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  • 7/30/2019 Final May 23


    R E A D T H E N E E D


    Vol. 2 No: 126

    Hilal Rather talks to Student Age in an exclusive in terview(CEO & MD Simula Group of Companies) .page 05

    With religious exploiters

    having a field day it is trag-

    ic to see how sentiments of

    people are easily exploited.

    With many Swamis already

    enshrined in the Hall of

    Shame, it was now the turn

    of some Molvis to enter the

    Hall. In matters of passion,human beings are same, no

    matter to which religion one

    belongs to. It was heart

    rending to see a self styled

    religious preacher inKashmir resorting to activi-

    ties which put humanity to

    shame. With almost 500

    girls staying in the centreopened by him, he played

    his dirty game to the full. It

    was shocking to read the

    harrowing tales of lust and

    depravation, let loose by thepreacher Syed Gulzar. H e

    had named his room

    Hujhra-i-Pak meaning

    Place of Purity where he

    seduced the poor girls. The

    word Pak meaning Pure is

    used and mis-used.

    Sometimes it is used to

    name a country and some-

    times a place. In the end, we

    get Gulzars who play with

    our daughters renderingthem emotional wrecks.

    The million dollar question,

    how the police and the dis-

    trict administration did not

    suspect the working of sucha center in which 500 inno-

    cent and pure girls were

    housed. The matter needs to

    be investigated thoroughlyotherwise some other

    Hujhra-i-Pak will again

    crop up somewhere in

    which another sex maniac

    in garb of religion will dothe same as Syed Gulzar



    Religious preachers or sex maniacs!ROHIT SINGH RANA

    According to reports theTawi Lake will not be a real-ity in near future. The delayis manifold. Civil andmechanical works are yet to

    be completed. The beautifi-cation of lake banks is stillincomplete because the landassigned for parks is yet to

    be handed over to thetourism department.Whenever a beautificationor a project of such type asthe Tawi Lake is executed, itmust be completed on time.The work culture has to besuch that the funds or other

    bottlenecks should not beallowed to hinder the

    process of completion. Well,past experience shows thatno project has been complet-ed on time. Be it any Statesector power project or otherones, the delays have costthe State dearly. Even themuch hyped super specialityhospital is yet to be commis-sioned. Delays and costoverruns are routine inJammu and Kashmir. Withno provision to fix accounta-

    bility at various levels, it is

    unlikely that the situation isgoing to improve in nearfuture. It does not matter tothe State government

    because money earned bythe tax payer of the countrykeeps coming in crores, soany delay or cost overrun

    will not cause serious heartburn. Some slight reprimandcan be tolerated as the cor-ruption money is a great

    balm on all wounds, howdeep they are and here theCentral Government willrebuke mildly. Not a big dealat all. The State is specialand the Government of Indiahas to perform its eternalobligatory duty to cater toevery whim of the State gov-ernment machinery. After allin 1947, the leadership of theState acceded to India. It hasto be kept in mind, that itwas a historical decisionwhose fruits whether welldeserved or not have to bereaped in full. So, noaccountability here, please!We have Anti CorruptionBureau, State AccountabilityCommission and now therecently commissionedChief VigilanceCommissioner. But theyhardly matter in the State.We should have a NonAccountability Commissionin place, then the peoplewill see how much busy theCommission will be. Havingsaid so, which is not alighter side of the situation

    but a sad commentary on the

    failure of executing machin-ery in the State; it is neverlate to reverse the trend. Butmere words here will notsuffice; a will to punish theguilty and fix responsibilitywill have to be put in placeif we want so called good

    governance. Tawi Lake wasdream of many oldJammuites. They had seenvisions of it becoming areality in their life time. Butas reports suggest, the delayon the completion of this

    beautiful project, means thatmany aspiring and hopefulsamong the elderly in theentire State will have died

    before the lake becomes areality.The sadder part of the story

    of Tawi Lake was not that itwas not conceived by anygovernment. It was sheer

    pressure of the people whofloated this brilliant ideaabout one and a half decadeago in media. The idea ofhaving a lake, right in theJammu City fascinated oneand all. First, many noiseswere raised, then the Induswater Treaty provisionswere invoked against theidea. But when the Pakistaniside was comfortable withthe lake system, then aloneit was given some thought.But unfortunately, delay inits execution is not a good

    prospect for the Jammuites.With Mansar and Surinsarmiles away and still un-developed and not connect-

    ed with good roads the TawiLake would have enhancedthe beauty of the City OfTemples. The people can donothing but keep his fingerscrossed and wait for the his-torical moment when it

    becomes a reality.

    Tawi Lake: A distant dream?


    8 Pages

    Rs: 1.00

    Jammu Edition

    Omar attendsdinner hosted by PM

    NEW DELHI: On the

    invitation of PrimeMinister, Dr. Manmohan

    Singh, Jammu and

    Kashmir Chief Minister,

    Omar Abdullah thisevening attended the dinner

    hosted by the PrimeMinister on the completion

    of the 4th year of the sec-ond term of the UPA

    Government contd on page 2

    Challan against Jan forthrowing shoe on CMSRINAGAR: In a surpris-

    ing move PoliceWednesday produced a

    Challan against former

    policeman Ahan Jan in the

    Court of Law for throwing

    a shoe on Chief Minister

    Omar Abdullh in 2010. The

    accused booked under FIR

    70/2010 under section

    124A contd on page 2

    NEW DELHI: Listing out the

    achievements of nine years of

    UPA government at the Centre,

    Prime Minsiter Manmohan Singh said

    that next year they will report directly to

    the people to seek a renewed mandate.

    Starting on a philosophical note the PM

    said, "UPA government has taken the

    country forward but we have many

    more miles to travel." Manmohan Singh

    while unveiling UPA's report card

    began with the achievements of his gov-

    ernment on the economic front.

    "The country saw an improved per-

    formance of economy and inclusive

    growth under our government. We are

    the one of the fastest growing economy

    in the world including the years wherewe saw a slowdown," he said. However,

    he added that there was a period of

    slowdown but he attributed it to a slow-

    down of world economy. "Slowdown

    was a global phenomenon," he said. The

    PM stressed that inflation was coming

    under control and that under UPA gov-

    ernment a good record in rural growth

    had been witnessed. contd on page 2

    UPA Celebrates 4th Anniversary Of Its 2nd Avatar, Vows To Build Better INDIAPrime minister releases four years' report card, 8% growth possible if UPA is voted to power again


    AMMU : Whilethe UPA counted

    its achievements in

    the nine years of its rule,Dr Rana said the gov-ernment was "mislead-ing" the people. "Theyare talking aboutachievements which is

    actually portraying theirfailure. They talk about MNREGA

    (Mahatma Gandhi National RuralEmployment Guarantee Act) without

    mentioning that the gov-ernment has reduced

    allocations for it and

    there is a Rs.120 crorescam," he said.He alsoslammed Congress pres-ident Sonia Gandhi forcalling the opposition"obstructionist"."This is

    an insult of parliamen-tary procedure if they call the opposi-

    tion obstructionist. They are blamingthe opposition for Contd on page 2

    Government misleading people: Dr Rana

    JAMMU: On the eve of

    fourth anniversary of UPA-

    II, the State unit of

    Bharatiya Janata Yuva

    Morcha (BJYM) on

    Wednesday strongly

    Protested against the Scams

    and the corruption of UPA

    government and burnt its

    effigy at Kachi-Chawani

    Chowk. BJYM State

    President Ravinder Raina

    said that Congress led UPA

    government destroyed the

    nation by plundering

    Nation's wealth and called

    it as worst than the

    Britishers. He said

    Ministers in UPA govern-

    ment and their family mem-

    bers are involve d 'neck-

    deep in corruption and

    alleged that all the Scams

    and Contd on page 2

    UPA government worst than

    Britishers - RAVINDER RAINA

    (1)Internal security: (a)Situation in J&K has improved under UPA

    (b)Militancy related incidents have witnessed a 10-fold decrease(c)In the last

    four years,l ives lost in LWE-related incidents reduced by more than half

    (2)NREGA(a)Every fift h rural household in Indiabenefits from the

    scheme(b)Wages under NREGA have almost doubled(c)In 2012-13the scheme

    provided employment to 4.8crorehouseholds

    (3)Food security(a)Three fold increasei n food subsidy during UPA

    tenure(b)Record production of foodgrains (c)Agriculture credit has increased

    fivefolds(d)Stocks wereat record levels during theyear

    (4)Health care:Absence of new endemic polio cases for last two years(b)Indians

    areliving longer as lifeexpectancy has increased morethan f iveyears

    (5)Social security for special sections :(a)Minorities are benefitting under

    PM's 15-point programme(b)Growth rate of North eastern region is higher

    than national average

    (6)Education(a)Central universities increased from 17 to 44 between 2004

    and 2013(b)9IITs added(c)10 crore school students r eceive mid-day

    meals(5)Farmer welfare:(a)UPAhas been steadily increasing MSP

    (7)IT and telecom:(a)Telephone density in rural areas has increased 25ties

    during UPA regime

    (8)City welfare and infrastructure:(a)There has been a ten-fold increase in

    investment in road construction under UPA.


