feudalism and the manor economy

Feudalism and the Manor Economy

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Feudalism and the Manor Economy. Quiz. The time period from 500-1500 AD is referred to as what? The leader of Frank forces who battled Muslims at Tours was whom? Who were the nomadic warriors who settled in present day Hungary? The expert sailors from Scandinavia were called….? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Feudalism and the Manor Economy

Feudalism and the Manor Economy

Page 2: Feudalism and the Manor Economy


1. The time period from 500-1500 AD is referred to as what?

2. The leader of Frank forces who battled Muslims at Tours was whom?

3. Who were the nomadic warriors who settled in present day Hungary?

4. The expert sailors from Scandinavia were called….?

5. Under the direction of Charlemagne and the church these people, “administered laws fully and justly in the case of the holy church.”

Page 3: Feudalism and the Manor Economy
Page 4: Feudalism and the Manor Economy


The invasions of the Vikings, Muslims, and Magyars weakened emperors ability to maintain law and order

Result? Feudalism▪ Loosely organized system of rule in which

powerful local lords divided their landholdings among lesser lords▪ Lesser lords (vassals), pledged service and loyalty to

the greater lord

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Mutual Obligations

Feudal contract Lord granted his

vassal a fief (estate / land)▪ Peasants to work the

land were included

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Lord promised to protect his vassal Vassal pledged loyalty to his lord

40 days of military service pledged

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Structured Society

Monarch Powerful Lords

(Dukes and Counts) – Largest fiefs▪ Vassals▪ Vassals had vassals

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Knights – Mounted warriors

Age of 7 Boy was slated to

be a Knight Difficult training Structured


Page 9: Feudalism and the Manor Economy

Arming a Knight
