fetp updates - tephinet · 2019-09-30 · fetp updates 6 certificate was given to the cafetp...

FETP Updates October-December 2018 TEPHINET requests updates from its member programs for inclusion in each issue of TEPHINews, our quarterly newsletter. This update has been compiled using text provided by the contributing field epidemiology training programs. Editing has been limited to minimal corrections where necessary. The information in each program’s section is the responsibility of the program.

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Page 1: FETP Updates - TEPHINET · 2019-09-30 · FETP Updates 6 certificate was given to the CAFETP delegation. It is a recognition certificate for demonstrating excellence in field epidemiology

FETP Updates

October-December 2018

TEPHINET requests updates from its member programs for

inclusion in each issue of TEPHINews, our quarterly newsletter.

This update has been compiled using text provided by the

contributing field epidemiology training programs. Editing has

been limited to minimal corrections where necessary. The

information in each program’s section is the responsibility of the


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FETP Updates



BRAZIL FIELD EPIDEMIOLOGY TRAINING PROGRAM ............................................................... 3

CAMEROON FIELD EPIDEMIOLOGY TRAINING PROGRAM ...................................................... 5

CHINA FIELD EPIDEMIOLOGY TRAINING PROGRAM ................................................................ 8

EGYPT FIELD EPIDEMIOLOGY TRAINING PROGRAM ................................................................ 9

MALAYSIA EPIDEMIC INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM ...................................................................... 12

PHILIPPINES FIELD EPIDEMIOLOGY TRAINING PROGRAM ..................................................... 14

SOUTH AFRICA FIELD EPIDEMIOLOGY TRAINING PROGRAM ............................................... 17

YEMEN FIELD EPIDEMIOLOGY TRAINING PROGRAM ............................................................. 20

ZAMBIA FIELD EPIDEMIOLOGY TRAINING PROGRAM ............................................................ 23

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FETP Updates


BRAZIL FIELD EPIDEMIOLOGY TRAINING PROGRAM Frontline level (EpiSUS-Fundamental): In the current phase, where the case study address syphilis instead of Zika and arboviruses, we aimed to offer 32 cohorts, from June 2018 to April 2019. In the period from October to December, 10 cohorts were concluded and 6 are being developed. These cohorts included professionals from all 5 regions of the country (South, Southeast, Midwest, Northeast and North), 14 states and the Federal District (one state had two cohorts) and 84 municipalities. According to data available at this moment (we are waiting for actualization in database from 4 states), we had 147 graduates, with completion percentage of 86%. Another 116 professionals are currently in training. In addition to the offer and development of training by the Ministry of Health, three states (Ceará, Goiás and Minas Gerais) initiated state training offers, in a decentralized model.

Advanced level (EpiSUS-Avançado): During October to December 2018, the FETP-Brazil (EpiSUS-Advanced) contributed in four investigations:

1) During the measles outbreak in Amazonas State, EpiSUS classified the cases and analyzed data to monitor this emergency

2) In measles outbreak in Pará State, the active search and investigation of the suspected cases were performed and analyze of data was done

3) The diarrhea outbreak among indigenous in Minas Gerais State demonstrated the importance to implement surveillance in this areas and the necessity to improve the quality of water for consumption

4) Exanthematic disease in Pernambuco State was realized to identify the pathogen and to implement measures of control and prevention.

During this period, the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Brazil Field Epidemiology Training Program – EpiSUS was realized. The trainees presented their outbreak investigations, evaluation of surveillance system and researches. The participation of Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay, Guinea-Bissau and Angola occurred in a round table and made possible the exchange of experiences among trainees of different countries.

For the first time we had the participation of the graduated of the Frontline (EpiSUS-Fundamental) presenting their papers and representing 6 states and the Federal District.

