febrina rosinta 1 1.segment your market 2.tailor your message 3.communicate via appropriate medium 2

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Page 1: Febrina Rosinta 1 1.Segment your market 2.Tailor your message 3.Communicate via appropriate medium 2

Febrina Rosinta


Page 2: Febrina Rosinta 1 1.Segment your market 2.Tailor your message 3.Communicate via appropriate medium 2

1. Segment your market2. Tailor your message3. Communicate via appropriate medium


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Defining IMC

IMC is a strategic business process used to plan, develop, execute and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication programs with consumers, customers, prospects employees and other relevant external and internal audiences.

IMC is a strategic business process used to plan, develop, execute and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication programs with consumers, customers, prospects employees and other relevant external and internal audiences.

The goal of IMC is to generate short-term financial returns and build long-term brand


The goal of IMC is to generate short-term financial returns and build long-term brand



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• Marketing communication are the means by which firms attemp to inform, persuade, and remind consumers – directly or indirectly – about the products and brands that they sell. (Kotler, dan Keller, 2006)

• IMC merupakan “Voice”of the brand • Sarana membangun hubungan dengan



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• Marketing communication is a collective term for all the various types planned messages used to build a brand – advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct marketing, personal selling, packaging, events and sponsorshpis, and customer service. (Duncan, 2005)


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The Changing Communications Environment

Two factors are changing the face of today’s marketing communications:

As mass markets have fragmented, marketersare shifting away from mass marketing

Vast improvements in information technologyare speeding the movement toward segmentedmarketing


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The Need for IMC

Using IMC, the company carefullyintegrates and coordinates its manycommunication channels to delivera clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organizationand its brands.


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Integrated Marketing Communication


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Marketing Communications Mix

• Advertising– Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and

promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

• Sales Promotion– Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase

or sale of a product or service.


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Marketing Communications Mix

• Public Relations– Building good relations with the company’s

various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.

• Personal Selling– Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for

the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships.


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Marketing Communication Mix

• Direct Marketing– Direct connections with carefully targeted

individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships—the use of telephone, mail, fax, e-mail, the Internet, and other tools to communicate directly with specific consumers.


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• Can reach masses of geographically dispersed buyers.

• Can repeat a message many times.• Is impersonal, one-way communication.• Can be very costly for some media types.


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Personal Selling

• Involves personal interaction between two or more people.

• Allows relationship building.• Most expensive promotion tool.


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Sales Promotion

• Wide assortment of tools.• Attracts consumer attention.• Offers strong incentives to buy.• Invites and rewards quick consumer response.• Effects are short-lived.


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Public Relations

• Very believable.• Reaches people who avoid salespeople and

ads.• Can dramatize a company or product.• Tends to be used as an afterthought.• Planned use can be effective and economical.


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Direct Marketing

• Many forms that share four characteristics:– Nonpublic– Immediate– Customized– Interactive

• Well suited to highly targeted marketing.


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• Viewing communications as managing the customer relationship over time

• Communications flow in both directions


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• Key features of IMC1. Affect behavior2. Start with the customer or prospect3. Use any and all forms of contacts4. Achieve synergy5. Build relationship

• In the context of the marketing mix, promotions represents the various aspects of marketing communication, that is, the communication of information about the product with the goal of generating a positive customer response


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1. Identifikasi target audience2. Tentukan tujuan komunikasi3. Merancang pesan4. Menyeleksi saluran komunikasi5. Menetapkan anggaran promosi6. Memilih bauran promosi7. Mengukur hasil promosi


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• Untuk mempengaruhi perilaku• Untuk memberikan informasi• Untuk membujuk• Untuk mentransformasikan tanggapan afeksi• Untuk mengingatkan


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Response Hierarchy Models

AIDA Models

Hierarchy –of Effects Models

Innovation-Adoption Model

Commnunication Model

Cognitive stage

Attention Awareness Knowledge

Awareness Exposure


Cognitive Response

Affective Stage










Behavior Stage

Action Purchase Trial




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Promotional program situation analysis

Analysis of the communications process

Budget determination

Develop integrated marketing communications programs

Review of marketing plan


















Integrate and implement marketing communications strategies

Monitor, evaluate and control IMC Program




Integrated Marketing Communications Planning Model


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Setting the Promotional Budget