    SHOPIAN: Chief Minister,

    Omar Abdullah Wednesday

    predict ed overw helming

    victory for his government

    in 2014 General Assembly

    Elections asking the people

    to ensure permanent evic-

    tion of the MLAs from

    Legislative Assembly who

    have remained away from

    its proceedings and failed to

    highlight public demands at

    the right forum.

    Addressing a largely attend-

    ed public gathering at

    Wathu in Shopian District

    of South Kashmir, the Chief

    Minister without naming

    PDP said that had the Pen-

    Inkpot (election symbol of

    PDP) party's MLA of the

    area advocated the issue of

    compensation of land to its

    young owner in the

    Assembly, the youth would

    not have to wait for the visit

    of the Chief Minister to his

    area to register his griev-


    This, he said, in response to

    the demand made by a

    youth in the public meeting

    in this regard before the

    Chief Minister. Omar

    Abdullah directed the con-

    cerned to immediately

    attend to the genuine

    demand of the youth and

    redress its grievance posi-


    "You have not returned our

    nominee from this con-

    stituency but we have not

    neglected Contd on page 2

    KISHTWAR: Former

    Minister and MLA

    Inderwal Ghulam

    Mohammad Saroori during

    his 32nd day of continuous

    tour to Inderwal

    Constituency visited Poora

    Chandali area of block


    While addressing general

    public at Poora Chandali

    area, Mr. Saroori listed var-

    ious projects completed in

    his constituency beside said

    that the development of bad

    pockets was being priori-

    tized in both central and

    state government policies

    and several schemes have

    been launched under vari-

    ous sectors to achieve this


    Mr. Saroori issued direction

    to the Border Road

    Organisation (BRO) for

    early completion of widen-

    ing of Thatri-Kishtwar-

    Sinthan road at an earliest.

    He asked the BRO func-

    tionaries to speed up con-

    struction of the culverts and

    metalling of the road.

    During tour, Mr. Saroori

    visited various affected res-

    idential houses and Govt.

    buildings damaged due to

    earthquakes and said that in

    future professional archi-

    tects and earthquake engi-

    neers must be consulted to

    construct buildings which

    will be earthquake resistant.

    Later Mr. Saroori listen to

    the grievance of the people

    residing Contd on page 2

    Omar predicts overwhelming

    victory in 2014 electionsSays performance of his government speaks louder

    Saroori asks People to avail benefits of various govt. schemes

    Manmohan Singh isthe Prime Minister, but

    (he is) neither a leader

    of the country nor the

    leader of his wn party.

    Singh's colleagues sit

    with him in the Cabinet and look

    towards the UPA chairperson (Sonia

    Gandhi) for directions. Such a split

    leadership is the biggest failure of

    UPA," (Sushma Swaraj)

    Its a black chapter inIndian history. Duringthese four years, nationwitnessed record break-ing corruption, scams,scandals, weak kneed

    foreign policy and soft pproach towardsthe anti-nationals The PM should becalled as Mouni Baba as he is keepingeyes, ears and nose closed which isindeed very unfortunate for the coun-try.(Jugal Kishore BJP President JK)

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    THURSDAY, MAY 23, 20132

    UPA CelebratesSounding optimistic he said,

    "GDP in 2013-14 will be

    better than 2012-13. It could

    exceed 6%." "We are target-

    ing 12% agricultural

    growth," he said, adding, "If

    UPA returns to power next

    year than it will achieve a

    target of 8% growth as pro-

    jected in the 12th plan docu-

    ment." He further said,

    "Government is committed

    to food security, food sub-

    sidy three times" On the

    issue of coal blocks and

    spectrum allocation the PM

    said, "Root cause of per-

    ceived problems in coal

    block, spectrum allocations

    has been addressed and

    more transparent systems is

    being put in place."

    "Improprieties in coal block,

    spectrum allocations are

    being investigated and cul-

    prits will be punished," h e

    added. At the same time he

    highlighted the achieve-

    ments of UPA like the Right

    to Information Act and the

    passing of the Lokpal Bill.

    Manmohan Singh also said

    that that relation with the

    world had improved under

    the UPA rule. "Relations

    with China show our ability

    to manage difficult issues,"

    he said.

    He ended with a promise of

    an "India where every citi-

    zen can expect to live a life

    of security and dignity."

    "UPA government working

    to realise the dream of an

    economically resurgent and

    socially just India," said the


    Government mislead-

    ingnot having the bills passed,

    but who had the Rajya

    Sabha adjourned when

    Lokpal bill had to be

    passed," he said."In the land

    acquisition bill, Lok Sabha

    leader of opposition Sushma

    Swaraj made an extra effort

    so that it can be passed, but

    the government wants to run

    parliament at its own condi-

    tions," he said."As far as the

    food bill is concerned, many

    BJP-ruled states already

    have food security bill

    which is better than central

    draft. They are suddenly

    remembering food security

    bill when their ministers are

    in trouble, when in 2010 the

    Supreme Court asked the

    government to distribute the

    rotting grains, they chose to

    give it out to the breweries,

    but not the people," he

    added.Prime Minister

    Manmohan Singh

    Wednesday released a report

    on the achievements of the

    UPA government on the

    fourth anniversary of UPA-

    II.Speaking at the function,

    Gandhi said that crucial leg-

    islations could not be passed

    in Parliament due to princi-

    pal opposition's "obstruc-

    tionist approach

    Challan against(Sedition), 447A (Trespass

    in public premises) 352

    (Assault on Government

    Official) by police station

    Shergari has been sent to

    judicial remand till 28th of

    this month.The Challan was

    produced before Chief

    Judicial Magistrate Srinagar.

    State was represented by

    Chief Prosecuting Officer

    Iftikhar Ahmed while

    Advocate Mudasir Gulzar

    appeared for the

    Counsel.State Counsel

    informed the Court that

    Ahad Jan has already been

    in police custody for another

    case. CJM Srinagar sent himto judicial Custody till 28th

    of this month.The Counsel

    for the accused, Advocate

    Mudasir Gulzar told that he

    was surprised by the move

    of State. "Chief Minister

    Omar Abdullah as well as

    State had forgiven him for

    his act in 2010 and still

    today Challan was produced

    against my counsel in that

    case," he said.Pertinently,

    Chief Minister had declared

    amnesty for the accused

    after the accused had plead-

    ed for the same.

    Saroori asksin the remote hilly area,

    MLA conducted an exten-

    sive tour of the remote vil-

    lages of Kishtwar Tehsil,

    where people projected their

    demands and grievances

    which were related to extend

    road upto Nallah Chandali,Opening of PHC at Pora

    Chandali, up gradation of

    Middle School to High

    School, augmentation of

    drinking water supply

    Pharan, Kakoli and

    Chandali Nallah, strength-

    ening of power infrastruc-

    ture, streamlining of ration

    supply, clearance of pending

    widow pension and old age

    pension cases, Construction

    of road from Angara to


    Mr. Saroori gave a patient

    hearing and informed that

    Government of India has

    developed Centrally

    Sponsored Schemes for all

    sections of society particu-

    larly BPL and Marginalized

    and asked the officers to

    expedite its implementation

    so that the benefit reaches atgrass root level. He directed

    the officers to strictly follow

    the guidelines of CSS and

    give benefit to people living

    actually in far flung areas

    beside assured that the

    demands would be taken up

    with the concerned depart-

    ments on priority.

    Sarpanches Mohammad

    Aslam Saroori, Choudhary

    Abdul Karim, Brig Lal,

    Mohd Israeil, Panches, civil

    society members, People in

    large number and officers of

    various department accom-

    panied Mr. Saroori during

    the said tour.

    Omar attendsat the Centre. On the occa-

    sion, a 'Report to the People'

    on the work done by the

    Government was also


    Omar Abdullah interacted

    with the Prime Minister,

    UPA Chairperson and vari-

    ous leaders and exchanged

    good wishes.

    Omar predictsyou at all. We have ensured

    your development at par

    with other parts of the State

    as equitable and holistic

    development of the State is

    benchmark of my govern-

    ment", he told the public

    gathering substantiating his

    statement with facts and fig-

    ures of achievements regis-

    tered in the constituency and

    the district during last four

    and a half years of the gov-

    ernance of his government.

    Omar Abdullah said that

    over Rs. 60 crores have been

    spent in Shopian on the con-

    struction and upgradation of

    roads alone while fivebridges are under construc-

    tion at a cost of Rs. 34.75

    crores. He said three

    schemes have been

    approved under NABARD

    at a cost of Rs. 6.57 crores

    and Rs. 3.17 crores have

    been released as mobiliza-

    tion advance for these

    schemes. He said 23 road

    projects have been sanc-

    tioned in Shopian District,

    of which 21 have been com-

    pleted and work on two

    schemes is in full swing.

    The Chief Minister said that

    49 schemes have been taken

    up under Public Health

    Engineering programmes

    and 16 have been completed

    during the last three years

    and eight schemes are tar-

    geted for the current finan-

    cial year.

