felix-marie abel and his vision of nature in palestine ... · mentor at the biblical school of...

Felix-Marie Abel and his Vision of Nature in Palestine: Géographie de la Palestine revisited Tony Goupil and Mazin B. Qumsiyeh Palestine Museum of Natural History, Bethlehem University, Bethlehem Palestine Felix-Marie Abel was in the early 20 th century one of the most prominent “Bible scholars” and, despite limitations, contributed to a better knowledge of Palestinian history and geography. The present paper is an overview of Abel’s monumental Géographie de la Palestine focusing on chapters dealing with plants and animals of Palestine. We show that this analysis of historical texts could be useful to make comparative studies with the situation of nature in Palestine today. Keywords: Palestine, nature, flora, fauna, plants, animals, geography, science Introduction Interest in the geography of Palestine before the modern era started with Greek philosophers like Herodotus, who talked of the characteristics of the salt lake (the Dead Sea) found in a “province of Syria” (Nissenbaum 1993) to studies by travelers like Ibn Batuta in 1325 (Baldensperger 1917) to other works in the late Middle Ages (see Avi-Yonah 1962; Hütteroth and Abdulfattah 1977). In the 19 th century there was renewed interest in the geography of the area using more scientific principles (Ritter 1866; Hull and Fund 1888; Albright 1921). Further geographic studies where done by Israeli geographers upon creation of that state in 1948 (e.g. Karmon 1971), but these were tinted with a Zionist political agenda (Falah 1989, 1991).As the battle of the new geographies emerged, Zionist versus Palestinian native (Harker 2010), the old geographic literature of the 19 th and early 20 th century seems to be almost forgotten. This is espe- cially true for non-English manuscripts. We think it is worthwhile to investigate how and why the older geographers came to study Palestine and highlight some of their interesting findings. Here we begin by looking at the work of Felix-Marie Abel (1878-1953), who wrote a two-volume book titled Géographie de la Palestine (Abel 1933) but we limit our analysis to areas related to nature. Who was Felix-Marie Abel? Father Felix-Marie Abel was a French Catholic archaeologist and geog- rapher born on December, 29, 1878 in Saint-Uze, France (Dussaud and The Arab World Geographer / Le Géographe du monde arabe Vol 21, no 2-3 (2018) 128-140 © 2018 Geo Publishing, Toronto Canada

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Page 1: Felix-Marie Abel and his Vision of Nature in Palestine ... · mentor at the Biblical School of Jerusalem. In the first volume, Abel speaks about physical and historical geography

Felix-Marie Abel and his Vision of Nature inPalestine: Géographie de la Palestine revisited

Tony Goupil and Mazin B. QumsiyehPalestine Museum of Natural History,

Bethlehem University, Bethlehem Palestine

Felix-Marie Abel was in the early 20th century one of the most prominent “Biblescholars” and, despite limitations, contributed to a better knowledge of Palestinianhistory and geography. The present paper is an overview of Abel’s monumentalGéographie de la Palestine focusing on chapters dealing with plants and animals ofPalestine. We show that this analysis of historical texts could be useful to makecomparative studies with the situation of nature in Palestine today.

Keywords: Palestine, nature, flora, fauna, plants, animals, geography, science


Interest in the geography of Palestine before the modern era started withGreek philosophers like Herodotus, who talked of the characteristics ofthe salt lake (the Dead Sea) found in a “province of Syria” (Nissenbaum1993) to studies by travelers like Ibn Batuta in 1325 (Baldensperger 1917)to other works in the late Middle Ages (see Avi-Yonah 1962; Hütterothand Abdulfattah 1977). In the 19th century there was renewed interest inthe geography of the area using more scientific principles (Ritter 1866;Hull and Fund 1888; Albright 1921). Further geographic studies wheredone by Israeli geographers upon creation of that state in 1948 (e.g.Karmon 1971), but these were tinted with a Zionist political agenda(Falah 1989, 1991).As the battle of the new geographies emerged, Zionistversus Palestinian native (Harker 2010), the old geographic literature ofthe 19th and early 20th century seems to be almost forgotten. This is espe-cially true for non-English manuscripts. We think it is worthwhile toinvestigate how and why the older geographers came to study Palestineand highlight some of their interesting findings. Here we begin by lookingat the work of Felix-Marie Abel (1878-1953), who wrote a two-volumebook titled Géographie de la Palestine (Abel 1933) but we limit ouranalysis to areas related to nature.

Who was Felix-Marie Abel?

Father Felix-Marie Abel was a French Catholic archaeologist and geog-rapher born on December, 29, 1878 in Saint-Uze, France (Dussaud and

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Richard 1953). He was ordained February 1, 1897 at Saint-Maximin(Vestition ceremony for the Province of Toulouse). In 1897 he arrived inJerusalem to study in the École Biblique (Biblical School of Jerusalem)founded by Marie-Joseph Lagrange. He graduated in 1900. He became amember of the Dominican order in 1902. Very soon, Father Lagrangerecruited him to become his colleague and to help him get “a clear graspof physical environment and the cultural framework of the Bible”, there-fore taking part in the first generation of the collaborators of the School.In 1905 he became a professor of Greek, Geography and History at theÉcole Biblique and served there until his death on March 24, 1953 inJerusalem. Thus he spent more than two-thirds of his life in Palestine.Beside his activity as a professor, he organized numerous expeditions forthe École. He was named by Pius XII as consultant to the PontificalBiblical Commission in 1940.

He is one of the most famous specialists of Palestine’s history, geography and topography. In France he was considered the most notable “Palestinologue” (Palestine expert).He developed modern“Palestinology”, including areas like history, geography, linguistics andfolklore. His keen critical sense resulted in an incomparable mastery of thehistory and geography of Palestine that culminated in his Géographie de laPalestine (1932), arguably his most well-known work. He was a foremostexpert about the area, so it was natural that he also extended his talents toproduce tourist guides and also directed the archaeological excavations inNeirab near Aleppo with the École Archéologique Française de Jérusalem.

