february 2010 blessings

Blessings A publication of Byromville Baptist Church In This Issue Ecclesiology.......... p. 2 Assn’l Brotherhood..... p. 2 Men’s Bible study...... p. 3 Help Haiti ............ p. 3 Children’s Ministry Day.. p. 4 News from afar ........ p. 4 Just for kids ......... p. 5 Monthly info.......... p. 6 Photos from January. .. p. 7 Fish supper ........... p. 8 February 2010

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Newsletter for Byromville Baptist Church


BlessingsA p u b l i c a t i o n o f B y r o m v i l l e B a p t i s t C h u r c h

In This IssueEcclesiology. . . . . . . . . . p. 2

Assn’l Brotherhood. . . . . p. 2

Men’s Bible study. . . . . . p. 3

Help Haiti . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3

Children’s Ministry Day. . p. 4

News from afar. . . . . . . . p. 4

Just for kids. . . . . . . . . p. 5

Monthly info. . . . . . . . . . p. 6

Photos from January. . . p. 7

Fish supper.. . . . . . . . . . p. 8

F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0

Andy Blankenship

Page 2

Pastor’s column


W h a t i s y o u recclesiology? I guess abetter question would bewhat is ecclesiology? Thiswonderful “10 dollar”word is the study of thetheological understandingof church. So let me askthe question this way;w h a t i s y o u runderstanding of the roleand/or function of thechurch? I ask because it isutterly amazing how far

our understanding and application of ecclesiology hasfallen in our westernized world.

Church buildings are being constructed like theaters.Instead of a pulpit, the focus is a stage. Some featuremassive platforms that revolve or raise and lower,with colored lights and huge sound boards. Shepherdsare giving way to media specialists, programmingconsultants, stage directors, and special effectsexperts. The idea is to give the audience what theywant. Tailor the church service to whatever will drawa crowd. As a result, pastors are more like politiciansthan shepherds, looking to appeal to the public ratherthan leading and building the flock God gave them.The congregation is served a slick, professional show,where drama, pop music, and maybe a soft-shellsermon make up the worship service. But theemphasis isn't on worship, it's on entertainment.

Underlying this trend is the notion that the churchmust sell the gospel to unbelievers. Churches thuscompete for the consumer on the same level as thelatest TV reality show or a major food chain. Moreand more churches are relying on marketing strategyto “sell” the church. That philosophy is the result ofbad theology. It assumes that if you package thegospel right, people will get saved. Proponents of thisview of church presume that church services areprimarily for recruiting unbelievers. Many haveabandoned worship as such while some have limitedconventional preaching to some small-group settingon a weeknight.

My point in this is to stimulate your brain intothinking and meditating about our church. Why do wemeet? What should we be most concerned about? Arethe things we are most concerned about biblicallybased or are we culturally driven church? Do we dothe things we do with in our corporate gatherings forlost people or are we doing what we do for theedification of the body? Acts 2:42 shows us thepattern the early church followed when they met:"They were continually devoting themselves to theapostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking ofbread and to prayer." Note that the early church'spriorities clearly were to worship God and to edify thebrethren. The church came together for worship andedification; it scattered to evangelize the world.

To be continued …….

Brother Andy


SUPPER/MEETINGFeb. 1 at 6:30pm

Here at BBC

Featured SpeakerMarty Youngblood

Church-Minister RelationsGeorgia Baptist Convention

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God is the blazing sun at the center of reality.Everything revolves around him. And as the mostvaluable and glorious person that exists, God isloving, not conceited, when he calls us to worshiphim, because he’s offering us the one thing that willmake us the most happy: himself. God’s pursuit ofglory and our pursuit of joy are not at odds. BecauseGod is most glorified in us when we are most satisfiedin him.