    Omar Abdullah said that a

    modern Fruit Mandi, first ofits kind in Asia, has been

    sanctioned for Shopian to

    facilitate fruit growers and

    traders associated with this

    activity. He said Rs. 40

    crores have been earmarked

    for this market. He said a

    modern Mini-Secretariat for

    District Shopian is coming

    up at an estimated cost of

    over Rs. 40 crores. The

    Chief Minister announced

    Rs. 1.5 crore for the upgra-

    dation of LT/HT lines in

    Shopian. He also announced

    a receiving station in the

    area and Rs. 70 lakhs for

    playground besides a mod-

    ern Primary Health Centre

    and PHE augmentation


    The Chief Minister said that

    his government would con-

    tinue to focus on redressingpublic grievances and

    expanding the orbit of

    development in all areas

    during next one and a half

    years adding that attention is

    being paid on creating eco-

    nomic activities by bringing

    Shopian on tourist map. He

    said construction of Mughal

    Road has opened new vistas

    of development and eco-

    nomic welfare for this dis-

    trict adding that the road has

    helped a lot to fruit growers

    to dispatch their produce to

    Poonch-Rajouri belt hassle-


    Omar Abdullah said that this

    all has been possible due to

    peaceful atmosphere under-

    lining tranquillity and peace

    key to all round develop-

    ment. He said "we have tried

    to reach out all areas on

    development front and

    deliver positively and pur-posefully. We are not like

    those who cover their eyes

    with black glasses and

    remain devoid of ground

    realities. We are fully aware

    of public difficulties and

    their demands. We are keen-

    ly addressing these and

    making necessary dent

    wherever required". He said

    the performance of his gov-

    ernment would speak loudly

    and clearly for it.

    The meetings was addressed

    by Minister of State for

    Animal Husbandry, Nazir

    Ahmad Guraezi, Minister of

    State for Technical

    Education, Vikar Rasool,

    MLA and Provincial

    President NC, Kashmir,

    Nasir Aslam Wani,

    Legislator, Showkat Ahmad

    and other local leaders.Earlier, the Chief Minister

    inaugurated 50 MVA 132/33

    KV Grid Station at Kanipora

    with associated 132 KV D/C

    L a s s i p o r a - S h o p i a n

    Transmission Line involving

    estimated cost of Rs. 17.52

    crores. The commissioning

    of Grid Station has energized

    receiving stations at

    Batpora, Gargan, Pinjura

    and Choudhary Gund.

    Another 33 KV Shadimarg

    feeder presently under con-

    struction will feed receiving

    stations at Shadimarg,

    Mittergam and Keller.

    On reaching Wathu, Omar

    Abdullah was welcomed big

    enthusiastic crowd raising

    slogans in his favour and in

    favour of his government.

    UPA governmentthe tainted Ministers are

    being well guided and

    patronized by the UPA

    Chairperson Sonia Gandhi

    and Congress Vice President

    Rahul Gandhi. Mr. Raina

    accused UPA-ii as the most

    Corrupt government in the

    history of independent

    India. Expressing anguish

    over the large scale

    Corruption in the Congress

    led UPA government Raina

    said that Congress plundered

    repeatedly plundered the

    Nation through the unending

    saga of scams, including 2G,

    CWG, chopper deal, coal

    report and the rail

    Scam.Terming the UPA gov-

    ernment as "the most corrupt

    since Independence", the

    BJYM leader said a series of

    scams have surfaced since

    UPA government took over

    and "each new scam broke

    the past record as theCommonwealth Games

    scam had caused a loss of Rs

    70,000 crore, the 2G spec-

    trum scam led to a Rs 1.76

    lakh crore loss and the coal

    scam resulted in the "loot" of

    Rs 1.86 lakh crore. Raina

    said the youth of the nation

    would never forgive

    Congress and the allies of

    UPA governmen t and would

    through it out of power in

    nest general election.

    TransferI National Instion of tech-

    nology R/O Miran Sahib

    sold JK02K-8699 fromGharu Ram S/O Munshi

    Ram R/O V.P.O Jassore R.S.Pura Jammu Objection if anyone may be conveyed to RTO

    Jammu within 7 days.

    TransferFlexij Gregory S/O K JGregory R/O 232 Fd

    Regd.C/O 56 APOKaluchak sold JK02AR-

    4277 to ASSTT.

    COMDT.Rupinder SinghS/O Sohan singh R/O BSFACY T/PUR. Anybody hav-ing any objection may file


    NEWDELHI: Twenty-two eminent

    personali ties, including Jagadguru

    Kripalu Parishat (JKP) Education

    president Vishakha Tripathi, were

    honoured here with the Rajiv Gandhi

    Global Excellence Award.

    Uttarakhand Governor Aziz Qureshi

    Tuesday conferred the awards, insti-

    tuted by Rajiv Gandhi Global

    Excellence Award Foundation, on the

    occasion of the 22nd death anniver-

    sary of former prime minister Rajiv


    JKP Education president was hon-

    oured for her "unparalleled work" in

    the field of girls' education. JKP

    claims that it is providing free educa-

    tion to more than 4,500 girls from

    primary to the doctorate level.

    After receiving the award, Tripathi

    said JKP Education had embarked on

    the mission of opening a new man-

    agement college to offer master in

    business administ ration (MBA)


    "Underprivileged and deprived girl

    students would get free top class

    management education very soon,"

    she said at the awards ceremony

    organised at India Habitat Centre


    Other awardees included Saurabh

    Garg whose efforts to create aware-

    ness about thalassaemia and social

    work was recognised.

    Tariq Zafar, vice chancellor of Bhoj

    University in Madhya Pradesh, P.C.

    Pankaj, chairman of North Eastern

    Electric Power Corporation, Keya

    Seth, chairman Keya Aromatherapy,

    and Syed Faisal Ali, group editor

    Sahara Urdu, were among the


    The award, now in its 15th year,

    recognises exceptional contribution

    in the field of creative arts, journal-

    ism, business, education, public and

    social service.

    JKP Education gets Rajiv Gandhi

    Global Excellence AwardHYDERABAD: Higher education in

    the state will change for good with a

    massive syllabus overhaul for both

    undergraduate and postgraduate courses,

    the focus being on modernising educa-

    tion in the state with the changing times.

    From pure sciences to humanities and

    social science subjects, syllabi will

    change with effect from the academic

    year 2015-16 and the process will begin

    in a month's time, top higher education

    officials said.

    The syllabus change will go on for

    around six months and interestingly, the

    changes will be made in collaboration

    with a team of highly-qualified subject

    experts from top institutes in the coun-

    try, including the IITs and IIMs, an offi-

    cial said.

    Officials at the state council said that a

    syllabus revision is the need of the hour

    as this has not happened in the state dur-

    ing the last two decades.

    "Our students are losing out on good

    quality education as the syllabi had not

    been updated since decades. The new

    process will help AP students have a bet-

    ter edge over those from other states," a

    senior official of the Andhra Pradesh

    State Council of Higher Education

    (APSCHE) said. The syllabi change

    process will be inaugurated by higher

    education minister Damodar Raja

    Narasimha, next month.

    Currently, the syllabus does not have

    paradigm changes in subjects. For

    instance, in modern Indian thought, a

    subject in social science section, the

    content of most textbooks prescribed till

    PG level ends with Mahatma Gandhi's


    "After the Mahatma, there are several

    political philosophers who had added to

    Indian political thought. We need to

    have a closer look at the syllabus to

    understand the lacunae," said an official,

    who is currently fixing subject experts

    to look at various processes.

    Similarly, in English Language and

    Literature, the cutting edge theories of

    criticism including structuralism, post-

    structuralism and deconstruction are not

    part of the syllabus, officials said.

    In science subjects, most new scientific

    developments after the 1980s are not

    included. "There is a severe lack of

    newer understandings of their subjects

    among students. In states like Kerala

    and Tamil Nadu, syllabus revision takes

    place once in every five years. We are

    way behind the game as far as syllabus

    is concerned though our students are

    bright," said an official at APSCHE.

    In languages including Hindi, no mod-

    ern or popular writer makes it to the syl-

    labus even at the post-graduate level, an

    official rued.

    The process is being monitored by

    APSCHE, the apex body for higher edu-

    cation in the state. As per the new plan,

    four subject experts will fix the syllabi

    content after one month of deliberation.

    The content will be an amalgamation of

    most new theories and practices in the

    field concerned.

    UG, PG syllabus revamp on the anvilMetro construction workprompts Jamia to issue

    advisory to applicantsNEW DELHI: Fearing that the Delhi Metro

    construction in the area will create problems

    and delays for applicants writing the various

    entrance exams at Jamia Millia Islamia

    University, it has issued an "advisory."

    "Applicants must report to their

    respectiveExamination Centre at least one

    hour ahead of the commencement of their

    Entrance Test in view of heavy congestion on

    roads leading to the University. The

    University will not accommodate late com-

    ers," says the advisory. Jamia has also asked

    applicants to avoid bringing personal vehi-

    cles to the examination centre as there is

    acute congestion and no parking facility on

    campus. University authorities are also trying

    to avoid crowding. "The parents/guardians

    should no accompany the candidates to the

    venue of the test. The University has many

    applicants taking the Entrance Examination

    and cannot accommodate parents/guardians,"

    says the advisory.

    AHMEDABAD: Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi is set

    to inaugurate Lakulish Yoga University, claimed to be the first

    ever such private sector self-financed institution in the coun-

    try, on May 23, at Ahmedabad, which has been set up by the

    Surendranagar-based Life Mission Trust.

    "Ours will be the first ever Yoga University in the country

    which will award full fledged degrees after three years'

    course," newly appointed vice chancellor of the university

    Bansidhar Upadhyay said.