At the final of this meeting we celebrate the graduation of three health professionals who made up the 13 cohort. The abstracts was available at: http://portalarquivos2.saude.gov.br/images/pdf/2018/novembro/21/caderno-resumos-episus-20nov18-web.pdf

Among publications, EpiSUS published a guide for outbreak investigations based in 10 steps of the investigation (available at: http://portalarquivos2.saude.gov.br/images/pdf/2018/novembro/21/guia-investigacao-surtos-epidemias-web.pdf). Other publications involved:

1) Epidemiological profile of cases notified of immunization errors, Brazil, 2016: http://portalarquivos2.saude.gov.br/images/pdf/2018/novembro/21/2018-028.pdf

2) Reported cases of poisoning related to glyphosate in the Brazil, from 2007 to 2016: http://portalarquivos2.saude.gov.br/images/pdf/2018/dezembro/04/BE-2018-31-Glifosato.pdf

3) Epidemiological situation and strategies for prevention, control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases in the Brazil, 1995 to 2016: http://portalarquivos2.saude.gov.br/images/pdf/2018/novembro/19/2018-032.pdf

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4) Epidemiological situation of infection by the Zika virus in Brazil, from 2015 to 2017: http://portalarquivos2.saude.gov.br/images/pdf/2018/novembro/12/2018-034.pdf

5) Leptospirosis: Epidemiological situation of Brazil from 2007 to 2016: http://portalarquivos2.saude.gov.br/images/pdf/2018/outubro/25/2018-033-Leptospirose-situa----o-epidemiol--gica-do-Brasil-no-per--odo-de-2007-a-2016-publica--ao.pdf

Another conferences and events that EpiSUS-Advanced presented papers involved: 1) XI Seminar on Surveillance and Control of Rabies organized by Pasteur Institute in São Paulo State, 2) 4th Brazilian Symposium of toxoplasmosis in Brasília 3) Course on Leptospirosis Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation and 4) 7th Scientific Conference of African Field Epidemiology Network in Mozambique.

Finally, a new cohort was initiated in December 2018 composed by eight health professionals including two from Guinea-Bissau, a partnership between Brazil and Guinea-Bissau government.

Graduates and trainees of EpiSUS-Advanced in the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Brazil Field Epidemiology Training Program

Award for the best oral presentation of FETP-Frontline: Epidemiological profile, diagnosis and treatment of mothers and pregnant women in cases of congenital syphilis - Breves, Pará State, 2013 to 2017

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FETP Updates



CAFETP: Advanced Program

MoH/CAFETP organized the handover ceremony of cohort 5 chaired by Ministry of Health on October 15th, 2018. The graduated residents (9 CMR, 2 Chad) received their CDC certificates in the presence of the CDC country director and other MoH partners (WHO, USAID). During this ceremony the Ministry of Health also thanked the CAFETP resident advisor who was leaving the program. She was warmly congratulated for all the achievements made in collaboration with the MoH since 2011.

Photo of the ceremony of delivery of the CDC certificates, October 15, 2018

CAFETP/DLMEP launched the 1st year of theoretical training for cohort 7 on October 1, 2018. The 16 residents come from Cameroon (12), CAR (2) and Chad (2). Theoretical training courses were provided by MoH, CDC, University of Buea and other experts in epidemiology and public health. They started their internship in various departments and programs of MoH involved in surveillance.

The 16 residents of cohort 7 with Program Director and Resident Advisor on October 1, 2018


Two FETP graduates presented at the 67th international conference of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), October 28th - November 1, 2018 which took place in New Orleans, Louisiana USA. One of the graduate co-chaired the “West Nile and other viruses" scientific session. CAFETP participated in the 7th AFENET Scientific Conference, to be held from November 12th to 16th, 2018 in Maputo, Mozambique. Out of 6 abstracts accepted for this conference, 3 were presented by graduates from the advanced program. CAFETP won the 1st and the 2nd price (1 CMR and 1CAR) for oral presentations. TEPHINET accreditation

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FETP Updates


certificate was given to the CAFETP delegation. It is a recognition certificate for demonstrating excellence in field epidemiology training and achieving accreditation in the second cycle of TEPHINET FETP Accreditation.

