feeding in scholar age (6 12 years)[1]

Feeding in scholar Feeding in scholar age (6-12 years) age (6-12 years) Ana Sofía Benítez Martínez Ricardo Avila Ojeda

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Page 1: Feeding In Scholar Age (6 12 Years)[1]

Feeding in scholar age Feeding in scholar age (6-12 years)(6-12 years)

Ana Sofía Benítez MartínezRicardo Avila Ojeda

Page 2: Feeding In Scholar Age (6 12 Years)[1]

Nutritional evaluation for Nutritional evaluation for kidskidsDuring this stage of the life, children grow

between 5 and 7 cm and increase between 2,5 and 3,5 kg per year respectively.

If they raise less than 2 kgs or grow less than 4 cm per year, they must be controlled for a pediatrician.

If these raise increase 5 kg per year, they must check their weight with a nutritionist and they have to do more physical activity.

Page 3: Feeding In Scholar Age (6 12 Years)[1]

A new stage for kidsA new stage for kidsThe school age is a time in which the parents

can experience some problems with the feeding of their children.

The children will pass more time out of the home, and the provision and supervision of the food that receive at these hours will become more difficult.

On the other hand, the nutritional requirements of the child will change like the increase of the activities not only physical, also intellectual that proposes the new school stage.

Page 4: Feeding In Scholar Age (6 12 Years)[1]

Consecuences of a bad Consecuences of a bad feedingfeeding

Many problems of learning and difficulties of the syndromes of lack of attention can come, from inadequate diets. Also, many of the food disorders as the bulimia and the anorexia have their origin in this stage of the life.

Children badly fed will be in worse conditions to confront not only the school activity, also physical and intelectual formation.

The parents have to inculcate the good habits of feeding and give to them a variety diet.

Page 5: Feeding In Scholar Age (6 12 Years)[1]

Breakfast Breakfast A good nutrition begins with the first food of the day. The

importance of the breakfast takes root in that it is the first ingestion after which the organism been several hours without food. The night is, in general, the period of longer fasting of the day, especially for the children, because they sleep more hours that the adults. So it’s important not to eliminate the breakfast from the normal diet.

In case of the child who goes to the college in the morning, it is necessary to assure that they get up with the sufficient time to have breakfast.

For the children who go to school in the evening, the problem is different. They get up too late, and the morning does not reach to distribute the two meals: breakfast and lunch. Many parents tend to eliminate one of the two meals, transforming it into a big one.

The ideal thing is to regulate better the hour of the foods and give to the children both of it.

Page 6: Feeding In Scholar Age (6 12 Years)[1]

Healty food vs Scrap foodHealty food vs Scrap foodAnother relevant problem, that the parents

have to face with, are the famous “scrap food”.

Among the food that are called “scrap food” are located: candies, sodas, fast food, everyone of these rich in CHO’s, fats and sugar.

The problem is that the parents give money to the kids to buy their snack in school, so they buy scrap food.

So is important that parents prepare healthy food to their children, to avoid obesity and desnutrion problems.

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So what we have to do?So what we have to do?The most important for a healthy life of

a scholar children is to consume an ideal quantity and variety of food for their age and height.

They have to consume proteins, CHO’s, lipids, vitamins, minerals, a lot of calcium because they are growing up and they need it, iron, etc.

Combine the flavors of the kid prefer, and the way of cooking, to make the child enjoy the food instead, it isn’t their favorite food.

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Physical activity for kidsPhysical activity for kids The Mediterranean Diet Fundation recommend the

next exercises for kids: Everyday: walk, homework, walk the dog, active

games 3-5 days per week: minimun 20 minutes, activities

and vigorous sports, like: football, skating, swimming, etc.

2-3 days per week: activities that promote flexibility and stength like: dance, martial arts, psychomotor activities, etc.

Less than 2 hours: watching tv, PC, videogames.

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Curios factsCurios factsIn the last studies of the Instituto

Nacional de Salud Pública, established that the public schools promote an obese environment, since1999 and 2006, the overweight in children from 5 to 11 years passed from 11.5 to 16. 5% and the obesity doubled, passed from 4.5 to 9.4%.

Page 10: Feeding In Scholar Age (6 12 Years)[1]

Bye age ten , a childs needs about 2000 kcalories a day. Total energy needs increase slightly with age, but energy needs per kilogram of body weight actually decline gradually. Inactive children can become obese even when they eat less food than the average. They would do well to learn to enjoy physical play and exercise.

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Protein: Like energy needs, total protein needs increase slightly with age, but when the child's body weight is considered, the protein requirement actually declines gradually. The estimation of protein needs considers the requirements for maintaining nitrogen balance, the quality of protein consumed, and the added needs of growth.

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The vitamin and mineral needs of children increase with their ages. A balanced diet of nutritious foods can meet children's needs for these nutrients, with the notable exception of iron. Iron deficiency anemia is a major problem worldwide, as well as being the most prevalent nutrient deficiency among U.S. and Canadian children

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Iron deficiency is most likely in young children (under age five). To prevent iron deficiency, children's foods must deliver approximately 10 milligrams of iron per day.

Page 14: Feeding In Scholar Age (6 12 Years)[1]

Children´s Daily Food Patterns for Good NutritionFood group Servings per

dayAverage Size of serving

4 to 6 years 7 to 12 years

Bread and cereals (whole grain or enriched)

6 or more 1 slice 1 to 2 slices

Vegetables 3 or more ¼ to ½ c or ½ c juice

½ to ¾ c or ½ c juice

Fruits 2 or more ¼ to ½ or ½ c juice

½ to ¾ c or ½ c juice

Meat and meat alternatives

2 or more 1 to 2 oz 2 to 3 oz

Milk and milk products

3 to 4 ¾ c ¾ to i c