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Family a Adminis ENCOMPASS ( December 2009 Travel and Authorization User Gu and Social Servi stration (PeopleSoft) Travel Authori 9 uide Page i ices ization

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Page 1: Family and Social Services Administration - and Expense User Guide... · Travel and Expense User Guide - Travel Authorization Page 4 Step Action 5. Click the Quick Start list

Family and Social Services

AdministrationENCOMPASS (PeopleSoft) December 2009

Travel and Authorization User Guid

Family and Social Services

Administration ENCOMPASS (PeopleSoft) Travel AuthorizationDecember 2009

User Guide

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Family and Social Services

Travel Authorization

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Travel and Expense User Guide - Travel Authorization

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Table of Contents Travel Authorization ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Create a Travel Authorization from a Blank Form ...................................................................... 1

Create a Travel Authorization from a Previous TA ................................................................... 52

Modify a Travel Authorization .................................................................................................. 59

Print a Travel Authorization ...................................................................................................... 63

Copy A Travel Authorization .................................................................................................... 73

View A Travel Authorization .................................................................................................... 78

Cancel an Approved Travel Authorization ................................................................................ 82

Delete a Travel Authorization ................................................................................................... 86

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Travel and Authorization User Guide

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Create a Travel Authorization from a Blank Form


Step Action

1. Point to the Employee Self-Service object.

Step Action

2. Click the Travel and Expense Center - E link.

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Step Action

3. Click the Travel Authorization link

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Step Action

4. Click the Create link.

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Step Action

5. Click the Quick Start list.

6. Click in the Quick Start field.

Select A Blank Authorization

7. Enter the desired information into the Quick Start field. Enter "Enter Overall

Descr for TA".

8. Click the Business Purpose list.

9. Select Business - Out of State

10. Click the look up icon in the Default Location field.

11. Click the Search by list.

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Step Action

12. Click the Search by button.

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Step Action

13. Or you can select the Advanced Lookup link for more look up options

Click the Advanced Lookup list.

14. Click the Pushbutton for the Description and select contains, then enter "Atlanta" in the description field.

15. Click the Look Up button.

16. Select the Expense Location from the search results.

17. Click in the Choose a date field.

18. Click the Choose a date icon.

19. Enter the desired information into the Choose a date field.

20. Click the Paper Clip to attach supporting documentation as need for the Travel Authorization. Like an itinerary for a meeting.

21. Enter a file description for any files attached to identify it's content.

22. If adding personal time (including weekends), check Yes. If the yes box is checked you must list dates that are being added. If only the time required for the

official business is being used, check No.

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23. Is this trip necessary to fulfill job duties? Check Yes if this travel is essential to your job; Check No if it is not essential. Is this for Conference attendence? If the supporting documentation shows conference then this box must be checked.

24. Exact date of departure. Example: If flying and your plane departs at 10:00a.m., you will need to allow at least 1.5 hours prior to departure time for check-in; so you would list 8:30a.m. as time of departure. 7/21/09 8:30a.m. Exact time or estimated time your part in any meeting, conference or other official business starts. Example: Conference starts 7/20/09 at 8:00a.m., however the part I have to attend does not start until 7/21/09 at noon, this would be listed as 7/21/09 12:00p.m.

25. Exact date of return to the destination of origin. Exact time your part in any meeting, conference or other official business ends.

26. Transportation Information: The box for all modes of transportation that are to be utilized are to be checked and the estimated costs are to be included in the Travel Authorization. Estimated airfare can be obtained online or through the contracted travel agency.

27. Fund Account Name: Actual name of account; example: a grant name or other. Fund Account Number: Actual Account Number; example: 0000/000000 These percentage breakdowns are required Check the box or boxes that apply along with a percentage breakdown . If Other Source is marked, please type name of other source in the line below.

28. Hotel Information Hotel name and the city the hotel is located in. The estimated rate per day must include the tax rate.

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29. Contact Name: The name of the travel contact for the Agency. Contact Phone: The agency travel contact’s phone number.

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Step Action

30. Enter the desired information into the Expense Type Look Up field. Select Airfare.

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Step Action

31. Enter the desired information into the Date field. Enter "06/15/2009". You can also select the date by clicking the calendar link.