Together with Louis-Hugues Vincent he had written definitive workson Bethlehem and Jerusalem. The volumes of topographic-archaeolog-ical-historical studies on Jerusalem in collaboration with Vincentprovided learned advice to governments and scholars for decades (Vincentand Abel 1912, 1922). They also worked together at the excavations ofEmmaus, on research on the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and at theChurch of the Nativity. He also published Histoire de la Palestine depuis laconquête d’Alexandre jusqu’à l’invasion arabe in 1952, likewise in twovolumes, that spans Palestinian history between 70 and 638 A.D. It was hislast work. Besides his original works, he also translated important textssuch as the Book of Joshua for the École Biblique’s edition of the bible. Hisarticles in the Revue Biblique alone (especially on Greek epigraphy)number over 100. P. Abel’s scholarship was as solid as it was extensive. Inhis personal relations with colleagues of all nations, P. Abel was distin-guished by his old-fashioned courtesy and his polished wit.

Géographie de la Palestine

In 1933 Abel published his encyclopedic and monumental Géographie dela Palestine, a two-volume study dedicated to Father Lagrange, his

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mentor at the Biblical School of Jerusalem. In the first volume, Abelspeaks about physical and historical geography and in the second headdresses political geography. Before this work, in 1932 Abel publisheda Guide Bleu de la Syrie et de la Palestine, part of a series of similar booksin Europe. This guide was long considered indispensable for anyonevisiting the country, but unfortunately not altogether reliable in certainaspects (e. g. desert tracks as many new roads have been built since 1932).In the 1930s there were not many Guides Bleus edited about countriesoutside Europe, but the Guide about Palestine and Syria is one of thosefew. It was written also in a context where Syria was under FrenchMandate. The Guide Bleu of Palestine and Syria was recommended toany tourist, traveler and likewise to any Orientalist or Biblical scholarinterested in the Middle East. Abel took care of the writing of the partabout Palestine on his own. whereas the section on Syria is collective.However, the Guide BIeu is actually only a preliminary pathfinder and byno means a complete historical, geographical or archaeological guide toSyria and Palestine. So the Géographie de la Palestine can be seen as hismore elaborate work on geography of the area. For this study we focusmainly on two chapters of Abel’s Géographie de la Palestine: ChapterVIII on the flora and the Chapter IX on the fauna. The title of ChapterVIII contains the word “Phytogeography” instead of botany and that ofChapter IX contains the word “Zoogeography” instead of zoology. Thisis understandable because of the centrality of geography for Abel whoalso used the term “Biogeography”. Biogeography in the modern sense isthe study of the distribution of species and ecosystems in geographicspace and through geological time. The scientific theory of biogeographygrows out of the work of Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) and forPalestine this was based on the plants/phytogeography (Zohary 1947;Whyte 1950).

Flora of Palestine

Very often the author speaks about the “syro-palestinian vegetation”because of the proximity of the two territories; Syria and Palestinepresent numerous similar plants and animals (like the oak Quercus sessi-flora). Abel points out the fact at the beginning of the chapter thatPalestine presents a great variety of species because of its strategic posi-tion: because of the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea, the interiordesert, and its bridging of Asia and Africa. Abel asserts that 2,136 speciesof plants had been reported for Palestine, which can be divided into threetypes: Mediterranean plants, desert vegetation (in the south of Palestine)and tropical vegetation (around the Dead Sea). These correspond to themodern phytogeographical zones: Mediterranean, Saharo-Arabian, andEthiopian-Sudanese zones. In another section, he speaks of domesticated

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plants according to these regions: Coastal region (with orchids, lupinesetc), the Hill country (olives, almonds), the Jordan Valley (with manyplants similar to Egypt, such as the papyrus and tamarisk).

Abel describes xerophytic (drought-tolerant) plants as generallysmaller and shrubby and having elongate and acicular (slender leaf shape,needle-shaped) leaves with waxy cuticle. Sometimes the leaves arereplaced by spines. He writes of the Mediterranean evergreen vegetationlike Pinus pinea or the Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex. Abel also speaksabout deciduous (tropophilous) trees as being rarer, such as the oakQuercus lusitania.

On occasions Abel speaks about ethnobotany, the use of plants fordaily life or in the pharmacopoeia. Abel reports that Balanites aegyptiaca(“Desert Date” is the common English name) produces “a big olive andits oil is used by the natives against rheumatism” (p. 211). This observa-tion is also confirmed by the Flora Palaestina (Zohary 1978): “The oilwhich constitutes up to 40 % of the fruit is comestible and also widelyused in folk medicine and in soap manufacture”. Abel also writes that theMoringa aptera (Ben tree now called Moringa peregrina) produces a seedthat has the taste of almond, from which it is possible to make a preciousoil used for cooking but also for medicine (against abdominal pain), forcosmetics, and sometimes as a lubricant. The Calotropis procera(Sodom’s apple) contains a “suc laiteux” (milky sap) of medicinal use.Solanum sodomeum is also called coagulens because its seeds can curdlethe milk (“la propriété que possède sa graine de faire cailler le lait” in theoriginal text, p. 212). He also describes its fruits as having the appearanceof small oranges. But although those fruits are beautiful, they are notedible. We can find traces of that belief in Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyricsby Folkard (1884, 225): “The Solanum sodomeum is a purple Egg-plant ofwhich the fruit is naturally large and handsome. It is, however, subject tothe attacks of an insect (a species of Cynips), which punctures the rind,and converts the interior of the fruit into a substance like ashes, while theoutside remains fair and beautiful. It is found on the desolate shores ofthe Dead Sea, on the site of those cities of the plain the dreadful judgmenton which is recorded in sacred history. Hence the fruit, called the Appleof Sodom, has acquired a sinister reputation, and is regarded as thesymbol of sin.”

