feeral bureau of investigation - central … is3v111011014pallawild• is aildblee. 4/10406 mao...

•••••••• .■•••• 111.. ••• 141. 7.01•1>A1W.P....M. FeERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION "la ilt% 4661111, tonairo mows ' .. . , ?•-•r•,—•---..• r . . . moo Lopirsix wow . . . - vas 11. OM - VAS . was . . ISO. Nor OMMIAMION OP`Ciell Iiienieg. many - IllYNOPIPS 00, INYCS, Peelleieldes et ilailletit Mod •116 101.1100111011 1111011111 .. •015, Irk 111111111. 14/11/1114 eat . . . Oeuillim• skeeeNst Mew tee* ist *NW tots WI VairdOwlseit. . - =or= at 41ie Se eeSsill et owiridal idler et aseentel impepur farePUea. . FOR COORDINATION MAW, The title et fhb ewe le bang the aim Maw romans Nil" et Pasta Mei ty *Ned *kb Dateralinebiee Iterdae. Detroit NMI ubleb 1e dem ter the the Metier** Crain brews, A MoilL. NM= =Wilk 101/1.0 T. 014.1.41111, liveeltiotar, liskeeliaiSiss Surdas. rt70 WI •teefersee. Delimit, . files ea ti Debjeat dab venestea the& as vnimu peelkeseery hoe inv.& Deolaraties if latentiet , tei ilileet *West ansdele • selligee se 010101KNA• Depritomil6 . allow ■,• bat dart 1114. lail• , *ark* breams WITH- f■e3--r saiihst &own la sanest wawa la tao S4141.1w4 the lesiSrstkia mai eel the are VICICII 3:113set in the reseed. of Delimit. ineigentiee.asi made available their POMO be filed • se April aS. 1.947. fisliber 11.100NL PAINT FONWAIMED: o• ODam DO NOT WWII IN TNICSE SPACED OECL AIS/IT 1 ED A CENTRAL INTELL . SOURCESMETHODS NAII WAR CR I „ I . I8ENCE AGE •COMO 01, TWO MOONY teb .. Berea oso41ou4 -1 - Om lest (100411411 • 2 - Weabliodle rias 3 - min s ts' . XEMPTION 3 1 . - DATE 200 - ------- BY CY 28 ACT HOOPEATT OF FBI-THIS CONFIDENTIAL SEH011 AID ITS COIITOITS Alt LOANED TO YOU.SY TOT F0 AND Alt AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED.

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Page 1: FeERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - Central … IS3V111011014Pallawild• Is aildblee. 4/10406 Mao tondo oseroopsodoloo mimeo La komilmOINIIIII0. allIndanand Libriaa. .2eattomisi alloaltarr

•••••••• .■•••• 111.. ••• 141. 7.01•1>A1W.P....M.


tonairo mows '.. . ,

• ?•-•r•,—•---..•


. .. moo Lopirsix wow •. . .- vas 11. OM - VAS

.was • . .

ISO. Nor

OMMIAMION OP`CiellIiienieg. many -

•IllYNOPIPS 00, INYCS, Peelleieldes et ilailletit Mod

•116 101.1100111011 1111011111 ..•015, Irk 111111111. 14/11/1114 eat

. . . Oeuillim• skeeeNst Mewtee* ist *NW totsWI VairdOwlseit. . -=or= at41ie Se eeSsill et owiridalidler et aseentel impepurfarePUea. .


MAW, The title et fhb ewe le bangthe aim Maw romans Nil"et Pasta Mei ty *Ned *kbDateralinebiee Iterdae. DetroitNMI ubleb 1e dem ter thethe Metier** Crain brews,

A MoilL. NM==Wilk

101/1.0 T. 014.1.41111, liveeltiotar,liskeeliaiSiss Surdas. rt70 WI •teefersee. Delimit,

. files ea ti Debjeat dab venestea the& as vnimupeelkeseery hoe inv.& Deolaraties if latentiet


tei ilileet*West ansdele •

selligee se010101KNA•Depritomil6 .

allow ■,•• bat dart

1114. lail• ,*ark* breams

WITH- f■e3--rsaiihst &own la sanest

wawa la tao S4141.1w4the lesiSrstkia mai

eel the are VICICII3:113set in the reseed. of


ineigentiee.asimade available their

POMO be filed •se April aS. 1.947. fisliber





•COMO 01, TWO MOONYteb .. Berea oso41ou4-1 - Om lest (100411411 •

•2 - Weabliodle rias3 - min

sts' .