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Step Action

32. Point to the Amount object.

33. Enter the desired information into the Amount field. Enter "375.00".

34. Click the Payment Type list. Select the Prepaid. This is for expenses which will be paid for by the agency and not by the


35. Click the Billing Type list item. Select Prepaid. The PREPAID Billing Type must be selected when Payment Type is selected.

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Step Action

36. Click the Detail link.

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37. Enter in Description the name of the airlines flying. Enter "US Airways".

The description is a required field

38. Click the Accounting Detail link.

Step Action

39. Enter the missing Accounting Details, Fund, Center, Bud Ref, Project...etc

40. Click the Project button. You can click on the magnifying glass to see the

possible selections for field.

41. You can enter the beginning of the Project and then click the Look UP or scroll thru the list of projects. Click on the project to select.

42. Click the Activity button.

43. The look up will only show activities which are valid with the project selected.

Select by clicking on the Activity.

44. Click the Class button.

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Step Action

45. Click an entry in the Class Field column. Select a Class from the list. You can enter the beginning of the Class and click the

Look Up to reduce the list.

46. Click the Product button.

47. Click an entry in the Product column. Select a Product from the list. You can enter the beginning of the Product and click the Look Up to reduce the list.

48. When you have completed the Accounting Detail.

Click the OK button.

Step Action

49. Click the Check Expense For Errors button. If there are any errors or warnings, there will be a red flag above the "About this

Expense". Go back into the Accounting Detail and make your corrects. Click on the Check Expense for Errors after making corrections to ensure there are no


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50. Click the Return to Travel Authorization Entry link. After you have made any necessary corrections for warnings and there are no

more warning flags.

51. Click on the SAVE FOR LATER button after entering an expense line. This will

prevent from losing any information.

52. Click the Expense Type button.

53. Click in the Date field. Enter Date.

54. Enter the desired information into the Amount field. Enter "82.00".

55. Click the Payment Type button. Select Employee Paid. Notice the defaults are the same as what was selected during the User Preferences training. You will never select Travel Card, this functionality is not valid for FSSA.

56. Click the Billing Type list item. Select Out of State-Billing. You will not select Billing Type PREPAID with Payment Type Employee Paid, only with Payment Type Prepaid. You will never select In State-NonBillable or Out of State-NonBillable. These

are not valid selections for FSSA.

57. Click the Detail object.

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58. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Radisson". Description is a required field.

59. Click the Accounting Detail link.

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Step Action

60. Enter the appropriate information to complete the Accounting Details for this expense item. Remember you can click on the magnifying glass to see what the valid entries for each field.

61. Click the OK button.

When you have completed the Accounting Details.

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Step Action

62. Click the Check Expense For Errors button. Clear any warning flags which will appear above "About This Expense". Be sure to click the Check Expense for Errors after any changes to ensure there are no


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Step Action

63. Click the Return to Travel Authorization Entry.

64. Click the SAVE FOR LATER button.

65. Click the Select option.

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Step Action

66. Point to the Copy Selection object.

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Step Action

67. Click the OK button. This is just a warning and will not affect the operation.

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Step Action

68. Select Copy to Range of Dates. Each day's expense must be on the corresponding day. Select From Date Choose a date

69. Select the To Date, select the end date to copy the expense

70. Select Include Weekends and/or Include Holidays if they are within the date ranges you entered in the From Date and To Date AND you want to include them in your trip.

71. Click the OK button.

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Step Action

72. Notice the new expense lines added.

73. Click the Save for Later button.

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Step Action

74. To add additional rows for additional Expense Types.

Click the Add multiple new rows at row 5 (Alt+7) button.

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75. Enter number of rows to add: Enter Number of rows to add.

Click the OK button

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Step Action

76. Expense Type

Click the Per Diem-Out of State list item.

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77. Enter the desired information into the Date field. Enter "06/15/2009"

78. Enter the Per Diem amount The daily amount is $32.00 times the total amount of days that the traveler will be

entitled to per diem minus any meals provided.

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Step Action

79. Click the X (Close) object. Select Employee Paid

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Step Action

80. Click the Billing Type list item. Select Out of State Billable

81. Click on the Detail link.

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Step Action

82. Point to the X (Close) object. Enter a Description for the Per Diem expense.

This field is required.

