

    ERP Pricing Strategy:

    Software ERP Modules (Finance, Sales Management) Licenses Operating System


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    Hardware Server Network

    Other Costs Technical implementation Back up (Disaster recovery)

    Cloud Pricing Strategy:

    Cloud computing has been a dominant IT news item over the past few years. The

    companies with the help of cloud computing have found a way to increase capacity or

    add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new

    personnel or licensing new software and pay for whatever they needed. According to

    a survey by Gartner, the Software as a Service (SaaS) market is expected to grow to

    18% by 2013. Cloud computing is an attractive proposition for SMEs. The SMEs can

    make most of the technology available today at lower costs and lower risks. The

    upfront investment is low, they dont need to invest in software / hardware, licensing

    and renewal costs are kept to a minimum, total cost of ownership is reduced and they

    only pay for what they use.

    The three layers of cloud computing namely Saas, Paas and Iaas provide various

    features to the organizations implementing cloud. The following describes the

    features of the same:

    Software as a service (SAAS): Cloud application services deliver software as aservice over the Internet, eliminating the need to install and run the application

    on the customer's own computers and simplifying maintenance and support. In

    the case of SaaS, the customers do not buy a license but rent the software.

    Infrastructure as a service (IAAS): Cloud infrastructure services deliverscomputer infrastructure - typically a platform virtualization environment - as a

    service. Rather than purchasing servers, software, data-center space or

    network equipment, clients instead buy those resources as a fully outsourced

    service. Suppliers typically bill such services on a utility computing basis and

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    amount of resources consumed. Thus, the cost will typically reflect the level of


    Platform as a Service (PAAS): Cloud platform services deliver a computingplatform or solution stack as a service, often consuming cloud infrastructure

    and sustaining cloud applications. It facilitates deployment of applications

    without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying

    hardware and software layers.

    The basic pricing model for cloud based architecture is as follows:

    Subscription-based: Customers are charged for the same fixed-price for everycertain time of period such monthly, quarterly, or annually for independentusage

    SoftSummit survey (2008) predicted that the overall software vendors will

    continue to offer this subscription model with an estimated growth of

    approximately 10% by 2010.

    Usage-based: Customers are charged based on their usage volume fromseveral measurable metrics e.g. amount of data transferred, the time spent by

    customers in using the software, number of registered users accessing thesoftware, number of completed transactions while using the solution. This is

    the reason why SaaS is also typical with pay-per-use basis.

    Advertisement model: Customers pay no costs for using the solution while thevendors earn the revenue from advertisements of third parties that are

    embedded on their web pages. For e.g. Google or Yahoo search engine and

    Google Apps like Gmail etc.

    Poor Billing System:

    A poor billing and metering system may cause the vendors to lose their

    customers, as the customers might feel cheated by the vendors. The billing and

    metering system becomes important for the vendors to track their customers

    usage and might also be useful for them to expand the potential of their

    customer base, which is useful input for their future marketing strategy. Hence,

    having an accurate metering and billing system that can handle the mechanism

    and report overall usage is crucial.

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    Service Level Agreements (SLA):

    One of the key motivators for moving to cloud is the reduction of business risk.

    This is identified by the service level agreement (SLA), which is a contract

    between a vendor and its users which specifies the level of service that is

    expected during its period. They can specify bandwidth availability, responsetimes for routine and ad hoc queries and response time for problem resolution

    such as network down and machine failure. SLAs can be very general or

    extremely detailed, including the steps to take in the event of a failure. For

    example, if the problem persists after 30 minutes, a supervisor will be notified;

    and when the problem stays after one hour, the account representative will be


    Price comparison between various Cloud Vendors:



    Amazon Google Microsoft Rackspace

    Billing terms Billed monthly

    for compute



    Free quota for

    ninety days and

    then following a

    price budget


    and pay-as-you-






    Amazon S3:$0.150 per GB


    Not Applicable Not Applicable $0.15 per GBper month





    Amazon S3:

    $0.1 per GB

    Not Applicable Not Applicable $0.22/GB



    1.7 GB/160GB

    of at$0.085/hour

    Not Applicable Not Applicable 256 MB/10GB


    Services Not


    Gmail, Google

    docs, Picasa are

    free for individual


    Organization using

    Google docs and

    GMAIL pay $50 per


    Exchange Online

    is priced at

    $5/user/ month



    online suite at



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    user per year for

    using advanced


    $10/ user/



    System anddevelopmen

    t Platform



    Google AppEngine

    at $8/user/month

    Microsoft Azure

    $0.12cents/hour for

    computing and



    for storage



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    5.Survey and Analysis:5.1. Profiling :

    Approx 24 respondents Aimed :

    Professional Contacts Academia Contacts (Alumni & Professor contacts) Internet ( Facebook, Forums & Sites)

    Received: Professional Responses

    Cloud Architects Project Managers/Team Members(working on Cloud projects IBM/Zenith)

    Academia Responses Cloud Enthusiasts

    Internet Cloud Enthusiasts Director Cloud Writers/Vendors Architect

    Questionnaire methodology was adopted to understand the market essence and likely

    forward strategy of cloud providers. The survey was intended for audience who has real

    knowledge of cloud deployment and one who are driving force for cloud services in their

    area of influence. Survey had 10 questions which had 18 responses and following trends

    were seen.