According to Abel, three areas offer the greatest diversity of plants.Because of its climatic conditions, in the Ghor area includes tropicalplants that cannot be found in mountainous and coastal areas (Mimosaunguis-cacti, Acacia farnesiana, Ricinus communiscastor-oil tree). LakeTiberias offers some plants like the thistle Notobasis syriaca and a blackmustard plant which grows becoming very woody, like a small tree,measuring four meters in height. The edges of the Dead Sea present some

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interesting examples of Halophytes (salt-tolerant plants, plants that likea high salinity in the ground) like Atriplex halimus (Mediterranean salt-bush), Salicornia spp., and Suaeda vermiculata.

Abel devoted an entire part of his chapter to fruit trees. For thescholar, the presence of those fruit trees accentuates the Mediterraneancharacter of the Palestinian landscape. Abel mentions that there is atrilogy of three key fruit trees in Palestine: olive, fig tree and almond trees.He also mentions trees were imported “from Egypt” like the date palm,the sycamore, or the doum palm or from Asia like the white mulberry,Persian walnut, or from Africa like the pomegranate tree. Abel distin-guished different types of fruit trees regarding their use and cultivation.Grapes were mostly cultivated in the chalky soil of the Shephelah area, inthe clay soil of the plateaus or also in mountains. Less common fruit treesincluded apple, pear, peach, plum, pistachio, and quince. He alsomentions trees cultivated mostly as decorative/ornamental plants such asMorus nigra (black mulberry). Abel identified four types of cereals culti-vated by Palestinian farmers: barley, common wheat, Sorghum annuumand proso millet.

In this chapter Abel mentions different endemic plants such asPistacia palaestina (p. 208) or the Palestinian arum (p. 210). The Latinterm “palaestina” in the scientific name indicates its geographical origin.For Palestine we can mention also the Horsetail knotweed (Polygonumpalaestinum), a plant belonging to the Polygonaceae, whose habitat isprincipally sand dunes of the coastal plain. Abel does not mention thePheasant’s eye Adonis palaestina. But we can forgive this omission as theauthor says in the introduction to his chapter about botany, that it is a“brief outline” (“large esquisse” in the original French text).

Fauna of Palestine

Abel begins this chapter by writing that most of the animals of Palestinebelong to the Palaeartic Region (one of the eight biogeographic realms onthe Earth’s surface). Abel asserts that 113 different species of mammalshave been listed in Palestine, as well as 348 species of birds, 43 species offish, and 4,700 species of insects. He argues that the greatest biodiversityis in the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea Region. Concerning fresh waterfish, Abel writes that the biggest diversity of species is found in LakeTiberias. Living there are some spiny-finned fish of the Chromides familysuch as the Nile Tilapia (Chromis niloticus) which has a dorsal fin that isused for defense

Venomous snakes are not common in Palestine and Abel mentionsthat he knew of no human death by snake bites. The scholar writes aboutonly five species of venomous snakes: the Daboia xanthina (Ottomanviper), the Vipera euphratica (Levant viper, now Macrovipera lebetin)

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that is the longest viper in Palestine, the Echis arenicola (North-EastAfrican Carpet Viper, now Echis pyramidium), the Cerastes hasselquistii(Horned desert viper now Cerastes cerastes; the old name hasselquistiirefers to Frederik Hasselquist, a Swedish explorer who studied the faunaand flora of Palestine and wrote his observations in a book called IterPalaestinum 1752), and the Naja haje (Egyptian Cobra), found mostly inthe south of Gaza and Beer-Sheva. Three of these species were alreadyreported by Tristram (1884) who wrote about Daboia: “I twice obtainedthis poisonous serpent, once on the Plain of Acre, and once near Tiberias.On one occasion it had swallowed a full-grown hare whole, and wasunable to move. On the other it had just struck a quail, which droppeddown dead as I came up with it, with no other mark or injury than a slightscratch close to the tip of its wing”. He noted about the Cerasteshasselquistii: “I have known my horse rear and shake with terror ondescrying this little but deadly Serpent, coiled up in the depression of acamel’s footmark, on the path before us”. And finally comments on theEchis arenicola: “This poisonous little Serpent I have frequently found onthe dry sands both north and west of the Dead Sea, but not in the uppercountry”. Abel does not write anything about the Echis coloratus(Palestine saw-scaled viper) which is endemic to the Middle East andEgypt.

After the snakes Abel naturally writes about lizards living in khirbet(ruins). He also mentions the Desert monitor being captured by workersduring the archaeological excavations of Teleilat Gassul on March 10, 1931.

Abel on several occasions speaks about ethnozoology. He notesregarding the wild boar (Sus scrofa) that local people hunt it to protectthe crops but also to sell its meat to foreigners (p. 221). He mentions thatthe Arabs eat the flesh of the Indian crested porcupine Hystrix indica (p.222). On several occasions Abel mentions hunting of wild animalsincluding the Nile crocodile from Zarqa River (one killed in 1877, andexhibited in the Museum Saint Anna in Jerusalem, p. 230). Abel speakseating habits: Jewish and Muslims have a prohibition against eating pork(p. 221) and notes the Jewish prohibition against eating the Africansharptooth catfish because it has no scales (p. 231).

Unfortunately some animals are described more by Abel (mammals,fishes and birds) than others (amphibians, bees and scorpions are barelymentioned).Abel uses names of the old classification that are no longerused. For instance, he mentions the Hyrax syriacus (p. 221) which is nowProcavia capensis (rock badger) (Qumsiyeh 1996). Abel refers to theIndian crested porcupine as Hystrix hirsutirostris (p. 222), though nowa-days the scientific name is Hystrix indica. Also for the Desert monitor heuses the scientific name Psamosaurus scincus, while today Varanus griseusis the scientific term. Some information that Abel gives is obviously

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outdated. He mentions, for example, the “renard nilotique” (Nile fox)which is likely Vulpes vulpes (p. 223).