FETP graduates receiving their prices for oral presentation at the AFENET 2018 conference

CAFETP staff and alumni representative accompanied by AFENET Director and Board Chair showcasing CAFETP accreditation certificate by TEPHINET and prices for best oral presentation at the AFENET 2018 conference

Connections CAFETP made connections with staff from the Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases. They discussed about implementing an Enteric Disease Platform in Central Africa. CAFTEP/DLMEP met the FETP Team Leader from CDC Atlanta on December 5th, 2018. Point of discussions were both FTEP advanced and Frontline updates, building capacities in scientific writing and CAFETP funding and program sustainability. Public health interventions FETP from cohort 4 and cohort 5 and cohort 6 residents joined the coordinating team in the Northern Regions of Cameroon, to support regional teams in response to the cholera outbreak since July 2018. Cohort 4 and 5 residents received their graduation certificate at Buea University on December 15th, 2018. While cohort 6 residents were involved in various activities: the Outbreak Response Assessment interventions for Accute Flaccid Paralysis conducted through the Expanded Program of Immunization in the center and the north region from November 12 to 16, 2018 and the training in the rapid response teams in the South of Cameroon in October 2018 and the investigation of an Hepatitis E outbreak in CAR and an ongoing investigation on measles in CHAD.

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FETP Updates


CAFETP: Frontline FETP A total of 465 disease surveillance staff from MoH and Ministries of Livestocks (MINEPIA), Defense (MINDEF), Prison Department (MINJUSTICE) and Police (DGSN) from the Regional and District levels have been certified in Frontline Field Epidemiology. 91 disease surveillance staff currently undergoing training as of date. Regional Technical Supervisors as well as Mentors of the FETP Frontline were briefed on the new supervision approach which lies within the framework of transferring competencies for the field supervision to the regional level under the coordination and with technical support from the central level. 12 Frontline FETP laureates from the Littoral region designated as Regional Technical Supervisors (RTS). These Frontline FETP graduates were briefed on their new role as field supervisors by the Regional Coordinator for the CERPLE to be engaged in the supervision of cohort 5 trainees; under the mentorship of Central level supervisors. CAFTEP staff organizes an ongoing workshop whose aim is to review training materials in both French and English.

Graduation of first cohort of frontline FETP in the Far-North Region of Cameroon, November 2018

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FETP Updates



Three-tiered training model: Residents’ training update

33 residents with the two-year program CFETP 16th cohort finished 20 months’ field work at different training bases and came back to CFETP home office at the end of December for graduation oral presentation. Most of them will be granted with field epidemiology certificate from China CDC in January, which depends on their competencies in outbreak investigation, surveillance data analysis and planned study. CFETP 17th cohort 25 residents are still working at field since May of 2018. From 24 of CFETP training base’s work report at different level CDCs, all the current residents have done 340 activities, including 153 emergency health issues investigation, 84 planned studies, and 103 surveillance data analysis.

The 9-month program Western region FETP (WFETP) 3rd cohort had finished in November. 38 of 39 residents from China western areas had graduated with a high-quality field work report.

The newly started program Frontline FETP in China had been launched and implemented in 4 provincial level CDCs (Tibet, Gansu, Hainan, Fengtai district of Beijing) after the mentor training workshop in June. Total 68 trainees from 4 pilots had graduated with national level CDC program and mentors support.

Q4 conference update

23 residents and 4 mentors of CFETP attended the TEPHINET conference in Laos November 5th -9th, 2018. 19 oral presentations and 6 posters from China was selected and presented. The topics covered food-borne, water-borne, zoonotic disease, vaccine preventable disease, sexually transmitted disease, infectious and chronic disease.

Get started with FETP TB track and NCD track training. The EID annual conference was held jointly by China CDC and US CDC from Dec 11th -12nd. CFETP director Dr. Ma Huilai introduced the TB track and NCD track idea which got high support from US CDC TB and NCD department. In 2019, resident recruitment, curriculum design, mentor training and relevant activities will be held by CFETP.

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For the advanced level (FETP): We are working with FETP cohort #20 (22 residents who are in their 1st year of training) and we are preparing for graduation of FETP cohort #19 (21residents) as well as recruitment of new cohort.

For the basic level (PHEP-BFE): We are now preparing for recruitment of new cohort based on the recommendations and lessons learnt from the previous cohorts.

As for FETP cohort #19:

Residents of cohort #19 conducted 21 planned epidemiologic studies covering several public health fields, e.g., epidemiological and economic pattern of antimicrobial consumption, vaccination, Participatory epidemiology, HIV Test-Treat & retain cascade, antimicrobial resistance, Influenza vaccination beliefs and practice among healthcare workers, etc. Residents mastered all aspects of a research study starting from framing a research question, writing a protocol, preparing data collection tool, collecting and analyzing data, then writing a manuscript for publication.