    Admissions for six semester, three years' degree course will

    begin on the same day of inauguration and academic session

    is likely to start from June 15, he said.During the three years, degree course students will be taught

    subjects of Ashtang Yoga, karma, knowledge, Bhakti Yoga,

    philosophy, psychology, anatomy, ayurveda and naturopathy.

    "We have appointed one professor and four lecturers for theo-

    ry and two instructors for practicals," he said

    First Yoga university in thecountry to come up in Gujarat

    CHANDIGARH: Expect the result of Class

    XII board exams of the Central Board of

    Secondary Education (CBSE) "by the end ofnext week", said CBSE chairman Vineet

    Joshi said. Sources, however, said the result

    would be out around May 26.

    This year nearly 17,500 students from the

    Tricity appeared for Class XII board exami-

    nations conducted from March 1 till April 17.

    About 43% of this batch had skipped the

    Class X board exams when given the option

    of choosing school exams instead in 2011. As

    expected, students are eagerly awaiting their


    "I have never felt this tense. I now wish that

    had I given boards in Class X, I would havebeen better prepared to handle the results,''

    said Ankush Rana, a non-medical student of

    Class XII.

    "I hope the CBSE declares the date of results

    as it has become difficult to handle the anxi-

    ety daily," said Rhythm Sharma, a commerce

    student of Class XII.

    The result is also much awaited by JEE

    (main) candidates as for the first time their

    admission to top institutes would depend on

    their Class XII results.

    Though the result for JEE (Mains) was

    declared on May 7, no ranks were given as aseparate rank list for it would be declared by

    July 7 for admissions to BE/BTech and

    BArch/BPlanning in institutes other than

    IITs. This list will be based on the J EE main

    result with 60% of weightage, while Class

    XII results would have 40% weightage.

    This rank list would be basis for admission to

    undergraduate engineering programmes at

    NITs, IITs, centrally and state funded techni-

    cal institutes.

    "I am waiting for the rank list which will

    only be declared after the Class XII results. It

    will announce the toppers and thus decide theinstitution you will get admission into," said

    Sidhdhant Arora, a non-medical student of

    Class XII.

    Along with students, their parents too are

    tense. "The house was a battleground for my

    daughter during examinations as she gave

    board exams for the very first time. And now

    with result dates nearing, her stress levels are

    quite high," said Minakshi Dutta, a mother of

    a Class XII student.

    Class XII results by May-end: CBSE chairman

    KOZHIKODE: Calicut University

    is testing the waters in an attempt

    for a radical overhaul of its existing

    funding pattern by tapping private

    donations and endowments to build

    varsity infrastructure.

    Marking a fundamental shift from

    its existing funding mechanism,

    where the government remains the

    principle provider of funds, the uni-versity intends to open up new

    funding channels.

    The varsity has come up with three

    mega projects worth more than Rs

    23 crore for attracting funding from

    corporates and philanthropists. The

    projects include construction of a

    new block for the school of man-

    agement studies.

    Signaling the first success in its

    strategy, the varsity has secured

    donation commitments running

    over Rs 1 crore from a leading gulf-

    based corporate house.

    Varsity syndicate member T PAhmed said that a leading gulf

    based group has expressed readi-

    ness to sponsor one of the three

    projects prepared by the varsity in a

    meeting held recently. The universi-

    ty intends to pursue private dona-

    tions and endowments for projects

    including setting up a new building

    for commerce and management

    studies at a cost of Rs 15 crore,

    sports hostel at a cost of Rs 5 crore

    and renovation of existing sports

    facilities at Rs 3 crore.

    "The corporate house expressed its

    willingness to participate in thedevelopment of a project during a

    meeting between top varsity offi-

    cials and the corporate firm. Alumni

    donations and endowments from

    philanthropists and corporates are

    areas uncharted for universities in

    the state.

    Calicut university will be the first

    such varsity to take steps to raise

    funds for development programmes

    through donations, the detailed

    framework of which will be final-

    ized by the syndicate," syndicate

    member T P Ahmed said.

    Member of the syndicate R SPanikkar said the varsity should

    take care to see that the funding

    comes with no strings attached and

    that it adopts a high level of trans-

    parency in the process.

    "There is nothing wrong if the var-

    sity accepts donations which are

    made as a noble gesture to a public

    cause without any profit motive," he


    Prof K P Muraleedharan of the

    department of commerce and man-

    agement studies said though private

    donations can be an alternate fund-

    ing source for the varsity, the provi-sions of CU statutes and the overall

    political climate in the state make it

    nearly impossible for the varsity to

    reciprocate to the donor with any


    Calicu t Universit to tap private donations for infrastructure development

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    Mr. Hilal Rather, Tell us about

    yourself and how you reached this

    milestone in your life?

    Hilal Rather: Basically, I am anengineering graduate from one ofthe most prestigious Engineering

    colleges of the country-BIITS

    Pillani. At BIITS, we were not onlytaught about the engineering but

    about the development of manageri-al skills. How to take on the chal-

    lenges in life was something that

    was given top priority in the training

    there. The focus was not on devel-oping table engineers but real prac-tical people who could solve prob-

    lems on the spot. Naturally, it wasmy dream to put all I learnt at myAlma Mater into practice, in my

    home State so that not only I couldget benefitted but many others too

    would get benefit of my training and



    Hilal, You had a readymade field of

    politics before you but why you did

    not join politics and took to a risky

    proposition of business which

    could have been a slippery ground

    for a novice like you?

    Hilal Rather: You are correct, Icould have chosen politics but I didnot because to be fair to my father,

    he always encouraged me to dowhat I liked. There was something

    passionate in me that goaded me todo something different but notewor-thy. Business was one such field

    where I could earn for myself and

    help hundreds of unemployed buttalented young people find a

    respectful job. There is always anurge in me to live for others so that

    I make my life different from many.


    Establishing a call centre was like

    going on a un- chartered course.

    Nobody had done so in the State.

    Why you chose in favour of estab-

    lishing a Call center in the first


    Hilal Rather: In 2002-2003 Callcentre business was one of the most

    flourishing in the whole IT industry.India was at the forefront of this

    revolution. Unfortunately, the Stateof Jammu and Kashmir was no wayon the IT revolution map, leave

    alone call center or what we callBPO business. Here, I sensed some-

    thing was amiss in our State.Having said earlier I have a rebel

    instinct in me. I took in the plungeand today, we are running a classyand successful call center in the

    entire State named SIMULA. Fromthen on I have never resented my


    Secondly, I wanted to wean awaypeople from government jobs. If a

    private business is run professional-ly it will provide a better alternative

    to unemployed people from the



    There is a widespread belief among

    young people regarding call cen-

    ters, is that they exploit and do not

    offer much in return. What you

    say, is it exploitation or employ-


    Hilal Rather: Let me put therecord straight. Call centers orBPOs do not exploit people. In fact,the working hours are odd because

    you have to fine tune your workhours with western or other coun-

    tries. Call centers pay better andside by side different issues that

    crept into BPO industry have beenaddressed.Coming back to your scathing

    remark that is it exploitation oremployment, I will say it is an hon-

    ourable employment with better

    perks. At present there are morethan 700 employees working in

    SIMULA. I do not think they areunhappy. You can check with myteam members or managers. We

    have tried to make our employeeshappy which is the reason they are

    here and enjoying working with us.

    One thing that has kept SIMULA onforefront in the State is that weensure that our employees are paidwell and catered to mentally as well.


    As far as call centers are con-

    cerned the attrition rate is higher,

    what about SIMULA?

    Hilal Rather: In every industrythere is an attrition rate. As far asBPO or Call centre industry is con-

    cerned the national average attrition

    rate is 12% but at SIMULA, wehave an attrition rate of only 5%. It

    means SIMULA is able to keep itsemployees more than twice thenational average. I hope you will

    appreciate it as no mean achieve-ment.


    What changes you have perceived

    in the young people of J&K?

    Hilal Rather; I have seen atremendous change in the young

    people of the State. They have taken

    to new technologies like a fish takes

    to water. They are ready to work inchallenging environments and areinnovative. This has made my heartglad to see young men both male

    and females taking on new chal-

    lenges and enjoying working in acompetitive environment. Hats off

    to them!


    What is your vision about the State

    is it changing?

    Hilal Rather: Definitely, it haschanged and it is now changing at arapid pace. The young men and

    women from J&K visualize them-selves as equal partners in nation

    building. Their approach is positive

    and that is the reason many brightyoung people are qualifying civil

    services. In industry, many newcomers are joining in hospitalityand other industries. These young

    people have diluted the geographi-cal barrier of the State with rest of

    the country. As an optimist ic I have

    great future in sight for them.


    How have you made possible that

    employees stay with you and do not

    opt out?

    Hilal Rather: As said earlier, Ihave a streak to keep my peoplewith me. They are my limbs and

    bones, how can I part with them. At

    SIMULA, we have devised a strate-gy of team work. But the leader has

    to be one step ahead so that he caninspire. Hence, I am myself on the

    productivity radar. I do not spare

    myself. Besides your employees arenot machines, they are men in fleshand bone. You have to cater to theiremotional needs. This is precisely

    the reason why at SIMULA , we

    have a comprehensive recreationalprogrammes which addresses to the

    emotional and entertainment needsof our employees.