    For Questionnaires, please refer to Appendix A.

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    5.2. Survey Questions and ResultsQuestion1. Layer of the cloud which is most preferred by the client:

    Results - Shows that most availed and preferred service is Software on cloud. Generic

    reason for such response could be the ease of use and availability of such in market.

    Also, the generic issues of security, interoperability etc is seen more in other

    services.50% of respondents are already on SAAS, with IAAS with 28% followed by

    PAAS at a close percentage of 22%.







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    Question2. IT services/Applications supporting business processes which are most

    likely to be on Cloud

    Ranking Business Process Response

    1 Accounting 28%

    2 CRM/Sales Management 33%

    3 Payroll 39%

    4 Data Centre services 28%

    5 Application development 33%

    6 Project management 44%

    7 Procurements / Purchasing 44%

    8 Human Resources 33%

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    Results -Cloud is seen as a place for other than core functionalities to be outsourced.

    This question attempts to catch the key areas which are part of most of the industries

    and can be put in cloud. The trend shows that procurement/purchasing, project

    management are most likely to be on cloud services. Next cloud based on payroll,

    CRM/Sales Management and accounting and data centre services being next.




    nts /


    CRM /





    g / Finance











    8 2 6 4 2 2 2 1 1

    7 0 3 8 1 1 1 3 1

    6 1 1 1 1 1 8 2 2

    5 1 1 1 3 2 2 6 2

    4 3 3 2 2 1 0 2 5

    3 7 1 1 2 3 1 1 1

    2 1 2 0 6 3 1 2 3

    1 3 1 1 1 5 3 1 3











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    Question3. Customers would prefer to purchase separate modules of an enterprise

    solution from multiple cloud service providers

    Results - Focus of this survey is CBES, intention of respondents is not to move to CBES

    as a service and reasons could be the integration of various parts of enterprise on


    Q4. Clients reason to use Cloud based enterprise Solution

    Ranking Reasons Response

    1 Avoiding capital expenditure, Controlling

    marginal profit and costs


    2 Flexibility and Scalability 33%

    3 Absence of IT expertise 28%

    4 Adding redundancy to increase availability

    and resilience


    5 Optimization of IT infrastructure 39%

    6 Improved computing capacity 28%

    7 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 39%





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    8 Assessing feasibility of a new business



    Results - The responses received show that major driving force to move into cloud is

    avoiding IT related capex. Flexibility, scalability and absence of IT expertise surprisingly

    is also a reason. Capex saving is always a priority whereas also easy availability of best of

    breed software on cloud is also a reason. Cloud provides all users with equal

    opportunity to use best IT environment available that too at a lower cost.

    Absence of









    profit and









    on of IT





    of a new











    y to





    8 1 1 1 2 2 7 1 2

    7 1 1 1 0 3 2 7 3

    6 2 1 2 5 0 1 4 2

    5 1 2 3 2 7 1 0 2

    4 3 1 3 3 1 0 2 6

    3 5 4 1 1 2 3 1 1

    2 2 3 6 3 1 1 1 1

    1 3 6 1 1 2 3 2 0












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    Question5. Solution you see as the most suitable for a Small and Medium Enterprise

    Client, according to this possible Cloud Computing taxonomy

    Results - IT scenarios are changing because of cloud presence. There are various

    flavors of cloud which a user can avail, Partner, Private, Public ways. Most preferred

    way of users in cloud is private cloud. As recently cloud is an issue for all users and is

    varied about it. Squaring the previous question which IT expertise and capex saving

    were preferred, users should ideally move to Public cloud. Future trend to be noticed

    is that the cloud industry has to mature into public cloud to suffice to previous

    answers of users i.e. the driving forces. Inspite of 4 years of exponential growth, cloud

    as an industry has to mature into comfortable positioning into public cloud. Next four

    years, of cloud emergence should be able to move to partner and then public as in

    when standards and maturity is seen.