Abel’s Impressions Regarding Palestinian Nature

On numerous occasions Abel expresses his own viewpoint about the situ-ation of nature in Palestine. He regrets the lack of forest (p. 202) and high-lights the semi-dry climate, which gives an impression of the barenness ofthe land except in the late winter and spring season (p. 205). He empha-sized the fact that the plants have an incredible capacity of adaptation tothe climate: such as the plants that become thornier in the south ofPalestine because of the proximity of the desert. He describes the land-scapes at times in poetic terms. For example, he describes the thornybushes, invading the land in summer with their spines that look like ametallic armor that enters in rivalry during the spring with the patches offlowery plants (p. 210. On page 231, Abel describes the Tristramellasimonis, a cichlid fish, as being the best to keep the eggs and small juve-niles inside its mouth. Abel describes this behavior as a comparison withthe pomegranate: “The mouth of the foster father in which are hurryingthe alevins like the pips of a pomegranate, is then so distended that thejaws cannot close anymore”.

He also points out some problems in land management. He lamentsthe land clearing of the Ghor area (“défrichement”) (p. 212). He writesabout the disappearance of some aspects of nature/agricultural culture,such as the end of the cultivation of cotton (p. 212), of sugar cane (p. 215,once common near Jericho) and of rice (p. 216).

Concerning animals, at the beginning of Chapter IX Abel expressesshows his astonishment about the diversity of birds in Palestine: “The faunaof birds is extraordinarily rich for an area not that vast”. He explains thatrichness because of its geographical situation: Palestine lies on the pathwayof migration between Europe and Africa (an estimated 500 million birds aremigrate each year from Europe to Africa through Palestine).

Like plants, Abel mentions animals that have disappeared inPalestine: the Addax nasomaculatus (Screw-horn antelope), theAlcelaphus buselaphus (Hartebeest), the roe deer, the fallow deer, and thelion, part of fauna that existed in Palestine until the Middle Ages (p. 223).

The reader learns that Palestine offers a great variety of species ofbats, that among the gecko population, the “white” one is the mostcommon, that the Anatolian ground squirrel according to him “prolif-erate like rats” (an invasive species). Among the domesticated animalsthe broad-tailed variety of sheep is the most common in Palestine. Themost common goat is the “Capra mambrica.”

Abel appears to be a great observer of Nature. He often tells thereader what is striking about one animal. The biological details given

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include, for instance, the starred agama that matches its skin to the colorof the olive tree (mimicry) and the fact that chameleons are somewhatdifferent in the Ghor area (p. 230). Behavioral details are sometimesgiven, for instance that the Mango tilapia uses to travel in very big andcompact shoals and that is why it is called in Arabic lubbud, which means“to stick together”. Linguistic details are sometimes given, such as thefact that the Jordan barbel is so named because of its barbs at the cornersof the mouth (in French “barbules” in the original text). Feeding detailsare also mentioned: he notes water snakes eat fish from the river but alsofrom the Birké (a large water basin located in the open air used to waterthe livestock or the plants). Ethnological details include mentioning thatthe camel is much appreciated for its rich milk but also for its hair, madeinto fabric.

Palestinian Nature and its Links to the Bible

As a Dominican scholar, on several occasions Abel mentions the Biblewhen he speaks about a plant or an animal. For instance, in connectionwith the Mandragora officinarum, he mentions the Song of Solomon(7:13), where the mandrakes are praised as yielding a pleasant smell,quoting the Bible: The mandrakes give a smell. In our gates are all fruits:the new and the old, my beloved, I have kept for thee. According to him,the lotus mentioned in the Book of Job (40: 21) is the Zizyphus lotus,called in English Jujube: “Under the lotus plants it lies, hidden among thereeds in the marsh”. The Ziziphus lotus is often regarded as the lotus treeof Greek mythology. It is thought to be a reference in Homer’s Odyssey,where it is consumed by the Lotus Eaters (or Lotophagi) as a narcotic toinduce peaceful apathy. The plant mentioned in Genesis 21:15 could bethe Artemisia herba alba: “And the water was spent in the bottle, and shecast the child under one of the shrubs”.

He writes that often the gorges below sea level have patches ofNerium oleander that some people thought was the real biblical rose ofJericho. For him the plant mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew (13:31)in the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” has been wrongly identified with theSalvadora persica and could be Brassica nigra (p. 212).

Concerning domestic animals, Abel points out that the livestockpresent in Palestine in the 20th century are almost the same as thosedescribed in the Bible. The actual situation of the country is not verydifferent from that in antiquity (p. 221). In page 221 Abel reports that thehyrax (Procavia) of Palestine is likely the animal described in Leviticus(11:5): “The coney, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; itis unclean for you”. He also refers to the Sinai Ibex as the mammaldescribed in the Book ofSamuel (1 Samuel 24:2) “Then Saul took threethousand chosen men out of all Israel, and went to seek David and his

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men upon the rocks of the wild goats”. He also mentions that the hyenaand the jackal are found both in his era and in Biblical times, but recog-nizes that the wild fauna is less rich in Palestine than previously (p. 224).