- DATE 200- -------




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(U 44401)'

•411100■241615. Ibis refloated tbst &Ns* wired at Vow York as /11.6 .yaNAALIact444par, 14, 100, oaths $.S4 111160 PØ OM the arms as atm...hipllsbet . wao 711010 TOMAS. No oWboenat Ribanit, Roods, /lbcoarlys4, 19191tagbite, 142272 Maio astber ALRA-0010104 lost lorolersddrost.lsalingvaLallsobar, 3simmon loft tio Part at bow es the Wien States A.inos FirstGums. iimigretuallma ogiggio to mow K. 044042. moms of parsonsrAbb Whoa 24bjogivvas Ossasisied ei .ths ship wore Kr. MA Kra. KSKOLTSTAURUS. /obis illetsre4 of Pssia . bs-deslaredAbat kis osoupattua vas thator• ele 21, asmasndWalidinft, apes bassi. see* Calliabios. hair blast',

-height 540, est"ItO 20001, milvvlsokl• Omais or mobs. tis was isouodclistituas. of Art1010800414111 ,0 TrpoLD% KARAM, he 14, 13‘7.1

Sobjelb e tt mit% 0404 aLso filed her praaalaaryrano goy& asoaratisa orlsbeemisolos April 25, 19470embar 0200.1.2418.

""waslenwk .mt z.t, 1044 liesiosnr, 26, 1N/Ap tether, idat MAILLVIC51 mother,=ILI/ LIgasiemeAsso &USK 01120143; last . toreign reoldenos imaliagaaaftaatat, likausiry smigritsChem Ooniony, es the united Astoo UnitsFirst cuss os Immigostiss . 12sa arSivft in der York tObruary 14, 1947, on theSA. anis PyL5. ilas woo doetisood to NWT X. JACJISoS sod also listen Kr. •and We. SUM ?MAIN as %bosoms of tbo-paossageri, or other persons, whomobe tramv41441 with. Nor Corti/1.4o of Arrival ies.isaued Kay 14, 1947, want!.Ike •emoo GAM OMANI.% • . - • •

Islas *atom* of 'Paste tabs used in asking Mr beoiarationof latomaisai OtIpo MSNAMIS . stated her osoupation was aillinery. age 26,imPamilds 112011, was liago4 Nsirlaisil■• Mien 5'4, weight 122, :4tionalit7Liteiamosomisablo soars Sr nark,. Abe vas married to VITZ;J i'.;4(401 at giro,istvlovaelT 11#,2.31.4 1 emd fromilr rocidoo.with Mr husband.

5objest .spesared it the Damn as Jose 2, 190,aid laiWoosi that be in..ovromly reddiag at 1107 dark Twain, DotroO, t•leiAion•Mona s4fie..

'WMWILLIAN A. 11011AASYY, *Moses. Hamspe, gainers) Motors

CerpsolaienTsoOk ind kook Diviaataa, Pinto Ospeareat, )925 Umnoma, Detroit,gift 4,11316141.30J0010 1111041ansak rialidao Nevaibar 21 1950. This reeloutooMS vola Wet Omill 3, 2047. 0 a 0toak *se* and la preo:ntly esplireass •CoOmMINNaeirft/sonoi is Oho PON1O Woe the saptioa "Atuottion"1.1. we IWO OA MI hag atSgailgt the Itatallett7 of :4110a boa 193760 IS3V111011014Pallawild• Is aildblee. 4/10406 Mao tondo oseroopsodoloo mimeoLa komilmOINIIIII0. allIndanand Libriaa. .2eattomisi alloaltarr laspectionSawa it &i, spedmuliatis



Page 3: FeERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - Central … IS3V111011014Pallawild• Is aildblee. 4/10406 Mao tondo oseroopsodoloo mimeo La komilmOINIIIII0. allIndanand Libriaa. .2eattomisi alloaltarr