    A federation of clouds

    provided by various

    sources (partner,

    private, etc)Partner Cloud (owned

    and managed by a

    trusted partner)

    Public Cloud (owned

    and managed by an

    unrelated business)

    Private Cloud (owned

    and managed


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    Question6. Main concerns of the clients towards using cloud computing

    Ranking Reason Response

    1 Loss of control of services and/or data 28%

    2 Performance issues 33%

    3 Availability of services and/or data 39%

    4 Intra-clouds (vendor lock-in) migration 28%

    5 Cost and difficulty of migration to the cloud 33%


    Lack of liability of providers in case of security

    incidents 44%

    7 Confidentiality of corporate data 44%

    8 Integrity of services and/or data 33%

    Results - There are various scenarios which are applicable to moving of users into

    cloud which cater to different problems/concerns of cloud. This question addresses

    the issues that a client faces. Survey shows that clients are most bothered about

    safety of their data and performance as an issue. Previous cases of loses of data seen

    in EC2 and such situation trigger the concern.

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    Question7. Features of SAAS services provided by your organization for cloud based

    enterprise solution

    This question focuses on vendor perspective of features in SAAS, trend shows that

    scalability, pricing and easy web access is main focus of companies in SAAS.












    Features of SAAS




    Web Accessed via web browser


    Pay per Consumption

    Auto-up gradation of solution

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    Question8. Features of PAAS services provided by your organization for cloud based

    enterprise solution

    This question shows that policies, plug and play services and standard features of

    platform are also expected from cloud PAAS. Vendors are trying to provide easyplatform in cloud. Also, moving into cloud PAAS will see features of PAAS to change as

    last Questions show that vendor is focusing now more on getting clients into cloud

    rather than sustaining them.








    14Ability to configure policies for working of

    runtime framework

    Compatibility between modules developed on

    PAAS and local platform

    Integration of modules developed across

    multiple PAAS

    Generic facilities such as source code control,application testing, staging, rollout and roll-back

    Easy plug and play platform


    Features of PAAS

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    Question9. Features of IAAS services provided by your organization for cloud based

    enterprise solution

    This question focuses on features of IAAS, trends show that vendors are providing

    much required backup and controlling power to client. IAAS being a niche area of all

    three IAAS, PASS and SAAS. Trend shows that generic features are expected of IAAS.

    Out of box feature are not intended of recent IAAS players.











    Features of IAAS



    Load Balancing

    Compatibility between multiple IAAS


    Maximum level of control of IAAS by


    Easy to use without knowing the

    underlying technology

    Smooth transition between local and

    cloud infrastructure

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    Question10. Average/estimated time frame taken to shift the entire enterprise to


    CBES prospects are incomplete without knowing the time frame for moving ofcomplete enterprise into cloud. This question intends to know the big picture of CBES

    in company standpoint. IT industry scenario as cloud consumer is ready to change and

    also other IT using companies. Question deals with industries which already have

    cloud transition in place. 1000 employees are considered to move into

    cloud at a very later stage.









    < 100 employees 100-500 employees 500-1000 employees > 1000 employees

    Less then a


    1-2 Years

    > 2 Years

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    6.Scope of development in Small and Medium Business(SMB)Market:

    6.1. Recent News in SMB market Siemens launches Cloud based unified communication solution for SMB


    TCS bets big on iON cloud for SMBs (2011) Series of studies conducted by AMI partners show Cloud-based solutions and RMIT

    services to lead APAC SMB ICT spending growth in 2011 (08/02/2011)

    Iron Mountain Brings Enterprise-Proven, Budget-Friendly, Cloud-Based Backup toSMBs

    Zensar partners with Microsoft to launch Cloud based ERP solution for SMEs. Plansto transform 2000 SMEs through the hosted platform by Dec 2011

    6.2. Survey conducted for SMB market by asked 1,300 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

    about the technology and also found that 43 per cent are unsure of what cloud

    computing is.

    Around three-quarters of businesses do not currently use cloud computing models Major roadblock is the Infrastructure

    6.3. Survey conducted for SMB market by IBM Midsize firms are increasing their investment in IT, striking a balance between

    solutions that drive short term cost savings and those that enable revenue growth

    and stronger customer relationships.

    Most of the priorities can be solved by cloud solution

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    As we can see, Major critical business priority among SMB is cost reduction

    which can be achieved through cloud computing.

    In survey on major IT implementations, area of cloud computing (66%),

    virtualization (67%) and SAAS (65%) still have 50% projects which are only

    planned and not implemented which mean it has lot of scope for development.

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    As we can see in the survey, Cost reduction has been cited as the major reason

    for companies shifting to cloud. The same result is also reflected by survey

    conducted by us.

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    7.Cloud Concerns and SolutionsThis section of report presents solutions that a vendor should provide to avoid concerns

    of clients. Vendor as well as client can use this information presented to increase the

    integrity of cloud services.