One year after Abel’s work was published, it received a very good reviewby Dhorme (1934), who praised its depth and breadth of material. Weagree that Abel wrote a remarkable work for his era and we regret thatthis geographical text has received scant attention from scholars to date.Such material is worth a modern reexamination. It is of course possibleto critique certain aspects of this work that were due to the backgroundof the author as a Dominican priest, such as his penchant for attemptingto locate biblically-relevant stories. Observations in Western early writ-ings on Palestine reveal a ubiquitous phenomenon of Orientalism, bothin depictions of the East as a region and attempts to prove the biblicalnarrative (Jawad 2016; Said 1978). For Abel, as a Catholic scholar, thecomprehension of geography (and the components of a territory) isimpossible without the enlightenment of passages in the Bible. However,writings on plants and animals certainly suffers less bias than writingabout supposed biblical sites. Furthermore, they could potentially give usinsight into environmental changes in our area (Qumsiyeh 1996;Qumsiyeh et al. 2014). For example, Abel mentioned an endemic squirrelthat he calls the “Siurus syriacus”, noting that local Arabs liked to eat itsflesh. In fact, Abel wrote Siurus instead of Sciurus. That misspellingmakes the scientific identification more difficult for the reader. Sciurussyriacus (Sciurus anomalus is the scientific name in use today) is a squirrelthat has disappeared from the Galilee but is still found in the forests ofJordan and Lebanon (Qumsiyeh, 1996).

Abel’s writing is a testimony of his concern about nature and itsevolution and degradation. The scholar seems to be clearly aware of theimportance of biodiversity and land conservation as well as the need tohave diverse landscapes. In the beginning of Chapter IX concerning theanimals, he regrets the lack of forest. He points out the fact that the youngsheep and goat livestock is a threat to reforestation: “L’élevage du petitbétail nuit beaucoup au reboisement dyu pays”. The same finding canm befound in commentary by other authors such as Greene (1898), who wroteof the wild flowers from Palestine: “The hills, now treeless, were oncecovered with forests, and would be today if only a little care were used inpreserving the young growth. But the goats eat the tender leaves, and asa tree reaches a few feet in height, the women of the villages cut it downand dig up its root for fuel”.

Abel also remarks on the rarity of the pastureland (p. 220) that there-fore does not permit the development of a bovine population. So Abel is

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aware that every type of landscape has its utility and can attract newspecies favorable for the biodiversity of a territory.

He seems also very concerned about the lack of animal diversitycompared to the past. He points out and bemoans the impoverishment ofthe wildlife compared to the antiquity (p. 224). In this ecological connec-tion he is aware of human behavior and the threat it poses to some speciesthreatened by extinction: he mentions that the Druze killed the last Syrianbrown bear (Ursus syriacus) on Mount Hermon. He points to the dangersof urbanism and human construction and the loss of large cats: “victimecomme d’autres fauves, de la denudation de la contrée, du perfectionnementdes armes, de l’accroissement des routes et de la circulation” [“like otherbig cats, victims of the denudation of the country, the improvements inguns, the increase in roads and traffic”] (p. 224).

He was concerned about the fragility of some remaining animalpopulations because of hunting, most especially leopards; in 1911 onewas killed between Ramallah and Al-Qubeiba and was exhibited in themuseum of St Paul’s Hospice in Jerusalem (p. 233). The cheetah is alsomentioned by Abel as an endangered species (though probably alreadygone by that time).

Abel’s works cover geography, hydrology, hydrography, geology,climate, and mineralogy. While mostly descriptive, he often gives his ownpoint of view and his theories, making this study more original andpersonal. He supports for instance the theory of William F. Lynch thatthe Essenes lived in a complex of small caves near Ein Gedi (which Lynchhad visited in 1848) predating the Qumran scroll discovery by decades.The topographical quality of his work was quite influential. According toMurphy-O’Connor (2018) ”The ten maps he prepared have served as theprime, but often unacknowledged, source of much subsequent topo-graphical identification”.

Abel was also careful to include the name of a plant or animal in thenative Arabic. For instance, he notes that the broom shrub (retem,) thepapyrus (babir), and red fruit of the Zizyphus spina Christi (Christ’s thornJujube) is called in Arabic dom or nebeq. As Dhorme wrote in his review(1934): “La flore de Palestine qui remplit tout le chapitre VIII sera appre-ciée même des linguistes. D’excellentes remarques cherchent a fixer le sensexact du vocabulaire botanique de la Bible. De même pour la faune duchapitre IX.” [The flora of Palestine that occupies the entire Chapter VIIIwould even capture the attention of linguists. Excellent remarksregarding the Biblical botanical vocabulary. Similarly for the fauna ofChapter IX].

We conclude that the study of Abel’s book and other older bookscould be a useful key to understanding Palestine biodiversity and thechanges that have occurred in biodiversity over the years due to human

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interference as well as referencing old names lost through modernity orthrough the depopulation of the native inhabitants of Palestine as a resultof the creation of the state of Israel. Abel mentions endangered speciesthat faced critical issues beyond his time, for example the Palestinianpainted frog (Biton et al. 2013) and Iris haynei (Gilboa iris), classified byIUCN as a vulnerable species because of the following reasons asmentioned by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species website): “Plansfor the establishment of a settlement on Mount Gilboa threaten largepopulations of the species, whilst the security wall built on the GilboaRidge has destroyed habitats. Afforestation, grazing and localised collec-tion of flowers also impact the plant and its habitat” (seehttps://www.iucnredlist.org/species/13161709/18612375#threats).

The writing by keen observers like Abel about an area like Palestineprovides an invaluable look into the past to understand the present situ-ation of fauna and flora. Despite the biases inherent in writers and readerslooking for “biblical” knowledge as such, significant information asnoted above can be gleaned from reading the older literature. Weencourage more scholars to revisit such older books especially dealingwith nature so as to better understand how the environment has changedin our region.

AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to the British Council for funding the project “Buildingthe Capacity to Protect Palestinian Land and Heritage throughMuseology and Eco-Tourism” (grant number CP-776-18) which helpedfacilitate this and other scholarly work.

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vasión árabe (2 volumes). París: J. Gabalda.Albright, W.F. 1921. Contributions to the historical geography of

Palestine. The Annual of the American School of Oriental Research inJerusalem 2:1-46.

