fh meeting minutes - 2015-01-02

8/9/2019 FH Meeting Minutes - 2015-01-02 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/fh-meeting-minutes-2015-01-02 1/38 BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015 The Morris County Sheriff’s Ceremonial Unit and Robert McDermott from the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office piped in the 20! "oard of Chosen #reeholders$ County %dministrator &ohn "onanni in'ited e'eryone to stand for the Pled(e of %lliance$ The )ational %nthem *as sun( by Shreya Durbha and Shreya +odapalli, from the Morris County School of Technolo(y$ The Cler- of the "oard re.uested that e'eryone remain standin( for the in'ocation, *hich *as (i'en by Re'erend Sydney /illiams, &r$, of "ethel %M Church, Morristo*n$ Cler- of the "oard, Diane M$ 1etchum, called the meetin( to order and read the announcement %de.uate notice of this meetin( held this 2nd day of &anuary, 20!, has been pro'ided throu(h resolution adopted by the "oard on December 0, 203, and throu(h the postin( of said resolution in the %dministration and Records "uildin( and in the Courthouse and by mailin( the resolution to all ne*spapers circulatin( in the County and by filin( a copy of same *ith the Cler- of Morristo*n and the Morris County Cler-$ The Cler- then announced that she has recei'ed from the Morris County "oard of County Can'assers certificates sho*in( the determination of the election of /illiam 45an-6 7yon as #reeholder for a term of three years8 &ohn Pecoraro for Surro(ate for a term of fi'e8 and that she has placed said certificates on file$ /illiam 45%)16 79O) too- the Oath of Office for #reeholder$ 5e *as s*orn in by 5onorable Mayor Sam Morris, Mine 5ill To*nship$ 5oldin( the bible *ere 5an-’s parents Robert and Su:anne$ %lso standin( *as 5an-’s brother ;ary &O5) PCOR%RO too- the Oath of Office for #reeholder$ 5e *as s*orn in by 5onorable &ud(e Thomas /eisenbec-$ 5oldin( the bible *as &ohn’s *ife Rosemary$ %t this time, the Cler- called the roll for attendance$ %ll #reeholders *ere present and she reported, 4% .uorum is established$6 The Cler- of the "oard ser'ed as the temporary chairman$ The temporary chairman too- the chair and announced, 4)ominations for Director for 20! are in order$6 1%T5R9) %$ D#<77<PPO *as nominated for Director by #reeholder Cabana$ #reeholder Cesaro seconded the nomination of #reeholder De#illippo$ The Cler- called the roll$ 9S #reeholders Cabana, Cesaro, De#illippo, 1ric-us, 7yon, Mastran(elo, Scapicchio =>? The temporary chairman declared, 41%T5R9) %$ D#<77<PPO is duly elected$6 1%T5R9) % D#<77<PPO too- the Oath of Office for #reeholder Director$ She *as s*orn in by 5onorable %ssemblyman %nthony "ucco$ 5oldin( the bible *as 1athy’s 5usband "ob$ %lso standin( *as 1athy’s Dau(hter and Son@<n@7a*, 7aura &ean and Tim 5enault and Son, Rob De#illippo, &r$ Director De#illippo as-ed 4May < ha'e a nomination for Deputy DirectorA6 #reeholder Cabana stated 4< mo'e the appointment of &ohn Cesaro to be Deputy Director for the year 20!$6 #reeholder Mastran(elo stated 4< second the motion$6 The Director re.uested that Cler- 1etchum call the roll, and she did$ 9S #reeholders Cabana, Cesaro, 1ric-us, 7yon, Mastran(elo, Scapicchio, and Director De#illippo =>? &O5) CS%RO too- the Oath of Office for Deputy #reeholder Director$ 5e *as s*orn in by 5onorable Senator &oe Pennacchio$ 5oldin( the bible *as &ohn’s *ife Melissa, alon( *ith his sons, &a-e Thomas and "rayden Scott$ @@ Director De#illippo (a'e the follo*in( messa(e 16

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The Morris County Sheriff’s Ceremonial Unit and Robert McDermott from theMorris County Prosecutor’s Office piped in the 20 ! "oard of Chosen #reeholders$

County %dministrator &ohn "onanni in'ited e'eryone to stand for the Pled(eof %lliance$

The )ational %nthem *as sun( by Shreya Durbha and Shreya +odapalli, fromthe Morris County School of Technolo(y$

The Cler- of the "oard re.uested that e'eryone remain standin( for thein'ocation, *hich *as (i'en by Re'erend Sydney /illiams, &r$, of "ethel %MChurch, Morristo*n$

Cler- of the "oard, Diane M$ 1etchum, called the meetin( to order and readthe announcement

%de.uate notice of this meetin( held this 2nd day of &anuary, 20 !, hasbeen pro'ided throu(h resolution adopted by the "oard on December 0, 20 3, andthrou(h the postin( of said resolution in the %dministration and Records "uildin(and in the Courthouse and by mailin( the resolution to all ne*spapers circulatin(in the County and by filin( a copy of same *ith the Cler- of Morristo*n and theMorris County Cler-$

The Cler- then announced that she has recei'ed from the Morris County "oardof County Can'assers certificates sho*in( the determination of the election of/illiam 45an-6 7yon as #reeholder for a term of three years8 &ohn Pecoraro forSurro(ate for a term of fi'e8 and that she has placed said certificates on file$

/illiam 45%)16 79O) too- the Oath of Office for #reeholder$ 5e *as s*orn inby 5onorable Mayor Sam Morris, Mine 5ill To*nship$ 5oldin( the bible *ere 5an-’sparents Robert and Su:anne$ %lso standin( *as 5an-’s brother ;ary

&O5) P COR%RO too- the Oath of Office for #reeholder$ 5e *as s*orn in by5onorable &ud(e Thomas /eisenbec-$ 5oldin( the bible *as &ohn’s *ife Rosemary$

%t this time, the Cler- called the roll for attendance$ %ll #reeholders*ere present and she reported, 4% .uorum is established$6

The Cler- of the "oard ser'ed as the temporary chairman$

The temporary chairman too- the chair and announced, 4)ominations forDirector for 20 ! are in order$6

1%T5R9) %$ D #<77<PPO *as nominated for Director by #reeholder Cabana$#reeholder Cesaro seconded the nomination of #reeholder De#illippo$

The Cler- called the roll$

9 S #reeholders Cabana, Cesaro, De#illippo, 1ric-us, 7yon,Mastran(elo, Scapicchio =>?

The temporary chairman declared, 41%T5R9) %$ D #<77<PPO is duly elected$6

1%T5R9) % D #<77<PPO too- the Oath of Office for #reeholder Director$ She*as s*orn in by 5onorable %ssemblyman %nthony "ucco$ 5oldin( the bible *as1athy’s 5usband "ob$ %lso standin( *as 1athy’s Dau(hter and Son@<n@7a*, 7aura&ean and Tim 5enault and Son, Rob De#illippo, &r$

Director De#illippo as-ed 4May < ha'e a nomination for Deputy DirectorA6

#reeholder Cabana stated 4< mo'e the appointment of &ohn Cesaro to beDeputy Director for the year 20 !$6

#reeholder Mastran(elo stated 4< second the motion$6

The Director re.uested that Cler- 1etchum call the roll, and she did$

9 S #reeholders Cabana, Cesaro, 1ric-us, 7yon, Mastran(elo, Scapicchio, and Director De#illippo =>?&O5) C S%RO too- the Oath of Office for Deputy #reeholder Director$ 5e *as

s*orn in by 5onorable Senator &oe Pennacchio$ 5oldin( the bible *as &ohn’s *ifeMelissa, alon( *ith his sons, &a-e Thomas and "rayden Scott$


Director De#illippo (a'e the follo*in( messa(e


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015Start *ith ;ood 'enin( and *elcomeBB

%s many of you may -no*, former #reeholder and a director of this board,&ames O’"rien &r$, passed a*ay on December 2 $ 5e *as a champion of 'ictim’s

ri(hts and his contributions *ill li'e on lon( after his passin($ Please oin meno* for a moment of silence in his memory$

Than- you$ #irst, let me *ish e'eryone a 5appy and 5ealthy )e* 9ear$ Than-you a(ain, for comin( today$

< am especially (rateful to my (ood friend %ssemblyman %nthony "ucco for

bein( here to s*ear me in$ Than- you %nthony$ <’m also (rateful to my family andto my many friends from RoEbury *ho are here today$ My husband, "ob, and ourchildren, Scott and his *ife )icole, our dau(hter, 7aura &ean, and her husband,Tim, and our youn(est son, Robby ha'e been supporti'e of my role in county(o'ernment this year but < ha'e truly tested their patience, lo'e and supporto'er the past month *hile tryin( to balance our family traditions and my rolehere as a #reeholder$ < should also mention that our (randdau(hter, Colette,*hile only 2 years old, also noticed that (randma *as not around as much$

< *ould also li-e to ta-e a minute at the start of this )e* 9ear toac-no*led(e the ser'ice of the bra'e men and *omen in our military, our 'eteransand the families of those *ho ha'e made the ultimate sacrifice to -eep us safe$Than- you and ;od bless you$

%nd, <’d also li-e to ac-no*led(e the ser'ice of those men and *omen hereat home F our first responders F la* enforcement personnel, firefi(hters, MS,and health care *or-ers$ To all of them, < *ish you a peaceful and safe )e*9ear$

< am honored to be your ne* #reeholder Director$ < am also fully a*are ofthe responsibilities that come *ith this position$ They are responsibilities <ta-e 'ery seriously and < *ill do my upmost to carry them out$

There are many people F some in this room and others *ho are not F *ho ha'epro'ided me *ith *ise counsel, (ood ad'ice, and *ords of encoura(ement o'er thepast many, lon( *ee-s$ /ithout their un*a'erin( support, < *ould not be heretoday$ < *ant to than- them for their confidence and trust, e'en *hen <.uestioned the path *e *ere on$

The road to (et to this place *as @@ to say the least @@ an interestin(one$ <t too- a lot of t*ists and turns$ There *ere numerous detours, flashin(*arnin( si(ns, bumps in the road, and yes, e'en a couple of speed traps$

"ut, here *e are F at an interestin( intersection F a crossroads$

%nd, *e face a 'ery important decision F *here do *e (o from hereA #orsome, the ans*er may seem li-e an insurmountable problem F tric-y to na'i(ate @@sometimes described as a place that you can’t (et to from here$

"ut for me, the course *e must ta-e is simple *e must choose to put theinterests of the people and municipalities of Morris County abo'e all otherconsiderations$

/e must be (uided by the fact that *e are here because *e *ere elected torepresent the people of Morris County F to -eep the public trust and to act ontheir behalf$

%s < said, this is a commitment < ta-e 'ery seriously8 one < fully intendto honor$ To do that, < *ill be loo-in( to all of you for help F e'eryone onthis dais and in this room and in e'ery municipality around the county$

The people of Morris County deser'e nothin( less and, in fact, demandmuch more$

They ha'e a ri(ht to eEpect us to *or- to(ether, to do our obs and topro'ide them *ith essential county ser'ices at a reasonable price$

That’s *hy < *ill be focused on deli'erin( a responsible bud(et, one thatdoes not place an unnecessary burden on taEpayers *ho are already o'er*helmed byunacceptably hi(h taEes$ "ut *e *ill also be focused on supportin( thoseessential ser'ices that our residents rely on us to pro'ide F thin(s li-e


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• Maintainin( and impro'in( our infrastructure F our roads, brid(es andrailroads @@ so that Morris County continues to be a (reat place toli'e and can facilitate commerce8

• conomic de'elopment so that *e can continue to attract businessesand obs to our county8

• Public safety so that our residents feel safe in their homes and onour streets8

ducation so that our children can compete in an increasin(lycompetiti'e ob mar-et8 and

• "y pro'idin( ser'ices that meet the basic needs of the less fortunateamon( us so that they ha'e an opportunity to become contributin(members of our community$

<n short, *e are here to maintain the .uality of life in Morris County Fa *ay of life that ma-es it a (reat place to li'e, *or-, and raise our


<mportantly, *e *ill focus on supportin( the many communities that ma-e upMorris County and to assist them *here *e can as they stru((le *ith maintainin(an acceptable le'el of local ser'ices$