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Step Action

83. Click the Accounting Detail link.

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Step Action

84. Enter the missing accounting information and/or change any of the pre-populated items.

85. Click the OK button.

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Step Action

86. Click the Check Expense For Errors button.

87. Click the Return to Travel Authorization Entry link.

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Step Action

88. Click the X (Close) object.

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Step Action

89. Click the Save for Later button.

90. Click the Select Box option.

91. Click the Select Box option.

92. Click the Copy Selected button.

Step Action

93. Click the OK button. This is just a warning and will not affect the copy process.

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Step Action

94. Click the Copy to Range of Dates option.

95. Release the mouse button. Enter the From Date and To Date

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Step Action

96. Release the mouse button. Select the Include Weekends and/or Include Holidays if within the date ranges entered in the From Date and To Date range AND are to be included in the trip.

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Step Action

97. Notice the new expense lines added to the Travel Authorization.

98. Click the Save for Later button

99. Click the "+" to add more rows.

100. Enter the desired information into the Enter Number of rows to add field. Enter "2".

101. Click the OK button

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Step Action

102. Click the Expense Type list.

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Step Action

103. Click on the Expense Type list Select Mileage.

104. Enter the date the expense is to be incurred.

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Step Action

105. Notice the amount field is not in a box. This will be calculated from the mileage

keyed on the second page of the expense line.

106. Click the Payment Type list. Select Employee Paid

107. Click the Billing Type list item. Select Out of State-Billable

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Step Action

108. Click the Detail link.

109. Enter the desired information into the Miles field. Enter "147". Enter the estimate miles you will be driving.

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110. Click the Calc Mileage button

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Step Action

111. Notice the Amount field is now populate with an amount. This amount is the miles to be driven multiplied by the mileage rate, currently $0.40.

112. Click the Accounting Detail link.

Step Action

113. Complete the Account Detail line.

114. Click the OK button.

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Step Action

115. Click the Check Expense For Errors button.

116. The Description field has not been entered. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Drive in


117. Click the Check Expense For Errors button.

118. Once you have the warnings cleared Click the Return to Travel Authorization Entry link.

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Step Action

119. Click the Save for Later button.

120. Click in the Expense Type field. Select Rental Car

121. Click in the Amount field. Enter Date expense will be incurred.

122. Enter the desired information into the Amount field. Enter "87.000".

123. Click the Payment Type list.

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Step Action

124. Click the Payment Type list item. Select Employee Paid

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Step Action

125. Click the Billing Type list item. Select Out of State-Billable

126. Click the Detail link.

Step Action

127. Click the Preferred list.

128. Click on the Merchant Preferred list. If you are using any of these preferred merchant, select the merchant.

129. Non-preferred Merchant: If you are NOT using a Preferred Merchant, type in

the name of the merchant you will be utilizing.

130. Click in the Exception Comments: Non-Preferred Merchant field. When you select the Non-preferred Merchant, you will also be required to give an explanation of why you are using this merchant over the Preferred Merchant.

131. Something like this.

132. Click the Accounting Detail link.

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Step Action

133. Release the mouse button. Complete the Accounting Detail line.

134. Make sure all fields are completed. Remember you can use the magnifying glass to see what is valid for each field.

135. Click the OK button.

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Step Action

136. Click the Check Expense for Errors button.

137. Scroll the Return to Travel Authorization Entry object with the mouse wheel.

138. There is a warning on the Description field. Click in the Description field and enter a description for this expense.

139. Click on the Check Expense for Errors again to make sure all of the warnings have been cleared.

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140. Release the mouse button. Click on the Return to Travel Authorization Entry when all of the warnings have been cleared.

141. Click the Save for Later button

142. End of Procedure.

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Create a Travel Authorization from a Previous TA


Step Action

1. Click the Employee Self Service link.

2. Click the Travel and Expense Center -E link.

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3. Click the Create link.

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Step Action

4. Click the Quick Start list.

5. Click the An Existing Authorization list item.

6. Click the GO button.

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7. Point to the X (Close) object. You can change the dates for the search of an existing TA. Click the search if you change to dates to refresh the list.

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8. You can view the expense items on the TA by clicking on the blue Description link. This will show you the entire TA you are about to use to create a new TA.

9. Click the Select button.

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10. The TA will populate the new TA exactly like the previous TA, including Travel location, dates, comments...

11. even Expense Types, their dates and amounts along with the Payment Type and

Billing Type and their Accounting Details.

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12. Don't forget: Click the Save for Later button.

13. End of Procedure.

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Modify a Travel Authorization


Step Action

1. Click the Employee Self-Service link.

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2. Click the Travel and Expense Center - E link.