Aty Apt. of Riga,Latvia

. Health :Apt. of Aiga:Ara, •atvia

Aailroadr.ur, Austria

Mr. 4.X1A4I1'Y stated that MINAh hoi seared his eipliper*at 'Andrea otore ..:orporation Oren" JOhX4TAMTON, • janitorial. ho$ bees .enploysi by the company over ten years. MCRIARITT etated that 3TA0311 le .4

Ausoinn anl strongly enti.Geasuolet• Pas•rems to SULAM. DOWN .•iltn teen a satisfactory employee and Ur espreeoed hleeelt in Wag alai-

WALLanITY advised that it wee him wiatooriandiol Usk alikiwOleswife has 1 millinery job which causes her to travel oath. reed visabla *wOLUCh aá York City. •


- • :.:onfidential informal Detroit Twl, sfluieusanother ,overnment agency whiah conducts securitrtYli i..iigt. .•ntat-A that on July 1053, ARUM nwas, LOglann gwP.:xqp, .r.sitnneck, :;ermany, was interviewed relative to hIs edit 4 ,111441.

• !stated that 3ubjeet joined the Latvian . Mimi Pretareihrin January, 1038. At ttAtt tine Silliest vas a sports writer end

;(31::, Abject's father, was a menber at the Latviaalleda!.vt.. beloved to the group within this party that leased to the lidaws

Page 4: FeERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - Central … IS3V111011014Pallawild• Is aildblee. 4/10406 Mao tondo oseroopsodoloo mimeo La komilmOINIIIII0. allIndanand Libriaa. .2eattomisi alloaltarr

(:, 664960)

la a • oroxiaately February, 194J, 92,711110 fee en waists jaw iMaskaar-tvrespaper written try. %Nest whiade sosned .-*. enhisii the 1,4104.111 SW. WOO .•way or. arc, f,.aujisi, wee ep000ldisied bithe /WM/rift IlLtalial eel=this article ani, when it been* 14012116 UNA 11•8 WI VIM WWIfor six months. In inno row, afterths amP14104.ft or LAW* WU* .quesiens, I sports ssusp:per serried so sitisie trySaajosaMbialm pmeirmaLthol*present type of sports initisied lay.the lassimms ss mere heaUldlii aid=kWeta than the ranker demands netheele of 'pert indentaldlass ensfer the'free ,.etvian Liovernetent. tiabjelit eounlased to proles the agbiess Was •tw•aian oceilpation and abuse the esppertere et the free Latvia" rifferoalt.s . aset, a te* •;,:t an oditor for the 4.3914a Otrimatia Oda.

Isian occucatit.m. In July, •904 eilbJeet . was, perseniet.), swells* AMt!:o 7.1-ntornity.

Confidential Infornanh lustrinit T.4 further ageism* Yoh . .8850th irdeor ,kirviee Cespeiv, inaliagen. Gers/Ws Lakirrissold

u at 17. 1?50c .ronserrdng hie keerledge 9vbjeet. biotin.% stated thnt •, tzmn eines 1931I when *Nast joined the Libelee Mali* =41.40' 7 ..ettoraie ,„ At that tine ei) 714 411113 was sttendina the University efjt .,t4tipe tongineoring and lam. ?aria/5 use • wara asnier et the eted611 graytIntil the .Anislans invaded Latvia in June, 1960, et Adkitib Om. toibilift •

, wrilng articles for the Communist spoieres mouspsper, nine:to utIset leas expelled fres the Latvian sendent greepet=a",11 .../.1y or iminut, 194:4, for oollskorstlasi with tIctItles sad 1.11.101.: .r:on thmunist articles for o Sowspaper Kips". aided tlist Inejesncontacte1 hlek in the iattor . rait of Anita 1. —Wei 'ead states that he had boa •

at TJ.at t1ne, a renber ,of the Ceissaist7T440 mamma latl••. .