In these eight 30-minute sessions, John Piper explainsfrom the Bible:

k Why God is so passionate about his glory

k Why our happiness depends on God’s pursuit of hisglory

k That God actually commands us to pursue ourhappiness

k That sin is when we abandon God and pursue ourhappiness in lesser things

k How our love for God is revealed by our delight inhim, not our labors for him

k How joy in God overflows in love to meet theneeds of others

kHow only joy in God can sustain us in times ofprofound suffering

Men, even though this study has already begun, it’snot too late to get in on the action. You can easilycatch up. February dates are Feb. 7 and Feb. 21 inSaliba Hall. For more information, contact the pastor.

Tomorrow is just a future yesterday.

Responding to the Haiti earthquake

Above: At the "Good Samaritan's Clinic" in Jimani,Dominican Republic, Southern Baptist missionarieshave worked alongside dozens of medical volunteersto treat injuries inflicted by Haiti's Jan. 12 earthquake.

You can help. Support Southern BaptistDisaster Relief efforts to aid the people of Haiti asthey recover from the devastating earthquake and tohelp Haitian Baptists proclaim the Good News ofJesus Christ throughout their land.

Donate now:

U Internet: www.namb.net/Haiti

U Phone: 1-866-407-6262

U Mail: NAMB/Haiti Relief FundP. O. Box 116543Atlanta, GA 30368-6543

The North American MissionBoard, along with state Baptistconvention leaders, has taken thelead in organizing SouthernBaptists to respond to disasters.They contribute manpower,

ministry, and financial help during floods, hurricanes,tornadoes, fires, earthquakes, and urban disasters.NAMB uses Disaster Relief donations for meetinghuman needs as a priority and of sharing the Gospeland/or starting churches as part of NAMB's overalldisaster relief ministry once these priorities are met.

Your donation will be used exclusively (100%) fordirect disaster response expenses. Administrative andstaff needs are covered by volunteers and SouthernBaptist entities at the local, state and national levels.




Left:Abby’s daughterMaggie.

Above: April’s son George.

Oliver, George, Maggie and Ella at Christmas

Andy holding (left) Anne’s daughter Ella and (right)April’s son Oliver.

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Children’s Ministry Day (CMD) 2010 is February 20,and this year’s focus is “Home Team.” CMD wascreated by Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) in2008 as a day to engage children in missions actionand witnessing. CMD 2010 will give kids an opportunity to ministerto people with housing-related needs through a varietyof hands-on service projects. On this day, boys andgirls from churches across North America willcollectively minister and witness in their communitiesas they positively impact the lives of others. Our Girls in Action (GAs) will take a care package forfamilies of sick children to the Ronald McDonaldHouse in Columbus on CMD 2010. Our Children inAction (CiA) will be doing some yard work forresidents in our community on that day.

For more information about CMD 2010, contactElaine Phelps or Brenda Lockerman.

February Sermon Series

“New Dirt For An Old Tree”

New monthly feature

News from afarMany of you will remember the Dorsetts, Jimmy andBrenda and their children Andy, Anne, April andAbby. Pictured below are the new additions to thefamily.

5:00pm Men’sBible Study

7:00pm DeaconsMeeting

5:00pm Men’s

Bible Study

February 2010WeeklySchedule


Sunday School. . . . . . 10 AMWorship. . . . . . . . . . . 11 AMChildren’s Choir. . . . . . 5 PMWorship. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PM


Supper. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PMPrayer Meeting. . . . . . . 7 PMYouth Group. . . . . . . . . 7 PMChildren in Action/GAs. 7 PMMission Friends. . . . . . 7 PM

Groundhog Day

6:30pm Assn’lBrotherhoodSupper/Meeting

Clean Out YourComputer Day

Ash WednesdayValentine’s Day

6:00pm Fish Fry

President’s Day

10:00am WomenOn Mission,Saliba Hall

Children’sMinistry Day


1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27


2-1 Hilda Brackett

2-2 Judy Brock

Brent Howell

Michael Huckaby

2-4 Misty Chappell

Adam Everidge

Bun Fountain

Bryan Hunter

Richard Thomas, Jr.