The leaders of our municipalities loo- to us @@ the #reeholders F tounderstand ho* difficult it has been and continues to be for them to maintainessential ser'ices as they are as-ed to assume a (reater and (reater share of theburden of fundin( those ser'ices$

%s < said earlier, to accomplish these (oals *e *ill need e'eryone’s help$

/here there *as competition, *e *ill need collaboration$ /here there *as

distrust, *e *ill need a ne* spirit of cooperation$

Only *ith e'eryone pullin( to(ether @@ and *ith the hard *or- of many @@can *e hope to li'e up to the trust the people of Morris County ha'e placed inus$

%s < assume the position of #reeholder Director, < am hopeful that *e canaccomplish these (oals$ < am confident because < -no* that my fello* #reeholdersare as committed as < am to ser'in( the residents of Morris County$ < ha'e cometo -no* them as honorable, hard@*or-in( and dedicated indi'iduals$

<t has been my pleasure to ser'e *ith them this past year and < loo-for*ard to *or-in( *ith them in 20 !$

< am also confident because < ha'e come to -no* and respect the people *ho*or- for our County ;o'ernment$ <t has been my eEperience that they arededicated and committed professionals *ho (o abo'e and beyond to pro'ide us *iththe hi(hest le'el of municipal ser'ices$ /e’re fortunate to ha'e them$

Today, than-s to the hard *or- of many dedicated people , Morris County is amodel for other counties *ith a (ro*in( economy, a *ell@educated *or- force, apar- system second to none, and a .uality of life that others en'y$

<t is our responsibility to protect that .uality of life and to build onour past achie'ements$

So, that’s the messa(e < *ant to lea'e you *ith today F let’s oin to(etherto li'e up to the trust the public has placed in us$ 7et’s demonstrate that *e

can place the needs of the County abo'e all other considerations and *or-to(ether$

My commitment to you is that < *ill do e'erythin( in my po*er as the ne*#reeholder Director to brin( us to(ether and < *ill *or- *ith anyone *ho is*illin( to roll up their slee'es and commit themsel'es to doin( the people’sbusiness$

%(ain, < am honored and humbled to be your ne* #reeholder Director$ Than-you a(ain for bein( here today and once a(ain, < *ish you a 5appy and Prosperous)e* 9ear$


#reeholder Cesaro (a'e the follo*in( messa(e


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;ood 'enin(,

< *ould li-e to Than- e'eryone, members of the public and di(nitariesali-e, for ta-in( the time to be here toni(ht$ <n particular, < *ould li-e toThan- my *ife, Melissa, and my 2 boys, &a-e and "rayden$ < *ould also li-e toThan- my mother, #rances, father, #ran-, (randmother, li:abeth@ *ho *ill becelebratin( her 00 th birthday neEt *ee-@ and my cousin, Rosanna$ %lso, < *ouldli-e to especially Than- Senator &oseph Pennacchio for bein( part of the s*earin(in ceremony$

< *ould also li-e to Than- my collea(ues for the honor of ha'in( me ser'eas Deputy Director and loo- for*ard to the *or- ahead in 20 !$

<t has been a pleasure ser'in( the residents of Morris County and < *ouldli-e to ta-e this opportunity to present some of the issues that < *ould li-e tofocus on this year$ #irst, < *ant to continue Morris County’s reputation as thepremier transparent county in the State of )e* &ersey$ %s the cost of li'in( in)e* &ersey continues to escalate, elected officials are continuously faced *ith abarra(e of spendin( and policy ma-in( decisions$ %t the same time, the public

*ants to -no* how and why their taE dollars are bein( utili:ed a certain *ay$

Therefore, < *ill continue my efforts *ith the Morris County Transparency /or-;roup in order to -eep you, the public, informed of *hat *e are doin( in County;o'ernment$

Second, last year < be(an some cursory eEploration of ho* *e can impro'ethe inte(rity of the *ay *e do business in Morris County$ "et*een raisin( afamily and *or-, < eEpended time researchin( ho* *e could accomplish this (oal$/hile doin( this, < reali:ed that *hile *e may impro'e the inte(rity of ho*Morris County does business, people are still *ary of (o'ernment in (eneral$ <am an attorney and < read case la* and statutes on a constant basis$ %t times, <find myself hesitant about a decision and therefore need to as- .uestions$ #orthe most part, (o'ernment employees and elected officials ha'e (uiltlessintentions but may need to ensure that the path they are choosin( is the ri(ht

one$ <n short, *hile it is imperati'e to continue eEaminin( the inte(rity of the*ay *e do business in the County, our beha'ior@ not ust the process@ must beabo'e reproach$ We must set the example.

#inally, o'er the years *e ha'e been *or-in( hard to *atch spendin( *hilemaintainin( the eEcellent ser'ices pro'ided to our residents$ 5o*e'er, therecould come a time *here e'ery dollar sa'ed *ill affect a dollar of criticalser'ices$ One ser'ice on my radar in the )e* 9ear is the Morris +ie* nursin(home$ <t is a facility that has pro'ided a critical ser'ice for many years and <plan on supportin( its future and options to maintainin( that future$

These are ust some of the prominent issues that < *ill be focusin( upon inthe )e* 9ear$ )aturally, Morris County *ill -eep us all busy on many fronts$

Than- 9ou for comin($ ;od "less you and ;ood )i(ht$


#reeholder Scapicchio (a'e the follo*in( messa(e

;ood e'enin(, 5appy )e* 9ear, and than- you for comin( this e'enin($

7et me be(in by con(ratulatin( 5an- 7yon as he be(ins a ne* term on our#reeholder "oard, and &ohn Pecoraro, *ho *as s*orn in toni(ht for his ! th termas Surro(ate$

< *ould also li-e to than- e'eryone *ho had a role in puttin( this

e'enin(’s meetin( to(ether$

7ast year at this time, < said maintainin( Morris County’s infrastructure*as (oin( to be a priority, and it *as$

<n 20 3 this board increased the county’s capitol bud(et and eEpanded thecounty’s road resurfacin( pro(ram to enable more than G2 miles of county@maintained road*ays to be repa'ed$ That *as up from the 2G miles repa'ed in 20 Gand an increase o'er the a'era(e of > miles in prior years$

%nd, *e did this *hile still reducin( the county’s debt by more than HImillion$

7ater this month, the #reeholders *ill introduce a capitol bud(et for theyear ahead, and maintain our infrastructure *ill continue to be a priority$


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 201520 3 sa* this board adopt a county bud(et, *hich for the second year in a

ro* had a :ero percent increase in county taEes, and *hich maintained ser'icesthat are critical to county residents$

This past summer, the county had its Triple@% bond ratin( reaffirmed *ith astable outloo-$ <n 20 !, the #reeholders *ill continue our fiscally conser'ati'eand responsible approach to county (o'ernment spendin($

20 3 sa* our *or-in( relationship *ith the business community representedby the Morris County Chamber of Commerce and the conomic De'elopment Corporationenhanced$ These or(ani:ations are the bac-bone of the business community in thecounty, and in 20 !, *e intend to continue our partnership *ith them$

O'er the past fe* years, as *e ha'e re@prioriti:ed our spendin(, *e ha'ehad to as- our department directors and e'ery county (o'ernment a(ency to ma-epermanent reductions in their bud(ets$

%nd, *hile *e truly appreciate their cooperation, *e also o*e a (reat dealof than-s to our county (o'ernment *or-force$

These dedicated employees consistently demonstrate their professionalism asthe dili(ently ser'e the citi:ens of this county$ < applaud and appreciate ourcounty employees and offer them a heartfelt *ord of than-s$

ach of the > members of this freeholder board is a uni.ue indi'idual$%nd, *hile *e may ha'e differences and disa(reements, *e do share a common (round

F and that is to ma-e Morris County a place that our children and their children*ill lo'e and en oy as much as *e do$

"y *or-in( to(ether, *e can ma-e that happen$

Than- 9ou$


#reeholder Cabana (a'e the follo*in( messa(e

#reeholder Cabana spo-e about the accomplishments that the Department of7a* J Public Safety and 7a* J Public Safety Shared Ser'ices achie'ed durin( 20 3$

Public Safety Collaboration

• Operations and readiness *ere from the focus of the Office ofmer(ency Mana(ement =O M? durin( Super "o*l *ee- in #ebruary$

O M personnel staffed the OC for the *ee- prior to the e'ent in

order to monitor for potential disruptions, as *ell as to ensure thesafety of the Den'er "roncos, *hich held practice at the &etsfacility in #lorham Par-$ Security communications and emer(encymedical preparedness *ere -ey elements in *hich MCO M staff *ereacti'e partners and participants$ % representati'e from MCO Mstaffed the Public Safety compound in ast Rutherford durin( "roncospractice sessions, as *ell as on (ame day$ Partners from the

Sheriff’s Office, Prosecutor’s Office, and municipal PDs oinedMCO M in our OC for the *ee- to acti'ely monitor and assess e'ents

and incidents prior to, and durin( the (ame$

• Morris County O M *as chosen by the Re(ional Catastrophic Plannin(Team =RCPT? to host the Cate(ory 3 Ma or 5urricane eEercise$ This isthe first time that this ne*ly de'eloped 4 Eercise@<n@%@"oE6 concept*as tested in a functional eEercise, a testament to Morris County’s

reputation$ O M staff *or-ed dili(ently for o'er a month on thedesi(n of the eEercise, alon( *ith se'eral County a(encies and manypri'ate and public partners$ O'er 00 professional from do:ens ofpublic and pri'ate entities participated in the day@lon( eEercise$

The collaborati'e efforts *ill help shape future use of the eEercisematerial *ithin )e* &ersey, )e* 9or-, Connecticut and Pennsyl'ania$

• 5ealth M(t hosted an %mmunitionK#ire*or-s collection and disposal dayat no cost to local la* enforcement a(encies$ The collection pro(ram

permitted local la* enforcement a(encies to safely dispose ofammunition, fire*or-s, propellants and flares *hich *ere confiscated,turned in by the public, or abandonedKfound on public property$ % totalof G0 Morris County la* enforcement a(encies deposited material and all*aste *as remo'ed by a certified *aste hauler for proper off@site


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• 7JPS hosted the #reeholder@sponsored Public Safety 9outh %cademy atthe

Public Safety Trainin( %cademy$ The intense *ee-@lon( pro(ram allo*edhi(h school cadets to ha'e a better understandin( of the demandin(

careers in la* enforcement, firefi(htin(, emer(ency medical ser'ices,and other public safety fields that they may choose to pursue as part ofa career path$ Cadets *ere put throu(h challen(in(, physical trainin(each day, *here leadership *as the central focus of the pro(ram$

• O M and %tlantic 5ealth Systems co@sponsored the second annualseminar

on 7eadership Under #ire$ This 'ery popular and inspirational pro(ram addressed the critical thin-in( that is inherent for all firstresponders and emer(ency response partners$ The o'erall topic addressedcritical thin-in( in times of disasters, both natural and man@made$

• Morris County O M *as a catalyst in the de'elopment of the MorrisCounty <nfectious Disease Response Team =<DRT?$ The purpose of the<DRT is to pro'ide primary response capabilities *ithin Morris County

;o'ernment facilities$ <n addition, the <DRT is a'ailable to supportmunicipal response a(encies in potential infectious disease casesthat eEceed the capabilities, trainin( and eEpertise of localresponders in Morris County$ The <DRT is based on a team approachunitin( public health, MS, 5a:mat, fire and other public safetyresponse a(encies$

7JPS Shared Ser'ices

• The Medical Eaminer’s Office completed year 3 of contracts *ithSusseE and /arren counties in *hich Morris pro'ides Medical Eaminerser'ices$ /hile Morris County handles o'er ,300 cases for all three

counties, the annual sa'in(s to Morris is approEimately H !0,000$

• This year sa* the completion of the first year of 5ealth Ser'icespro'ided to Morristo*n and Mont'ille$ The Office of 5ealth M(t alsopro'ides health ser'ices to "oonton T*p$ and Den'ille and MorrisPlains$ Ser'ices to these communities included public healthadministration, health education, public health emer(encypreparedness response and plannin(, and public health nursin(ser'ices *hich include o'ersi(ht of communicable disease control andchildhood lead poisonin( pro(rams$