    7.1. Integrity & confidentiality: Adequate & well communicated policies and practices of provider and


    The security and privacy policies and practices of the cloud provider might not

    be adequate or compatible with those of the organization. This can result in

    undetected intrusions or violations due to insufficient auditing and monitoringpolicies by the cloud provider; lack of sufficient data and configuration integrity

    due to a mismatch between the organization's and the cloud provider's policies

    for separation of duty (i.e., clear assignment of roles and responsibilities) or

    redundancy (i.e., having sufficient checks and balances to ensure an operation

    is done consistently and correctly); and loss of privacy due to the cloud

    provider handling sensitive information less rigorously than the organization's

    policy dictates

    7.2. Outsourcing contract with SLA:SLA Metrics should be defined for smooth transition of complete lifecycle of

    cloud outsourcing. Industry accepted and used templates are available which

    should be utilized for Cloud outsourcing.

    Some Qs to be answered by SLAs for cloud are-

    What if provider looses data? Who can see my information? How to handle data co-location? How to handle data-corruption? How easy is it to migrate data to another provider? Are we relying too much on SLAs?

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    7.3. Time stamped-forensic proof Logs:Changing the logs is the easiest way for a cloud provider to cover its tracks in

    case of an accident or misuse of power occurs. It is also the easiest way for

    malicious software and users to do the same. To properly protect against thisrisk, the system logs and application logs must be signed in a way such that

    there is undeniable, mathematical proof that they have not changed since the

    system or application created them. Simple data hashing cannot address this

    problem as the logs can be backdated. A time-based data signature is required

    if one is to achieve forensic-quality logs. Generic encryption and security

    concerns have to be addressed in CBES more effectively for maintaining


    CSA and other such organizations keen in establishing security standards.Cloud Service provider (CSP) should address

    1. Viability Can CSP provide/meet organizations service levels for future?2. Transparency Certifications/Compliances like HIPPA for patient details

    should provide reasonable transparency to the process.

    3. Compliance Regulations are present in platforms like CSA (Cloud securityalliance) many more should be checked.

    4. Risk Analysis and management Data flow, information cycle and genericdata risk handling should be in place.

    Architecture and model designBase design of CSP should enable the secure transaction from cloud as well as

    inside cloud. Details of model of CSP can ensure the data flow and interaction

    standards for organization.

    7.4. Cost & Difficulty in migration: Use of enterprise-class Internet application.

    Many web 2.0 enabled applications are present which enable real time

    movement of data into Cloud OS with sync from local OS like XEN and VMWare.

    Testing availability of cloud eases difficulty of migration.In a typical enterprise-to-cloud migration process, a corporation will identifycandidate components based on drivers such business continuity, scalability or

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    lower overall cost of ownership. The selection of cloud vendor then requires

    moving service components such as database, application servers, ESBs, and

    identity stores to the cloud environment. Once a full reference system is

    deployed in the cloud, the behavior of the enterprise application interacting

    with the cloud-based components has to be tested. Testing a reference systemdeployed in the cloud with a CSP enables an enterprise to evaluate the class of

    servers, memory, CPU and storage behavior in a multi-tenant environment.

    Payoff of between migration and usage to be known.Strategic move to cloud should be backed by financial analysis as other

    corporate efforts. For e.g

    For U.S. Navy,

    Generates over 300 petabytes of information per day. >1000 petabytes of information storage requirement for forensic


    Backblaze a cloud storage hardware provider reduced the cost from$826,000/petabytes (dells price) to $117,000/petabytes (Backblazes


    The 2010 cost of 300 petabytes is $35 million, or 12 cents pergigabyte. This is much less than the total costs of the legacy disk filesthat are in place for thousands of Navy servers. Huge savings are

    therefore available immediately.

    Cloud simulation and migration modelling.Cloud simulation and migration modelling provides a more efficient and nimble

    alterative to building a full cloud-based reference infrastructure for evaluating

    enterprise-to-cloud migration risks. Through enterprise-to-cloud migration

    simulation, organizations can simulate services in the cloud prior toimplementation. Simulation enables enterprises to benefit by not having to

    touch production code while eliminating the substantial time, capital and IT

    staff resource expenses related to creating a distinct cloud test environment.

    Simulation in hand with matrices like spin-up times check geographic

    latency, outages application error stages, what-if study for various operational

    scenarios ease the migration difficulties and also increase reliability.

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    8.Conclusion: SAAS is the most preferred solution by clients Avoiding Capex, Flexibility, and absence of IT expertise forms the major reason for

    shift to cloud.

    Loss of services/data, Availability of services, Performance Issues form the majorconcern of client with respect to cloud computing.

    SMB are moving towards cloud. Concerns need to be addressed with 3 way strategies: Client side, Vendor side and

    Software provider side.

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    10. AppendixQuestionnaire:

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