C'onfidenttal Informant,Detreit t4 raraisSed sa Aftidenit

• *Latvian Anima Praheraity•LenviaA'


?aloe it Ralf easettra. • )J, Gri . tatenest about vraIDS Am=

*14, this undersimmed, members of ahalmard of 91.44tsale witty,that VI :01.03 eAMAXIS, born Febessig Apo 1919m Jeii,1!••!1■111,.!!! •tudent Fraternity 'Lettenia lfia isarmorm 1014 se • Alliwnw° 'wVt. University of Rios, Farrolry In eseerdepne 41114 the-


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••••%•':, .•

• • IAgV APXNAMO, alifftstifeerte 3400.* 4 We OmOp SOCUMOMIM111101111014ee . mialidama 1401110111116 )14 .

maiaTuLar ALM, bora es Offsbural,/ 1911. L1C Imeal %aggressihmiaollams Are*

Vs, thiontersiffsd, amber, it Leitrim SWUM' Fratameity fLattoala,swiLy7 mit yokuidaii arlo luso oseessados VITOLW PORMAKS, formeramber it elettemia,.

• "1. We bays Mon and read Is 3.%O an 'Maly in the,spOrt mompapsrli abisb ums • prtated by summeatata earies,taim ceeepitLom ofLotalm. Laths artislethe spark estiottime it iadepooloot Latvia wire:

• compared vita them *rift the yeeffetteatiyamomiaiss. An thatVITOLDS POWS= Owitidd tbe •aunsistis sommeat and ita attitadoto sports in/ at the Moe time obesiff the tamper Latvian imdopedentgamma& and its /offertory. Tholkrtiala fulay cogrommed PAtiaNI!*Masi 1,12404

2. is Wow, that is the years 1940/1941, during, t y41 .4soian oocup-%tIonof Latvia, i1n115 AMMAILS has Coon a member of the 4Itor 6oard of th.eofficial iommunist party asoffsper in ‘Latvia.

/*/"Aigui;),g41414,6 'NUM:,

vborn oa :Awe:. 31, 1915, :0-ea 2 Mandquarters Atoloyee, ramidittr in,solineeti. 33-4 tgarter Argot. ,

. wborn on Optober 4, I914,•*cm4uatei real/111F In :AoriLinesn,3d.aoltk.

Page 6: FeERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - Central … IS3V111011014Pallawild• Is aildblee. 4/10406 Mao tondo oseroopsodoloo mimeo La komilmOINIIIII0. allIndanand Libriaa. .2eattomisi alloaltarr




- (63.464960)

Iowa as Jimmy 4, 1911, laaidmaakildattper at Latvia* NOuspapow LAtvijas,is 7.4 Turristorms strut,

Ad-_ • 911.4212,M4pra es July 2, 1916;Ji seilimuims, rs4Atlt iiSaslissaa, 3.6 tanaaahergotreot.

, • 521,1E,

`lawn as April 10, 1912, 1 Gam*llar Apt Lau tasothly -tattoo intoeliagat, rattails ta IiHi $4 $02.1919, straits

'Urn mil*, 29, 2912,4eraer Seiretary of Appeal Court in qsa, resinsuidostt, rtalabert stroll.*

. •

fhpll 4AD chIM110a.• •

• . • . • ' anode, tt tbstedehantaCtedit . tureau, oetroit, ref /441.4d• that Johjett held ease fro* Gesaaar, ober, he had roeideo at

••24:41tin it Ate lalleatod that bor had tereorly wain eaplered•sh• lesper for the 1400ataallioa at Germaai, prior to .!0.

.eitt, °AIDA• as theta to badoplarid ata hat toslipor it 1Ii1grteec-0.ahvrPetritt, .Jubjaptaaa about tabor. vasidsd at 13237 m 4eh s.%•iv

$112*.... 9.Plettikar IX, 1949, aad prortetaltit 144: S$,ot.• .7.9449 ?twat, Detroit. /he-report ratlostod. as derOdUttri infmtssati.m..• It lot onion thskftbjapt'slaidawl•as aoesett . olth . lb* .4t.laTiml buni

Dmkr01% but Oat arropeordthereit wartommd tho•Mala ..lrios dr ti4C/ifford-MaalWpOtftio. 1a.datat,.19411,••*b3eet gar, am rtforimmt

• friend, Ws ltt?3gR3, 140 stram, •

, • .. .

• •Ibi ipoivide of tho Himbizon• : to rs r the .,ubjeati • •

t remor0 4X the 144utiftemtlou •mrouvi11,

ani•A'44 .%vetu or :mcmrum,.:.,*.t.rl.t,. ,• were 4b,takillil with oadatio* resnAo as Weridaber -17 •