A 3-days peer-review seminar was conducted from 4th to 6th November 2018 at Triumph Hotel - Cairo. Leaders, epidemiologists, researchers and biostatisticians from the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP), World Health Organization (WHO), Ain Shams University were invited to discuss with residents their study methods, results, and recommendations in individual open discussion sessions. Mentors also attended the seminar sessions to help residents in defending their study projects. These discussions helped residents to refine and finalize their manuscripts which were further submitted to the program as their graduation projects.

Residents of cohort #19 also took their final exam that covered all the studied epidemiologic topics throughout the 2-years training. The exam was divided into two parts: Part I included 100 multiple choice questions, and Part II included 16 short assay and problem-solving questions.

On the same time, the residents’ portfolios were reviewed by the FETP director and the general manager of Epidemiology and Surveillance Department (DES) – MOHP to ensure that they submitted the required deliverables and fulfilled all graduation requirements.

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FETP Updates


As for FETP cohort #20:

Module 5: Research Methodology

A 5-day training course was held in Cairo during the period 25th - 29th of November, 2018 in which 20 residents of cohort # 20 were attending. The aim of this module is to provide residents with the knowledge and skill to undertake the design of a health-related research project by introducing them to the basic concepts of research and its methodologies, identify appropriate research topics, select and define appropriate research problem and prepare a project concept paper.

As for PHEP-BFE:

Lessons Learnt Workshop:

A 3-day workshop was held in Cairo during the period of 18th to 20th of December, 2018 in coordination with EMPHNET to evaluate the implementation of front line program (PHEP-BFE). The aim of this workshop is to identify the gabs and find opportunities for future improvement. The workshop is honored by leaders from ministry of health and population, representatives from different international organizations, PHEP-BFE mentors and representatives from cohort 1&2 graduates.

Common field activities:

• Our FETP residents and graduates as well as PHEP-BFE graduates participated in routine assessment visits of governorates capacities for surveillance, outbreak investigations, and rapid response.

• Our residents and graduates participated in of president’s initiative for hepatitis C and non-communicable disease screening survey at different governorates.

• Our graduates participated in preparation of the action plans at different technical areas after the recommendation of the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) committee according to international health regulations IHR.

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FETP Updates


Participation in International Conferences:

• Four abstracts covering different topics were submitted for EIS conference.

Participation in International Trainings & Assignments:

• Africa CDC / AFENET Scientific Manuscript Writing Workshop for technical staff of National Public Health Institutes of African Union Member States, in Kampala - Uganda from 26 - 30 November, 2018.

• WHO Meeting on Using Influenza Data for Severity Assessment - WHO Headquarters, Geneva - Switzerland from 27-29 November 2018

• Training workshop on establishing a global pool of experts on Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) Organized by EMRO WHO, Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates, from 24 - 26 October 2018.

• Epidemiological intelligence and management program, Institute of Health Management – Malaysia from 1-19 October 2018

• Workshop to finalize the framework for Event Based Surveillance, Africa CDC. Addis Ababa – Ethiopia, from 27-29 November 2018

• Field visit to the multilevel public health agencies, Beijing and Shanghai – China, from 5 to 12 December 2018.

• Regional training workshop on determining influenza baseline and thresholds for Pandemic Influenza Severity Assessment (PISA), Tunisia from 1-4 October 2018.

Upcoming events

• Graduation of cohort #19 • Advanced Biostatistics module for FETP cohort #20 • Recruitment of FETP cohort #21 • Recruitment of new cohort of PHEP-BFE • Encourage publication of FETP study projects

You can follow us on our Facebook page FETP Egypt.