Avi-Yonah, M. 1962. Historical geography of Palestine from the end of theBabylonian Exile up to the Arab Conquest. Tel Aviv: Bialik Institute.

Baldensperger, P. J. 1917. The immovable East. Palestine Exploration Quarterly49(4):159-165.

Biton, R., Geffen, E., Vences, M., Cohen, O., Bailon, S., Rabinovich, R.,Malka, Y., Oron, T., Boistel, R., Brumfeld, V. and Gafny, S. 2013. Therediscovered Hula painted frog is a living fossil. Nature Communications4:29-59.

Dhorme, E. 1934. (Review of) Géographie de la Palestine, t. I, Géographiephysique et historique. Revue de l’Histoire des Religions 110:83-87

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Dussaud, R. and Richard, J. 1953. Nécrologie. Syria. Archéologie, Art ethistoire, 30(3): 373376.

Eig, A. 1931. Quelques faits de la phytogéographie palestinienne précédés pardes remarques sur les notions phytogéographiques. Bulletin de la SociétéBotanique de France, 78(3): 297305.

Falah, G. 1989. Israelization of Palestine Human Geography. Progress inHuman Geography 13 (5):35- 550

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Geographer 13(3-4):199-216.Hasselquist, F., 1757. Iter palaestinum eller resa til Heliga Landet, förrättad

ifrån år 1749 til 1752 - Med beskrifningar, rön, anmärkningar, öfver demärkvärdigaste naturalier, på Hennes Kongl. Maj: ts befallning.Stockholm: Lars Salvii.

Hütteroth, W.D. and Abdulfattah, K., 1977. Historical geography of Palestine,Transjordan and Southern Syria in the late 16th [sixteenth] century (Vol. 5).Fränkische Geographische Ges..

Jawad, S.A. 2016. Intelligence Archives. Jerusalem Quarterly 68:21-35. Karmon, Y. 1971. Israel: a regional geography. New York and London: John

Wiley & Sons.Murphy-O’Connor, J. 2018. “Abel, Félix-Marie”. In: The Oxford Encyclopedia

of Archaeology in the Near East, Oxford Biblical Studies Online.http://www.oxfordbiblicalstudies.com/article/opr/t256/e2?_hi=1&_pos=3Retrieved 14 October, 2018.

Nakhleh, L., Hammami, R., van Rijn, E. Frenkel, M.-R. 2017. PalestinianWildflower Pocket Guide. Ramallah: Mashjar Juthour.

Nissenbaum, A. 1993. Utilization of Dead Sea asphalt throughouthistory. Reviews in Chemical Engineering 9(3-4): 365384.

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Vincent, H. and Abel, F.M., 1922. Jérusalem: Recherches de Topographie,d’Archeologie et d’Histoire (Vol. 2). Paris: J. Gabalda.

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Assessment of the Dynamics of Atlas CedarDecline (Cedrus atlantica Manetti) by Remote

Sensing in the Aurès area, Algeria

Salima Belloula and Yassine BeghamiDepartment of Agronomy. University of Batna1 Algeria.

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the decline of Atlas cedar forest in the Aurès areaby studying spatial data, using remote sensing and GIS.   In order to show thedynamics of changes during different periods, a multi-data set of satellite images(Landsat: 1987, 1995, 2003 and 2016) have been processed (classification,geometric correction, and segmentation). The Normalized Difference VegetationIndex (NDVI) is adopted with a field request. The data analysis of the dynamicdecline of the Atlas cedar allowed us to distinguish three areas (area of increase, ofdecrease and of no change). The areas of increase showed a great loss of Atlas cedardue to several factors.

Keywords: Cedrus atlantica, forest decline, dieback, change detection, NDVI, Aurès


At the national and local level, the forest plays an economic and environ-mental key role. At present, many forests in the world are suffering fromclimate change, a problem worrisome for researchers. This climate changecould substantially alter the composition, structure, and biogeography offorests in many regions (Linares et al. 2011).It also alters thephenology (Klein et al. 2013; Adams et al. 2015), the morphology (Filewodand Thomas 2014), and genetic variability (Rehfeldt et al. 2014).Thesechanges are starting to emerge in wet and dry regions (Allan et al. 2014).

Forest degradation is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions(Simula 2009).Forests are negatively affected by different factors thatspread over a wide temporal and spatial scale, inducing direct or indirectpressure on the state (Requardt et al. 2007).Forests are particularly sensi-tive and vulnerable to climate change because the long life-span of treesdoes not allow an adaptation rapid to the environmental changes. Severalfactors are associated with climate change affecting forest ecosystemswhich can act independently or simultaneously (Lindner et al. 2010).

Most forests of the world are suffering a decline. The decline is acomplex phenomenon whose causal factors can be highly diverse, it is noteasily identifiable and it is hierarchical (Mouna 1994). The decline causes ageneral deterioration which often ends with the death of trees (Landmann1994). The cedar forest in Aurès is a striking example of this phenomenon.

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The Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) is an endemic species of the NorthAfrican mountains in Morocco and Algeria (Linares et al. 2011); it coversaround 300 km² in Algeria. The cedar forest situated in both the Saharienand Tellien Mountains; it represents 1.3% of the total forest area of thecountry (Boudy 1950; Harfouche and Nedjahi 2003). It has a greatecological, floristic, socio-economic and heritage value (Terrab etal. 2006; M’hirit and Benzyane 2006), and the most important Algerianstands are in the Aurès (Benabid 1993). The reason for choosing thisspecies as the subject of study is its rarity in the world and the greatcontroversy about the causes of its death. This long-lived tree is one of thespecies highly vulnerable to climate change and soil water content(Linares et al. 2011).

The decline of cedar is not new. A report by Boudy (1950) indicatedthat exceptional drought of 1875 to 1888 had already resulted insignifi-cant damage to cedar stands (Bentouati and Bariteau 2006; Kherchouche2012) and also the 1993-2002 drought (Kherchoucheetal. 2013).