    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : Howdo you see Jammu and Kashmir as

    a business platform?

    Hilal Rather: Best in the world.If have good perspective, every-thing is virgin in the market. Peopleare best, enthusiastic, and willing to

    take on challenges.

    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : DoesArticle 370 become a deterrent for

    industrialization of the State?

    Hilal Rather: An emphatic no.It does not in any way effect JK asan Industrial prospect nor does it

    stop any outsider to work here. The

    State has some unique industriesthat are natural to it. Hospitality and

    tourism industry has hugeprospects. Agro based and handi-craft industry is yet another vast

    field. Industries do not mean smokespewing tall chimney factories.

    There can be clean, silent ecofriendly industries including the ITindustry.

    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : What

    do you have to say about the cur-

    rent education system of the state?

    Hilal Rather: I think we need animprovement in the current educa-tional system. It is more theoretical

    than practical. We need to increase

    the managerial skills of the students,so that they are better equipped to

    solve their problems.

    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : You

    are the son of the Finance

    Minister, how does it help you?

    Hilal Rather: Increases myresponsibility and makes me moreaccountable. Father has been a great

    inspiration. He has allowed me myspace and for that I will be indebtedto him all my life. Being his son

    puts me under more glares. Onesmall mistake will be taken to skies

    by media persons like you. So beinghis son makes me more responsible.

    I cannot risk his reputation.


    I remember that as Finance

    Minister, Pranab Mukerjee would

    ask his daughter what young men

    needed most from the budget. This

    was done to ascertain the wishes of

    young generation in formulating

    union budget. Does your father ask

    you to give your opinion what the

    needs of young people are before

    he finalises his budget?

    Hilal Rather: He has a good team

    to look into every aspect of budget-

    ing; besides it is top secret docu-

    ment and he keeps silent on it.

    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : How

    you rate Chief Minister Omar

    Abdullah's policy tenor as a ChiefMinister? How do you rate him

    from 1 to 10?

    Hilal Rather: I will give him

    10/10 marks for his many initia-

    tives. Given the financial crunch, he

    has done a wonderful job. The new

    recruitment policy will provide

    employment to more than one lack

    people in the state. Do you think

    that this is an easy task? It's always

    easy to criticize policies but difficult

    to frame them taking in considera-

    tion the larger interest of masses.

    His stress on big companies to help

    the unemployed in the state has

    resulted into ambitious Udaan proj-


    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : Do you

    have any plans to join politics in

    the near future?

    Frankly speaking I don't have any

    plans to join politics in future.

    Politics has never been my forte.

    There are many ways to serve peo-

    ple definitely politics is one of the

    ways. But for people like me busi-

    ness if done with a humane heart is

    also one of the ways to serve peo-


    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : Who is

    your ideal?

    Hilal Rather: My father is my

    ideal. He has been not only an inspi-

    ration but a pillar of strength.

    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : You

    are also in the construction field,

    buildings flats; tell us more about

    SIMULA Constructions.

    Hilal Rather: I travel a lot. I

    have seen housing projects in

    Dubai, London, Singapore etc. So Iwanted to develop an international

    standard housing which could be

    affordable too. Hence was born

    SIMULA Constructions.

    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : What

    makes your housing projects dif-

    ferent to others?

    Hilal Rather: These flats are

    spread over 2400 sq feet area.

    Hence they are spacious. The con-

    struction is able to with stand 7.6

    Richter scale earthquake as our state

    falls in zone 4 intensity earthquake

    area. We have spent 440 rupees

    more per square feet to make con-

    struction safer. Large parking areas,

    waste water management using

    treated sewerage water for irrigation

    and flushing, bio- degradable plant,

    smart card system as well as intelli-

    gent security are hall marks of the


    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : What

    is your goal post in life?

    Hilal Rather: I want to see

    myself a successful businessman

    who makes the lives of his employ-

    ees happy and comfortable.

    ROH I T S I NGH RANA : What

    is your message to the young peo-

    ple of the State?

    Hilal Rather: I will request

    them to look to other avenues of

    employment other than government

    jobs. They are talented, so have all

    the ability to open small scale busi-

    nesses. They must become educated

    and better equipped to face life. One

    more quality that will see them

    through is never say die attitude and

    honesty. Leave rest in the hands of


    ROH I T S I N G H R A N A :

    Thanks, Mr. Rather for speaking to

    Student Age. We too are like you a

    young organization. So we have

    same heart beat. It was joy to see

    you having great dreams for young

    people of the State. I wish you luck

    on the behalf of my team.

    There is something special in his DNA which makes him restless to do new things which are yet virgin and not tested by the busi-

    nessmen in the State. His drooping philosopher's jaw is reflective of his deep philosophical mind which is full of restlessness and

    humane qualities. Hilal has one more feather on his cap. Being the son of one of the most powerful politicians of the State who

    is also the Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather, he did not go for the tailor made script of politics that his father could easily write

    for him. A new star, in Hilal Rather is making its presence felt on the sky of the Jammu and Kashmir State. This time the star is not an

    attractive Bollywood new comer or a sports person but he is a young industrialist. A mid thirty guy, steeped deep into the soil of state,candidly different in ideology full of enthusiasm Hilal is the representative of new breed of home grown entrepreneurs, who have

    already made big in the field of business Here, Hilal made a welcome departure by choosing his own field. That speaks about the guts

    this plus thirties men has. His well appointed office tells about his tastes but at the same time conveys about his intrinsic human qual-

    ities, sure to strike big in the field of business. Hilal is a success story that others have to follow. At the same time he is representa-

    tive of a new breed of honest businessmen who want to do everything possible for his employees. In a frank talk with Student Age

    Hilal Rather laid bare his heart and his vision about the future of the State.

    J&K Is The Best Business Platform...!






    It's alwayseasy to criti-cize policiesbut difficult toframe themtaking in con-sideration thelarger interest

    of masses.

    Youth mustlook to otheravenues ofemploymentother than gov-ernment jobs.They must

    become educat-ed and betterequipped to

    face life. Leaverest in thehands of God.

    Politics has

    never been myforte. There aremany ways toserve peopledefinitely poli-tics is one ofthe ways.

    Hilal Rather

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    Hats off to the players of our national game, hockey, who have maintained their integrity andhave not succumbed to temptation, despite facing a financial crunch in the game. In contrast,the rapacity of some cricketers playing in the cash-rich Indian Premier League knows no

    bounds, as their involvement in spot-fixing has revealed. The latest instance is that of speed-ster S Sreesanth, Ankeet Chavan and Ajit Chandila, who were recently arrested by DelhiPolice for their wheeling-dealing. The arrest of these three players and a few bookies seemsto be the tip of an iceberg, with allegations of involvement of an international gang doing therounds. Mere suspension of these players by the BCCI will not suffice. The sports body shouldtake stricter action and display more transparency and accountability in its functioning. DelhiPolice too merits praise for successfully cracking the betting syndicate and the player-bookienexus.

    Mohan SinghDigiana,Jammu


    Dear Editor,

    The spot-fixing scandal involving S. Sreesanth and his teammates in Rajasthan

    Royals has brought into the open the huge corruption prevailing in the Indian

    Premier League matches. IPL should be banned. One-day matches should also be

    banned. Most of those playing IPL matches are very young and can be easily

    tempted by the offer of a few lakhs. Bookies can lure them with other inducements

    too. The younger generation of cricketers has a bad example before it. As for the

    BCCI, it should be dismantled and the government should take it over. Its accountsshould be audited and presented in Parliament.

    Yours etc,

    Rajan Gupta


    GETTING REALOnly last month, the three-week border stand-off had

    cast a shadow over India-China relations. It is, therefore,

    remarkable that Li Keqiang's visit to New Delhi ended

    with both sides agreeing on the mutual need for greater

    engagement. Realism seems to have been the high point

    of the discussions that Mr Li had with Manmohan Singh.

    After a long time, the top leaders of the two countries

    engaged in the kind of hard talk that has been rare inIndia-China exchanges. Contentious issues were not

    camouflaged under platitudes, but were faced squarely.

    That is why the real significance of the talks lies, not in

    the raft of deals that were signed, but in the 'candid'

    admissions of problems and concerns that plague the

    bilateral ties. The biggest problem rem ains the lack of

    mutual trust. And this alone is the biggest factor behind

    the slow and unsteady pace of India-China engagement.

    The border dispute, a legacy of British rule in India, is

    directly linked to peace and mutual trust between the

    two countries. The best thing about the talks in New

    Delhi is a commitment on both sides to 'settle' the border

    dispute, rather than just 'manage' it. And the best way to

    do it is what the two nations had done about Sikkim -

    arrive at a settlement on the 'as-is-where-is' basis. Such a

    solution would be realistic for both the western and the

    eastern sectors.

    The realism in the New Delhi talks seems to have

    been born of a new aw areness of trade and strategic

    issues in the region and also in the rest of the world.

    China can no longer afford to underestimate India's

    importance in regional and global issues. The turmoil in

    Western economies has made Asian markets crucial forChina. And, faced with suspicion and hostility from its

    neighbours in the South China Sea and the East China

    Sea, Beijing can redeem its image with a friendly India.