Than- 9ou and 5appy )e* 9ear

@@ #reeholder 7yon (a'e the follo*in( messa(e

Members of the #reeholder "oard, distin(uished (uests, fello* citi:ens

<n anticipation of ta-in( the oath of office, < ha'e reflected on the manyde'elopments that occurred since the first time < *as s*orn in as #reeholder$

O'er the past three years, the #reeholder "oard has espoused principles oflimited (o'ernment and has ta-en actions that ha'e promoted prosperity$ /e sou(ht(uidance form many of you and (enerally, because of your help, our decisions ha'ebeen positi'e and in the best interest of the people of Morris County$

The #reeholder "oard has ne'er a'oided ta-in( on difficult problems

confrontin( the County$ <n 20 G, *e reco(ni:ed the need to control taEes,spendin(, and debt and *e too- the issue head on$ #or my part, < ser'ed as theChairman of the "ud(et Committee and < am proud of our record on deli'erin( t*oconsecuti'e bud(ets that fro:e taEes, controlled spendin(, and reduced debtnearly ten percent$ These bud(ets *ere strate(ic, continuin( to pro'ide necessaryser'ices *hile increasin( in multiple areas includin( roads and nearly H millionfor local non@profits$

One of the most difficult issues facin( the County today is the di'isionbet*een the #reeholder "oard and the Sheriff’s Department$ There is e'en a riftamon(st members of the "oard as to ho* handle the conflict$ 9et let’s rememberthat the #reeholder "oard and the Sheriff’s Department ha'e had a lon( history ofcooperation, trust, and accomplishment$ Our partnership can be restored$ Our

citi:ens eEpect it$

< fou(ht tou(h election battles in order to address this 'ery -ind of issue21

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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015for our citi:ens$ #reeholder Director, < belie'e that < can be an important partof normali:in( relation *ith the Sheriff’s Department and < loo- for*ard to bein(a part of the resolution$

Than- you$


#reeholder 1ric-us (a'e the follo*in( messa(e

< *ant to *ish e'eryone a happy, healthy, and prosperous )e* 9ear$

<t is an honor ser'in( as a Morris County #reeholder, and < am immensely(rateful for the support of my *ife Carolyn, and my t*o dau(hters$ %ll three bythe *ay ser'e as 'olunteers *ith the 7on( +alley first aid s.uad, and a bi( than-you to our first aid and firefi(hters$

My *ife tells me ho* helpful /ashin(ton T*p police officers are *hen they(o on calls$ %s a former mayor and no* as freeholder, < ha'e *or-ed *ith la*enforcement for o'er 20 years, < ha'e seen o'er and o'er a(ain the s-ill, thefairness, the dedication of these professionals$ < stand *ith the thin blueline, < stand *ith our police officers$

<n re(ards to my first t*o years as a #reeholder and our accomplishmentsand direction for Morris County, let me start *ith one *ord$$$;runt$ ;runt$

Eperiences at a youn( a(e influence the rest of oneLs life$ %t a(e > <oined the Marines, and my MOS, or Military Occupation Specialty, *as

infantryman, or as *e *ere called, (runts$ The ori(in of the term is related tothe sound a Marine ma-es *hen saddlin( up *ith 00 pounds of (ear$

<t *as (runt *or- that *as the -ey to achie'in( a 0 taE increase,reduction of debt by H 0 million a year, and smaller (o'ernment focused onessential ser'ices includin( doublin( the pa'in( of county roads from > miles ayear to GG miles$ %ll (oals that *ere achie'ed for t*o years and < -no* can be

achie'ed in 20 !$

Ser'in( on the bud(et committee chaired by #reeholder 7yon a :ero taE

increase *as achie'ed startin( *ith the 'ision of settin( a (oal of smaller andmore efficient (o'ernment$ Then *or-in( *ith the administration and countyemployees findin( better *ays of (ettin( the ob done for less, usually by notreplacin( people *ho ha'e left, for the most part by retirement, as the countylibrary achie'ed sa'in( nearly H!00,000$

/hile there are challen(es in 20 !, as there are e'ery year, another 0 taEincrease can be achie'ed, but it *ill re.uire lon( hours of (runt *or-$

<n preparation for 20 ! the 20 3 bud(et committee has already achie'ed andpasses on a road map of sa'in(s$ #irst 'acant positions, eEistin( and soon to bereali:ed, that *ill not need to be filled, about H $I million in sa'in(s, H $2million in debt ser'ice sa'in(s from reducin( debt, H $2 million sa'in(s inhealth benefit costs reali:ed in hard ne(otiations *ith health care pro'iders,and there should be the arduous line by line re'ie*s of bud(ets, the (runt *or-,*here last year *e *ere able to reduce o'er H million in eEpenses$ %lto(etherthe out(oin( bud(et committee presents the ne* bud(et committee *ith o'er H!million of sa'in(s to*ard a 0 taE increase *hile still pro'idin( essential countyser'ices$

So in conclusion, < am 'ery proud of my first t*o years as #reeholder,ha'in( deli'ered no taE increases, reducin( debt HG0 million, and by doublin( ourroad repa'in( pro(ram$ <n addition *e ha'e reformed county (o'ernment byrecordin( our meetin(s and eliminatin( health benefits for ne* #reeholders, *hichincludes me$

These are policies that lead the *ay for )e* &ersey, ta-in( full ad'anta(eof the tool-it ;o'ernor Christie pro'ided$ 7et me state clearly, < *ill not 'otefor an increase in county taEes in 20 !, *ith H! million of sa'in(s alreadyachie'ed the path to a third year of 0 taE chan(e is *ithin our (rasp, it *illre.uire (runt *or-, but it is *hat *e all promised and the people elected us todo$

Than- you and ;od "less$



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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015#reeholder Mastran(elo (a'e the follo*in( remar-s

;ood e'enin( and *elcome to the 20 ! Re@or(ani:ation meetin($

Con(ratulations to 5an- 7yon, *ho *as s*orn in for his 2 nd term on theboard, and con(ratulations to 1athy De#illippo as the Director of the "oard for20 ! and also con(ratulations to the &ohn Cesaro$

Than- you to &ohn "onanni, 1athy "urd, the department heads and all of ourcounty employees for all their hard *or- and dedication durin( the past year$ 9ouare *hat ma-es Morris County the best County in the )e* &ersey and one of the bestin the US to li'e, *or- and raise a family$ < also *ant to than- all municipalleaders and employees ser'in( their fine citi:ens and contributin( in ma-in(Morris County so (reat$

Most importantly, < than- my *ife Debbie, and my children, Chris, "rittneyand Michael for all their lo'e, help and support$

<t has been an honor and a pri'ile(e for me to ha'e ser'ed as #reeholderDirector for the last t*o years$

< did not ta-e the responsibility li(htly and < sincerely appreciate theconfidence my collea(ues had placed in me o'er that time$ < than- my freeholdercollea(ues for their hard *or- and results this board deli'ered$

/e ha'e a record that is unmatched in recent history by deli'erin( t*oconsecuti'e years of taE reductions, reduced spendin( and a H 3 million debtreduction *hich should occur o'er the neEt 3 years$

/hile pro'idin( eEcellent financial reductions, *e continued to deli'er allser'ices *ith .uality and inte(rity$

/e e'en increase road pa'in(, pre'iously deli'erin( > miles on a'era(eannually to G2 miles in 20 3$ %ll these positi'e results did not come easyB it*as due to the hard *or- from our bud(et committee of #reeholders 1ric-us, 7yon

and myself and the capital re'ie* committee of #reeholders Scapicchio, De#illippoand Cabana$

< *ant to than- #reeholder Da'id Scapicchio for his fine leadership asDeputy Director and for his friendship, and bein( (ood *in( man$ % year a(o, <spo-e about the trust that is placed in us as #reeholders by those *ho elect us,and about the importance of -eepin( our promises$ %s < loo- bac- o'er the yearthat ust concluded, < can report to you this e'enin( that *e did -eep ourpromises$

%t the start of last year, my (oals and those of my fello* #reeholdersincluded ma-in( the ri(ht decisions to reduce county (o'ernment spendin( and to

hold the line on taEes, and *e did$

<n 20 3, *e promised to adopt a county bud(et that contained a :ero percentincrease in taEesB the second time in years, *hile maintainin( critical countyser'ices *ith .uality and inte(rity and *e didN

%t the start of last year, our (oals included carefully mana(in( ourcapital bud(et and de'elopin( and implementin( a multiyear debt reduction plan,but still meet the county’s on(oin( capital needs and *e did that tooN

/e said *e *ould protect the county’s Triple@% bond ratin(, and *e did, asMoody’s and Standard and Poor’s issued the county a Triple@% ratin( for the 3 st year in a ro*, *ith a stable outloo-$

%t the start of 20 3, *e said our (oals included implementin( ne*strate(ies to reduce costs and impro'e ho* *e deli'er county ser'ices throu(htechnolo(y, and *e didN

/e reduced the county’s yearly telecommunication costs, and *e impro'ed theoperational efficiencies of the county’s telephone ser'ice *hile reducin(operational costs$

/e also deployed 'arious <T systems throu(hout Morris County impro'in( ho**e deli'er ser'ices

The #reeholder "oard is also a partner *ith the Morris County Chamber ofCommerce in fundin( the Morris County conomic De'elopment Corporation *hich is

*or-in( to retain the obs *e ha'e and attract ne* obs to Morris County$ 7astyear < promised to meet *ith Eecuti'e Corporate leaders$


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/ell, *ith the help of Paul "oudreau *e ointly made calls on thosebusiness leaders to commit Morris County’s support for the business community andto understand more of *hat is needed to accommodate them here in Morris County$

Durin( 20 3, *hether lar(e or small, Paul and < 'isited businesses *herethere *ere si(nificant economic (ro*th in'estments in Morris County$

<n October *e 'isited %lcoa in Do'er *hen they announced plans to eEpandobs as a result of securin( a ma or contract for the # G! 7i(htnin( << #i(hter

&et *here here in Morris County they *ill manufacture -ey components for thatfi(hter et$

"ayer 5ealthCare opened its ne* *orld*ide head.uarters in /hippany housin(2!00 obs$

<n December, #errin( Pharmaceuticals opened its ne* head.uarters inParsippany addin( o'er !00 obs and one of my fa'orites , Carlos "a-ery 4 TheCa-e "oss6 opened up another one of his shops ri(ht here in Morristo*n$

These are but a fe* of the promises made and -ept by me and this board$

%s *e be(in the )e* 9ear, *e *ill *or- to ma-e the ri(ht decisions tocontinue to mo'e the county for*ard *hile *e see- to hold the line on the amountraised in taEes to operate county (o'ernment, restrain spendin( and still deli'erthe necessary public safety and .uality of life ser'ices Morris County citi:enseEpect$

<n 20 ! *e intend to adopt a bud(et that is prudent and sound$ /e *ill dothis *ithout harmin( those *ho are most in need of our assistance$

Our (oal of limitin( capital pro ects spendin( *ill further reduce thetotal debt o*ed by the county, and that in turn *ill help the county maintain itstriple % bond ratin($

< *ill continue to ser'e as liaison to the Morris County Chamber and alon(*ith Paul "oudreau, < intend to meet *ith more corporate leaders to recommitMorris County’s support of the business community *ith the intent to retain andbrin( more obs to Morris County$

< *ill also ser'e on the "ud(et Committee and Shared Ser'ices Committee,and as 7iaison to <nformation Technolo(y$ < *ill *or- *ith our C<O to implementne* additional technolo(ies to reduce cost on ho* *e deli'er ser'ices for county(o'ernment$

< *ill also ser'e as a member of the board of School stimate, Deputy7iaison to 7a* and Public Safety, the County Cler-’s Office, the "oard of

lections, Public <nformation and Social Media, and the 5ousin( %uthority$< *ill also chair the Transparency committee$

Once a(ain, durin( these challen(in( economic times *e must -eep ourpromise to deli'er more efficient and smaller (o'ernment *ithout compromisin(

necessary ser'ices for our citi:ens$

%s *e enter the )e* 9ear, < *ill *or- dili(ently *ith my fello* freeholdersto ensure that Morris County remains a (reat place to li'e, *or- and raise afamily$

Once a(ain, < than- you for your support and *ish you and yours a 'ery5appy )e* 9ear$


#reeholder Cabana presented the follo*in( resolutions


" <T R SO7+ D by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morrisin the State of )e* &ersey as follo*s

$ Durin( the year 20 !, the re(ular meetin(s of this "oard of Chosen#reeholders shall be held at > G0 p$m$ on the second /ednesday of eachmonth and at > G0 p$m$ the fourth /ednesday of each month$

2$ %ll of said re(ular meetin(s at *hich formal action may be ta-en *ill ta-eplace at the "oard of Chosen #reeholdersL Meetin( Room, #ifth #loor,


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015 %dministration and Records "uildin(, Court Street, Morristo*n, )e* &ersey$

G$ Eact dates of the second and fourth /ednesdays of each month in the year20 ! are

%$ &anuary 3 and &anuary 2I"$ #ebruary and #ebruary 2!