In the Aurès, the decline of cedar appeared around 1980. In most ofthe forest, the stands are subject to various degradation factors (irregularprecipitation, illegal logging, pasture, trampling, wildfires, etc.). Atpresent, they are undergoing intense degradation that has worsened.

Many hypotheses were proposed about the decline of this species,where a predominant idea was effects of climate change. Since the early1980s, severe droughts have been related to Atlas cedar decline andmortality (Allen et al. 2010; Beghamiet al. 2012). According to El-tobi etal. (2009); Zine El Abidine and Aadel (2009) and Belloula (2010), a

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FIGURE 1Atlas cedar dieback in Aurès, Algeria (Photo: S. D. Belloula)

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decrease in water resources following several years of drought and thecompetition with oaks were probably the main cause of decline.Prolonged episodic and recurrent droughts combined with high temper-atures are among the main factors responsible for the physiological weak-ening of trees and increased vulnerability to other physiological decayprocesses (Adams et al. 2015; Kherchouche et al. 2013).

Remote sensing offers a means to quantify the frequency and extentof disturbances globally to detect and estimate the land conversion rate(Desclée 2006), to predict forest susceptibility and insect spread (Garrity2013). This approach is very effective in the extraction of forest change.Change detection, including both bi-temporal or multi-temporal, is oneof main applications of remotely sensed data (Campbell and Wynne2011). Remote sensing has become an important tool for gathering andmonitoring land cover dynamics, and numerous algorithms have beendeveloped for detecting land cover changes (Hansen and Loveland 2012).

Landsat imagery is widely used for land cover monitoring andchange detection analysis. It allows for improving these types of studiesby the use of time-series analysis for comparison of Vegetation Indices (Liet al. 2014), and land cover changes (El-Aziz 2013;Chen et al. 2015).

The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is one of themost widely used vegetation indexes (Pirotti et al. 2014), employed asindicators for analysing the seasonal evolution of vegetation (Atzberger2013). The NDVI is an effective indicator for detecting above-groundvegetation conditions (e.g. biomass); this index has been used to monitorthe spatial and temporal changes of vegetation cover and biomassproduction, and assess the impacts of climate changes (e.g., air tempera-ture and precipitation) on land surface phenology at regional or globalscale (Zhang et al. 2012 & Mei et al. 2015). It is obtained by calculatingthe NIR and VIS band of remotely sensed imagery available in time serieswith medium to coarse spatial resolution (Zhao et al. 2014).

In our current study, we are in the process of sketching a mental illustra-tion, which will allow us to understand the real evolution of forest, especiallythe dieback of Atlas cedar. Our aim is to exploit the spatial data (multi-dataand other data types) to detect the spatial and temporal changes affecting ourarea of study.

Materials and methods

Study area

The Aurès is located in the northeastern part of Algeria (lat. 35° 10’ - 35°30’ N; long. 6° 20’ -7° 10’ E) (Figure1).The Aurès mountain range is char-acterised by its steep orientation in the southeast and the northwest. Themain peaks in these mountains are: Chelia (2328m), Bezez (2141 m),

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Aidel (2092 m), Feraoun (2093 m), Chentgouma (2112 m) and RasSardoun (1700 m). The area’s soil is relatively young and shallow.According to Faurel et al. (1949), the geological substrates are a varietyof sandstone, limestone, silica and dolomite with some pockets of marland shale.

The principal vegetationin the area is comprised of the species Cedrusatlantica, Quercus ilex, Pinus halpensis and Fraxinus dimorpha.

The cedar forest of OuledYagoub (lat. 35° 18’ - 35 ° 22’ N; long. 6°37’ -7° 05’ E) (Figure1) is located at the extremity northeast of Aurès, inits eastern part. It is bound in the north by the Khenchela-Kais road, inthe southwest by the valley of Oued Mellagou, and is bypassed in thesoutheast by the massifs Chentgouma, Ain Guiguel and Ain Mimoun.

Mt. Chélia is located at (lat: 35° 23’-35° 17’ N; long: 06°33’- 6° 45’E)(Northeast Aurès Mountains, Algeria) (Figure1), north of the massif ofBeni Imloul. It is limited in the north by forest plots and the boundaryfarm of Oued Tahla, in the south by Oued El Asker and the road linkingBouhmama to Medina, on the west by high lawns and to the east by theCantina series.

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FIGURE 2Geographical location of the study area "Chélia"and “Ouled Yagoub” Aurès. Algeria.Yellow ellips: Mountain of Chélia; Green ellips: Mountain of Ouled Yagoub

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The climate is semi-arid. Average annual rainfall varies from 300 mm inlow altitude stations to 800 mm in the highest stations (Seltzer 1946;Schoenberger 1972; Beghami el al. 2013). The average temperature is 15.8 °C.Min. and max. average temperatures are 9.7 °C and 21.9 °C. Elevation ofaverage temperatures combined with rain regressions are estimated at about368.5 mm, which could have negative implications for vegetative growth.

Data Collection and Methodology

The study area includes two regions: Chélia Mtns. and OuledYagoubMtns. The data utilised comprise four satellite imageries (Landsat: 1987,1995, 2003 and 2016). These images were downloaded from the siteUnited States Geological Survey (USGS) corresponding to the dryseason and cloudless conditions.

Each image was processed: classification, geometric correction, andsegmentation. Identified is a subset located at the stand of Atlas cedar inboth areas (Chélia and Ouled Yagoub Mtns.), based on two sources: thegeo-referenced phyto-ecological surveys (GPS) and the vegetation map.

The NDVI obtained for every image is a mechanical process (thechoice of band 2 and 3 is also selected by the operator). For each imagewe then created the following: NDVI (1987), NDVI (1995), NDVI (2003)and NDVI (2016).