    In New Delhi too, despite the so-called hawks, there is

    growing acceptance of the economic and strategic bene-

    fits of closer co-operation with China. Some doors have

    opened over the past few years, but prejudices and suspi-

    cions still stand in the way of Chinese investments in

    India. The economies of both countries will benefit from

    more Chinese investments in India, especially in infra-

    structure projects. The proposal on an economic corridor

    between the two countries across Myanmar and

    Bangladesh is a welcome step towards economic inte-

    gration of the region.

    Ultimately, though, trade is not the best guarantee for

    mutual trust between nations. Trade between India and

    China has grown remarkably over the past decade

    despite the unresolved issues. Political will and popular

    perceptions play an important role in building trust. The

    real test for New Delhi and Beijing is to narrow the trust


    Nine longyearsNine uninterrupted years in office cannot be made light

    of. After all, the last government to reach this milestone

    bowed out of power 36 years ago. Besides, history has

    held that feat to be dubious because Indira Gandhi,

    whose first stint lasted 11 years, from 1966 to 1977,

    imposed the Emergency in 1975. In the event, the United

    Progressive Alliance government cannot be faulted for

    feeling a sense of achievement in staying the course, and

    that too in an environment rendered unpredictable and

    difficult by coalitional politics. Yet what ought to have

    been a champagne-popping moment for Prime Minister

    Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi

    has turned into a mere statistic thanks to the regime's

    track-record of misgovernance, corruption and worse. If

    anything, there is astonishment over the government's

    durability in the face of unceasing scams and scandals.

    UPA-II's biggest accomplishment would appear to be

    that it is hanging in there - and thinking up ever new

    ways to fend off the next crisis.

    It is not that things went swimmingly for UPA-I, one

    of whose low points came in July 2008, when the gov-

    ernment was accused of purchasing support to pass a

    crucial vote of confidence. But the unedifying drama did

    not in anyway detract from Dr. Singh's image as a man

    of unimpeachable integrity. UPA-I's shortcomings were

    more than offset by the overriding advantage it derived

    from pushing the envelope on social welfare. The 2009

    mandate was for a largely progressive government that

    combined a string of landmark rights-based legislation

    with measures such as the farm loan waiver. By contrast,

    UPA-II's balance-sheet is a story of overwhelming nega-

    tives. From misused and wasted funds in the

    Commonwealth Games to massive irregularities in the

    allocation of precious natural resources such as coal and

    spectrum, the scams have unspooled one after another,

    revealing brazen execution and complete disregard for

    norms of governance. But rather than learn from its mis-

    adventures, the government sought to clumsily cover up

    its tracks, bringing not just further ignominy on itself but

    earning the wrath of the Supreme Court which was hear-

    ing the coal block allocation case. Team Manmohan has

    attempted to salvage its reputation by sacking Pawan

    Kumar Bansal and Ashwani Kumar from the Union cab-

    inet. But that is unlikely to change adverse perceptions

    about a government seen to hold institutions in con-

    tempt, be that the office of Comptroller and Auditor-General or the apex court itself. As the UPA enters the

    final year of its second term, it will surely also reflect on

    the damage the scams have done to the image of the

    Prime Minister himself.

    It was a report in one editionof this paper on sexualassault on a law student.Though the report refrainedfrom naming the victim, agood practice not to doubly

    penalise the victim, as identi-fying the victim can lead tounwarranted stigma, it didgive away some other detailsthat can be construed asidentifying clues.Early this year, on January 6,there was a signed notefrom the Editor: "As someof you may know, a foreignnewspaper has published thename of the 23-year-old rapevictim, apparently with theapproval of her father.Section 228A of the IndianPenal Code, which prohibits

    publication of the name of adeceased rape victim withoutthe permission of her next ofkin, lays down a specific

    procedure by which this per-mission is to be accorded: itmust be given in writing to awelfare organisation or insti-tution recognised by theCentral or State govern-

    ments. To the best of myknowledge, this procedure,which was introduced intolaw as an added layer of pro-tection for the victim and herfamily, has not yet been fol-lowed. We respect the

    father's wish to go public, ifthat is indeed what he wants,

    but unless he states the samein writing in the manner pre-scribed by statute, TheHindu will continue with-holding the name of the vic-tim."The Editor's note and mycolumn were published in all

    editions of the paper in aprominent m anner, and oneassumed that the import ofits content would reach boththe general readers as well as

    journalists w orking for thispublication in an unambigu-

    ous manner. It seems that themessage has reached thereaders but not all the jour-nalists. A report fromTirupati last week titled"Public outrage over rape

    and murder of student"(May 14, 2013) committedthe cardinal mistake of nam-ing the victim. Readers were

    alert. There were messages.Within hours, the mistakewas rectified in the "Today'sPaper" section on theInternet site; the cache wasfully deleted to prevent deepcrawling search enginesfrom locating the earlieroffensive versions of thestory.

    How did this unacceptablemistake happen? Accordingto the Editor, it was a failureat multiple levels. He said:"First, the reporter has no

    business to name the victim.Second, if he had slipped inthe name either inadvertentlyor due to the fact that someothers have done so, it wasthe duty of the gatekeepers to

    be alert. They too havefailed." He hopes that thiscolumn may act as a deter-rent.Guide for journalistsI recommend that all journal-ists, including those whohandle the desk, read, absorband internalise KalpanaSharma's edited volumeMissing: Half the Story:Journalism as if GenderMatters (Zubaan Books,Delhi). This book is not a

    theoretical treatise on gen-der, but a practical guide. AsMs Sharma points out in herintroduction, "it has been puttogether by professionals,

    journalists who have been inthe rough and tumble of thetrade, who have reported andcommented on a vast rangeof subjects for several

    decades, managed and editedindependent publicationsand sections in mainstreammedia, headed news bureaus,taught in journalism schoolsand who have emerged fromthis experience with the

    belief that there is a missingangle to much of reporting."After posing many questionsthat confront a journalist, MsSharma and her co-authorsanswer each one of them in amanner that is both eruditeand accessible. She writes:"Does gender-sensitivityapply only to feature writ-ing? Can it apply to the waynews is covered, to the senseconveyed in headlines, to thechoice of photographs used,to what news story is fol-lowed through and which isdropped, to the choice of

    people quoted in stories? We

    believe that such a perspec-tive is not a stressful, artifi-cial add-on, something thatyou do only if you have a

    boss who insists, or if as astudent you are asked to doan exercise that incorporatesgender sensitivity. Our ownexperience over severaldecades as journalists hastaught us that this is how youcan be a more effective,credible and serious journal-ist."

    Sensitive reporting, especial-

    ly in this era of the 24x7

    news cycle, cannot be taken

    for granted even in newspa-

    pers like The Hindu.

    It is a virtue that comes from

    training and a news culture

    that inculcates value-based

    journalism in its daily prac-

    tice. This paper has an induc-

    tion programme for young

    journalists where various dos

    and don'ts are explained;

    legal and ethical issues

    expounded, giving them a

    firm anchor for best prac-

    tices. A refresher programme

    for mid-career journalists

    may be an answer.

    For Delhi's chat-

    terati, the ultimate

    status symbol isgetting the prime

    minister to attendthe weddings of their sons or

    daughters. Luckily forManmohan Singh, theSpecial Protection Group,

    which guards him round theclock, has been a handy

    excuse whenever he truly

    believes that his time is betterspent on something else than

    being at a wedding reception.The SPG takes a look at the

    venue and certifies that it is

    not safe enough for the pres-ence of one of the most

    intensely guarded leaders inthe world since the assassina-tions of Indira Gandhi and

    her son, Rajiv. Quite often,Gursharan Kaur, the prime

    minister's wife, then puts inan appearance in place of her


    I have wondered on morethan one such occasion how

    it is safe in the SPG's assess-ment to let Gursharan Kaur

    be at a venue which the prime

    minister's protectors havedeemed unsafe for

    Manmohan Singh. Until theSPG pointed out to me that

    Gursharan Kaur often moves

    around the capital withoutpolice escort, in unmarked

    cars that do not even sport ared beacon on top.

    She goes to wedding recep-tions and other functionsalmost unnoticed. Sometimes

    no one other than the hostsand a few people standing

    around them are even aware

    of her presence, a rare exam-

    ple of common sense gettingthe better of increasinglyintrusive security that incon-

    veniences both hosts and

    guests, not to mention thegeneral public.

    Come next week, one Indiancouple will have the rare

    privilege in this scenario of

    hosting the prime ministerand Gursharan Kaur not once

    but twice within a span offour days. The occasion will

    not be a wedding or anythingremotely similar, but a work-ing visit by the prime minis-

    ter that will have long-termimplications for India's east-

    ern states, especially the

    often neglected Northeast,unlike any effort undertaken

    by any of Singh's predeces-sors with the notable excep-

    tion of Jawaharlal Nehru.

    The couple, who will host theprime minister and his wife

    in quick succession fromMay 27 to 31, are Deepa

    Gopalan Wadhwa, India's

    ambassador in Tokyo, andAnil Wadhwa, the ambassa-dor in Bangkok. Normally,the Wadhwas would have

    taken Singh and Gursharan

    Kaur to their homes in thesecapitals for receptions to

    meet the Indian communitylike previous ambassadors intheir situations have done.