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FETP Updates


MALAYSIA EPIDEMIC INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM From October to December 2018, EIP Malaysia main activities were: October 1-5: Three alumni and two EIP Malaysia trainees joined a combined investigation team (between the Zoonotic Sector, Ministry of Health and Department of Veterinary Services to investigate the Rabies Outbreak in Sarawak. The last outbreak occurred in 1998. At the point of investigation there were 13 human cases with 12 deaths. The objectives were to determine the epidemiological features of human rabies cases detected during the outbreak in Sarawak 2017 & 2018, to assess the dog bites surveillance in Sarawak 2017 & 2018 and to assess community knowledge, awareness and practices on Rabies. October 9-12: A “Field Epidemiology Training Course” & “Introduction to Epidemic Intelligence Programme (EIP) Malaysia 2018” was held at the Central Regional Campus of the National Institute of Public Administration in Jalan Elmu, Kuala Lumpur. The course was attended by 30 participants from among Public Health Specialists and Medical Doctors. Five new EIP Malaysia Cohort 10 trainees were also among the participants. October 18: A Graduation Ceremony was held for five EIP Malaysian graduates at Shah Alam, Selangor. The Graduation certificates were delivered by the Deputy Director General in Public Health, Dato’ Dr Chong Chee Kheong who himself is a graduate from EIP Malaysia’s Second Cohort. October 28-November 3: Dr Marina Kamaruddin, an EIP Malaysia graduate teamed up with Prof Mufuta Tshimanga from Zimbabwe FETP for a TEPHINET Accreditation Review Team ART site visit to review Pakistan FELTP in Islamabad, Pakistan. The review was done through document review, face-to-face and teleconference interviews of Pakistan FELTP trainees, supervisors and key personnel. An opening and closing presentation with in-depth discussion was done with both the ART and Pakistan FELTP teams present.

November 5-9: EIP Malaysia submitted 14 abstracts for the scientific paper presentations and 12 were accepted for presentations at the 9th Southeast Asia and Western Pacific Bi-regional TEPHINET Scientific Conference convened in Vientiane, Laos (Lao People’s Democratic Republic). Four EIP Malaysia graduates were among the abstract reviewers ie Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamaludin, Dr Rosemawati Ariffin, Dr Noorhaida Ujang and Dr Thilaka Chinnayah. In addition, two graduates became judges at the Scientific Oral Presentations ie Dr Marina Kamarudin and Dr Hasrina Hassan. This year, two Malaysian delegates won Second and Third Place in the Scientific Poster Presentations ie Dr Suhaiza Sulaiman and Dr Ho Ai Chia. November 4-December 28: Another EIP Malaysia graduate attended a Field Epidemiology Training Program attachment at the WHO Health Emergency Information and Risk Assessment (HIM) of the Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) in Manila. This was a great opportunity to, (1) learn and experience on risk assessment of potential public health threats and (2) develop networking and good fellowship with the other fellows and WHO consultants. November 15-16: Three Malaysian delegates attended the First Workshop for WHO Western Pacific Region Field Epidemiology Fellowship Programme (WPRO FEFP Alumni) in Tokyo, Japan. This first meeting of the alumni was conducted to provide continued shared learning opportunities among the alumni for strengthening surveillance, risk assessment and response so that they are able to serve as a critical epidemiological workforce in the region. The use of multiple sources of information for situational awareness to inform risk assessment was featured in line with the strategic actions of APSED III. Alumni nominated to attend the workshop were expected to connect with other alumni, inform them of the workshop and seek their input to the discussion topics. After the workshop, those alumni who attended were expected to pass on the knowledge and skills gained to others in participating countries.

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FETP Updates


“Field Epidemiology Training Course” & “Introduction to Epidemic Intelligence Programme (EIP) Malaysia 2018

Graduation Ceremony 2018

Presenting at the 9th Southeast Asia and Western

Pacific Bi-regional TEPHINET Scientific Conference Laos

First Workshop for WPRO FEFP Alumni in Japan

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FETP Updates



The Philippine Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) of the Department of Health (DOH) trains health professionals to become competent field epidemiologists who rapidly and effectively respond to health threats across the country. It is a two-year training that enable the trainees to develop necessary skills in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data for evidence-based decision making.

For the last quarter of 2018, the following are the highlights of FETP Philippines:

1. FETP Philippines celebrated its 31st anniversary with the theme, “FETP Celebrates 30 Years of Disease Surveillance” on October 8-12, 2018 at Hotel Roma, Tuguegarao City. The conference aimed to 1) present FETP Fellows epidemiologic investigations, 2) provide disease surveillance activities through the years, and 3) engage stakeholders in the future plans for disease surveillance. It was attended by an estimate of 100 participants composed of FETP graduates and fellows, Epidemiology Bureau (EB) personnel, Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (RESU) personnel, and Field Epidemiology Training Program Alumni Foundation Inc. (FETPAFI) Personnel.

