film marketing


Upload: jphibbert

Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Film Marketing
Page 2: Film Marketing

Watch the film trailer and consider what makes an effective trailer.

Page 3: Film Marketing

Watch the video about film marketing and note down the different types of marketing that are mentioned.

Page 4: Film Marketing

Activity Key Points

1. Word of mouth

2. Poster

3. Trailer

4. Online and Mobile

5. Media Advertising

6. Publicity

7. Promotional Partnerships


9. Premieres

10. Previews Screenings

11. Festivals

Use the website above to find out about three of the marketing activities listed. You need to be able to feedback the key points to the class.

Page 5: Film Marketing

Watch the video about viral marketing and note down how it is described.

Read through the hand-out on viral marketing and answer the following questions in your book:

1) What is viral marketing? How does it work?2) How was viral marketing used to promote The Blair

Witch Project (1999)?3) What are the benefits of viral marketing?4) How did Cloverfield (2008) use viral marketing?5) What are the disadvantages of viral marketing?

Page 6: Film Marketing

One of the most successful viral marketing campaigns for a film was for the release of The Dark Knight (2008).

Watch the video and make notes on how viral marketing was used to promote The Dark Knight.

Page 7: Film Marketing

• Word of mouth• Poster• Trailer• Online and Mobile• Media Advertising • Publicity• Promotional Partnerships• Merchandising• Premieres• Previews Screenings• Festivals• Viral marketing

How many of these marketing activities can you explain?