    But Singh is popular and wellrespected in both Japan and

    Thailand. So the Wadhwasgracefully yielded to compe-

    tition from others for the time

    and presence socially of boththe prime minister and his

    wife. In Tokyo, DeepaWadhwa gave up the recep-

    tion she could have hosted so

    that the Japan-IndiaAssociation, which is cele-

    brating the 110th anniversary

    of its existence this year,could welcome Singh andGursharan Kaur to its func-

    tion instead.In the end, it may be more

    rewarding in diplomatic

    terms to have done sobecause the chairman of JIAis the former prime minister,Yoshiro Mori, who re-

    launched Japan's relations

    with India two years after the1998 nuclear tests by visiting

    the then prime minister, AtalBihari Vajpayee, in a historic

    turnaround. That visit by

    Mori was a landmark becauseuntil then Indo-Japanese rela-tions were centred on devel-opment assistance to India.

    Mori and Vajpayee together

    established a "GlobalPartnership in the 21st centu-

    ry", which eventuallyreshaped bilateral ties intowhat they are today.

    When Deepa Wadhwaarrived in Tokyo last year to

    head the Indian mission, thefirst woman envoy from New

    Delhi in 61 years of diplo-

    matic relations, the very firstformal welcome for her was a

    JIA reception. It is a yard-stick of the esteem in which

    India is held in Japan that two

    former prime ministers, Moriand Yasuo Fukuda, president

    of the Japan-India

    Parliamentary FriendshipLeague, attended this func-tion. There are few other

    countries where an event likethis would draw a galaxy of

    such eminent and influential

    people from the host estab-lishment.Anil Wadhwa also gave up anopportunity to host the cus-

    tomary reception for

    Manmohan Singh andGursharan Kaur at his

    embassy residence inBangkok because he had

    worthy competition from

    Thailand's prime minister,Yingluck Shinawatra, for theonly evening that the IndianVVIP visitors will have in

    Bangkok next week.

    Young Shinawatra, whomade no secret that she looks

    up to Singh as an elder states-man during her trip to NewDelhi last year as chief guest

    for Republic Day, made asecond trip to India within

    less than 12 months. So inplace of the ambassador's

    reception, she will host a

    banquet for Singh andGursharan Kaur, to which a

    number of Thai Indians arebeing invited as a consola-


    The prime minister's visit toThailand is in anticipation of

    an Asean Economic

    Community by 2015, whichoffers tantalizing prospectsfor India's eastern region that

    are not to be missed. If allgoes well, a trilateral high-

    way will connect Moreh in

    Manipur to Bagan inMyanmar and further to MaeSot in Thailand by 2016,

    physically opening up India's

    east to the Asian "Tiger"

    economies in time for thesebig changes.

    The road is part of a vision-ary scheme that could, ifimplemented with imagina-

    tion and dedication in equalmeasure, create a new, poten-

    tially prosperous, economiczone stretching all the way

    from Calcutta to Ho ChiMinh City by the time Asiadoubles its share of global

    gross domestic product to 52

    per cent by 2050 and regains"the dominant economic

    position it held some 300years ago, before the indus-

    trial revolution," according tothe Asian Development


    The more enterprising sec-tions of India's private sector

    are preparing for such oppor-tunities and in Bangkok signs

    of such preparations are alltoo visible already. About1.16 million Indians now

    visit Thailand annually: theseinclude a very large number

    of people who are scouting

    for business opportunities inThailand - its geographymakes it an ideal location as aregional operating base for

    the Asean when its common

    market is realized. Scores ofIndian companies are open-

    ing offices in Thailand,which is already connected toIndia by 156 flights every


    Progress in the construction

    of the trilateral highway is

    evidence that for once gov-

    ernment agencies are keepingpace with the demands of ris-

    ing economic expectations.

    Work is proceeding apace on

    the 183-kilometre stretch of

    the four-lane road that Indiais constructing into

    Myanmar. For its part,

    Myanmar has earmarked one

    fifth of a $500-million creditline extended by India for

    this road project. Similarly,

    Thailand is building 83 km,

    which is its share of the road

    into Myanmar.A fortnight after the primeminister reviews progress on

    all this with his Thai counter-

    part, Paban Singh Ghatowar,the minister for development

    of North Eastern Region, willtravel to Bangkok with sever-al chief ministers from the

    Northeast for a follow up onwhat Singh has discussed.

    If India's private sector isrediscovering Thailand, the

    reverse is true for Japan,

    which is what makes Singh'scombined trip to Thailand

    and Japan part of chain eco-nomic thrust. Recent statis-

    tics show that on an average

    10 Japanese companies aremaking forays into India

    every month with the inten-tion of doing business in thelong term with a physical

    presence of some kind in thecountry. The process has

    acquired urgency because ofJapan's continuing stand-off

    with China in the disputeover the Senkaku islands,called Diaoyu by the

    Chinese. The virulence ofrecent attacks on Japanese

    businesses in China will

    inevitably result in secondthoughts in Japan on newinvestments in that country. Itis estimated that one third of

    all foreign investment in

    China has come from Japan.In the wake of concerns over

    anti-Japanese violence, Indiacould well be the beneficiaryof what is known as

    "China+1" strategy byJapanese companies. This

    envisages supplementing andexpanding a company's cur-

    rent operations in China by

    diversifying into a thirdAsian nation. The currentfavourites in this plan areThailand and Vietnam, but

    India could be a part of it as

    well. This is certain to be ontop of the prime minister's

    mind when he talks toJapanese businessmen inTokyo next week.

    Telling the truth: Let caution be the byword

    PM's visits to Japan and Thailand spell hope for the Northeast



    K.P. NAYAR

    How did this unacceptable mistake hap-

    pen? According to the Editor, it was a

    failure at multiple levels. He said: "First,

    the reporter has no business to name the

    victim. Second, if he had slipped in t he

    name either inadvertently or due to the

    fact that some others have done so, it

    was the duty of the gatekeepers to be

    alert. They too have failed." He hopes that

    this column

    may act as a deterrent.

    In the end, it may be more rewarding in diplomat-

    ic terms to have done so because the chairman of

    JIA is the former prime minister, Yoshiro Mori,

    who re-launched Japan's relations with India two

    years after the 1998 nuclear tests by visiting the

    then prime minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, in a his-

    toric turnaround. That visit by Mori was a land-

    mark because until then Indo-Japanese relations

    were centred on development assistance to India.

    Mori and Vajpayee together established a "Global

    Partnership in the 21st century", which eventually

    reshaped bilateral ties

    into what they are today.

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  • 7/30/2019 Final May 23



    THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2013 5STATE

    JAMMU: Divisional Commissioner,Jammu, Mr. Pardeep Gupta onWednesday sought budgetary supportfrom all line departments like JMC,JDA J&K Housing Board, PWD andERA to Urban Forestry Division fortaking up afforestation works inJammu Municipal areas and its vicin-ity so that objective of "GreeningJammu" is achieved.The Div Com asked the departmentslike PDD, PWD, JDA, JMC, BSNLto avoid cutting, lopping or pollard-ing tree for taking up developmentactivities without consulting urbanforestry division so that double thenumber of trees cut are planted by theurban forestry division in comingmonsoon season after recovering costunder CAMPA, to maintain the eco-logical balance and contain pollution.Gupta was chairing a meeting of offi-

    cers of Forest Department, PDD,JMC, JDA, housing board, PWD heldto review greening Jammu mission.He asked the concerned agencies tosensitize people and involve public inthe drive to make Jammu green. Hesaid citizens' cooperation is impera-tive for implementation of the proj-ect.The Divisional Commissionerstressed the need of coordination

    between all the line departments with

    urban forestry division in this regard.He stressed upon the DFO UrbanForestry Division to continue theongoing drive of plantation and takeall the available area in housingcolonies and road sides for raisingsaplings in coming monsoon season.He asked the urban forestry depart-ment to intensify the plantation drivesin the existing parks, residential areasand take up institutional plantations.He directed the concerned agencies to

    ensure there is no dumping of mulbaand garbage near the forest parks and

    plantations.Other issues deliberated upon in themeeting included identification ofareas in Jammu city for taking upavenue plantation for greening and

    beautification of Jammu city by allstake holders in consultation with for-est department, taking up of planta-tion activity by Urban ForestryDivision in Jammu urban areas,maintenance and upkeep of existingassets of different departments e.gtree guards, fencing etc, constitutionof coordination committee of offi-cers/representative from all linedepartments to coordinate and dealwith all issues pertaining to the sub-

    ject matter for resolving any issue infuture etc.VC, JDA, Satesh Nehru, DeputyCommissioner, Jammu, Ajeet KumarSahu, Chief Conservator Forest, RaviKumar Kesar besides senior officersof forest department, PHE, PWD,PDD and other line departments werealso present in the meeting.