2018 FETP Annual Scientific Conference, Hotel Roma, Tuguegarao City, Philippines (October 8-12, 2018)

Dedicated disease surveillance officers (DSO) that have served 25 years in the sub-national epidemiology and surveillance units were given the Felilia “Budsy” White Award for Excellence (first Disease Surveillance Nurse who started “National Epidemic Sentinel Surveillance System”, now called “Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response”). These personnel were among the first to generously contribute to strengthening disease surveillance and response in the Philippines.

Disease Surveillance Awardees of Felilia “Budsy” White Award for Excellence

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FETP Updates


2. Fourteen abstracts submitted by Philippine FETP fellows were accepted for oral and poster presentations during the 9th Bi-Regional TEPHINET Scientific Conference held in Vientiane, Laos on November 5-9, 2018. Ms. Denisse Lou Manalili (FETP Fellow Batch 28) won 1st place in poster presentation while Mr. Jasper Kent Ola (FETP Fellow Batch 27) garnered 3rd place in poster presentation.

Ms. Manalili and Mr. Ola receiving their certificates, Vientiane, Laos, November 5-9, 2018

3. The FETP Participants’ Workbook Workshop was conducted on October 23-26, 2018 at Bohol Plaza Resort, Bohol City, Philippines. The team developed a workbook to be used by FETP fellows during the Didactics. The workbook is intended to guide the fellows and contains training materials, case studies, exercises, and references. It was attended by selected FETP graduates, consultants and EB Personnel.

FETP Participants’ Workbook Workshop, Bohol Plaza Resort, Bohol City, Philippines, October 23-26, 2018

4. The 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHR) Crystal Exercise was

held on December 4, 2018. The simulation activity is being conducted annually in the Western Pacific Region to test IHR event communication among the National Focal Points (NFP) and WHO contact points. It was led by EB Director Dr. Ferchito Avelino and participated by FETP fellows, graduates, and training staff, Event-based Surveillance and Response (ESR) Officers, and representatives from the Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ), Health Emergency Management Bureau (HEMB), and Health Promotion and Communications Service (HPCS) of DOH Philippines.

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2018 WHO IHR Crystal Exercise, Department of Health, Philippines, December 8, 2018

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23 Oct

Two first year residents Bukelani Nyawose and Shingirai Chokisha travelled to Orlando West district in Soweto, Gauteng province for an investigation of a case of suspected vaccine derived poliovirus.

Public Health response team from the city of Johannesburg Department of Health (Gauteng Province), the Ward Based Outreach Team (WBOT) for Orlando West district, National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), Outbreak Response (ORU) team of the NICD, and

South African Field Epidemiology Training Program (SAFETP) residents at the Mandela Sisulu Clinic in Orlando West district.

07 Nov

First year resident Fhatuwani Gavhi travelled to Tshwane district within Gauteng Province for a suspected Shiga toxin-producing E.Coli outbreak investigation accompanied by Mpho Moshime from the Tshwane district, Gauteng Province Department of Health and Ntsieni Ramalwa, SAFETP alumnus from the Centre for Enteric Diseases (CED) in the NICD.

12-16 Nov

Two first year residents Mzimasi Neti and Shingirai Chikosha investigated a Pertussis outbreak in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape Province accompanied by the Outbreak Response Unit team of the NICD

12-16 Nov

SAFETP staff and residents travelled to Maputo (Mozambique) to attend the 7th AFENET Scientific conference. The following abstracts were presented:

1. Mpho Sikhosana: Oral presentation, “Epidemiology of Laboratory-confirmed mumps infections in South Africa, 2012-2017.”

2. Emelda Ramutshila: Oral presentation, “Group A streptococcus outbreak in a long-term care facility, Johannesburg, South Africa – 1 September 2017 to 31 October 2017.”

3. Poncho Bapela: Oral presentation “Investigation of clusters of Malaria cases in Gauteng province, South Africa – September to October 2017.”

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4. Poncho Bapela: Oral presentation “Food history interviews to identify the source of a large foodborne listeriosis outbreak in South Africa, 2017-2018.”