2-5 Pam Crutchfield

Ricky Stephenson

2-6 Tony Bodrey

2-7 Misty W orn

2-8 Andy Collier

2-8 Curtis Lamberth

2-10 Michelle Elsasser

2-11 Cheryl Christopherson

Tyler Thompson

2-14 Michelle Kitchens

2-15 Jon Brinson

2-18 Janet Lamberth

Shealee Norris

2-19 Tyler Sledge

2-20 Anisa W oods

2-22 Ed Eaton

2-24 Clinton Brannen

Sarah W oodruff

2-26 Sterling McCullum

2-28 George Massey

2-29 Lillian Gresham

3-1 Rebekah Bowen

3-2 Jurelle Godfrey

3-3 Mike Raper

3-4 Kohl Cavanah

Mary Beth Reed

3-5 Jared Averill

3-7 Brenda Dorsett

Please pray for these

people on their birthday.

7:00pm Visitation

Church Conferenceafter 6pm Worship

Upcoming Birthdays

Page 5

Page 6

Schedule of Volunteers for FebruaryPlease remember it is up to you to arrange coverage if you are unable to serve on your scheduled day.

Date Flowers Nursery forSunday School

Nursery forMorning Worship

Deacon of theWeek


Feb. 7 Open Sharon Thompson


Jimmy Lockerman Mark SmithQuint Smith

Feb. 14 MichelleKitchens

Jill Brannen Terri GregoryMichelle Kitchens

Arthur Roney Monta AverillWilliam Preston

Feb. 21 Pat Hatcher Mary KathrynBlankenship


Mark Smith Mark PeavyArthur Roney

Feb. 28 Elaine Phelps Kimberly Godfrey Robin/Mark Peavy

Floyd Tucker Bob LatimerKyle West

January Sunday School Stats

Senior Adults 12FBIC 12CIA 6VOC 6Young Adults 8Older Youth 66 , 7 & 8 Graders 0th th th

3 , 4 , & 5 Graders 3rd th th

1 & 2 Graders 6st nd

Older Preschoolers 4Younger Preschoolers 6Nursery 1General Officers 3


Financial $ummary

December receiptsGeneral offerings $8,239.92Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 1,295.00Special–Mailbox club 125.00Special–Poinsettias 60.00Special–Stove 59.00Interest on CD 291.34TOTAL 10,260.52

December disbursementsGeneral expenses 8,208.41World Hunger 50.00Poinsettias 714.08Mailbox club 150.00Church plant support 100.00Cooperative Progra m 1,083.53Houston Baptist Association 416.74TOTAL $10,722.76

Praise the Lord!The Missions Celebration at Unadilla First BaptistChurch on Jan. 19 was big success with 110 people inattendance, and they gave $270 for the Esther Fund,which provides for Camp Pinnacle. In addition, theybrought: 239 girls panties, 3 girls undershirts, 119boys briefs,116 boys tshirts, 33 pairs of socks, 1 hatand $260 worth of Walmart gift cards, all of whichwas mailed to Harbor Light Baptist Church in Oceana,West Virginia. This ministry is part of theAppalachian Regional Ministries. This is one of themost poverty stricken areas in our country. TheHarbor Light Church has an active children’s ministryand they will use these gifts to share Christ’s love.

PastorAndy Blankenship

Pastor Andy is the leader of the flock,Son, not the herd.

Scenes from

January 2010

More pics on website

Page 7

Byromville Baptist Church713 Patterson Street ` POB 126Byromville, GA 31007www.byromvillebaptistchurch.com478-433-2505Pastor: Andy Blankenship



Blessings is published monthly by Byromville Baptist Church. Send news items and/or comments to Editor Brenda

Lockerman at POB 217, Byromville, GA 31007, email to [email protected] or call 478-433-2791 .

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