C$ March and March 2!D$ %pril I and %pril 22

$ May G and May 2> #$ &une 0 and &une 23 ;$ &uly I and &uly 22

5$ %u(ust 2 and %u(ust 2<$ September and September 2G

rescheduled to Monday, September 2

&$ October 3 and October 2I

1$ )o'ember and )o'ember 2! rescheduled to Monday, )o'ember rescheduled to Monday, )o'ember 2G 7$ December and December 2G

rescheduled to Monday, December 2

3$ <n addition to re(ular meetin(s, informal meetin(s of discussions of this"oard of Chosen #reeholders shall ta-e place at 3 00 p$m$ e'ery /ednesday

precedin( the formal public meetin( date as referred to in Para(raph G8pro'ided ho*e'er, if any /ednesday shall fall on a le(al holiday, then the

meetin( shall be held on the pre'ious Tuesday, and if any such Tuesdaymeetin( shall be a le(al holiday, then the meetin( shall be held on the

pre'ious Monday$

!$ %dditionally, informal meetin(s of discussion of this "oard of Chosen#reeholders shall ta-e place at 3 00 p$m$ on the second and fourth/ednesday of each month, unless any such day is a le(al holiday$

$ Eact dates of e'ery second and fourth /ednesday of each month in the year 20 ! are

%$ &anuary 3 and &anuary 2I"$ #ebruary and #ebruary 2!

C$ March and March 2!D$ %pril I and %pril 22

$ May G and May 2> #$ &une 0 and &une 23

;$ &uly I and &uly 22

5$ %u(ust 2 and %u(ust 2<$ September and September 2G

rescheduled to Monday, September 2

&$ October 3 and October 2I

1$ )o'ember and )o'ember 2!rescheduled to Monday, )o'ember

rescheduled to Monday, )o'ember 2G

7$ December and December 2G rescheduled to Monday, December 2

>$ %ll of said informal meetin(s of discussion at *hich no formal action maybe ta-en *ill ta-e place in the #reeholdersL Conference Room, #ifth #loor,

%dministration and Records "uildin(, Court Street, Morristo*n, )e* &ersey$

I$ %t any meetin( *here an a(enda is to be used, said a(enda shall be

furnished to all persons in attendance at the meetin($


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0$ Durin( the year 20 ! on e'ery informal meetin( date at approEimately 3 0p$m$ or as soon thereafter as practicable, this "oard shall meet *ithCounty Counsel or one of his assistants in order to discuss matters *hichfall *ithin the attorney@client pri'ile(e, to the eEtent thatconfidentiality is re.uired, and the public shall be eEcluded$

$ The time *hen and the circumstances under *hich the discussions conducted*ith Counsel in closed session can be disclosed to the public are un-no*nbecause of the nature of the sub ect matters to be discussed$

2$ Durin( the year 20 ! on e'ery informal meetin( date at approEimately 3 0p$m$ or as soon thereafter as practicable *hen this "oard shall not be

meetin( *ith Counsel, and *hen necessary, the public *ill be eEcluded fromthe meetin(s of this "oard$ The (eneral nature of the sub ects to bediscussed are as follo*s

? Personnel2? %ppointmentsG? Contract )e(otiations

3? Purchase, lease or ac.uisition of real property!? Pendin( or anticipated liti(ation

? Matters fallin( *ithin the attorney@client pri'ile(e

The "oard shall disclose to the public the contents of the discussion afterfinal disposition of the matters discussed$

G$ The Cler- is directed to prominently post and maintain postedthrou(hout the year on the #reeholder "ulletin "oards in the%dministration and Records "uildin( and the Courthouse a certified copyof this resolution$ <n addition, the Cler- is directed to mailforth*ith a certified copy of this resolution to the follo*in(

%$ Daily Record"$ The Star 7ed(erC$ The RecordD$ /MTR

%lso, the Cler- shall file a certified copy of this resolution *ith theMorris County Cler-$

3$ This resolution is bein( adopted in order to comply *ith P$7$ >!,Chapter 2G , 4Open Public Meetin(s %ctQ$


=2?R SO7+ D that the "y@7a*s of this "oard as adopted on %u(ust 2>, >! and

re'ised by Resolution )umber 30 on #ebruary 2 , 2, be and the same are herebyadopted as the "y@7a*s of the "oard for the year 20 !$



R SO7+ D that 1athryn %$ De#illippo be and she is hereby appointed Directorof the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morris to act as Director andChairman of meetin(s, for a term of one = ? year at a salary as set forth in theSalary Resolution for Officers and mployees of the County, payable bi@*ee-ly$


R SO7+ D that &ohn Cesaro be and he is hereby appointed Deputy Director of

the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morris to act as Director andChairman of meetin(s in the absence of the Director for a term of one = ? year,*ithout salary$



R SO7+ D that Dou(las R$ Cabana be and is hereby appointed a Q+otin(Member6 in the )e* &ersey %ssociation of Counties for a term of one = ? year,


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= ?

R SO7+ D that Thomas &$ Mastran(elo be and is hereby appointed #irst%lternate +otin( Member in the )e* &ersey %ssociation of Counties for a term ofone = ? year, *ithout salary$



R SO7+ D that &O5) "O)%))< be and is hereby appointed 4Second %lternate+otin( Member6 in the )e* &ersey %ssociation of Counties for a term of one = ?year, *ithout salary$

@@ =I?

R SO7+ D that &ohn Cesaro be and is hereby appointed an E@Officio memberof the Morris County Plannin( "oard for a term of one = ? year, *ithout salary$


= ?R SO7+ D that Da'id Scapicchio be and is hereby appointed an E@Officio

4%lternateQ member of the Morris County Plannin( "oard for a term of one = ?year, *ithout salary, to ser'e in the place of the #reeholder Director or E@Officio member, *hene'er heKshe is temporarily absent, disabled or dis.ualified$


= 0?

R SO7+ D that Thomas &$ Mastran(elo be and is hereby appointed an E@Officiomember of the "oard of School stimate of the +ocational School in the County ofMorris for a term of one = ? year, *ithout salary$


= ?

R SO7+ D that &ohn 1ric-us be and is hereby appointed an E@Officio memberof the "oard of School stimate of the +ocational School in the County of Morrisfor a term of one = ? year, *ithout salary$


= 2? R SO7+ D that Thomas &$ Mastran(elo 7yon be and is hereby appointed an E@Officio member of the "oard of School stimate of the County Colle(e of Morrisfor a term of one = ? year, *ithout salary$


= G?

R SO7+ D that &ohn 1ric-us be and is hereby appointed an E@Officio memberof the "oard of School stimate of the County Colle(e of Morris for a term of one= ? year, *ithout salary$


= 3?

R SO7+ D that the 20 ! %ssi(nments for the "oard of Chosen #reeholders ofthe County of Morris be and are here*ith desi(nated as indicated on the attachedSchedule %$


= !?


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R SO7+ D that the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morrishereby appoint the follo*in( as members of the %d'isory Council on %(in(,Disabilities and +eterans Ser'ice and shall ser'e, *ithout salary, for one = ?year to eEpire on December G , 20 !

Thomas Clar- Charles Collins, &r$ Patricia ;iannetti Peter ;imbel &ohn 5al-o "ernard 5ayet Robert 5u(hes &oseph 7eal

Richard )y.uist Thomas Pappas &eannette S$ Perlman d*ard uinn

Ste'e Roman 1athy Sie(rist mil Simonetti

Michael +aillancourt 7ou +alori


= ?

R SO7+ D that the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morrishereby appoint the follo*in( as members of the %(riculture De'elopment "oard andshall ser'e, *ithout salary, for four =3? years to eEpire on December G , 20 I

Ricci Desiderio1en /i(htman

@@ = >?

R SO7+ D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members of the %irport%d'isory Committee for a term of one = ? year to eEpire on December G , 20 !,*ithout salary

%nthony &$ "arrett

ric "ossard Paul "oudreau Mel'erne Coo-e 1athryn %$ De#illippo, E@officio Peter DeRosa

#ran- Druet:ler ;erry ;ruenfelder 7ou )isi'occia

&ac- Olcott 1en Schleifer Maria Sheridan &ohn Tuten


= I?

R SO7+ D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members of the %lcohol andDru( %buse %d'isory Committee for a term of one = ? year to eEpire on DecemberG , 20 !, *ithout salary

;re( "enson Charlie "erman Christopher Chernic-

Carol De;ra* Cheryl ;arodnic-

&ulian 5ill Mar(aret 5imsl Charles 7aRussa Marcy McMann 7u&uan Tuc-er

"arbara /ard Deborah /ard


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= ?

/5 R %S, there eEists a need for the pro'ision of professional ri(ht@of@*ayne(otiator and real property appraisal ser'ices by the County of Morris8 and

/5 R %S, the 7ocal Public Contracts 7a* =)$&$S$%$ 30% @ , et se.$?re.uires that the resolution authori:in( the a*ard of contract for Qprofessionalser'icesQ *ithout competiti'e biddin( and the contract itself must be a'ailablefor public inspection8 and

/5 R %S, the estimated amount of the contract to be a*arded shall be at therate of H 0$00 per hour8 and

)O/, T5 R #OR , " <T R SO7+ D by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of theCounty of Morris in the State of )e* &ersey as follo*s

l$ The %(reements bet*een the County of Morris and = ? R) ST D 7;U RC<O, =2? C5%R7 S &$ # MM<) 77%, =G? 7OU<S S$ < )" R;, =3? P%TR<C1%$ &OS P5S, and =!? RO" RT SC5/%R , copies of *hich shall be on filein the Office of the County %dministrator and made a part hereof byreference, are hereby appro'ed and shall be entered into by this"oard$

2$ The Director of the "oard of Chosen #reeholders is hereby authori:edto si(n and eEecute the contracts conditioned upon the contractorLscompliance *ith the re.uirements set forth in para(raph !, belo*$

G$ The contracts are a*arded *ithout competiti'e biddin( as aQ professional ser'ice6 under the pro'isions of the 7ocal Public Contracts7a* because it is for ser'ices to be rendered by a person or persons*hose practice is re(ulated by la*$

3$ %n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance *ith

the la*$

!$ The contracts are a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process incompliance *ith )$&$S$%$ 33%@20$ , et se.$

@@ =20?

R SO7+ D that D<%) M$ 1 TC5UM be and is hereby appointed Cler- of the"oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morris for a term of three =G? yearsto eEpire on December G , 20 >, at a salary in compliance *ith the Morris CountyMana(ement Compensation Plan$

@@ =2 ?

R SO7+ D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed as Compliance Officers,Public %(ency to ser'e *ithout salary for a term of one = ? year to eEpire onDecember G , 20 !