What management thinksthe company can afford

The budget as a percentageof forecasted sales

Setting the budget tomatch competition spending

1. Defining specific objectives2. Determining tasks needed3. Estimating costs of tasks4. Adding total costs


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Faktor yang mempengaruhi strategi Bauran Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu (Integrated

Marketing Communications)


a. Khalayak Sasaran ( target Audience)b. Daur Hidup Produk (Perkenalan, Pertumbuhan, Kedewasaan, Penurunan)c. Karakteristik produkd. Tingkatan Keputusan Pembelian

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a. Khalayak Sasaran ( target Audience)


- Konsumen akhir- Mass Media Personal selling umumnya untuk pengecer Direct Marketing– ditujukan mendorong pembelian pertama kali atau pembelian berulang.- Konsumen industri --- Customized Personal Sellling

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b. Daur Hidup Produk

Tahapan Daur Hidup Produk

Perkenalan Pertumbuhan Kedewasaan Penurunan

Sasaran Promosi

Menginformasikan (to Inform)

Membujuk (to Persuade)

Mengingatkan Kembali (to Remind)

Aktivitas Promosi

-Publisitas dalam majalah -Periklanan-Armada penjualan dengan mengungjungi perantara- Promosi penjualan dengan pemberian sample

Penjulan perorangan pada perantaraPeriklanan dengan atribut yang berbeda dari pesaing.

Iklan yang mengingatkan kembaliPromosi penjualan: Diskon, kupon-Personal aselling terbatas-- Direct Marketing untuk mengingatkan kembali

Sedikit dana untuk promosi


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c. Karakteristik produk


Faktor Yang dipertimbangkan- Jenis produk: konsumsi(konvenien, shopping, spesial, unsought goods); industri ( barang produksi, pendukung) - Kompleksitas semakin kompleks personal selling- Risiko: keuangan, sosial dan fisik; lebih berisiko personal selling- Layanan tambahanlebih banyak Direct Marketing

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d. Tingkatan Keputusan Pembelian


- Sebelum pembelian : iklan, promosi penjualan dengan sampel; personal selling untuk produk industri- Saat pembelian: personal selling, promosi penjualan (kupon, point, rabat)- Setelah pembelian:personal selling, promosi penjualan, iklan.

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Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu


- Push Strategy: Promosi ditujukan kepada perantara Personal Selling, Promosi Penjualan- Pull Strategy :ditujukan pada konsumen akhir Iklan; Promosi Penjualan

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• Refers to the direction of promotional effort• Exists as a range, yet most companies use a combination of

bothFigure 15.4


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Humor in Advertising

These days, it seems as though almost every company is using humor in its advertising, even the scholarly American Heritage Dictionary.


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Sales Promotion

Today’s food marketers are using more and more push promotions, including consumer price promotions.


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Sales Promotion Objectives• Consumer Promotions: increase short-term

sales or help build long-term market share.• Trade Promotions: get retailers to:

– carry new items and more inventory– advertise products– give products more shelf space– buy ahead

• Sales Force: getting more sales support.• In general, sales promotion should build long-

term customer relationships.33

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Cash Refunds“Rebates”Cash Refunds“Rebates”

Price Packs“Cents-Off Deals”Price Packs“Cents-Off Deals”


Advertising SpecialtiesAdvertising Specialties

Offers a trial amount of a productOffers a trial amount of a product

Savings when purchasing specified productsSavings when purchasing specified products

Refund of part of the purchase price by mailRefund of part of the purchase price by mail

Reduced prices marked on the label or package by producerReduced prices marked on the label or package by producer

Goods offered free or low cost as an incentive to buy a productGoods offered free or low cost as an incentive to buy a product

Articles imprinted with an advertiser’s name given as giftsArticles imprinted with an advertiser’s name given as gifts

Consumer Sales Promotion Tools


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Patronage RewardsPatronage Rewards

Point-of-Purchase PromotionsPoint-of-Purchase Promotions




Cash or other award offered for regular use of a product or serviceCash or other award offered for regular use of a product or service

Displays or demonstrations at the point of purchase or saleDisplays or demonstrations at the point of purchase or sale

Consumers submit an entry to be judged by a panelConsumers submit an entry to be judged by a panel

Consumers submit their names for a drawingConsumers submit their names for a drawing

Consumers receive something each time they buy which may help them win a prize

Consumers receive something each time they buy which may help them win a prize

Consumer Sales Promotion Tools


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Trade Promotion

Persuade resellers to carry a brand

Give a brand shelf space

Promote brand in advertising

Push brand to customers



Free Goods

Push Money

Specialty Advertising Items

Objectives Tools


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Business Promotion

Generate business leads

Stimulate purchases

Reward customers

Motivate salespeople


Trade shows

Sales contests

Objectives Tools


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Trade Show

More than 4,300 trade shows take place every year, drawing as many as 85 million people. 38

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Public Relations

Public relations is used to promote products, people, places, ideas, activities, organizations, and even nations. New York City turned its image around when its “I Love New York!” campaign took root, bringing millions more tourists to the city.