3. Click the Travel Authorization link.

4. Click the Modify link.

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5. Click the Search by list.

6. Click the Advanced Search link. You can search for a TA by any of these data elements. OR

7. Click the Advanced Search link.

8. You can use the Advanced search with more details to find the TA you are looking for.

9. Release the mouse button. For most of your searches, the basic search will be enough. Select Authorization ID.

10. Click the Search button

11. Click an entry in the Authorization ID column. Make a selection from the search

results of TA's.

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12. Make whatever changes you need to make.

13. Don't forget to click the Save for Later or Submit button when you have completed your changes.

14. End of Procedure.

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Print a Travel Authorization


Step Action

1. Click the Employee Self-Service link.

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2. Click the Travel and Expense Center - E link.

3. Click the Travel Authorization link.

4. Click the Print link.

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5. Click the Search button.

6. Click an entry in the Run Control ID column.

7. If nothing appears in the Existing Values: Click the Add a New Value tab.

8. Enter the desired information into the Run Control ID field. Enter "NEW".

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9. Click Add.

10. Click the Travel Authorization ID list.

11. Click the Authorization ID Search list item. Select what data element you would like to search by. Most often, the

Authorization ID will be best.

12. If you need to reduce the list and need to set more parameters on you search:

Click the Advanced Lookup link.

13. Click the Advance Lookup list item. Input variable in fields and then click the Lookup button.

14. Click an entry in the Authorization ID column.

15. Click the Run button.

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16. Make sure the Select box is checked. Click the OK button.

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Step Action

17. Click on the Process Monitor link.

18. Click the Refresh button.

Only click this every 15 seconds or so to refresh the screen.

19. Once the Run Status changes to Success and Distribution Status changes to

Posted, Click the Details link.

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Travel and Authorization User Guide

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Step Action

20. Click the View Log/Trace link.

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Step Action

21. Click the File List Name which is the .PDF file type. A new window will open with the TA report. You can then print the TA report.

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Step Action

22. When you have completed printing the TA, close the .PDF window and

Click the RETURN button.

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Step Action

23. Click the OK button

24. Click the Go back to Print Travel Authorization link.

25. End of Procedure.

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Copy a Travel Authorization


Step Action

1. Click the Employee Self-Service link.

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Step Action

2. Click the Travel and Expense Center - E link.

3. Click the Travel Authorization link.

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Step Action

4. Click the Add button.

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Step Action

5. Click the Quick Start list.

6. Click the An Existing Authorization list item.

7. Click the GO button.

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Step Action

8. Enter the desired information into the From Date field. Enter "1/1/2009".

9. Enter the dates you want to search in the From Date and To:, then push the Search button. Click the Select button in front of the Travel Authorization you want to copy from.

10. Make any necessary changes to the new Travel Authorization. Don't forget to Click the Save for Later button.

11. End of Procedure.

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View a Travel Authorization


Step Action

1. Click the Employee Self-Service link.

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Travel and Authorization User Guide

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Step Action

2. Click the Travel and Expense Center - E link.

3. Click the Travel Authorization link.

4. Click the View link.

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Step Action

5. Click the Search by list.

6. Click the EmplID list item.

7. Click the Search button.

8. Click an entry in the EmplID column.

9. Review the Travel Authorization

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Step Action

10. Click the Return to Search button. This will return you to the listing of Travel Authorizations.

11. End of Procedure.

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Cancel an Approved Travel Authorization


Step Action

1. Click the Employee Self-Service link.

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Step Action

2. Click the Travel and Expense Center - E link.

3. Click the Travel Authorization link.

4. Click the Cancel link.

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Step Action

5. Release the mouse button. Click in the box to select the TA(s) to be cancelled.

6. Click the Cancel Selected Travel Authorization(s) button.

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Step Action

7. Click the Return to Travel Authorization link.

8. End of Procedure.

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Delete a Travel Authorization


Step Action

1. Click the Employee Self-Service link.

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Step Action

2. Click the Travel and Expense Center - E link.

3. Click the Travel Authorization link.

4. Click the Delete link.

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Step Action

5. Release the mouse button.

6. Click the Select option. Select the TA(s) you want to delete.

7. Click the Delete Selected Authorization(s) button.

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Step Action

8. Click the OK button.

Step Action

9. Click the Return to Travel Authorization link.

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Step Action

10. End of Procedure.