&ames %bline

Charmayne "o*ie Thomas accone



R SO7+ D that T D M%;7<O) be and is hereby appointed to ser'e as Chairmanof the Construction "oard of %ppeals *ithout salary for a term of one = ? year toeEpire on December G , 20 !8 and

" <T #URT5 R R SO7+ D that & ##R 9 " T be and is hereby appointed toser'e as +ice Chairman of the Construction "oard of %ppeals *ithout salary for aterm of one = ? year to eEpire on December G , 20 !$




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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015 R SO7+ D that &O5) "O)%))< be and is hereby appointed Morris County%dministrator of the County of Morris for a term of fi'e =!? years to eEpire onDecember G , 20 , at a salary in compliance *ith the Morris County Mana(ementCompensation Plan$



R SO7+ D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed as members of the County%lliance Steerin( Subcommittee =C%SS? for a term of one = ? year to eEpire onDecember G , 20 ! *ithout salary

Charlie "erman Marcia "rands Da'id &ohnston Carolyn 1leinman Syl'ia 7ippe %rlene Stoller Robyn Ulmer



/5 R %S, there eEists a need for the pro'ision of professional le(alser'ices as County Counsel at the County of Morris8 and

/5 R %S, the 7ocal Public Contracts 7a* =)$&$S$%$ 30% @ , et se.$?re.uires that the resolution authori:in( the a*ard of contract for Qprofessionalser'icesQ *ithout competiti'e biddin( and the contract itself must be a'ailablefor public inspection8 and

/5 R %S, the estimated amount of the contract to be a*arded shall be at the

rate of H G0$00 per hour8 and

)O/, T5 R #OR , " <T R SO7+ D by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of theCounty of Morris in the State of )e* &ersey as follo*s

l$ D%)< 7 /$ OLMU77%) be and is hereby a*arded a contract and appointed asMORR<S COU)T9 COU)S 7 to ser'e for a term of three =G? years and that an

a(reement bet*een the County of Morris and D%)< 7 /$ OLMU77%) on file inthe Office of the County %dministrator and made a part hereof byreference, is hereby appro'ed and shall be entered into by this "oard$

2$ The County of Morris a(rees to indemnify and hold D%)< 7 /$ OLMU77%)harmless in connection *ith the mana(ement and operation of the County

CounselLs Office$

G$ The Director of the "oard of Chosen #reeholders is hereby authori:ed tosi(n and eEecute the contract conditioned upon the contractorLscompliance *ith the re.uirements set forth in para(raph , belo*$

3$ The contract is a*arded *ithout competiti'e biddin( as aQprofessional ser'iceQ under the pro'isions of the 7ocal PublicContracts 7a* because it is for ser'ices to be rendered by a person orpersons *hose practice is re(ulated by la*$

!$ %n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance *iththe la*$

$ The contract is a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process incompliance *ith )$&$S$%$ 33%@20$ , et se.$


=2 ? R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are here*ith appointed as members of the

Deferred Compensation Plan Committee and shall ser'e *ithout salary at thepleasure of the "oard

C%T59 "URD



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R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are here*ith appointed as members of theducational <ncenti'e Committee and shall ser'e *ithout salary for a term of one

= ? year to eEpire on December G , 20 !

" T< "%U R #R%)1 CORR )T

T5 R S% D%+<S C5R<ST<) M%R<O)




R SO7+ D that & ))<# R C%RP<)T R< be and is hereby appointed as a member ofthe .ual Opportunity Complaint Resolution Committee to ser'e *ithout salary atthe pleasure of the "oard$


=2 ?

R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are here*ith appointed as members of the#lood Miti(ation Committee and shall ser'e *ithout salary for the termsindicated

Member Term Epiration date7ouise Da'is Three =G? years December G , 20 >

d*ard 5$ ppel One year December G , 20 !



R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are here*ith appointed as members of the#rei(ht Railroad %d'isory Committee and shall ser'e *ithout salary for a term ofone = ? year to eEpire on December G , 20 !

;ary "ehrens 1athryn %$ De#illippo &ames Dodd Roman 5irnia- &ac- 5olland #ran- T$ Reilly Da'id M$ Scapicchio /es /eis


=G ?

/5 R %S, there eEists a need for the pro'ision of ;eneralCounselK7iti(ation Mana(er Ser'ices to the Morris County <nsurance #und8 and

/5 R %S, the 7ocal Public Contracts 7a* =)$&$S$%$ 30% @ , et se.$?re.uires that the resolution authori:in( the a*ard of contract for 4professionalser'ices6 *ithout competiti'e bidin( and the contract itself must be a'ailablefor public inspection8 and

/5 R %S, the estimated amount of the contract to be a*arded shall be at therate of H 20$00 per hour8 and

)O/, T5 R #OR , " <T R SO7+ D by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of theCounty of Morris in the State of )e* &ersey as follo*s

$ The %(reement bet*een the County of Morris and &O5) <);7 S<)O 4;eneralCounselK7iti(ation Mana(er Ser'ices6, a copy of *hich shall be on filein the Office of the County %dministrator and made a part hereof byreference, is hereby appro'ed and shall be entered into by this "oard$

2$ The Director of the "oard of Chosen #reeholders is hereby authori:ed

to si(n and eEecute the contract conditioned upon the contractorLscompliance *ith the re.uirements set forth in para(raph !, belo*$


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G$ The contract is a*arded *ithout competiti'e biddin( as a 4professionalser'ice6 under the pro'isions of the 7ocal Public Contracts 7a*because it is for ser'ices to be rendered by a person or persons *hosepractice is re(ulated by la*$

3$ %n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance*ith the la*$

!$ The contract is a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process incompliance *ith )$&$S$%$ 33%@20$ , et se.$



R SO7+ D that PS 9 #%RR 77 and &OS P5 M%C%S 1 be and are hereby appointedto the 5erita(e Commission to ser'e *ithout salary for a term of fi'e =!? yearsto eEpire December G , 20 $



R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed as members of the5<+K%<DS CO)SORT<UM =Tri@County? to ser'e *ithout salary for a term of one = ?year to eEpire December G , 20 !

Robert %rmstron( Sister Roberta #eil

&oann Mc niry Ron Rit:ie Ste'en Suttles



R SO7+ D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members of the 5umanSer'ices %d'isory Council for the County of Morris for a term of one year toeEpire on December G , 20 !, *ithout salary

Robert %rmstron( &eff "ashe Marcia "rands 1e'in Collins 7inda Csen(eto Cynthia De(a:on

)ancy Delaney iomara ;ue'ara Da'id 5ollo*ell Charles 7aRussa /illliam Q5an-Q 7yon, E@officio Mary &ane Melo Deborah Mer: 1en OeEle Thomas Pappas Thomas %$ Pepe Michelle Roers



R SO7+ D that D%+<D &%R+<S be and is hereby appointed as a member of the7a-e 5opatcon( Commission for a term of t*o =2? years to eEpire on December G ,20 , *ithout salary$


=G ?

R SO7+ D that ST + R%TT) R be and is hereby appointed to ser'e as a memberof the 7a-e Musconetcon( Re(ional Plannin( "oard *ithout salary for a term of one= ? year to eEpire on December G , 20 !$



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R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed to ser'e as memberson the MKSK/ =MorrisKSusseEK/arren? mployment and Trainin( Ser'ices PensionTrustee Committee, *ithout salary, at the pleasure of the "oard

&ohn "onanniDa'id 5elmerChristopher 7uon(oStaci Santucci


R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed to ser'e on theM%PS Citi:en %d'isory Committee for a term of one = ? year to eEpire on DecemberG , 20 !, *ithout salary

" R)%RD 5%9 TM%RC MO7D

T5OM%S P%PP%S & %)) TT S$ P R7M%)

M<7 S<MO) TT<M%R1 ST P5 )SO)


=G ?

/5 R %S, there eEists a need for the pro'ision of professional le(alser'ices limited solely as a mediator at the County of Morris8 and

/5 R %S, the 7ocal Public Contracts 7a* =)$&$S$%$ 30% @ , et se.$?re.uires that the resolution authori:in( the a*ard of contract for 4professionalser'ices6 *ithout competiti'e bidin( and the contract itself must be a'ailablefor public inspection8 and

/5 R %S, the estimated amount of the contract to be a*arded shall be at therate of H 0!$00 per hour8 and

)O/, T5 R #OR , " <T R SO7+ D by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of theCounty of Morris in the State of )e* &ersey as follo*s

$ The %(reement bet*een the County of Morris and Mediator M%TT5 / &$O’DO)) 77, a copy of *hich shall be on file in the Office of theCounty %dministrator and made a part hereof by reference, is hereby

appro'ed and shall be entered into by this "oard$

2$ The Director of the "oard of Chosen #reeholders is hereby authori:edto si(n and eEecute the contract conditioned upon the contractorLscompliance *ith the re.uirements set forth in para(raph !, belo*$

G$ The contract is a*arded *ithout competiti'e biddin( as a 4professionalser'ice6 under the pro'isions of the 7ocal Public Contracts 7a*because it is for ser'ices to be rendered by a person or persons *hosepractice is re(ulated by la*$

3$ %n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance*ith the la*$

!$ The contract is a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process incompliance *ith )$&$S$%$ 33%@20$ , et se.$



R SO7+ D that C5R<STOP5 R C5 R)<C1 be and is hereby appointed as a memberof the Mental 5ealth %d'isory "oard *ithout salary to fill a 'acancy *hich *illeEpire on &une G0, 20 >$


=3 ?


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed members of the

Morris County %d'isory Committee on /omen to ser'e for a period of one = ? yearto eEpire on December G , 20 !, *ithout salary

Pam "ennett@Santorodith #ran-

Carole 5arperTina 7iu &en+ir(inia 7yttle

laine MullerPatti Pa(eSibila Saens@/illiams%ida +isa-ayDeirdre /heatley@7iss


=32?R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed members of the

Morris +ie* %d'isory Committee to ser'e *ithout salary for a period of one = ?year to eEpire on December G , 20 !

Cathy "urd&ennifer CarpinteriTheresa Da'is1atherine %$ De#illippo, ChairpersonCarol De;ra*Catherine n(ler"eth &arett&oseph 1o'alci-/illiam Q5an-Q 7yon, E@officioCheryl S$ MacDou(all

'a Turbiner



R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are here*ith appointed as members of theMos.uito Control %d'isory "oard to ser'e *ithout salary for the terms indicated

Member Term Epiration dateMaria Sheridan Three =G? years December G , 20 >

&ohn CesaroE@officio One = ? year December G , 20 !



R SO7+ D that ST + R%TT) R be and is hereby appointed as a member of theMusconetcon( Ri'er Mana(ement Council *ithout salary for a term of t*o =2? yearsto eEpire on December G , 20 $



R SO7+ D that 1athryn %$ De#illippo be and is hereby appointed as a memberof the )orth &ersey Transportation Plannin( %uthority *ithout salary at thepleasure of the "oard$


=3 ?

R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are here*ith appointed as a member ofthe OP ) SP%C TRUST #U)D COMM<TT to ser'e *ithout salary for the termindicatedMember Term Epiration date

Richard /atson T*o =2? years December G , 20




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R SO7+ D that &U7< C$ "%RO) and D/%RD MCC%RT59 be and are herebyappointed to ser'e as members of the Morris County Par- Commission *ithout salaryfor a term of fi'e =!? years to eEpire on December G , 20 $



R SO7+ D that D/%RD 5$ PP 7 and ST + R%TT) R be and are hereby appointedto ser'e as members of the Morris County Plannin( "oard for a term of three =G?years to eEpire on December G , 20 >, *ithout salary$


=3 ?R SO7+ D that in accordance *ith )$&$S$%$ 30 2>@ $ , the "oard of Chosen

#reeholders of the County of Morris appro'es the appointment made by the#reeholder Director of ST P5 ) &O) S as Morris County Plannin( "oard %lternate)o$ to ser'e for a term of three =G? years to eEpire on December G , 20 >,*ithout salary8 and

" <T #URT5 R R SO7+ D that in accordance *ith )$&$S$%$ 30 2>@ $ , the"oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morris appro'es the appointment madeby the #reeholder Director of )<T% ;%7%T as Morris County Plannin( "oard%lternate )o$ 2 to ser'e for a term of three =G? years to eEpire on December G ,20 >, *ithout salary$


=!0? R SO7+ D that 1%R ) "7%)C5%RD, 1%R7 17<); ) R and 1R<S MCMOR7%)D

be and are hereby appointed to ser'e as members of the Public mployee Su((estion%*ards Committee *ithout salary for a term of three =G? years to eEpire on

December G , 20 >$

" <T #URT5 R R SO7+ D that ST%C< S%)TUCC< be and is hereby appointed toser'e as Eecuti'e Secretary of the Public mployee Su((estion %*ards Committeeat the pleasure of the "oard *ithout salary$


=! ?