5. Tracy Arendse: Oral presentation, “Gastrointestinal illness outbreak investigation at a training facility in Johannesburg, South Africa – July 2017.”

6. Tebogo Matjokotja: Oral presentation, “High risk of HIV infection among youth: who are their sexual partners?”

2nd year resident Poncho Bapela won an award for the 2nd best oral presenter at the conference.

At the official inauguration of the AFENET Corps of Disease Detectives (ACoDD) for Southern Africa, Fhatuwani Gavhi (2018 Cohort), Emelda Ramutshila (2017 Cohort), Khuliso Ravhuhali and Jackie Kleynhans (2016 Cohort), and Dr. Lazarus Kuonza (SAFETP) Senior Medical Epidemiologist) were decorated (conferred membership of the ACoDD).

SAFETP was informed that we were accredited just after the Maputo Conference after the Global Accreditation Body (GAB) met in Maputo.

26 – 30 Nov

SAFETP conducted week 2 of the Frontline course in the neighboring country of Lesotho. A total of 9/12 (75%) participants returned for week 2 of the training. Participants presented their field projects and were awarded with certificates of completion. In attendance were Dr. Nyane Letsie, Director General of Health Services Lesotho and Dr. Thabelo Ramatlapeng, Director of Primary Health Care Lesotho.

SAFETP staff with frontline participants in Lesotho and Dr. Nyane Letsie, Director General of Health Services Lesotho (4th left, back row) and Dr. Thabelo Ramatlapeng, Director of Primary Health Care Lesotho (3rd right, front row).

9 Dec

Three of the 2018 Cohort; Mashau Teresa, Matjokotja Tebogo, Nyawose Bukelani travelled to KwaZulu-Natal Province (KZN) for an investigation of suspected institutional tuberculosis spread at Ekuhlengeni Psychiatric Hospital, KZN. The investigation team included the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Field Epidemiologist, NICD’s

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Outbreak Response Unit, Centre for Tuberculosis, eThekwini district CDC (District and Provincial Communicable Disease Control) Directorates, district and provincial Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP), National Institute for Occupational health, USAID, MatCH (Maternal Adolescent and Child Health) and Ekuhlengeni facility management.

14 Dec

SAFETP held a farewell function for the 2017 Cohort that is completing at the end of this year.

SAFETP staff members, SAFETP Alumni, CDC Resident Advisor and 2017 cohort.

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FETP Updates



1. FETP Conducts 11 Dissemination Meetings to Share the Findings from the Fourth Cohort Surveillance Analyses: As part of the commitment to strengthen health systems through generating and disseminating evidence-based data, the Y-FETP conducted 11 dissemination meetings. Each resident presented the background, objectives, methodology and findings from his/her surveillance analysis as well as how to improve the system. The Y-FETP renewed its commitment to continue working with MoPHP programs to address the challenges facing and to support better informed decision making process.

2. Y-FETP Organizes the 2018 Fourth Quarter Mentorship Workshop: Since good mentoring and efficient program placements are the prerequisites for the success of the Y-FETP, a one-day workshop was conducted for the mentors and directors of the programs. At the opening, the Deputy Director General of Disease Control thanked the Y-FETP for supporting programs and enhancing its scientific performance. During the workshop, the program managers and mentors discussed the findings from the residents’ evaluations of the surveillance systems and how to enhance the quality and efficiency of these systems.

3. Y-FETP Organizes Two Training Workshops on the Biorisk Management: The workshops aimed to strengthen the core competences of the Y-FETP residents and graduates as well as the relevant staff from the MoPHP and Governorates Hospitals on biosafety, biosecurity and risk mitigation measures. The acquired skills will be used as resources for future biorisk management dissemination and implementation in the country. Site visits to high-Level Isolation Unit and the BSL-3 National Laboratories were conducted.

Page 21: FETP Updates - TEPHINET · 2019-09-30 · FETP Updates 6 certificate was given to the CAFETP delegation. It is a recognition certificate for demonstrating excellence in field epidemiology

FETP Updates


4. Y-FETP Participated in the National Health Facilities Needs Assessment Survey: The purpose is to provide information on quality of health services, as measured through resources, systems, and practices. The survey covered 86 public rural hospitals as well as 1400 health centers and health units in 14 governorates. The findings will be feed to the 2019 Health Sector National Plan that was finalized by the end of the 2018. It will help also to develop the next Five-Year Strategic Plan for Health Sector.