After that we applied the NDVI to the areas of interest in all images;we superimposed these maps (of NDVI) to obtain the differences in thearea (NDVI 1987 with NDVI 1995), (NDVI 1995 with NDVI 2003) and(NDVI 2003 with NDVI 2016) (Figure3).

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FIGURE 3Method of working

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FIGURE 4Maps of change detection in forest of Cedar (Aurès, Algeria).For three periods (1987-1995); (1995-2003); (2003-2016)

a: mountain of Chélia; b: mountain of Ouled YagoubGreen color: Increased radiometry, more active vegetation; Red color: Decreasedradiometry, deterioration in vegetation activity; Yellow color: Unchanged areas, stablevegetation.

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These images evaluate the change in land use and assess where there is anincrease, decrease or no change in the area (Figure4).

In our work, we identified different plots (healthy / decayed), andeach plot has GPS coordinates.


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Discussion and conclusion

The change detection in the map (Figure4) provides informationregarding the distribution, the surface and the change in land use ofstands of Atlas cedar. Green corresponds to an increase of Atlas cedarforest, red marks the decrease in Atlas cedar, and yellow indicates no

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change in the stand. Generally, the decrease of Atlas cedar is evident onall sides with a higher intensity in the south. This decrease/increase inAtlas cedar is represented by an irregular distribution, as can be seen inFigure 4.

The change detection maps of the Chélia Mtns. (Figure4a) showan irregular distribution between increase/decrease of the stand ofAtlas cedar. In the first period (1987-1995), we observed a decrease inAtlas cedar (red) at the level on all sides with a rate of (22.74%). Weobserved numerous red areas on the north side; that can be explainedby the illegal harvesting near the forest. According to testimony byinhabitants of the region, during this period the local populationsuffered from an excessively high unemployment rate. This led todisastrous illegal felling of trees. Indeed, during these years, Algeriawas beset by a very severe economic crisis, marked by the cessation ofthe import of wood. By contrast, in the second period (1995-2003) thered spotting rate (25.48%) is much more localised in the south, and inanother time period an irregular distribution can be observed affectingall sides, with a strong intensity for the period (2003-2016), with a rateof 33.76%. The same picture of change is evident for the OuledYagoubMtns. (Figure 4b).

The dieback of the Atlas cedar forest in Chélia Mtns. shows anincrease from one period to the next, reaching its maximum in the thirdperiod (2003-2016). The degradation of the Atlas cedar forest in theOuled Yagoub Mtns.indicates that this was reduced in the secondperiod by 3.26% and reached its maximum of degradation in the thirdperiod with a rate of 32.84%, with an estimated rate of increase of8.32%.

For both periods (1995-2003) and (2003-2016), the degradation wasalways at a high level, with the cedar dieback increase at a rate of 1.74%,7.62%, 4.36%, and 7.39% respectively, for the Chélia and Ouled YagoubMtns. By contrast, for the period (1987-1995) the increase in cedardieback is observed with a higher degradation level, at the rates 6.88%and 9.02% for the Chélia and Ouled Yagoub Mtns. respectively. This isillustrated in Fig. 5. Benmessaoud and Kalla (2008) note that the denseforest decreased between 1987 and 2001.

The large percentage of decrease of Atlas cedar is observed in theperiod 1999-2007 for the Chélia Mtns. and in 2007-2016 for the OuledYagoub Mtns. with a rate of 43.31% and 42.09% respectively. Thischange is a consequence of climate change.

A check of the change in the land (2016) with the field requests wasmade. Most of the plots are identical with decreased and increasedsurface, except for a few plots (about 5%). This is explained by the cuttingdown of dead trees in these plots, as well as the development of other

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species, especially green oak, which is supplanting the Atlas cedar.Mostof these plots where cedar is in a decayed state are at the southern expo-sure level and they are characterised by a steep slope and different alti-tudes (low and high).

It is important to note that in each period where we have a decrease,we also have an increase of cedar in both regions; this is explained by theregeneration of Atlas cedar rather than green oak supplanting cedar(Belloula 2010).It is noteworthy that the dieback does not only affect theAtlas cedar forest at low altitude but also at high altitude.

Our findings provide an evaluation during each period when the rateof dieback of the Atlas cedar increases in time and space. The mostaffected areas are in southern exposure (Belloula 2010; Beghami et al.2012; cf. Beghami and Belloula (in prep.).

In general, we can say that the use of remote sensing facilitates ourapproach to detect the change in development and/or decrease in theforest stands and their surface. These findings with the combination ofother ecological factors allow us to better understand this change in landuse and serve as a basis for the monitoring and management of the cedar.This study shows how remote sensing imagery with a field request can beeasier and provides rapid information on detecting change in land cover,over time and over relatively large areas.

Our findings describe for the first time data on the increase/decreaseof Atlas cedar forest in time and space, in the Chelia and Ouled YagoubMtns. (Aurès, Algeria). These findings will be followed up in future andlinked to other ecological factors.

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oy chélia oy chélia oy chélia

decrease no-change increase

1987-1995 1995-2003 2003-2016

FIGURE 5Histogram Estimated–surfaces of Cedar in Chélia and Ouled Yagoub mount (Aurès, Algeria).For three periods: (1987-1995), (1995-2003) and (2003-2016)Green color: Increased surface; Red color: Decreased surface; Yellow color: Unchanged areas.

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AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank N. Bensdira, Director of E.R.G.R. AURES(Entreprise Régionale du Génie Rural Kais-Khenchela) for technicalsupport. We also wish to express our gratitude to the officers W.Lalawna, E.-H. Mayouf, S. Aghdi and H.Laatar and the agents whohelped and accompanied us in the field. We are also grateful to A.Belkoum and S. Zekak, the officers for the district forests of the Daira ofBouhmama.

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