R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed as members of theMorris County Public Safety Trainin( %cademy %d'isory "oard to ser'e *ithoutsalary for a one@year term to eEpire on December G , 20 !

Dan Caffrey/illiam (bertThomas %$ ;u(lielmoStanley 5ansen&oseph 5o(hCharles McCoyRaymond )isi'occia)icholas SaccamanoDennis SandersonDou(las Scheer7ouis +alori



/5 R %S, there eEists a need for professional certified court reportin(ser'ices to assist the County of Morris in hearin(s8 and

/5 R %S, the estimated maEimum amount of the contracts to be a*arded isH!,000$008 and

/5 R %S, the 7ocal Public Contracts 7a* =)$&$S$%$ 30% @ , et se.$?re.uires that the resolution authori:in( the a*ard of contract for professionalser'icesQ *ithout competiti'e biddin( and the contract itself must be a'ailablefor public inspection8

)O/ T5 R #OR , " <T R SO7+ D by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015County of Morris in the State of )e* &ersey as follo*s

$ The contract dated &anuary 2, 20 !, as proposed by T%97OR and #R< D" R;,% )e* &ersey Partnership, in its proposal dated &anuary 2, 20 !, a copyof *hich is on file in the Office of the County %dministrator and made apart hereof by reference, is hereby appro'ed and shall be entered intoby this "oard$ 2$ The Director of the "oard of Chosen #reeholders is hereby authori:ed toeEecute said contract conditioned upon the contractorLs compliance *iththe re.uirements set forth in para(raph , belo*$ G$ The contract is a*arded *ithout competiti'e biddin( as a Qprofessionalser'iceQ under the pro'isions of the 7ocal Public Contract 7a* becauseit is for ser'ices to be rendered by a person or persons *hose practiceis re(ulated by la*$

3$ The Treasurer is hereby authori:ed to issue a Certificate of%'ailability of #unds char(in( Capital %ccount$

!$ )otice of this action shall be published in the Daily Record$

$ The contract is a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process incompliance *ith )$&$S$%$ 33%@20$ , et se.$



R SO7+ D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members of the Solid /aste%d'isory Council for a term of one year to eEpire on December G , 20 ! *ithoutsalary

; OR; #%RR%)D M<C5% 7 ;U%D%;)O

&OS P5 )%M T1O RO" RT )O+O P%TR<C1 P%O7 77%


=!3?/5 R %S, there eEists a need for the pro'ision of professional le(al

ser'ices at the County of Morris8 and

/5 R %S, the 7ocal Public Contracts 7a* =)$&$S$%$ 30% @ , et se.$?re.uires that the resolution authori:in( the a*ard of contract for Qprofessionalser'icesQ *ithout competiti'e biddin( and the contract itself must be a'ailable

for public inspection8 and

/5 R %S, the estimated amount of the contracts to be a*arded shall be atthe maEimum rate of H2 0$00 per hour for partners and H 0$00 per hour forassociates and additional compensation *ill be based on the follo*in( billin(rates

a? /ith respect to any permanent financin( of Morris County, char(es forser'ices rendered shall be the sum of a base fee of H2,!00$00 plusH $00 per H ,000$00 of bonds issued$ %lternati'ely, *ith respect toany temporary financin(s of Morris County, char(es *ill be the sum ofa H ,!00$00 base fee, plus H$!0 per H ,000$00 of temporary notesissued$

b? /ith respect to the preparation or re'ie* of each bond ordinance andthe compilation of a certified record of proceedin(s in connectionthere*ith, char(es shall be HG00$00 for each bond ordinance prepared$

c? /ith respect to any ad'ance refundin( contemplated by Morris County,bond counsel *ill pro'ide an scro* %(reement and *ill direct thein'estment of proceeds of such ad'ance refundin( issue in a mannerthat is consistent *ith the restrictions of federal taE la* to pro'idefor the payment of the refunded issue, and shall char(e an additionalfee of H 2,!00$00 for such ser'ices$

)O/, T5 R #OR , " <T R SO7+ D by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of theCounty of Morris in the State of )e* &ersey as follo*s

l$ The %(reements bet*een the County of Morris and DR<)1 R, "<DD7 J


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015R %T58 5%/1<)S, D 7%#< 7D J /OOD8 1R%#T J C%P< <8 McM%)<MO), SCOT7%)DJ "%UM%)) and /O7## J S%MSO) as 4Special CounselK"ond CounselQ, copiesof *hich shall be on file in the Office of the County %dministratorand made a part hereof by reference, are hereby appro'ed and shall beentered into by this "oard$ 2$ The Director of the "oard of Chosen #reeholders is hereby authori:edto si(n and eEecute the referenced contracts$

G$ The contracts are a*arded *ithout competiti'e biddin( as aQprofessional ser'iceQ under the pro'isions of the 7ocal PublicContracts 7a* because it is for ser'ices to be rendered by a person orpersons *hose practice is re(ulated by la*$

3$ %n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance*ith the la*$

!$ The contracts are a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process incompliance *ith )$&$S$%$ 33%@20$ , et se.$


=!!?/5 R %S, there eEists a need for the pro'ision of professional le(al

ser'ices at the County of Morris8 and

/5 R %S, the 7ocal Public Contracts 7a* =)$&$S$%$ 30% @ , et se.$?re.uires that the resolution authori:in( the a*ard of contract for Qprofessionalser'icesQ *ithout competiti'e biddin( and the contract itself must be a'ailablefor public inspection8 and

/5 R %S, the estimated amount of the contracts to be a*arded shall be atthe rate of H 20$00 per hour8 and

)O/, T5 R #OR , " <T R SO7+ D by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of theCounty of Morris in the State of )e* &ersey as follo*s

l$ The %(reements bet*een the County of Morris and QSpecial CounselQ = ?"rian &$ %loia8 =2? &ohn M$ "arbarula8 =G? &oseph &$ "ell, &r$8 =3?

Thomas &$ "enedetti8 =!? 7aurie "o(aard8 = ? &ohn M$ "o*ens8 =>?d*ard &$ "u:a-8 =I? Domenic- Carma(nola8 = ? 7a*rence %$ Casha8 = 0?

%lbert $ Cru:8 = ? "la-e S$ Da'is8 = 2? Richard P$ Die(nan, &r$8= G? &oseph M$ Done(an8 = 3? Dou(las #$ Doyle8 = !? Michael &$ #aul8= ? Matthe* &$ ;iacobbe8 = >? Robert &$ ;reenbaum8 = I? )icholas %$;rieco8 = ? &ohn P$ <n(lesino8 =20? /illiam ;$ &ohnson8 =2 ? Marco7aracca8 =22? /alter ;$ 7u(er8 =2G? ;re(( S$ Malo'any8 =23? Ronald P$Mondello8 =2!? &ohn %$ )apolitano8 =2 ? Matthe* O’Donnell8 =2>? /ayne

Positan8 =2I? Mar- &$ Semeraro8 =2 ? Dou(las &$ Steinhardt8 =G0? &ohnTort8 =G ? Ste'en Trimboli8 =G2? #ran- &$ +itolo8 =GG? Robert "$/oodruff8 =G3? Christopher <$ /oods8 and =G!? %nthony &$ arillo,&r$, copies of *hich shall be on file in the Office of the County%dministrator and made a part hereof by reference, are hereby appro'edand shall be entered into by this "oard$

2$ The Director of the "oard of Chosen #reeholders is hereby authori:ed tosi(n and eEecute the contracts conditioned upon the contractorLs

compliance *ith the re.uirements set forth in para(raph !, belo*$

G$ The contracts are a*arded *ithout competiti'e biddin( as aQprofessional ser'iceQ under the pro'isions of the 7ocal PublicContracts 7a* because it is for ser'ices to be rendered by a person orpersons *hose practice is re(ulated by la*$

3$ %n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance *iththe la*$

!$ The contracts are a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process incompliance *ith )$&$S$%$ 33%@20$ , et se.$


=! ?

/5 R %S, there eEists a need for professional title insurance ser'ices toassist the County of Morris *ith purchases of interests in real property8 and


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015/5 R %S, the estimated maEimum amount of the contract to be a*arded is

H!,000$008 and

/5 R %S, the 7ocal Public Contracts 7a* =)$&$S$%$ 30% @ , et se.$?re.uires that the resolution authori:in( the a*ard of contract for professionalser'icesQ *ithout competiti'e biddin( and the contract itself must be a'ailablefor public inspection8

)O/ T5 R #OR , " <T R SO7+ D by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of theCounty of Morris in the State of )e* &ersey as follo*s

$ The contracts dated &anuary 2, 20 !, as proposed by C )TR%7 & RS 9T<T7 COMP%)9, <)C$, % )e* &ersey Corporation and T/O R<+ RS T<T7COMP%)9, 77C in their proposals dated &anuary 2, 20 !, copies of *hichare on file in the Office of the County %dministrator and made a parthereof by reference, are hereby appro'ed and shall be entered into bythis "oard$ 2$ The Director of the "oard of Chosen #reeholders is hereby authori:edto eEecute said contracts conditioned upon the contractorLs compliance*ith the re.uirements set forth in para(raph , belo*$ G$ The contracts are a*arded *ithout competiti'e biddin( as aQprofessional ser'iceQ under the pro'isions of the 7ocal PublicContract 7a* because it is for ser'ices to be rendered by a person orpersons *hose practice is re(ulated by la*$

3$ The Treasurer is hereby authori:ed to issue a Certificate of%'ailability of #unds char(in( Capital %ccount$

!$ )otice of this action shall be published in accordance *ith the la*$

$ The contracts are a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process incompliance *ith )$&$S$%$ 33%@20$ , et se.$


=!>? R SO7+ D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed as members of the Transportation"oard for the terms indicated to ser'e *ithout salary

Member Term Epiration date

Stephen %ntonelli To fill an uneEpired G yearterm of a 'acancy December G , 20 !

Mel'erne Coo-e Three =G? years December G , 20 >

Manuela Schuster Three =G? years December G , 20 >

&ohn Cesaro, E@officio One = ? year December G , 20 !



R SO7+ D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members to the +otin(%ccessibility %d'isory Committee for the County of Morris for a term of one yearto eEpire on December G , 20 !, *ithout salary

&ohn #oE;eor(e 5anley5elen OLConnor&ohn R$ SetteSheila ShufordCarmela Sli'ins-iThomas accone


=! ?

R SO7+ D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed members of the/or-force <n'estment "oard for MorrisKSusseEK/arren Counties for a term of three


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015=G? years to eEpire on December G , 20 >, *ithout salary

/illiam %ustinPaul "oudreauenneth d*ardsMary miliusCarl &ablons-i;us ModlaDianna MorrisonTom )u(entMarty TellesSusan u-os-i


= 0?

R SO7+ D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members of the 9outhSer'ices %d'isory Committee =9S%C? for a term of one year to eEpire on DecemberG , 20 !, *ithout salary

Maria %u(usto*ic: 7aurie "ec-er Theresa "els-e 7ila "ernstein Tina "ibbo Michele "orden &ennifer Carpinteri &ill Cerullo Diana Cirillo Cindy Cuenca Samantha Dene(ri Sandra ;o(erty Da'id 5a((erty &uli 5arpell@ lam

li:abeth &acobson Da'id &ohnson 1imberly &ohnson Da'id &ohnston Rose Marie 1ill Matthe* 1rau:e 1athleen 7eonard /illiam Q5an-Q 7yon, E@officio Dolores Mann Carolee Marano )e'ille )e*ton Susan O’Donnell Dere- Pi'-o Claudia Salomon &ames Saylor 7inda Seeley 7aura Siemonsma@"ertelli <n(rid +aca@"ullaro &eena <brahim /illiams 7inda /ol-


= ?

R SO7+ D that the County Treasurer pay the county officials and employeestheir salaries in e.ual installments bi@*ee-ly, eEcept as the sameis pro'ided other*ise by statute or resolution$


= 2?R SO7+ D that the salaries for the Officers and mployees of the County of

Morris for the year 20 ! shall remain the same as in pay period number 2 , the

last pay period for the year 20 3, unless an officer or employee re.uests theCounty Treasurer in *ritin( to pay a lesser rate in *hich case the lesser rateshall be paid$


= G?