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Public Relations Functions

• Press relations or press agency

• Product publicity

• Public affairs

• LobbyingLobbying

• Investor relationsInvestor relations

• DevelopmentDevelopment


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The Nature of Personal Selling

• Most salespeople are well-educated, well-trained professionals who work to build and maintain long-term customer relationships.

• The term salesperson covers a wide range of positions:– Order taker: Department store clerk– Order getter: Creative selling in different



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The Role of the Sales Force

• Personal selling is a paid, personal form of promotion.

• Involves two-way personal communication between salespeople and individual customers.

• Salespeople:– Probe customers to learn about problems– Adjust marketing offers to fit special needs– Negotiate terms of sales– Build long-term personal relationships


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Major Steps in Effective Selling


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The Personal Selling Process

ProspectingThe salesperson identifies qualified potential customers

PreapproachThe salesperson learns as much as possible about a prospective customer before making a sales call

ApproachThe salesperson meets the customer for the first time

PresentationThe salesperson tells the “product story” to the buyer, highlighting customer benefits


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The Personal Selling Process

Handling ObjectionsThe salesperson seeks out, clarifies, and overcomes customer objections to buying

ClosingThe salesperson asks the customer for an order

Follow-upThe salesperson follows up after the sale to ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business


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Owens-Corning Field Sales Advantage system gives salespeople a constant supply of information about their company and the people with whom they are dealing. 46

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Direct Marketing

• Direct marketing consists of direct connections with carefully targeted individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships.

• Click Here to Visit the Direct Marketing Association's Website


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The New Direct-Marketing Model

• Some firms use direct marketing as a supplemental medium.

• For many companies, direct marketing constitutes a new and complete model for doing business.

• Some firms employ the direct model as their only approach.

• Some see this as the new marketing model of the next millennium.


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Benefits of Direct Marketing

• Benefits to Buyers:– Convenient– Easy to use– Private– Ready access to products and information– Immediate and interactive


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Benefits of Direct Marketing• Benefits to Sellers:

– Powerful tool for building customer relationships– Can target small groups or individuals– Can tailor offers to individual needs– Can be timed to reach prospects at just the right

moment– Gives access to buyers they could not reach

through other channels– Offers a low-cost, efficient way to reach markets


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Customer Databases

• An organized collection of comprehensive data about individual customers or prospects, including geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data.

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Forms of Direct Marketing


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Telephone Marketing

• Accounts for more than 36% of all direct-marketing sales.

• Used in both consumer and B2B markets.

• Can be outbound or inbound calls.

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Inbound Telephone Marketing

The Carolina Cookie Company urges, “Don’t wait another day! Call now to place an order or request a catalog.”


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Direct-Mail Marketing

• Involves sending an offer, announcement, reminder, or other item to a person at a particular address.

• Accounts for more than 31% of direct-marketing sales.

• Permits high target-market selectivity.• Personal and flexible.• Easy to measure results.


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Catalog Marketing

• With the Internet, more and more catalogs going electronic.

• Print catalogs still the primary medium.• Expected sales in 2008 = $176 billion.• Harder to attract new customers with Internet



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Direct-Response TV Marketing

Direct-Response Advertising


Home Shopping Channels


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Ronco and Ron Popeil, with his Veg-o-Matics, food dehydrators, and electric egg scramblers, paved the way for a host of mainstream marketers who now use direct-response ads.


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Kiosk Marketing

• Information and ordering machines generally found in stores, airports, and other locations.

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Integrated Direct-Marketing

• The use of The use of carefully carefully coordinated coordinated multiple-media, multiple-media, multiple-stage multiple-stage campaigns.campaigns.


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Public Policy and Ethical Issues in Direct Marketing

Irritation to Consumers

Taking unfair advantage of impulsive or less sophisticated buyers

Targeting TV-addicted shoppers

Deception, Fraud

Invasion of Privacy