5. Y-FETP Participates in the Polio Nationwide Door-to-Door Vaccination Campaign Reaching 5 Million Children under five: The campaign comes at a very critical time due to disruption of the health systems as result of the ongoing conflict and risk of importation of the wild polio virus. Thousands of vaccinators who have shown heroic resolve in crossing frontlines, mountains and valleys to vaccinate children wherever they are, including in places where access to health services has been cut off by the fighting. The Y-FETP director, Y-FETP junior epidemiologists and graduates provided training, supervision and support to vaccinators. They also participated in the awareness campaign to encourage parents to vaccinate their children especially with increasing rumors and widespread hesitance.

Page 22: FETP Updates - TEPHINET · 2019-09-30 · FETP Updates 6 certificate was given to the CAFETP delegation. It is a recognition certificate for demonstrating excellence in field epidemiology

FETP Updates


6. Y-FETP Investigates Four Cholera, Diphtheria and Dengue Outbreaks and Helps Rapid Containment: While in the field, residents and graduates took the primary actions that helped the rapid outbreaks’ containment. They also met with relevant stakeholders at the local level where the preliminary findings were shared and recommendations were discussed. The teams presented the findings to their Y-FETP colleagues and the relevant MoPHP officials during the Y-FETP biweekly resident’s meeting. Outbreak reports in English and Arabic were developed and shared with the governorate and central levels stakeholders and posted at the Y-FETP website: http://www.yfetp.com

Page 23: FETP Updates - TEPHINET · 2019-09-30 · FETP Updates 6 certificate was given to the CAFETP delegation. It is a recognition certificate for demonstrating excellence in field epidemiology

FETP Updates



During the period October through December 2018, Zambia FETP continued to support core functions of

disease intelligence at Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) through activities conducted by program

staff and residents. The activities include the following:

1. Zambia FETP launches third cohort of frontline

On October 1, Zambia officially launched its third cohort of Frontline FETP. A total of 21 residents from across

Zambia came to Lusaka for two of three workshops; the first conducted during October, 2018 and the second

during December 2018. These residents represent nine of Zambia’s ten provinces. This workshop is being

sponsored by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) through World Health Organization

(WHO). Facilitators and mentors for the two workshops included alumni from the first two advanced cohorts. This

is one strategy ZFETP has taken to ensure sustainability and continued engagement of all the graduates.

Figure 1 (left): Cohort 3 frontline with mentors

Figure 2 (right): Mentorship for frontline

2. Zambia launches third advanced cohort

ZFETP launched the third cohort of Advanced FETP in December 2018. These residents come from seven of

Zambia’s ten provinces. The residents will spend their first six months in class at the University of Zambia,

followed by eighteen months in field placement sites. Eight of the ten will be sponsored by the USG President’s

Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR); two will be sponsored by the USG President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI).

3. ZFETP residents present at the Zambia Health Research Conference

From October 15 to 17, 2018 seven residents from the Zambia FETP presented research at Zambia’s 8th Health

Research Conference. The trainees gave presentations, poster and/or oral, in diverse topics which included HIV

testing uptake in long-distance truck drivers and factors affecting treatment success among TB patients.

4. Six ZFETP residents present at AFENET

From November 12 to 16, six residents from the Zambia FETP attended the AFENET conference in Maputo,

Mozambique. The residents gave presentations in diverse topics which included HIV testing uptake in long-

distance truck drivers; factors affecting treatment success among TB patients; and water, sanitation, and

hygiene practices during the 2017/18 cholera epidemic in Lusaka.

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FETP Updates


Figure 3: Zambia team at the AFENET conference

5. Zambia FETP staff visit Zimbabwe

From November 26-27, delegates from the Zambia Ministry of Health, Zambia National Public Health Institute,

the University of Zambia, the National Health Research Authority, and U.S. CDC traveled to Harare, Zimbabwe

for a site visit with the Zimbabwe FETP. The team met with representatives of the Zimbabwe FETP (including

MOH and university leadership) in order to share information and learn best practices in how to build a

successful and sustainable FETP.

Figure 4: Zambia and Zimbabwe team during an exchange visit