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R SO7+ D that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed to payprincipal and interest of the county debt as the sum matures or accrues$


= 3?

R SO7+ D that the County Treasurer be and is hereby authori:ed to remit

funds for /or-ersL Compensation and ;eneral 7iability Self@<nsurance co'era(e for20 !$


= !?

R SO7+ D that the County Treasurer be and is hereby authori:ed to paymonthly premiums for ;roup <nsurance for employees as said premiums come due$


= ?

R SO7+ D that the County Treasurer is hereby authori:ed to pay rentals duefor property rented by the County as said amounts become due and are presentedfor payment$


= >?

R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed to paythe cost of posta(e for the mailin( of sample ballots as said sum becomes due$


= I?R SO7+ D, by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morris in the

State of )e* &ersey as follo*s

$ That the Director of the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County ofMorris is hereby authori:ed to si(n fiscal year 20 ! Sub(rant%(reements on behalf of the MorrisKSusseEK/arren Ser'ices Deli'ery %reato be funded under the /or-force <n'estment %ct of the /or- #irst )e*&ersey pro(ram$

2$ That this resolution *ill enable the abo'e named to si(n and eEecute<ndi'idual Sub(rant %(reements *ith 'ocational trainin( pro'iders,*ho a(ree to pro'ide classroom trainin( for mployment and Trainin( Ser'ice

participants$ The a(reements *ill stipulate the type of trainin(, paymentpro'isions and amounts of money the pro'iders *ill be paid for trainin( and


G$ That these a(reements do not obli(ate the mployment and Trainin(Ser'ices to utili:e the ser'ices of the trainin( pro'ider, not does itobli(ate the mployment and Trainin( Ser'ices to send any participants tothe trainin( pro'ider for trainin($ These a(reements do not obli(ate the

mployment and Trainin( Ser'ices to pay out any funds unless mployment andTrainin( Ser'ices participants are trained by the pro'ider, and then onlyunder the payment pro'isions as set forth in the a(reement$


= ?

R SO7+ D, by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morris in theState of )e* &ersey as follo*s

$ That the Director of the MorrisKSusseEK/arren /or-force <n'estment"oard and the Director of the Pro(ram Operations of the mployment andTrainin( Ser'ices, are hereby authori:ed to appro'e for fiscal year20 ! <ndi'idual Trainin( ;rants, funded under the /or-force <n'estment%ct or the /or- #orce )e* &ersey pro(ram, and as ne(otiated as part of

the Sub(rant %(reements, on behalf of the MorrisKSusseEK/arrenCounty Ser'ice Deli'ery %rea, *hich Sub(rant %(reements *ill ha'e beenpre'iously appro'ed and eEecuted by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders$


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 20152$ That this resolution *ill enable the abo'e named to si(n and eEecute<ndi'idual Trainin( ;rants for each participant and obli(ate funds forthe specific participant and 'ocational trainin( pro'ider, consistent*ith the Sub(rant %(reement bet*een the trainin( pro'ider and theser'ice pro'ider, Sub(rant %(reement number, participant name, type offundin(, enrollment period and amount of money the pro'ider *ill bepaid for trainin( the specified participant$ G$ That each <ndi'idual Trainin( ;rant *ill be sub ect to the issuance ofany appropriate Certificate of %'ailability of #unds by the Directorof #inance and County Treasurer, and further, to the futurea'ailability of funds$

3$ These a(reements do not obli(ate the mployment and Trainin( Ser'icesto pay out any funds unless mployment and Trainin( Ser'icesparticipants are trained as specified by the <ndi'idual Trainin( ;rantand then only under the payment pro'isions as set forth in the 'endorspecific Sub(rant %(reement$



R SO7+ D, by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morris in theState of )e* &ersey as follo*s

$ That the Director of the MorrisKSusseEK/arren /or-force <n'estment"oard and the Director of Pro(ram Operations of the mployment andTrainin( Ser'ices, are hereby authori:ed to ne(otiate and si(n fiscalyear 20 ! On@the@&ob Trainin( contracts funded under the /or-force<n'estment %ct or the /or- #orce )e* &ersey pro(ram, and as ne(otiated

as part of the Sub(rant %(reements, on behalf of theMorrisKSusseE K/arren County Ser'ice Deli'ery %rea, *hich Sub(rant%(reements *ill ha'e been pre'iously appro'ed and eEecuted by the "oard ofChosen #reeholders$

2$ That this resolution *ill enable the abo'e named to si(n and eEecuteOn@the@&ob Trainin( contracts for each participant and obli(ate fundsfor the specific participant and 'ocational trainin( pro'ider,consistent *ith the Sub(rant %(reement bet*een the trainin( pro'iderand the ser'ice pro'ider, Sub(rant %(reement number, participant name,type of fundin(, enrollment period and amount of money the pro'ider*ill be paid for trainin( the specified participant$

G$ That each On@the@&ob Trainin( contract *ill be sub ect to the issuanceof any appropriate Certificate of %'ailability of #unds by theDirector of #inance and County Treasurer, and further, to the futurea'ailability of funds$

3$ These a(reements do not obli(ate the mployment and Trainin( Ser'icesto pay out any funds unless mployment and Trainin( Ser'icesparticipants are trained as specified by the On@the@&ob Trainin(contract and then only under the payment pro'isions as set forth inthe 'endor specific Sub(rant %(reement$


=> ?

R SO7+ D by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morris in theState of )e* &ersey as follo*s

? That the Department of 5uman Ser'ices, Di'ision of Temporary%ssistance, Offices of Temporary %ssistance Pro(ram Ser'ices, ishereby authori:ed to issue chec-s co'erin( emer(ency situations fromthe %dministration %ccount for the period &anuary , 20 ! throu(hDecember G , 20 !$

2? That the Department of 5uman Ser'ices, Di'ision of Temporary%ssistance, Offices of Temporary %ssistance Pro(ram Ser'ices is herebyauthori:ed to issue chec-s dra*n on the Miscellaneous Re'ol'in( #und%ccount for the period &anuary , 20 ! thou(h December G , 20 !$




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R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed to

ad'ance to the County Counsel, from time to time, the sum of H ,000$00 or suchpart thereof as may be re.uired for Petty Cash disbursements, said sum to bereturned to the County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$


=>G? R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed to

ad'ance to the County Sheriff, from time to time, the sum of H!00$00 or such partthereof as may be re.uired for Petty Cash disbursements, said sum to be returnedto the County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$



R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to the Superintendent of lections, from time to time, the sum of H!0$00or such part thereof as may be re.uired for petty cash disbursements,said sum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$



R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to the 7ibrary, from time to time, the sum of H ,000$00 or such partthereof as may be re.uired by the County 7ibrary, for petty cash disbursements,said sum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$


=> ?

R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to the Morris County "ureau of Corrections, from time to time, the sum ofH ,!00$00 or such part thereof as may be re.uired for petty cash disbursements,said sum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$



R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed to

ad'ance to the County Cler-, from time to time, the sum of H!00$00 or such partthereof as may be re.uired by the County Cler- for petty cash disbursements, saidsum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$



R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to Morris +ie* 5ealthcare Center, from time to time, the sum of H!00$00or such part thereof as may be re.uired by the Director of the Department ofSenior, Disability and +eterans Ser'ices, for petty cash disbursements, said sumto be returned to the County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$


=> ?

R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, from time to time, the sum ofH ,000$00 or such part thereof as may be re.uired for petty cash disbursements,said sum to be returned to the Morris County Treasurer on or before December G ,20 !$



R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed to


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 2015ad'ance to the Surro(ate, from time to time, the sum of H 00$00 or such partthereof as may be re.uired for petty cash disbursements, said sum to be returnedto the Morris County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$

@@=I ?

R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to the Director of 5uman Ser'ices, from time to time, the sum of H300$00or such part thereof as may be re.uired by the Director, for petty cashdisbursements, said sum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or beforeDecember G , 20 !$



R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to the Department of MKSK/ mployment and Trainin( Ser'ices, from time totime, the sum of H ,000$00 or such part thereof as may be re.uired by theDepartment of MKSK/ mployment and Trainin( Ser'ices, for petty cashdisbursements, said sum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or beforeDecember G , 20 !$



R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to the Morris County Di'ision of Mos.uito Control from time to time, thesum of H300$00 or such part thereof as may be re.uired by the Morris CountyDi'ision of Mos.uito Control, for petty cash disbursements, said sum to bereturned to the County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$



R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to the Morris County Motor Ser'ice Center, from time to time, the sum ofH!00$00 or such part thereof as may be re.uired by the Morris County MotorSer'ice Center for 'ehicle titles and inspection station, said sum to be returnedto the County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$



R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to the Di'ision of /ei(hts and Measures, from time to time, the sum ofH200$00 or such part thereof as may be re.uired by the Di'ision of /ei(hts andMeasures for petty cash disbursements, said sum to be returned to the CountyTreasurer on or before December G , 20 !$


=I ?

R SO7+ D, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori:ed toad'ance to himself, as County Treasurer, from time to time, the sum of H2!,000$00or such part thereof as may be re.uired for payment to the Postmaster for posta(e

in connection *ith the operation of the stamp meter machine, said sum to bereturned to the County Treasurer on or before December G , 20 !$



R SO7+ D that all ordinance=s? introduced durin( the calendar year 20 ! bepublished by the Cler- in summary form in the local ne*spaper to(ether *ith thenotice of public hearin( and consideration of final passa(e of said ordinance=s?and that the Cler- be authori:ed to publish all ordinance=s? that are adopteddurin( the calendar year 20 ! in summary form and notification of their passa(ein the local ne*spaper in accordance *ith the la*$



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R SO7+ D that the Cash Mana(ement Plan of the County of Morris includin(desi(nation of depositories be and is hereby appro'ed and shall be in effect from&anuary , 20 ! to December G , 20 !$

@@=I ?

/5 R %S, 30% 3@ 7ocal "ud(et %ct pro'ides that *here any contracts,commitments or payments are to be made prior to the final adoption of the 20 !"ud(et temporary appropriations be made for the purpose and amounts re.uired inthe manner and time therein pro'ided8 and

/5 R %S, the date of this resolution is *ithin the first thirty days of20 !8 and

/5 R %S, the total appropriation in the 20 3 "ud(et, less appropriationsmade of Capital <mpro'ement #und, Debt Ser'ice and Relief of the Poor =Public%ssistance? are as follo*s ;eneral @ H2> , 3 ,00>$IG8 and

/5 R %S, t*enty siE and t*enty fi'e hundredths of one percent of the totalappropriations in the 20 3 "ud(et less appropriations for Capital <mpro'ement#und, Debt Ser'ice and Relief of the Poor =Public %ssistance? in the said 20 3"ud(et is as follo*s;eneral @ H>2, $!>>$0 8 no* therefore,

" <T R SO7+ D, by the "oard of Chosen #reeholders of the County of Morrisin the State of )e* &ersey that the follo*in( temporary appropriations be madeand that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Chief#inancial Officer for his records

" <T #URT5 R R SO7+ D, that the fore(oin( appropriations shall be insertedin the annual bud(et for the year 20 ! as re.uired by la*$

County of Morris

20 ! Temporary "ud(et 20 ! Temporary%ccount ;eneral ;o'ernment #unctions "ud(et

20@ 00 00@000 County %dministrator’s Office20@ 00 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 2IG,33 $0020@ 00 00@020 Other Epenses 22, >0$00

20@ 0!000@000 mployee Resources20@ 0!000@0 0 Salaries J /a(es !,I3 $00

20@ 0!000@020 Other Epenses I,333$00

20@ 0! 00@000 Personnel

20@ 0! 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es !,I3 $0020@ 0! 00@020 Other Epenses 3, $0020@ 0! !@000 Medical Ser'ices20@ 0! !@020 Other Epenses IG,3IG$00

20@ 0 00@000 "oard of Chosen #reeholders20@ 0 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 3,0 $0020@ 0 00@020 Other Epenses G ,G 2$0020@ 0 0!@000 Cler- of the "oard20@ 0 0!@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 3I,G0 $0020@ 0 0!@020 Other Epenses I,2II$00

20@ 20 00@000 County Cler-20@ 20 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 3 3, >I$0020@ 20 00@020 Other Epenses !I,2!0$0020@ 2 000@000 lections20@ 2 000@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 2 3,! $0020@ 2 000@020 Other Epenses 3I>, $0020@ 2 00@000 "oard of lections20@ 2 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es ! ,G I$0020@ 2 00@020 Other Epenses 203,I00$0020@ 2 0!@000 Superintendent of lections20@ 2 0!@0 0 Salaries J /a(es >3, 2G$00

20@ 2 0!@020 Other Epenses ,333$0020@ 2 0@000 County lections =County Cler-?