    JAMMU: Minister forUrban Development andLocal Bodies Mr. NawangRigzin Jora today conductedextensive tour of Jammu cityand its suburbs and inspect-ed various sites where theJammu Development

    Authority (JDA) and JammuMunicipal Corporation(JMC) have proposed andstarted new projects.The Minister visited pro-

    posed site Chambh Bus standand was apprised about the

    pace of progress on the saidproject. The proposedChambh Bus Stand will beconstructed over an area of205 kanal at GurhaBrahmana.The Minister directed theconcerned officers to expe-dite land acquisition andcompensation disbursement

    process to ensure early startof work.Mr. Jora also visited the pro-

    posed Solid WasteManagement site at KotBhalwal Jammu being devel-oped over an area of 361kanals and 15 marlas. He wasapprised that the land acqui-sition and compensation dis-

    bursement process was underprogress and the same wouldbe completed soon.At Muthi, the Ministerinspected the site for pro-

    posed vegetable marketbeing constricted over anarea of 2.5 kanals. TheVegetable market will have40 sheds and would be com-

    pleted at an estimated cost ofRs. 56 lakh.The Minister also inspectedthe pace of progress on theupcoming Accounts andTreasury Building beingconstructed at a cost of Rs.

    10.65 crore. The Ministerwas informed that Rs. 4.47crore have been expended onthe construction work tillending April. The Ministerdirected the executing agen-cies to accelerate the pace ofwork to avoid cost escala-tion.The Minister also visited sitefor shopping Mall at EWSColony RoopNagar proposedto be developed by JDA overa plot area of 7.9 kanals. The

    project cost of the ShoppingMall is estimated to be Rs.20.33 crores. Mr. Jora wasinformed that the Mall would

    be constructed on modernlines and will have lift andescalator facilities. TheMinister enjoined upon theofficers to complete the for-malities so that the work onthe project would be startedsoon.Mr. Jora also visited the pro-

    posed sites for constructionof residential flats at Muthi.The flatted accommodationat the proposed site would beavailable with 3 bedroomand 2 Bed Room sets. Thetotal cost of the project isestimated at Rs. 74.32 crore.The Minister also visited theSite -II where JDA has a

    plan to construct 272 two bedroom sets, including 176 two

    bed room sets for people of

    Economically WeakerSection (EWS) at an esti-mated cost of Rs. 39.10crore.At Roop Nagar Colony, theMinister directed the JDAauthority to convert all thevacant land into plots.He also visited the proposedshopping Mall site at TalliMorh. The Mall would becompleted at an estimatedcost of Rs.24.42 crore overan area of 8.7 kanal compris-es of Basement and fivefloor.While interacting with peo-

    ple at Ram Vihar ParkJanipur, the Minister directedthe JDA authorities to startthe repair and renovation ofthe park and complete thesame in a stipulated timeframe for the convenience ofthe local people.Among others, ViceChairman JammuDevelopment Authority,Satesh Nehru, CommissionerJMC K. L Khajuria, DirectorLand Management JDAJatinder Singh, SE JDA P. L.Bhushan, Chief TownPlanner Joginder Singh,XEN JDA Balbir Singh,Chief Khilafwarzi Officer,Ashok Sharma, other seniorofficers of JDA and otherconcerned departments alsoaccompanied the Minister.

    Jora inspects JDA, JMC upcomingworks, sites for new projects

    Public cooperation imperativefor greening Jammu: Div ComStresses on postplantation care

    SRINAGAR: In order tostreamline the functioning ofDepartment of Law, Justice

    and Parliamentary Affairsand to encourage the func-tionaries of senior and juniorlevels, Government todayissued orders of promotionand adjustment of 32 offi-cers and officials.Subject to confirmation byPSC/DPC, officiating pro-motion orders have beenissued in favour of twoSenior Law Officers asAdditional Secretaries, theseincluded Mr. Nazir AhmedThakur and Mrs Renu

    Mahajan. Similarly threePublic Law Officers have

    been promoted as Senior

    Law Officers whichincludes, Mr. Altaf Hussain,Mr. Javeed Ahmed and Mr.Mohammad Akbar Dar.While as Senior ScaleStenographer, Mr. KhazirMohammad Shah has been

    promoted as PrivateSecretary in the StateHuman Right Commission.As many as Six LegalAssistant have also been

    promoted as Public LawOfficers.Promotion has also been

    accorded to two AssistantLegal Remembrancers as DyLegal Remembrancers.

    Government also accordedpromotion to two JuniorScale Stenographers asSenior Scale Stenographers.Ten Junior Legal Assistantshave been accorded promo-tion as Legal Assistants andfour senior assistants have

    been promoted as JuniorLegal Assistants, while asfour senior Assistant have

    been promoted as HeadAssistant/ Reader-cum-Record Keeper in theDepartment.

    Deptt of Law issues promotion orders


    NANTNAG: BJP Mahila Morcha State

    President Priya Sethi on Wednesday strongly

    Criticized the act of sexual harassment of four

    minor girls who were reading in an instituteclaiming religious preaching headed by Gulzar

    Ahmed Bhat of Khan Sahib, Budgam. Addressi ng the

    Mahila Morcha activists at Anantnag Priya Sethi strongly

    criticized the act of sexual harassment by the religious

    preacher and said that "the incident of sexual harassment of

    four minor girls in Budgam is indeed very painful and is

    against our culture and tradition. She said it is something

    which cannot be tolerated at any cast and demanded

    through investigation of this incident and sought stern action

    against all the culprits to check this menace in future. She

    said no civilised soc iety can tolerate such an inhuman act

    and demanded immediate arrest of all other culprits involved

    and associated with that institution. She said the Budgam

    incident has proved that Law and order mechanism in J&K

    has completely failed to provide security to women as is evi-

    dent from this shocking incident and said that "We always

    took pride in the fact that women enjoyed a better status in

    J&K but recent incidents have been a blot on our society.She

    appealed to the people from all sections of society to protest

    against this shameful incident so that such act should not

    happen in the future.

    Jugal terms 4-year UPA rule as black chapter

    JAMMU: BJP State President Jugal Kishore

    Sharma was given a warm reception by the party's

    local leadership on his arrival at Sunderbani,

    Nowshera and Kalakote on the first day of 2-day

    visit to Rajouri district. He was accompanied by

    State Vice-President Vibodh Gupta, Jammu-Poonch

    Parliamentary Constituency Incharge Yudhvir Sethi and State

    Treasurer Chander Mohan Gupta.

    Jugal Kishore Sharma, later while addressing a massive

    gathering of over 500 people at Kalakote, termed the four

    year rule of Congress-led UPA at the centre as a black chap-

    ter in Indian history. During these four years, the nation wit-

    nessed record breaking corruption, scams, scandals, weak

    kneed foreign policy and soft approach towards the anti-

    national elements. He said that Pakistan and China indulged

    in intrusions, cease-fire violations. He said that during these

    four years, there was total insecurity and resentment among

    the masses against the mis-governance of Manmohan Singh

    government. Similarly, the state of Jammu & Kashmir also

    witnessed developments of government's soft approach

    towards anti-national elements and appeasement of sepa-

    ratists. He said that the State Chief Minister made repeated

    utterances against the accession, Armed Forces Special

    Powers Act and mercy for even convicted elements. He also

    took strong exception to the reports that the government is

    harassing the poor people in the name of collecting electric

    tariff. He said that even a family using single bulb is forced

    to pay 300 to 400 rupees per month. The consumers want

    electric meters to be installed but the department do not care

    for the same and is working in a dictatorial manner. He said

    that the BJP has been opposing the anti-people and anti-

    national policies of the UPA and state's coalition government

    and shall continue its crusade against these governments till

    they do not take action against corrupt elements and shed the

    soft policy towards anti-national elements.

    Vibodh Gupta said that the twin districts of Rajouri and

    Poonch have been continuously subjected to discrimination

    by the successive state governments. He said that Kalakote

    coal mine is on the verge of closing and the government is

    least bothered to ensure that it works properly as livelihood

    of a large number of families is dependent on it.

    Yudhvir Sethi said that the Prime Minister has now been

    called Mouni Baba as he is keeping eyes, ears and nose

    closed to display as if he do not have any knowledge and

    concern for what has been happening under his stewardship,

    which is indeed very unfortunate for the country.

    Chander Mohan Gupta stressed on strengthening of polling

    booth committees so that desirable results are achieved dur-

    ing the elections. He said that in the coming days the party

    will put more efforts to ensure support of masses.

    Nowshera District President Dr. Ashok Sharma spoke on thenumber of programmes being undertaken from time to time

    during the last three months in different areas and said that

    the people are looking towards BJP with high hopes.

    The gathering was also addressed by Capt. Ramesh Lal,

    Vinod Sharma, Bodh Raj, Sushil Sudan and others.

    Budgam incident is a blot on our society-BJP

    SRINAGAR: To enhancepolice-public interface, theJammu and Kashmir Policehas introduced new telepho-ny scheme Close User Group(CUG), covering the policeorganization from field levelto the police headquarters.The scheme will facilitate the

    people to have quick policeaccessibility in the hour ofneed.This was disclosed byDirector General of Police(DGP), Mr. Ashok Prasadwhile commissioning thenew scheme at PoliceHeadquarters this afternoon.He said that there would be a

    fixed permanent telephonenumber of each police post,

    police station and senior offi-cer so that general public cancontact in emergency any ofthe police stations and police

    posts. Their mobile numbersshall not change even withthe transfer of officers as it isa permanent system."The scheme envisages allot-ment of dedicated mobile

    phone numbers to eachpolice post, police station,police wing and senior offi-cers which shall remain per-manently attached with thedesignated officer even if theincumbents keep changing

    on transfers", the DGP added.Prasad said general