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 201520@ 2 0@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 0,220$0020@ 2 0@020 Other Epenses 2,I>!$00

20@ G0000@000 Department of #inance20@ G0000@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 32 ,!32$0020@ G0000@020 Other Epenses 20, $0020@ G0 00@000 Treasurer’s office20@ G0 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es G02,20 $0020@ G0 00@020 Other Epenses 3 ,3 3$0020@ G0 0!@000 Purchasin(20@ G0 0!@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 0 , !!$0020@ G0 0!@020 Other Epenses 20,3 0$0020@ G0 0@000 Office Ser'ices20@ G0 0@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 2G, >I$0020@ G0 00@020 Other Epenses !0,G2!$00

20@ 30000@000 <nformation Technolo(y20@ 30000@0 0 Salaries J /a(es > G,2IG$0020@ 30000@020 Other Epenses 2I , !2$00

20@ !0 00@000 "oard of TaEation20@ !0 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 3!,I!!$0020@ !0 00@020 Other Epenses 2,>3I$00

20@ !! 00@000 County Counsel20@ !! 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es >>,0 >$0020@ !! 00@020 Other Epenses 3 ,2!0$00

20@ 0 00@000 County Surro(ate20@ 0 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 20 ,I!G$0020@ 0 00@020 Other Epenses !,>!0$00

20@ ! 00@000 n(ineerin(20@ ! 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es G I,0!G$0020@ ! 00@020 Other Epenses >,I G$00

20@ I0000@000 Plannin( J De'elopment20@ I0000@0 0 Salaries J /a(es G2>,033$0020@ I0000@020 Other Epenses 2 ,GGG$00 20@ >! 00@000 5erita(e Commission =R$S$ 30$GG %@ ?20@ >! 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es !,G I$0020@ >! 00@020 Other Epenses ,>IG$00

Total ;eneral ;o'ernment !,0!3,> 0$00

Code nforcement J %dministration

22@20 00@000 /ei(hts J Measures22@20 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es ,3 G$0022@20 00@020 Other Epenses I ,000$00

Total Code nforcement J %dministration 2>>,3 G$00


2G@220 00@020 ;roup <nsurance Plan for mployees HI,!0>,!00$002G@22 00@020 5ealth "enefit /ai'er I>,!00$00

Total <nsurance I,! !,000$00

Public Safety #unctions

2!@2!2 00@000 mer(ency Mana(ement2!@2!2 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es ,G >,>3>$002!@2!2 00@020 Other Epenses G 2, 3 $002!@2!2 00@000 mer(ency Mana(ement2!@2!2 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 3 ,0 0$002!@2!2 00@020 Other Epenses !I,023$002!@2!2 0!@000 Communications Center2!@2!2 0!@0 0 Salaries J /a(es ,23I,>G>$002!@2!2 0!@020 Other Epenses GG3, >$00

2!@2!3 00@000 Medical Eaminer2!@2!3 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es 200,G !$00


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 2, 20152!@2!3 00@020 Other Epenses G!,> G$00

2!@2>0 00@000 Sheriff’s Office2!@2>0 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es G,00 ,I2 $002!@2>0 00@020 Other Epenses !>, 0I$00

2!@2>! 00@000 Prosecutor’s Office2!@2>! 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es G,30!, I>$002!@2>! 00@020 Other Epenses >>,3G!$00

2!@2I0 00@000 &ail2!@2I0 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es 3,! 0, 3G$002!@2I0 00@020 Other Epenses ! !,0 G$00

2!@2I 00@000 9outh Center2!@2I 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es !3 ,II>$002!@2I 00@020 Other Epenses !3,2 2$00

Total Public Safety #unctions 3,3! , 02$00

Public /or-s #unctions

2 @2 0000@000 Road Repairs2 @2 0000@0 0 Salaries and /a(es ,2G!, 2$002 @2 0000@020 Other Epenses ,G , 0 $00

2 @2 2 00@000 "rid(es and Cul'erts2 @2 2 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es !33, !$002 @2 2 00@020 Other Epenses G>,000$00

2 @G00 00@000 Shade Tree Commission2 @G00 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es 2I0,> 0$002 @G00 00@020 Other Epenses I,>I0$00

2 @G 0 00@000 "uildin( J ;rounds

2 @G 0 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es , GG,20G$0026-310100-020 Other Epenses !!,!!!$00

2 @G ! 00@000 Motor Ser'ice Center2 @G ! 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es 2I, G$002 @G ! 00@020 Other Epenses G 3,!00$00

Mos.uito Control2 @G20 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es G20,220$00

Other Epenses !3,>0I$00

Total Public /or-s #unctions I,!> ,I02$00

5ealth and 5uman Ser'ices #unctions

2>@GG 000@000 Dept$ of 5uman Ser'ices Plannin(2>@GG 000@0 0 Salaries and /a(es !20,>3!$002>@GG 000@020 Other Epenses I ,0>0$002>@GG 00@000 5uman Ser'ices2>@GG 0@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 2,3G>$002>@GG 0@020 Other Epenses , G0$002>@GG 0@000 9outh Shelter2>@GG 0@0 0 Salaries J /a(es G!I,G0I$002>@GG 0@020 Other Epenses , 30$00

2>@GG0 00@000 5ealth Mana(ement2>@GG0 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es !,!3!$002>@GG0 00@020 Other Epenses !3,II $00

2>@GGG 00@000 Office on %(in(2>@GGG 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es 23>,2!>$002>@GGG 00@020 Other Epenses G!,!00$00

2>@G32000@020 ;rant in %id %ccounts >00,000$00 2>@G3G 00@020 Seniors, +eterans and Disabled

Salaries and /a(es G0,0I>$002>@G3G 00@020 Other Epenses >,033$00

2>@G3! 00@000 County Office of Temporary %ssistance

2>@G3! 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 2,0 , > $00Other Epenses ,2 !,I I$00


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2>@G!0 00@000 Morris +ie* )ursin( 5ome2>@G!0000@0 0 Salaries J /a(es G,!!0,000$002>@G!0 00@020 Other Epenses G,>00,000$002>@G!0 00@000 M+ %dministration2>@G!0 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es G,!!0,000$002>@G!0 00@020 Other Epenses 32!,000$002>@G!0 0@000 M+ "uildin( Ser'ices2>@G!0 0@0 0 Salaries J /a(es2>@G!0 0@020 Other Epenses ,2 0,000$002>@2!0 !@000 M+ Dietary2>@G!0 !@0 0 Salaries J /a(es2>@G!0 !@020 Other Epenses 00,000$002>@G!0 2!@000 M+ 7aundry2>@G!0 2!@0 0 Salaries J /a(es2>@G!0 2!@020 Other Epenses G00,000$002>@G!0 G0@000 M+ )ursin(2>@G!0 G0@0 0 Salaries J /a(es2>@G!0 G0@020 Other Epenses G30,000$002>@G!0 G!@000 M+ Recreation J +olunteer S'cs$2>@G!0 G!@0 0 Salaries J /a(es2>@G!0 G!@020 Other Epenses 3!,000$002>@G!0 30@000 M+ Rehabilitation2>@G!0 30@0 0 Salaries J /a(es2>@G!0 30@020 Other Epenses 3I0,000$00

2>@G!3 00@000 T%)#2>@G!3 0!@000 7ocal Share 33,000$00

2>@G!! 00@020 %ssistance for Supplementary Security <ncome 22, 0>$00 Recipients

2>@G!> 00@000 County %d uster2>@G!> 00@0 0 Salaries and /a(es 3!, > $002>@G!> 00@020 Other Epenses 2,0 !$00

Total 5ealth J 5uman S'cs$ #unctions 2,>3 ,!3 $00

Par- and Recreation #unctions

2I@G>0 00@020 Par- Commission >,000,000$00

Total Par- and Recreation #unctions >,000,000$00

ducation #unctions 2 @G 0 00@000 County 7ibrary Ser'ices

2 @G 0 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es >!I,I33$002 @G 0 00@020 Other Epenses 2 ,>2 $00

2 @G 2 00@000 Office of County Supt$ Of Schools2 @G 2 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 32,! 2$002 @G 2 00@020 Other Epenses G,2GI$00

2 @G ! 00@020 County Colle(e 2, 00,000$00

2 @G 00@000 County Etension Ser'ice2 @G 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es II,002$002 @G 00@020 Other Epenses 3, G$00

2 @G > 00@020 Reimb for Residents %ttendin(Out of County Colle(es 22,!00$00

2 @300 00@020 +ocational School G, 00,000$00

2 @30> 00@000 Public Safety Trainin( %cademy2 @30> 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es I , G $002 @30> 00@020 Other Epenses 33, !!$00

Total ducation #unctions >,3G , 3 $00

Utility Epenses and "ul- Purchases

G @3G0 00@020 Utilities ,3 ,2!0$00 Total Unclassified ,3 ,2!0$00


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G!@3>0 00@020 Contin(ency >,!00$00

Total Contin(ent >,!00$00

Statutory EpendituresG @3>2 00@000 Social Security System ,>00,000$00G @3>> 00@020 Pension #und F Detecti'es 0,000$00G @3>G 00@020 DCRP 0,000$00

Total Statutory Ependitures ,>20,000$00

Public and Pri'ate Pro(rams Offset by Re'enue

#ederal and State ;rants Department of 5ealth and Senior Ser'ices3 @> 00@000 Title <<< )utrition Pro(ram3 @> 00@0 0 Salaries J /a(es 302, !$003 @> 00@020 Other Epenses >3G,> 0$00

3 @> 00@020 %rea Plan ;rant 2!0,000$00

3 @>! 000@020 %7P) 2!0,000$00

3 @>I 000@020 M%PS F County Share G00$000$00 Total Public and Pri'ate Pro(rams offset by Re'enue , 3 ,>0!$00

Capital <mpro'ements33@ ! 00@020 Capital <mpro'ement #und !> ,2!0$00

Total Capital <mpro'ements !> ,2!0$00

County Debt Ser'ice

3!@ 20000@000 Payment of "ond Principal3!@ 20 00@020 County "onds !,I3 ,000$003!@ 20 0!@020 Par- "onds ! ,000$003!@ 20 0@020 County Colle(e "onds ,!0 ,000$003!@ 30 20@020 7ease "ond 3 !,000$00

3!@ G0000@000 <nterest on "onds3!@ G0 00@020 County "onds ,2I0$!I2$IG3!@ G0 0!@020 Par- "onds >3,0II$>!3!@ G0 0@020 County Colle(e "onds 23>, ! $G23!@ 30 2!@020 7ease "ond G 2, 2 $II

3!@ 30 00@020 ;reen %cres 7oan Payments ,3!!$

State of )& D P 7oan Payments !0, I3 $00

Total County Debt Ser'ice 20,G !,>3 $!>

TOT%7 ; ) R%7 %PPROPR<%T<O)S HII,20G,> I$!>

Total Salaries H2I, I,> $00

Total %ccountable a(ainst "ud(et 7imit H >,G ,I0>$00


On motion from #reeholder Cabana, seconded by #reeholder ScapicchioResolutions @I *ere unanimously appro'ed$

9 S #reeholders Cabana, Cesaro, 1ric-us, 7yon, Mastran(elo, Scapicchio, and Director De#illippo =>?

On motion by #reeholder Cesaro and seconded by #reeholder 7yon the meetin(*as ad ourned at > I p$m$

The Director in'ited all of the (uests to a reception prepared by %ramar-

and SodeEo in the %trium immediately follo*in( this meetin($


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Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M$ 1etchumCler- of the "oard



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